
Over 20 Tips for Saving Money on Your Electric Bill

February 7, 2009

Saving Money on Your Electric Bill, Money and Light Bulb on Top of Electric BillIn Florida, electric bills run high, particularly in the summer. I save on my electric bill in two ways:

First, I hang my clothes to dry, only using my dryer to de-wrinkle the clothes. In this way, the dryer is on for only 20 minutes vs. over an hour.


Second, I unplug everything that is not being used: the microwave, the toasters, the hair dryer, the cell phone chargers, the computers, the washer and dryer.

Although it is minimal, these items still use electricity even when dormant. We probably save around $20 or more a month just by unplugging everything.

By combining these two methods, along with having cooler weather and being able to turn off our A/C, last month we had our lowest electric bill since moving into our house (which has vaulted ceilings) from an apartment. Contact your local electric company for more ideas on how to use less and save more--they are glad to help.

By Lynne from Orlando, FL

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March 1, 2014

Does a laundry dryer that is turned off use a lot of energy with a 220 plug?

By Tonya from CO


March 2, 20140 found this helpful
Best Answer

A dryer that's not running doesn't use any energy. The things that use energy are things with a continual light like electric clocks, anything with a timer. etc.

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February 19, 2014

If my breaker keeps tripping; would that make my electrical bill go up, since I had to turn it off, then turn it back on? Wouldn't that take up a lot more power? I'm trying to figure out why my bill is 3 times higher than the other month. The only thing I can think of is when my breaker kept tripping.

By Ti


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
February 21, 20140 found this helpful
Best Answer

No, breakers tripping would not make your power bill go up. Whatever is causing your breaker to trip repeatedly might be the issue. Have you figured out WHY the breaker continually trips?


(They do wear out as well, and have to be replaced, if they continually trip. However that would not make your power bill go up.)

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September 5, 2013

How can we save $$ on our energy bill when my utility company increases our rates because we are using less energy?

By Ted

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August 5, 2013

Moldy, worn gasket.My electric bill was over 220 dollars for one month in a small 2 bed/1 bath apt in Ohio. My apartment has old appliances, stove, refrigerator, hot water heater, and AC unit from 1999. Whenever I say anything to the landlord, she gets mad! The seal around the refrigerator and oven are old, moldy, and don't fit well enough to seal properly. Now my utility bill is so high, but I can't afford to move!

By Marie H.


August 7, 20130 found this helpful

One thing you can do is put bubble wrap on all the windows. It lets the light in but helps insulate a little and every little bit helps. Buy a big roll at W-M or wherever, spritz a bit of water on the window panes and just put it up.


It will stay for ever and if it does fall just wet the pane again. Cut to size and see how it works for you! Good luck!

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May 1, 2011

I started recently saving money on my electric bill, and wanted to hear if anyone else had ideas, feedback, etc. I switched my energy provider to North American Power ( I am literally saving about $20 a month in my small apartment. I didn't even see a difference on my electric bill, and CLandP still handles any problems.

Has anyone else had this success? Any other ideas? Gas is so high in CT, I figured that if I can save on my electric, I am ahead of the game!

By JennCopplin from CT


May 1, 20110 found this helpful

It seems silly to repeat the same old admonishments we used in the "energy crisis" when I was a young teenager; BUT sometimes we all forget and waste electricity in ways we don't even think about. Most of us (myself included) could stand to form some new energy habits!


Lights out when you leave the room, and no more lights than you need. If you need to turn on the overhead to get to your chair, then turn the light on by your chair, expend your own energy to go back and turn off the overhead before sitting down. Unplug small appliances and electronics when not in use--inlcuding the chargers you are not using but have plugged in. You can use a power strip for these to make it easier. (Just don't overload the power strip.) All of these draw power, even if we turn them off. You may not want to do everything, such as the TV, so that you don't have to reprogram it every time you use it; but you can live without the clock on most appliances. Turn off your computer, don't just let it hibernate.

If you have an electric water heater, lower the thermostat. If you have electric heating or cooling, adjust the thermostat. At our home, we set it at 68 in the winter, and 78 in the summer. If I want to be warmer in the winter, I put on a sweater. In the summer, if I am too warm, I add a small fan. If your oven is electric, think before you put it on.


Can you cook two things at once (tomorrow's supper with tonight's) and then you just reheat in the microwave? In the winter, I also leave the door slightly open when done, to add the warmth to the room. If you use a freezer, and it is not full, freeze some jugs of water. Freezers operate more efficiently if full. Make sure your fridge door closes and seals. Minimize opening it in warmer weather--again, just think about what you will need. When you go in the fridge for the salad ingredients, what else will you need for the meal? Hang clothes to dry them when possible.

If you use a dishwasher, open it after it rinses and let the dishes air dry.

If you like long simmered or baked suppers, re-acquaint yourself with your crock pot. If you are using a crock-pot in the summer, and have a safe place to put it where the heat it throws off won't affect your house (such as a screened porch or garage), try putting it there. Also in the summer, if you cook food in boilling water, be sure to get rid of the water as soon as it is cooked--don't let the pot sit on the stove radiating heat. Cook outside if you can. Cook twice the amount so you will only need to do a quick reheat tomorrow.

Ask your electricity provider if time of day service is available. It means your rate is lower if you use more of your electricty in off-peak times.

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November 2, 2008

Tip for saving money on electricity. Post your ideas.


November 2, 20080 found this helpful

Cover your windows! I don't have the best windows and can't afford new ones and I can feel the cold coming off of them at night! By using drapes to trap the heat and stop the cold, you could save a considerable amount of money on your energy bill. This works in the summer, too. Also, check the fitting on your outer doors. Use a blanket or towel on the bottom if there is any gap. Nobody mentioned this yet so I thought I would throw in my 2 cents.

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October 31, 2008

How do I lower my power bill?

Kent from Dalton, Ga.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 116 Feedbacks
November 2, 20080 found this helpful

Here's some more good tips: Saving Money on Electricity

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October 4, 2005
Q: I would like a information on what I can do to save money on electricity during the winter. I live in a condo and face the south east. I get lots of sun, therefore heat during the day. I asked a contractor about wrapping my water, heater he said that my heater is so new it is already insulated enough. Does it really save to turn off the water heater? Won't it just have that much more work to do when i turn it back on?

Thank you,

A: Sandy,

There are a lot of easy ways to save on electricity during the winter. Here are just a few related to hot water and hot water heaters:

Even if your hot water heater is new, insulating your water heater and pipes keeps heat from escaping and the project will easily pay for itself in less than a year.

Don't shut off your hot water heater. Turn down the temperature dial instead. You'll be surprised how low you can set the dial and still have plenty of hot water for your needs (try 115° to 125°).

Check "time of day rates" if your hot water heater is electric. This involves having your water heater come on only during "off-peak" times, but at a lower rate. Check with your utility company to see if they offer this plan.

Turn your water heater down to the lowest setting if you will be gone for a couple of days.

Use foam wrap to insulate hot water pipes throughout your house. Keep it three inches away from heater draft hoods and exhaust vents.

Install low flow aerators on faucets and install water saving showerheads. Fix leaky faucets.

Take showers instead of baths-they use less water.


By Wanda (Guest Post)
September 15, 20050 found this helpful

I would just recommend turning the water heater down if you will be gone for an extended period of time, but otherwise, on a daily basis, I would not suggest that you turn your water heater off. It will expend much more energy to reheat the water than if you just leave it on all the time. I would open all blinds in the morning and get the natural heat from the sun in the house, and then when the sun moves overhead and is not coming in the windows, close all the blinds and keep as much heat as possible in.

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September 16, 2004

Here are some ideas to help you save money on your electric bill. Post your ideas below!


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
May 19, 20040 found this helpful

Save Money on Your Electric Bill

Want to save money on your electric bill? One of the biggest electricity uses is your clothes dryer. Hang your clothes outside to dry. They will smell better. They will not be apt to shrink. You will get some exercise. And best of all it's free. Happy clothes hanging.

By Joesgirl


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
May 19, 20040 found this helpful

Save Money on Your Electric Bill

Clean your clothes dryer's lint screen frequently. When it is clogged up, your dryer has to work harder and uses more energy.

By Becki in Indiana


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
September 15, 20040 found this helpful

If you do laundry, dishwashing or any high power-use chores during the hours of noon and 6 pm each day you are probably paying a peak rate for power. Wait and try to do these chores between the hours of 8pm and noon, when your power usage will be at its cheapest.

By Terri H.

September 22, 20040 found this helpful

Buy those light bulbs that last forever at a store like home depot. I think they are called fluorescent and they are circular for lamps or they look like a stick for other appliances (compact fluorescent). I paid a lot of money for them years ago and they are still working after about 10 years. They also don't use as much wattage but throw as much light.

If you have an electric water heater, turn off the heater at the circuit breaker box when you don't need to use it. Flip it back on about 15 to 20 minutes before you want to wash the dishes or take a shower. I just put the kitchen timer on. The water stays warm for a long time and heats up fast. Saves about $10 on my electric bill each month. If you have company, leave it on all the time because there is too much confusion when they are there with showers and etc.

By chris (Guest Post)
September 27, 20040 found this helpful

make sure your windows are adequately sealed by means of caulking (silicone) around the edges. this will save money big time, especially in central air homes.

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