
My Beagle is Itching

July 6, 2021

My beagle baby, 10 weeks old has lice when I got her. I have taken her twice to the vet. She has been prescribed shampoo and flea talc. The first day after the bath, she was fine but after 4th day, she is excessively scratching and biting her body. The lice are less as compared to before. But she got no relief from itching. However, while sleeping she is fine. She sleeps soundly and there is no itching But once she wakes it starts aggressively.


I give her drools focus starter dry food, calcium and multi vitamin supplement and nutricoat. I also make sure to deworm every 15 days.

Where am I going wrong? How can I help her?


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 425 Answers
July 6, 20211 found this helpful
Best Answer

First off, once your pup is 12 weeks old, decrease your worming to once every three months, unless you see symptoms of worms. As far as the recurring lice, read below.....

Why does my dog keep getting lice?
Transmission is usually through direct contact with another infested animal, although they can also be passed on from contaminated bedding, dog collars, or grooming tools. Lice may be a threat wherever dogs congregate, such as dog daycare centers, dog shows, boarding kennels, and parks.


What causes recurring lice?
There are two reasons for a recurrent lice infestation: The lice treatment you used didn't work. You or someone in your family came in contact with lice again.

How do you get rid of lice on puppies?
Shampoo with anti-lice shampoo. Wash your dog's hair with a shampoo containing d-Limonene, a non toxic, citrus shampoo. ...
Manually remove nits. Comb your dog thoroughly with a fine tooth comb or lice comb. Repeat bathing for several days in a row. Clean items and pets. Apply lemon juice.

What kills lice fast?
Wash any possibly lice-infested item in hot water that is at least 130°F (54°C), put it in a hot dryer for 15 minutes or more, or placing the item in an air-tight plastic bag and leaving it for two weeks to kill the lice and any nits. You should also vacuum floors and furniture where lice may have fallen.


And here is a great site for further reading and remedies ------

I hope this info helps you and your fur baby get rid of the lice problem. Post back with the results.

July 10, 20210 found this helpful
Best Answer

Sounds like shes suffering from extreme dry skin or it could maybe even be eczema. Believe it or not dogs suffer from a lot of things that humans do!! Prescriptions for fleas and ticks can cause a dogs skin to feel dry which therefore it will make them itch more than they were before being treated!! Try an oatmeal shampoo or something that wont dry their coat out!! You could google a few shampoos thats affordable!! Another secret is cocoanut oil!! Rub him/her down with it after a bath!! You could look into the dog food he/she is eating! Sometimes that will also dry a dogs coat! Good luck and I hope these things help!!

Answer this Question

December 31, 2007

I have a 50 day old Beagle. Suddenly he has developed severe itching on the back and sometimes bites his hind feet. He had fleas when we got him and I removed all of them. Earlier he didn't have any itching problem, but suddenly it developed and now it is very severe. Any possible causes you can think of?

Anay from Mumbai, India


December 31, 20070 found this helpful
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Since you only have a 6 week old pup, you should consider Sarcoptic Mange as a culprit. You didn't say if your pup had scabs or not. Pups can commonly have Staph. skin infections too. Ringworm is another reason they can become very itchy. If there is hair missing then you should definitely see a vet for an exam.


It is time for his vaccinations and deworming too. You can use some Lime Dip to bath him in if the label says you have use it on that young of a pup. It stinks and will stain concrete and silver rings, but it will help with bacterial, fungal, and mange mite problems.

January 3, 20080 found this helpful
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Food allergies would be my guess. What are you feeding the dog? Probably allergic to his food.

By John V (Guest Post)
April 6, 20080 found this helpful
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My three year old beagle had gotten to the point of severe canine stress due to allergic reactions to flea bits, and severe skin allergies, after trying everything known to man. I treat her monthly with advantage, wash her every other week with oatmeal shampoo and one human cod liver oil capsule a day.


She's 100 % recovered. now I sleep at night not hearing her non-stop scratching. Thanks P.S. The cod liver oil also helped her loss the 5 lbs excess weight she carried.

February 25, 20111 found this helpful
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We have a beagle that is 18 months and had severe itching. I found a website that suggested the dog has allergies to grain products so I changed his food to GO Natural grain free dog food and also gave him omega 3 with dinner. The itching stopped! And he seems to like the food better. This works! The Omega came from

July 16, 20131 found this helpful
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Most hunting dog breeds secrete oil from their skin to help their fur repel water. This also caused their extreme itching problems. I just started the fish oil, but we have gotten some relief by shampooing her with Tail and Mane shampoo (it gets rid of a great deal of the oil) every two weeks. Lots of brushing helps also by getting rid of all the excess fur they shed.


and baby powder in between shampoos. Oh yes, and the benedryl. That helps a lot with her itching. It is the nature of these dogs. You just have to keep up with a routine. Also keep their bedding free of their fur by running through the dryer once or twice a week. (It also gets rid of dust mites)

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April 21, 2020

I have a 2 year old Beagle. He scratches his ears as soon as he gets up from a sleep or just generally too. We have checked for an ear infection or ear wax, but couldn't find anything.

He does this when he feels very excited or sees us when after long time by shaking the whole body.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 140 Posts
April 21, 20200 found this helpful

Ask a Vet about this to make sure there isn't a underlying issue with him! It could be something down inside the ear. Have checked if it persist ,he cannot speak for himself!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
April 21, 20200 found this helpful

If the vet gives him a clean bill of health it could just be his go to anxiety or joy coping mechanism. Our boy has a clean bill of health and his go to is rubbing his snout on the carpet. We had him checked for teeth and allergies and his vet said he is good, that his is just his release valve move. The one thing with ears is fungus/yeast infections. Hopefully that will not be the issue and just his release valve! Beagles are awesome! My sister is a beagle :). My mom's favorite child :)


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
April 22, 20200 found this helpful

It sounds like you've had his ears looked at by a vet in the past and this isn't something new that has just stated. it seems like this is his way of showing you that he has missed you and he is happy to see you. Just make sure there are no small fleas on his ears and you can check for flea poop. If you are not seeing anything black inside the years like ear mites then this is a habit he has developed on his own to show he is exited to see you.

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May 2, 2019

My 5 month old Beagle has been itchy for months now and I have tried just about everything. I have brought it up to her vet 3 times, but she keeps telling me the same thing, and that she is most likely itchy because her coat is coming in, and she is too young to have developed any allergies. I have switched her food to Blue Diamond puppy food, I bathe her with oatmeal shampoo, none of her treats contain any additives, I wipe her paws and coat when she comes in (she likes to roll round in the grass frequently), I put baby powder on her tummy, I spray itchy spray on her coat, I give her a larger does of omega oil, she gets vitamin goo every night, I was giving her Benadryl, but that didn't work, so I switched to Zyrtec, and she gets treated for fleas monthly.

Could she be allergic to grain in her food? I don't know what else to try.

5 Month Old Beagle is Very Itchy - Beagle puppy


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
May 2, 20191 found this helpful

Dogs have allergies, just like people. I would not be surprised if she is allergic to grass. Try eliminating it for a few days

May 3, 20190 found this helpful

I have a beagle as well.He has terrible allergies in spring/summer/fall. Last year it got so bad he had to take a steroid and antibiotic. The itch came back after the meds. They gave me a shampoo that worked wonders! It is DOUXO Chlorhexidine shampoo. I got it at the vet but they have it on Amazon (much cheaper) You shampoo it in and let it sit 5-10 minutes before rinsing. It works very well. Best of luck to you and your poor itchy beagle. :)


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
May 3, 20191 found this helpful

We learned that dogs can be allergic to grain and chicken (among other things but these two are huge issues with some dogs with seemingly uncontrollable allergies).

They are just like people.

Some vets are not so much about testing (which is good because it gets expensive) but about eliminate and document. You can work with your vet on this or start on your own and take the results back to the vet so he/she knows your process.

What I mean by that is to get a baseline for the allergies--so start removing things from their world--start eliminating things. If you give the dog treats, that is the first thing to eliminate. Do document for a few days what you did and if the issue continues. If it stops--that is your culprit. If it continues, buy a small bag of food with no grain. Document for a few days, if the itching goes away that is your answer. Still there, try a food with no chicken OR chicken fat (this is hard and there are very few...most with no chicken still have chicken fat--I am drawing a blank on the brand that has NO chicken products, they can tell you at the pet store. If this works, then you will know it is chicken. If not, then start looking at food dyes and other coloring/additives. Dyes can also be an issue causing itching.

If you are lucky, you will find it fast and then you can get the pup back on track.

If you try everything and nothing works, see if you have a holistic vet around who can offer other alternatives.

Prayers for healing!! We have been in your shoes. Our boy is sensitive to grains. He did outgrow it, but he went through his first year or so with us with almost no fur on his sides. It was so sad. We did several years grain free, then gradually tried him back on it, and he was fine. Post back with an update!

November 19, 20200 found this helpful

Our beagle has gotten worse with the itchy scratchy stuff. Keeps waking us up at night trying to scratch his back on whatever heavy furniture he can fit under. Our dining room chairs are his favorite and he literally drags them all over the wood floor like clockwork between 2 and 5 am. Grrr. Good thing we love him or hed be in a dog cage bc he is ridiculous lately and wont stop even when we try to startle him. Used to work but now he just keeps on like hes in some trance. Relentless. But lots of things we havent tried here -and weve really tried alot! Thanks guys for sharing! Got a new list of options when I was about to give up!

Answer this Question

December 31, 2007

I have a Beagle. She is always itching! I have looked on her, I only found 1 flea. It looks to me like she has dry skin. Is there anything I can use of her that is very cheap!

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