
Dog Peeing and Pooping Inside

February 12, 2020

My Jack Russell (10) keeps on urinating and pooing in the house, in spite of the door being open all the time. I got her two years ago and was told she is house trained, but obviously that is not the case.


One of the carpets is so stained, I can not get it clean.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
February 12, 20200 found this helpful
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In cases like this where you have taken an older dog from another person the dog is acting out and not wanting to go outside to the toilet. You may need to get a crate and crate the dog when it6 is in the house. Other than this you will need to start potty training the dog all over again for your home. Every hour on the hour the dog should be taken outside to the yard to go to the toilet. If this does not help a trainer is needed in order to retain the dog to go outside to the toilet.

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December 19, 2017

So we have this Jackchi who will be 4 years old in April. We found him over a year ago and he has been a perfect dog since day one. He doesn't bark and he's fully potty trained. He has lived with both me and my boyfriend at both houses for a while and have never had a problem with his potty. He knows how to alert us even if we are sleeping and in the worst of times has even been content and held in his urge to potty to only once or twice a day really quick in the back yard.Dog Starting Pooping and Peeing After Moving - tan upside down in dog bed


Beginning of November my boyfriend and I moved in together in our own house. The first time he peed and pooped in the house we figured, oh okay it's a new house he doesn't realize this is his home yet and that he doesn't need to do that and that he can go out whenever he wants. We also had just put up a Christmas tree which is where he peed, and pooped just across from it.

But then he peed in our room where we all sleep every night. We ended up putting him in his cage when he sleeps (still in our room right next to me in our bed) at night, but stopped doing it unless we knew we where going to be extra tired and sleep in too long. He seemed to be better and realize it's his home.

Today I took him out because he kept going to the door. I waited on the porch for him to be ready to come in and when he came to me I picked him up and took him in the bathroom to wipe him off because he got a drop of pee on his paw. Then I let him down and went into the kitchen and reheated some food. The kitchen is one of the only places he is not allowed to go in and that has always been a rule in every house, So it's not new. But when I finished making my food it dropped (D:) and I looked away from him to clean it up for a mere minute. When I got back up I smelled poop and he was just sitting there looking like nothing's wrong. I haven't changed his food or anything.

This was legit not even two minutes after he came in from going potty. And even more concerning is that he usually looks guilty when he does something bad, like even if we don't know about it he will try sucking up to us and cuddling us to make us not mad at whatever it is. What am I doing wrong?

I'm home full time so he gets to go out whenever he wants and he's not neglected. I just don't understand why he went from this perfect dog to a rebellious little boy. Any ideas? Also, yes he is not neutered, but that has never been an issue either. He's a very healthy little doggo, and the poop was near the hallway entrance where he is daily not in a place he's not allowed. We reprimand him by saying "no" and "bad" and putting him in a time out so he knows it's wrong.


December 19, 20170 found this helpful
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That happened to me a few years ago. I ended up getting a crate for night time. They will not poop or pee where they sleep. She cried a night or two but I ignored it and she quit. If they are doing it in the daytime put a doggie door in. It has paid for itself many times over.


I have a dog and 2 cats and none of them have done a thing in my home since. They even sleep together in the crate now. I just stand up and say "It's bedtime" and all 3 of them just head for the crate.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts
December 21, 20170 found this helpful
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Sounds like he is just mixed up by the move. Just re-train him when he goes potty outside treat him and praise him. Scold him if you catch him doing it in the house, then take him outside. Tether him to you so you can catch him in the act.

The more chances you get to reward him, the faster he will catch on.

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June 4, 2018

My 11 year old Rottie is pooing and peeing indoors all the time! Initially I thought it was because he was protesting about not being allowed upstairs anymore (he has severe arthritis in his front legs and is on Metacalm and glucosamine for this). I'm a bit strapped for cash and really don't want to take him to the vet (and am scared of what they may say/find). Any suggestions gratefully received.



Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
June 4, 20181 found this helpful
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Try calling your vet and asking for advice. Let them know your financial situation and see if they can give you something to try before bringing the dog in. Sometimes it is a simple fix.


If you don't have a regular vet, contact your local rescue organization and see if they know of a free or reduced care clinic.

Metacam is hard on the kidneys. Our boy is on it and needs yearly blood work to make sure he is stable. Most vets will work with you on costs like reduced fees or affordable payment plans or both.

Sending up healing thoughts for your fur baby.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
June 6, 20181 found this helpful
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There are so many possibilities here, old age, your prescription needs to be adjusted, you need to time his meals differently, he may have a urinary tract infection. You really need a Vet to help make your choices to make the right one.

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December 19, 2019

I'm a first time dog owner. I have a female mini Schnauzer who just turned 7 months old. She was potty trained, but recently has been having accidents in the house like peeing in the bed or someplace else in the house.

She's also had episodes of pooping in the house. Is this something to do with her being close to coming in heat?


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
December 19, 20190 found this helpful
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This could be part of the problem and then it could be an issue with her health. She could have some sort of bladder infection that needs to be treated.


I would recommend that you take her to the vet for a check-up to make sure this issue is not health-related.

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November 15, 2017

We rescued a dog in the beginning of September and the minute we brought her home she had diarrhea all over our room's carpet! Now 2 months later we are still having accidents in the house. The accidents happen often; then she's really good about going outside. However, then it starts happening inside repeatedly again! We know she was used for breeding and had 1 litter. Then issues caused her to be neutered and the owners left her at the vet. We love her, but can't continue to live like this, it's so gross! Please help.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
November 16, 20171 found this helpful
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This is so sad and many breeders don't treat their female dog good. They are normally locked in cages and never taken out for walks or even trained to pee and poop outside.


  1. Unfortunately, you will need to confine her in a smaller space and not give her too much freedom in your home right now.
  2. If she is a small dog a child's playpen works great. You'll need to line the bottom of the playpen with some plastic to protect your floor and cover this with a towel or blanket. You'll also need to add some puppy pads or newspaper to the area for her to pee and poop on.
  3. Every hour on the hour you need to remove the dog and take it outside for a walk. At this time make sure the dog is peeing and pooping on your walks. They might not always poop, but they should pee.
  4. Half an hour after feeing the dog she needs to go out for a walk and poop. Furthermore, when the dog wakes up from a nap, in the morning, and before going down in the evening it has to go out immediately to pee and poop.
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  6. You can allow the dog in the house with you when you're home and you can watch the dog. If you see the dog move around or leave the area you are in, immediately take the dog outside, they are looking for a place to pee or poop.
  7. This is going to take time. I am not one to put a dog in a crate and lock it away. This poor dog was in a cage and I'm afraid it isn't a good idea to put her in a crate. I have used the playpen method on the small puppies I had and this seemed to work the best for me.
  8. It will take time and it is hard. They will have accidents and when they do they need to go back in the playpen and you can't spank them or get angry with them.
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October 26, 2017

I adopted my dog about 3 months ago and she's always been very good with doing her business outside. She's a Border Collie and 16 months old. Lately, she has being occasionally peeing and pooping quite often inside. It usually happens right after I take her for a walk, but she poops on her walk! And then comes inside and poops again.

This morning she did it on my bed, which she never has before. I just don't know why she's doing this. She's on new meds because she hurt her leg at the dog park, could that be it? She also poops in other peoples houses I bring her to, but I figure that's more of an anxiety thing, due to being in an unfamiliar place. I just don't know why she's pooping all the time in my place, and how to stop it.

Any advice?


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
October 28, 20170 found this helpful
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Why a dog pee and poops inside.

  1. If there is any change in a dog's routine, diet, medication, or food this can cause your dog to start peeing and pooping inside the home.
  2. You have determined that the dog is taking new meds for an injury, they received at the park.
  3. This could cause the dog to have issues with going outside to do their business.
  4. I would make a phone call to the vet and explain the problem.
  5. Maybe your dog is having an upset stomach from the new medication.
  6. Some medications don't agree with all animals.
  7. If the dog is feeling an upset stomach this will cause the dog to pee and poop more often than normal.
  8. If the dog is hurt from the accident and when it goes out for a walk it is hurting this will stop it from going to the toilet outside. When the dog comes back in he is not so stressed then they will go to the bathroom inside the home.
  9. I would ask the vet if there is a possibility that the medication that he has put your dog on has caused the dog to have an upset stomach. Maybe they can change the dog's medication and this will stop the problem.
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April 11, 2018

I have an almost 5-year-old Australian Shepherd. He's an awesome dog and very high energy. He goes out to the bathroom numerous times daily, but lately he invariably pees and started pooping in my apartment now long after I let him out. So I had a crate in my car that I put up today.

I'm gonna start putting him in that. I have never had a problem with any of my dogs before. I have had Australian Shepherds for many years. He gets bones and he gets treats. Does anyone have any advice?


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
April 13, 20180 found this helpful
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Before you start treating this like a behavioral issue you need to rule out any potential physical causes. Take him to the Vet to rule out say, a bladder infection. Have there been any changes in your home? New pets, new room mates, a new schedule? If this is not a physical problem it may be anxiety. Any new stresses for you or him? Any new dogs he may be feeling territorial about? Even if he just sees them through the window. You mentioned you live in an apartment. Does your dog get to the dog park or someplace he can run on a regular basis? This is especially important for the breed you are dealing with. A tired dog is a happy dog. While crating a dog helps some issues, it can make some (anxiety) worse. I hope you are able to get back to normal with your buddy.

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February 13, 2019

I have a 5 year old male Whippet that constantly poops and wees in the house once he's came back in from outside. Is there anything I can do to try and stop him?



Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
February 13, 20190 found this helpful

He needs to be put on a strict feeding and walking schedule. Learn the signs when he has to go. Praise him when he goes outside and dont punish him for accidents. He may have to be crated if he has accidents inside

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