
Remedies for Worms in Dogs

May 30, 2015

I looked and looked for alternative to treat my rescues for tapeworms and somewhere I came across a recommendation to use Safeguard for horses, then it took forever to get through that advice. I took the advice to use a dime to nickel size dosage of the paste for the size of my dogs (16 to 22 lbs), three days in a row. It worked way better than the expensive pills at the vet. My one little dog is 16 and has seizures, which stopped after I quit with the shots and flea meds and he was fine on it. It was like a miracle for us.


At Bahamatude, we are especially looking for alternatives to help pets in the out islands of the Bahamas where there is a choice, help yourself and the animals or go without a vet.


February 21, 2011

My Yorkie has tapeworms and the vet is charging too much. What are some remedies to kill tape worms?

By Martin from Houston, TX


By Robin (Guest Post)
November 7, 20060 found this helpful
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I just lost the love of my life, my collie, Bailey. I can tell you that I would never try any home remedies to cure a problem. I know it is expensive, but you need to go with what your vet recommends. Maybe there is another vet in your area that could treat it a little cheaper? I would NEVER recommend trying anything else but what the professionals say to do.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 791 Feedbacks
November 7, 20060 found this helpful
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Go to a different vet! My vet charged $25 for one dog and $33 for the other - don't really know why, but they got different medications. That's a lot cheaper, tho, than what your vet quoted.


By the way, they sold me the pills to give the dogs myself - I didn't have to pay them to dose the dogs.

By Casey. (Guest Post)
November 7, 20060 found this helpful
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Go to a local Feed & Seed store or even some small private owned pharmacy, and ask for the medicine to treat tapeworms in dogs. The pharmacy we have sold me the meds for less than $3. You will have to know how much your dog weighs. That will determine which and how much meds it will need.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 180 Feedbacks
February 22, 20111 found this helpful
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I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years and there is not a home remedy for tapeworms. Tapeworms are caused by fleas. Please apply advantage or frontline to your fur baby.


Please take your baby to the Veterinarian for the proper medication to treat her. Good luck

March 1, 20110 found this helpful
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If you value your dog's life, then she needs a doctor just like you do sometimes. In the summertime use something (Diatomacious earth or Frontline) to keep the fleas off of her so she doesn't get tapeworms in the first place. I hope you are aware that Tapeworms can and will kill a dog if not treated.

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July 9, 2011

Does anyone know of an organic (home remedy) for worms in dogs? I have tried several over the counter treatments and my Yorkie still has worms. I am disabled and can not afford to take him to the vet, and my vet will not let me make payments. It really hurts me to see my dog so uncomfortable. Please help!

By Janice I.


July 9, 20112 found this helpful
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A breeder once told me he used cloves of garlic to rid his dogs of worms. Remove the skins and crush into food or feed whole pieces if your dog will eat them. Also try calling some different vets in your area.


You will most likely find one who will accept a payment plan. You will most likely need a vet at some point, so it's worth the effort. Good luck!

July 11, 20112 found this helpful
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I have used a product called diatomaceous earth for quite a while now. I bought it on the internet. It has to be food grade to use on animals. There is another grade which is used for swimming pools, etc. You sprinkle a little on the dog's food every day for a month. After that you only use it once a month, I think. It kills the worms with no effect on the dog. I swear by it.

March 17, 20130 found this helpful
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Irrespective of the Dogs size ask your Veterinarian for Drontal Allwormer. You can give this to the animal yourself. There are several different kinds of worms. To be honest, for the amount of money you have spent buying "over the counter" products that have apparently proven useless, you could have bought the correct tablet and dosage for your Dog's size and weight.


The situation will only get worse without correct treatment.

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November 30, 2010

My dog is excreting worms. They are white and sometimes pink. I don't know what to do. Are there any pills I can buy for him without going to the vet?

By yinette


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
July 2, 20090 found this helpful
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Please do not self-treat a dog or cat. Take the stool sample to your Vet, if the pet has worms, they will give you treatment depending on what type of worms they find and the weight of your pet.


Northern Virginia


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 102 Feedbacks
August 30, 20100 found this helpful
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Food grade diatomaceous earth for intestinal worms. Natural, easy, safe.

December 1, 20100 found this helpful
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Yes, there are many different kinds of worm pills you can buy without going to a vet. Go to your local pet store, and ask them what they recommend for the type of worm that you describe.

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September 6, 2013

How do I manage my dog's worms without dog wormer?

By Andrea W from Stover, MO

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August 6, 2015

My dogs have these long skinny white worms in their poo. I was told that nicotine from cigarettes gets rid of worms.

He said mix it in the can of food and the dogs will eat it and that it won't hurt them at all. Is that true?

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February 23, 2015

white puppyI just bought an 8 week old, 3/4 Husky, 1/4 Shepherd puppy from a lady. She told me she dewormed it, but no shots. Is there anyway of knowing if she actually did deworming, as well how often should deworming be done? What is the lowest cost place possible to get the wormer, as I am a single mom with sole custody and tight on funds.

By Stacey

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September 29, 2013

Light brown puppy.My mom was given a puppy from our neighbor because it was either find someone or send it to the pound and my mom wouldn't let that happen. Recently, I've noticed, both in her feces and as she laying down, coming out of her rear end, some white larva looking worms (almost positive they're roundworms). I read on a separate site that you could try a home remedy and give her cloves to get rid of them, but it wasn't exactly specific on how much or how to feed them to her (whether to crush them up or whole), so what should I do?

By Kristina M.

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November 27, 2013

Hi, my puppy is 3-4 months old. My husband and I noticed 2 white flat worms on her butt. From what I read they're called tapeworms. So my question is how can you get rid of the parasites a natural way, without going to the vet? I love her dearly but low on money. I know the best way is the vet. Does someone know of another solution. Please help and thanks for all answers.

By Lacey GC

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August 13, 2013

My baby Chihuahuas have worms; they look like sesame seeds. How do I get rid of them?

By Stephanie


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 180 Feedbacks
August 15, 20130 found this helpful
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Please take your baby to his/her Veterinarian. It is probably time to start vaccinations anyway. Please take a stool sample with you so your Veterinarian can determine which worms they are and which medication to dispense to you.

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November 28, 2013

We inherited a six year old Lab. She has worms in her stool. What would be the best meds to give her?

By Gayla

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August 11, 2013

I have 4, 6 week old puppies that I have already dewormed 3 times. They are eating canned food twice a day and nursing on momma only when she lets 1 or 2, but not often as they have teeth. The little female sneezes a lot like when she gets an upset tummy. How long will it take to get rid of these worms and is it normal for them to try eat their feces? This is first time I've had this problem and I've had some pretty pups I've given away in last 2 yrs.

By bb27803

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June 17, 2013

My female Pit threw up little white maggot looking worm. What can I do to treat? I don't get paid for 10-11 days. Help please.

By kirkroberts90


June 19, 20130 found this helpful
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Your dog has worms and the vet will give you something. They are more than likely roundworms. See if you have an ASPCA or Humane Society or Animal Shelter around you that might give him a dose of wormer and you could pay them back later.

When you get paid, you can take him to the vet and have them worm him.

If you still can't afford to go to the vets, then you need to do the deworming yourself, which I would use this product which is for roundworms and hookworms:

Or you could use this one which is for roundwoms and hookworms:

These above do not remove tapeworms, but the tape worns will be in the dogs stool, and they kind of look like little grains of rice that move.

The product to use for the tapeworms would be safeguard,

It removes one type of tape worm. Also, after following directions on the box, you can also take in a stool sample to the vets and confirm that the worms are gone.



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