
Wearing New Dentures

March 19, 2014

New DenturesI got immediate dentures (top and bottom) Friday after having 19 teeth extracted. It is now Wednesday and I still can't close my lips properly. When should I be able to? I went yesterday for adjustments for sore spots and was told I am healing well and my bite is fine. I am just really embarrassed that I can't close my lips and if I force them closed I look like I have a huge wad of chew in my bottom lip and my top looks the same!


By April


March 21, 20141 found this helpful
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The permanent ones you will receive later should fit perfectly, but the ones you wear right now are just temporary ones.

April 4, 20145 found this helpful
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Tell your dentist they need to shave the top part of the gums down there's too much up there that you can't close your mouth.

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November 3, 2019

I was wondering; when you're getting your mouth prepared for dentures, what do they do? I'm starting with the top, first. So, when all these are removed. Won't the bottom, irritate the top?


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
November 7, 20190 found this helpful
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This is a question that you should ask at your dentist's office as they should have brochures containing instructions on prep procedures.
If you have already seen your dentist and have an appointment to have your upper teeth removed then your dentist will have already ordered a 'temporary/immediate mold" that will be made from your mouth before teeth are extracted.


You will need to wear this mold until your regular dentures are made which could be weeks/months but your dentist should give you an approximate date. This set will help protect your gums and also help you adjust to wearing and caring for dentures.
Immediate/temporary dentures will not fit as well as your regular dentures but will still be helpful during this healing process.

Call your dentist and ask about any medications you currently take and if you should stop taking any of these before the procedure and ask about OTC meds like vitamins and calcium as some want these stopped 2-3 days before the appointment.

Mos dentists will request you have someone with you that can drive you home after the procedure is completed.
Fasting is usually required so check on this also.


No smoking on day of procedure - none.
Take any antibiotics the dentist gives you - just the way they state to take them.

Get to know your dentist's helpers so you will feel comfortable asking them questions as this is a long process and you will have questions.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 355 Posts
November 10, 20191 found this helpful
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I agee with all the above. When you have your top teeth extracted, you will have already had impressions, fitted and had your top denture all made; so that when your teeth are extracted, your dentist will put your new denture imediately in. During which time your mouth will be healing. You will be returning to your dentist a few times for adjustments! Your dentist should be telling you all this step by step! Best of luck!

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September 7, 2019

Will a second set of dentures be required in a few months after receiving new dentures due to gum shrinkage?

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September 20, 2018

I got my dentures today after having 5 visits. When should I take them out for cleaning?

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September 6, 2016

Why do I keep biting my bottom lip with my new dentures?


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
February 27, 20170 found this helpful

While you are adjusting to the dentures, you will experience differnt things, such as excess salivation, unwitting lip biting, and even pain. YOu should be used to them in a few weeks and then not have the problem. YOur mouth simply needs to figure out where the new things are.

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July 25, 2016

I'm getting all my top teeth pulled and my insurance only covers one pair of dentures so I will have to wait for my gums to heal before I get dentures. How long does it take for gums to heal? I can't remember if the dentist said 4 weeks or 4 months.


September 21, 20160 found this helpful

I had my teeth out and in same time they made all impressions first you can't walk round with no teeth the set lasted about 6 months then I had another set made perfect only way to do it

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April 11, 2015

I recently had my teeth removed and temporary dentures put in immediately after. I was not really given info after being sent home only to come in if I have sore spots. And now the dentist is on vacation. I'm curious if I have to take them out at night? It hasn't been a week yet. I do take them out 2-3 times a day to do a salt rinse and to clean. I'm nervous having them out while my mouth is healing.

By VJ from KS


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
April 12, 20150 found this helpful

Did you not get a paper of instructions? Is there no one in your dentists office at all that can give you help? Often the assistants, or even the receptionists know the usual protocol. My mother got dentures last summer, and it seems to me that she kept them in at night. If you were not told "take them out", then I think you can assume that you should leave them in.


Cleaning them and rinsing with salt water is very important. Be sure to go back if you have any difficulties, as there is no need to be uncomfortable. Lots can be done to make your mouth comfortable.

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March 5, 2015

I just got my dentures. It was a 4 month process, but I'm happy! I am happy my dentist waited until I was healed and happy for a new smile.

Is there suppose to be a small gap between the back of the upper denture and the roof of your mouth? I seem to have one and it's hard to eat or drink because food and liquids slip into that gap and I choke sometimes.

By Paula Foster


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 282 Feedbacks
March 7, 20154 found this helpful

No - there is NOT supposed to be a gap, not anywhere on your plate no matter upper or lower. Contact your dentist ASAP. Until you can get in and have the plate adjusted, use a denture plate adhesive to 'seal' the gap so you can safely have something to eat.


What's happened is that when your impression was taken your palate ('roof' of mouth) was swollen. The dental lab used that impression to create the upper plate and it's clearly wrong. (Alternatively, the lab simply made a huge error - it happens but not often; I do think the problem is your impression was taken when your palate was swollen - that's what happened to me!)


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
March 7, 20151 found this helpful

No, there should not be a gap. As well, the denturist told my mother that the bones and gums would shrink for at least year after the first extraction of teeth, so a reputable one will be expecting to make adjustments and should have discussed this with you. Go back and get this fixed, and also discuss with him/her whether it is likely that you will require additional adjustments over the next few months.

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November 20, 2014

I've just got my top dentures put in, 6 weeks after the extractions. They are feeling better as days go on, but I have already got sore spots. They seem to grip a bit on my upper inside lip. It pinches where there is a stringy bit of skin above the front teeth.

By Kristy C.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 119 Feedbacks
November 21, 20140 found this helpful

My husband had the same problem and he went back to the dentist and had his 'plates' readjusted by our dentist 'for free'. Call your dentist and find out IF he can and will help you.


After all, if you bought them from him, he should stand behind them ... good luck!

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November 6, 2014

I got my teeth pulled both upper and lower over 3 months ago and have had my new dentures for 1 week. The bottoms seem to be OK, but I am having trouble with the uppers. Small areas are sore so I am trying Orajel. My real problem is my plate in the roof of my mouth seems really thick. My speech is really impaired. Much more than my friend said her speech was when she got her dentures. Can it be thinned out?

By Dana


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
November 8, 20140 found this helpful

This is not a "do it yourself" item. Go back to your denturist and explain your problem. My mother's denturist does this sort of adjustment free of charge, as it is expected to have to do adjustments as your gums shrink over time. If you have to pay for this service, it is still worth it.

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September 26, 2014

I had all my teeth pulled 5 weeks ago. Is it too soon for an impressions to be made for conventional dentures?

By Joan J.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
September 28, 20140 found this helpful

Your dentists should have made them when you were there. At least that is what mine did. I had 8 uppers done in one day, then the impression was done, then the dentures were done that night. I sure hope you get the dentures you need.

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