
Receiving Social Security Disability Benefits?

May 9, 2017

My ex wife has SSDI; she is the custodial parent. Will her Social Security insurance cover my kids getting braces and pay 100% of the cost?


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January 12, 2005

I am about to apply for Social Security Disability. In my mind, I have been eligible for 12 years, but have continually been turned down. The head of the heart transplant team at LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City even sent a letter saying I had to have a transplant or I would die. (I did improve so that the transplant was not necessary). But I still can't work enough to earn a living. Do you have any tips for me on how to meet their requirements and document my medical condition? I really need help! Thanks in advance!



January 12, 20050 found this helpful


If you have been turned down more than once by the SSA, I suggest that you contact a lawyer whose speciality is disability claims.



Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
January 13, 20050 found this helpful

I've known several people who have tried for years to get on Social Security Disability and only succeeded after they got an attorney. They will take a portion of what you get for the original settlement but you usually get money back to when you first applied. I think (based on several friends experience) that it is the government's policy with SS and with VA benefits to deny as many claims as possible.


Many people just give up or die before getting benefits and then they don't need to pay them. If you and your doctors believe you have a valid claim, don't give up and just keep appealing. An attorney will not charge you anything, nor will they take the case if they don't believe they can get you your money.

Susan from ThriftyFun

By Kathy (Guest Post)
January 13, 20050 found this helpful

I work for SSA taking dib claims. If you are turned down and do not agree with the decision, by all means, keep filing that appeal. An attorney can be a good idea, there are several out there. I would recommend going on SSA's web site and filing out the form SSA-3368 and filing online. The form is better in your own words and this gives you the time to tell them in your words what your disablility is.


The biggest is to make sure you give plenty of details about EVERYTHING, not just about what you think is important. Remember, the workers at SSA do not make the medical decisions, they just help you with the paperwork. The decision is out of their hands. IF you would like to email me, my email is

By jeanie (Guest Post)
January 13, 20050 found this helpful

I am on disability andi have found is they want to know what your worst day is like!
I have good days and bad days and I can tell you the bad days for me are like a walking disaster! Also, an attorney is essential anymore. They can do quite a bit for you, as they have experience that we don't have in fighting for your needs.

January 13, 20050 found this helpful

Remember, you need to be proactive on this. Send in the forms. Call Social Security up and ask for help from them. Be very careful to send any information in ON-TIME or at least call and ask what you can do if you're late. Many times the first application is denied because they don't have all the information to make the decision. Call SSA and ask if your file is complete and ask which doctor doesn't have information turned in. Call the doctor yourself and encourage them to turn it in. Call social security again 15 days later to see if your file is complete again. When it is, ask approximately how long it will take for a decision to be made (like 6 weeks). Put the date on the calander and call at that time if you haven't heard yet. The name of the game is persistence. Be always patient and polite with docs and with the disability determination office, but be PERSISTENT! You're not "bothering" them. This is essential to your life situation and you have the right to know -- as long as you are pleasant and patient. Yelling at them or becoming a pest never helps and may be detrimental to your case.


Be sure to appeal if they deny you. It has to be sent in within 60 days. If you are denied again, then you must appear in court before a judge at the next level of appeal. Particularly at that time you'd need a lawyer. You pay nothing up-front to the lawyer. A lawyer will evaluate your case to see if they will accept it. If you are denied disability then you pay the lawyer nothing. If you win disability, then you get a back-payment back to when your disability started. (I got 2 yrs of backpayment which was about $16,000.) The lawyer receives a quarter (25%) of the backpayment whatever it ends up being. Social security stipulates this fee schedule so it is consistent across the country. A lawyer may not charge more.

It is important to get a lawyer whose practice is primarily disability law. It is complicated stuff. You don't want someone who handles one case a month. They won't know the ins and outs of it and they won't know the judges who hear these cases in your area.


If you miss the date for sending in an appeal (like I did), don't worry about it. You can send in a new application and start over. Then resend all the information again.

Good luck.

January 13, 20050 found this helpful

Another thing...

A lawyer can be helpful in a number of ways. They know how to word things on your application so that social security will accept it. Of course only report the truth, but it is important to report the grimmest side of the truth. Another poster said to report how your bad days are and how many bad days you have in a month. For example, maybe you feel ok many days, but in a 20-day work month, you'd have to call in sick 8 of those days. No employer could work around a schedule like that. A lawyer can help a physician report the information in such a way that social security will accept it. Not all docs know how to fill these out effectively. They are used to cryptic notes in charts which mean a lot to another doc but not to a non-medical person.


A lawyer can help them strengthen a doc's report so the seriousness of the disability will be apparent to a non-medical person.

The definition social security uses for disability is pretty strict. It is if you cannot be gainfully employed which is defined as earning $800+ per month. Not whether you could work the job you left, but if you can work anything at all and earn more than $850/month. (The amount changes over time.) So your answers to social security's question must be valid for any job at all, not just pertaining to the nursing job you had before for example.

Keep working on it. You'll make it.


By Linda (Guest Post)
January 16, 20050 found this helpful

I am a RN who tried twice on my own to apply for SSDI. I was told by my counsleor that going to an attorney who specializes is the only way I would ever get disability income. I took her advice and sure enough! Plus I was reimbursed from the date of my accident (4 years prior) and was given Medicare Insurance that has been an absolute blessing.

Good luck!

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December 21, 2017

I am 13. My mom pased away in 2014. She had full custody of me. She was on SSDI for mental health problems and hadn't worked much.

I now live with my dad. My question is, can I get SSDI benefits for me?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
December 22, 20170 found this helpful
Best Answer

You can get survivor benefits based on how long she worked. Make an appointment with Social Security and bring your birth certificate and her death certificate.

Answer this Question

May 26, 2011

If someone is on Social Security disability in the state of Virginia, when they die does the widow have the option of getting his income as opposed to hers? I know some women get their husband's benefits, but does that apply to Social Security disability as well?

Thanks for taking the time to answer this question.

By Kateland

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March 24, 2008

I have a problem!

I had a heart attack and back injuries in 2001. I was not able to return to work. I was told my a number of doctors. It took till 2006 for me to get SSDI benefits. Before I had SSDI Benefits I had a long term Insurance that I had though work. They were paying me a monthly income from 2001 till 2006. It was based on 60% of my working salary.

When I started receiving SSDI benefits the monthly payments from the long term disability were cut so that the long term disability and SSDI would be equal to 60% of my salary of when I worked. This not a problem, I understood this.

My problem is in 2003, my wife did not like living with a disabled person. I made good money and I guess that is why she stayed, but she wanted a divorce. In 2004 we were divorced. My oldest son wanted to live with me. For this to happen I had to pay my ex-wife more money than the court ordered. I love my son and I wanted what he wanted. I was able to pay child support due to having long term disability and I wanted to take care of my children. So my oldest son lived with me until 2006. He moved back with his mother due to not wanting to change schools. I got married and he could have lived with my new wife and I but he did not want to move and have to make new friends.

This is where the problem begins. I qualified for SSDI in 2006. I lost the first time I saw the judge. So I had to start all over again with a new lawyer that was good. So the second time I won SSDI benefits going back to 2004. That is back to the first judge's decision of "no". The second judge would not go over the first judge's decision and I understand that.

So both of my sons were living with my ex wife at this time. So the back pay for the children went to my ex-wife. Now I was paying child support. More than I was ordered by the court. When I got back pay, it had to go back to the long term disability insurance. My ex-wife and I knew this from the time I started receiving long term benefits. I signed a paper to the fact and she witnessed it. Well she got the SSDI back pay and kept it and did not pay it back to the
long term disability insurance. The long term disability insurance said I would have to pay it back.

So I owe money that I never received in my name. My ex wife got paid child support and kept the back pay. She got paid twice for child support. Well I took it in stride and figured I would pay it back. My children run around in torn clothes and I have to purchase clothes for them to wear when they are my house, but I can't do anything about it.

Now a couple of weeks ago I notice I had a large sum of money in my checking account and it was from SSDI. I did not know why I would receive any money, that was all straightened out. I forgot to
tell you, I paid the back pay I received to the insurance company. I found out today it was not a mistake. The first lawyer that I had working on my SSDI filed an appeal for me and I had no idea. The judgment from the first judge was overridden.

So I got back pay going all the way back to 2001. Now my ex wife got back pay also and she will not pay this back to the insurance again. It is much more money. I can't pay this money back. I have not paid my
part back to the insurance company at this time since there was a mistake at the SSDI office. Now, my wife at the time, and both sons lived with me until 2004, this money goes back to 2001 and then my oldest son lived with me till 2006 and I paid child support and the backpay money needs to be paid back to the insurance company.

This is money that the check was never in my name. So I don't know what to do. I don't have the money to pay it and I do owe it. Please anyone if you know what I can do tell me. If you have anything for me to try please let me know. I don't know what to do so I am turning to all for answers.

SSDI will not help. They say the money is for future use. Also my oldest son is now 19 and my ex wife is still getting the same as she got for both children. I am sorry this is so long, but I wanted to tell the whole story. So please give me whatever you think. You may not know but it may help me.

Ron from LA.

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December 12, 2015

I filed for disability a while back and have not been granted it just yet. I have listed many doctors and hospitals or facilities I have been to, but for some reason they have not got in touch with those doctors because when they mail be back saying I can appeal and all that it tells me who was asked and if anything was sent.

Anyhow my main problems are mental issues, but I so have some physical problems also. My question is, how can I win this? I have tried finding a lawyer, but I don't have the funds. I can't work and that sucks. It's not fun staying home all day doing nothing. The friends I do have all have jobs and they can't hang out while they work. I just wish I had some way to take care of myself because my grandma is paying for my food and such. Is there a way I can win by myself?

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Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 87 Requests
August 12, 2018

I have recently found out I have qualified for SS disability. I'm happy, but I also have started feeling a bit strange about it. I have hurts and pain and hardships in completing tasks.

They fully vetted me. I didn't cheat or anything I think I feel guilty. Is there anyone else out there on disability?

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October 6, 2018

My father was approved for disability, but passed away before officially receiving his payment and back pay! I was contacted by the disability company and was told I would be getting those funds.

My question is does this payment go directly to me as the next of kin or will it be divided between my other siblings?

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July 13, 2011

My son was hit by a car last year and suffered a broken leg and major tissue loss to that leg. He is walking with a crooked leg and will need numerous surgeries in the future for the skin replacement. He can't run without falling. He has pain due to the weather and I have trouble finding him shoes that fit his foot comfortably. Does he qualify for disability?

By Sherry

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