
Cleaning Dog Urine Odors from Carpet

January 3, 2011

A chihuahua on a white carpet.I have a 4 year old dog that is constantly wetting on the floor in my bedroom. I can't stand the smell. I have used the Bissell cleaner solution for pets, but still have the same odor. Could someone please tell me the best, least expensive solution to my problem?


By TammySue from Bladenboro, NC


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 107 Feedbacks
January 3, 20111 found this helpful
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Straight, undiluted white vinegar. Soap and water first, wash two times, rinse two times. Put on full strength vinegar and let dry. Smell of vinegar will go away.

January 3, 20110 found this helpful
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We always cleaned what we could up and then rubbed shaving cream into the spot where the dog peed. This worked for us when the old family dog of 12 years had a stroke and had accidents because she insisted she could go pee by herself.

January 3, 20111 found this helpful
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Pet Supply Plus carries a product called Nature's Miracle. It worked for cat urine, which is way worse than dog urine. It has a pleasant odor and eliminated any kind of urine smell.


Good luck! Love animals but sometimes they can be PITA's (Pain in the A$$) when they urinate places they aren't supposed to! :)

January 3, 20110 found this helpful
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I also agree with white vinegar if you don't want to spend $$. Pikka's suggestion will work well also. Though, after you clean the floor up with soap and water let it dry before applying the vinegar. It is very important for the floor not to soak in liquids as it will not fully get rid of the smell!

January 5, 20111 found this helpful
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I found out Kid n Pet sold at walmart for right under $5 works great for dog urine ofor and stain. Just squirt it on the spot and rub with damp cloth.


I then use my little green carpet cleaner with the solution in the cleaner. Nice, clean and refreshing. Little dog can't find that spot to redo.

Answer this Question

December 17, 2008

Is there a product I can use in my carpet cleaner to remove urine odor?

Lisa from Long Island, NY


By Wanda (Guest Post)
December 17, 20081 found this helpful
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I use a few different treatments which work well. Sprinkling stain with dry washing powder with enzymes works well to remove the scent to help prevent attracting animals to re-offend. Also some spray fabric deodorizers such as Fabreeze can help too.


Bi-carb of soda is a cheap & effective treatment to absorb urine odours. Sometimes it takes a few treatments to completely remove odour & do test on a hidden patch of carpet first to check carpet colour fastness.

By becci (Guest Post)
December 18, 20080 found this helpful
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If you are using a shampooer put in some biz powder for light carpet or one tbsp. of softener for dark! I have done this for years! Just don't use a lot of softener and clean out your shampooer when finished!

By Katseiye (Guest Post)
December 19, 20080 found this helpful
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If you are the chemical using kind of person, try Odoban! It's gotten rid of some extremely disgusting odors from unwanted animals around our home. A little goes a long way!

December 20, 20080 found this helpful
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I have tried alot of the neutralizers from pet stores without getting good results. What I have found that works very well & cheaply is to use Tide or Gain liquid detergent mixed with water, at least a 50/50 or stronger mix, pour over stain area, scrub in , cover with towels and let dry.


You may want to test a spot to make sure it doesn't discolor your carpet. I have burgundy frieze carpet & it didn't change colors. I'd much rather smell Tide or Gain than urine!

December 21, 20080 found this helpful
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Before I put down wood floors, I used a little Woolite with a bit of Clorox 2 and some white vinegar. That usually cleaned the rug very well, didn't remove the color, and got rid of any bad smells.
After my dog got sick and had diarrhea and vomiting both at once all over the carpet, I took them all up and replaced the floors with oak. Much better! Better to replace the floor than my precious dog. Since I live in FL, I probably should have put down ceramic tile instead of wood, but wood works fine for now.

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January 18, 2017

Can anyone recommend the most effective way to deal with dog urine in carpeting? Certainly to begin the cleaning process asap is best, but not always possible - particularly if you are a landlord. I have tried numerous methods involving blotting, soaking, scrubbing, drying, brushing, etc. and all kinds of special carpet shampoos, enzyme neutralizers, absorbent sprinkles, room deodorizers, buckets of cold water, spray bottles of warm water, rug scrubbers both large and small with various attachments.

Despite my best efforts, I cannot conquer the stains and the smell. They never go away - the dogs smell their "favorite spot" and the cycle begins again. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for your time and consideration.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
January 19, 20170 found this helpful
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I have found Nature's Miracle to be great at removing stains and odor. You must apply it very thoroughly on the affected area. Urine crystals can take up to two weeks to break down.


If there is still an odor after two weeks, it means you missed some areas and must reapply.

January 22, 20171 found this helpful
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For a Homemade Solution:
Dog Urine Odor Remover
2 cups white distilled vinegar
2 cups lukewarm water
4 generous Tablespoons baking soda
Spray bottle (optional)
Directions #1
Thoroughly blot up as much of whatever it is youre cleaning up. Fold up a rag over it, place a heavy book on it and stand on the book to make sure you really get it all out (sounds extreme, but it does a good job!) Mix 2 cups of white distilled vinegar with 2 cups of lukewarm water in a large bowl. Add in 4 heaping Tablespoons of baking soda, adding it in smaller amounts if it threatens to fizz over (and it really does fizz!) Pour into a spray bottle and thoroughly spray the area. Let sit for 5 minutes, then gently rub and blot up with a soft cloth. You can also simply pour some straight from the bowl over the stain if you dont have a spray bottle.
Directions #2
As with the Direction #1, blot or clean up as much as possible. Mix 2 cups of lukewarm water with 2 cups of white distilled vinegar. Instead of adding the baking soda to the liquid, sprinkle it dry liberally over the area where the accident occurred. Let it break down and deodorize for about 5 minutes, then vacuum. Apply the water/vinegar solution as in the first set of directions.
Note: This will also remove blood stains.

Answer this Question

February 2, 2011

How do I get dog urine smell out of my carpet?

By Cheryl


February 10, 20110 found this helpful
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My favorite thing to use is a thick paste of baking soda and water. Apply on the stinky areas and using a slightly damp sponge really rub it into the carpet and then let dry completely. Then simply vacuum up. I also sprinkle baking soda directly on my carpets as part of general cleaning regimen and vacuum to keep carpets smelling fresh and clean (especially due to the pet dander smell that can seep in, pet accidents or not).

June 25, 20110 found this helpful
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I found out the hard way. Never ever use a mixture of vinegar to clean carpeting of dog urine. The vinegar reacts with the urine and produces more ammonia than there was originally. I thought I'd pass out from the stink. I had to go to a pet store to get their advice and they informed me it's a very BIG mistake to put vinegar (white mixed with water) on dog urine for the very same reason I mentioned above. I bought an enzyme at $30 a gallon. Used it as instructed on the container and got rid of the stink. Unfortunately it took the entire gallon, and alot of work, for a small area but it was worth it in the end.

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September 22, 2011

How do I clean dog urine on carpet? There is no stain but an awful urine odor.

By rb


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 205 Posts
September 26, 20110 found this helpful
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I'm in the process of doing that now. My older dog has begun not holding it as long as he could when he was younger.

First off, let me tell you what I do to prevent it. If I'm going to be gone more than 2-3 hours at most I put him in his cage (my dogs normally have the run of the house). He won't go in there, but if he absolutely has to at least it's not on my carpet. Also the cage is large enough so that if he does, he can go to the other end to get away from it.

Now for the cleaning. Here's the solution I'm using and it's working great so far. My shampooer has a separate place to pour the soap or whatever into. In there I pour straight dog urine solution leaving about 1/3 of the container for white vinegar. The main container on the shampooer is of course for water. I pour the hottest water that I can in, leaving enough space to pour 1 full cup of Pine Sol (not the generic either, but the Pine Sol brand, original scent).

Then I have at it. I shampoo it thoroughly twice, letting it dry completely between each. After this I take a black light and go around the room (at night, lights off) looking for any "leftovers". If I find any (haven't so far) I spray straight Pine Sol on, wait an hour, and go over it again with the same solution.

So far this has worked great for me, and I've tried many combinations before when I had puppies running around!

September 27, 20110 found this helpful
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I have 4 dogs and 4 cats, all inside pets. So yes we do get mishaps. I have used with great success Mr. Clean either the lavender scent or the aqua blue kind. Both work great. After soaking up an liquid, then I mix some up in a bottle and spray on generously. Let sit for 5 minutes and then use a heavy towel and a heavy weight to soak up any liquid. Usually I step in it until it's all pulled up into the towel. I have a carpet shampooer, in which I mix up Mr. Clean and shampoo the spot up. It works for me.

Sometimes I even add Mr. Clean to my laundry when a cat has messed on a throw rug or something that can be laundered in my machine. No bad scent or odor remains. It is the only thing that I have found that works and is cheaper than buying other products that are made for such problems. Good Luck.

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December 4, 2015

How do you get dog urine out of carpet?


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 168 Feedbacks
December 7, 20150 found this helpful
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I add white vinegar to the wash/rinse water in my shampooer. This removes the odor very well and doesn't harm the carpet. You will notice a vinegar odor, but it dissipates once carpet dries. Just make sure you lift the urine from carpet as much as possible before using the wash/rinse settings on carpet shampooer. My shampooer uses the separate containers for a mixture of cleaner and it merges below the water reservoir container; not in it. Then the vinegar is used twice in the wash and again in the rinse. I don't know how large your shampooer's water reservoir is, but on mine, I add two cups vinegar to full container.

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November 22, 2010

How do I get puppy urine smell out of carpet and the house?

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