
Party Food Ideas

November 21, 2008

Fresh Fruit Cakes Being PReparedFill an oval tin ice bucket with hot baked potatoes. Use different containers such as a decorative flower pot to hold shredded cheese, use the flower pot saucers to hold the bacon bits or another condiment.


To disguise the containers of sour cream, butter tubs, use a colorful napkin to wrap the outside of the containers, tie with a piece of raffia or colorful ribbon. Use your imagination for holders for the condiments (flower pots, a hollowed out baked potato sitting on a corn on the cob holder). You could use miniature garden tools for utensils for the condiments of the potato bar.

The table can be set up with a burlap piece of cloth on the table, plastic flower pot saucers could be used as plates.


By Jose from Tennessee

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July 29, 2008

We are having 50 people over for Christmas including snacks and a meal. Each family takes turns hosting, we have had sloppy joe's one year and the next we had lasagna which both worked out great but I want to make something unique that can be kept warm or served cold as there are so many people we all kind of eat when we feel like it. It definitely won't be a sit down meal. Any ideas for the menu and decorating would be much appreciated.

Jenn from Wisconsin


July 29, 20080 found this helpful

My family does the same thing. Last year I ordered a sandwich tray from the deli, then added chips, dip and pasta salad. It worked well for everyone.

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January 30, 2008

My daughter and I are planning a 'tea party' birthday party for her in April. Since we are in a cold part of the US, we will probably still have snow on the ground or at least have temp's not favorable for a 'garden tea party', so we will be doing the party indoors.

She will be turning 8 and plans to have about 6 friends join us. I'm looking for suggestions for fun, easy, and KID-FRIENDLY finger foods to serve at her party. We will have a sandwich of some kind, probably a variety of meats cut into triangles. But I'm hoping to have some side dish ideas. I have bought some BEAUTIFUL milk glass compotes to put things in so we'd love to utilize those. Any suggestions?

imama2many from UT


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 290 Feedbacks
January 30, 20080 found this helpful

By Debbie (Guest Post)
January 30, 20080 found this helpful

The girls in my family have a tea party every year on grandma's birthday. We have special tea cups, little sandwiches and little truffle cakes. We all have to wear a fancy hat and dress up. The young girls love it. We wear gloves and fancy dresses and every one goes home with a small gift. We have it at a different ladies house each year. It has become something we all look forward too!

January 30, 20080 found this helpful

How very fun!
Ask the girls to come dressed up, either for real, or play. Gloves and hats and their best dress. They can bring their doll or teddy bear perhaps ?


Serving the "party" food on real glass/china plates and cups, real silverware and cloth napkins and table cloth will make it a special "grown-up" treat.
A fun craft idea might be to make lovely hats with paper plates and ribbons and glue on paper flowers.
Any food cut in pretty shapes works when served on paper doillies or a silver footed cake stand. And any fruit juice with 7-up or ginger ale makes a nice punch------ and there are lots of kid friendly teas on the market ie: peach or apple spice??
Don't forget to check second-hand stores for teapots and cups and saucers.
Moms who come might like a nice cup of tea when they let the girls do their hats.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts
January 30, 20080 found this helpful

I'll never forgot a birthday party I went to as a child. Me being the "creative-artist-type", even as a child, I was in my glory! ...They had all kind of food & treats like marshmallows, chocolate chips, pretzels, gram-crackers, vanilla wafers & the like with a "paste" made from sugar, corn syrup or icing... & We were asked to "Create" or "Build" fun things like snow men, butterflies & people or whatever from these food & candy items.... This was so much FUN! ... They sat all of us kids around a big table with bowls of these things in the center & gave us each a paper plate & a small bowl of the "Glue" (which was icing & the like) ... After we finished we had to let our projects sit to dry (while we played games) so we could take them home.... The hardest part was getting our projects home (to show our moms) without eating them! ..What a special treat!


... A Child's Birthday Party I'll never forget!!!

** One more thing: For those of you who are sending invitations to your child's birthday party, Think about asking them NOT to bring a gift... (This is what my daughter does) That way, those with multiple children in the family that go to a lot of parties or those with low incomes, or have a parent who has recently lost their job can afford to come!... This is SOOOO very important in these days of layoffs & hard times! ... I raised 4 children on a "shoestring" & can remember sometimes telling my kids they couldn't go to a party because we couldn't afford to buy a gift... (That was in the days BEFORE dollar stores) ... OR if you are a parent on a super-tight budget, You can do what my daughter did: Get a bag & fill it with 5 toys from the dollar store... She recently did this & it was the birthday girls favorite gift!

By ERP (Guest Post)
February 1, 20080 found this helpful

I take my girls to a lovely little Victorian Tea Room for a special treat. They really love the part of dressing up in gowns and hats and then being served on fancy china. Their favourite food is the scones served with fresh strawberry jam and clotted cream - (I use whipped cream at home) Each child gets their own little fancy bowl of jam and another for the cream while the scones - shaped like tea pots at this shop - are presented on a china plate.


There is a menu with fancy little sandwiches as well but the girls have never wanted them.

As for a cake, I have done one with icing only and then provided candies etc. to decorate with. Each child gets a picture of the completed cake to take home in their goody bag.

By Barbara Snyder (Guest Post)
February 2, 20080 found this helpful

go to they have ideals for your childs tea party. Also see if you can go to disney and they might have things to like to make punches and stuff or just put hot coco in the tea cup with a mini marshmallow. Just a idea

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July 11, 2007

I need some ideas on food and snacks for my pool party. It's Hawaiian themed. Decorating, too. Thanks!

Peri from Los Angeles, CA


By Margie Minard (Guest Post)
July 13, 20070 found this helpful

A real easy one is to wrap pineapple chunks with very thin ham. Any tropical fruit in chunks served speared with frilly toothpicks. Look up Hawaii on the computer and find out the local foods and adapt them to the pool party.


There is also a very strong oriental influence in there, so egg rolls or spring rolls would be nice, too. Chinese and Japanese appetizers with tropical fruit would be nice. Hope this helps a little. Would love to be there!!

By cheapo (Guest Post)
July 16, 20070 found this helpful

i marinated bite-size chicken chunks in bbq sauce
then placed them on a skewers with fresh pineapple chunks.
cook on grill for 8 to 10, making sure chicken is cooked.


July 17, 20070 found this helpful

I just copied this recipe today from Tried N' True recipes and it sounds like it would be ideal for your party. It sounds yummy!


16 oz. cream cheese, softened
16 oz. marshmallow cream
2 T. almond extract

Combine all ingredients and beat on high until well
blended. Add more extract to taste. Serve with
your favorite fresh fruits. For best results, cool in
refrigerator for an hour before serving.

By blondie (Guest Post)
August 13, 20070 found this helpful

fruit pizza, is always good for summer parties.
one roll of sugar cookie dough
8oz cream cheese
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 C sugar

spread cookie dough into a pizza pan and bake by directions. cool.
mix cream cheeese, vanilla and sugar, spread over baked dough and add your favorite fruit.
I use: kiwi, strawberries and blueberries

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October 22, 2006

I have no idea what to serve at my party. It's my birthday and I can't have pizza or anything too fatty because my parents are weird like that. So what should I do?

Isabel from Everett, WA


October 23, 20060 found this helpful

Isabel, Hi!

Good for you for thinking to provide 'healthy' snacks. Your parents are pretty smart, I think (although it might be a few years before you appreciate the fact).

Baked pretzels, available in the junk food section of your grocery store, are very tasty (they come in either sticks or traditional pretzel shapes. Serve with mustard for a bit of variety.

Fresh vegetables (carrots, celery, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, broccoli spears and cauliflower florets are also ver nice. To keep them from being too boring, make an easy sauce using a low-fat ranch dressing (but if you want something else, e-mail me and I'll send you and easy recipe:

Make your own nacho chips (buy pita bread, sprinkle them with a few spices, bake them at 250 degrees F for 5 minutes and then cut them into wedges) and serve those with no-fat salsa (just read the labels on the salsa jars at the grocery store).

Baked crackers are also available at your grocery store. Serve those with baked salmon tips (spiced pieces of salmon).

Shrimp with cocktail sauce has virutally no fat (again, pay attention to the label on the jar of sauce).

Fresh fruit is always nice and contains virtually no fat (don't use coconut).

If money isn't a problem, add smoked salmon, sushi rolls (some contain no fish whatsoever) and lobster bits.

Years from now? When you and perhaps your friends start worrying about your weight? Your friends and you might like to know about some of these things.

Again, feel free to be in touch if you require additional suggestions.

Have fun at the party, and Happy Birthday!

Rose Anne

By carla bledsoe (Guest Post)
October 23, 20060 found this helpful

shish kebab (spelling??) it might be fun for everyone to build their own. provide several types cut up veggies and maybe two kinds of meat (lean of course) you could have two or more kinds of dipping sauces. there is a thai peanut sauce that is great for dipping. do an internet search and youll probably get a million ideas for kebabs and sauces.

you could do a fondue for dipping fruit for desert. chocolate dipped strawberries are almost decadent and they don't have a lot of calories or fat. well...unless you dip them repeatedly till they are like dipped candles wiht an inch of chocolate!!!

then fill in with a lot of games or dances so the whole party isn't just about food and voila......success!

Answer this Question

November 24, 2012

I need some quick food ideas for a bonfire birthday party. My daughter is turing 16 and is having a boy/girl party. I need ideas for stuff they could do and food. Help!

By guest

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January 4, 2007

Does anyone have any ideas for party foods for 3 year old birthday parties? My niece will be 3 at the end of january and is having a Dora party and my son will be 3 in June and having a football party (I thought tailgate foods would be cute). Also, any idea for 1 year old party would be greatly appreciated. I have another son that will be 1 in june with no party plans yet.



January 6, 20070 found this helpful

For our VBS this year I made a Watermelon Guy. Cut a watermelon in half, take a melon baller and ball the contents, I used a seedless watermelon. Cut up other fruits such as cantaloupe, honey dew, wash and cut stems off strawberries, grapes, etc. Turn the half watermelon upside down so it sits on the platter. use a square piece of fruit, I cut a cantaloupe piece to make eyes, use a wooden skewer, then put a grape in the center. use other fruits for nose and mouth. Then skewer the rest of the fruit for his "hair." Very cute.
Then we made "aquariums". make jello, let it get a little firm and add goldfish crackers and let harden. I used blue jello.
Another great thing is making your own ice cream creations. Just have lots of different toppings and they can have a ball.
You can also take food and take cookie cutters and cut them out in cute shapes. Cheese, bread, sandwiches, etc. can be cut into cookie cutter shapes.

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March 3, 2016

This is a page about setting up a chili bar. A chili bar is a tasty addition to the menu for your next party or family get together

Setting Up a Chili Bar

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