
Does Neutering a Dog Reduce Aggression?

October 22, 2007

aggressive dogMy daughter has a 2 yr. old Pit bull. If she has him neutered now will it calm him down any? He is beginning to show some aggression.

Judy from Leighton, Al



October 22, 20073 found this helpful
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Neutering almost always calms them down, I don't believe it's ever caused a male to become more aggressive. It decreases the amount of testosterone in the animal's body, and that chemical is responsible for aggression. It will take a while after he is neutered to become calmer, maybe a month or so, so don't wait!

By Lynn (Guest Post)
October 23, 20072 found this helpful
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My husband is a vet and he tells people the only thing a neuter ALWAYS does is keep them from making babies! It does sometimes calm them down but you shouldn't count too much on it.

By Nerm (Guest Post)
October 24, 20071 found this helpful
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I neutered my dogs at five months old in the hopes it would calm them down and it did not. I've been managing them for ten years now and wish I had invested more time in strenuous training instead of depending on the neuter to do the job.


We all would have been happier. Train, train, train!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
October 24, 20071 found this helpful
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I would never, never force a pet to go through life unaltered unless I was a top breeder, it is not fair to them. You will have a much happier companion pet with neutering and spaying.

Aggression is one of the dangers of some un-neutered breeds, but I would suggest, in addition to neutering, to have a talk with the vet and a trainer.

November 1, 20070 found this helpful
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Neuter the dog regardless of whether he will calm down. With the growing number of Pits (and dogs in general) in shelters (most of whom are destroyed), it's simply the responsible thing to do. If you cannot afford to get him neutered through your vet, there are less expensive "clinics" (or call your local Humane Society, SPCA, or local rescue group to see if they will do it for a nominal fee).

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December 28, 2012

Black Poodle on leash.Will neutering my 4 year old extremely aggressive male toy Poodle stop him from being aggressive toward me and my family? He is sweet one moment, letting me pet him on my lap and the next moment he is stiff, growling and snapping at me.

By Tammy


December 30, 20120 found this helpful
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Sounds like he is hurting somewhere. Yes, it is a very good idea to neuter. He will be healthier in the long run and hormones will stabilize.


It will take a while to see if hormones could be the problem but spay and neuter is always healthier.

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February 9, 2017

I have a male 2 year old Pit Bull and I recently got two Pit Bull puppies (male and female). My 2 year old has been attacking them and won't let them near us. I've heard neutering animals makes them less aggressive. Is this true? Is there any other suggestions I can try? I need all of them to get along, but my two year old won't give them a chance.

Please help!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
February 9, 20170 found this helpful
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Neutering will reduce aggressive behavior caused by a dog's sex drive. If two males are fighting over a female dog and one gets neutered, the neutered dog won't fight.


If the aggressiveness is because of something else,neutering won't help.

February 10, 20170 found this helpful
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It might help. Neutering the dog lowers the testosterone levels. Dogs and other mammals with lower testosterone levels tend to be calmer and less aggressive.

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October 13, 2021

I have a 2 year old male pitbull. He has recently became aggressive towards people. I will not have him killed. He isn't neutered and I wonder if I have it done, will it help? I live in Ohio. He has already bit my arm but I still will not give up hope.

Or is there any sanctuary places that can help me by taking him and will not kill him but help him to no longer attack. My heart is breaking and I feel like I just hitting brick walls with no help. Please help me.

A brown and white dog on a red blanket.


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 320 Answers
October 13, 20210 found this helpful
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Your dog is acting naturally by asserting dominance. If training is not an option (either because of cost, availability, or your level of discipline to maintain), neutering may help.


Please make sure doggo is getting lots of supervised exercise and stimulation too!


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 440 Answers
October 14, 20210 found this helpful
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Pit Bulls are very intelligent, surprisingly sensitive dog and inherently friendly, especially toward humans. They need to be handled and trained properly. Aggressiveness must be treated promptly.
Neuter your dog. An unneutered male dog is 2.6 times more likely to bite.
Remember that physical punishment can hurt an animal and increase aggression.

Always make sure that your pit bull is receiving the adequate amount of physical activity it needs. By not exerting its energy, a dog can accumulates anxiety and will often show aggressiveness, hyperactivity or repetitive behavior. Try a canine sport.


Pit bull dogs should receive mental stimulation.
They need to nibble, so avoiding these games and not providing them with toys encourages unwanted behavior.
Teach your pit bull to inhibit the bite and release objects.

Consult the regulations of potentially dangerous dogs in your country and remember to comply with the legal regulations when walking with your dog.

It is essential to be aware of your pit bull's routine to explan of this behavioral change and help to know what to do in this situation.

Some pathologies and / or hormonal problems may be able to explain why a pit bull is becoming aggressive.
A dog can appear and act aggressive when experiencing high levels of pain or weakness. Therefore, if your pit bull presents any sudden behavioral alteration, do not hesitate to go to your veterinarian immediately. A vet will be able to analyze the dog's state of health and rule out any possible pathological causes.
Visit your vet every 6 months and respect your animal's vaccination and deworming schedules.

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