
Asking Your Parents to Let You Shave?

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October 14, 2005

female hand shaving legsMy name is Katie and I am 14 years old. I am a freshman in high school, and I dont shave. I would really like to but I am just too afraid to ask my mom. I am so embarresd by it and I need your adivce. I was wondering if I should just start (buy my own razors and go for it) or if I should just ask my mom.

I am still afraid to. I have started high school and it seems that all I can think about is hiding my legs and avoiding showing them at all (because at our school we have a uniform skirt). Leg shaving is a very common subject for girls my age to talk about (except me). All my friends talk about shaving and when they do I pretend to go bathroom or do something else. Imagine spending all of your time hiding or covering up your ugly, dark hairy legs. That is how I feel all the time. Please help.

Katie (14) from Cincinnati, OH


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,317 Feedbacks
October 14, 20051 found this helpful
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Katie, go ahead and talk to your mom. You might be surprised its something she prob has not given any thought to and it is something you have. I remember being the middle sister my mom one day
said 'you need to watch your sister shave or ask what to do' oops I was so mortified. Anyway my oldest sis used Nair hair removal creams and I still use this method the best. And some company like
Jergens makes a lotion for your legs that will slow
growth of hair or something similar. Good luck. At 14 you really need to talk to your mom or if this is still too hard try a sister, Aunt or even dear old dad. Good luck and remember your mom was 14 once too!

By Kelly (Guest Post)
October 16, 20052 found this helpful
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I wish I could give you a big hug! My husband and I work with our church's youth group and I have had similar talks with a lot of girls on all subjects. You need to go to mom and say that you would like to ask her something that is very important to you and ask her to listen to you all the way before she answers. Sometimes moms tune kids out with out even meaning too. Explain maturely why you want to do this and then be willing to listen to her. I view high school as the beginning of learning how to be an adult and that means having mature conversations about mature things. I really want you think about this thing... If you can't talk to your mom about shaving how on earth are you going to talk to her about more important things like drinking, sex, friends.... ? You can do this, she is your mom and she loves you A LOT even if she doesn't always show it.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 156 Feedbacks
December 26, 20050 found this helpful
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Katie, your own mother was 14 years old at one time too! She went through the exact same thing as you are going through now. It's hard to think of our parents as ever being kids, but they were. I think crys7881 had a great idea, just ask about getting razors. Don't buy cheap disposals either, because as it was already mentioned, they feel like "cheese graters" and it won't be a good experience for you!

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November 10, 2019

My mom won't let me shave my legs and facial hair. It is normal for a girl to shave at my age, but when I ask her about it she gets mad and starts to scold me. Sometimes I'm just too afraid to ask her. She even says that if I did it she'll kill me and stuff. The last time I asked her was like 4 months ago. I'm really ashamed of showing off my face because my my moustache, they even make fun of me at school. But I am still really scared to ask my mom.

Any advice?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
November 11, 20190 found this helpful
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She may be worried about you cutting yourself. Suggest a depilatory. That worked for me when I was your age.

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October 5, 2014

I am 14 years old, in my freshman year of high school and I don't shave. I really want to, more than anything. I'm always too afraid to ask though. I hate when it's hot because I have to wear shorts. I've tried to buy my own razors before, but my twin sister said, "No, it's like hiding your period."

My sister isn't as crazy about this as I am. She gets really awkward when it comes to talking about anything like this, too.
All of my friends shave and I get so embarrassed whenever I'm in public. They always talk about it and I have to pretend to do something else because I'm too embarrassed. I think a few of them have noticed, and possibly talked about it behind my back. My legs make me anxious and I'm always feeling depressed.
I need to ask my mom soon. I can't take this anymore. Please help!

By Caroline S.


October 7, 20140 found this helpful
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Just ask your mom. Tell her you feel confident and mature enough to start shaving.

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February 3, 2019

I'm 13 years old and I have started running in school for about 5 or 6 months now. I am obligated to wear shorts. At the beginning of the school year I was very uncomfortable with showing my hairy legs, but since the winter arrived I have been able to wear leggings for my athletics. I have addressed shaving with my mom many times, but she thinks that I am too young for shaving and that they aren't noticeable.

They are very hairy and dark because it is obvious and people look at my legs constantly. I also have issues with going to places with dresses or shorts because I can't have much fun with having to worry about hiding my legs. I constantly try my best to avoid clothes that reveal my legs and it becomes a problem in the summer when it's hot. Sometimes it's not even about the way they look, but how it feels. I usually feel like there are spiders crawling up my leg and I don't like the feeling. I am just really tired of her trying to avoid it and I was thinking about addressing it through a letter since every time I bring it up she shuns me out. Please help me, idk what to do in order for her to hear me out about my uncomfortableness.

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September 1, 2016

I am 13 years old and I haven't really hit puberty yet. Everyone else in my year has started shaving their legs. I have really hairy legs and want to shave them so I can be like my friends, but I'm so scared to ask my mum because she doesn't seem like one of those chill mums.

She is kinda awkward and I'm a little shy to ask! What should I do? Help!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
September 2, 20160 found this helpful

Is there someone, like an aunt or an older cousin, who you could talk to first and who could help you bring up the subject to your mom? If there is, go to them for advice and aid. As a mom of boys, this sort of thing never came up for me. Does your mom shave her legs? If so, maybe just bring up the subject of hair when you and she are by yourselves, like when you are in the car. You could just ask if you could buy some disposable razors so you can shave your legs, because all the other girls in class are doing so, and you don't want to feel different from your friends.

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July 4, 2019

I am 12 almost 13 and in 7th grade. All of my friends have started shaving their legs and arms. I have extremely hairy legs. I always wear leggings to hide it.

Most girls wear shorts and have no hair. I'm scared to ask my mom. She started shaving when she was in her early 20s. Any advice would be awesome.

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May 29, 2019

I am 13 and I have been wanting to shave my legs for years now. I have brought it up a few time to my sisters, my dad, and my mom. When I talked to my mom about it she told me what dad had said to her. I explained my situation and I haven't talked to her about it since.

I'm sitting next to both of my parents now and I really want to ask them about it, but I am too shy to. We are leaving for the beach in two days and will be there for a week. I don't want to be hiding in our condo the whole trip.

How do I ask my parents?

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May 23, 2019

How do I ask my mum to shave as I am almost 13, but I am very tall for my age. Now my legs have become quite hairy and it is embarrassing at school as I am into a lot of sports, but I wear a tracksuit to hide my hairy legs.

Me and my mum don't get along well and I'm to scared to ask her. What should I say to her?

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April 28, 2019

I'm a girl 14 years old. I know a lot of girls don't have a moustache, but I do because I'm too hairy. The boys start to tell me that you have a moustache and I don't like it, it's too embarrassing so I decided to tell my mum. I know that she will let me, but I'm too scared to ask her. I'm just so nervous cause I think it's so embarrassing. I say to my self, tomorrow no tomorrow and then I say I'm not ready. I tried it once, but I was too shy. I said, "I want to tell you something, you know what nothing". I don't know why I'm too shy and nervous and think that it's embarrassing.

However my relationship with my mum it's so good. I tell her everything and anything and I'm always talking with her, but I don't know why I can't tell her small stuff like this. I stay all the day thinking about it and I know it's something so normal and simple, but I can't; something stops me!

Please help me :(

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May 13, 2017

I am going to be in 9th grade soon and my arms and legs are really hairy. I really want to shave my legs, but my Mom says no.

I know that I shouldn't be embarrassed about my body, but I just really want to feel confident.

I'm not confident enough to wear shorts, skirts, and dresses because people stare at my legs (and sometimes my arms).

How should I break it off to my Mom? And should I really shave?

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July 22, 2020

I am a 14 year old boy and I want to shave. I am super hairy. I don't have an older brother and don't live with my dad.

I want to ask my mom, but I am an awkward person. What do I do? The hair is driving me insane.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
July 23, 20200 found this helpful
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I happen to know a lot of young men who shave because of how thick the hair is on their arms, legs, and chest. At your age, this can be very difficult and not something that is easy to deal with at all. Asking your mom could be embarrassing because she might take it the wrong way. I think the best way to attack this is to find some examples of children your age online and show how their parents allow them to shave the hair on their legs in order to fit in better at school. Explain to her how it is making you so uneasy and that you just want to try it once to see if it feels better for you. In a lot of cases, these friends of mine do not shave their legs but instead, they wax the hair on their legs and chest area.

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August 19, 2019

I want to shave my legs because they are really hairy and you can tell because the hair is thick and black. My sister said she would help me, but I don't know how to ask her.

My mom has noticed my leg hair, but idk?

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