
Asking Your Parents to Let You Shave?

October 14, 2005

female hand shaving legsMy name is Katie and I am 14 years old. I am a freshman in high school, and I dont shave. I would really like to but I am just too afraid to ask my mom. I am so embarresd by it and I need your adivce. I was wondering if I should just start (buy my own razors and go for it) or if I should just ask my mom.

I am still afraid to. I have started high school and it seems that all I can think about is hiding my legs and avoiding showing them at all (because at our school we have a uniform skirt). Leg shaving is a very common subject for girls my age to talk about (except me). All my friends talk about shaving and when they do I pretend to go bathroom or do something else. Imagine spending all of your time hiding or covering up your ugly, dark hairy legs. That is how I feel all the time. Please help.

Katie (14) from Cincinnati, OH


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,317 Feedbacks
October 14, 20051 found this helpful
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Katie, go ahead and talk to your mom. You might be surprised its something she prob has not given any thought to and it is something you have. I remember being the middle sister my mom one day
said 'you need to watch your sister shave or ask what to do' oops I was so mortified. Anyway my oldest sis used Nair hair removal creams and I still use this method the best. And some company like
Jergens makes a lotion for your legs that will slow
growth of hair or something similar. Good luck. At 14 you really need to talk to your mom or if this is still too hard try a sister, Aunt or even dear old dad. Good luck and remember your mom was 14 once too!

By Kelly (Guest Post)
October 16, 20052 found this helpful
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I wish I could give you a big hug! My husband and I work with our church's youth group and I have had similar talks with a lot of girls on all subjects. You need to go to mom and say that you would like to ask her something that is very important to you and ask her to listen to you all the way before she answers. Sometimes moms tune kids out with out even meaning too. Explain maturely why you want to do this and then be willing to listen to her. I view high school as the beginning of learning how to be an adult and that means having mature conversations about mature things. I really want you think about this thing... If you can't talk to your mom about shaving how on earth are you going to talk to her about more important things like drinking, sex, friends.... ? You can do this, she is your mom and she loves you A LOT even if she doesn't always show it.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 156 Feedbacks
December 26, 20050 found this helpful
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Katie, your own mother was 14 years old at one time too! She went through the exact same thing as you are going through now. It's hard to think of our parents as ever being kids, but they were. I think crys7881 had a great idea, just ask about getting razors. Don't buy cheap disposals either, because as it was already mentioned, they feel like "cheese graters" and it won't be a good experience for you!

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

May 6, 2018

I am a 13 year old girl and I really want to be able to shave. My legs are becoming hairy and my armpits are too. A while ago I asked my mum, but she said my hair was too fine and is not noticeable (it is) and she walked away. Since it's summer I really want to shave because we wear shorts in PE and all the other girls shave.

Any advice would be great! Xx


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 424 Answers
May 6, 20183 found this helpful
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If I were you I would sit down with your mum and have a daughter/mum talk. Explain the situation and how important it is for you to start shaving, find out if she shaves her legs or under arms, and ask her how she would feel if she were in company and was afraid to show her legs or raise her arm.

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December 29, 2006

My dad won't let me shave, how can I ask him?

Joseph from Vienna, WA


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 107 Feedbacks
January 1, 20071 found this helpful
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How old are you? My grandson is 13. He approached his dad with his hands on his cheeks w/a grin and said, "Dad? I feel like.. hair. I think I can start shaving, girls don't like this, and look I'm getting a mustache. an I shave? His dad feeling all fatherly took him out to purchase a shaver. parents like honesty and for their teens
be open with them. He doesn't shave often, he knows when he needs to. Good luck! :)


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 472 Feedbacks
January 2, 20070 found this helpful
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How old are you and do you really need to shave? I went to school with a girl when I was growing up whose mother wouldn't allow her to shave her pits or wear deodorant. She wanted to keep her a child forever. The counselor stepped in by calling the mother and infomed her that her daughter was being shunned because of BO. Some parents just don't see their child as growing up. I say if you really need to, if it embarasses you and your father won't listen, to ask the school counselor for help. Sometimes a suggestion from another adult will go a lot farther toward being heard. When my husband was in school, they once sent home a note that said he would not be allowed to return until he came back shaved in a way that met school regulations, which were clearly defined in the note.

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February 20, 2018

I am a very hairy girl. Recently many guys have told me I have a lot of hair and why don't I shave. People constantly keep eyeing my legs and hand. I'm scared to even wear half sleeved shirts, skirts, or shorts. All I wear is jeans and jackets.

I had asked my mom if she would take me to the parlour for shaving, she got really mad at me and told me that it's not time at my age (I'm in grade 8 ) and that this is all teenager's attitudes that we care about how we look and all, and then she walked away.

It would be great if anyone could tell me on how to ask my mom again and how to convince her to let me wax or shave. My elder sister was only allowed to wax when she was 16, I'm not sure if my mom will allow me too.

Please help!


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
February 20, 20180 found this helpful
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You aren't too far from being 16. I believe in Grade 8, you're about 13/14.

Perhaps you can shave or wax at home. Tell your mother how you feel and that you're uncomfortable to wear half sleeve, shirts, skirts and shorts. Even though your sister shaved at 16, everyone is different and hits puberty at different ages.

However shaving/waxing is up to you. Many people also take the minimalist route and embrace hair because it's natural. It's your option to take which route you like and let your mother know your feelings.

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April 23, 2018

I'm now 14 and have wanted to start shaving my legs for a long time now. I get way too nervous every time I try to ask my mum especially since I've been shaving my armpits using her shaver for years, but was too embarrassed to ask her about it.

Now I'm scared that she'll ask about that as well and I'm not sure what I should say. I just want some advice about how to ask her.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
April 23, 20180 found this helpful
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Tell her you are growing up and growing more hair. You want to look well groomed, and most of the other girls in your class are shaving. If she doesn't want you to cut yourself, ask if you can use a depilatory instead.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 170 Feedbacks
April 30, 20180 found this helpful
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Isn't it wonderful to get such good, supportive advice from so many ladies who have all been where you're at? The only (small) thing I can add, presuming your mum is a busy lady, is to ask if you can talk to her about something. Choose a time when she's not overwhelmed with everything, a time when she might have a quiet moment or two ... perhaps at the end of the day after everyone else has gone to bed?

Don't worry. It'll be fine.

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September 29, 2020

I am 15 years and have never shaved before. I have given many clues, like my shirt's arm length is too small. I know she understood and gets the clue but all she says is "let's buy new shirts." I feel embarrassed to lift my arm and it's pretty annoying.

I kinda think about this all day and I get very self conscious. I can't ask her because i know she got my clues but she isn't bringing up the topic of shaving my armpits.

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April 27, 2018

I'm male, so this is kind of challenging for me. I'm unsure on whether or not she will get angry. She's seen me in a dress before and she wasn't happy about it (claimed it to be "confronting" and then talking to me about it all night and then the next day). I'm 16 - 17 in less than a month.

If it helps get a better idea of my mother; she told me after realising I cross-dress that she's "sorry" and that she "just needs time". In terms of cultural context; I'm West Australian. I want to be simple; "Hey mum, could you please wax my legs?". But I fear she may say something like "YOU'RE A BOY! BOYS DON'T DO THAT!!" and then cause a massive issue or something.

Anything is appreciated.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
April 29, 20180 found this helpful
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If you are 17, why not just do it yourself? Is she really going to notice your legs? (In my state in the USA, that is considered an adult).
Or, tell her your are thinking of it and what is her opinion?
My daughters started shaving when they felt they needed to. That was one thing I never got worried or upset about. Some parents worry about the shaving, I was more concerned on the bigger items--who their friends were, where they were, curfews, grades and such.

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July 22, 2020

I am a 14 year old boy and I want to shave. I am super hairy. I don't have an older brother and don't live with my dad.

I want to ask my mom, but I am an awkward person. What do I do? The hair is driving me insane.

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July 23, 2017

So I am 15 and I want to shave my legs, really, really, badly. I have really dark hairy legs. My mum bought me a razor ages ago, but she never said what I can and can't shave. I do my armpits regularly, but I don't do my legs. It hasn't been bothering me lately because it's winter, but my cousins are visiting from England in a week and I would really like to have them done by then.

My brother has told me I have hairy legs, and one of his close friend's (male) has also commented, but I just can't force myself to. My dad has also told me to shave my legs twice, but not one word from my mum. Once he said it in front of my mum so I am sure if she didn't want me to she would have said so. I think my dad is better at sharing his feelings than my mum. So what do you think? Should I just do it? I am pretty sure my mum would be fine with it, and I think when she was younger she just went and did it on her own. Please help!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
July 23, 20170 found this helpful

Unless she told you not to, I would shave my legs.

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