
Crate Training a Puppy

January 21, 2014

How do I stop my dog from chewing up his bed? Everything I put in his kennel to keep him warm he rips up. I don't know what else to do. Please help.


By dbab23

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January 28, 2016

I have a Bluetick Beagle, that is about 4-5 months old. I've had her since she was weaned and have been trying to get her in the groove of using the bathroom outside since then. Recently, I decided to try crate training. I only put her in the crate at night or if I'm cleaning. The crate it only big enough for her to turn around and lay down.

The past 2 nights she has pooped in the crate and then laid on it smashing it. She usually would hold it, but now she poops in the crate even if she's only in it for a short amount of time. What tehnique should I try now? Or how should I change what I'm already doing? Also, how do I get the dog smell out of carpet? Thanks.

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December 6, 2015

I have a 12 week old puppy that poops in his cage every time we put him in there. It is never longer than 3 hours and as short as 30 minutes. We make sure that he only has enough room to turn around, that he has pooped and peed before he goes in, and he actually likes his cage. Does anyone have any ideas how to break him of this?


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May 25, 2013

Black dog in pink outfit.My 6 mo. old puppy doesn't want to be crated anymore. How do I get her to stay in her crate? She has been crated since she was 9 weeks old and has done really well, until 2 nites ago. Now she barks and cries continuously. I washed her blankets and she has her special toy. What do I do now? She weighs 4 lbs and I don't want her out at nite to get hurt or in trouble.

By memaheff from USA


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 141 Feedbacks
May 26, 20130 found this helpful

I would try giving her treats when she goes into her crate herself. Do it a few times a day, then maybe you won't have so much trouble at night. Always leave the crate open during the day, so it is a place she can go back to when she feels like it.


And try to avoid using the crate as a punishment for a while.

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November 24, 2017

I have a 7 month old Ridgeback Mastiff Pit Bull mix. He is fully potty trained, but poops and pees in his crate daily. The crate is the right size for him as he is big. But he will poop and lay right in it. It doesn't matter how long he is in there he poops. I have tried one of my t-shirts, I've tried nothing in there, I've put his dog bed there, and he poops on it.

What can I do? I have two other dogs that are 4 years old and 3 years old and aren't in crates and I never had this problem with their crate training.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts
November 26, 20170 found this helpful
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Put him on a strict routine walk him for 15 to 20 minutes before he goes in the crate.

Spray some vinegar and make sure the crate is clean. The dog may be used to living in poop if the mother dog wasn't clean.

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March 28, 2016

We have a 4 month old Great Pyrenees/Maremma puppy. The place where we got this pretty female pup was on a farm. There were a few pups in a closed shed with no windows. The guy had to put a towel over her head so she didn't bite. He put her in our truck. She was so quite and good for the truck ride to her new home, but when we tied to take her out of the truck she bite my husband's arm so then we put the towel over her head.White dog lying down.


Then she was OK and we took her to the fenced in backyard to see if she had to go to the bathroom before we took her inside. When we got her to come in the house with us we gave her some water, but no food, it was late.

Then I took her back out while my husband set the crate up for her to sleep in. She was okay for three hrs. I got up, took her out, and walked around the backyard with her. I told her she was so pretty, I petted her on the head and told her she is was such a pretty girl. Then I told her to go pee. It took a few minutes. I said her what a good girl she was and told her to go poo. She whined it must hurt she to go number two every time. She has no worms at all.

She will not go in the dog kennel at all. She sleeps right at the door all day long. She has her bone to chew on and a blanket to sleep on. She doesn't get into anything at all. She never walks around the house to see what we are doing like other dogs do in other families. She stays right at the front door.

The farm where she came from must have abused the pups. They were never around people or kids. When I take her outside when she hears other dogs bark, all I do is say "no" in a low voice and she doesn't bark back at all, which is good.

How do I get her to know we love her to pieces and be not a afraid of humans and learn to stay in her kennel when we have to go away for a few hours?

She is 4 months old and weighs 50 pounds right now. We let her sleep by the door all day while we are home, even when we sleeping at night time. I just don't know what to do when she won't go in the crate when we go out to appointments or shopping. Also I don't know why she whines when going number two.

Crate Training an Abused Puppy
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April 29, 2019

My 6 1/2 month old Yorkie poops in her crate every night. I did have her in an indoor dog fence with a pee pad, but she'd poop and pee partly on her pad and the rest on the bottom of the fence, every night.

I'm so tired of cleaning up every single morning. She has no health issues. Should I just put a doggie diaper on her at night? I've tried everything that all my research shows to do.

Puppy is Pooping in Her Crate - woman holding a Yorkie puppy
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December 10, 2014

My Chihuahua is 3 months old and I have been trying to crate train him. I work during the day 8-5 and go home at lunch to let him out. He no longer has accidents in the house while I am home and does not squeal as long as I am in sight. He does pee and poo outside frequently, but even crating him just to take a shower is long enough for the screaming to start and usually followed by me coming back to find he has gone (most of the time poo). And it doesn't matter if a bone and toys are in the crate at all. To him all that matters is the doors closed and he is in there.

By Brad J

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January 24, 2011

I have a 10 week old female Boxer that may have anxiety in her crate. We have trained on this consistently. She will freely go in to eat or get a toy, but the moment the door closes she gets anxious. I have sat in front of the crate and talked to her and fed her treats. She starts to drool heavily. When I return from school I find bedding soaked with clear liquid. Is she vomiting? Or drooling? What should I do?

By Amberly Garcia from Greenville, TX


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 278 Feedbacks
January 26, 20111 found this helpful
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No, crating is acceptable. It is not a form of punishment. You put babies into a crib to keep them safe? This is to keep your dog or puppies safe when you are gone. It makes housebreaking faster and easier. I have crated all of my dogs when they were puppies. Most dogs accept it as a safe and secure and never outgrow the use of their crate. My boxer mix would automatically go into her crate as soon as I picked up my purse to leave.


I always thought It was cute and funny that she did this.

Your dog may have separation anxiety. That has nothing to do with being crated. Talk to your Vet and see if he recommends some mild sedation to ease her anxiety while you are gone. I think if you don't control the anxiety now it may get worse as she gets older. Hopefully she will outgrow it in a few months. Good luck with your new puppy and keep her safe.

January 27, 20111 found this helpful
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Hello again, Amberly. I wrote a long post a few days ago in response to your question and somehow managed to delete it into the infinity of cyberspace. "xintexas" basically summed up my lengthy post as she is so correct in stating that crate training is not punishment, and just like you wouldn't imagine a crib as a jail cell for a baby you shouldn't consider a crate a puppy prison. Like a mother wolf that won't allow her pups to leave the den until they learn some of the survival rules, a pet parent needs to define the rules (via crates) for his/her domesticated puppy before he or she is allowed full roaming privileges in your home.


As I've said in other posts, crate training is not a life sentence and the ultimate goal is an always open kennel (safe place) for the dog to retreat. I've used crate training for all of my canine pups and all learned "the house rules" (potty training) within three to four months. Honestly, the only accidents they ever had over five months of age were due to illness, not misbehavior, and that is quite acceptable.

Yes it will break your heart as young puppies cry at night crated in those early days. But it will break your heart into many more pieces should you raise a spoiled puppy into a dog that you can't control or care for on a regular basis. Remember: You, as the owner of a instinctively pack orientated canine, are the Alpha animal. Act accordingly.

To address your concerns of wet bedding being drooling or vomit, I highly suspect it is drool. At ten weeks, teething issues could be the culprit. Consider buying her serious chew toys, such as the "Kong" toys that can be filled with peanut butter or treats. As a Boxer, she will most probably be able to destroy Kongs when she is full grown, but as a puppy with possible teething issues, the toys will give her hours of entertainment. Then again, our grown Mastiffs still treat their Kong toys kindly as we still use them for treat dispensers! :-)


Separation anxiety is to be expected of a puppy that has just moved away from his/her mother. Please don't even consider medicating a young puppy for this naturally distressful transition. Wrap a wind up clock in a towel and leave overnight in the crate; keep a routine "bedtime" "wake-up" time schedule; say "Good night" sweetly and "good morning" energetically. Again, in a matter of weeks, you will be glad you did! Good luck, Amberly. Best wishes for you and Luci.

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July 21, 2011

I have a 14 week old Pitbull puppy that we are trying to crate train. He has made some progress, but he is still messing in his crate. My husband and I work all day and do not have someone to take him out in the afternoon. Is it still possible for the crate training to work even if he is in it for 8 hours at a time? Also, he gets let out every 3 hours at night, and still messes in his crate then. Please help!

By Kimiko


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
July 22, 20111 found this helpful
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You wont be able to crate "train" your puppy unless you can let him out at least every 3 hours. You are not "training" you are confining the dog. He is growing up confined to a crate. I agree with Jilson that confining him to a room with a potty area may be your best bet.


As for training him to go outside that will require you to take him out every couple of hours. Don't forget he needs toys and things (music, radio) to occupy him when he is alone all day.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 205 Posts
July 24, 20111 found this helpful
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Everyone here is assuming you have someone to come in and take the dog out periodically. Not everyone is that lucky! And no, you aren't a bad puppy mommy because you have a job. Dogs do get accustomed to being alone through the day. I have 2 small dogs and periodically through their lives I have had full time jobs too. They are used to it. They know that they will go out last thing just before I leave, and first thing as soon as I get home. I would suggest though that you or your husband come home at lunch time and take the dog out. 8 hours is an awfully long time. Also those puppy pads are a good idea, and now is a great time to start training your dog to use them (believe me it's not so easy once they are grown and completely house trained).

Also, the idea of a pet sitter coming in every day is a really bad idea. If for no other reason than they are sooo expensive! It would cost less to board her than it would to hire a sitter! I know, I've checked into it extensively!

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