
Making Your Own Lampe Berger Fragrances

June 7, 2020

Is it dangerous to use 70% alcohol in recipe for Lampe Berger fuel? I have used 90 in past, but can't find it during covid crisis.



Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
June 8, 20200 found this helpful
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This is the wrong alcohol to use in your recipe. If you'd like to make your own homemade Berger lamp oil recipes then you need to follow the directions carefully. If you don't this can cause issue. Using 70 percent alcohol will cause a lot of smoke and it is not good at all. I would rather buy the oil than to have an issue in my home.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
June 10, 20200 found this helpful
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It might be a bit more expensive but check your home improvement stores for 99% isopropyl alcohol. I saw some at Ace Hardware recently in a metal can, like you used to see kerosene in.


I also was able to get some 91% at Walgreens. You might ask your local store when their next shipment comes in and/or if they will save some or let you preorder.

Good luck!

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

March 15, 2022

Can you use a few drops of your favourite cologne/perfume in your homemade lampe Berger oil or does it have to be an oil based fragrance/essential oil?


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
March 19, 20220 found this helpful
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Making your own oils can save a lot of money but there are precautions that need to be taken every time you light your container as well as when you are making your oils.


Most sites have a long list of instructions so I have found writing down some of the important points gives me a check-list that I can follow and then reread instructions to make sure I have hit all the important points.

I also recommend having more than one wick so you have one soaking in alcohol in a good sealable container - ready for use the next time you light your lamp.
You'll understand what I'm talking about if you watch this YouTube video. I suggest turning on the closed caption (cc) so you can see everything that is discussed.

Remember; never use rubbing alcohol - only over 90% will work.

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March 6, 2020

What is the strongest scent I can buy to mix with my 91% alcohol to make my own Lampe Berger oil and where can I buy it? I tried Walmart.

I bought the cheep one. Then I bought the expensive one and it still does not have a smell that is strong enough.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
March 6, 20201 found this helpful
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My local pharmacy sells really nice essential oils (you have to ask and they are behind the counter. I used to get a peppermint one and it worked great to take a few sniffs right out of the bottle if I felt a headache coming on. That is the only thing I would ever use them for, but that is me.


I always caution people about making home made oil products for burners. I had a fire from one years ago and I just like to remind people that this is really a safety first tool. Thank G-d I caught it before the apartment went up, it had just spread to a drape. VERY SCARY.

While even the store bought ones can be dangerous, the home made versions can be even more so. Just be VERY CAREFUL and never let anything burn unattended.

Thanks for listening!

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February 29, 2020

I'm trying to make my own Lampe Berger fragrance oil. I have the 91% alcohol. What kind of fragrance can I use?

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April 23, 2011

What is the correct amount of scented oil you use for 91% alcohol for a lampe berger? My lamp doesn't get very hot or hardly any scent. I can't afford to buy it already made up!


By Polly Johnson from Klamath Falls, OR


May 19, 20122 found this helpful

The secret is to use 99% Isopropyl Alcohol (not the same as rubbing alcohol) - available at any Drug Store and inexpensive.

99% Isopropyl Alcohol will get the ceramic top part of the wick to it's right temperature after a minute or two, after which you blow out the flame and the ceramic will remain hot until either snuffed out or the alcohol is used up.


As for adding fragrance, you can either use essential oils (pure natural extracts - usually more expensive) or fragrance oils (synthetic fragrances - usually stronger and much larger fragrance selection and more reasonably priced compared to essential oils.)

How much you use depends on the type of oils you chose to use.
The general rule of thumb I use, is 8 to 10 drops of fragrance or essential oil per 250ml of 99% Isopropyl Alcohol.

Good Luck, have fun and enjoy your Fragrance lamp without breaking the bank.

January 4, 20142 found this helpful

As soapmaker, i use Essential oil and fragrance on a daily basis. You can find a lot of great scent for create the lamp mix at place like I am so happy that I found that website! I was looking for refill for my Berger lamp and the price of the "real stuff" is prohibitive.


I like to use natural product as much as possible and it's now possible to make my Berger lamp spread EO all over the house, yeah me! :)

February 4, 20181 found this helpful

$33.00? Wow, that is the typical price for the 1 liter size.

Where are you getting it from?

February 25, 20180 found this helpful

I just checked on Amazon and ALL of them are expensive. Some smaller bottles could be about $20 but larger are $30 +

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December 3, 2018

So after seeing some tutorials on making your own Berger oil fragrances I went out and sourced the following: 91% isopropyl alcohol, fragrance oils, and a new wick.

I mixed approximately 18 drops of fragrance oils into my Berger lamp with about 1/3 of the lamp's capacity filled with isopropyl alcohol and lit it.

It worked very well, great smells and I burnt it for approximately 5 minutes - after blowing it out, the stone goes cold after about 5-10 minutes

When I switch back to the official oil it stays hot so I'm very confused, can someone please shed some light on things to check?

Many thanks in advance.

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October 10, 2018

Do I need to use neutral oil between different frangrances?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
October 10, 20180 found this helpful

I would, as it will absorb any lingering oil.

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September 14, 2017

How can I make my own oil for my Lampe Berger?


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
September 14, 20171 found this helpful

These are really great for the house but the cost of original oil is very pricey. There are lots of suggestions on the Internet but are all basically the same.

16 oz Isopropyl alcohol (91% or higher)
Essential oil (10 drops)
1 tablespoon distilled water.

Step 1
Remove 2 tablespoons of alcohol from the jar. You can purchase this from Wal-Mart, drug stores, etc. This is to make room in the bottle for the 2 tablespoons of liquid you will be adding. So if there is a lot of room at the top of the bottle, you don't have to do this.

Step 2
Add 1 tablespoon of distilled water and 10 drops of the essential oil scent you want the bottle of 91% (or higher) Isopropyl alcohol. Mix and it is ready to use.

Step 3
IMPORTANT: You must use a 90% or higher strength isopropyl, or rubbing, alcohol. The 70% isopropyl alcohol contains too much water in the solution, and will not burn. You can find the 90% strength at drugstores on the same shelf next to the 70% solution.

Step 4
Do not overfill the lamp. Try filling the lamp a little less than halfway and then light as usual.

Step 5
One key element that I found is using an authentic Lampe Berger Wick and cleaning the wick regularly. One wick will last a very long time is cleaned on a regular basis. A healthy wick will last up to 350 burns. Just soak wick in alcohol over night and it will be ready to go.

Step 6
This question is asked a lot on ThriftyFun so you can check out some of the previous answers:

This is a list of Do not's.
Do not add too much fragrance/essential oil, it may cause your lampe to smoke.
Do not use the 70% Rubbing Alcohol.
Do not use any paraffin based lamp oils, as your house will quickly fill with smoke.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts
September 19, 20170 found this helpful

Making lampe berger oil.

Step 1
You will need isopropyl alcohol,and a fragrance oil.

Step 2
Use 16 ounces of isopropyl alcohol,add 10 drops of oil to your bottle.

Step 3
Then secure top and shake the bottle well.

Step 4
You should pour it into small, separate airtight containers.

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March 4, 2020

I'm trying to make my homemade oil for my lampe Berger. I got 91% alcohol I tried the fragrances and pure fragrance from Walmart. I tried every different type Walmart has and none of them are strong, I can barely smell them.

I tried tendra. I even used 20 drops and I still can't smell the fragrance. Is there a special kind of oil or place I can buy some from that has a strong smell today? Thanks in advance.

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ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

June 19, 2010

I want to make a scented liquid to fill a Berger lamp. It burns alcohol and scent, but I don't know the percent of alcohol. Do you have any info?

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