
Raising Pet Rabbits

Gold Post Medal for All Time! 858 Posts
March 23, 2006
Rabbits Care InfoDescription: Rabbits can make wonderful small animal pets. They have gentle natures, are relatively clean and easy to care for, and they're soft and cuddly. There are many domesticated breeds of rabbits to choose from. The Dutch and Mini Lop make good companions for children. They are smaller in size and have very social natures.

Size: The size and space need to keep rabbits depends on the breed. Smaller breeds can weigh in the neighborhood of 2 to 3 pounds. The Flemish Giant is regarded as the largest breed in the world and may grow 3 ft. in length and weigh up to 24 pounds.

Compatibility: Does (females) can often live amongst each other peacefully. Bucks (males) will fight if housed together. Rabbits can sometimes be kept successfully with Guinea pigs, but should be kept away from cats, dogs, and other small animals.

Appeal: Rabbits make popular pets for a number of reasons. They are friendly and social and will live happily indoors, in apartments or in an outdoor hutch. If properly trained, they will hop along on a lead (slowly) and can learn to use a little box. They need less exercise, can be left alone during the day (with proper housing) and they won't disturb the neighbors.

Drawbacks: To keep a rabbit indoors, the house must be sufficiently rabbit-proofed. Electrical cords, carpet, and wooden furniture are all in danger of being chewed. Fireplaces, tall furniture and certain houseplants can all pose serious dangers. Rabbits shed. A rabbit's coat, nails, and ears all need regular grooming and attention and they need a supply of fresh foods to stay healthy.


Diet: Rabbits need a diverse diet that includes commercially prepared pellets, hay, root vegetables, greens, and some fruit.

Problems & Health Issues: Rabbits are susceptible to various digestive problems. They are also vulnerable to serious viruses like myxomatosis and VHD. They need to have their teeth checked regularly, and if spending time outside need to be vaccinated for fleas and other pests and from diseases spread by wild rabbits.

Lifespan: A rabbit's longevity depends a lot on genetics and the care it receives. Typically, a rabbit can expect to have a lifespan that averages 6-7 years, sometimes longer.

Interesting Facts: Rabbits use their whiskers like antennae, especially at night. The whiskers feel and remember the tunnels and walls of a familiar burrow and that information is stored in the rabbits memory. A rabbit put in an unfamiliar burrow will instantly panic because it doesn't "feel" right. Most rabbits will run for cover when being pursued rather than escaping down an unfamiliar burrow.

March 24, 2018

This page contains tips for a house bunny (and mice). If you are considering getting a house bunny check out the very detailed information, in this page, from the keeper of a Dutch bunny.

Grey floppy eared bunny on a grey couch.

May 21, 2016

This is a page about keeping your pet bunny happy. Keeping your pet bunny happy can involve serving her favorite foods, providing toys and activity opportunities, and just spending time with her.

Super cute orange rabbit laying on tummy on white background

May 19, 2016

This is a page about mother rabbit harming babies. Understanding the normal and stressed behaviors of rabbits is important to prevent the accidental or intentional harm to infant bunnies by their mother.

Very young baby bunny cupped by human hands

May 19, 2016

This page is about caring for a pet rabbit and her babies. Being aware of what is normal behavior for a mama doe will help you know if you need to help her care for her babies.

Brown mother rabbit and her babies

May 19, 2016

This page is about keeping bunnies cool. Making sure your rabbits are kept at a comfortable temperature is important for maintaining their health.

Bunny laying on an orange water bottle (presumably a cool one)

May 19, 2016

This is a page about feeding a pet rabbit. Choosing the right foods for your bunny is an important part of keeping your pet healthy and happy.

Black, Brown, and White rabbit in wooden hutch eating out of a bright orange pot

May 19, 2016

This is a page about treating rabbit hairballs. Rabbits, like cats can develop hairballs as a result of their grooming habits.

Very fluffy young grey and white lion head bunny.

June 1, 2015

I got some young rabbits about 8 weeks ago. I have them in an outdoor cage. They keep dying on me and I can't understand why. They have clean fresh water two to three times a day, I have pallets in there for them all the time and I have being give them timothy hay.

Can someone please help me I don't want any more to die? What am I doing wrong for them to die on me?


June 2, 20150 found this helpful

We have successfully raised rabbits for over many years now, but I am not a vet.

There may be several reasons for your problem. Firstly, they may have been sickly when you got them.


Second, where is their "cage" located? Is it covered? Is it shaded? Rabbits can die very quickly if left in the sun on a warm day. Is it protected from strong prevailing winds? Is it on the ground or up on legs?

A rabbit hutch should be off the ground, and fenced off so that predators cannot come near it. We've had rabbits that were actually "scared to death" when a neighbors big dog got too close.

Rabbits need fresh water every day, and twice a day in the hot part of the summer. Also, what kind of pellets are you feeding? You might consider changing brands.

The hay also may be suspect, as now you have to be VERY careful to get hay that has not been sprayed with, or received the overspray of pesticides. Also, never feed rabbits yard grass or weeds that have ever been sprayed with any sort of chemicals. Their little bodies are very sensitive.

Lastly, many people don't realize this, but domestic rabbits really don't need lettuce, and it's not good for them. If you feed them fruit peels they should be organic.


A vet is a good idea,...and if you decide to take them to one, while you have them out clean their "cage" thoroughly with white vinegar and a good rinse. Make sure they have a clean hardwood board to rest on, roughly twice the size of the rabbit.

These are all the ideas I have - hope something helps.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
June 3, 20150 found this helpful

Timothy hay would not be an adequate diet for them. Find a feed store and get rabbit chow.

July 16, 20150 found this helpful

There are three basic things for a happy and healthy rabbit ,
1. The climate : they can tolerate cool climate a bit ,but can heat so try to use some straw mats to cover the cage and spay some water regularly on the mats so that climate will be cool cover two adjusent sides and leave the other two free so that they they can get some ventilation


2. Food: rabbits will not have any hard work to do as they don't even make sounds regularly,so low calary food is good for them,and while grooming them self's they will swallow so much of hair so they need to intake maximum fiberrich food like grass ,hay, etc don't give them too much of fruit ,and veggies should be fresh as wild rabbits can adjust but our buddies can't
3. This is important ; our love they are social animal you can know it from their behavior in free times them will groom others and kissing them whispering with others ,so you have to spend some time with them nourishing them talking with them they may not understand our language but defiantly they can understand that ,my buddy is telling me some thing he always used to share something with me,he loves me so much ,that is enough ,happy life will be a healthy life for sure,

4. Don't let strange animals to come nearby as rabbits have a sensitive heart they can die if they see a predator close to they as they are in a cage,if they free like wild rabbits they can run away ,so don't let some ugly creature to visit our buddy I don't have a photo of my rabbit as they never gave me a chance to take a pic they will try to play every time when I am home
I hope it will help you,see ya

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March 10, 2015

He's a lovely little white ball of fur who keeps hopping around the backyard and house all the time. He has deep red eyes which contrast very well with his white fur.

A white rabbit on a dirt background.

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