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Finding A Stuffed Teddy?

Finding A Stuffed Teddy?My girlfriend and I made a joke that I cant propose until I find this teddy! This is the one she already has and it used to be white. It has no label on it and it has a pouch on the back for a microwave thing. Please help me.


Finding a Plushie?

Finding a Plushie?The stuffed animal I have had since I was two years old and I am trying so hard to find one to buy that is brand new. I found a stock photo of it but there's no link to show where I can buy it and it is the only photo that I can find of the bunny, please help I would like to buy one for Christmas


Stuffed Animal Identification?

Stuffed Animal Identification?Hello, I've had this stuffed animal since I was a baby he is really deteriorated throughout the years and it isn't until recently that I located a photo of what he used to look like. He doesn't have any tags but I would really like to know where he is from please help!


Identifying a Stuffed Animal?

Identifying a Stuffed Animal?Hi! I've been trying for years on and off to search for the make of my little plushie :( I've had him since I was a baby so about 20 years ago and I've struggled to find something like him. I think a key characteristic is his eyes as they aren't beads or buttons like most. He is quite floppy and sounds like he maybe has beads or something similar inside? He's maybe around roughly 8 or 9 inches or so from top to bottom.


A stuffed elephant.

Stuffed Animal Identification?I need help finding this stuffed elephant I got when I was a kid, it's maybe from 2010. It doesn't have any tags on it anymore. I really just want to find a replica of it. Thank you


Information About Stuffed Dog?

Information About Stuffed Dog?I made this account to find where my baby plush vanilla came from! I got her from my godmother when I was really little and she came with a brother I named him chocolate but my sister lost him long ago so it's just me and her now. I really want to find what she looked like before the years of love all I know is that she may have came from the jewelry store my GM worked at and that she came with a chocolate dog with a bow on his neck. That's all, she doesn't have any tags anymore. If anyone recognizes her, please reply!! Thank you all so much :)


Identifying Stuffed Bear?

Identifying Stuffed Bear?Can anyone help me identify this bear. There were no tags on him.


Information About Toy Cat?

Information About Toy Cat?I found this guy at a thrift shop and want to know who made him and how old is he. He has no tag, I assume the old owners cut it off because there is a little spot at his butt where there is a little fabric shown. His eyes are blue and I think he has a battery pack in his chest.


Identifying Childhood Stuffed Cow?

Identifying Childhood Stuffed Cow?Hi all! I'm looking to see if anyone can help me identify my gold and white stuffed childhood cow! I'm pretty darn sure I got her around 2007-10 ish from Tractor Supply Co. She has no tags, and I'd potentially be interested in buying a duplicate in case anyone has any leads to something like that. Thank you all in advance, I wish I had more information but I just don't!


Identifying 80s-90s Plush Toy Rabbit?

Identifying 80s-90s Plush Toy Rabbit?Help me solve a 30 year old mystery. My best friend has been searching for this particular rabbit toy from her childhood for 30 years. I am trying to help her with identifying what this rabbit might be and where to find it. I've created a photoshop mock-up of the characteristics she remembers it having. It was a yellow rabbit with a torso/mid section about the size of a soft ball. It was purchased in 1990 in a 'hospital giftshop' according to her father who is the person that originally purchased it. But memory is hazey after so long. It was purchased on the East coast, United States. It may be from the 80s, given how early into the 90s it was. Similar looking toys come up under names like "Russ" many times while searching online, but I'm not entirely sure that's the brand name.


Identifying a Childhood Toy?

Identifying a Childhood Toy?Hi all. I would appreciate if anyone can help me identify this stuffed animal. This 19 year old stuffed animal was purchased from Hawaii. I am trying to find the company who manufactured this bear teddy bear.


Identifying Childhood Toy?

Identifying Childhood Toy?This teddy is my childhood teddy, she's about 19 years old. The label I think is metro soft toys. I was hoping someone might recognise her and be able to help me find the original and what she is supposed to look like. This is the best place I thought to ask. Thank you so much.


Finding A Childhood Teddy?

Finding A Childhood Teddy?I had lost my childhood teddy. He has coiled fur or curly fur. He was a kinda larger teddy. He did have a mouth and I believe he had toe marks I can't remember. He had a tag on his butt area but the name completely wore off.


Identifying Teddy Bears?

Identifying Teddy Bears?I recently bought four bears from an auction and am trying to identify them. I think I have worked out the bunny rabbit (Charlie Bear), however, the other three are mysteries. Two of them are tagged with a enamel badge (an orange bear wearing a strawberry hat), and the other one is a mer-bear, has no legs, just a mermaid tale that swivels at the waist.


Identifying Plush Toy?

Identifying Plush Toy?Hi! I'm trying to identify a childhood plush's brand. This plush used to have a little voice box that played a music box version of zip a dee do dah. I got it in 2007 so it could be from that year or sometime before. Can anyone help?



Identifying a Stuffed Giraffe?

Identifying a Stuffed Giraffe?I've had this stuffed giraffe for as long as I can remember. I got him sometime between the year 2004 and 2007 but no one is really sure when exactly. I named him Goofray and brought him everywhere with me. Lately it's been bothering me though that I have no idea where he came from. No one knows where I got him from but he is in many pictures with me as a kid. I looked though all of my baby books and nothing says where he came from. I've never seen another stuffed animal like this and reverse Google searching did nothing.


Help Me Find My Childhood Stuffed Animal?

Help Me Find My Childhood Stuffed Animal?I drew this because I no longer have it but this is really close. It is a gray plush cat with long arms, sewn eyes and nose, has lighter gray areas on face and maybe feet but I'm not sure about the feet. The feet are also ovalish like in the pictures. It's stuffed with stuffing mainly but has beans in the feet, and paws connected to the arms. Pink nose and inner ears., this is the best I could do.


A stuffed brown and white dog.

Identifying Stuffed Dog?I got this dog in late May or early June (according to pictorial records) of 2007 at a World Market in Northern California if memory serves. It has a small button in its front left leg that, when pressed, starts a sound box in the torso that makes the dog bark. I've heard the bark come from other stuffed dogs, so it's not unique to this one. I don't remember exactly what is sounded like anymore though. The tags have long frayed since got it, so I'm not sure how to find it. It's about 8 inches long, the pictures describe it better than I could haha. Let me know if you know anything, I would love to find the company that made the dog and maybe even see if I can get the voice box fixed.


A worn stuffed monkey.

Identifying Plush Animal Monkey?Dear all, I am trying to find the identity / name / maker of this plush monkey toy. It was purchased by my mother in the 1980s, and was purchased in Korea.


A stuffed animal in purple pajamas.

Help Identifying This Stuffed Animal?This stuffed animal was bought between the years of 2004-2010 at the latest. It used to be holding a pillow and had a floppy hat, and it has a button on it's hand that would make it snore if you pressed it, although all of these features are now gone/don't work. It has a zipper on the back where the battery pack is held inside the toy. I believe I remember either the hand or the pillow having some sort of embroidered logo or word on it, but i'm not 100% sure about that.


A stuffed Sonic the Hedgehog.

Help Identifying This Plushie?The plushie in the picture is Sonic. Can you identify him? I tried to search online, but no results. His tag has nothing on it. I need somebody to identify him and find out what plushie he is. I love my cute plushie named Sonic, and I want to find what he is. He is no longer manufactured in any country, state, county, city, town, and/or province in the world (not anymore).


Identifying a Vintage Toy?This was given to my husband in 1986 and he has passed it on to our daughter. She sadly teethed on its snout and has a leather patch nose now. I haven't been able to find the same puppy anywhere. Its eyes are round not grumpy like in the picture. Not much fuzz left on this guy. The puppy is from Alberta Canada or possibly Hungary. Unsure who gave him the puppy in 1986. If anyone knows a brand or anything, it would be super helpful to us to refurbish the one we have.


A tag on a plush bunny toy.

Identifying a Plush Maker?So my girlfriend has had this plush for her entire life. My dog got a hold of it and now I must find an image of the original so I can get it restored. Please help me. I know I'll be able to find it once I figure out what this says. For reference, it's a 9 inch long bunny


An old stuffed animal.

Identifying a Stuffed Animal?My friend recently lost her most treasured stuff animal which was given to her years ago by her deceased mother. She slept with it every night and since it's been gone she feels down when the night comes. I want to buy her a new one and hope it makes her happy. From what i know it's a baby goat i think, has a sheer brown bow on the neck. Please help me find this stuffed animal!


A teddy bear wearing a striped outfit.

Information on Teddy Bear?Hello can anyone help me find a similar teddy to this bought in Ireland in 1982/83 thank you


A stuffed Boxer dog toy.

Identifying My Childhood Teddy?My mother recently got rid of my childhood teddy after moving away for two years, and I'm devastated. I would really like for someone to help me identify what it's called so I can order another one! She was bought for me the very same day I was born and I've had her for 20 years.


Looking for my Moosey Plush?

Looking For My Moosey Plush?Looking for a replacement for a moose plush I had as a child.


An old stuffed teddy bear.

How Old Is This Teddy?Just want to find out more about this teddy.


A stuffed dog.

Identifying A Childhood Plush?I have this small stuffed puppy that I've had since I was younger and I was just curious about what toy company he was manufactured in or what brand he is. I remember he had tags on him but I cut them off when I was younger and I really wish I didn't!


A stuffed fish toy.

Identifying a Stuffed Fish Toy?My boyfriend bought this fish toy at a vintage shop, and found it in the baby section of the store. It was sitting in one of those toy baskets.



A monkey stuffed toy.

Identifying A Stuffed Animal?I have had this monkey stuffed animal for ever and I want to find more information on him. I have looked everywhere and can't find anything. He has a voice box. Anyone have any information on him?


An old plush bunny.

Identifying Bunny Plush?Can anyone help me identify this bunny? I was gifted her on Easter when I was pretty young. I believe I was 2 or 3. I'm 21 now, so that was anywhere between 17-20 years ago.


An old stuffed bear.

Identifying A Childhood Bear?I was wondering if anybody could help me find the original version of my baby. He was bought in the UK 2006. He was a girl and had pink fluffy fur, I assume he had a tag underneath his tail but it's gone now, he has little white beads in his arms and feet, he has white stuffing, he has pink paw prints on his feet, he has a small tail and ears, his nose is round and hard, the eyes are black beads. If anybody could help find him it would mean the world to me.


A mouse toy stuffed with beans.

Identifying Antique Bean Bag Mouse Toy?Has anyone seen anything like this bean bag stuffed animal mouse toy before? I have never let it out of my sight since I was a baby and would love to know what it is. I am 50 years old so it is at least that old.


A brown teddy bear.

Identifying A Teddy Bear?I was hoping you could help me identify my son's teddy bear. He was bought at a second hand store 8 years ago and he is my son's best friend. I promised my son I would try to find information on him but I can't find him anywhere. He has no tags, the only similar teddy bears I can find are from the 1940's but I can't find him. He has mohair fur and brown glass eyes. I'm pretty sure but not positive he has velvet pads on feet and mouth, only there are no pads on his hands. He can sit on his own. Any information would be highly appreciated.


A drawing of a panda bear toy.

Please Help Find Lost Childhood Plush?When I was around 6 years old, my late granddad gave me a stuffed panda. I cherished that panda and it was the only thing I had left of him. For personal reasons, this panda is no longer in my possession. For the past 5 years since I lost this plush, I have been restless. It is 4 in the morning and I haven't slept. I know this panda is irreplaceable, but nothing in the entire world could make me happier than seeing this plush just one more time, even if it's just a photo. I need closure. I remember the basic look of the panda, so I drew it digitally in the picture above. It is the most I remember of the panda and the best reference I can give. I remember it having plastic, oval shaped eyes. I also know that it is probably really old, and that it had an earth symbol in the middle. I don't know for sure if the earth was in color, but it's possible. The squiggly lines on the top and bottom of the symbol are the words that I remember being there. If only I could remember what they said, what the company was. Please, can you help find this panda? I have been searching for years but have had no luck. Maybe you will, because this is my last resort. I am hoping against hope that someone out there can help.


A pink teddy bear with a red nose.

What Brand Is My Childhood Teddy Bear?I got this teddy bear as a gift from a stranger at a restaurant around 2003-2005. He won it from a claw machine and gave it to me. The bear is purple and white and his nose used to be a velvety red (which wore down to hard red plastic). The stuffing inside appears to be cotton and is a golden color and there's beans in his butt. No tag, all help is appreciated!!


A brown stuffed horse.

Identifying Old Stuffed Toy?Hi, I need help identifying this horse, if he is? I have had for 20 years, 400mm length and 130mm stomach width. He might be from Australia as we got him from a garage sale. His beans are hard not soft. Appreciate if someone had a look, thanks.


A brown and white stuffed animal.

Help Identifying This Plush?Can anyone help identifying this cow/bull plush? I got it about 14 years ago as a gift from my mom and I was too young to remember where she got it. The tag is no help since it's been worn off completely. He has stitching on his back from an accidental tear a few years ago. He's about 7.5 inches tall, decently soft, and has a few imperfections. He has also lost some stuffing from his injury, so he looks a little thin. I named him Little Cow when I was younger, and I keep him on a shelf in my room so he's safe. If anyone has any sort of idea of where this plush came from, that would be wonderful!


A small stuffed horse.

Identifying Horse Plushie?When I was younger I lost a small horse plush that I was absolutely OBSESSED with. I named him something similar to "Starry" in Czech. I've spent a few years searching for a replica or even just information on what brand he could be related to, but I've never found anything.


A pink stuffed dinosaur.

Identifying A Stuffed Dinosaur?I'm looking up this dragon/dinosaur for my girlfriend. She swears it was made by Barbie, but the tags faded, and has been removed. I think it got torn off, but she's all the time trying to find it and can never find anything about it. She says that you can tell it's Barbie by the make up on the dragon/dinosaurs eyes.


A decorative stuffed bear.

Value of Stuffed Bear?What is this bear worth, can't find it on the web. Any help would be appreciated.


A stuffed monkey toy with a blue shirt.

Identifying a Childhood Toy?Hi, just wondering if anyone can help. I'm looking for the name/brand of this monkey soft toy my niece had as a child (about 15 years ago). I've tried every image as a Google image search and it has only ever returned one similar image but the link didn't work.


A small stuffed dog.

Identifying a Stuffed Animal?I bought this stuffed animal back in 2012/2013 in a Toys R Us located in a mall. I would love to purchase more and buy one for a gift for my friend.


A colorful train with a character riding it.

Identifying An Old Toy?Does anyone recognise this toy?



A toy figurine of a man in red overalls.

Identifying A Toy Figurine?Does anyone recognise this please


A Fisher Price record player with 5 records.

Broken Fisher Price Record Player?I just found this 50 years old in my basement and it doesn't work. The turning knob turns freely. Is it worth anything? How hard is it to repair it?


A stuffed teddy bear.

Identifying Teddy Bear?Please help! Does anyone know what brand this teddy bear is or where I can buy it, I have lost mine that was a very sentimental gift and have no idea where I can get a new one, please any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


The front of a Hello Kitty plush.

Identifying a Hello Kitty Plush?This is a Hello Kitty plush I got at a sketchy thrift store a few months ago. I've never been able to find what kind of plush she is, or if shes even official! I'm asking for any help I can get with recognizing her. She's one of my most favorites in my collection and I'd like to learn her worth, age, etc :)


A small horse stuffed animal.

Identifying a Tiny Horse Plush?I am in a discord, and someone posted a picture of this tiny horse plush they got in a capsule machine. It has no branding, but it looks INCREDIBLY familiar to me. I have tried looking at old happy meal toys, capsule machine toys, and other things like that, but I can't find it. I know this is a certain style of toy, and there are others like it, I just can't quite remember.


A child holding a stuffed bunny.

Locating Childhood Tan Bunny?Hi everyone! I am desperately looking for my childhood bunny. I got him in either 2003 or Easter 2004. He is about 12 inches tall (excluding the ears, which I think used to stand up), tan, and came with a small brown teddy bear sitting in the bunnies lap, wearing a light brown bow. The last picture included is a picture I made showing what he looked most like. His tags wore off a long time ago, and my family has no memory of where they got him. I have spent over 7 hours searching on Google and eBay, I am in desperate need of help.


An old stuffed animal on a couch.

Identifying a Vintage Stuffed Animal?Came across this guy in some old family items. To me, he looks cartoonish. Has anyone ever seen an old stuffed animal like this one or know more information about it?


A stuffed dog wearing brightly colored clothes.

Identifying Vintage Plush?Can anyone identify this old plush please?


A small stuffed bear.

Vintage Stuffed Bear?Hello! I had this when I was a baby, and life got busy so I ended up losing this wonderful friend. I really need help finding this guy again! Can anyone please help me? I've searched and searched and found nothing


The backside of a stuffed animal.

Looking for Stuffed Animal?My friend had this stuffed animal as a child. It was a favorite toy, but it is with his family overseas now, so he is hoping to find another. Tags cut off. If anyone could identify it that would be super helpful.


A stuffed bear.

Identifying the Brand Of A Stuffed Bear?I recently lost this stuffed animal. It had hard eyes and a nose. It had a small tail on its bum. The tag was located near its bum and had something red as the logo. Paws were larger and had stitching to make them more 'realistic'. It was gotten around early 2004 from a local drug store if that helps. It was also made with PVC pellets.


A stuffed dog next to a child.

Identifying Stuffed Animal?I'm looking for this stuffed animal in specific. The stuffed animal is like a dog bear with a bowtie. I got it when I was little. I say between the years of 1995-2000 ish. I have no way to find out who made it because it got shredded to pieces. Any help be awesome


The front of a toy penguin.

Identifying Toy Penguin?Any info on this guy? He is pleather or vinyl or leather. Thank you!


A large pink and white stuffed bunny.

Identifying Pink and White Bunny?I am looking for the maker of this pink and white bunny made in early 2000. Has anyone seen or have this bunny?


A multicolored stuffed bear.

Identifying Brand of Stuffed Bear?Hello! I'm hoping to find the brand of this stuffed animal bear of mine. He's a multicolored bear (pink, orange, yellow, green, blue, and magenta) with a blue snout, magenta paws and inner ears, a yellow mouth and nose, and sparkly yellow eyes. There is a picture of him attached to this post.


A small purple stuffed horse.

Identifying A Stuffed Animal?I need help finding what company made this plushie. I got it in the early 2000's (2004ish) as a birthday present from my mother. I've never seen a plushie like this one, and I've tried everything from a reverse google search to asking other websites. So far no luck.


A green stuffed frog toy.

Identifying A Stuffed Frog?Okay,, so this is Froggy. I've had froggy since about 2004?? its iffy, 04-05 possibly. Froggy was a gift to me from my dad soon after he met me. Froggy and I have been through a lot together and I've always been interested in finding where she came from, her original state, worth, etc. The first 3 photos attached below are of Froggy, taken between 2005 and 2010. The pink dress was handmade and did not come with her originally. The last photo is her current appearance today (07.17.2022).


A stuffed animal resembling a hen.

Early 2000s Stuffed Hen Toy?Hello all! The stuffed hen in the photos above is roughly from anywhere between 2006-2008. It was purchased in the Eastern coastal side of the USA (not sure which state). Any idea what brand, (if not an off-brand), and where I can possibly buy or find a replica or similar?


A brown and white stuffed dog.

Information About Stuffed Dog?I was gifted this dog when I was born 20 years ago and I've been looking all over the internet not being able to identify the brand or even find a picture that matches what he looks like.


A stuffed cat toy.

Identifying Old Cat Plush?I've had this stuffed cat for probably 8-9 years. I want to find what it's called, if it's not discontinued or anything! It has a stuffed head and body, but no stuffing in the arms, legs, and tail, except for beans in the feet. I don't know where it's from but hopefully I can get some help here! :)


A brown and beige stuffed dog.

Identifying Old Stuffed Dog?The image looks a little green but it's actually beige and brown. The missing ear is brown and the same height as the other one. It used to have a tail that was about 2 1/2ish inches long. It's pretty old and I've looked around a lot to try and identify anything but the closest I've come is a Beanie Baby that has the same dog type model and colors.


A Beanie Baby bull stuffed toy.

Value of Snort the Bull Beanie Baby?Looking for a value on this beanie baby.


A stuffed teddy bear.

Identifying a Childhood Toy?When I was about 4 or 5 years old, I had this stuffed animal with light blonde, curly, short fur, whiskers, and a long tail and I was wondering if anyone could help me identify it. I've looked everywhere for something that matched the description, but I can never find an exact match.


A stuffed mouse

Identifying A Stuffed Mouse?I've been looking to see what this brand mouse is from. I've had him since maybe 2008-2010. I still have him but I don't know what the brand is because the tag was ripped off. The tag was below the right leg. I thought he was a beanie baby cause I got him I think when I got the other TY but I could not even find a single photo of it.


A box of playing cards.

Value of ARROWSMITH Playing Cards?Does anyone know the value of an unwrapped box of playing cards from ARROWSMITH tool and manufacturing company. I assume it is from the 1970's. ARROWSMITH was in Los Angeles, CA. Also, where is the best place or website to sell them? Thank you! I have 4 total. 2 red and 2 blue.


A stuffed toy on a bed.

Identifying A Stuffed Toy?I've had this teddy for 16 years and I've never known what he looked like originally. The tag is worn out and I'd love to know what brand he is. Can anyone help?


A front view of a stuffed cat.

Identifying A Stuffed Cat?I just got this kitty from Goodwill, and I'm curious about where he's from, mainly to see what else whoever made him has done, just in case there's any other cute cats I can get :) Thank you! He has no tags on him, sadly.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Asian Bean Bag Baby by Yolanda Bello?I have an Asian bean bag baby by Yolanda Bello. Number on his neck 3888FA. He is approx. 9 inches, wearing a green onesie, bald, tongue partially sticking out of soft smile; left hand clenched shut, right hand fingers spread wide open. Stubby toes, tiny ears, undershirt not removable; snaps shut the onesie inside with little clear buttons seen on the outside.


A stuffed lamb with a bow.

Seeking ID of Stuffed Lamb?Hello all. I am thrilled to have found you! Who knew I was not the only one looking for a long-lost stuffed animal? I was given this lamb--"Lamby", naturally--by my beloved grandmother when I was born, in early 1979. She purchased it either in Salt Lake City, UT or in Oakland, CA.


A whimsical stuffed animal.

Identifying a Stuffed Animal?Hello Everyone. Does anyone know what animal or insect this is? It's a Baby Gund 1992 stuffed plush. What is it worth? Thanks!


A monkey with long arms.

What Brand Is This Monkey?I've been looking for days to find out what brand this monkey toy is and who made him. I would love know where he's from. It's really been hard trying to find out. All help is welcome, thank you in advance.


Value of Vintage Donald Duck Pull Toy?

Value of Vintage Donald Duck Pull Toy?How much is this Donald Duck tin pullback toy with Huey collectible worth


A stuffed toy resembling a fly.

Identifying a Stuffed Bug?I had this when l was a baby (about 25 years ago) l know this a weird toy


A stuffed German Shepherd.

Identifying a Stuffed Toy?Who makes this German shepherd stuffed toy? What's its name? Where can I purchase another one? Thank you!


A small stuffed brown dog.

Identifying a Stuffed Dog?I've had this plush since my mom had gotten it for me some time around/after 2008 and I've been curious about where it's from for a while now. The tag is all worn out from how long I've had it and I've searched everywhere from vague searches such as "little brown dog toy" to typing random brands along with it and haven't seen any remotely close to it. If anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it because of how important this guy is to me.


A stuffed frog missing an eye.

Identify My Old Frog Toy?I've had this toy since around 2004. When I got him, one of his eyes fell out. The other eye got worn down so I repainted it with nail polish. I remember cutting his tag off when I was little and I don't remember what brand he is. My mom told me that she got him from Walmart. I've looked up several brands and the closest I can find is a Kellytoy dog toy, but all the sizes are too small.


A black and cream stuffed kitty.

Identifying a Stuffed Kitty?I've been trying to figure out where my stuffed kitty comes from. I found him at a garage sale in about 2007 and have loved him dearly ever since, so much so that any identifying information has completely worn off his tag.


Finding a Vintage Stuffed Lion?

Finding a Vintage Stuffed Lion?I wasn't sure where to ask for help regarding a stuffed lion I had when I was little. I've tried googling to identify the make of the stuffed lion but nothing so far. I have included the only pictures I have of it. I know the pictures are not good but they are the only ones I have left of him.


A brown and white stuffed dog.

Help Identifying a Thrifted Stuffed Dog?This is Tim. I'm a 24 year old who has been obsessed with him ever since I got him at a Salvation Army 4 and a half years ago in upstate New York. He has absolutely no tags. No tears from where a tag was cut off. He has a few beans in his tummy and bottoms of his feet. His nose is cloth. He has floppy ears that are sewed down on the ends with white thread.


An old stuffed lion.

Help Identifying Stuffed Lion Toy?I am looking for help identifying where this stuffed lion may have been from originally. It was bought in 2002 or 2003 in Canada. My parents said they bought it from Roots, but I couldn't find anything that looks like it from Roots on eBay or the like.


A stuffed dog toy.

Help Finding This Stuffed Animal?Has anyone ever seen this stuffed dog? I got it as a young child and had lost it during a move a couple years ago . He use to be fluffy but I washed him,he supposed to have a plaid red and black burret/hat on but it fell off. I do still have the hat. If anyone can help me with finding another or the name of the stuffed animal that would be great.


A stuffed bear.

Identifying Brand of Childhood Teddy Bear?I come here asking what brand my childhood bear 'teddy' is. From what I have gathered he was sold rather at Walmart or Target and was sold swaddled in a blanket. There are no tags on him and his color has faded from what I assume to be his original color pink. (My parents re-dyed him pink occasionally when I was a kid)


An orange stuffed toy.

Identifying a Stuffed Toy?Someone gave this plush to my cousin a couple days ago and I'm literally in love with this little guy. For obvious reasons, I can't take away the plush from my cousin so I want to buy one for my myself.


A stuffed horse toy.

Identifying a Stuffed Toy?I had this plush toy when I was little and ended up tearing off the tag. It's a tiny horse with a pink diamond stitched on it. I believe this same company has a jaguar and mouse too. Does anyone possibly reconize this company. It was around in early 2000s.


A stuffed red elephant.

Where Is This Stuffed Animal From?If anyone knows where this red elephant was made from, could you please let me know. I have no idea, it was a gift from my grandma. As a child I took off the name tag so I don't know what company or who made it or where it's from. I think the animal is stuffed with beads or pellets. I don't know the specific term but it looks like a small white bead. The fabric feels smooth and soft. I tried to explain as best as I could about what the elephant is made of, so maybe it could help too.


A small stuffed rabbit toy.

Is This An Original Velveteen Rabbit?Is this an original Velveteen Rabbit?


A stuffed monkey wearing striped overalls.

Identifying A Stuffed Toy?I found this guy today and am obsessed with learning his story! There are no maker's marks or tags. Just the name Susan P Elliot written on the back of his leg by his foot.


A plush lamb toy.

Value of Plush Lamb?This plush lamb was my first stuffed animal given to me from my maternal grandfather on my birthday. I was born on March 2, 1982, so I'm sure it was made somewhere near that date. The tag says it was a Well Made Toy MFG Corp item and it does have main lic # 67 PENN Reg #194 MASS lic # T134 OHIO lic #4193.


A small brown stuffed bunny.

Help Finding Childhood Rabbit?I am trying to finding all information regarding this bunny.


A small stuffed cat.

Identifying Stuffed Animal?Hey guys, I'm looking to buy a duplicate of my old stuffed animal but I can't find him online for the life of me. He has yellow and orange stripes of kind of rough fur. I can't remember if it was always sort of rough or not though. His nose and the bottom of his feet are white. His tail is flat, but again I can't remember if it was always flat or not. We got him around 2002-2003. Thank you!


A stuffed bunny with a striped shirt.

Identifying A Stuffed Bunny?Found this adorably ugly bunny. I thought it'd be an antique, but I'm unsure of what the little bit of tag I have says.. Any help at all greatly appreciated!


A small stuffed dog on a blanket.

Identifying A Stuffed Animal?I'm trying to identify this stuffed animal. I'm hoping to find one in better condition for my husband's upcoming birthday. The tag says Herman Pecker & Co, New York, NY made in Japan. General Google search doesn't come up with anything, and nothing on eBay. Help!


A grey stuffed elephant.

Identifying A Stuffed Elephant?Hello, I am wondering if anyone has ever seen my elephant or know where and who made it? I know he is a least 61 years old. Any help or direction would be most appreciated. Thank you, Craig


A white stuffed animal.

Identifying a Stuffed Animal?Me and my boyfriend picked this guy up at a thrift store, mainly because he looked like a moomin. I have done extensive research and I can't figure out for the life of me what company made him, or what he's supposed to be. My best guess is that he's a reindeer, considering the holiday tag and antlers. The tag also says he's from 1998 but it's written in so it could be incorrect. Any info is appreciated :) Thank you


A stuffed elephant toy.

Identifying Plush Stuffed Elephant?Hi, I was hoping to find the brand of this plush elephant. It came with a scarf but during the years it got lost. I got when I was born 30 years ago so 1991. I'm located in Europe, don't know if that is any help.


A stuffed Winnie the Pooh.

What Year Is This Winnie the Pooh?Can anyone tell me what year this Winnie the Pooh is? He does not have any tags, he has Disney Exclusive on the bottom of his foot.


Can Someone Identify This Stuffed Animal?I' have had this toy since I was a baby and it was given to my by my mum. She said she bought it in Kmart in Australia during the 1990's. The toy is experiencing some wear and tear which makes me upset since it has a lot of sentimental value to me. The tags brand has worn off because of its age. Can someone please help me identify the brand so I could somehow find another one of these?


A child holding a stuffed toy.

Looking for Hippopotamus Fluffy Toy?This is hippo, my favorite childhood toy and memory. I lost it when I was a child and never recover from it. I hope someone can help me find one just like him or as similar as possible.


A collection of stuffed reindeer.

Finding Dan-Dee's Santa's Reindeer?Hello again, Thrifty Fun users! I am in need of assistance once again! I know Christmas is over as of now but I was wondering where I could find this rare plush set of Santa's reindeer, made by the popular collectors brand, Dan-Dee. Here is some details about this rare set if anyone's wondering.


A small stuffed horse.

Looking for a Stuffed Pig Toy?So my sisters and I received these stuffed animals as small children in the very early 90's. Each had a plaid bow tie. One received a mouse, the other a horse, and I got the pig. I LOVED that pig and had him until I was 21 but a friend's parent threw him away when I lived with them by mistake. My sister still has the horse - when we were young she cut his hair off and removed the tag so I have nothing to go by :( I just want to find Mr Pig again. I have pictures of the horse in hopes that he's somewhat recognizable!


A stuffed toy lying on the ground.

Identifying a Stuffed Animal?This stuffed toy was given to me when I was little and according to my mother, it was bought around the year 2003 at a store named 'Isetan', located in a shopping mall in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. There is a print of a name on the shirt of the toy but I can't seem to decipher it correctly, as what I have searched online brought me no results.


The "Dance with Me" tag on the stuffed toy.

Information About "Dance With Me" Stuffed Toy?I bought him for $.50 at a yard sale. I thought he was super unique. I've never seen a toy like this before I looked him up and I found dance with me dolls but none like him. The man said he was from the 50s or so he doesn't remember exactly when they got him.


A small stuffed brown and white dog.

Brand of Stuffed Dog?I was gifted this plush puppy when I was maybe 2 years old, so she's about 18 years old. I love her dearly, but I'm curious as to how she looked before. I'd also like to look for genuine replacements for her eyes and nose, seeing as the originals are lost to time. Her stuffing is a mix of beads and fluff, and either she had no tags or they are also lost to time. She was most likely bought in the SC/NC area.


An old stuffed bear in a boy's arms.

Finding A Vintage Stuffed Toy?Where can I find this particular stuffed animal. It's vintage and I don't know about it except that it was sentimental to my brother and he lost it as a kid. I'm trying to get him another one.


The two headed bunny showing both heads.

Topsy Turvy Stuffed Rabbit?This is a childhood stuffed animal. It's a stuffed rabbit with a white face on one end and a black face in the other. I know it's 30 + years old but I have no idea if it was mass produced or was a one off as I cannot find any manufacturer markings or tags and could be older than 30. I would love to find out more about it's origins or if anyone has any information on the style, as I have never seen anything similar to it. Any help would be appreciated. I'm not anticipating it having any financial value but would like to have some knowledge other than it's a two headed bunny!


A stuffed animal with the background turned black.

Help Identifying an Old Plush?Hello there, this is a plush I had when I was little and I'd really really love some help identifying him. I remember they came in all different colours, they were a sort of gerbil or chinchilla type animal and they had little plastic hands and feet. They had no tail, some of them had whiskers and mouse like ears. They also had beaded eyes that were black.


A black stuffed horse with blue eyes.

Blue Eyed Plush Horse?Desperately looking for this horse. Does anyone know where to find one? It must have blue eyes


A stuffed teddy bear wearing a red dress.

Information About Plushie?So, I make clay face plushies. and I saw this beautiful lady who I named Juliet. I was wondering where she came from and what brand she is. There is no tag on her. I could only think maybe she was homemade, But I am not sure though. I have no idea if she was made within the USA or outside of the USA. Or, made in someone's home. She has a gold mesh piece on top of her head with a bunch of clumped together white mesh.


An old stuffed dog.

Identifying Stuffed Animal?Can anyone identify this stuffed animal, like maybe the name or brand of it? I've had it for 17 years and I want to get a new one but I can't find them anywhere. I don't know if they've been discontinued or not.


A colorful stuffed dinosaur.

Identifying A Stuffed Dinosaur?I'm trying to identify/find this dinosaur! I want to say the year here was about 1992/1993.


A baby doll wearing a diaper.

Help Identifying Black Baby Doll?I have this black baby doll that is I believe is made of composition, but I'm not positive. The arms and legs are held together with rubber bands. The hair, eyes, red fingernails, and facial features are all painted. The diaper/underwear is hand-sewn. There are no markings anywhere that I can find. Can anyone help me in identifying the year, and possibly the maker and any other information about him. I am interested in selling him and would like to know where the best avenue would be to sell him.


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Value of Vintage Cabbage Patch Kid?I have a Cabbage Patch Kid doll from 1976-1982. It's a vintage collectors blue eyed bald baby doll with birth certificate, very rare. How much is it worth?


A goat stuffed animal.

Help Identifying Standing Goat PlushHey guys! So I found this awesome Goat at the thrift store, and he needs a little TLC. Especially his poor little beard, have mercy, this goat looks like he's got a Rooster's wattle right now.


An old velveteen rabbit.

Identifying an Old Velvet Bunny?Bought this guy off of eBay (that's where I got these images), and I was wondering if anyone recognized him. I'm wondering who made him and how old he is. I think he's a velveteen rabbit from sometime in the 1900s.


A small brown and white stuffed dog.

Looking for Another One of These Dogs?This is my dog from 2007, i believe this is from Asda in England in the Nottingham area, i wish to find another one of these dogs, I have searched for ever on eBay, Amazon and other websites with no luck, have you seen this dog?


A stuffed black bear.

Information About Stuffed Bear?This bear stands on its back legs and have two straps on front paws. Trying to find what it is.


An old stuffed kangaroo.

Identifying Stuffed Red/Orange Kangaroo?Can anyone please identify this stuffed kangaroo? I'm told it used to have a Joey and whiskers that were black. Any information would be appreciated. This is at least from the 1950s, if not earlier. It's close to a Dakin but the ones I've seen are not as it has been described.


A baseball toy with Hank Aaron's signature.

Hank Aaron Autograph on His Toy?This was a baseball we found in my father-in-law's estate. He lived in Atlanta for years and his 3 sons were born there. My husband has no memory of the toy. The package looks like it was opened for the autograph. The ball, toy and autograph look absolutely new. I could not find any info on the toy. I could use some help trying to figure out value of autograph on the toy. Thank you!


A small stuffed dog.

Identifying This Stuffed Animal?My stuffed dog has been with me for over 40 years. I received him for Easter in 1975 or 76. I have tried doing reverse image searches and I still can't find out who made him. There are similar stuffed animals made by Dakin, but he has several features that make him dissimilar.


A small stuffed dog toy.

Would Anyone Know This Plush Brand?I've had this little guy for many years now. He's a small golden retriever plush, unknown brand. He is very well loved, which may have added a few years onto him. His ears used to be sewn in place, he had a leather loop that kept a brown collar in place, the loop has since been lost. That's all I know of him as long as I've had him.


A brightly colored stuffed toy.

What Is This Stuffed Toy?What is this stuffed animal? It seems so familiar but can't find anything like it on the Rainbow Brite pics.


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