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Make Your Own Non-Slip Pet DishesTo keep your plastic pet food bowls from sliding all over the floor, glue some old canning jar rubber rings to the bottom of them!


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Listerine Itch Spray for DogsDoes your dog itch and make their skin so raw? Well, our little Stubby was and it was just horrible until we mixed the following. Put this into a spray bottle and spray. In a couple of days, you should see a lot of difference.



Crickets as PetsCatch a cricket outside, look on the internet to find what they look like if you don't know. Find one of any size that only has two hairy protrusions in the back. This is a male.


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The 411 on Little AnimalsHere are my experiences of the little fuzzy wuzzies people usually give children for Christmas, and how to avoid making a mistake this year.


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Make Your Pets Bath Water Do Double DutyWhen bathing your pets, do it outside on the lawn or near plants that need watering.


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Pet Bed from Paper BoxTurn a cardboard box (the kind that reams of copy paper come in) into a bed for a small pet by cutting an entrance and lining it with a blanket.


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Disposing of Unused Pet FoodIf you were to buy a brand of pet food that your pet won't eat for whatever reason. Don't toss it out in the trash, look in your phonebook to see if your city/town has a no kill animal shelter. Take it there.


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Animal Feed at Day Old Bread StoreHere is such a money saver you need people to share with! If you go to a day old bread store and ask if they have any "Animal Feed" racks of bread for sale.


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Benefits from Animal SheltersLots of animal shelters and humane societies offer special programs like discounted spay/neuter programs and sometimes even a pet food program as well. Some even help with vaccinations.


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Soothing Tip for Teething PuppiesPut peanut butter in a washcloth, wrap it up, and tie the ends. Put it under the tap until damp and freeze it. Your dog will love it, and it will soothe his pain. This can be done with broth too.


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Saving Money on Litter for Small AnimalsIf you're like me, you want the best for your pets. Since conventional pine and cedar litters are not good for the health of your hamster, gerbil, mouse, rat, etc.


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Pit Bulls - What did you expect?I am surprised to see three requests in the first three pages of topics about the nature of pit bulls. Dog lovers, be aware, pit bulls are bred to fight. So if you are seeing agressive behavior or biting, this is natural for them.


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Growing Wheat Grass for Your PetsFor those of you that have pets that like to graze on grass, buying it is expensive. You can go to the health food store and get a pound of wheat berries for about 50 cents and plant your own.


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Keep Pets Out When PaintingRecently my friend and her hubby were painting almost every room in their house. She didn't not noticed any pets in the room. She turned around to find her kitty about to jump, she tried to keep him from jumping, but by then the cat was in mid-air and landed in the paint tray


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Be Kind to Your AnimalsThis winter, don't forget to be kind to your animals. They need fresh water and food and shelter just as much in the cold weather just as much as they do in the hot weather.



Changing Dog Food

Changing Your Dog's FoodMy dog recently got over severe diarrhea and vomiting. She spent 2 nights in a very good animal hospital in Springfield, MA. The doctor did numerous tests but found no answers.


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Caution with Bird Seed, Bird Droppings and DogsFor anyone who may not know this, dogs can have seizures if they ingest house birds' seed or feces. We learned this the hard way. My sister was temporarily living with us, and she had a bird.


Hypoallergenic Pets - Bichon Frise

Hypoallergenic PetsWhen my brother and I were little, we developed some pretty severe allergies, including allergies to animal dander. Forced to give up the family dog, we asked our allergist if we could ever have another pet.


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Hide the Popcorn Game for DogsHere is a game you can play with your dogs. This will help them from getting bored and also keep them mentally sharp. Hide popcorn, or small treats in a room and then let the dogs find them. My dogs love this game.


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Removing Dog Hair from ClothingTo remove dog hair from your clothes, put lotion on your hands and run your hands over your clothes. The hair will come right off.


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Getting Pets to Swallow PillsDo you find it difficult to get your cat or dog to swallow a pill when they need to take medication? Put a small amount of butter or margarine on the pill.


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Getting Your Pet to Pose for a PictureIf you are trying to get your pet to pose for a good picture:


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Heating Pad for AnimalsIf you're needing to keep a small animal warm, but you find a heating pad for humans to be too hot, simply fill a glass bottle with warm water.


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Tips for Restless PetsHere's a tip for your restless pet. If it's nap or night time, and your pet won't sleep or rest quietly...


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Choosing a VeterinarianWhen you are choosing a veterinarian, ask friends and family in your area if they have a vet they would recommend. It's important to find a vet that is good with both people and animals; someone who is willing to take time to answer any questions that you may have.


puppy sleeping with slipper

Pets Feeling Safe While You Are AwayMany of us go away for the holidays and have to board our pets. For dogs and cats, I suggest bringing along something you have had on your body.


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Stop Your Dog From ChewingHere is my tip for today. If your dog or puppy is chewing your home or your shoes for that matter anything, up, try some all natural clove oil.


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Cheap Cat CollarsCat collars, on the cheap! Use plain elastic! Tie it. The beauty of a piece of elastic is that it won't choke a cat and works as an expandable "breakway" collar.


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Keeping Pet Water Cool In Hot WeatherI freeze two plastic cups 8 oz. or 16 oz. for my dog's water bowl for cool water all day long. Every night, I fix the cups so they freeze by the next day.


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Deworm Your KittensIf you decide to get a new kitten, either now or in the near future, please make sure you have the new baby dewormed.



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Coffee Cup For Cat WaterI keep an old coffee cup in the bathroom for my cat's drinking bowl. It's super easy to keep filled with clean water and he loves drinking out of a "people cup."


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Inexpensive Dog CoatMy elderly dog was getting cold and shivery on her daily walk-abouts in the back yard. I looked at dog sweaters, but she's a good-sized dog and they were $30! I went to the Salvation Army store, picked up a kid's sized fleece zip-up vest.


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Music for Pets with Separation AnxietyA friend had picked up this new CD that's out, made just for pet separation anxiety. She said it calmed her dog significantly - plus, she said she really liked the instrumental music as well. It's called 'Mood Music for Dogs' (And Dog Lovers) 'Gone for a Walk'.


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Use Old Socks as Stuffing for a Pet BedOur cat loves to sleep on something that we use or have used. We had a bunch of odd socks and holey socks from years gone by. Originally I was going to make sock puppets but had a better idea.


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Use a Dryer Sheet For an Emergency Pet BathIf you are expecting people over and, about 5 minutes before they arrive, you notice that your dog or cat is not the best it has ever smelled. So what do you do when there is not enough time for a bath, take a dryer sheet and rub it all over your dog or cat.


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Engrave "Reward" On Your Dog's ID TagIn addition to my dog's name and our cell phone numbers, I have the ID tag engraved with the word "REWARD." If perchance my dogs ever went missing, a finder will be more inclined to contact me and less tempted to keep my super-cute dog for themselves.


Roll around tote of pet info and supplies.

Storing Pet Info and SuppliesMy dogs' information and emergency supplies are conveniently "stashed" in a crate I purchased on sale for $10. I have stored my pets' info in handy, colorful binders for easy access (one binder for each dog).


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Use a Pet Crate as a FootrestWe recently adopted a puppy and have a wire frame crate for him to sleep in. In order to accommodate this in our small den, I covered the top of the crate with two small pillows and topped them with a crochet throw.


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Use a Marshmallow for Dog MedicationIf you have a difficult time getting your dog to take pills of any kind, the easiest way I have found is to stick the pill or pills in a large marshmallow. They greedily take the marshmallow where they might not a pill.


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Cure for a Flat Dog or Cat BedDo you have a dog or cat bed that's flattened out. Here's what I did to put a little life back in it. I bought some polyfill from the store and restuffed the bed. Most of the newer beds have zippers so you can do this.


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Feed Your Pet in the CarrierTo acclimate your cat or dog to its carrier and so they'll have something good associated with it, feed them in their carrier. That way, it will not only be easier to take them to the vet, but if there's ever an emergency, it won't be hard to get them in it.


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Organize Pet Food With Recycled Plastic ContainersI keep all big plastic containers and clean them out to keep my doggie treats and dog food handy and in a cool dry place.


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Removing Pet Hair with Dishwashing GlovesTo remove pet hair, use a plastic gloves from the dollar store, 10 pair for $1.00. Place one glove on your hand. Sweep the area with the glove. Hair will all ball up and be easy to pick up. Reuse the glove as many times as you need to.


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Refill Plastic Tubs for Pet Food and LitterI am a cat owner with a neat freak boyfriend who prefers that I keep the cat food in those big plastic tubs that you can buy them in, but those cost more money.


Chihuahua wearing an orange flower headdress.

Go Orange for Animals In AprilThis April, the ASPCA will kick-off Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month on April 7th for it's "Go Orange for Animals" Campaign. This is to bring attention to animals that are being abused and neglected all across the country.



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Pet Care in Hot WeatherI was watching the Dog Whisperer and he said if a dog gets overheated in the summer, the best way to cool him off is get them to stand in water up to their bellies. Dogs will cool off faster this way rather than spraying them with water on their backs.


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Solar Lights to Help Older Dogs SeeOver the years, we have been blessed with many dogs that have achieved old age. As they did, their vision was often compromised because of cataracts or macular degeneration.


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Use Shop Vac to Clean a Small Animal CageDo you have small animals (hamsters, guinea pigs) and find it hard to clean their cages? I use my shop vac to do the job. Just remember to take the animal out first! Shop vac the bedding, wipe out with a cloth, and add in fresh bedding.


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Professional Pet PhotosI think one of the most worthwhile expenses is getting a professional photo done of a pet. I had a professional photo done of my doxie when she was 5 years old, it has been invaluable since her passing.


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Protecting Window Sills from Pet ScratchesGo to a hardware store and purchase plastic stair protectors. Turn the protectors upside down with the little plastic tips are sticking up, and place on window sill.


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Spray Cooking Oil for Removing Sap on Dog PawsI have used butter in the past, but decided to try spray cooking oil. It is less of a mess. Just spray on the paws and wipe off with a paper towel. Not only less mess but less licking :)


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Keeping Pets Out of CupboardsMy cat knows where the food is kept and is always trying to get inside. If it weren't for the child-locks left on the cupboards by the previous owner, he'd weigh double what he does! It's like watching a toddler, he gets into everything.


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Emergency Cards to Help Locate People and PetsMost of us practice fire drills with our family members periodically to make sure everyone knows how to get out of a burning home, and where to meet. But what about your pets? They don't understand the idea that you are trying to teach.


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Review: Pet Supplies from Pet EdgeI found a great company to order pet supplies from. It's name is Pet Edge. It is located in Woburn, MA. It also has an outlet store there. Things can also be ordered online. Check out their prices, it's amazing!


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Keep Copy of Your Dog LicenseDog licenses can come loose and get lost, if your dog is as active as ours, as evidenced by the few I have come across at our favorite dog park. Make copies of your dog's license and the paperwork that came with it.


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Fostering A Rescued DogI see, that once again, I have a foster baby. His name is Elrod. He is is an adorable, incredibly intelligent three month old Pibble. which is short for Pit Bull mix.


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Convert Belt Into A Dog CollarA good way to recycle old belts is to turn them into dog collars. Measure your dog's neck, then add 3-4 inches to the measurement. Cut the belt to the appropriate length, rounding the end. Make new holes using an awl and a hammer.


Raise Cats and Dogs Together - tabby colored cat lying next to splat dog

Raise Cats and Dogs TogetherRaise or have a cat and dog together. Cats outlive dogs and will get you through the trauma of losing your dog, and you will become even closer to your cat friend for real. Jethro Tull outlived my Collie bud of 14 years.


Homemade pet carrier made from a plastic tub.

Make Your Own Pet CarrierI get exhausted trying to get my cats into the pet carrier when it is time to go to the vet or getting a picture taken with Santa, etc. It would be easier if I had a larger carrier, but they are expensive.


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Allow Dog to "Shred" DocumentsWe had 2 problems. We have never been able to break our 10 year-old dog of her habit of tearing through the garbage whenever we leave the house. Also, although more of a nuisance than a problem, we never seem to find the time to shred our sensitive mail.


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Use Goody Bags for Dog Clean UpI like to use those little colorful bags for goodies at parties instead of those expensive rolls of pet pick-up bags. The party bags are thicker, much more colorful and come, with ties a lot of the time.


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Use Cooking Oil to Remove Sticky Residue Off FurI had a mouse in the house and placed the sticky tray traps where it was invading. Even though I thought I'd placed them out of the reach of my dogs, my Lhasa got into one and it stuck to her fur. What a mess!


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Take Pets With You On ErrandsGet into the habit of taking your pet with you when you know that you are going to places that you can take your pets. They are great company to have ride along and it acclimates your feathered, furred, or scaly friend to riding in the car before they have to go to the vet.


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Use Liquid Soap to Remove TicksApply a glob of liquid soap to a cotton ball and cover the tick with the soap-soaked cotton ball. Let it stay on the repulsive insect for one minute, after which the tick will come out on it's own.


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Mark Pet Tags With Name and NumberYou can save money and effort by purchasing a tag for your dogs or cats that go outside. If your dog (or cat) gets out of your yard, having a tag with your own name and number will allow anyone who finds your pet to call you directly.


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Cardboard For Easy Pet CleanupI have another use for cardboard, if you have a sick dog that throws up in the house or a person who does not make it to the bathroom, cardboard is a a good scraper. I take a piece of cardboard, tear it in half so that I have two pieces, then scrape.


girl with kittens

Line Litter Box with Parchment PaperWe have 2 very young kittens. Rocky and Rosie are 6 weeks old now. They are really good at using their litter box already. Because there are two tiny kittens running around, the chore must be done very quickly.


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Use Towel to Introduce New Pet's SmellIntroducing a new pet such as a dog or cat to a family with other animals can be stressful for pets and family. The main reason that pets don't like each other at first, is the strange smell of the new pet.


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Cover Pet Dishes With Press And SealKeep pet dishes clean without the mess, I love this idea that we stumbled onto with two finicky kitties! Use a sufficient (usually small) piece of "Glad Press n' Seal", or another clear wrap with one sticky side, to line your pet dishes.


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Use Old Linens for PetsDon't forget to save old sweaters and soft towels for pet beds or shelter outside.


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Hot Water Bottle for PetsWhen you know your cat or dog is ready to sleep for awhile, place a rubber hot water bottle under the bedding, but close enough so they feel the heat. I use these myself sometimes during the day and definitely at night.


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Put Electric Blanket Under Pet BedI have a great way of keeping my dogs' bed warm. I have an electric "throw" blanket. I got mine at Walmart, and have seen them at Target and K-Mart too, even Big Lots. I put it on the floor underneath my dogs' bed and turn it on low.


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Talk to Your PetsSpending five minutes talking to your pet daily will improve any relationship, if it is soft talking and eye contact is involved. You would be amazed how long five minutes actually is. You will have to time it at first. It will make your pet much happier.


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Use Foam Mattress Pad for a Pet BedI made a bed for my Basset Hound from a memory foam mattress topper that I didn't need anymore. I cut it into a rectangle, then I cut an old sheet to fit and sewed the sheet around three sides leaving one side open.


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Pet Beds From Old RugsI make pet beds for rescues and an easy way to make some is to collect 'shaggy' rugs like bathroom rugs, cut a piece of sturdy fabric the same size and zig-zag stitch it to the back of the rug.


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Pets and Maintenance People In the HomeI have two things I do when strangers or maintenance people come into my home. Putting my dogs and cat in the bedroom is one of them. The other is I have a large dog cage that I keep in the living room.


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Newspaper Bags For Dog Clean UpOur daily newspapers and pennysavers are delivered in long, narrow plastic bags. I tie a couple of these to my dog's leash handle, so I always have one when needed.


kitten next to German Shepherd

Introducing a New Kitten to Your DogI have never had a problem introducing a new pet, because I have always used the following method. This is whether I am introducing a new kitten or a new puppy to my established pets.


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Keep A Spare Leash In The CarI keep 2 sets for each of them. Each one (collar and leash) has the pet's name on it. I keep one set in the house in my coat closet in a small bin up on the shelf. The other set goes in the car.


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Keeping Pets CoolThis tip works for both dogs and cats, although cats aren't as happy about it. When the temps rise as they have this summer, keep some wet bandanas in the freezer. When the temps start to soar, tie one around the neck of your pet.


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Giving Medication To PetsGiving pills or meds to pets is so very easy if you just use the right method. I take the pill and a bite-size piece of their favorite people food. People food is always a special treat for pets since they only very rarely get it.


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Keeping Pets Warm in WinterWe have 2 dogs and 2 small birds. During the winter at night we don't heat the whole house. We have an electric blanket on our bed and our dogs have an electric blanket under their bed with a blanket on top, too.


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Large and Small Pets in the Same HomeAlthough it's really cute to watch, people do need to realize that dogs have a funny mind-set. Chihuahuas and all other small breeds don't know they are small! They will go after the largest of "friends or foes" as if they were just as big.


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Protect Electrical Cords With Rubber HosesUse rubber hose according to size and amount of cords you are trying to keep from getting chewed by animals. This will protect your cords also when moving, from nicks that may occur. Just mark with fingernail polish what the cord is for.


Black and tan tabby cat.

Beware Wild Animals Looking For Winter HomesIt's fall and opossums are heading your way. Do not provide winter housing for them. The young are cute, but right behind come the parents.


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Use Granite Footstone for MarkerWhen we bury our dogs, we buy them a granite tombstone from the funeral home. They are the footstones, that are used at the foot of graves. We have our pet's name engraved on it.


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Use Bitter Apple Spray To Deter CatsTwo adult cats (2 and 13) own me and I also foster kittens from the Wisconsin Humane Society, so I am always aware of the problem. Two years ago, at Christmas, a kitten we had just adopted bit on an electrical cord from the Christmas tree.


Black and brown dog on pink towel.

Calming Strategy For Dogs During the HolidaysIt is simple. When the dog comes up to you for petting or for attention, talk to them softly. Do what your normally do, which is to love them and tell them how good they are.


Smoke Detectors and Family PetsI recently had an experience with my dogs that I will never, ever forget and need to share what I learned with other dog owners for their dogs and other inside pets they may have.


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Using Velcro to Secure Items to Furniture or Hard SurfacesI found that by attaching small precut Velcro patches to the bottoms of just about anything, lamps, candleholders, etc. no matter how crazy the cats get, the objects stay in place.


Cat porch with screen protection.

Keeping Cats from Scratching ScreensThe screened in sun porch is our four inside-only kitties favorite place. On their first visit, each one had to check out the view which was just over their heads. As their claws stuck in the plastic screening causing small tears, I wondered how I would ever keep them from escaping thru torn screens.


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Book Review: The Other End of the Leash (McDonnell)"The Other End of the Leash: Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs" by Patricia B McConnell, PH.D was an excellent book. It explains a lot of what dogs are thinking and how they perceive our behaviors.


A brown dog looking up at the camera.

Three "R's" That Make You and Your Pet HappyRoutines simplify life for both pets and pet owners. From the time you bring a new puppy, dog, kitten, or cat into your home, you should establish a routine for feeding, walking, playing, and quiet time.


Dog lying on an Americana themed quilt.

Music to Soothe Your PetsListening to soothing music is an excellent stress reducer for humans. The same is true with animals. If your dog has anxiety issues when left alone, leaving classical music playing during your absence can reduce your dog's anxiety.


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Resources For Free Pet FoodIn my community, the Animal Welfare League collects donations of pet food and then has monthly distributions to pet owners that need pet food. This is a program that, if it does not exist in your community now, could be started.


Carry Stun Gun On Dog Walks - a dog who was killed in a dog attack.

Carry Stun Gun On Dog WalksLast May, while I was walking my three Dachshunds, I was attacked by a Pit Bull. It knocked me down and then ripped up one of my dogs on top of me. My dog was unable to survive the attack and the Pit Bull had to be put down. I went into therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder.


dog and cat lying nose to nose

Comfort Your Pet When Another Pet DiesI am not an expert in animal emotions. All I know is what I have observed with my pets. Hopefully, the suggestions I have will be helpful to anyone who finds themselves dealing with a pet that is saddened by the death of another pet.


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Making Pet Beds From Mattress Toppers or Crib BumpersTake the crib bumpers and fold and layer them to the size bed you want to make or cut a mattress topper to the size of the pet bed you want to make. I had an old memory foam topper that was cut to make quite a few pet beds.


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Removing Pet Hair from Clothes and UpholsteryUse 2 inch duct tape or masking tape. Either wrap the tape backwards around your hand or lay out a strip 6 to 12 inches and place on what area you want to remove the hair.


package of Rescue Remedy spray

Bach Rescue Remedy Spray for Anxious PetsI received the spray today from drsfostersmith. It is a small bottle, it cost me 20 dollars or so with shipping included. It has made Bruno, my dog, relax during a storm and he acts so much better.


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Easy Way to Give Your Dog a PillOne of my dogs takes a daily medication, and both are on flea and heartworm preventatives. Every time it was a struggle to get them to take their medicine until my husband had an idea. We insert the pills in a small piece of leftover or inexpensive cooked ground meat or tinned meat product.


Bag of Red Lake DE.

Pet Uses for Food Grade Diatomaceous EarthI wanted to share what the DE looks like that you use in your pets area, and on their food, etc. I don't use t a lot, but when I do I try not to breathe it in.


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