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Use T-Shirts as Car Seat CoversWith several dogs in and out of my car several times a week, I needed something to protect the front seats from their rubbing fur and other stuff onto the upholstery. Seat covers were absurdly expensive so I now use the cheapest t-shirts I can find or use old ones.


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Make Dog Toys Taste BetterKeeps your dog busy happy and quiet chewing on his tennis ball. Even dogs who don't ever play with tennis balls will like that ball for a while. Great to teach your pet how to fetch!


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Preventing Puppies From ChewingI have learned the hard way how to protect my house and its contents from the sharp puppy teeth. While our children can be reasoned with, puppies only understand that they need to chew. This may be difficult for some but it was what saved my household's shoes, clothes and walls.


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Fix for Frozen Dog LeashesI keep hand sanitizer 80% alcohol by my door spray the clasp and my dog is good to go, it's a quick fix cause they gotta go!


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Stop Dog from Eating PoopMy dog has always found feces to be a delicacy and I have been unable to stop her from doing this. You can buy supplements in pet stores that supposedly address this issue, but I've never tried them. I started giving my dog turmeric powder as an anti-inflammatory for her joint issues, and discovered after a week or two on this, she wasn't interested in the poop. I don't know if this is just a coincidence or not, but it's worth a try. Turmeric powder can be purchased at grocery stores, health food stores, but the cheapest place to buy it is in an ethnic grocery store (Indian, Asian, etc). Check with your vet or for dosage amounts based on body weight.


A yoga mat piece lining the inside of a dog crate.

Prevent Blanket Slippage in Dog CratesIf you line your pet's crate with blankets, throws, or towels and find they constantly slide around on the slippery plastic tray that comes with the crate, I have an inexpensive solution. I found an old exercise/yoga mat that I was no longer using, which I cut with scissors to fit the crate's plastic tray. Since my dog is small, I still have enough of the mat left to cut two more pieces, which I can trade out when one needs to be cleaned.


Dog Potty Clean Up Station - old wooden box used for poop bag dispenser outside

Dog Potty Clean Up StationI found this wood box at the thrift store and then it set in my garage for 2 years. I knew one day it would come to mind what to use it fo. I am not sure what it was, maybe a box to hold a candle, it has a door that swings open and a hole in one end.


A toy for a horse or a dog.

Durable Toys for Large and Medium Breed DogsIf you have ever wondered what a really durable toy for a dog is, look no further. The most durable toy I have ever seen, is actually a horse toy, but dogs play with them too.


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Training Your Dog to Wear a Top KnotFor a long time I tried everything I could think of to get my little female Yorkie to wear a top knot, but she had other ideas. Finally I stumbled across the perfect recipe for us. I hope this helps you fix the top knot troubles of your little drama queen or king.


A bottle of coconut oil and a toothbrush.

Coconut Oil for Dog's ToothbrushingOkay it's been said that taking care of your dog's teeth can extend your little furry friends life for a couple years! Now taking your dog to the vet is never cheap especially taking them to get their teeth cleaned. Surprisingly it is such an essential that it can cost up to 200+ dollars, it can be quite a hassle! But here is a way you can clean their teeth at home.


Raw Ginger with Peanut Butter for Dogs - brown dog

Raw Ginger with Peanut Butter for DogsA little slice of ginger, with peanut butter on it, can help dogs tolerate car rides.


Dog Potty Spot Made from Sod Squares - sod in a pool

Dog Potty Spot Made from Sod SquaresWe live in Florida and half of the year we are prepping for hurricanes and my dog may have to stay in for hours or even days during bad weather. I went to my local garden center purchased a couple of pieces of fresh sod(yes you can buy pcs! About $2.50 each) I put the sod in a cheap plastic kiddie pool on my back porch and voila! Outside potty inside!


A hesitant dog concerned with the small gap between a boat and the dock.

DIY Doggie "Bridge"Our family got our first dog last summer. Sierra is a 2 year old mixed breed and has been a wonderful addition to our family. We live on Lake Norman and enjoy going out on our pontoon boat whenever possible. We were so excited to take Sierra on her first boat ride.


Loratadine for Itching Dogs

Loratadine for Itching DogsBruno, my 80 pound Rottie mix was getting open sores from biting and itching, especially around his back and tail. The vet always said it was fleas.


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Use Patience When Training a DogNever yell or strike your animal (lightly also counts as abuse). It is never okay to hit or strike an animal with force. Some redirection is fine and small little taps on the body are OK, but never the head.



A bottle of conditioning spray for dogs.

Conditioning Spray for Tangle-Free DogsWe have shitzu puppies, and their hair is a lot of work to keep away the knots. We have to brush their fur everyday. I keep a bottle with 1 tablespoon of conditioner and a cap full of vinegar mixed with water. Shake well, spray on their fur and brush. It keeps knots out and makes the coat shiny.


A frozen water bottle in a pet's water bowl.

Keep Pet's Water Bowl CoolHere is a way to keep your pet's water bowls nice and cool for hours in the shade, especially during the summer months. Freeze clean plastic bottles and place inside the water bowl.


Cookie Pan as Indoor Dog Relief Station - pan with newspaper inside

Cookie Pan as Indoor Dog Relief StationHere is a way to train your dog to relieve themselves if necessary indoors. My 14 yr. old Chihuahua named Pickles learned right away. He would use it when he could not walk far anymore. Simply get a large cookie pan that has a high enough edge to hold urine, etc. This one is 21 inches x 15 inches.


A colorful inflated beach ball.

Inflatable Beach Ball Enrichment Activity for DogsRecently, we had a warm day here in Eastern Tennessee, and I decided to do a spring fun activity with my two dogs. They love sharing time with me in the yard, so I bought a beach ball and inflated it.


Cocker Spaniels Make Great Family Pets

Cocker Spaniels Make Great Family PetsAs a profound animal lover of all kinds, a lot of my pet experiences haven't always been the best. My greatest accomplishment was when I found the most well behaved, sociable, Cocker Spaniel puppy! I've had my dog, Beauty, for 4 yrs. Now. My 6 year old son is super over active and can be a lite rough with Beauty.


unstuffed dog toy after sewing

Make Your Own Unstuffed Dog ToysMy dogs like to play with toys, and yet they like to pull out the stuffing even more. As a result I have started to make their own unstuffed dog toys. I took an old fleece pajama pant and cut a good size off of the leg part.


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Cut Porcupine Quills Before RemovingIf you ever have the bad luck to remove porcupine quills from your dog (or yourself), don't just rip the quills out. The barb will cause more damage going out than going in. If you snip off the quill, the hollow walls will collapse, allowing you to remove the barbed quill with less damage.


Use Tarp to Keep Snowy Grass Clear

Use Tarp to Keep Snowy Grass ClearHere is a solution for dogs that won't pee outside in snow? Grab a tarp from your local hardware store. Place it on ground before it snows, close to the door you let your dog outside.


dog howling

How To Answer "What Breed Is Your Dog?"With so many people asking "What breed is my dog?" on here I thought I'd share a cute, quick answer that anyone can use, any time someone asks what breeds are in your mutt, or "what kind of dog is that?"


A row of water bottles to keep pets out.

Water Bottle BarricadeI had to come up with something to prevent my two small dogs from being in the room while I mop or cook. You can see that my water bottle barricade is made of 1 gallon water bottles.


A cute Cocker Spaniel

Itchy Dog RemediesMy Cocker Spaniel baby has been struggling with allergies and itchy skin for several years and it has been an uphill battle. Here are some of the things that have been helpful to her.


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Make Dog Toys from Mystery SocksUse your old socks to make dog toys. Buy some squeakers, you can buy them in bulk online. I found them on Amazon. Roll one in some socks to make a small ball. Stuff that in a long one and tie one or two knots in it. It lasts longer than all those toys. Squeakers are optional, but the dogs like the hanging parts that flip around.


dog curled up on bed

Lint Roller for SheddingMy short haired dog likes being "petted" with a lint roller. Since she likes to sleep in the middle of my bed, I wear less of her hair.


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Handle Your Puppy's Foot Pads EarlyAs soon as you bring your puppy home, start playing with their pads. Using your fingers, touch and rub the pads of each paw. Do this daily and your pup will become accustomed to you handling their paws, making the future years of nail-clipping much easier.


Mason and Mario in House

Re-training a Dog with Separation AnxietyMy dog had severe separation anxiety when we adopted him. His loving owner doted on him until the husband broke his hip, was taken away by medics in an ambulance and had to move into a nursing home that would not take large dogs.



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Safe-Guard Equine Paste for Dog WormsI looked and looked for alternative to treat my rescues for tapeworms and somewhere I came across a rec to use Safeguard for horses, then it took forever to get thru that advice. It worked way better than the expensive pills at the vet.


Pots and bowls with ingredients.

Make Dog Food at HomeI just wanted to share a recipe that I use for my five month old Shih Tzu puppies, Cooper and Bentley.


sketch of finished water bucket

Pet Drinking BucketsSome pets live outdoors so they need a water supply. The idea I came up with is a reasonable idea and takes less labour to keep water good.


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Back Scratcher for My DogI have a Border Collier mix dog - Danny. He is an indoor/outdoor farm dog. I need to brush him a lot in the spring while he sheds and then throughout the year for pleasure. Danny is now 13 yrs old with arthritis and brushing can be painful to him. I had to find a way I could "brush" him without causing pain.


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Clear Eyes for Pet Tear Stain RemovalUse Clear Eyes, yes, the eye drops for humans. They have seven (I think) different formulations. Any of them will work. Place a couple of drops on the stain, gently scrub with a soft toothbrush. Leave it on for at least ten minutes then rinse and dry.


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De-Skunking Your DogWe live in a rural area and our dog gets "skunked" at least once a year. This is how I have learned to handle it. I developed this method through trial and error, and unfortunately lots of practice.


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Training Dog to Go OutsidePut a leash on the dog and it goes everywhere you do in the house. Be sure to feed it once daily only and monitor when it drinks. Be sure to get it outside before an hour has passed. Because the dog is constantly with you it may or may not try to use the carpet, but a sharp yank on the leash will give the dog a clear message that it's not supposed to do that. When you take the dog outside allow it to run and play with it. The movement will stimulate it to relieve itself outside.


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Set Up A Wading Pool for the DogsWe keep ours full of water outside for our two dogs. They can have plenty to drink and even get in if they want to stay cool :)


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DIY and Product Remedies for Dog's Itchy SkinI had a Golden Retriever who developed welts and hotspots from flea bites and had a Labrador Retriever who had skin dermatitis. The following are some tips for you to try that have helped us (once you've eliminated mange, or other bacterial skin issues with your vet):


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Converting a Baby Buggy Into a Pet BuggyOne possible idea is to remove all the fabric from an old twin baby buggy, except for the canopy. Leave that in place for rain protection. I'm considering attaching a 'hammock' of very strong material such as canvas, from the handle of the chassis to the metal bar at the footrest.


Red Bone Coon Hound Breed Information - closeup of the hound

Red Bone Coon Hound Breed InformationThe Red Bone Coonhound is a lean, muscular breed. They have very thick pads on their paws which are also webbed, making them very good swimmers. Their long ears are floppy and reach almost to the tip of their nose. Their sleek short coat does not require a lot of grooming, a weekly brushing generally will suffice.


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Stop Brown Spots On GrassFeed your dogs a carefully researched raw food diet. I have four female dogs and a beautiful lawn. Their urine does not scorch my lawn because they are not fed kibble.


Weight Loss to Treat Doggy Gas

Weight Loss to Treat Doggy GasI had a terrible experience with my male Boston Terrier and his stinky constant gas explosions and diarrhea. I changed his food constantly which did not solve the problem. I took him to his vet and he was found to be overweight.


walk standing on rocks

Positive Reinforcement for Dog TrainingWhen teaching a dog to "come" by saying "come" or calling their name always praise them or give them a treat and make a big deal when they come to you. This will encourage them to always come when called. Be sure to never call your dog to you, then scold them for anything.


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Healthy Icy Pet TreatsIf you have some small ramekins or little cups, you can make some healthy treats for your pet. Fill the cups with leftovers - add a little water and then freeze. It will provide a nice icy treat for your pet and will allow them to enjoy the challenge of getting it out of the container.



Reinforcing Proper Potty Spot for Your Puppy  - puppy with rolls of TP

Reinforcing Proper Potty Spot for Your PuppyAccording to the Humane Society if your puppy has an accident while being house trained, take the rags or paper towels you used to clean up the area and place them in her defined elimination spot outdoors.


Tennis ball in dog food dish.

Place Tennis Ball in Dog FoodLarge dogs tend to eat their food too fast and inhale air which causes gas. By placing a tennis ball in the bowl, they must eat slower. This reduces the amount of gas your dogs will have.


6 month old Pekingese dog.

Facts About the Pekingese BreedThe Pekingese, named for the ancient city of Peking, is one of the oldest dog breeds. The breed originated in Western China and owes its existence to the Lamaist form of Buddhism, in which the lion was an exalted religious symbol.



Facts About the Shiba Inu BreedThe Shiba Inu dog breed originally hailed from Japan, and still remains the most popular breed in that country today. They were originally bred to flush out small game, hunt birds, and occasionally wild boar.


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Zymox Otic With Hyrdrocortizone for Dog's Ear InfectionI have a friend on Facebook who has a German Shepherd with an ear infection that keeps coming back regardless of antibiotic use. She told me she was ordering some meds. I told her to tell me how they worked so I could share here on this site.


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Newspaper Bags for Doggie Poop BagsRecycle newspaper rain bags to pick up and dispose of doggie poop when walking your dog.


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Use Cloves for Skunk Smell on DogBoil a handful of whole cloves in large pot of water. Let water cool. Pour on dog and let dry by itself. This is the "only" thing that has ever worked for me and I have tried everything over the years.


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Hide Dog Treat Under Jar LidPut a dog treat under a jar lid and put it on the floor with the dog watching. It works a treat, just keep something handy for rescuing the lid from under the freezer, etc.


Mexico's Dog: The Xoloitzcuintli - dark skinned Xolo

Mexico's Dog: The XoloitzcuintliXoloitzcuintli is often called the unpronounceable breed of dog. Pronounced "'sho-low-eats-queent-li'", this breed is known as much for being hairless as it is for its hard-to-pronounce name.


A Golden Retriever

A Dog's Estrus Cycle (Heat)The canine estrus cycle is divided into four stages: proestrus, estrus, diestrus, and anestrus. The period during the cycle when a female dog is capable of getting pregnant usually only lasts from 18 to 21 days.


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Protect Floors with Dog DiapersAs we all know, dogs will keep going back to the places they smell their scent. Even if we can not smell it, they can. My little Yorkie ruined our carpet, which we are pulling up and replacing with hardwood.


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Skinny Dogs Should Be Checked for EPIYou should have any skinny GSD, Doberman Pinscher, Labrador Retriever, or other breed known to be born with EPI checked to make sure their pancreatic acid is working.


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Grooming Difficult DogsMy Shiba has always been difficult to bathe. She hates water. As a puppy, I would hold a Buda bone between my knees for her to chew while I brushed her. It made grooming 1000 times easier. As an adult, I reward her with her favorite goody after brushing.


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Lavender Scented Oil For FliesI heard a lot of home remedies about how to keep flies from biting your dog's ears. I put lavender scented baby oil and the flies are not bothering them.


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Non Toxic Tick Repellent for DogsI found this tick repellent which someone posted on Facebook. I am going to try the pet repellent formula which is as follows, and I might make a few changes.


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Dog Training TipsI learned from one of my classes on dog training, that I was doing two things wrong.


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Giving Medicine to DogsMy vet told me to start giving my dogs regular pumpkin for the fiber. I give it to them in the evening meal. At the same time, I give medications. Some of the medications I have to get very tricky with to get them to take it.


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Keeping Dogs From Chewing on the FurnitureI've had success by 'painting' the spots where the puppy would chew with hot pepper sauce (the really hot kind). Obviously you would use the smooth sauce, nothing chunky or sweet hot!


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How to Treat a Small Cut on Your DogGeneral First Aid for Cuts on Dogs Less than 1/2 inch in Diameter


Eraser to Pick Up Fur

Eraser to Pick Up FurI am waiting on getting my hound glove for Bruno's coat. I remembered that pencil erasers, the square kind, tend to pick up hair. I was hoping that it might help some of his hair come out.


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Supplement Dog Food With VeggiesI have two tiny dogs that were not eating well, so I cooked up pumpkin, sweet potato, and white potato. Once cooked I mashed it and added 1/2 of a boiled skinless chicken breast which I had chopped very finely. I stirred t all together.


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Dog Diapers That Stay OnI have been a big fan of belly bands for our Chihuahuas (they are the worst markers!). I buy them from


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Ice Cream For CaninesOur dog would constantly go after any ice cream left on the picnic table during summer and then whine if he couldn't get any. The problem is that dogs are lactose intolerant.


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White Gums Can Signal Health Issues for PuppyIf someone gives you a puppy, check him out first. Generally puppies are healthy, but recently a puppy was given to my grandson. It was a cute pup, but not very active and slept all through the first night.


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Helping Puppies to be CalmerIf a pup gets the idea that the minute it makes eye contact with you that you are going to reach down and play and pet it, it will get into the habit of jumping to your face each time it sees you.


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Storing Homemade Pet TreatsLet your homemade treats dry on a cookie sheet at least 72 hours before storing. A coffee can with a screw lid is ideal. If the treats aren't dry enough they will mold.


Dogs on porch.

Storms and Fearful DogsI have a very fearful adult Catahoula mix named Bruno. He is such an unusual dog. He is severely afraid of thunderstorms.


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Preventing Dogs From Peeing In The HouseHas anyone considered taking the dog outside in the backyard or on a lead every two or three hours in the street/park? Also make 4 pm their last meal of the day.


Lab lying on dog bed in closet.

Creative Dog BedMy dogs follow me all day long and I was constantly falling over them in my home office. I removed the closet doors and layed down 2 old couch cushions and covered them with comforters that I bought at a Thrift Store. It sleeps 2 dogs very comfortably and I have a lot more room to move around.


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Good Skillet Meal For PetMy dog was out of his dog food so I fried up some ground beef and ground chicken. After washing and draining it in a colander to get some of the grease off, I put it back in the skillet and added turnip greens, cooked rice, and a squirt of Worcestershire sauce.


dog poop bags

Cheap Doggie Poop BagsAt the Dollar Tree store I buy the diaper disposal bags. They are $1.00 for 75 pink bags in the infant section. Their pet dept. has the same bags in gray at $1.00 for 50 bags.


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Giving Medication to PetsI take hot dogs or sausage and cut them into bite sizes for my Wirehair Terrier. When she was a puppy, I gave her those as treats when she was learning new tricks.


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Couch Cushions for Dog BedsI have 6 dogs and 2 require replacing their beds as they have an air conditioned part of my carport and go outside on their own. I simply find old couches that are put out for the trash and if they are clean and don't have wool covers I pick them up and voila! new beds.


Pill in Canned Food

Canned Food "Pill Pocket"Our dog is pretty tricky to give pills to. The last time that she needed to be given pills she also happened to be on a prescription canned food. The canned food that she was given was very solid in texture so it could be sliced into chucks with a butter knife.


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Paper Training a PuppyI don't train my dogs to use an actual litter tray, but instead teach them to use a pad of newspaper. It is just as effective for small dogs who mainly live inside as it is for a larger dog who might be housebound or "caught short" when inside.


Dutchess, a German Shepard mix, after a bath

Bathe a Dog with Tea Tree Oil and DawnI have been giving baths to my husband's German Shepherd mix dog, and I use the Tea Tree and Dawn mixed with water to bathe her with. She no longer has the tumors or warts she had on her back, above her tail at the end of her spine.


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Plastic Bags for Pet WasteI save the plastic bags that you put your fruits and vegetables into, at the grocery store veggie department, and just any small plastic bags that I can in contact with to use as poop scooper bags when I am out walking my dogs.


What Not to Do With Dominant Dogs and Puppies - puppies play biting

What Not to Do With Dominant Dogs and PuppiesI have noticed a lot of questions on here about puppy biting. That is not dominance. That is just continuation of litter behavior.


Berry basket for pet toys.

"Berry" Simple Storage For Pet ToysI have found a berry basket, the kind that strawberries are often sold in, to be a very convenient way to store pet toys. I keep a basket filled with toys on the floor so that my dogs can take out whatever toy they want.


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Feed Dogs Green BeansI learned a year or so ago that many overweight dogs will eat green beans. Substituting generous amounts of them in your dog's bowl for higher-calorie ingredients is a way to fill him/her up without adding fat.


Parmesan Cheese Container

Parmesan Cheese Container Dog ToyI put small bits of food in a Parmesan cheese container for our dog. Older dogs are unable to chew it up, but can get hours of enjoyment trying to get the treat out.


hand holding a pill in front of a dog

Tips For Giving a Dog a PillDogs have always been a part of my life. Having pets means that it's likely you will have to give them a pill sometime throughout their lifetime. Generally, the dogs I've had have been pretty cooperative when I give them a pill.


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Using a Suitcase for a Pet BedOnce while packing for a trip, my dog got into the soft-sided suitcase and fell asleep. After I got back from the trip, I noticed that the zipper had broken so I went ahead and cut the top off and added a cotton-covered foam mattress.


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Saving Money on Piddle PadsWe buy incontinence pads at Sam's Club for piddle pads. They are about $20 something for 120 pads.


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Towels As Homemade Piddle PadsPurchase a roll of plastic carpet runner. You can find 5 foot rolls at KMart, Walmart or most hardware and home improvement stores. Be sure you purchase the runner that has the "gripping teeth" on the underside of it to help it remain secure on the flooring.


Doberman Pincher wearing shirt in car

Shirt to Contain Dog FurI have two short haired dogs; one is a Doberman and one is a Min Pin/Pug mix. They are easy to groom, but all dogs shed. I found that putting my dogs in children's sweatshirts in the house really keeps the hair situation manageable.


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Use Your Dog Crate as a ShelfA large dog, a large dog crate, and a small house can be a challenging combination. That was the dilemma I faced a few years ago. The solution I came up with turned out to be quite beneficial.


Reuse Stuffed Animals As Dog Toys - terrier with a stuffed bear

Reuse Stuffed Animals As Dog ToysMy poodle "Fluffy" (now passed on) taught me that she loved "babies". She found a dirty little teddy bear and would not part with it. I got it away from her when she went to sleep and washed and dried it and put it back in bed with her.


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Attach Dog Toy to DoorwayMy dog loves a light stuffed toy hanging from a doorway on a length of elastic at a length that requires her to leap at to snatch at and grab. Then the toy is snapped away by the elastic when she lets go! She loves it, and so do I. It gives her exercise and we never get bored.


Use a Crib Mattress As Dog Bed

Crib Mattress As Dog BedIf you're tired of having to replace your large dog's bed and spending a lot of money, I suggest you buy a baby crib mattress and a plastic zippered mattress cover. Put a crib sheet over it and you're set, clean up is a breeze and you'll never need another dog bed.


Use Stuffed Animals As Dog Toys - a dog holding a stuffed animal in his mouth.

Use Stuffed Animals As Dog ToysI have two very playful dogs and two energetic cats who love to play with toys. In the past, I found myself spending a lot of money on toys to only have then destroyed a few minutes after giving them to my girls.


Jack Russell pulling a toy wagon of balls

Homemade Dog Toy IdeasAny pet owner knows that making toys from worn out clothing or repurposing various items around the house is an inexpensive way to create some interesting dog toys. However, in some cases, that idea is not ideal.


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Tea Tree Shampoo for Dogs with Yeasty Skin BuildupI have a German Shepherd that has to have baths due to a yeast situation on her coat, etc. I have to get her bathed and have it be efficient. I have tried bathing by putting shampoo on a dry coat. That never works. The next time, here is what I did. Keep in mind this recipe is for dogs:


pink leash

Hanging Dog LeashesIn a home with multiple dogs, there are several ways to keep dog leashes organized and readily available when you need them.


training a Shepherd puppy

Be Consistent With the New Puppy's RulesThe time to start training your new puppy is on the day it joins your family. Don't expect perfection. Puppies have accidents. They forget the rules at times and sometimes, their curiosity causes trouble for them in areas where rules haven't been established.


Start Grooming Puppies Early - French Bull Dog Puppy in wash tub with grooming supplies and kitten

Start Grooming Puppies EarlyYou can make life easier for you and your new puppy if you start early with basic care giving and grooming. When you first get your puppy, begin slowly introducing it to the various grooming procedures it can expect to experience regularly throughout its life. You could start by softly brushing its hair as it sleeps in your lap.


A small aging dog in a basket.

Caring for Your Aging DogAging dogs need some special considerations to keep them happy and comfortable. These are just a few tips that I have found helped improve the quality of life for my aging pets.


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