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dawn for fleas

Dawn Dish Soap For FleasMany pet owners consider using Dawn dish soap as an inexpensive shampoo for fleas. Dawn's formula has changed over the years. Most versions include a warning to avoid mixing with bleach, which is a sign that there has been ammonia added to boost the cleaning power.


Giving Pets Vinegar for Fleas

Giving Pets Vinegar for FleasVinegar is know for its health benefits for humans, and may deter fleas from your pets. This is a page about giving pets vinegar for fleas.


Cat with fleas scratching

Homemade Flea Spray RecipeThis is a page about homemade flea spray recipe. Using household products you can make an effective flea spray.


Dog Getting Bath

Using Dawn for Fleas on DogsDawn dish detergent is a well known solution for controlling fleas on dogs. Bathe your pet in water and Dawn to kill fleas. Use a flea comb to remove stragglers and eggs. This is a page about using Dawn for fleas on dogs.


Dog scratching behind your ears.

Keeping Fleas off DogsFleas can be a terrible problem for you and your pets. There are a few approaches that pet owners use to keep fleas off of their dogs. Many use commercial topical products, others recommend herbs, such as sage. Flea collars are less popular. Check with your vet before using one; there are prescription collars available. This is a page about keeping fleas off dogs.


Man sitting on a plastic covered sofa with his dog, surrounded by boxes.

Preventing Fleas from Moving With You?Flea infestations can move with you on pets and as the result of eggs that are taken to your new home. Treat pets and bedding, etc. before the move. This is a page about preventing fleas from moving with you.


A dog biting at his fleas.

Using Olive Oil for FleasOlive oil is a great natural flea remedy. It is a great flea treatment for cats and small dogs. Learn more about olive oil for fleas in this page.


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Do Fleas Jump Off of Pets After Treatment?When a pet is given the first dose of Advantage or Revolution, do the fleas jump off the pet and into the environment? Or do the fleas die from the chemicals?


A cat scratching fleas.

Herbal Remedies for Fleas?Many people want to avoid chemical flea treatments on their pets. Some homemade herbal treatments can be effective in deterring fleas. Here are some natural remedies for cats and dogs.


Cat closing eyes as it gets a bath.

Preventing a Flea Infestation from a New Cat?Making sure your new pet is flea free is the best way to prevent their introducing fleas into your house. Failing in that this guide contains some advice for preventing a flea infestation from a new cat.


Hand on fur with remedy from fleas and ticks,

Advantix Caused an Allergic Reaction?This is a page about Advantix causing an allergic reaction. While affective in combating fleas, the chemicals in topical flea treatments can cause mild to severe allergic reactions in pets. It is important to monitor your pet after application and you should contact your vet if you notice any concerning symptoms.


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Using Dawn for Fleas on CatsMany pet owners use Dawn to bathe their pets when fighting fleas. While this method does work, it may leave your pet's skin quite dry. If you have concerns check with your vet before using this flea control solution. This is a page about using Dawn for fleas on cats.


Kitten Getting Bathed

Bathing Cats in Dawn Dish Soap?Giving your cat or kitten a bath using Dawn dish soap can help in eliminating fleas. Don't forget to do a thorough combing as a part of the process.


Cat Scratching at Fleas

Fleas on My Cat and Her KittensYou will want to take care when treating a nursing cat and her kittens for fleas. This page contains many helpful ideas for doing this safely. This is a page about fleas on my cat and her kittens.


Baby Shampoo

Using Baby Shampoo for FleasSome pet owners report great success in getting rid of fleas using baby shampoo on their pets. This is a page about using baby shampoo for fleas.



A vacuum bag being installed in a vacuum cleaner.

Putting a Flea Collar in Your Vacuum BagWhen dealing with an indoor flea infestation some pet owners recommend adding a flea collar section to your vacuum bag. This is a page about put a flea collar in your vacuum bag.


A sad dog lying on a white floor.

Can I Give My Dog Garlic Pills for Fleas?There is controversy over the safe use of garlic to treat a dog with fleas. This is a page about, "Can I give my dog garlic pills for fleas?".


Puppy and kitten.

5 Tips for Organic Flea ControlDo you want to get rid of fleas without all the chemicals? This page has 5 tips for organic flea control. Learn how to get rid of fleas naturally.


A momma cat laying with a kitten.

Safe Flea Treatment for Cat with KittensThis is a page about finding a safe flea treatment for cat with kittens. Flea treatment for your cat is important especially if it has kittens.


Cat inside a cat carrier on a wooden floor inside a home

Cat Left Behind FleasThis is a page about cat left behind fleas. Even if you don't have your pet any longer or have recently had a visiting pet, the fleas can remain after the cat leaves.


My Dog is Infested With Fleas

My Dog is Infested With FleasThis is a page about my dog is infested with fleas. Fleas left untreated can infest your pet and then your home.


Dog with a Flea Collar

Using a Flea Collar?This is a page about using a flea collar. You want to be sure that the chemicals used in a flea collar are safe for your dog or cat, and that the collar is effective.


A dog sitting on the grass scratching at fleas.

Using Diatomaceous Earth for FleasFood grade diatomaceous earth is an flea killer that is non toxic to humans and animals. This is a page about using diatomaceous earth for fleas.


Dog Scratching Fleas

Flea Pet TreatmentsThis is a page about flea pet treatments. Keeping your furry friends free of fleas without strong chemicals, makes everyone more comfortable.


A cat scratching itself because it has fleas.

Treating a Cat With FleasTreating your feline friend when he or she is infested with fleas requires diligence and the right methods and products. This is a page about treating cats with fleas.


french bulldog puppy

Treating Fleas on a PuppyThis is a page about treating fleas on a puppy. The method used to treat fleas on your puppy will be determined by factors such as his age.



Buying Generic Capstar Flea Medication?This is a page about buying generic Capstar flea medication. Capstar is a fast acting anti-flea medication for dogs and cats. Many such treatments can also be found in a generic formula.


kitten with fleas

Getting Rid of Fleas on KittensThis is a page about getting rid of fleas on kittens. While topical flea treatments are readily available for older cats, young kittens will require alternative methods to rid them of these biting pests.


Flea Bath

Giving a Kitten a Flea BathThis is a page about giving a kitten a flea bath. Care needs to be taken when trying to control fleas on a kitten.


Using Garlic to Prevent Fleas

Using Garlic to Prevent FleasThis page is about using garlic to repel fleas. The presence of garlic can repel fleas if used safely.



Dog getting a flea treatment.

Saving Money on Flea PreventionThis is a page about saving money on flea prevention. There are a variety of commercial flea prevention products on the market, but they can be quite pricey.


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