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Tickle in Left Ear for Months?I've had a tickling sensation in my inner left ear for over 8 months. I went to an ear, nose, and throat specialist about three months ago and he said he clipped some hairs out of my inner ear. It relieved the rustling sounds in my ear but the tickling sensation returned just days later. What is the remedy outside of invasive medicine?


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Grandmothers Perm Didn't Take?My grandmother got a perm it didn't seem to take. Her hairdresser has given her them before and they have been beautiful. it didn't take and she told her it could be due to some of the medication she is taking. How can I find out if the meds she takes is causing her resistance to the perm. I've googled but haven't found much until I came across your site.


Identifying Skin Condition?

Identifying Skin Condition?What is this? Chronic hard nodules 13 years in subcutaneous fat layer


Infected Tongue Piercing?

Infected Tongue Piercing?I pierced my tongue about a month ago. I have this weird white bump underneath my my tounge around the piercing. Is it by chance infected? It doesn't hurt but if I move my ring forward pushing it out, it kinda hurts. Please someone help give me answers?


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Abreva and Pimples?I'm about to embark on using Abreva on a uninvited and overstayed pimple that appeared 3 days ago and has a head, but just stays there, looking like something I really want to mess with. I'm using all my will power will power, but the freak won't change or leave.


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Curly Hair ProblemsMy curly hair is SO annoying. It is ALWAYS in my face. Even in a ponytail. It get tangled SUUUUUPER easily. I can brush my hair and 1 minute later it is a mess. It is shoulder length. Do you guys have any idea how to keep my hair out of my face and/or untangled. I need your help, guys.


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How To Ask My Mom About First Bra?All my friends wear a bra. My friends asked me if I wore a bra. I said I don't. They asked me why and I said "Because I don't need one." They looked at me like I was a freak. I want to wear a bra but I don't know how to ask my mom. I don't own any bras either. I haven't wore a training bra yet either. I have been looking at so many bras though. How do I ask my mom? I am so scared!


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Finding it Hard to Drink Enough Water?Many people do not like water. It's plain and very simple. Even though it is a needed element to keep our bodies from becoming dehydrated. Many people just don't care for water. What can you do to help water taste better? Filtering it helps but the major way to change the flavor is to find some herbs (lavender or mint), vegetable slices (celery, ginger, or cucumber), or fruit (lemon, lime, strawberries, or grapefruit). The trick is to find ones you like to fuse with water and make them taste better for your consumption. Here are some other ways to help you get the water you need each day:


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Fibrous, Filling and Fat Burning: Eating Carbs and Still Losing WeightThis time of year many are thinking of losing weight, changing diets, and looking for different foods to eat. Many dieters will shy away from carbs because carbs are seen as being the culprit in weight going up instead of down. But, doing away with carbs or eating the wrong ones can mean you may be robbing yourself of important nutrients.


Foods containing fiber.

Fiber Is The WordDoes your diet contain complex carbs, lean protein, healthy fats, and fiber? Fish, lean meats such as beef or pork, dairy products, and fruits and vegetables include these needed nutrients. The body needs certain nutrients to help it remain healthy, lose weight, maintain weight, and live longer. Instead of counting and keeping track of calories, it might be easier to keep track of fiber. In doing so, you may begin automatically to look for foods such as whole grains, vegetables, and fruit which are usually lower in calories than other foods.


A woman standing with a dog.

Losing Weight Without Being Able to ExerciseI was asked by a close family friend, how I lost weight. After a lot of thought about how to word everything, without hurting feelings I did my best to truthfully answer.


Two day of the week pill boxes.

Free Pill BoxesI love these little pill boxes they give out free at the pharmacy in Walmart where I get my prescriptions filled. They are white with raised letters and very good quality.


An ice pack inside.

Wearing An Ice PackWhen you don't have time to lay around on an ice pack, wear it.


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New Dentures Don't Fit Properly?I just got my 2nd pair of upper dentures, but there is only 12 teeth on it and my previous ones there were 14. My problem is I've had them realigned 3 times.


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New Dentures Not Fitting Correctly?In December 2021 was my first dentist visit for full top denture partial bottom. After 8 visits and 8 months later August 2022, my dentures are ready. At my appointment, I get 4 teeth pulled and dentures put in right afterwards. Two days later, my gums are red and swollen my bottom partial which fit perfect due to swelling now won't go back in. My top full denture has a gap between roof of mouth. Not only do they make me choke, it hurts my entire upper gums. I'm sure this isn't normal, need advice please.



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Dry Cracked Bleeding Fingertips?A co-worker has very dry finger tips in the winter time. They split open and bleed and are painful. He always has them wrapped in bandaids and applies lotion to them periodically, but they keep cracking. Any ideas?


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Leave Seal on VitaminsWhen you open your vitamin bottle, only cut half of the paper seal away. It's easier to get just one vitamin out at a time that way. It also prevents excessive handling of the other vitamins in the bottle, as well.


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Getting Rid of Calluses on Elbow?How do I get rid of a callous on my elbow? I probably developed it from propping my elbow on my desk. I went to dermatologist to have it removed. She said if she removed it may hit a nerve. It gets dry and scaly. All lotion or Vaseline does it soften it.


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Safe Popcorn for Someone With Diverticulitis?Safe Popcorn for Someone With Diverticulitis? My Dad has diverticulitis (seed kernels are bad) and popcorn was always his number 1 favorite food. . .


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DIY for Killing Eyelash Mites?Looking for an inexpensive way to kill Demodex Eyelash mites.


A woman holding her hand in pain.

Diagnosing A Broken Bone?Many injuries can result in broken bones, especially if paired with swelling and sharp pain and it can be difficult to diagnose at home. It is important to avoid re-injuring the spot as this can change a hairline fracture into a full fledged break. It is best to go to a healthcare professional as soon as possible to have x-rays done and any breaks set correctly.


A woman in the car.

Music During Dental VisitNo one likes to go to the dentist and quite by accident, I discovered something I had done that made my visits more bearable. While waiting for my mouth to become numb, I was playing around with my phone and was listening to some music through my earbuds in high hopes it would help me relax.


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Shaving Advice?Hello, how can bump be gotten rid of for men with a light coloured skin and what is the best way of shaving and what is to be applied before and after shaving to smoothen the skin. I look forward to hearing from you.


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My Feet and Ankles Are Itching and Burning?What in the world could be going on with my feet and ankles? They are itching and burning terribly! I've had this for quite some time now it comes and it goes the mark seem to be staying though. I wake up sometimes with these scratches on my ankles, sometimes they're on my arms. But my feet and ankles are itching so bad!


A fuzzball on a light colored background.

Identifying Fuzzballs That Move?What are these tiny little fuzzball things I'm finding all over clothing, towels, rugs, blankets everywhere! These were in the bathroom rug they look like pieces of lint or strands but when you try to pick them up with a pair of scissors they're woven into the fibers of the rug with the long stringy things that you see them moving in.


A doctor holding a red heart.

Recipes for Someone With Heart Disease?My husband recently got released from the hospital because of his heart and this is the second time this year. I really need to cook healthier for him, actually all of us could benefit from a healthier diet. He is progressing faster with his heart disease than any of us realized, including his doctor.


A hand with an oil slick manicure.

DIY Oil Slick NailsOil slick nails are super cute, but the price you pay to get them done at the salon is insane. You can do them yourself at home for a mere fraction of the price. Plus, you get enough chrome powder to do them many, many times over.


Wrist Brace Sleeve

Wrist Brace SleeveI have developed tendonitis in my wrist and the doctor gave me a wrist brace to wear. It was not as comfortable as I would like so I cut an old sock off, just below the heel, made a little hole in the heel for my thumb and I had a sleeve to go over my arm under the brace. To keep the holes from stretching, I hand stitched around them and pulled the stitches up to fit my hand. The extra padding has made the biggest difference in the comfort of this wrist brace. I don't mind wearing it at all now.


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Mixing Disappointing Hair ProductsHave you ever used a hair product like mousse, gel, cream, spray, etc. that for whatever reason was a disappointment? Maybe you didn't like the scent or its performance on your hair. Instead of tossing it in the garbage, I have a frugal solution that has worked well for me.


Red and swollen fingers.

Treating Dyshidrotic Eczema?Since moving to a warmer climate country a number of years ago, every summer, I developed small blisters on the sides of fingers along with itching of the affected area. Unsure of what this was I visited a doctor and dermatologist and I was diagnosed with dyshidrotic eczema, and prescribed a cortisone cream to apply to affected areas. I was also advised to keep the hands moisturized, and also take an antihistamine for the itching.



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Check for Drug InteractionsI take 32 pills per DAY, not week, and 2 eyedrops, and 5 topical ointments. I put them all on and found that I can only take 8 of them! Half interferes with one drug, and the other half totally wrecks glaucoma! One of the eyedrops interferes with the main drug, too.


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Can I Get a Perm On Colour Treated Hair?I have very straight, limp, lifeless hair, which I keep short in a bob. I would like to grow it longer and would like to get a 'demi wave' (if they're still called that) but I also want to keep colouring my hair (I do that every 2-3 months). Is this possible? I used to do it when I was younger. I'm just fed up with spending hours with rollers in my hair only for the curl to last about an hour.


A disapproving woman with a glass of soda

Avoid Aspartame for Bladder Control IssuesDo you drink sugar-free drinks or otherwise use aspartame? Do you have an issue with frequent urges to urinate, or incontinence? Did you know that aspartame many times is the cause of these issues?


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Plucking Facial Hair Results in Black Spots?I have hairs growing on my cheeks and chin. I usually pluck them. Eventually I have black spots where I have removed the hair. How do I get rid of these marks?


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Waxy Buildup on Your Skin From Deodorant?How do you remove the waxy buildup on your skin from stick antiperspirants / deodorants? Need a solvent for the wax and soap doesn't work.


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American Dagger Moths Can Be ToxicBeware of hairy yellow caterpillars with black spikes. They are American dagger moths that have have toxic properties when hairs are touched. One slight brush sent me to the ER with significant hives, elevated blood pressure, facial flushing, and chills.


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Bar Soap with Less Residue?My husband will not give up bar soap in the shower. Does anybody know what kind of bar soap leaves less residue in the tub?


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Use Garlic Capsule as Emergency DisinfectantStaying with my aunt recently, I had a rash on my foot which was sore and weeping, but could find no antiseptic in her cupboard. I nipped off the top of a garlic oil capsule with my fingernails, and squirted it on the affected area, then went to bed. Next day, the sore place was clean, dry and starting to scab over.


Using a thick book for step exercises

Thick Book for Step ExercisesAfter sitting on the shelf for many years, this 1969 dictionary has come in handy. I don't want to get rid of it and I've found another use for it.


A woman fanning herself inside a house.

Frugal Ways To Keep CoolThe Pacific NW is experiencing a heat wave right now, with record breaking temperatures. What are some frugal alternatives to staying cool during a heat wave?


A small round blemish near a person's lip.

Is This Herpes?I think I might have herpes. Could somebody please let me know?


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Foot Pain After Back Surgery?Two years ago, I had surgery on my back. A discectomy for 3 herniated discs, L4 L5, and S1. My back has been fine since so it seems it was a success.


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Hairdresser Turned Hair Rose-gold Instead of Blonde?I went in to have my roots touched up blonde. Roots are blonde. Much of the rest of my hair is not! It turned rose-gold. She said it is impossible to remove. I have to wait until it grows out. So she added highlights! I'm very unhappy!


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Bantu Perm Query?Hi, I Bantu my hair all the time. I'm wanting to know if I can add perming lotion/process to my Bantu knots to get a permanent Bantu knot look?


A bottle of melatonin pills next to a sleeping mask.

Using MelatoninMelatonin is a hormone that helps regulate a person's sleep cycle. It is often used as a supplement to help people sleep but the effectiveness is questionable by medical professionals. There are some side effects possible so be sure to contact your own doctor before using.



A pair of nail clippers with tape on the side.

Nail Clipper HackThis nail clipper used to have a plastic shield to prevent nail clippings from flying. Unfortunately the plastic shield broke and I tried to find a replacement nail clipper (no luck).


A small white line on a thumb.

Weird White Line On My Thumb?I need help identifying this white lump on my thumb. What should I do about it and should I be concerned? I don't know how long it's been there since I just randomly found it. I can't say much about it asides from it is a small white line


A bowl of brown sugar.

Brown Sugar as First AidBrown sugar can actually cures wounds and bruises. If you have been lately in an accident, like falling from a bicycles or falling from trees, and you get bruises and wounds, you can immediately apply brown sugar.


A woman doing a perm at home.

Using Old Home Perm ProductsDoes the thioglycolic acid curl activator in home perms expire or go bad? I have had it for quite a while and it's turned brown. Can I still use it?


makeup brushes on top of a toothpaste holder.

Travel Toothbrush Holder for Makeup BrushesI never used this toothbrush holder for toothbrushes but really needed a case for my new makeup brushes. The toothbrush holder works very well for storing and protecting them.


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Preventing Slippery Shampoo BottlesI have a hard time holding onto the wide shampoo bottles with wet hands. I saw an empty syrup bottle. It has rings around the top and is not as wide at the top. I emptied my shampoo into it. Now I can securely hold on to it in the shower.


A woman receiving a laser treatment for removing her tattoo.

Removing Permanent TattoosA tattoo is usually a lifetime commitment but it is possible to have them removed or covered up if you no longer wish to have them showing. Multiple laser treatments are the most effective way to have them removed but it can be expensive and painful. There are some topical treatments that profess to removing tattoos but these are generally only work on the surface ink, leaving deeper inkwork untouched.


A man washing his body in the shower.

Recommendations for Body WashIt can be hard to choose from the many different scents and styles of body wash available for purchase. Prices can range from frugal to expensive but often the ingredients are very similar.


A woman holding her hands in front of her bottom.

Remedies for Hemorrhoids?Does anyone have instructions for making homemade hemorrhoid wipes?


A post-it note strip as a pill reminder.

Pill Time ReminderI don't know about you but when I have to take a medication more than one time a day, I can't remember if I've taken it and when the next time is I'm supposed to take it. I remedied this by making a pill reminder band for the pill bottle by using a couple post-it notes.


Making Pastel Hair Dyes - mermaid ombré hair color

Making Pastel Hair DyesYou can save lots of money mixing up your own shades of colour instead of buying multiple colours when you want to do your own ombre hair. Due to the pandemic, I've been finding ways to save money, but still have things like fun hair colours and styles. Follow along to find out how to get this thrifty yet beautiful mermaid-inspired ombre hair by making pastels.


A dollop of sugar wax in a hand, ready for use.

How to Make Sugar Wax at HomeThis sugar wax recipe has been tried, tested, and true. After many failed attempts, this recipe has been proven to work, and so we're super pumped to share it with you! You only need three ingredients :)


Sugar pills being stored in a prescription pill bottle.

Storing Sugar Pills For DiabetesI am diabetic (Type 2) and sometimes when running errands, my blood sugar levels will drop. Doctor recommended that I keep some sugar pills on hand but that big bottle of 50 does not really fit my purse. I took one of my prescription bottles and put 5 tablets in it. Now it fits my purse and I don't have to worry about having a sugar crash while out.


Hands holding a bloated stomach.

Remedies for Stomach Bloating?A bloated stomach may be caused by food allergies, medication side effects or overeating. If the bloating persists, a doctor should be consulted to make sure it is not a serious medical condition.


Wax used for orthodontic work.

Uses for Orthodontic WaxIf you have leftover orthodontic wax after having your braces removed, it can be used for a variety of purposes. It is made from natural wax sources such as beeswax or paraffin.


Moisturizing Lavender Body Scrub - adding more sugar to create a stiffer texture as shown in maker's hand

Moisturizing Lavender Body ScrubThis is a great moisturizing scrub! Plus it smells great;). It can be used anytime and it is excellent for pampering yourself at home. I usually use it right after I shave to soothe my skin (I have very sensitive skin and this is wonderful for it!)


Is This a Wart? - bump on child's finger

Identifying Warts?My son came up to me today showing me these bumps on his finger and thumb complaining that they hurt. They have a point to them and they're hard to the touch. I am thinking they are warts?


A trash bag being used as a cape for cutting hair.

Trash Bag as Cape for Cutting HairBeing homebound with the Covid-19 virus for over 2 months and needing haircuts before the virus, I think our hair grew faster than ever. My husband was getting desperate for a haircut and it will be another two weeks before his hair appointment. He decided he would let me cut his hair.


A woman dyeing her hair at home.

Do All Boxed Hair Dyes Have Metallic Salts in Them?I want to dye my hair with Splat in the color crimson. It says not to if I've dyed my hair with a product with metallic salts in it. What do I do?


A device for getting a mammogram.

Getting a MammogramMammograms are very important in early detection of breast cancer. Regular mammograms should be scheduled for any woman over 40 so that treatment can be started as soon as possible.


A woman relaxing with head and legs raised.

Coping Skills with Depression and AnxietyA few years ago, I needed help with coping with depression and anxiety. I went to classes to learn. I don't usually tell people this, but it helped me learn so much. It helped me then and it is helping me greatly now! A lot!


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Should I take Advil for Period Cramps?My mom says I should take Advil for my period cramps, but Advil makes them worse by a lot. But my mom says it was a one time thing. Should I take Advil for my period cramps?


A woman with dyed blonde hair.

Fixing a Bad Dye Job?I've have always had really pretty blonde hair. Well 8 years ago a salon messed up my hair. I told them that I just wanted some low lights and a little lighter blonde highlights. Well they turned it red. It looked so bad I changed it to solid brown. Now I wanted go back to blonde so I got a hair stripper a salon lady told me to use and then picked out a pretty blonde color. It turned it yellow.


Sunscreen being applied to an arm.

Using Expired Sunscreen as LotionWhen you have sunscreen that is past it's 'use by' date, you should not use it to protect your skin from the sun. It could possibly be useful as a lotion, if you are certain there is no bacteria present.


A mother putting sunscreen on a young girl.

Safe Sunscreens for KidsThe Environmental Working Group (EWG) puts out a list each year of the safest sunscreens. They rate the sunscreens on five factors: health hazards, UVB protection, UVA protection, balance of UVA/UVB protection and sunscreen stability. From these analyses they give each sunscreen a score, the lower the score the better.


Onion Smoothie Cold Remedy in glass

Onion Smoothie Cold RemedyOnion smoothies can help you heal from bronchitis and is an expectorant. Though the raw onions make this a very strong drink, if you can build up a tolerance you can benefit from this drink and feel better faster.


A man looking at a rack of different types of oil at a supermarket.

Choosing a Healthy Cooking OilThere are many types of cooking oils or fats that are used around the world. Experts disagree about the health risks and rewards of using certain oils but most recommend reducing intake of saturated fats and to avoid trans fats altogether.


A dab of coconut oil to use for dry hands.

Coconut Oil for Dry HandsCoconut oil is a wonderful product to use for dry skin. Rub some onto your hands and then wear a pair of latex or nitrile gloves until it is absorbed.


A woman with foundation on her hand.

Thinning Foundation Make-up?Over time liquid foundation make-up can thicken. It may be possible to thin it down a bit and make it more easy to apply. This page contains some suggestions for thinning your foundation.


Tea with limes and ginger.

Making Lime Ginger TeaTake fresh limes and ginger root to make this soothing tea. It's perfect to help with cold and flu symptoms. It can be served hot or cold.


A bowl of borax powder.

Is Borax Edible?Borax is not considered edible and can cause health concerns if ingested, inhaled or with skin contact. Some health recipes recommend using a small amount of borax but the FDA considers this substance toxic.


Two pairs of orange ear plugs.

Using Earplugs to Block NoiseEarplugs are often used at loud events, like music show or car races. They can also be used around the home to block out unwanted noise, day or night.


A woman washing her hair.

Homemade Natural Shampoo and Conditioner Recipes for Color Treated HairIf you have color treated hair and want to make your own shampoo and conditioner from natural ingredients, here are some ideas. It's best to avoid harsh ingredients to prevent the colored dye from fading prematurely.


Create Bouncy Curls with Cardboard Tubes - secure hair with bobby pins onto roll

Create Bouncy Curls with Cardboard TubesIf you are looking for a thrifty, no heat, alternative to rollers or a curling iron this tip may just be for you. It is certainly a great temporary fix. You just need bobby pins and some recycled TP or paper towel tubes from your crafting stash. You will be pleased and surprised by the resulting bouncy curls.


How to Protect Yourself Against the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

How to Protect Yourself Against the Coronavirus (COVID-19)This week, the CDC has told Americans that we need to be prepared for an outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The virus has been spreading across the globe with outbreaks in China, Korea, Japan, Italy, and Iran. As of today, the US has only seen 56 cases of the disease. Currently, 8,400 people in California are being monitored for the coronavirus.


A person washing their blonde hair.

Removing Pen Ink from Your Hair?You can try to remove pen ink from your hair with hairspray, rubbing alcohol, baking soda, or perhaps a clarifying shampoo. Additional suggestions can be found on this page.


Baking soda being measured into a funnel.

Homemade Tooth PowderMost homemade tooth powder has baking soda as the main ingredient. It is a mild abrasive, so you may want to check with your dentist about how frequently to use it. This page contains several recipes for homemade tooth powder.


Makeup scattered on a countertop.

Storing MakeupMakeup typically has a shelf life. It may also become contaminated from bacteria and viruses. This page has some suggestions for storing makeup, when to discard it, and some possible methods of sanitizing certain products.


A man who has fainted on a living room floor.

Tips for Preventing FaintingHere are some tips such as using lemons, ammonia, and smelling salts to prevent fainting episodes.


DIY Pore Minimizing Face Primer - holding a small container of primer

DIY Pore Minimizing Face PrimerMix up your own, significantly less expensive, pore minimizing face primer using cosmetics you probably already have. Combine translucent powder, moisturizing cream, and foundation that matches your skin tone. You will love the results.


An eye infection.

Home Remedies for an Eye Infection?Some eye infections such as pink eye, also know as conjunctivitis, will typically go away on their own. A stye is a clogged pore and there are OTC medications that will help with that condition. Home remedies can help relieve the symptoms and provide comfort. Checking with your doctor is always recommended if you are unsure of the cause of the infection or it worsens.


A doctor holding the hand of a patient.

Advice for Dealing With CancerMaintaining a positive attitude through an illness can be a challenge. When dealing with the interruptions in your life and finances, it is important to have the support of your friends and family.


A manicured hand next to a gloved and duct-taped hand, protected from hair dye.

Keeping Hair Dye Off Polished NailsTo keep hair dye from ruining your polished nails, wear tight fitting latex or nitrile gloves sealed around your wrists with tape. There are also suggestions, on this page, for removing any dye transfer that might still be bleeding from your hair days later.


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Perming Hair After Dyeing?I dyed my hair with a white dye today and I'm thinking of perming it soon. How long do I have to wait to perm it?


DIY Long-Lasting Eyelash Lift - closeup of eyes after process

DIY Long-Lasting Eyelash LiftSave a lot of money by doing an eyelash lift at home. This DIY tutorial show you how to use the home kit and offers step by step photos and tips.


A woman's made up eyelid and brow.

Making Homemade Eyebrow GelMix aloe vera gel and dark eyeshadow to create an inexpensive alternative to retail eyebrow gel.


Nails with a beautiful French manicure.

DIY French Tips ManicureHere are some tips for a do it yourself French manicure. The fingernail tips are painted a different color in this method.


A woman with a rash on her arms and back.

Treating Heat RashIn hot, humid environments, heat rashes can be a problem. There are a number of possible remedies to treat this skin irritation.


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Remedy for Itchy Armpits?I have problem of itchy underarms all of the time now. I am not sure if it's the roll on that I am using or what. How can I get rid of this itching in my armpits? It's been over 2 years now.


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Hair Too Dark After Dyeing?I recently got my hair dyed. It was blond and I wanted to go a little darker however it was too dark. The hairdresser put a few highlights in it however the ends of my hair are darker than the top. What's my best bet to get my ends dyed blonder.


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Re-perming Hair?So I got my perm a day ago, and it's not curly enough at all. So I washed the chemicals out of my hair. How long should I wait to get it re-permed?


A man trying out new eyeglasses.

Getting an Exam and New Eyeglasses Without Insurance?When you need to have an eye exam and get new glasses, it can be expensive when you don't have insurance. There are a few programs and retailers who may give you some savings.


A homemade bamboo cuticle stick next to a store bought one.

Homemade Cuticle SticksIt's easy to make your own cuticle sticks from a bamboo skewer you may already have in a drawer in your kitchen. Just cut and sand down the cut edge and it's ready to use.


An elderly couple walking in the park.

Exercise For People With Limited Mobility?It is important to continue to get exercise even when it is a challenge to walk. Water aerobics and chair exercises can help build muscle strength.


A woman using a walker on a street.

Using a WalkerMake your walker help you with more than walking. Here are some great tips for how to add padding, attach a bag to carry items, and even how to add a meal tray to your walker.


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Mixing Permanent Hair Color with Demi Activator?Can you mix permanent hair color (say, Ion Brilliance 3N or Clairol Soy4Plex 4A) with demi-permanent activator (such as Wella Color Charm activator) if you want Demi results?


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Top Dentures too Loose?I've had my dentures for 5 years and the top does not fit any more. They just rock back and forth. They cause injury when I wear them, but nobody will give me a loan to replace them and insurance will not cover them for another 5 years. What to do?


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