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Denture Fitting

Shaving the Bone to Fit Dentures?If your dentures to not fit right it can not only be irritating and uncomfortable but painful as well. Getting a proper fit may require shaving the bone to fit your dentures by the dentist.


bugs in hair

Getting Rid of Bugs in HairIf you have bugs infesting the hair of your family, proper identification will help you with treatment. There are several products and home remedies that will work on many types of insects. Medical advice should be sought if the bugs are very resistant to treatment.


Altered T-Shirt for Shoulder Surgery  - view of Velcro strips in place

DIY Altered T-Shirt for Shoulder SurgeryIt can be difficult to get dressed when healing from shoulder surgery but shirts can be altered to to make this process easier. This page has DIY instructions for an altered T-shirt for shoulder surgery.


Woman with holding her mouth in pain.

Remedies for Pain from Wearing DenturesGetting your mouth accustomed to false teeth can be uncomfortable. This page is about remedies for pain from wearing dentures.


Personal Cleansing Wipes

Rehydrating Personal Cleansing WipesThis is a page about rehydrating personal cleansing wipes. Cleansing wipes have a tendency to dry out over time as you use up the package.


Photo of a toe with toenail fungus.

Getting Rid of Toenail FungusThis is a page about getting rid of toenail fungus. Toenail fungus can be frustrating for those who have it. It's unsightly and very difficult to get rid of.


Baby's arm with prickly heat rash in fold of arm.

Treating a Rash in Skin FoldsItchy irritation can develop on skin where excess moisture and little air can circulate. This is a page about treating a rash in skin folds.


Woman washing her hands with bubble bath soap

Using Bubble Bath as SoapBubble bath is a very gentle soap that can often be purchased cheaply. It makes a great substitute for hand or body soap. This is a page about using bubble bath as soap.


A man holding his nose from a bad smell.

Body Odor Smells Like Skunk?Your diet has a big effect on your body's ability to eliminate toxins. This can make your perspiration have a strong smell. This is a page about body odor smells like skunk.


Orange Oily Stool from Eating Cashews

Orange Oily Stool from Eating CashewsIf you or your child eats a lot of cashews, there may be evidence in the toilet later, in the form of orange colored and oily stools. This page is about an orange oily stool from eating cashews.


Someone squeezing red hair dye on to their hands.

Removing Hair Dye Stains on Nails?The best way to prevent getting hair dye on your nails or skin is to wear latex gloves when applying hair dye. However, if you get some dye on your nails there are ways to get the color out. This is a page about removing hair dye stains on nails.


Is My Tongue Piercing Infected?

Problems with a Tongue Piercing?If you are having problems with a new tongue piercing, the best advice is to talk directly to your piercer. They can tell you if it is normal or if you need further medical attention.


A woman wearing a sleeveless sun dress with her arm in a sling.

Tips for When Your Arm is in a SlingThis page contains tips for when your arm is in a sling. Having your arm in a sling can make it hard to get dressed, sleep at night, or even just be comfortable throughout the day. Here are a few tips that may help make life a little easier.



Uses for Listerine MouthwashThis page contains uses for Listerine mouthwash. This oral health product can be used in a variety of ways for personal health and around the house.


Lotion Pump Bottle

How to Fill a Lotion Pump Bottle?This is a page about how to fill a lotion pump bottle. It can be hard to transfer lotion to another bottle, because it is so thick. Here are some tips and tricks to make it easier to fill a lotion pump bottle.



Tops of Feet

The Tops of My Feet Are Red?A trip to the doctor is probably in order to determine the cause of redness on your feet. It could be the result of many things, and will need to be diagnosed. This is a page about the tops of my feet are red.


Cause of Tiny Red Itchy Spots - closeup of spot in skin

Cause of Tiny Red Itchy Spots on Skin?It can be a challenge to determine the cause of skin irritation when you can't see any pests. This is a page about cause of tiny red itchy spots on skin.


Ostomy Supplies on a table

Finding Free or Low Cost Ostomy SuppliesThis is a page about finding source for free ostomy supplies. If you are low income or without insurance, it can be hard to obtain affordable ostomy supplies. Here are some suggestions for finding low cost or free supplies.


Bottle of mouthwash.

Using Listerine for Promoting Hair Growth?This is a page about using Listerine for promoting hair growth. This mouthwash may promote the health of your scalp by reducing bacteria and yeast.


Man itching his arm.

Can Your Water Make You Itch?Clean water should not make you itch. If you suspect your water is making you itch, you should definitely have the water tested to see if that is the source of your itching. This is a page about can your water make you itch?


Pill Bottle First Aid Kit

Making a Pill Bottle First Aid KitThis is a page about making a pill bottle first aid kit. Having a mini first aid kit in your purse or backpack can come in handy.


Woman scratching face.

Mystery Itchy Bumps on Face?Small itchy bumps can be caused by such things as stress resulting in hives, allergies, or from bug bites. This is a page about mystery itchy bumps on face.


Sweaty Body Odor

Remedies for Body OdorThis is a page about remedies for body odor. Determining why a body smells even after bathing and what to do differently, can be a challenge.


Bare Feet

Removing Corns From FeetThis is a page about removing corns from feet. Corns on your feet can be very painful.


Woman Cleaning Fingernails

Tips for Cleaning FingernailsThis page contains tips for cleaning fingernails. Wearing gloves for dirty jobs and keeping a nail brush handy can help make cleaning your nails easier.


A woman with a sore throat.

Sore Throat Since Quitting Smoking?This is a page about having a sore throat since quitting smoking. If you have recently quit smoking there may be some health issues like sore throats that you need to deal with for a brief time.


Woman Having Tooth Pulled

Eating After Having Teeth PulledFollowing your dentist's instructions is important after a tooth extraction. Make sure you eat foods that will aid in healing. This is a page about eating after having teeth pulled.


Close up of the mouth of a smiling senior woman with her hands on either side of her jaw

Getting Used To Wearing Dentures?This is a page about getting used to wearing dentures. Getting used to wearing dentures takes time.


An ice pack inside.

Wearing An Ice PackWhen you don't have time to lay around on an ice pack, wear it.


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New Dentures Don't Fit Properly?I just got my 2nd pair of upper dentures, but there is only 12 teeth on it and my previous ones there were 14. My problem is I've had them realigned 3 times.



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Safe Popcorn for Someone With Diverticulitis?Safe Popcorn for Someone With Diverticulitis? My Dad has diverticulitis (seed kernels are bad) and popcorn was always his number 1 favorite food. . .


A woman holding her hand in pain.

Diagnosing A Broken Bone?Many injuries can result in broken bones, especially if paired with swelling and sharp pain and it can be difficult to diagnose at home. It is important to avoid re-injuring the spot as this can change a hairline fracture into a full fledged break. It is best to go to a healthcare professional as soon as possible to have x-rays done and any breaks set correctly.


A fuzzball on a light colored background.

Identifying Fuzzballs That Move?What are these tiny little fuzzball things I'm finding all over clothing, towels, rugs, blankets everywhere! These were in the bathroom rug they look like pieces of lint or strands but when you try to pick them up with a pair of scissors they're woven into the fibers of the rug with the long stringy things that you see them moving in.


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My Feet and Ankles Are Itching and Burning?What in the world could be going on with my feet and ankles? They are itching and burning terribly! I've had this for quite some time now it comes and it goes the mark seem to be staying though. I wake up sometimes with these scratches on my ankles, sometimes they're on my arms. But my feet and ankles are itching so bad!


Red and swollen fingers.

Treating Dyshidrotic Eczema?Since moving to a warmer climate country a number of years ago, every summer, I developed small blisters on the sides of fingers along with itching of the affected area. Unsure of what this was I visited a doctor and dermatologist and I was diagnosed with dyshidrotic eczema, and prescribed a cortisone cream to apply to affected areas. I was also advised to keep the hands moisturized, and also take an antihistamine for the itching.


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American Dagger Moths Can Be ToxicBeware of hairy yellow caterpillars with black spikes. They are American dagger moths that have have toxic properties when hairs are touched. One slight brush sent me to the ER with significant hives, elevated blood pressure, facial flushing, and chills.


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Bar Soap with Less Residue?My husband will not give up bar soap in the shower. Does anybody know what kind of bar soap leaves less residue in the tub?


A woman fanning herself inside a house.

Frugal Ways To Keep CoolThe Pacific NW is experiencing a heat wave right now, with record breaking temperatures. What are some frugal alternatives to staying cool during a heat wave?


A small round blemish near a person's lip.

Is This Herpes?I think I might have herpes. Could somebody please let me know?


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Foot Pain After Back Surgery?Two years ago, I had surgery on my back. A discectomy for 3 herniated discs, L4 L5, and S1. My back has been fine since so it seems it was a success.


A bottle of melatonin pills next to a sleeping mask.

Using MelatoninMelatonin is a hormone that helps regulate a person's sleep cycle. It is often used as a supplement to help people sleep but the effectiveness is questionable by medical professionals. There are some side effects possible so be sure to contact your own doctor before using.


A small white line on a thumb.

Weird White Line On My Thumb?I need help identifying this white lump on my thumb. What should I do about it and should I be concerned? I don't know how long it's been there since I just randomly found it. I can't say much about it asides from it is a small white line


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Preventing Slippery Shampoo BottlesI have a hard time holding onto the wide shampoo bottles with wet hands. I saw an empty syrup bottle. It has rings around the top and is not as wide at the top. I emptied my shampoo into it. Now I can securely hold on to it in the shower.


Sugar pills being stored in a prescription pill bottle.

Storing Sugar Pills For DiabetesI am diabetic (Type 2) and sometimes when running errands, my blood sugar levels will drop. Doctor recommended that I keep some sugar pills on hand but that big bottle of 50 does not really fit my purse. I took one of my prescription bottles and put 5 tablets in it. Now it fits my purse and I don't have to worry about having a sugar crash while out.


Wax used for orthodontic work.

Uses for Orthodontic WaxIf you have leftover orthodontic wax after having your braces removed, it can be used for a variety of purposes. It is made from natural wax sources such as beeswax or paraffin.



Hands holding a bloated stomach.

Remedies for Stomach Bloating?A bloated stomach may be caused by food allergies, medication side effects or overeating. If the bloating persists, a doctor should be consulted to make sure it is not a serious medical condition.


Is This a Wart? - bump on child's finger

Identifying Warts?My son came up to me today showing me these bumps on his finger and thumb complaining that they hurt. They have a point to them and they're hard to the touch. I am thinking they are warts?


A woman relaxing with head and legs raised.

Coping Skills with Depression and AnxietyA few years ago, I needed help with coping with depression and anxiety. I went to classes to learn. I don't usually tell people this, but it helped me learn so much. It helped me then and it is helping me greatly now! A lot!


A device for getting a mammogram.

Getting a MammogramMammograms are very important in early detection of breast cancer. Regular mammograms should be scheduled for any woman over 40 so that treatment can be started as soon as possible.


Sunscreen being applied to an arm.

Using Expired Sunscreen as LotionWhen you have sunscreen that is past it's 'use by' date, you should not use it to protect your skin from the sun. It could possibly be useful as a lotion, if you are certain there is no bacteria present.


A mother putting sunscreen on a young girl.

Safe Sunscreens for KidsThe Environmental Working Group (EWG) puts out a list each year of the safest sunscreens. They rate the sunscreens on five factors: health hazards, UVB protection, UVA protection, balance of UVA/UVB protection and sunscreen stability. From these analyses they give each sunscreen a score, the lower the score the better.


A bowl of borax powder.

Is Borax Edible?Borax is not considered edible and can cause health concerns if ingested, inhaled or with skin contact. Some health recipes recommend using a small amount of borax but the FDA considers this substance toxic.


Two pairs of orange ear plugs.

Using Earplugs to Block NoiseEarplugs are often used at loud events, like music show or car races. They can also be used around the home to block out unwanted noise, day or night.


A doctor holding the hand of a patient.

Advice for Dealing With CancerMaintaining a positive attitude through an illness can be a challenge. When dealing with the interruptions in your life and finances, it is important to have the support of your friends and family.


A man trying out new eyeglasses.

Getting an Exam and New Eyeglasses Without Insurance?When you need to have an eye exam and get new glasses, it can be expensive when you don't have insurance. There are a few programs and retailers who may give you some savings.


A woman using a walker on a street.

Using a WalkerMake your walker help you with more than walking. Here are some great tips for how to add padding, attach a bag to carry items, and even how to add a meal tray to your walker.


A dental bridge being held in gloved hands.

Repairing a Dental Bridge?If your bridge is in need of repair, it can be uncomfortable or even painful. Contact a dentist immediately if you are in pain. Cosmetic fixes may still require the help of a dentist but can be done at your convience.


A date written on a post-it note attached to a bottle of Listerine.

Labeling Purchase Dates on Personal/Beauty Care ItemsCosmetics and other beauty items can expire if not used in time. Mark the date of purchase on the container to help remind yourself how old the item is.


person at doctor exam

Undressing for a Medical Exam?Medical practices are always evolving. It is nice for patients to know what to expect before arriving for a medical exam. Hospital gowns are sometimes replaced with options that provide modesty while allowing medical professionals to diagnose and treat conditions efficiently.


A woman with a strong headache.

Goody's Headache Powder ReviewsMany people count on this fast-acting headache powder to cure aches and pains. It is a combination of asprin, acetamenephen and caffiene that quickly absorbs into your bloodstream. This page contains reviews for Goody's headache powder.


A man looking into a cup of coffee with concern.

Coffee is Making Me Sick?It could be the brand, but if coffee is making you ill, it's time to drink less, something different or another kind of coffee. Some people switch to decaf or cold brew coffee while other people are happier drinking tea.


Hand using a stamp and ink pad.

Removing Stamp Pad Ink from Skin?Permanent ink can be a challenge to remove from your skin. Rubbing alcohol or scrubbing with good old soap and water will work. This is a page about removing stamp pad ink from skin.


Nurse helping someone who suffered a stroke.

Activities for Someone Who Suffered a Stroke?This is a page about activities for someone who suffered a stroke. Keeping active after a stroke can be difficult. Your body may not allow the strength or range of motion to things you once loved. Here are some suggestions of activities for someone to do, who has had a stroke.


Cut pieces of an aloe plant next to a bowl of aloe gel.

Using My Own Aloe Vera PlantThe juice and pulp from aloe vera plants have a variety of home uses including treating burns and other skin irritations. Check out some of the suggestions found in this page about using my own aloe vera plant.


Woman with a toothache.

Remedies for Ulcers on Gums After Teeth Extractions?This is a discussion about dealing with oral sores after teeth being removed. This page is about remedies for ulcers on gums after teeth extractions.


Using a binder clip for your toothpaste.

Using a Binder Clip for ToothpasteSqueezing a tube of toothpaste in the middle can make it difficult to get all the paste out later. Rolling the tube from the bottom and clipping it in place is a great way to ensure you use all the product with minimal mess. This is a page about using a binder clip for toothpaste.


A wooden jar filled with lip balm and a pink flower on a wooden background.

Using Lip BalmWhen your lips are chapped or dry, lip balm can be very soothing. It can also be helpful to moisten finger tips and in other ways. This is a page about using lip balm.


A unisex magnetic bracelet on a wrist.

Wearing Magnetic Jewelry for Pain ReliefSome people experience improved circulation and reduced inflammation when they wear magnetic jewelry. This is a page about wearing magnetic jewelry for pain relief.


Scabies Bites on an arm

Identifying Scabies Bites?A scabies rash is caused by a microscopic mite and they often start to bite on the feet. This is a page about identifying scabies bites.


Man drinking protein shake

Healthy Weight GainGaining weight can be as big a health concern as losing it and many health conditions can cause this issue. This is a page about healthy weight gain.


Soapy hands holding a bar of soap.

Can Homemade Soap Containing Fels-Naptha Cause a Rash?This is a page about, "Can homemade soap containing Fels-Naptha cause a rash?". Fels Naptha is a cleaning product that is designed for removing laundry stains and other cleaning purposes. It can cause skin irritation. Check with a doctor or substitute another product to see if your skin clears up.


Green crocs on a white background

Preventing Stinky Feet from CrocsThis is a page about preventing stinky feet from Crocs. Keeping your feet from sweating is the best way to help prevent foot odor. Try wearing cotton socks with your Crocs, use foot deodorant, or wash your feet a couple of times during the day on hot days.


Young girl holding her extracted tooth.

Effects of Having Teeth Extracted as a Child?This is a page about the effects of having teeth extracted as a child. Having a tooth or several teeth extracted as a child is done to improve the dental health of the child, usually in cases of decay or damage. The permanent teeth will come in fine, but may need to be straightened.


Woman sleeping at her work desk.

Remedies for Being Sleepy After Lunch?You may be missing some important nourishment, may need to change you diet a bit or take a short nap. This is a page about remedies for being sleepy after lunch.


Glucose meter on top of laptop

Diabetes Glucose Tracker Sites?If you need to check and track your glucose levels, a website might be the perfect way to keep all the information at hand. This page contains diabetes glucose tracker sites.


Female doctor speccing with female patience in office

Being a Good Patient at the Doctor's OfficeDon't waste your time or the doctor's time by being unprepared. This is a page about being a good patient at the doctor's office.


Pair of crutches up against a cement wall.

How to Make Crutches More ComfortableUsing crutches is awkward enough without being uncomfortable too. This is a page about how to make crutches more comfortable.


Woman drinking water at table with healthy foods

Healthy Living on a BudgetIt can be a struggle to live a healthy lifestyle with little money. This is a page about healthy living on a budget.


Neti Pot with a pile of salt.

Make Your Own Saline SolutionSaline solution can be expensive if you need to use it regularly with contact lenses. This is a page about making your own saline solution.


Woman blowing fan on herself during hot flash

Does Estroven Reduce Hot Flashes?Some woman get relief from hot flashes with estroven, and some woman use other things. This page addresses does estroven reduce hot flashes?


Woman Putting Eye Drops in Her Eyes

Remedies for Dry EyesKeep your eyes moist throughout the night with a thin application of an eye ointment. This is a page about remedies for dry eyes.


Filing Nails

Treating Dry, Brittle NailsThere are a variety of suppliments you can take, and different things you can put on your nails to strengthen them. This is a page about treating dry, brittle nails.


Woman Taking a Nap

Take a Nap at LunchtimeThis is a page about taking a nap at lunchtime. Taking a quick nap during your lunch break is a great way to rejuvenate you for the remainder of the day. Here are a few tips from some of our users.


Woman Avoiding Eating Wheat

Eating Wheat Makes My Stomach Feel Bloated?Eating wheat can cause some people to get a bloated feeling in their stomach. This page has advice about why eating wheat can make your stomach feel bloated.


A tub of popcorn as a stress relief.

Make a Stress Reliever TubFill a covered plastic container with popcorn kernels, sand, or dried beans. Running your hands through this medium can help reduce stress. Give it a try. This is a page about how to make a stress reliever tub.


Woman Dealing With Hot Flash

Help for Hot FlashesThere are a number of causes for hot flashes, menopause being a common one. Before you use home remedies or over the counter products a visit to your doctor is a good first step. This is a page about help for hot flashes.


Woman grabbing the back of her head.

Painful Pressure in the Back of the Head?This is a page about painful pressure in the back of the head. While this type of headache is quite common with chronic anxiety, it is best to see a doctor and rule out any other possible causes. Here are some tips for relieving the pain, if you find that it is actually a tension headache.


Foot with Nail Fungus

Nail Fungus and Nail Salons?This is a page about nail fungus and nail salons. The possibility of getting nail fungus at a nail salon can be minimized if they properly sanitize everything. Here is some helpful information that can help you pick a safe salon.


Woman holding dirty stinky shoes

My Husband Has Smelly FeetThis is a page about remedies for your husband's smelly feet. Does your husband have smelly feet and you are in desperate need of a remedy for it? Here are some suggestions to get rid of the smell!


Man Scratching his Leg

Stopping the Itch from Chigger BitesThis is a page about stopping the itch from chigger bites. If you end up with chigger bites from being outdoors, it is important to throughly wash your skin and your clothing with warm water and soap. This will help you get rid of any chiggers that may still be on your skin or clothing. Over the counter ointments are generally very effective in relieving the itching. Here are some other home remedies to try.


Woman biting her nails.

How Can I Stop Biting My Nails?This is a page about how to stop biting your nails. Nail biting is a common habit that can be hard to break. Many people begin biting their nails as children and it can continue into adulthood it you don't find an effective method to break the habit.


A woman itching her wrist.

Remedies For ItchingThis is a page about remedy for itching. Many things can cause itchy skin. Here are some remedies to try, that will hopefully relieve the itching.


Pumping Hand Lotion

Getting The Last Bit Out Of Pump BottlesThis is a page about getting the last bit out of pump bottles. There is usually product left in the bottom of bottles, that the pump cant reach. Here are some tips about getting the last bit out, before throwing the bottle away.


Soaking Feet in Basin

Soaking Your FeetA warm water soak can help make tired feet feel rejuvenated. This is a page about soaking your feet.


Applying Lip Gloss

Saving Money on Lip GlossIf you use lip gloss often, it can get pricey to keep buying more. Try these ideas for saving money on lip gloss.


A depressed man with his face in his hand sitting on the edge of his bed.

Dealing With DepressionDepression can be overwhelming at times and make it difficult or impossible to engage in day to day activities. Dealing with depression can be difficult, but with some help you can get through it.


testing blood sugar

Lowering Blood Sugar Without MedicationA proper diet is the best way keep your blood sugar low without medication. Lowering blood sugar without medication is possible but it takes dedication and close attention to what you eat and when.


Photo of a blue pills that look like Naproxen.

Aleve (Naproxen) to Relieve a ToothacheNaproxen is a good general pain killer that can help relieve many types of pain, including a toothache. Using Aleve (Naproxen) to relieve a toothache is common way to reduce pain of a sore tooth.


A woman being examined by a dentist.

Finding Dental Care With Bad Credit?Dental care gets expensive very quickly, if you have bad credit it may make it more difficult to get the dental care you need. Finding dental care with bad credit can be difficult, but it's not impossible.


A man touching his eye lid.

Treating a Bug Bite on Your Eye LidBug bites can be a nuisance anywhere on your body, but the eyelid is a particularly annoying place to have one. Treating a bug bite on your eye lid isn't as easy as on other places, but it should still be kept clean and not irritated by touching or rubbing it.


Close up of a yellow jacket and its nest.

Relieving Itching From Yellow Jacket Stings?Yellow jacket stings can be itchy and painful. This is a page about relieving itching from yellow jacket stings.


Bipolar Disorder Graphic

Dealing With Someone With a Bipolar DisorderBipolar disorder is not only a burden to the person suffering from it but it can also be a disputation in the lives of loved ones as well. This is a page about dealing with someone with a bipolar disorder.


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