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A picture of little black bugs.

Little Black Bugs Could Be ScabiesI had little bugs crawling on me, in my hair and in my clothes. I kept finding black specks that didn't move. I would notice glitter on my face in the sun light. I didn't realize this was scabies. I washed, sprayed and bombed; nothing seemed to work. Unfortunately, I gave scabies to my friend. She told me the only way to get rid of these bugs was to get ivermectin.


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Use Half A Benedryl to Avoid Side EffectsMy son and I both have pollen and various topical allergies. It seems that Benadryl is the only thing that works for either of us. Since he does a lot of driving in connection with his work, he bought the little pink Benadryl tablets and broke them in half.


A woman wearing a sleeveless sun dress with her arm in a sling.

How to Survive Weeks in an Arm SlingAfter having surgery on my shoulder for a torn Rotator Cuff two weeks ago, I've learned a few useful things that might help you one day.


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Finding it Hard to Drink Enough Water?Many people do not like water. It's plain and very simple. Even though it is a needed element to keep our bodies from becoming dehydrated. Many people just don't care for water. What can you do to help water taste better? Filtering it helps but the major way to change the flavor is to find some herbs (lavender or mint), vegetable slices (celery, ginger, or cucumber), or fruit (lemon, lime, strawberries, or grapefruit). The trick is to find ones you like to fuse with water and make them taste better for your consumption. Here are some other ways to help you get the water you need each day:


An ice pack inside.

Wearing An Ice PackWhen you don't have time to lay around on an ice pack, wear it.


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Leave Seal on VitaminsWhen you open your vitamin bottle, only cut half of the paper seal away. It's easier to get just one vitamin out at a time that way. It also prevents excessive handling of the other vitamins in the bottle, as well.


A woman in the car.

Music During Dental VisitNo one likes to go to the dentist and quite by accident, I discovered something I had done that made my visits more bearable. While waiting for my mouth to become numb, I was playing around with my phone and was listening to some music through my earbuds in high hopes it would help me relax.


Wrist Brace Sleeve

Wrist Brace SleeveI have developed tendonitis in my wrist and the doctor gave me a wrist brace to wear. It was not as comfortable as I would like so I cut an old sock off, just below the heel, made a little hole in the heel for my thumb and I had a sleeve to go over my arm under the brace. To keep the holes from stretching, I hand stitched around them and pulled the stitches up to fit my hand. The extra padding has made the biggest difference in the comfort of this wrist brace. I don't mind wearing it at all now.


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Preventing Blisters in New ShoesAs much as I love getting new shoes, I sometimes hesitate because they always tend to rub my feet in different spots, heels, toes, etc., and cause a blister the first few times they're worn.


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Slippery Shampoo BottleI have a hard time holding onto the wide shampoo bottles with wet hands. I saw an empty syrup bottle. It has rings around the top and is not as wide at the top. I emptied my shampoo into it. Now I can securely hold on to it in the shower.


Sugar pills being stored in a prescription pill bottle.

Storing Sugar Pills For DiabetesI am diabetic (Type 2) and sometimes when running errands, my blood sugar levels will drop. Doctor recommended that I keep some sugar pills on hand but that big bottle of 50 does not really fit my purse. I took one of my prescription bottles and put 5 tablets in it. Now it fits my purse and I don't have to worry about having a sugar crash while out.


A mother putting sunscreen on a young girl.

Safe Sunscreens for KidsThe Environmental Working Group (EWG) puts out a list each year of the safest sunscreens. They rate the sunscreens on five factors: health hazards, UVB protection, UVA protection, balance of UVA/UVB protection and sunscreen stability. From these analyses they give each sunscreen a score, the lower the score the better.


Helping Your Foot Health - left foot

Helping Your Foot HealthI have had planter facetious for years. It comes, I limp, it goes. Until 2019 when it was so bad I suffered every single step, for months. I found some relief with an insole specifically made for this malady, but it was not a permanent solution. So, I went to my podiatrist. We decided on a cortisone injection.


A shirt being used as a cowl type mask.

Cowl Mask IdeaI began walking again, to counteract the shelter in place order in our state. We can walk our pets, do any essential things and such but nothing else. So, while I can keep my brain sane with crafts, I have to keep my body as fit as I can get it, plus get some fresh air.


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If You Are Healthy, You Can Still Donate BloodI keep seeing Internet notifications saying if you are healthy you can still donate blood. Reminds me of the time I gave blood. I went to the clinic and was greeted by a nice elderly nurse who directed me to a seat. She said while I was waiting she would need to get some information from me. With clipboard and pen ready, she began to ask questions.



How to Protect Yourself Against the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

How to Protect Yourself Against the Coronavirus (COVID-19)This week, the CDC has told Americans that we need to be prepared for an outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The virus has been spreading across the globe with outbreaks in China, Korea, Japan, Italy, and Iran. As of today, the US has only seen 56 cases of the disease. Currently, 8,400 people in California are being monitored for the coronavirus.


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Drink More WaterHydration is tremendously important for overall health. Soda has absolutely ZERO nutritional content; it's like pouring a punch of sugar and syrup into your cup. Instead, fill it with life-replenishing water. It may taste plain at first if you're coming off of a heavy soda-drinking streak, but you'll soon find yourself addicted to it.


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Medical Information for EmergenciesI was in a car accident three months ago. The ambulance took me to the hospital from the car accident. I didn't have a list of the medicine I take and what I am allergic to. My tip is to keep your list of your medicine in the car or in your purse so that if you are in a accident, the doctor will know what you are taking.


Using baking soda in socks to deodorize feet smells.

Baking Soda For Foot OdorsWhen I worked in construction, it was necessary for me to wear high top, steel toed, tightly laced boots. With no air circulation around the feet, a perfect breeding ground for bacteria was created. I found an effective remedy.


Two tubes of toothpaste with names marked on them.

Label Each Person's ToothpasteIt's back to school and the kiddos are bound to get sick one way or another. To prevent spreading germs, I would recommend labeling their toothpastes separately. Also, store toothbrushes away from others.


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Peanut Butter And Poor SleepI think not many adults will be having before bedtime snacks of peanut butter. You might want to keep it in mind though if you have children, who like me, sometimes don't easily associate cause and effect.


A toothbrush holder next to an insulin pen.

Toothbrush Holder to Protect Insulin PenI live about 15 miles from my daughters and the big city she lives in. When I go into town, I have to take my insulin pen with me. Often, it's a bit tricky for me to just "throw" it in my small purse.


Two girls with masks on to prevent respiratory infections.

Use Doctor's Office Masks With CareI was appalled, disgusted, almost sickened by what I witnessed in a doctor's office this morning. I came back home and could hardly wait to share what I witnesses with all of you. Be forewarned. It is unpleasant.


A wrist brace and a metal canning jar insert on a woman's wrist.

Help with Injured Wrist on the CheapIn 1975, I was injured in a freak accident. I didn't break anything, but I have a permanent injury to my left wrist. And if I overdo it, it reminds me with a searing pain that debilitates me for a day or two.


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One Armed DressingMy left shoulder was broken so I cut the left strap neatly at the front bottom edge where it joins to the cup. I attached two sticky back Velcro strips about 2 inches long, one to the inside of the strap and the other to the outside of the cup. I took the Velcro strips off when I laundered the bra and stuck them back on later.


Putting extra lotion in a plastic container.

No Wasting LotionWhen you get down to the last squirt from your bottle of lotion, don't throw it away. There is probably a lot of lotion still left in the bottom of the bottle.


Okra soaking in a measuring cup of water.

Okra to Stabilize Blood SugarOkra has been brought up in many case studies to aid with stabilization of blood sugar levels. My father has type 2 diabetes, where it's been easy for his levels to spike with a little change in eating habits. We've been soaking cut-up pieces of okra in water overnight, then he drinks the water part of it in the morning.


Packages of Band-Aids and Hy-Tape for covering healing wounds.

Reduce Scars When HealingThis product "Hy-Tape" is a great alternative any time to Band-Aids when we get a cut that we need to protect so it can heal correctly and be aesthetically pleasing.


Tea Tree Oil in Bowl With Cloth

Many Uses for Tea Tree OilTea Tree Essential Oil is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-septic and anti-microbial. I use 6-7 drops in my dishwater for washing dishes. Same amount in the Washing Machine for Cleaning clothes. I add some to a bowl of hot water to clean my kitchen counter tops (instead of using harsh chemicals).


A razor blade next to a container of coconut oil.

Extend the Life of Razors Using Coconut OilIf you prefer using razor blades for a nice close shave, store them in coconut oil.



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Support Hose for Leg PainI have always suffered from leg pain. I have had it so badly it has made me cry. I know a lot of people who use support hose for fluid retention and to prevent blood clots. I found if my legs are hurting, I can put on a pair of support hose and it helps my legs feel better.


A unisex magnetic bracelet on a wrist.

Magnetic Jewelry for Health ConcernsI purchased this unisex jewelry set for my fiancé because he experiences pain in his wrist, perhaps from overuse of typing. He claims to feel better! As you can see against me, this bracelet is universal and can be for women too.


A towel on a mattress to prevent menstrual stains.

Towel to Prevent Menstrual StainsI have a designated clean white towel that I use when I am on my menstrual cycle. I put the towel on my bed and, in the event that I leak (which is rarely), the leak will be on my towel and not on my sheets or mattress.


Two tennis balls in a sock, to be used as a massager.

Tennis Ball Self-MassagerPut a couple tennis balls in a stocking and you will have a fantastic portable self-massager. This is great for when you have pains in your back and feet that you can't reach on your own. The soft give that a tennis ball has works well for not applying too much hard pressure on your body.


A list of medications and questions to ask the doctor.

Be Prepared Prior to Doctor's AppointmentBefore your doctors appointment, be prepared by writing your appointment down on your calendar or journal. Specify any requests needed to be done before the appointment like fasting, or removing jewelry for specific appointments.


A white step stool next to a toilet.

Squatty Potty on the CheapThe Squatty Potty is a type of footstool you place on the floor in front of your toilet, helping you to lift your legs, resulting in a squatting-type position to help ease strain when moving bowels. You can use any standard footstool to aid you in this process as you are to be lifting your legs, not standing on the actual stool.


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Bottle Cap as Pill CupI need to take lots of Tums every day, for the calcium. I dump three into a largish pill bottle cap and set it next to my keyboard. I reach for them without thinking about it as I work, and when I reach and find an empty cap, I know I've had that dose of Tums.


A tube of Systane eye lubricant.

Lubricate Dry Eyes at NightIf you suffer from dry eyes, especially at night, apply a thin layer of eye ointment underneath your lower eye lid. The ointment will keep your eyes moist throughout the night until morning. The ointment I use is over the counter and accessible for anyone to purchase.


Magnesium and zinc supplements for tinnitus

Magnesium and Zinc for TinnitusRecently, my tinnitus got so bad I was not able to sleep, hearing loud buzzing sounds inside my head that nothing could cancel. I was ready to try anything, even surgery, but a holistic health professional suggested I try magnesium and zinc.


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Preventing Stinky Feet from CrocsI love crocs and I have super stinky feet. I have learned that polyester socks don't breath as much as cotton, and make your feet sweat more. Mixed with shoes that don't breath makes for stinky feet in a matter of 30 minutes.


Use Your Own Pen to Stay Healthy - photo of plastic bag with pens and other items kept in handbag in background

Use Your Own Pen to Stay HealthyA wonderful tip was posted about not picking up reading material in a doctor's office to avoid germs. Reader's Digest suggested always using your own pen. Pens have so many germs, and you can really cut down on catching colds and the flu by avoiding pens that other people have used. I always have a few in my purse.


A young girl with a cold or flu.

Stay Healthy During Flu SeasonThis is flu season. If you have to see your doctor for a check up or because your sick, DO NOT pick up a paper, brochure or especially a magazine! It is the easiest way to pick up an infection or another illness you don't have.


Bottle of hand sanitizer with Listerine.

Listerine as SanitizerI love the amber colored mouthwash, whether name brand or not. It is useful for so many things. When my hand sanitizer small bottles are almost empty, I shake them up with the antiseptic mouthwash in them.


Store Used Tissues in Empty Box

Store Used Tissues in Empty BoxThe next time you have a cold, rubber-band an empty tissue box to your full tissue box. Use the empty box to store the used tissues. It keeps things neat and less germs will spread.


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Start Small Project To Combat InsomniaI am no sleep expert, but I have had insomnia for years. I have discovered if I get out of bed (usually around midnight for me) and organize my desk, or a closet or a room, I can get back to sleep easily.



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Leave Medication in Original PackagingAs emergency medical service professionals, we despise pill containers that hold the doses of all medications by day or time. When we ask the patient what their medications are, they hand us, or point out the pill pack containers. We can NOT identify the medications by that, nor can the hospital ER staff.


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Clothing for Shoulder Surgery and Other TipsI recently underwent orthoscopic rotator cuff surgery and the first thing that came to mind was what type of clothing should I need.


Protecting Your Skin from Costume Jewelry

Protecting Your Skin from Costume JewelryWe all have that silver or gold toned jewelry that we would love to wear, but unfortunately when we do it leaves our skin green or can even cause skin irritations. If you simply paint a thin coat of clear nail polish over the metal that will be in contact with your skin, it will alleviate the problem completely.


marks on label

Keep Track of Daily MedicationIf you are taking a pill every day and have a hard time remembering whether you have taken it or not, you can write the day on the pill bottle label every day to keep track. This keeps the record with the bottle and saves you the bother of dealing with a day-of-the-week dispenser.


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Flannelette HandkerchiefI didn't have a handkerchief or tissue handy when I needed them the other day, so I used an offcut of flannelette from sewing. It was really soft and easy on my nose, which was sore and chapped from much blowing.


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Nail File to Prevent Repetitive Stress InjuriesAs a RN, 12 hours of opening individually packaged pills caused my flexor tendonitis. I finally figured out that a steel nail file could open that packaging without twisting or prying.


DVT Delicate Calf/Shin Protectors

DVT Delicate Calf/Shin ProtectorsHere is help for people who've had DVTs or Post-Thrombotic Syndrome in their lower legs and who's skin is very delicate and easily torn or punctured by hard objects. I'm one of these and this protection may be stronger, easier to make and cheaper to buy the raw material for!


A deflated beach ball used as a wedge pillow.

Frugal Wedge PillowUse a 20 inch beach ball as a wedge pillow. Just blow a little air in it and place it under your pillow. It forms to fill in the gap between the pillow and the arm rest.


Preventing Leg Ulcers with Shin Guards

Preventing Leg Ulcers with Shin GuardsFrom my two long ago blood clots, I have a perennial threat of developing a leg ulcer, suffering pain, Una-boots in July and huge medical bills for "wound care" visits. As a result, I live in constant fear of bumping my shins on or scraping my lower legs on some hard object.


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Rocker Soles for Heel Spur ReliefI have also suffered from heel spurs and my solution to the pain and final cure was to wear rocker soled shoes! I found the shoes were such a relief eventually I could wear my regular shoes again!


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Hang Wet Laundry in Bedroom to Prevent NosebleedsI line dry most of our laundry. My husband gets nosebleeds in the winter. To solve both, I started putting a load on the rack in our bedroom before he goes to bed.


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Stretching Lumbar Spine While on ComputerI have persistent and chronic Lumbar Spine pain. I put an extra chair lumbar support on my bed, then position my lower back on it. Putting a pillow on my abdomen/stomach, I position my computer and then do my work.


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Free Red Dress Jewelry Pin From American Heart AssociationIf you go to the link below, all you have to do is click the button that says "Get the Pin" at the bottom, fill out your mailing address, and they will ship your goodie!


Reduce Time Spent Sitting

Reduce Time Spent SittingMany studies now show that sitting is as bad a health risk as smoking! Sometimes you have to sit so I keep a kitchen timer on my desk to stand up every 20 minutes and move around.


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Wipe Down Library BooksWhen I get books from the library, I use a spray bottle with vinegar and spray the book and wipe it down with a paper towel. The vinegar kills germs and you can see a lot of dirt removed on the paper towel.


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Avoiding Bacteria TransferI recently read a medical research report stating that hand sanitizers are only about 60% as effective as washing your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. However, a hand sanitizer is better than nothing!


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Freeze Juice Packs for Ice PackI always keep some of those Capri Sun juice packs on hand for the neighborhood kids. We live on a lake and there's always children going by.


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Hairspray Hint for Arthritis SufferersAn elderly friend of mine has arthritis in her hands so bad that she can no longer put hair spray on. Her fingers are so weak and twisted that she can't push the nozzle down. In the paint section at Walmart, I ran across a pistol grip that is used for spray paint.


Lipstick and sponge brush.

Getting All the Lipstick From the TubeThere is a lot of lipstick left after it becomes level with the container. Just use a sponge tip brush and you will get many more uses.


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Wear Properly Fitting ShoesMany years ago, I talked with a surgeon who told me that most people damage the blood vessels and structures in their feet long before they have diabetes by buying and wearing cheap, ill-fitting shoes.


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Wearing TED HoseTired of struggling with TED hose. Don't fret. I have a very slick solution. Takes half the time as it normally would.


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Keeping Track of Medicine Doses When SickAs my husband, my 4 year old and myself all ended up with the flu, keeping track of who I gave the Tylenol to and when I took that cough syrup and all that came up more than one time.


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Adjust Task Chairs To Correct HeightMany people don't realize how important it is to keep your neck in a straight and natural position. I have my task chair at my computer desk in the highest position.


bite plane in mouth

Maintaining a Bite PlaneOur son was recently fitted with a bite plane to correct his overbite. It is similar to a retainer and is removable. The first thing we noticed it that it gets stinky pretty quickly.


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Keeping Track of Water IntakeFinding time to always write down my water intake for the day was not easy for me. Now I use a row counter that's used for yarn projects. I just give it a quick click and don't even have to look as I go about my day.


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Getting More out of your DeodorantI recently learned that all packaging in underarm deodorant sticks actually have more deodorant material than the packaging claims. This extra material is used to keep the last bits of the deodorant on to the bottom of the base.


A Healthy Path For Losing Weight

A Healthy Path For Losing WeightMy neighbor recently contacted me to ask for some weight loss tips. She had noticed me gardening last week and was struck by how much weight I had lost. It didn't happen overnight but as my mentor would say, "You didn't gain the weight overnight either".


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Cold and Flu KitUse a clear shoe box. Fill it with all these items and also with the cough drops and medications. Make two sets of these, one for adults and one for children.


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Use Computer Desk Chair as Generic HoveroundI recently hurt my knee and could not put any weight on it so in order to get around the house. I used my computer chair and rolled from room to room.


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Medical Care on a BudgetIf you live near a medical/dental school or a major teaching hospital you can see what research they are doing and enrolling in one or more studies. I have done this for several years and had "better than free" care; they "pay" me.


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Health Benefits of Pet OwnershipOwning a pet such as a dog or cat can improve your health and help keep it that way. There have been many studies documenting both the medical and psychological benefits of pet ownership.


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Dog Clippers for First Aid KitI like to keep a dog nail trimmer in my first aid kit. Those pills where you have to tear the plastic in half to get to them are so much easier to use when you have a pair of dog nail clippers in there. They are not good for use on dogs nails after they have been used on other things.


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Prevent Shoulder Damage Now when you are YoungOver the past year, my left shoulder has progressively became worse until just recently I couldn't use it much at all.


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Pill Taking the Easy WayWhen I have to take a large pill I get a little pat of butter and coat the pill. It goes down very easily. No more cutting the calcium pills into small pieces.


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Use Bandannas Instead of WashclothsIt is very unpleasant to go and wash your face with a stinky washcloth. I now purchase colorful bandannas to use in lieu of the traditional one. Even in humidity, they dry within a a few hours. Bonus, they are more pliable.


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Use Lip Balm to Moisten FingertipsI use this tip when in a public waiting area where magazines are available. Instead of worrying about germs from licking your finger when you turn the page, I carry a cheap lip balm. A little dab and no more stuck pages or someone else's germs!


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Cushion Pads for Straps That Touch the SkinCpap users that have to strap on breathing masks and anyone else using straps that touch the skin might look at the toe bandages (pkg. of three) at Walmart for $2.68, that slip around straps for needed comfort.


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Red Cloth for your First Aid KitAnyone who has children knows some kids scream louder after being hurt, especially when they see the blood! I know I have a couple who are that way. So I now use a red cloth when they get cut so they can't see the blood.


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Problem Taking PillsIf you have trouble swallowing pills, there is a very easy solution. Place the pill in your mouth, then drink your water (or other liquid) through a straw. There's something about the closed-mouth sucking motion that helps the pill go down.


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Treating Toenail Fungus Takes TimeAs ugly as the nail fungus looks, that isn't what you're curing. Any "cure" you use is getting at the root of the problem and that's the fungus itself. It lives under and around the nail, it gets stuck inside the nail, staining the nail!


Bed rail padded with swim noodle.

Swimming Noodle For Padding Bed RailsMy husband has became bedridden and always hurting himself on bed railing. I picked up some swimming noddles and cut them the long way and wraped the top rail. Pipe insulation is out of season so I went with swimming noodles.


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Preventing Stinky FeetI went to a foot doctor with my stinky feet. He gave me prescription for an antifungal to rub on the bottom of my feet. He also said if my feet ever stink again to put underarm deodorant before putting your socks on.


First Aid Basket

First Aid BasketKeep all your first aid stuff in a small fruit basket with a handle. Put your peroxide, bandages and gauze pads, etc. Then it will be easy to carry with you on picnics or to the park.


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Wearing Jewelry With Swollen JointsHaving some problems with swollen joints can be a problem on certain days. Some tasks are harder than others. I have found a couple that work in these times.


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Myrrh for Treatment of Toenail Fungus?I watched Dr. OZ today and he suggested the use of myrrh. If I understood, I think it is an oil.


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Removing Plantar Warts From FeetI had Plantar warts as a child and I had them removed by a doctor burning them off. They were under the skin and it felt like I was walking on pebbles.


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Taking Capsules EasilyWhen you are trying to take a capsule, you should put it in your mouth with a sip of water then tilt your head forward (down). When the capsule floats to the back of your mouth, swallow it.


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Save Children's Sleeves When Discarding Old ClothesSave the sleeves from soft materials from your children's clothes. Then when they need to have an Ace bandage on their arms for any reason, it won't be so scratchy.


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Protecting the Printing on Pill OrganizersWhen you buy a new pill organizer from the store I suggest you coat the printing with clear nail polish. Over time the tips of your fingers will erase the printing.


Ointment for Pierced Ears

Ointment to Get Earrings in EasierMy pierced ears tend to "close up" if I go without wearing earrings for a while. And putting earrings in again can be difficult and painful. I found a way to slip them right in and keep them from hurting after I've had a lengthy earring lay-off.


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Taking Vitamins, Minerals and HerbsMy parents are in their 70's. And both of them are doing fairly well with regard to their health. There are things they can't do that they used to and they have no problem telling you that. But they really don't make that comment often.


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Use Available Medical ResourcesMany people are entitled to benefits that they do not know about. In Massachusetts, there is a program to help offset the cost of medication not covered by Medicare.


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Understanding Alzheimer DiseaseI have no tip for preventing or curing this awful disease, but I have a dear friend who works at a care facility for advanced Alzheimer and brain damaged adults. Her main suggestion is to never, ever argue with them.


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Going Overboard with SanitizingSanitizing is a good thing. I think we all know that. But I have read so many tips about being sure to wash hands after this, that, or the other and it's getting ridiculous.


Caring For A Person With Dementia

Caring For A Person With DementiaThere are many other types of dementia. It bothers me when people always say 'Alzheimer's'. My husband has FTD Dementia. It would be nice if one would say 'dementia', or 'type of dementia' instead of always calling dementia 'Altzheimer's'.


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Vitamins To Help Memory LossSeveral years ago I had a stroke. Recently (about 6 weeks ago), I ran across a article about memory loss and vitamins. It recommenced taking Vitamin B12 and folic acid. Slowly, but surely my short term memory is returning.


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Always Remember Your Own PenWhile watching the Health Channel, I saw pens have as many germs as a public restroom, spreading anything from flu, cold germs, and even skin viruses from one to another unknowing person.


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