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DIY for Killing Eyelash Mites?Looking for an inexpensive way to kill Demodex Eyelash mites.


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Treating Corns and Cracked HeelsI have really sore feet, despite using creams twice a day. I just wondered if anyone has any self help ideas? It's mainly painful corns in between my toes. I've used foam to stop the pain but I'd like to cure them. It's a hard place to get at!


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Removing Glass Bits from Under the Skin?12 years ago I had a car accident. At that time I did remove some pieces of glass. But there are more pieces of glass that can be seen. So what I do?


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Treating a Bougainvillea Prick?I stood on a bougainvillea stick with little thorns on the sides barefoot. My heel is a little swollen and red around the sore spot. There is a small brown dot in the centre of the red spot, but I can't get it out. What do I do?


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Remedies for a Burned Throat?I had hot soup for lunch at 4pm (3 hrs ago at the time I write this) and burned my throat when swallowing. I quickly pushed cold water down after, it but it still burns. Any advice? I am drinking cold water while working since my job allows bottles in my area, but it still hurts. The cold water doesn't seem to help.


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Home Remedies for Discomfort from an Eyelid Infection?I am looking for suggestions for treating a painful eyelid infection, blepharitis.


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Making Corn Heat Packs?I am going to be making heat packs using corn, are there certain instructions I should include with the heat pack?


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Using Cornstarch for a Heat Rash?Is cornstarch good for a heat rash?


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Remedy for Itchy Armpits?I have problem of itchy underarms all of the time now. I am not sure if it's the roll on that I am using or what. How can I get rid of this itching in my armpits? It's been over 2 years now.


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Using Hedge Apples as a Treatment for COPD?I was told these could be used daily to treat COPD. Can this be possible or is this something to avoid? I am just looking for a cure.


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Do I Have Scabies?I have a friend that says she has scabies. She's been to the doctor and they have said they've never seen any like that. She feels the bite and itches a lot, also at night. She has had no rash. She has been following the recommendations for scabies for several months.


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Using a NeilMed Sinus Rinse Bottle?I use a NeilMed bottle, but can't seem to empty it. There is always 1/4 to 1/3 solution left. What am I doing wrong?


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Relief for Itchy Skin?My penis, in between my legs, and my legs itch especially at night. I don't sleep at all. I have scratched until I bleed. I can't even stay with anyone around because of the scratching. It is quite embarrassing.


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Treating a Rash in Skin Folds?I have got a rash under my belly. It's sore. It's quite a bad rash. I think it is a sweat rash. I only found it tonight cos it was itchy.


Treating an Oozing Foot Rash

Treating an Oozing Foot Rash?I have had this rash on my ankle going on 3 months. It seems as if scratching spreads it. I've been to the Dr. I've used cortisone cream, Neosporin, ketoconzol cream, and clindamycin. Nothing works. In fact seems to be getting worse and it's another month before I can get into the dermatologist.



Removing a Seed Wart - round wart

Removing a Seed Wart?My warts has hair growing from it. Can I used duck tape and remove it?


Getting Rid of Seed Warts - round cluster of warts

Getting Rid of Seed Warts?How do I get rid of a soft seed wart on the side of my knee?


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Treating Muscle Spasms?I have muscle spasms in my right arm between the elbow and shoulder. It hurts badly. I went to the ER and they just gave me a pain pill. It doesn't work. I've even been to chiropractor. He helped my neck and upper shoulder. I need help.


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Treating Pain from Fluid Behind Eardrum?So I know what my problem is which is I have liquid behind my eardrum. It took a bit to get the doctors to realise. Since 2014 I have had constant ear aches and infections and I was finally seen by a doctor who told me I had to get a gormmet. I have to wait until December this year.


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Do Hedge Apple Help Cure Liver Cancer?I was told that hedge apples were good to use for cancer of the liver. Can people eat them?


Removing a Piece of Glass Embedded in Skin - tiny spot on palm

Removing a Piece of Glass Embedded in Skin?I got a small piece of glass from my phone stuck in the middle of my hand after dropping my phone then picking it up to wipe it off. Tweezers didn't work too good. They broke the glass off. I don't have any peroxide or baking soda, what can I do at home? It's painful and irritating, it's embedded under my skin pretty good.


Getting Rid of Boils - large red boils on upper arm

Getting Rid of Boils?What's the best remedy to get rid of boils that won't open up? I've tried everything. Does anyone have any other options for this type of question and that would be helpful where it will go away!


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Home Remedies for Demodex and Scabies?What are some home remedies for demodex and scabies on humans?


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Remedy for a Tickle in Your Ear?I've had like a bad tickle in my right ear. It's really annoying me and it's making my head and under my neck itch. Has anyone had anything like this?


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Making Microwavable Heating Pads?I plan to make small cloth heating pads out of left over material and warm them up in the microwave. Does any one have any ideas on what to put in it to hold the heat?


Treating Boils - boil on back of leg above the knee

Treating Boils?What do you do once the core of the boil comes away? Do you keep it covered and keep using the drawing ointment or leave it uncovered? It's been 2 weeks of pain and I'm still on antibiotics.


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Health Benefits of Tumeric?Can't I just take a tumeric with ginger capsule for the same health benefit?


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Ear Tickles and Cracks?I have a quick tickle in my ear like a bug is in it. When I burp I can hear a small static noise and my ear hair tickles randomly. I just want to know if it's a bug or not. I can't sleep because of the tickles and the tickles scare me. So I stay up.


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Remedy for New Denture Pain?I had my top 9 teeth pulled 4 days ago. My gums are sore and putting my dentures back in is really painful. Is it OK to use Orajel while I still have open gums?


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Remedy for Itchy Scalp?I have heat bumps on the back of my head even during the winter as well as the summer. My head itches also.



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Treating Itching from a Yeast Infection on Skin?After clearing up the rash from a a body yeast infection, the itching is terrible. Does anyone know what to do that will get rid of it? It's under my breast, stomach, and small tummy roll!


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Identifying and Treating a Bump Inside Your Lip?What does it mean when you have a small bump on the inside of your lip?


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Spirits of Ammonia?Are spirits of ammonia and ammonia spirits the same thing?


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Using Oatmeal for Arthritis Pain in Hands?I read that you can mix 2 cups oatmeal with 1 cup water and then put it into the microwave for 1 minute. My question is after application to the hand how long do I leave it on.


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Products for Nickel Dermatitis?I have nickel dermatitis and saw these 2 products online. Has anyone here tried either of them? How well do they work? Thought I'd ask about them before I plunked down the $ for them! Thanks for your input! Here are the two items: Jewelry Shield and Nickel Guard.


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Treating Itchy Flea Bites?I have flea bites that itch like crazy what do I do?


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Home Remedy for Head Lice?I am looking for a home remedy for head lice.


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Treating a Rope Burn?I just got a rope burn from my dog's leash this morning. I went home and ran the burn under cold water and put polysporin on it and dressed it with a band-aid. Is it safe to put an icepack on the burn after dressing it?


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Cause of Tickling and Crunching Noises Inside My Ear?I have this to tickling inside my right ear as if a bug is moving through the hairs inside my right ear from time to time. I also hear these crunching noises everytime when I move the ear muscles pulling back and forth. Can someone tell me what is causing all of this and how to treat it?


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Treating a Rope Burn on Your Finger?How do I repair my finger? I have taken many layers of skin off due to having a rope burn? My burn is all wrapped up.


Can Silver Earrings Cause Skin Irritation?

Can Silver Earrings Cause Skin Irritation?I have these silver earrings my boyfriend gave me and I wear them with no problems, but now my right ear has started breaking out. I'm not sure if it's because I have sensitive ears or what. I put some anti-itch cream on my right ear and I would like to know if that will help?


Treating a Weird Foot Rash  - red rash

Treating a Weird Foot Rash?I have some weird rash on my foot. At first I got it on my left foot and it was only a couple of bumps that were red and itchy. Now I have it in my right foot and there are many bumps all together and it is red all around. It is only in one specific area.


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New Upper Denture Hurts?Yesterday I got my permanent upper denture and no longer need Polygrip. Today the gum sides were sore and it hurt when I took a bite into my sandwich. Will this eventually go away or should I go back to the dentist? I do have an appt in 2 weeks just for a check up.


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Treating Skin Fold Sores?I am currently being treated for pneumonia with z-pack, albuterol inhaler, steroids, cough syrup, and Diflucan. My question is 'being on these meds, how am I developing a skin fold (underside of fat roll) sore? Shouldn't the steroids and diflucan be clearing it up if not completely?


Getting Rid of Head Lice - package of lice shampoo

Getting Rid of Head Lice?Earlier this afternoon before I knew that I have lice I had applied olive oil to my entire head. Then I discovered lice. Now online I see that if I want to use the CVS compared product to get rid of them, I was not to wash and condition my hair in order to get the olive oil out of my hair.



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Remedy for Itchy Skin?I have itchy skin due to arthritis. What creams can I use to help stop the itching?


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Using Aloe Vera Juice for First Aid?Can aloe vera juice be used for first aid treatment?


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Remedy for Underarm Odor?I have been having really bad underarm odor for a really long time. I have used a baking soda and lemon juice mix, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, and a whole lot of homemade remedies. It has gotten to the point where I'm so depressed about it because I'm in high school and it's embarrassing walking around with stinky armpits.


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Remedies for Jaw Pain From Dentures?What can I do for jaw pain from my dentures until I can get to a dentist? I really can't handle another day like this. I've had my dentures for 8 years and haven't experienced any major pain like this before. Please help with any advice that will work.


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Does the Medicine Man Hearing Remedy Work?Can any one give me any information on the book "The Medicine Man Hearing Remedy That Will Reverse Your Hearing Loss"? Does any one know if by reading and following directions, that it will actually work or is it a scam?


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Treating a Poison Ivy Rash?I work in the heat all day, (construction). Should I cover my poison ivy rash?


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Remedy for Pain from Shingles?I have had shingles since September 2016. The rash is gone, but the nerve pain is still very bad.


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Alleviating Knee Pain?I have over 300 pounds to lose, so it's no wonder my knees ache. A month ago they started hurting so badly I could hardly walk. I can barely stand after sitting for even ten minutes. It hurts to stand for long periods. The only relief I get is from sleeping on my stomach. I am taking ibuprofen and walking a little.


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Treating a Skin Rash?I have a red line in the crease of my left side groin fold that burns. I normally use organic cornstarch (guy) dustings each morning. Yesterday I opened a new box of the same product and dusted. By evening the condition flared up. I used cold compress last night and cut a strip of gauze to put in fold at bed time.


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Help for Hot Flashes?Anyone have any ideas to stop or control hot flashes?


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Filling Microwave Therapy Bags with Recycled Tea Bags?I love DIY! I've used rice in a sock, but have found it eventually, "cooks". Has anyone ever tried saving and drying out tea bags, (without staples), to use a a filler?


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Using a Microwaveable Neck Heating Pad?I had a pattern for a heating pad that has a removable inner pouch that is filled with rice or clean kitty litter. It can be heated up in the microwave and used many times. I cannot find the information about heating times and was hoping your site would have that.


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Treating a Rope Burn?I was at a circus and I was on the trapeze. I slipped and I got a really bad rope burn on my upper thigh. It hurts when I stretch my skin, when water touches it, and when I touch it trying to put cream on it. I'm not sure how to get it to heal, but it's just getting worse.


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Getting Used to New Dentures?I've had dentures for a month. I'm miserable; how can I possibly get used to them? I find it miserable and awkward to eat. Now the top plate hurts going over my gums. Taking them off is a pure agony.


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Remedy for Pain from New Temporary Partial?I have had my new temporary partial for about a week and have started to adjust to them, but my tongue it terribly sore. It feels like it's constantly being rubbed or burned. How do I fix this?


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Treating an Ulcer with Tea Bags?I have a leg ulcer. I also have poor circulation in this leg and it takes sores or leg ulcers a long time to heal. I was wondering if I can use these tea bags, they are decaffeinated, that's what I drink. Can I use them on my leg ulcer for the infection in the leg and to help it heal faster and better?


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Herbs and Supplements to Heal a Wound?I've been looking up herbs and supplements to help my leg ulcer heal faster. So far I've found garlic, vitamin C, and tea bags. So if you know what other herbs and supplements would help, please let me know.


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Home Remedies for Itchy Skin?The nape of my neck is itchy and red. I have tried all sorts of prescription drugs, but nothing seems to work. I need help as I am fed up with scratching my neck. The doctor says it is eczema and gave me a shampoo with no luck. It appears to be associated with stress.


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Partial Tongue Pain from Dentures?I recently had to remove a bottom tooth due to an accident. My partial was a bit painful so I had my perio cut it down some and filed. However this caused it to become loose on one side and the floor ("gum" part) is causing soreness from the constant rubbing and thickness.


Tiny Black Bugs Making Head Itch

Tiny Black Bugs Making Head Itch?8 weeks ago I my scalp started itching. When I combed my hair out over the bathroom basin these black things come out. I assumed they were lice, so over the following 2 weeks I spent a lot of money on different products. However I still had them. I went to a lice specialist, but she couldn't find anything.


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Amish Remedy for Leg Cramps?I am looking for the recipe using apple cider vinegar, ginger juice, and garlic juice.


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Remedy for Allergy to Cats?What do you do if you are allergic to cats and your neighbor has one?


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Treating a Spider Bite with Vinegar?Can you use apple cider vinegar with coconut oil or does it have to be white vinegar?


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Painful New Dentures?I've had epilepsy since I was 5 years old. I'm now 36. So, you know, I've had to take many different medications to control my seizers. Well, over the years, my medications have caused my teeth to decay. Little by little I've had my bad teeth removed. I now have dentures. But they are painful and make my gums bleed.


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Remedy for Armpit Odor?Well everyday I go to school by walking, but I sweat even before getting to school. Sometimes I feel like going back home and showering but it's too late.


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Remedy for Pain fromM Partial Dentures?I've had my partials for well over 6 months and just today started to get this horrible pain in my teeth where the metal from my partial goes across my teeth. I don't know if it's because the metal is rubbing on my teeth just below my gums or if a cavity is starting. It is very sensitive and very painful.


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Remedy for Pain from Upper Dentures?My dentures are painful to wear. What can I use for painful gums when putting top set in?


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New Dentures Painful?I just got all my top teeth pulled out Monday. My dentures were put in immediately after. I went back to the dentist Thursday and was told I need to take them out at night. Well I took them out and Friday morning they gutted so bad I just left them out.


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Controlling Body Odor?I am a 15 year old and I have really bad body odor. I sweat a lot which does not help at all. It's usually when I sweat that the odor starts and people are reporting me to the health aid and making fun of me before class starts.


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Remedy for Pain from New Dentures?I just got 14 teeth pulled yesterday as they were the only ones left to pull. Dentures were put in, but they are so uncomfortable. I can barely keep them in my mouth due to blisters everywhere, I can't eat, drink or anything with them in except sometimes I can leave the top ones in.


calluses on foot

Getting Rid of Foot Calluses?I am a pastry chef so I am on my feet for hours everyday. Not only do I work, but I commute via public transportation to school and back. I have thick calluses on the bottoms of both feet. I could wear the most comfortable shoes, but at the end of the night I'm walking in pain because of my calluses.


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Remedy for Pain from New Dentures?I'm in my mid 30s and had a full extraction done 11 months ago. I just got my permanent dentures. The tops are awesome. The bottoms fit fantastically, but I am so freaking sore by the end of the day and it hurts. I actually cry when I put them in. I've been swishing with salt water and taking Advil.


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New Dentures Painful?I had 4 teeth extracted at the bottom front and a temporary denture put in straight away, but now I am having trouble getting the denture to fit back in without pain. Is there something I am doing wrong? How hard do you push down? How far down does the metal go around the the tooth that's holding it in?


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Remedy for Chafed Skin?I have had, for a couple of days, a chafed feeling on my upper right thigh near the groin area and a little bit on the buttocks. There is no rash, no bumps or lumps, just the feeling of chafed skin. What could it be and can anyone recommend a treatment?


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Removing Ear Wax?Is there a natural remedy for earwax?


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Treating Facial Skin Rash?I am about to graduate middle school in a couple of days and I have a rash/red spot on my nose. I need it to come off immediately. What is a remedy?


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Treating a Sore on Skin?I get this sore right on my waistline in the front. I have a gut on me and think I get these because I'm fat. The waistband on my underwear makes it hurt. It looks like a zit or something and hurts really bad. Sometimes it actually bruises up. What do I do?


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Remedy for Pain from Ear Infection?Right now I have mono and I have a really bad ear infection in my right ear. It hurts so bad, every time I cough, swallow, etc. I get this sharp pain on the inside of my right ear. What can I use to help with the pain?


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Remedies for a Sore Throat and Ear Pain?I woke from sleep on Sunday and I felt as if I was having mucus in my throat. My ears were clogged on the third day. My nose is even clogged, but my ears were more clogged. Now it's the 5 day and I can feel that the right side of my throat is painful and that my right ear is even clogged.


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Remedy for Bad Underarm Odor?I have tried everything from lime to baking soda to milk of magnesia. I try to remove all the bacteria as much as possible with methylated spirit. I use a men's deodorant now and nothing seems to be working. I am a teenager.


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Remedy for Pain from New Dentures?I have sore and swollen the gums after extraction and new dentures. It's been about 3 weeks. I am using all tips, taking ibuprofen, using Oragel, and freezing both plates. My dentist charged over $5000 and acts put out with my adjustments. Thankfully a dental assistant helped me.


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Remedy for Pain from New Dentures?I got my 2nd set of dentures today and it feels weird. I can't eat anything as chewing feels terrible. Will it get better?


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Microwave Heating Bag?I have a zipper on my wheat bag. Can I heat it in a microwave?


Remedy for Red Itchy Bumps?I have a few red itchy bumps on my face. Is there anything that will stop the itching?


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Pain and Ulcers from Dentures?I have had upper bone in my mouth removed due to cancer and they gave me an upper denture. It is creating problems for me. It's very painful and it makes my mouth sour and is causing ulcers on the joint of my gums and lips. What can I do?


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Using Aloe for a Chemical Burn?Can I use aloe vera gel on burn on my neck caused by bleaching cream?


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Relief from the Pain of Ingrown Toenails?What can I do to get relief from the pressure and pain of my ingrown toenail?


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Remedies for Body Odor?I have done everything possible to get rid of my body odor, but nothing seems to work. I bathe twice a day, brush my teeth twice, sometimes 3x, I use dental floss frequently, I use lemon before bathing and good deodorants, but people keep frowning and cover their nose when I come around.


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Remedy for Denture Pain?I got plates for my upper and lower mouth, the upper one is perfectly fine but the lower one is practically unbearable, it's digging into the side of my lower gum and it hurts a lot. I've been wearing them for a month now and it's never hurt this much before.


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Treating an Ingrown Toenail?Ok, well to start I had an ingrown toenail for about 2-3 months maybe 4 and I went to the doctor and they told me to soak my foot in Epsom salt and warm water and she gave me pills. I did that, but I still have an ingrown toe nail. I have been looking for a cure that really works.


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Dentures Make Gums Sore?Why do my dentures make my gums sore? I am not able to eat with them. They make me feel sick.


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Bone Pain from Dentures?I have had my full set for over a year now and it seems like the jaw bone and top ridge are really sore sometimes. There are no gum abrasions at all. The bite seems pretty good, they come together well. The bone pain though is beginning to trouble me. I just went for a checkup recently and the doc said it all looks good. I have one spot that feels like a bad bruise, but she didn't think it was anything. What could it be or what can I do about it?


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Rice Heating Pad Fabric Content?I just bought fleece fabric to make rice pack cover, but neglected to check fabric content. Must it be 100% cotton to be used in microwave?


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Top Denture Causing Pain?I got my top denture in May. Now it is too wide and cutting into my cheek. Is there anyway I can fix this myself? I can't afford to go have it relined or get a new set at the moment and my jaw is so sore I can't put my dentures in.


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Causes and Remedy for Itchy Ear?What makes the ear to itch that ends up irritating it?


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Removing Warts on Eyebrow?How do I remove warts from my eyebrow?


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Pain From New Dentures?I have been reading a lot and it seems like everything I am feeling is normal, however, no one really has stated how long new dentures hurt.


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