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Egg White To Draw Out BoilsA way to treat and draw out boils is to crack an egg, take the egg white and put it on the boil. Put a bandage on it and leave overnight. When you wake up, you will see a big change. Do this as often as you like until the boil has gotten the core out.


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Use A Sanitary Napkin As A Wound DressingMy friend recently had breast surgery for cancer and when the drainage tube was taken out she had an infection. She was told to keep a clean bandage on at all times.


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Pickle Juice to Control Blood SugarI read in a magazine that taking 2 oz. of apple cider vinegar before meals helps control your blood sugar. Tried it - YUCK! But I did try sugar free (made with Splenda) pickle juice from Vlasic. This has worked like a charm.


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Use A Butter Knife To Get Rid Of HiccupsTo get rid of hiccups, pour cold water in glass and put a stainless steel butter knife into the glass. As you drink the water, the hiccups disappear almost instantly!


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Vicks Vapor Rub for Minor BurnsFor minor burns, such as steam burns in the kitchen, after running cold water on the burn, you can put Vicks Vapor Rub or a similar product on it and it will take the sting/soreness out of the burn!


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Anise Extract for Acid RefluxMy son-in-law and I both had acid reflux. I went to the store and tried to find licorice oil with no luck. I finally went to the grocery store in the seasonings aisle. I found anise extract.


Fig Milk for Wart and Skin Tag Removal

Fig Milk for Wart and Skin Tag RemovalThe milk that is inside of the stems of fig branches is a natural and highly effective way to remove warts and skin tags without the dangers of chemical acids.


A small scrape on an arm.

Ease Itchy Rashes or ScrapesI once discovered a small rash on my arm; then a scrape on my elbow. I've also had cuts and splinters, etc. For me, cuts and scrapes hurt the most so I subconsciously lightly rubbed the rash, scrape, scratch, etc. and felt it become less itchy almost immediately. You may want to ask a doctor, but using this trick has always helped relieve my itchy sores, such as those listed above. I'd advise others to ask a professional before using my tip, but who knows? If it's safe and as it works for me, maybe it can work for you. Good luck!


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Baby Oil For A Dry NoseAs a little kid, I used to get bloody noses all the time. Especially in those dry winter months. But my mom would get me baby oil and I would put some on a Q-tip and put the oil in my nose. It worked wonders! They eventually stopped.


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Bandaid over Bug BitesI searched how to cure itchy bug bites and tried some off the list (clean bite with rubbing alcohol, ointments, aloe vera) but those didn't work out for me. The first night wearing knee high socks worked and helped me not itch but I was getting warm at night.


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Remedies for HiccupsSeveral remedies for hiccups. Share your own tips too.


Tape placed on a mosquito bite.

Put Tape on Mosquito BitesNo matter how hard you try to stay away from them, pesky mosquitos will somehow make their way to your skin. If one manages to bite you, you can banish the itchy feeling quickly by placing a piece of tape right on the bite.


A tea bag in a bowl with some salt.

Salt Water Tea Bag for Inflamed GumsI grind my teeth while I sleep so I wear a night guard. This helps a lot but I still chew on the guard all night. Sometimes when I wake up in the morning, my gums are inflamed from doing so. Swishing with warm salt water is helpful but does not have as much as a lasting effect as using both salt water and a tea bag compress.


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Make Bruises Go Away QuicklyApply any hemmoroid cream to a bruise that you want to clear up sooner than the waiting for a normal bruise to heal.


Feet soaking in a tub.

Contrast Bath for Foot Pain ReliefI recently learned this tip from a professional runner I train with. When you have achey feet, soak them in warm water for a few minutes, then switch to a cold water soak for a few minutes. Go back and forth between these temperatures about 6 times.



Plastic tubing cut into small sections to be used as a nasal breathing insert.

DIY Nasal Breathing InsertThose adhesive strips (to help better breathing) didn't work for me. I made my own devices instead. This is heavy rubber tubing from the hardware store; I use 5/8 inch diameter. Cut, with scissors, into approx 1/4 inch circles; you can get quite a few from 6 inches of tube.


A spoonful of minced garlic next to a mixture of garlic and honey.

Garlic: Nature's Best RemedyNot too long ago, my mother told me she started mincing up raw garlic and swallowing them like pills first thing in the morning with water, all to help her stay healthy and keep her cholesterol down. I can tell you I usually just trust her homeopathic ways, but I started doing it myself and I feel so good.


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Tea Tree Oil for Bites and BlemishesTea tree oil (melaleuca) has been miraculous stuff for me and the friends I've recommended it to. Just a dab on a mosquito bite knocks the itch out immediately and heals the bite.


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Treating Gaulding and ChafingI suffer more than most from decreased exercise and lack of circulation after becoming a disabled veteran. I found an overnight cure with just one application of Nystatin cream or powder. The best remedy for the gauding or chafing (Monkey Butt) is to first use soap and water.


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Instant Relief for Acid IndigestionMix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 cup of water. Drink immediately. It helps with sour stomach, nausea and acid stomach only seconds after drinking.


Corn silk and cherry stems for making a healthy tea.

Corn Silk and Cherry Stems for HealthDon't throw away the silk from corn or the stems from cherries. Lay them out to dry and keep them in containers. These items have amazing anti-inflammatory and diuretic benefits that help with ailments like kidney stones, gout, rheumatism, and blood pressure.


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Pickle Juice for Leg CrampsDrink pickle juice! My husband gets really bad leg cramps and he learned that as soon as he gets them he drinks a little bit of pickle juice and it takes them right away. My brother in law tried it too and it worked for him!


A gold colored earring next to a jar of petroleum jelly.

Wearing Fancy Earrings with Sensitive EarsFashionable earrings are very precious to me, but my little girl wants them too. Sad to hear, she's allergic to those fancy earrings. When she wears those, her ears get itchy and are painful to remove.


Preventing Pain from Blisters with a Pantyliner - stick to the back of the shoe causing the blister

Preventing Pain from Blisters with a PantylinerThis is very common for us ladies especially if we buy a new shoes. The fit is the main problem sometimes. Each time you walk, the back of your foot that keeps rubbing on the inner back part of your shoes makes a blister and that really hurts.


Two children eating ice cream cones.

Ice Cream After Tooth ExtractionGoing to the dentist was very hard for my kiddos, especially after getting a tooth pulled. One thing I did was to buy them ice cream. The coldness of the ice cream can minimize the blood flow out from the mouth where the tooth has been extracted.


DIY Heat Compress to Reduce Stye

DIY Heat Compress to Reduce StyeWhat works for me to reduce a stye is to apply a heat compress directly to the eye. Using a clean face cloth, wet with water. Squeeze out the excess and place the face cloth on a microwave safe plate and microwave for 20 seconds, or until wash cloth is warm.


A garlic root before being peeled.

Ginger for Sore ThroatGinger is one of the best ways to relieve your sore throat. Just peel a small marble size ginger, wash it, and put it in your mouth. Suck on it just like a candy, but don't swallow it. It really helps to minimize your sore throat.


A rag dipped in vinegar to help lower a fever.

Vinegar to Help Lower FeverWhen fever reaches a high temperature, it is so alarming. Did you know that vinegar can be applied? It lowers the temperature much faster than when we used water. Every 5 minutes, apply it the person who is sick, or until the temperature lowers. We used a face towel to wipe under the armpits and on the forehead.


A dish of fresh coconut and a glass of water.

Coconut Water for UTII am suffering urinary tract infection (UTI) for four days. My aunt who frequently suffers the same suggested that I should drink coconut water or what we call fresh buko juice. The water is taken from the inside of a young coconut or "buko" (in our dialect).


Lemon as Substitute for Smelling Salts - person inhaling lemon

Lemon as Substitute for Smelling SaltsThis is another tip for first aid at home, camping, etc. When you have someone pass out or you can see a person who is going to pass out, and you have nowhere to find ammonia, you can use a lemon. Lemons are another option to ammonia to be use when somebody passes out. It's safe and affordable!



Lime As Cough Remedy

Lime As Cough RemedyCough associated with itch in the throat can be very annoying. Sometimes coughing gives you a headache and makes you restless, especially at night. Based on personal experience, I have tried using lime to relieve myself from this annoying itch which I think could be a type of allergy, maybe. It keeps coming and it makes me cough most of the time.


Fingers dipped in honey.

Honey to Minimize ScarDid you know that honey can prevent scar appearance, and it also lightens your scar. If you have a healing wounds, you can put a honey on top of it or overlap it with honey. It is much better if you do it overnight. It really works.


A clove of garlic in a person's hand.

Garlic for HypertensionGarlic is another herbal medication for hypertension. Just get a clove of garlic, peel and take it with a glass of water, just like any regular medications you drink.


A Different Perspective on Removing Warts - wart

A Different Perspective On Wart RemovalI just read an archived post on homemade wart remedies. A lot of suggestions were offered. Surgery, plant extracts, duct tape, even rubbing a penny on the wart. Rubbing a penny on the wart? Get outta here! Let me tell you about Mr. Anderson.


A couple of small chillies and a glass of water.

Chilli for HeadacheChillies are appetizers for food and can burn fats, but did you know that chillies also can relieve headache? You only need two whole chillies and a glass of water, just like when you are drinking medicine.


A bowl of brown sugar.

Brown Sugar as First AidBrown sugar can actually cures wounds and bruises. If you have been lately in an accident, like falling from a bicycles or falling from trees, and you get bruises and wounds, you can immediately apply brown sugar.


An egg on a red background

Egg White as Burn ReliefEgg white, applied instantly to a second degree burn, provides instant pain relief and creates an antimicrobial "second skin" that aids in healing.


applying nail polish to cut

Heal Paper Cuts Quickly with Clear Nail PolishI am constantly getting little paper cuts with all the crafts I make. The sooner they heal, the better, so here's a quick tip: Clean the cut and wait a few minutes for your skin to completely dry. Then swipe a stroke of clear nail polish over the cut and allow it to dry.


Sheep Sorrel for Removing Warts

Sheep Sorrel for Removing WartsI'm so excited! I just got rid of a wart in 4 days! It dried up and came loose. Now I have a little hole in my hand but I couldn't wait until it heals to share this information. Years ago, my mother-in-law told me about Sheep Sorrel for removing warts.


A homemade antacid remedy in spoons.

Homemade AntacidMy doctor gave me an easy and thrifty home remedy. Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and a pinch of salt in a glass of water. The mixture neutralizes the hydrochloric acid and eliminate the pain of acid reflux. The bubbling effect that happens in the mixture will promote burping that releases the gas and relieves bloating.


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Soap for Charlie Horses in Your LegsI use to wake up at least 4 times a night with 1 to 5 charlie horses in my legs. They were so painful I would be screaming. Then a nurse told me what to do. Buy a brand new bar of soap, it must be white, like Ivory or Dove. Put it at the foot of the bed under your bottom sheet.


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Home Remedy for Minor BurnsWhen you get burned, immerse your wound in flour for ten minutes. It should take away the pain and you should not get a blister.


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Apple Cider Vinegar for HeartburnAlthough some people might think apple cider vinegar as a remedy is nothing more than an old wives' tale, my father-in-law used to ingest it every day. He never had a digestive ailment in all his 80+ years.


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Clove for ToothacheTake a clove and let it sit in your mouth for a minute or until soft, then apply over the painful area until the pain goes away.


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Glue to Remove SplintersTo get out the splinter, put a drop of glue where the splinter sticks out. Let the glue dry, then peel the glue. The splinter will stick to the glue and go with the glue, right to the garbage can.



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Raise Head of Bed for Acid Reflux (GERD)To relieve acid reflux at night, use adjustable bed risers at head of bed only and elevate accordingly. This beats having to pay for expensive wedge pillows that do not always help many GERD sufferers who find them uncomfortable or buying that special adjustable metal bed frame and you don't have to replace the present mattress or box springs. I paid $15.00 on for the sturdy three adjustment bed risers and when you buy $35.00 worth of items, you get free shipping. Most importantly, the bed risers really help to put the whole head of bed at same height and your spouse is benefiting from it too.


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Micro-Pedi for CallusesI am type 2 diabetic and bought an Emjoi Micro-Pedi foot file. It has been a relief. I find that if I soak my feet in hot water with a 1 cup of apple cider vinegar and then use the micro-pedi while my feet are not quite dry but mostly dry, I can get most of them off.


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Stopping An ItchTo stop an itch, crush many aspirin, put in apple cider vinegar and shake. Apply and itch subsides quickly.


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Hangover Home RemediesHere is are tips for treating a hangover. 1. Drink water - Hydrate 2. Sleep 3. Take a pain reliever. . .


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Add Baking Soda to Saline RinseTo relieve the 'saline burn' when using a sinus rinse just add a pinch of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) to the mix. I got this from my GP.


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Drops for Treating Itchy EarsAfter reading hundreds of web pages and articles, I came across a site that kind of described my symptoms. I found out it was similar to summer ear. Then, after scouting around, I decided to try this.


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Natural Remedy for Armpit OdorI come from a tropical country when I was a kid. I remember at school the teacher would make us rub lime with baking soda, that used to work very well!


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Moxa Kills Athlete's FootI had a bad case of athlete's foot that no medication would resolve. Out of desperation, I used moxa smoke for 5 minutes and resolved it completely and permanently until now, 5 years later.


antique castor oil bottle

Uses for Castor OilCastor oil has amazing healing properties. It can be used to help heal small wounds and even small burns. It can help with a pulled muscle, inflamed tendons, and even some tummy issues. Just place it on a cotton ball or piece of gauze for small wounds, then place it on the skin.


lavender flowers and bottle of essential oil

Uses for Lavender Essential OilSoothing Sunburns: It's that time of year again. The sun is out there baking our brains and our bodies. Did you know that one of the fastest and safest ways to cure minor burns including sunburns is with lavender essential oil?


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Treating Chigger BitesI am allergenic to chigger bites. I found how to kill them on me quickly.


Banana Peel Sleepy Tea

Banana Peel Sleepy TeaDon't throw away that banana peel! It will help you fall asleep tonight, for free! Just steep your clean, sticker-free peels in a pot of water for 10 minutes, sprinkle with cinnamon, drink an hour before bedtime, and off you go.


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Apple to Relieve HeartburnIf you feel that you have heartburn, eat an apple. Works better than Tums or Rolaids. The acid in the apple neutralizes the acid in your throat, relieving the pain. I have reflux disease and this remedy was told to me by a Gastroenterologist. I find that it works very well.


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Use Lotion to Protect Sore NoseAs you have sinuses, your nose eventually gets raw from all that blowing. But today I have a cure! All you do is apply baby lotion or any other kind and smear it on a thin layer over the rawness.


Oils to Prevent an Itchy Scalp

Oils to Prevent an Itchy ScalpAs a remedy to prevent an itchy flaky scalp, try emu oil, coconut oil or olive oil. Any one of them works great!


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Feed Corn for Keeping CoolI keep a large shoe-box-sized plastic container in the freezer filled with feed corn. It's actually wide enough for both of my bare feet to fit side-by-side. On hot days, or if my feet hurt, I pull it out, stick my feet into plastic bags, then dig my toes deep into the feed corn!


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Deodorant for Mosquito ItchI was actually looking through all these questions and I saw that one option said deodorant so I tried it. It was INSTANT!


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Medijel for Denture PainI had all my teeth out in Jan 2014, lower and upper. I found that Medijel gel works really well as it numbs the area.


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Cool Strips for MigrainesI have very frequent migraines (several a week). One thing that lessens the pain is a cool strip on my forehead. I buy cool relief patches meant for back pain.


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Ginger For Flu SymptomsIt took me standing there in shock at the prices of the OTC's to remind me that I had what I needed at home all the while. I did get something for the extreme sinus headache, but I only took one;' taking two was the recommended dosage.


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Ball Foot MassagerSit down and place a tennis ball or golf ball under your foot. Put pressure on the ball and roll it around under your foot. Works wonders. You can get right to the pressure point that hurts.


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Aleve (Naproxen) to Relieve ToothacheLast night I had a menacing toothache that would not cease. These are all the remedies that I used and the one that finally did the trick at 9:45 this morning!


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Use Hair Color to Combat Head LiceI brought up 5 children and when one got lice, they all got lice. The medication is not really great so I used hair dye on them. Each child's hair was dyed the same color it was before they had lice.


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Campho-Phenique and Lysine for Cold SoresI have successfully been using a simple and small application of Campho-Phenique gel mixed with a few granules from an L-Lysine capsule when I have the first indication of a cold sore.


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Ice for Treating a Cold SoreWhen you first start to feel the uncomfortable tingle start applying ice to the infected area on and off till the cube has melted. Afterward pat dry.


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Cola and Lemon for Sore ThroatsHeat up 1 cup of Coca Cola in a coffee cup. Squeeze in half a lemon, then drink it. Soothes your sore throat.


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Apple Cider Vinegar for Leg CrampsI have been having painful leg cramps, particularly at night, for years. I had tried just about everything and decided to try drinking apple cider vinegar, about a tablespoonful, just before bed and on rising. The cramps disappeared.


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Mineral Salts for Ear BuzzingI recently read that ear buzzing and other ailments are a result of mineral depletion in our bodies. I take Hylands Bioplasma Salts. I have been taking them for the last 6 months.


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Clear Nail Polish For Nickel AllergiesI seem to have an allergy to nickel since I cannot wear cheap earings without my earlobes bothering me. I decided to try putting a thin coat of clear nail polish on the stem and it has worked well for me for years.


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Causes and Treatment for Itchy ScalpMany different medicines can cause your scalp to itch. There isn't any long term remedy for this.


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Vitamin E for Fever BlistersI am a Dental Hygienist and was told this by a Dentist. It worked great for me and many people I have informed. As soon as you notice a fever blister coming up on your lip, put vitamin E on it, and use it often.


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Deodorant for ChafingUse deodorant to keep from chafing. It works better than lotions because it takes longer to absorb.


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Natural Hay Fever RemedyI suffer from hay fever. Sometimes not too bad, other times worse. The pharmaceutical tablets are quite expensive. Many years ago I read about a singer who was recommended this remedy and I tried it.


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Natural Frugal Head Lice TreatmentI was going to buy a bottle of Rid, which would have been 40 bucks. The pharmacist told me to buy green Scope, which was only $3.00.


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Avoid Aspartame for Bladder Control IssuesDo you drink sugar-free drinks or otherwise use aspartame? Do you have an issue with frequent urges to urinate, or incontinence? Did you know that aspartame many times is the cause of these issues?


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Remedies For Restless Leg SyndromeI've read and surfed the web like you, heard of all the crazy RLS cure ideas but what I found out that works for me was when I stopped all caffeine intake and most sugar intake for just one day and that night, zero RLS.


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Easy Ice PackFor boo-boos, swelling or high fevers, slip a freezer-sized zipper bag into a tube sock THEN fill it with ice and zip.


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Cinnamon And Honey Drink for ColdsI had tried this last year when I had a very bad cold, it worked wonders on me to the point where I won't buy OTC meds now.


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Garlic as Remedy for ToothacheGarlic is another remedy that works on toothache pain. I place a sliver of garlic between the infected area of the tooth and cheek for as long as I can stand it, because the garlic has a peppery taste.


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Kimchi to Treat Night Leg CrampsIn my mid fifties, I started to get agonizing leg cramps in my calves and feet at night. I tried different remedies but could not eliminate them. I noticed that when I ate a little kimchi, I did not get leg cramps.


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Antacids For Muscle CrampsI had been getting a great deal of cramps in my hands and this tip has worked very well for me as . It is very simple, chew 2 Tums, or any antacid that is taken for an acid reflux or upset tum.


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Hand Sanitizer for Underarm OdorAfter many months of this embarrassing problem, I got the idea to try hand sanitizer. Not only did the sanitizer stop the odor immediately, after a week's use the odor has not returned.


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Traditional Remedy for BoilsMash soap and sugar together to form a paste and transfer the mixture onto a piece of lint big enough to cover the boil. Use a bandage to secure the piece of lint onto the boil.


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Use Your Car As A Heat Treatment For Body AchesI use my car when I have migraines or even sinus congestion, have achy muscles or want some warm, sunny, dry comfort.


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Cure Your Ingrown ToenailI have found an easy way to get rid of ingrown toenails of using a few simple ingredients at home, and that will give quick relief!


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Tecnu Spray for Treating Poison Ivy RashI had it all over my arms and ankles. I tried alcohol, aloe, witch hazel, dish soap, lemon, etc.! No relief, the itch was killing me. It would wake me up in the middle of the night!


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Noxema for Chapped LipsIf you have really really chapped lips, apply Noxema on them before bed. They will be good as new in the morning


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Healing from Acid RefluxI was starting to get irritation and acid reflux, so I quit drinking my coffee and red wine, and started to take acid blockers. In the meantime, I compensated for my coffee intake by drinking 1/2 a dose of 5 Hour Energy and drank light beer.


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Coconut Oil as Natural DeodorantI have discovered the best kept secret for eliminating underarm odor. It is organic virgin coconut oil. I cook with it as well because it is very nutritious.


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Hair Conditioner For Shaving CreamUse hair conditioner as a shaving cream instead of soap. It allows the razor to glide easier and leaves your skin softer.


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Preparation H for Minor BurnsKeep this in your fridge for quick treatment of cooking burns, etc. It works really well to provide soothing relief. Purchase a tube of Preparation H with aloe. Cover the box in a piece of paper marked "For Burns" and store in your fridge in the kitchen.


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Protection for Injured EyesI sustained a serious puncture wound to my right eye and needed to rest the eye while it heals. I went to WalMart and bought the inexpensive "goes over" type sunglasses that I can wear over my regular glasses.


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Baking Soda and Water Paste for StingsDid you know that Afterbite's main ingredient is baking soda? If you make a paste of baking soda and water, it will stop the stinging very quickly. First, however, remove the stinger and then put the paste on.


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Hot Water For Mosquito BitesUsing your faucet or shower, run the hottest water you can tolerate directly on your mosquito bite for as long as you can. A few seconds should be sufficient. Repeat as often as necessary.


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Heated Rice BagTo make a nice heated rice bag, use fleece and make it as big or small as you like. Just put the white rice into the rectangular fleece bag and stitch it up.


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Vitamin E for Chapped LipsFor chapped lips, use pure Vitamin E oil, straight from the cap. It will not harm you when ingested and will heal, softens and adds moisture as well.


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Breast Milk For Baby's Pink EyeWe've had a lot of sickness this winter and, in addition to a bad cold, I developed an eye infection. As careful as I was with hand-washing and trying not to touch anything, my 7-month old baby got it in one eye, then both eyes within a matter of an hour.


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