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Fixing a Leaning Tree?We have a Japanese maple tree that has been in the ground 20 years, part of one side started to rot and it is leaning. Can this tree be straightened?


A small Alberta spruce.

What's Wrong With My Dwarf Alberta Spruce?I got a tiny dwarf Alberta spruce for Christmas, and it looked happy in January and February, and grew some new young branches. Recently, these new branches started to brown one after the other, while the soil seemed to be moist enough, and I did not change my care for the tree. As seen on the picture, drainage is secured.


Struggling Weeping Cherry Tree - tree with few leaves

Struggling Weeping Cherry Tree?I have this tree, that I planted about 4 years ago. Last year and this year there have been no flower buds and not great leaf growth either. What is needed to fix this? Is there a fix? What is wrong?


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Tabebuia Tree Has Gashes in Trunk?I have long vertical gashes in my tabebuia tree. The tree is about 3 years old. It seems healthy, but I'd like to fix problem.


Potted Crepe Myrtle Trees Flowers and Leaves Dying - sad looking trees

Potted Crepe Myrtle Trees Flowers and Leaves Dying?I bought 4 crepe myrtle trees, about 7 ft tall. It looks like they are in shock and all of the leaves & flowers died. I only missed one day of watering, and am continuing to water daily. They are still in pots. I live in Western Gardening zone 9. Please advise.


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Saving a Split Texas Ash?Is it possible to save a split Texas ash tree? It is 10 years old and I don't want to lose it. I am trimming back the other limbs and hope that will remove enough weight from the trunk to give it time to heal. Should I band the trunk together? What about sealing the cuts?


Avocado Tree Has White Powdery Areas on Trunk - something that looks like powdery mildew on trunk

Avocado Tree Has White Powdery Areas on Trunk?I live in Florida and have a small Mexicola avocado tree. It has white powdery places on the trunk. I am not sure what it is or how to treat it.


Saving a Weeping Cherry Tree After Extensive Pruning - just a trunk

Saving a Weeping Cherry Tree After Extensive Pruning?I had to prune off the dead wood, so all of the weeping arms were cut back. It is just a trunk about 1.5 metres tall. The trunk seems healthy, but the weeping branches all died. Can I save this tree? What can you recommend?


Evergreen Tree Needles Are Turning Brown - tree with brown needles

Evergreen Tree Needles Are Turning Brown?The needles on our pine and spruce trees are turning brown. How do we identify the problem, and treat it?


Potted Avocado Tree Wilted in the Sun

Potted Avocado Tree Wilted in the Sun?I have grown an avocado tree from the pit. I would say it is over 2 years old. It is 3 1/2 feet tall. I know it needs to go in a bigger pot, but I put it out in the sun (hot day 90+ degrees) and it wilted; have I killed it?


Weeping Cherry Leaves Turning Yellow

Weeping Cherry Leaves Turning Yellow?I live in Southern Indiana. I planted this beautiful tree on March 28, 2016. The second pic is May 3, 2016. On May 10 the tree was full of leaves and even had about 15 cool little cherries on it. About two weeks ago the leaves started turning yellow then brown. Now there are a few green wilted leaves left.


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Black Olive Tree Dripping Sap?I have a black olive tree in my front yard. The tree is oozing black sap down two large branches and there is one oval spot on the main top portion of the tree (about 5' up) that dripping black sap onto the trunk. I have been told that leaking sap in the spring is a natural spring event.


cherry tree closeup

Growing a Wheeping Cherry Tree?I planted a wheeping cherry tree in May and it had a few green leaves on it until about end of July. I water it as I should, but I'm concerned that it has died. Is there any way to tell if it's dead or should I wait it out? There's little green shoots on it so I'm not sure.


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Maple Trees Leaking Sap On Deck?I have many maple trees around my house. A lot of the leaves have spores on the leaves and the leaves are very sticky. The sap is all over my deck and my house. When we are outside our clothes get sticky. Why is this happening? It has never been like this before.


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Pine Tree Dripping Sap from Needles?I have a pine tree and it is dripping sap from all of its needles, all over the tree. It is a big tree and it has never done this before.



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30 Year Old Maple Tree Dripping Sap?We have had a beautiful red maple tree outside our kitchen window for over 30 years. This is the first year we have had trouble with sap. The leaves are dripping sap all over everything and making a sticky mess. Why is this only just now happening? Is is time to cut the tree down?


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Oak Tree Is Dripping Sap?I have a 70 foot white oak tree that is dripping sap all over my deck. Does this mean the tree is dying? Is there something wrong with it? I have never had this happen from this oak before. When will it stop?


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Sweet Gum Tree Dying?One of my two sweet gum trees seems dead from an infection. It has sap bleeding, the bark has some green areas, and white spots. What is this infection and how can I prevent my other sweet gum from getting the infection? Although it seems healthy, I noticed some white spots in the bark.


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Repairing a Tree That Split in Wind?My beautiful October Glory maple had two main trunks. In a windstorm,one broke off. The tree looks healthy and has since grown new small branches that at filling in the gap. I have found that where the trunk broke off there has developed a 4-5 inch well that holds rain and seems to be rotting around the edges.


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Edges of Sugar Maple Tree Leaves Turning Brown?Why is my sugar maple tree's leaves turning brown on the edge of the leaf?


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Little Gem Magnolia Tree?My magnolia tree is about 3 years old, and has a few flowers on the bottom half. The top has several dead branches. Can I cut back the dead ones? What time of the year would be best?


yellowish leaves

Sweet Gum is Dying?We always thought our tree had a section that wasn't as green as the rest. Someone said it was chlorosis. We have a limestone rock patio next to it; pH being affected? Also someone said we had borers because of the lines of holes in the bark. I thought they were from birds.


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Weeping Cherry Not Flowering or Leafing Out?I've had a weeping cherry for about 4 yrs. and it has done wonderfully. This spring was long and cold, it budded but did not blossom or produce any leaves, but branches still seem to be snappy.


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Sweet Gum Tree Has Almost No Leaves?Here it is end of May and my sweet gum tree has almost no leaves. It is approximately 7-10 yrs old. The branches look dead. We are in zone 5, but our severe winter this year put us in a much colder zone. We are in central Indiana.


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Arborvitae Trees Turning Brown?I have 21 arborvitae trees that are dry and dying. They are turning brown after winter in Nebraska. They're 3 years old. What's going on?


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Weeping Willow Lost Leaves After Transplant?I bought a bundle of willow branches online and placed them as instructed. They started budding/growing leaves, more and more each day. A few months later I went out back and planted them. A week later I went out and there were leaves/branches sprouting everywhere.


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Crepe Myrtle Pruning?I have 3 crepe myrtle trees on the south side of my house. The bark on all 3 trees is gone, just dried up and fell off I guess. The plants seem tall and spindly with very little leaf or flower growth. Please let me know what I can do.


Split in bark on ash tree.

Raywood Ash Trees Have Hollowed Out...My two 7 year old raywood ash trees have slowly developed long oval-shaped, hollowed out areas on the trunks. I noticed the trunks have quite a few ants traveling around these areas. What should or can I do?


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Crepe Myrtle Leaves Yellow with Black Spots?My 2 crepe myrtle trees get plenty of sun and water. I live at the beach in Delaware. I haven't fertilized them since we pruned them 2 years ago. No other crepe myrtle trees in the neighborhood look this way/


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Tree Has Sap Seeping at Base of Trunk?On the base of my cherry tree which we have had planted for approx. 2 or 3 years is a bubbling of a sap substance. Is this OK? It's a Snow Mountain variety and very healthy.



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Oak Tree Leaking Sap?My oak tree is leaking sap at the bottom and it's attracting bees and flies. How can I stop it?


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Cause of Sap Dripping from My Fir Tree?I have a 60 foot fir tree that is dripping a lot of sap. What is causing this?


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Bark on Mimosa Tree Splitting?Is there anything we can do for our tree? Its bark is splitting. Will this kill the tree? Thank you.


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Parts of Crepe Myrtle Dead?My crepe is dead at the top, no leafing as of July. Approximately 6ft up from the ground the trunk is green and suckers are growing. Should I deep prune this tree?


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Maple Tree Dripping Sap?We have a beautiful maple tree in our front yard. It is about 15 years old and the past two years we have sap dripping all over our yard from the tree. When we sit under it, we actually get sticky! Is there anything we can do about it?


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Norfolk Pine Needles Turning Yellow and Tips Brown?I have a Norfolk pine. I understand the tips turning brown, but I don't understand the needles turning yellow. It's not just the entire branch, it's a few on 1 branch, several on another, etc. Any ideas?


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Crepe Myrtle Trees Losing Leaves?We recently planted some young crepe myrtles, they are only a couple feet tall. Two are losing leaves. We planted them with good soil and they did well for two weeks. We've had a lot of rain recently, but there isn't standing water around them.


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Avocado Tree Losing Leaves?My tree is about three years old and is flowering right now, but is losing leaves from the top down. I have not watered much during the wet months. Is this normal?


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Sap Dripping from Woodpecker Holes in Tree?I've had a woodpecker working on my tree; the tree is now dripping water from these holes. It has made a puddle at the base of the tree. Can this be stopped and will this kill my tree?


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Acer Tree (Maple) Lost Leaves?I have got an Acer tree and it has lost all of it's leaves. Will they grow back or have I lost it?


Norfolk with browning needles.

Norfolk Pine Turning Brown?We live in Queensland, Australia and have a large Norfolk pine outside of our home. Our tree suddenly has brown branches mainly on the bottom, but it creeps to the top.


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Black Spots on Weeping Willow Leaves?This spring I planted a weeping willow. It was doing great until a few weeks ago. It started to get black spot on most of the leaves. We removed all the limbs. Will it come back OK and what is this?


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Crepe Myrtles Suckering?My crape myrtle has suckers coming up from the base of the tree and I can't seem to stop this. What can I do to eliminate these suckers? The tree is only 3 years old. Also, it has lots of dead ends on most of the branches. I have never had a problem before this year.


Brown pine needles.

Pine Tree Needles Look Brown and Burnt?I have a very full beautiful pine tree in my garden, this year some of the branches in one area, the needles look orange/brown (like there is a bug infested and killing it?). Does anyone know what I can do to help save this tree?


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Oak Tree Losing Bark?We have a huge oak tree standing right behind our screened in porch. The last couple of years not many acorns fell off. Now this year lot of bark is falling off. Does anyone know what's going on with it? It looks healthy. Thanks.



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Something Is Eating The Leaves On My Weeping Cherry?Something is eating my leaves in my weeping cherry tree.


Crepe myrtle with few leaves.

Crepe Myrtle Tree Not Leafing Out?We have a line of 10 crepe myrtle trees and one of them seems to be dying. Only one branch has green leaves on it. Does anyone know about these trees/bushes? Thanks ahead of time!


Norfolk pine when healthy.

Caring for Potted Norfolk Pine?My fiance and I bought a Christmas tree last year and have been trying to take care of it during our busy schedules. However, our plant has slowly turned brown, droopy, and overall not very happy.


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Repairing Damaged Tree Bark?The Northeast has been hit by an early winter snow storm. A large limb broke off from my magnolia tree. As the limb fell, most of the bark was removed from the trunk of the tree. Is there anything that I can put on the exposed portion of the tree to prevent disease or further damage?


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Tree Leaves Have Black Spots?What stops the black spots on the leaves of your trees?


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Branch Die-off and Thinner Leaves on Sweet Gum Tree?I have two sweet gum trees in my yard about 75 feet apart. This past year, the leaves have not been as dense, and one of the trees had 4-5 large branches die off. I had them removed, and some of the inner wood was blackened. No insect tunnels were noted.


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Leaves on Potted Dogwood Tree Drying Out?I received a baby dogwood tree as a present last week, I would like to plant it this coming week. I have watered it and have taken the tree outside for sun a few times, the leaves are starting to dry out, is the tree damaged? Maybe I did something wrong?


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Crape Myrtle Leaves Turning Brown?I have a new crape myrtle and the leaves are turning brown at the tips.


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Maple Tree Shedding Leaves Early?I have a large maple tree that is losing many of its leaves early this year. It is still very loaded, but leaves, mostly green leaves are falling off now. We had a very wet winter in Sacramento. Is this previous wet winter causing the leaves to fall early?


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Stopping Dry Rot in Living Fruit Tree?We topped a couple 3 inch branches many years ago on our now 30 year old Santa Rosa plum. I saw some white on the bark and stuck a screwdriver into soft wood. I cut some more off this branch and it had dry rot (white). I kept cutting and am now to the trunk and the dry rot continues.


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Maple Tree Losing Its Leaves?I have a maple that is about 12 years old, it started producing seeds two years ago, and this year it didn't produce many. The new leaves at the end of its branches turned brown and now other leaves are turning yellow and falling along with a lot of green ones. What is happening to my tree?


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Branches Falling Off Sweet Gum Tree?I have a gum tree in my front yard. Several large branches have fallen off. When I look at the flesh where it has broken off, it is nice and white and shows no sign of disease or being struck by lightening.


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Alberta Spruce Turning Brown on Top?I have 8 Alberta spruce trees and 2 weeks ago I noticed the tops of 3 of the trees are turning brown. I have had them for 10/11 years with no trouble, except the usual. What is happening now? I water them late at nite and I also use Miracle Gro liquid, that I spray with the hose.


Photo of tree with red leaves

Concerns With Sweet Gum Tree?I have what I believe is a sweet gum tree in the front yard. It is July and all of the leaves have turned red. I know this is normal for the fall, but as I said it is July.


Horse chestnut tree in corner of garden

Horse Chestnut Tree Dying?We have a tree at the bottom of the garden which is dying. I was wondering if there was any way to prolong its life. I need advice/guidance.Thanks.


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Potted Japanese Maple Losing Its Leaves?I have a Japanese maple that has been in a pot for 5 years and has flourished every year until this year. I happened to notice that it was dropping its leaves. Could this have something to do with the cool, damp spring we have experienced on our coast or could it be root bound?


Trouble with a Dwarf Stella Cherry Tree?I have a Stella cherry tree that's in a pot. It's swarming with black flies. It is 2 years old. The sap has leaked down the stem and set hard and the leaves are withering up. What can I do?


Leaves and Fruit on Bing Cherry Tree Dying?I have a bing cherry tree that has product cherries in small amounts. This year it was loaded with cherries, but the leaves are really small and so are the cherries. Over half of them have just died and so are some of the branches. What should I do?


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Blue Spruce Needles Turning Brown?We have blue spruce trees that have brown branches from the bottom up. The top of the tree is very healthy. We have noticed that the brown branches have new green growth on the tips now. What can we do for the trees?


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Sweet Gum Tree Leaves are Turning Brown?Is there anything we can do to save our two 7 ft tall Sweet Gum trees? It's been like a drought here for the past month. We have been watering them but not much in past week.


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Spider Mites on Alberta Spruce?If there is damage from spider mites on an Alberta Spruce tree that is 3/4 brown, once sprayed can new growth appear or is it too late to spray to save the tree?


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Japanese Maple Tree Did Not Leaf Out?My new, young Japanese maple tree (dissectum variety) did not produce any leaves, but I thought I had noticed a few tiny buds early in the spring, but nothing grew. Is it dead or will it survive and produce leaves next year?


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Maple Tree Leaves Dying in Patches?I have a maple that is approximately 20 to 25 years old. About three years ago, it began losing large areas of leaves by late June. The following year, the leaves do not reappear leaving large areas of the tree bare.


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Norfolk Pine Turning Brown and Losing Needles?We had a hard winter for Corpus Christi, TX. Our Norfolk is now turning yellow, then brown and losing it's leaves/needles. The bottom part of tree seems to be OK. Is this caused from the hard winter or is there another problem? What should I do?


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New Growth Branches Falling Off Crape Myrtles?I have two crape myrtles that are 10 -15 feet tall. I have never had a problem until this year. I'm noticing small, new growth limbs (6-12 inches long) falling off. The limbs are full of green leaves, though the leaves have become soft and droopy.


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Caring for a Norfolk Pine?I have a Norfolk pine that is now 10 years old and about 10 feet tall. It is a beautiful tree and one that I would hate to lose. It is dropping the needles that appear to be healthy, green, and lush, mainly on the lower limbs.


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Crepe Myrtle Leaves Turning Yellow?I just planted crepe myrtles and the leaves are turning yellow on one of them. What is wrong?


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Tiny Holes on Trunk of Weeping Willow?I have a weeping willow tree that is 4 years old. The tree has holes about 1/8 of an inch in diameter all around the trunk. The leaves are starting to get yellow.


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Norfolk Pine Fronds Turning Brown?We have a large Norfolk pine tree in our backyard. The fronds are turning brown and have been doing so for the last couple of months. What can we do to help prevent this brown from continuing further up the tree?


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Getting Rid of Large Caterpillar Cocoons on Beech Trees?Help! I have a garden full of native beech trees, and over the last week or so I have an infestation of web like cocoons covering my trees and tree shoots.


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Magnolia Tree Hardly Blooms?I have a magnolia tree that I've been struggling with for years. The problem is no or very few blooms. I've tried a number of things. Still no use.


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Leaves on Tulip Tree Turning Yellow and Dying?I have a 4 year old tulip tree; it is about 7 ft. tall and the leaves are turning yellow and dying. It has never had any blooms. It is in full sun, what is wrong?


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Webs on a Sweet Gum Tree?I have 28 beautiful sweet gum trees. They are getting these web looking things. I either burn them or cut them out of the tree. How can I prevent these bugs or what ever it is from destroying my trees?


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Maple Tree Leaves Drying Out?We have had no rain at all in Maryland for three weeks. I have a 25 year old maple tree that has bunches of leaves that are turning like they are going to die. I soaked the tree about two days ago, but it doesn't seem to have helped. I am worried I will lose the tree.


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Saving a Tree Struck By Lightening?I have a 20 year old weeping willow tree that was recently hit by lightening. It only broke a small branch off, but left a wound on the bark near the top of the trunk. It has since lost all its leaves.


Spruce Tree is Dropping Needles and Branches Dying?We have a spruce about 30 feet tall that has been here since we moved in 5 years ago. Recently on the back side (little/no sun) all the needles have fallen off and the branches are brown. Then some of the middle of the tree branches are facing down like the needles are too heavy..


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Leaves on Fruitless Pear Are Very Light Green?I have two fruitless pear trees. One looks really good and the other, looks very pale this year. The leaves are a light green. They're about 6 years old. I am afraid I will lose it. Maybe someone out there can tell me what I might do.


Terminal Leader Was Snapped Off of Maple Tree?Something nipped the top off my prized red maple seedling that I brought from my mom's house and planted last year. Since the main "trunk" (1/4 or 3/8 inch in diameter) was snapped off about one foot off the ground, the seedling has sprouted several very healthy side branches...


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Trees Dropping Leaves and Branches are Brittle?I have 3 very large, magnificent trees (all different types, but I do not know the names of them). They are all loosing their green leaves and I do not know why. The branches from which they fell are now dry and brittle. Can anyone help me please?


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How Do I Repair Damaged Orange Tree Bark?I need to repair the skinned bark on a Navel orange tree. What do I do? Thanks.


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Getting Tree Trunk To Stop Seeping?I have a big maple tree in my front yard and from spring through summer it seeps sap everywhere. It makes a mess of my car and my neighbor's cars. Would tapping it in the spring reduce the amount of sap that seeps?


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Damaged Blue Spruce Tree?My kids just broke off the top two feet of my prized 13 ft Blue Spruce while taking down the Christmas lights. Is there anything that I can do to keep the trunk growing upward?


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Old Blue Spruce Tree Is Dying?Recently we had a tree cutter remove some branches from the middle portion of our blue spruce tree. It appears that now many of the surrounding branches are beginning to turn brown.


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Difficulties Growing a Sugar Maple?I have a Sugar Maple that I planted in our front yard 15 years ago and half of it is growing well and the other half is stunted. I have to trim the growing half back to be equal with the other side. The stunted side loses it leaves earlier than the other side, too.


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Treating a Dogwood Tree for Heat Stress?I have a customer that asked me to trim her dogwood tree/tall shrub. I took some substantial height and width out of it and the weather was fine. Then, 90-100 heat comes and parches the poor shrub. She had a fit and for good reason I guess.


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Digging a Trench Through Tree Roots?I have a mature sweet gum tree that shades my sun room nicely, but I need to run a drain tube down the side of my house. However the roots of the tree cross the area where the drain tube has to go. How much of the roots can be cut without it killing the tree?


Maples Leaves Turning Brown?What causes browning leaves on variegated maple trees? I originally thought it was sunburn, but we have had very little sun this summer.


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Weeping Cherry Tree Has No Leaves?I planted a weeping cherry tree 2 months ago. All the leaves fell off after planting. I have little shoots coming out at the bottom of the trunk but nothing but bare branches at the top. It looks almost like it is dead. Any suggestions for what to do? I don't want to lose it.


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Leaves Turning Yellow on Purple Robe Locust?I noticed some of you writing about a purple robe locust (robinia ambigua) tree. A landscape company planted one in my yard about five years ago.


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Fertilizing Pine Trees?Will adding Sulfur help my pine trees ?


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Alberta Spruce Shedding Foliage?I have an Alberta Spruce that has shed half of it's foliage. It looks like "pac-man" took a bite. Is there anything I can do to repair the missing area? Your help is much appreciated. Mit


Closeup of leaves.

Sweet Gum Tree Losing Leaves?I have sweet gum tree in my front yard. It's leaves are dying, turning into curl. What should I do to cure that? I don't know what kind of disease it has.


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Nellie R. Stevens Holly Trees?I have just planted Nellie R Stevens Holly Trees. I love them but I can't find what I am looking for searching the web. I know that spring time is a time they shed their leaves. I am not sure about how and when to prune them.


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Honeylocust Trees Not Budding?On March 14th, I planted two Skyline honeylocust trees in front of my house (along the street on the narrow strip) as part of a Friends of Trees planting day. They were bare root and planted to the proper depth.


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Sweet Gum Tree Diseases?I am looking for information about Sweet Gum tree diseases. I was told my Sweet Gum tree that is about 30 years old has an aneurysm. It has three holes about two inches deep about 24 inches from the dirt line. What can I do for this tree to save it?


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Holly Tree With Yellow Leaves and Black Spots?What is causing black spots and yellow leaves on my holly tree?


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Crepe Myrtle Leaves Turning Brown?I planted a crepe myrtle about 2 years ago. It is in full sun and has been doing well. Lately I have noticed the leaves are turning brown from the tips inward. I have looked for insects, but found none. What else could be causing this?


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Repairing Branch On "Rose of Sharron" Tree?How do you repair the branch after bugs have made a home in it. The branch is still alive but it is falling, I've tied it up. Will it self mend or is there a glue out there?


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Tree Damaged During Transplanting?I am transplanting a London Plane tree that is approx. 2-3 yrs. old. When digging it up part of the trunk was damaged including removal of some bark and some of the side roots. What can be done to help this tree survive?


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Leaves Turning Brown On Dogwood Tree?I have planted a dogwood tree and it was doing splendidly, but now the leaves have all turned brown and I believe it is dying. This is the second tree that has done this. Any suggestion?


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Bark Peeling at the Base of a Weeping Cherry?I have an 8 year old weeping cherry tree with peeling bark at the base of the tree. The trunk is also sunken in a bit under the peeling bark. The affected area faces south. Could it be from the sun? I also found an insect casing at the base of the tree, it looks like a pupa case.


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Saving A Storm Damaged Gum Tree?I have a sweet gum tree that was damaged in a storm a couple years ago. It lost a large branch and is now rotting the tree. Is there anything that can be done to save this tree?


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Purple Robe Locust Tree With a Split?I have a purple robe locust tree that the main trunk has split, but a 1/4 of the trunk is still intact. Can my precious tree be saved!


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Problems With A Sweet Gum Tree?We have a very large sweet gum tree. A large area of bark has come off the tree and a lot of the roots are exposed. Is this tree dying from the loss of bark? How can I cover up the roots? The roots have ruined my front yard.


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Problems With Mexican Elder Tree?I live in Albuquerque NM and planted a Mexican Elder. We had a particularly cold winter and it appears that the tree suffered. It is now mid-April and there is no sign of new growth or leaves on the tree. There is vigorous growth at the base of the tree.


Harlequin Maple Leaves Browning On Edges?Planted a Harlequin Maple in May this year...loved the color of these leaves. Just noticed lately that every leaf on it is brown along the edges. Here is a picture of a leaf. What can I do to stop this from happening next year or prevent it from dying if that is what is happening.


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Pecan Trees With Rotten Pecans?I have native pecan trees and have lost all my pecan. The pecans that have fell off look like they have a white mold on them and they are soft. We have had an above amount of rain this summer.


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Tree Damaged by a Weed Eater?The bark of my two dogwoods was accidentally cut with a weed-whacker. Because these trees seem stressed already (small, stunted black-tipped leaves), I am concerned about their survival. Is there anything I can do to maximize their chances?


curled lemon leaves

Curling Leaves on a Lemon Tree?My lemon tree is having problems with it's leaves curling. Anyone have any ideas what is causing this and what to use to eliminate it? What is the best stage to pick the lemons?


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Struggling Pine Tree?I cut back my dying pine tree - was that a mistake? It was a live Christmas tree that we neglected to plant for 4 months and it was dying. Will it come back? Anything I can do to save it?


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Dry Rot in Trees?We lost a main branch from our tree in the backyard. I found what it seemed like dry rot. I scraped out excess but what can we do to repair e.g. put in a fill to prevent further rot?


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Maple Tree Losing Its Leaves Early?Maple Tree Losing Its Leaves Early. An approximately 10 year old maple tree on our bank started to "leaf out" this spring. These young leaves turned brown and now it looks as if the tree has died!


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Dying Japanese Maple Tree?We have 2 small Japanese maple trees in our front yard. One of them is mostly dead with a small amount of leaves on the bottom. the other did very well over the winter. I'm wondering if there's a way that I can trim the one and graft it or plant it with the one that didn't do so well.


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Helping a Live Oak Tree?My husband and I are having trouble with our Live Oaks in our front yard. The couple that lived here before us had them planted when they moved in but obviously did not take care in raising them. They are straggly and just now growing properly. My neighbor came over and trimmed some of the dead branches and some of it is slowly coming back.


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