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An orange butterfly on a blooming bush with purple flowers.

Butterfly MagnetWhile shopping in the lawn and garden section at a home improvement store, I was trying to decide on plants. This beautiful butterfly landed on the butterfly bush next to me. Pretty good sales technique, I bought two bushes!


An orange butterfly on a plant.

Gulf Fritillary ButterflyA beautiful Gulf Fritillary (Agraulis Vanillae) butterfly enjoying an afternoon snack in the back yard.


A bee in a yellow esperanza flower.

Hide and Seek Bee in Esperanza BushThis large bush in our yard with yellow flowers attracts bees. I was watching the bees go in and out of the inside of the flowers, crawling to the center of the flowers to "hide".


A praying mantis on a passionfruit vine flower.

Praying Mantis on Passionfruit FlowerHere is another photo I snapped of this praying mantis hanging out in my backyard. This time it's a brown praying mantis oppose to green and relaxing on the passionfruit flower. Normally this brown praying mantis is camouflaged by the tree branches so I was surprised to see it here!


Small half circles cut into longan leaves by leaf cutter bees.

Half Circles in Longan LeavesHave you ever seen perfectly half circles bitten into your plant/trees leaves? I was so shocked but with a little research I found out leaf cutting bees made this art work. These leaf cutting bees won't do any harm to the leaves or plant/tree, but uses the collected leaves to make nest for their young ones. I found it very interesting and had to share!


Sky High Artistry

Sky High Artistry (Spiderweb)We recently had a large tree in our yard trimmed. When the work was finished it was sad to see tree standing there with no leaves adorning it. The morning after the tree was trimmed, I walked outside and saw that a spider found the tree to be an ideal place for her to display her artistic skills. The beauty of her web was an outstanding distraction from the bareness of the tree.


A monarch just released, on a pink flower bush.

Monarch ButterfliesA male and female monarch butterfly released.


Busy Butterfly (Monarch Butterfly) - butterfly on flower

Busy Butterfly (Monarch Butterfly)I came across this beautiful Monarch butterfly on an early morning walk this September. Intensely feeding on nectar, and pollinating the flower, he did not seem to notice me at all! Quietly, I leaned in closer and closer until I captured him on film. Then I left him unbothered and continued on.


A butterfly perched on a butterfly bush.

A Butterfly On My Butterfly BushHow terribly apropos.


A black butterfly

Black ButterflyOne day, this butterfly appeared inside my screened-in porch. I choose to believe it is my dearest friend, passed 4 years ago, returning for a visit. It was our favorite place to sit, sip sweet tea and chat.


Dragonfly (Hebron, MD)I sure got some great shots of some of the dragonflies in my backyard. We had all colors, red, gold, black, and white just to name a few of them. This one is sitting on my butterfly bush. If you look real close you can see the eyes. I enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed all of my butterflies.


Orange Moth

Orange MothI was just walking to the store and saw this lil guy. He posed beautifully and after a few photos, I wished him well and went my way.


A banana spider hanging in front of a house.

Banana Spider (Marysville, TN)I captured these photos of one of the Banana Spiders in our tomato bed. This is also known as a zipper spider because of the zipper like pattern in the middle of its web.


Albino Stink Bug

Albino Stink BugI just happened to notice this albino stink bug hanging out on a leaf in our sunflower and passion flower garden. It is so pretty. White with red markings and black eyes.


Bumblebee Pollinating Coreopsis (Maryville, TN)

Bumblebee Pollinating Coreopsis (Maryville,...I captured this series of photos in our garden this morning (August 6, 2012) of a bumblebee pollinating one of our orange Coreopsis Flowers.



Dragonflies (Salisbury, MD)

Dragonflies (Salisbury, MD)The last few days, I spent in my backyard with my camera chasing after dragonflies and damselflies. I like taking pictures of just about anything that captures my eyes, this time it's my backyard dragonflies and damselflies. I think they're beautiful, don't you?


bumblebee busy pollinating the flowers on our Amethyst Myst Heucheras.

Bumblebees (Maryville, TN)I captured these photos of this bumblebee busy pollinating the flowers on our Amethyst Myst Heucheras in our front flowerbed.


Honeybees that built a nest between a window and the storm shutters in the South of France.

Honeybees for the Honeymoon (Southern...When we arrived to our vacant honeymoon farmhouse in the wine country of France, we were shocked to discover this massive beehive attached to the window of our bedroom.


Monarch Butterfly (Santa Barbara, CA)

Monarch Butterfly (Santa Barbara, CA)Out among the flowers on a sunny day came this beautiful Monarch butterfly. He stayed awhile, adding his beautiful hues to the garden colors.


Bees Taking Flight (Oklahoma)

Bees Taking Flight (Oklahoma)My grandpa passed away last October, when he passed he left me all his honey bees for my aunt and the rest of the family to care for. Although my aunt takes on most of the responsibility, we all help out when we can.


A bumblebee on a purple coneflower blossom

Bumblebee (Upstate NY)Bumblebees love purple coneflowers so much they can't even be distracted by me and my camera getting really up close and personal.


Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly (North Carolina)

Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly (North Carolina)Spring is here and it will soon be butterfly time. This is a Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly on our Butterfly Bush. It is amazing how many butterflies are attracted to this bush.


A dew covered spiderweb in Pittsburgh, PA

Spiderweb (Pittsburgh, PA)I went golfing one morning, at a Pittsburgh golf course called Frosty Valley, and saw this sight. I was drawn to the dew on the web.


Blue Marine butterfly landed on a geranium bud

Wildlife: A Blue Marine ButterflyThe Blue Marine is a small butterfly that flits about our back garden and enjoys landing on the geranium lavender plants. It is quite small, about the size of your thumbnail.


A praying mantis with a cloudy background.

Praying MantisWhile walking out the front door to go walk the dogs with my husband, I spotted a tiny little praying mantis sitting on the back of our neighbor's car.


Bee in Large Orange Flower

Bee in an Orange Flower (Shore Acres...This tiny little honey bee looked like he should be burning up in this flower, in my opinion. I know they're just colors, but the oranges and reds of this blossom reminded me of roasting marshmallows over a campfire.


Yellow Jacket on Flower

Yellow JacketThis yellow jacket stayed on my porch for at least an hour one day. He was so friendly that I was able to get multiple shots of him. I thought he looked really pretty when he buzzed over and landed on one of my husband's young viola blossoms.


Large Wasp on a Flower

Guard WaspI was very surprised one day when a rather non-aggressive wasp landed on the viola plant that my husband has growing on our front porch. These wasps have been nesting in one side of our home.


Closeup of Praying Mantis

Praying MantisMy husband and I had just got home from our morning errands and were getting out of our car when I saw something big and yellow fly by. I've come to know that that means you probably just spotted a praying mantis.


Dew on Spider Web

Garden: Spiderweb With DewI knew that there were several spiders around the house that made their webs at night and dismantled them in the morning. I was so happy to see this one was still there between the crepe myrtle and the porch column.



Close up of Spider on Web

Wildlife: SpiderWe were supposed to be rushing off to town for the day's errands and meetings when my husband willingly pointed out this spider hanging out in the bushes near our home and garden. He was so beautiful that I couldn't help but take time out of our busy schedule to photograph him.


Monarch Butterfly on Flower

Wildlife: Butterfly GardenI have a very ignored flower garden that has produced some beautiful lantana blooms and has drawn a large family of Monarch butterflies this early fall season here in North Central Louisiana.


Closeup of Bee in Sunflower

Scenery: Bumblebee and Sunflower (Hamilton, TX)While fishing one summer, I decided to take photos near our pond. The butterflies and bees had been drawn to the sunflowers. With a little patience, I managed to take this photo.


Large Spiders Web Reflecting in Sunlight

Wildlife: Spider WebI was simply amazed by this gigantic spider web on my porch. Although I marvel in it's "craftsmanship", I do NOT wish to see the spider that created it! :)


Bumble Bee in Large Yellow Flower

Garden: Bumble BeeI am terrified of bees and, yet, mesmerized by them at the same time. I absolutely LOVE taking pictures of them! Here is a bumble bee pollinating a yellow blossom at Shore Acres State Park; beautiful gardens.


Butterfly on on Purple Flowers

Wildlife: ButterflyI caught a picture of this beautiful butterfly in my garden. She spent the better part of the morning going from bloom to bloom on my butterfly bush. I really feel grateful to have the chance to watch her for so long.


Praying Mantis on Glass

KatydidThis katydid appeared to be lost as it sat on our picture window looking I don't know where, but it seemed to be looking in as if to be asking directions to the garden.


Closeup of Hummingbird Moth by a Purple Flower

Wildlife: Hummingbird Moth (Litchfield County,...I never saw one of these and didn't know what it was! They hover and feed like a hummingbird, hence the name. Kind of looks like a shrimp with wings!


Red dragonfly on garden stake

Scarlet Darter DragonflyAnother walk in my garden with camera in hand, looking for what will surprise me today. Look what I found perched on one of my garden stakes. He was just sitting there resting and looking around.


Orange and black butterfly on a tree

Wildlife: Orange ButterflyA butterfly befriended my son. I think it would have hung out on him all day, if we'd stayed outside. I was hoping to catch a picture of it with its wings spread open. So I kept trying to get it to move, until I finally captured it with its wings open!


Bee on a red and yellow flower

Garden: My Little Garden Friend (Robinson, IL)I was doing some weeding last year, and came across this busy little honeybee. I watched him for quite a while. It made my day!


A black swallowtail butterfly on Sweet William.

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly and Black...I love relaxing and spending the day in my yard with my camera. You never know what your going to find, see, and enjoy! Today in my yard, I enjoyed beauty with wings.


Another view of a green insect on a pink petunia.

Gardening: Insect on a Mini PetuniaI couldn't believe how well this turned out. Photography is so therapeutic.


Photo of Butterfly Enjoys Sunshine and Wildflowers

Garden: Butterfly and Wildflowers (Graham, KY)This gorgeous butterfly, captured at two different angles, is enjoying the warm summer day in the sunshine. As it flies about, it stops on each of the wildflowers here in my mother's garden in Graham, KY. This photo was taken in July of 2010.


Garden Center Butterfly

Wildlife: Butterfly In Garden CenterMy daughter and I love to wander through our local garden centers. The beautiful flowers and tranquil settings are a great stress relief during the week.



photo of bee hive

Bee HiveThis bee cluster was in a very small tree in front of a residence. The bees were probably keeping the queen bee warm. The cluster of bees stayed there for approximately 2 days.


Wildlife: Lady Bug

Wildlife: Lady BugI was doing a little spring cleaning by washing the inside windows. There he was, this little lady bug.


pussy willow with a bee

Bee on the Pussy Willow TreeMy pussy willow tree was buzzing with bees in the backyard. I got brave enough to get close to try to capture a photo.


bee on lemon blossom

Wild life photo:Garden: Bee On Lemon BlossomLooks like we will have plenty of fresh lemons this year. The bees are very busy in our backyard!


A banana spider hanging in a garden area.

Banana SpiderA Banana spider spun a web on the side of my house. It stayed there for several weeks.


Blue Butterfly on Rock

Wildlife: Blue ButterflyI was outside with family and had butterflies flying around us. A butterfly landed right in front of me and I took a picture of it with my camera phone.


Photo through the windoe of a large spider and a magpie below.

Wildlife: Giant Spider and MagpieThis is what awaited me when I opened the curtains one morning. The screen is blurring the picture, but you can see the size of the spider (about the size of my hand) compared to our friendly magpie who was sitting about a foot from the window.


Garden: Monarch on Butterfly WeedI was trying out a digital camera I bought at a garage sale a couple of summers ago and happened to get a close up picture of a monarch butterfly sitting on a butterfly weed plant in my garden.


A black and yellow argiope spider.

Black and Yellow Argiope (Garden Spider)This "beautiful" specimen was hanging outside our living room window. This is as close as I wanted to get! I had never seen this type of web either, the zigzag pattern.


Wildlife: Monarch ButterflyThis is a butterfly that I found on our front porch. He wasn't alive when I found him, so I put him in a paper bowl that I had. I took him to my children's elementary school, so they could all see it close up and enjoy all of its beautiful details.


Black Widow Spider

Black Widow SpiderI work for a city utility company, and this spider was in a water meter can.


Swallowtail Butterfly

Wildlife: Swallowtail ButterflyI love butterflies. This swallowtail was a frequent visitor to my butterfly bush in the garden. The background was the actual sky.


Ladybug on Green Leaf

LadybugThis Ladybug was on a leaf in my aquarium. Poor little thing had to be "fished" out later when she realized she couldn't swim. I really like the picture. No adjustments were made to it.


Crab Spider

Wildlife: Crab SpiderWhat the well-dressed crab spider is wearing this season in Amy's Garden. This striking black and white pokadot ensemble can be dressed up or dressed down depending on your Holiday event.


butterfly on pink flower

Wildlife: ButterflyYou know it's summertime in Australia.


ladybug on purple lilac flower petal

Ladybird On FlowerI spied a ladybird on this pretty lilac flower in the garden. It's a seven-spot ladybird. I had to go look up her species to identify her. Isn't Mother Nature colourful.


closeup of bumble bee

Bumble Bee On FlowerA close up pic of a bumble bee on my bee balm flowers. He was so busy collecting pollen he didn't notice me, I didn't get stung anyway!


Closeup of a butterfly

Garden: ButterflyThis butterfly landed on one of our outdoor chairs. It was too beautiful not to photograph.


Daddy long legs on tomato plant.

Wildlife: Daddy Long LegsGranddaddy long leg spider on tomato plant.


A butterfly on a flower.

Butterfly On FlowerThis beautiful "tourist" was vacationing in my garden. Enjoying the colors!


A wasp on a leaf.

WaspToday I had to "Hurry and bring the camera, Mom! You gotta check out this bug and take pictures of it", said my 6 year old daughter.


Wildlife: Cucumber BeetleI couldn't help but notice that this tiny bug resembled that of the place he was "nesting", the flower. The similarities seems to match perfectly and I knew, instantly, that I must document the phenomenon.


Red wasp on yellow flower.

Red WaspThis red wasp was just peering over the top of this leaf on a bush at me fully aware that I was taking pictures of it. Its wings were injured making it accessible for me to get so close to it.


Butterfly On Leaf

Wildlife: Butterfly On LeafThis was taken in my sister in law's garden. The butterfly is so gorgeous and I loved that we were able to get such a great closeup of it. This is why we moved to the country, for the beauty that surrounds us every day.


Spider and Web

Wildlife: Spider and WebI was leaving my apartment to go to the market and the sun was hitting this spider web just right to be able to notice it outside of my neighbors apartment. I just had to go back inside and fetch my camera!


Red Admiral Butterfly

Wildlife: Red Admiral ButterflyA newcomer to my garden.


bee on bean plant

Wildlife: Black Bumble BeeI captured this image of one of the fabulous, huge, black bumblebees that visit my French beans every day. You can tell how big it is by using the bean flower as a scale.


A butterfly on a girl's arm.

Wildlife: ButterfliesThis spring my daughter and I had a fun time catching butterflies! We were quite excited they were landing on us. I love her smile in this picture!


butterfly on lantana flower

Butterfly On LantanaWhen I go to let the doggies out I bring my camera. I always find something interesting to photograph. I found this wonderful flower bush in the empty lot next to us and so did this butterfly.


bee swarm in tree

Swarm Of BeesOnce in a life time. I looked out my window and this is what I saw; a swarm of bees on my flower bush. I called a beekeeper, but they left while I was giving directions to my home for him to get them. We took this picture there can be 1,500 to 30,000 bees in each swarm.



Wildlife: BumblebeeBumblebee on Giant Angelica Flowers. These flowers will eventually bloom with white blossoms.


tiger swallowtail butterfly

Butterflies and ImpatiensThis beautiful tiger swallowtail butterfly visited my impatiens one morning, and I was fortunate enough to be there and preserve the beauty.


Fishing Spider

Wildlife: Fishing SpiderA "fishing spider" I came across yesterday. It was quite large, it is on a 4 inch pole for size reference. Talk about nightmares!


Monarch Butterfly

Monarch ButterflyI have been very lucky when it comes to getting close enough to the creatures that I spy in my backyard. I love watching the butterfly's so much. They all seem to have their own personalities too! This particular one was quite playful and didn't mind being photographed.


Butterfly on Butterfly Bush

Butterfly on Butterfly BushButterfly on Butterfly Bush in my backyard.


Butterfly and honeybee on feeder

Butterfly And HoneybeeA Monarch butterfly and honey bee feeding at my hummingbird feeder.


Skipper Butterfly near finger

Skipper ButterflySkipper Butterfly Photo. This is a very tiny 'Skipper' butterfly. I set my finger behind it to show just how tiny it is. When you have one or more butterfly bushes in your yard. . .


Question Mark Butterfly

A Question Mark ButterflyPlant one or more butterfly bushes in your backyard to attract butterflies. Once the blossoms start blooming, you will find yourself being entertained by butterfles. . .


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