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Two lawyers looking at a legal document.

Understanding Inmate Information CodesIf you or a loved one has to deal with being incarcerated, it can be very helpful to be familiar with the inmate information codes in your area. This is a page about understanding inmate information codes.


Power of Attorney

Responsibilities of a Power of AttorneyThis page is about the responsibilities of a power of attorney. Knowing when someone needs a power of attorney and exactly what authority it gives the bearer is important.


Photo of a document that says Medicaid on it.

Staying on Medicaid After Marriage?Medicaid eligibility is based on income. Marriage and the resulting change in income may make someone ineligible. This is a page about staying on Medicaid after marriage.


Power of attorney documents.

Getting a Power of Attorney for a Deceased Parent?Although it is not possible to secure a power of attorney after a person has died, there are other ways to take care of left over business. This is a page about getting a power of attorney for a deceased parent.


Logo for a ThriftyFun Guide

Illegal Craft Business?How can I report an individual who has a crafting company out of their home without a vendor's license and is not paying taxes? She uses PayPal and debit to charge her customers so there is a pattern of her selling the crafts.


A divorce decree on a judge's desk.

Getting a Copy of Divorce Papers?Legal documents, such as divorce papers, should be available from the records office in your city or municipality. Try that if you never received copies from the court or have misplaced the original copies.


A lawyer discussing information with his client.

Information on Criminal Charges?If you are looking for information on whether a crime has been committed and what can be done, it is best to talk with local law enforcement.


A social security benefits document.

Social Security Survivor Benefits and Food Stamps?The rules and regulations that apply to Social Security benefits may be confusing to some recipients, particularly regarding how a change of circumstance can affect them. The best way to get a valid answer is to contact the Social Security office near you. This is a page about Social Security surviver benefits and food stamps.


Cellphone screen with the letters "TSER??" on it.

What Does TSER Mean?TSER is a legal abbreviation that generally means "time served". This page is about What Does TSER Mean?.


Child Support agreement paperwork

Survivor Benefits and Child Support?This is a page about survivor benefits and child support. All of the rules and exceptions for survivor benefits and child support can be quite confusing. It is best to go directly to the Social Security office for assistant with your questions and concerns.


DNA test tube being held in gloved hand

Establishing Paternity When Child's Father is Deceased?This is a page about establishing paternity when a child's father is deceased. Establishing paternity when one parent is deceased is not impossible. If there are living siblings DNA testing can be done that that way.


Couple carrying heavy box they have packed to move out

Responsibilities of the Renter When Moving Out?This is a page about responsibilities of the renter when moving out. Typically an apartment or home needs to be left in the same condition as when it was rented. Normal wear and tear are the exception. The rental agreement should spell out the specifics. Also a meeting with the landlord or rental agent can be helpful.


Paperwork for a healthcare power of attorney, living will and an estate plan.

Scope of a Medical Power of Attorney?Family members are often given power of attorney in the case of a debilitating illness or other disability. This page has information about the scope of a medical power of attorney.


Closeup of a Social Security card.

Disabled Adult Child Social Security Benefits?This is a page about disabled adult child social security benefits. Distribution of Social Security benefits is a complicated topic. It is best to consult your local office to get answers, specific to your personal situation.


Filling out Social Security Benefits Form

Teen Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?Children are typically eligible for Social Security survivor benefits while they are in school. A call to the Social Security office is one way to confirm if you meet the requirements. This is a page about teen eligibility for Social Security survivor benefits.



Couple Speaking With Real Estate Lawyer

Finding a Low Cost Real Estate Lawyer?This is a page about finding a low cost real estate lawyer. Lawyers can be very expensive. Here is some information about how to find a low cost real estate lawyer.


Social Security Administration

Collecting a Deceased Sibling's Social Security?There can be very rare situations where you could collect a dead brother or sister's Social Security benefits. This is a page about collecting a deceased sibling's Social Security.


A defendant standing in court.

Understanding Legal Disposition Codes?Legal depositions are important to get accurate and understand completely. If you need help understanding legal disposition codes you may find an answer here.


Mother and Daughter Hugging in Park

Dealing With a Dead-Beat DadThis term is typically used to refer to fathers who shirk their financial responsibility for their children. Moms can also fall into this category, but less frequently as they typically have custody. This page contains tips for using the legal system to help collect support and some advice on talking to your children.


Vacation homes at the beach.

Extra Cleaning Charges for Vacation Rental Property?If your rental property is damaged by a renter beyond what the cleaning deposit will cover, it may be necessary to bill additional cleaning charges. This is a page about extra cleaning charges for vacation rental property.


Older man signing a legal document.

Power Of Attorney for an Elderly ParentThere are a variety of reasons that it makes sense to have an elderly parent assign power of attorney to an adult child. This is a page about power of attorney for elderly parent.


A disabled student studying in a wheelchair.

Child Support for a Child Receiving Disability?Receiving child support can have unexpected effects on the disability you are receiving for that child. This is a page about child support for a child receiving disability.


Life Insurance

Does Emancipation Impact Life Insurance?This is about does emancipation impact life insurance? Consulting an attorney generally is your best course of action when you have a legal question.


Power of Attorney documents on a desk.

Changing a Power of Attorney?This is a page about changing a power of attorney. Generally consulting an attorney is your best course of action when you need legal advice.


Divorce decree document.

Will My Husband Remarrying Increase My Child Support?Generally child support is figured from the husband's income alone. This page is about will my husband remarrying increase my child support.


A gavel and money.

Is Stepparent Responsible for Child Support?Typically child support is the responsibility of the parents. However, some states do allow the income of a stepparent to be considered in support cases. This is a page about, "Is stepparent responsible for child support?".


Child Support

Calculating Child SupportChild support payments are typically calculated based on the number of children and the income of the parents. This is a page about calculating child support.


A book that says family law.

Collecting Child Support Owed by a Deceased Parent?Even if a child's non-custodial parent has died there is still a possibility that you may be able to collect support. This is a page about collecting child support owed by a deceased parent.


Savings Bond

Cashing a Deceased Parent's Savings Bonds?If the owner of a government savings bond dies without naming a beneficiary, there are specific steps that need to be taken for a relative to cash them in. This is a page about cashing a deceased parent's savings bonds.


A pencil and the word legal written.

Power of Attorney and HIPPA Rights?This is a page about Power of Attorney and HIPPA rights. Navigating through legal and medical issues can be complicated.



legal documents

Rights of Person Holding Power of Attorney?A power of attorney is a legal document that gives someone the right to act for another in specific situations. This is a page about rights of person holding Power of Attorney.


Brief case with a power of attorney in it.

Can I Get My Friend's POA Changed?Changing a Power of Attorney designation is sometimes necessary. Here is information to answer the question: "Can I get my friend's POA changed?"


A judge's gavel on top of hundred dollar bills.

Collecting Back Child Support?Collecting back child support from the noncustodial parent can many times be a challenge. This is a page about collecting back child support.


A child holding hands with a young adult.

Rights and Responsibilities of Unwed Parents?There can be certain legal challenges that arise for unwed parents when it comes to issues of custody, visitation, support, and other concerns regarding their relationship with their children. This is a page about rights and responsibilities of unwed parents.


Last will and testament document.

Does Receiving Inheritance Affect SSI?SSI or Social Security Supplemental Insurance assistance is provided to aged, blind, and disabled people with low incomes. This is a page about, "Does receiving an inheritance affect SSI?".


An upset mom burying her face in her hands.

Collecting Back Child Support if Parent is Deceased?This is a page about collecting back child support if parent is deceased. When the obligated parent dies, there may still be ways that the parent with the child(ren) can collect some child support.


Photo of letters spelling out child support.

Social Security and Back Child SupportThis is a page about Social Security and back child support. Certain types of government programs can have their disbursements garnished for child support.


A will disposing of personal property of a deceased person.

Personal Property Dispute After Death in the Family?This is a page about personal property dispute after death in the family. The death of a family member is quite stressful. Unfortunately, it is also, at times, the occasion for bitter disputes over personal property belonging to the deceased.


Family law folder on desk

Can SSI Be Garnished for Child Support?This is a page about "Can SSI be garnished for child support?". Some state and federal assistance programs can be garnished to pay child support.


Young boy looking into empty fridge with sad expression

Food Stamp EligibilityThis is a page about food stamp eligibility. The Federal food stamp program was established to ensure that low and no income individuals and families had assistance for buying food.


Childs cupped hands holding coins

Will My Child Receive SSI?This is a page about "Will my child receive SSI?". Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI) is typically awarded to children from low income families if they are blind or have disabilities.


Rolled up divorce decree with pen on legal pad

Spouse Won't Sign Divorce PapersThis is a page about spouse won't sign divorce papers. Getting a divorce is very stressful, having your spouse refuse to sign the papers only makes it worse.


Paper art of stick figure man and woman with stick figure children separated by a torn dollar bill in the shape of a heart

Collecting Child Support Without a Separation...This is a page about collecting child support without a separation or divorce. Collecting child support without a legal separation or divorce may be handled voluntarily or sought through an attorney.


Lawyer and client in court

Finding a Pro Bono Attorney?This is a page about finding a pro bono attorney. Some law firms allocate some time to taking on cases pro bono. Finding an attorney that will handle your case free of charge is worth the search.


Garnishing Disability for Child Support

Garnishing Disability for Child SupportThis is a page about garnishing disability for child support. Depending on the type of disability benefits you receive your payments might be garnished to pay current and past child support.



Legal document with magnifying glass highlighting the words "Last Will and Testament"

Does a Quit Claim Deed Supersede a Will?This is a page about "Does a Quit Claim Deed Supersede a Will?". The legalities involved with settling an estate after a death can be confusing to the rest of the family.


White paper with "LIFE INSURANCE POLICY" in bold typeface.  A folded pair of glasses and a pen rest on the paper.

Understanding Life Insurance Beneficiaries?This is a page about understanding life insurance beneficiaries. Family circumstances change over time and it can be a challenge to follow the directives of a life insurance policy.


Contesting a Will

Contesting a Will?This is a page about contesting a will. The contesting of a will is actually a fairly uncommon event. However, sometimes there are legal reasons that this legal action is taken.


Estranged Parent

Legal Responsibility for Aging Estranged...This is a page about legal responsibility for aging estranged parents. Knowing your legal rights and responsibilities is important when dealing with estranged family members.


highlighed will and fountain pen

Dealing With an Estate Where There is No Will?This is a page about dealing with an estate where there is no will. When a person dies intestate, division of their finances and personal property can become a matter of dispute among relatives.


woman studying documents

Being the Executor of a Will?This is a page about being the executor of a will. It is a challenge to be the person who is responsible to carry out the terms of a will.


pen to paper titles "Last Will...."

Writing a Will Without a Lawyer?This is a page about writing a will without a lawyer. As long as your will meets the laws of your state of residence, you do not necessarily need a lawyer to draft it for you.


Deceased Family Member's Debt

Responsibility for a Deceased Family...This is a page about responsibility for a deceased family member's debt. Handling the affairs of a lost loved one can seem overwhelming. You may need legal advice.


older blind woman sitting on a bench

Receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI)This is a page about receiving supplemental security income (SSI). The Social Security Supplemental Security Income program pays benefits to disabled adults and children who have limited income and resources.



Finding A Child Given Up for Adoption?This is a page about finding a child given up for adoption. Locating a person who was given up for adoption varies from state to state. It can be costly and require an advocate.


Woman Renewing a Driver's License

Renewing a Driver's License?This is a page about renewing a driver's license. Every state has its own motor vehicle rules and regulations. it is important to know what is expected of you when you renew your license.


Collecting Rent Money

Collecting Rent from Former Tenant?This is a page about collecting rent from former tenant. Collecting rent owed by a former tenant can be difficult if not impossible.


Torn Photo of Happy Couple

Divorce TipsThis page contains divorce tips. Life changes considerably when a partner wants a divorce. There are many private things to settle, and good legal advice can help you through it.


Mold in a Rental House

Legal Responsibility for Mold in a Rental House?This is a page about legal responsibility for mold in a rental house. Establishing who is responsible for mold assessment and cleanup in a rental property can be frustrating.


Social Security Disability Form

Receiving Social Security Disability...This is a page about receiving Social Security disability benefits. Applying for social security disability can be a long involved process that you may need some help with.


Car Accident

Statute of Limitations for Car Accidents?This page is about statute of limitations for car accidents. It is important to know how long legal responsibility is assigned for different life situations.


Living Will

Information on Living Wills and Advanced DirectivesThis page contains information on living wills and advanced directives. It is impossible to predict when you may be unable to make decisions for yourself. You may want to get in writing how you plan to be taken care of.


Photo of a document describing what intellectual property is.

Obtaining Permission to Use Copyrighted Materials?This page is about obtaining permission to use copyrighted materials. Contacting the publisher may be the first step, when you determine you need to have permission to use written materials.


Social Security Paperwork

Preparing for a Social Security Hearing?This page is about preparing for a Social Security hearing. You want to make sure you are advised of the necessary documentation when presenting your case before the Social Security Administration.


Couple getting SSI help.

Finding a Good Social Security Attorney?This is a page about finding a good Social Security attorney. At times it is preferable to employ an attorney to assist with legal questions, such as those regarding Social Security payments, disability, and other concerns relating to this government program.


Child Support Worksheet

Getting Remarried and Child SupportThis is a page about getting remarried and child support. Many parents, both custodial and non-custodial, have questions regarding the effects of remarriage on child support.


Marriage License

Getting a Marriage License?This is a page about getting a marriage license. You have been asked and accepted a proposal of marriage or decided together that it is time. Now the next steps in planning will include getting the license.


The word patent in the dictionary.

Applying for a Patent?This page is about applying for a patent. Obtaining the license for the right or title to make, use, or sell some invention requires a government application.


Visitation Rights

Visitation Rights After DivorceOne of the main components of most divorce decrees deals with child visitation. This is also one of the frequent points of contention between the divorced parents.


Writing a child support check.

Paying Back Child Support?This is a page about paying back child support. Sometimes a non custodial parent will owe back child support, in addition to current support or unpaid arrears, and wonder the best way to clear this debt.


Copyright Stamp

Getting a Copyright?This page is about getting a copyright. This legal protection generally needs to be obtained through the government.


Patenting an Invention

Patenting an Invention?This is a page about patenting an invention. Many products we are all familiar with today were invented by individuals not employed in the research and development departments of major corporations, but who worked in garages or small shops.


Power of Attorney

Duration of a Power of Attorney?This is a page about duration of power of attorney. Understanding the duration of a power of attorney starts with determining which type you have.


Recovering Stolen Items

Recovering Stolen ItemsThis page is about recovering stolen items. No matter how you have been burglarized, it can be hard to get your belongings back.


Social Security Survivor Benefits

Receiving Social Security Survivor BenefitsIf a spouse or parent dies, you may be eligible for Social Security survivor benefits. This is a page about receiving Social Security survivor benefits.


Child support agreement

Child Support Payments and Social SecurityWhen a parent who has been required to pay child support also receives Social Security, one or both parents may be confused as to how this works. This is a page about child support payments and social security.


Picture of a lawyer at a desk.

Finding a Good Estate AttorneyThis is a page about finding and selecting a good estate attorney. Finding a good lawyer to help settle an estate can save you a lot of stress during what's already a very difficult time.


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