
Your Dog's HealthAsk a Question Follow

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Pug With Yeast Infection?It started out him getting sick once in a while to now about every other night. He was throwing up but I have changed his diet and feeding times and that has seemed to control that. His stools are still a little runny and frequent.


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Cluster of Ticks?My neighbor's dog pretty much lives at my house and I noticed that he has a cluster of ticks on his shoulder. There were probably 8 ticks of various sizes! I got some of them off and noticed a swollen area with some pus. I am guessing it is infected.


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Pug Vomiting?I have a black pug. From time to time she vomits her food. Not often. Is there anything out there my pug can eat that won't upset here already upset stomach.


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Pug with Black Smelly Skin?I own a 5 year old pug. Since he was 6 months old, he has had non-stop ear infections, yeast, staph, etc. He has seen 2 very good vets and I am now getting ready to take him to a natural vet.


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Dog Licked Up Spilled Grease?My Dog licked up some spilled grease and now has vomited once and acts uncomfortable. What home remedy can I give her or does she need to go to vet?


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Helping a Dehydrated Dog?My friend has a three year old boxer has had weight loss but still is eating normally. He is kept outside in a dog pin. Last night he was barking very unusually for him at night. He put him in the garage. When morning came he want to check on him.


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Dog Whining?I have noticed more and more that my dog seems to whine often. This has been going on forever (not all day long). Even if she has been fed, played with, potty, she whines, why?


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Puppy With Stomach Problems?I was given a 4 week old pit and I don't know why but all of a sudden her stomach seems to be twice the size and her tummy makes a lot of rumbling noises. Also I've been giving her is regular milk instead of a formula milk. I've had other dogs but never a baby.


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Dog With Chronic Diarrhea?I've a 7 month old sweet pup that we've had since he was 10 weeks old. Here's the problem: He has a bad case of diarrhea. We have tried just about everything. We've had him back to the vets office 4 times in the last 2 months.


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Tape Worm Remedies for Dogs?My name is Tammy and I wanted to ask you a few questions. I have a 6 week old puppy whom I'm sure has tape worm. I cannot afford a vet and wanted to know if you know of any home remidies? Someone told us to put a couple of teaspoons of mineral oil over his wet food. Have you heard of this?


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Pomeranian with Itchy Skin?My Pomeranian has dry itchy skin. She just had blood tests run and everything was ok. The vet gave me some shampoo for her but I'm wondering if I should be adding some oil or something else to her diet to help also. She is 10 years old.


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Dog With Hip Problems?I have a flat coated retriever mix that is two years old. When she was little she had a problem with her hind hips. She would pull them out of socket when playing. In the last day or so she seems to be hurting and is have trouble standing. It's hard for her to get up off the floor. Could this be arthritis?


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Are Dog Bones Made for Teeth Cleaning Safe?Just a simple query: I've been feeding my dog bones especially created for cleaning their teeth. Though I haven't asked my vet, I'm wondering if there is any reason not to feed him these sorts of bones? He seems to enjoy them a lot. Any ideas as to why would it likely be bad for him?


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Aromatherapy for Dogs?Any suggestions on what essential oils are good for a dog? For example: odor, insect repellent, air refresher, etc.?


Dog licking its face.

Dangerous Foods for DogsYou may have heard that certain people foods are dangerous, even deadly for your dogs.



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My Dog Takes Phenobarbital for Seizures?My 10 year old cocker spaniel has recently been diagnosed with epilepsy, after experiencing several seizures. My vet has put her on phenobarbital. She has become very active.


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Cushings Disease Advice?We have a dog that is part Dalmatian. She has just been diagnosed with Cushings Disease. She has an overactive thyroid gland. Has anyone had a dog with this disease and if so, what did you do to correct this situation.


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Dog With Blood In Its Urine?What does it mean when a dog has blood in urine? (Urinal Tract Infection?) Is there any natural cure?


Why Is My Dog Limping?I have a one year old Labrador. She has been such a cute little friend through out but recently I have been noticing that she has started limping almost after every month or so. This limping is not on a particular leg, the strange thing is that if it's left leg one month, it becomes the right leg next month.


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After Having Hookworm Shots My Dog Won't Eat or Drink?My dog got his shots for hookworms and will not eat or drink and is pooping watery poop. What do I do?


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My Dog Can't Close His Mouth?My dog can't close his mouth. What do I do?


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Dog Throwing Up?My dog was throwing up and now he does not want to eat. What can I do?


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Rabies Shots?If my dog has a cough is it safe for him to receive a rabies and distemper shot?


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Distemper Shots for Dogs?Do dogs over the age of 1 need distemper shots?


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Dog Won't Eat on Its Own?We have a parvo puppy that has been in the vets for 8 days. She is up and barking and wagging her tail, also keeping food down, BUT, she is having to be force fed as she won't eat on her own. How can we get her to eat?


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Preventing Parvo?My boyfriend and I have a Husky puppy who is the sweetest guy alive! we also have a 10 month Border Collie. The Husky is 13 weeks. On Saturday, the Husky wasn't eating and seemed calmer than usual. He wasn't drinking anything so we force fed him water and then he ate quite a bit.


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Dog With a UTI?My dog has a UTI. How can I treat it?


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Dog With a Yeast Allergy?Has anybody heard of apple cider vinegar to rinse a small dog that has skin itch due to yeast allergy. Also recipes, for homecooking for a small yorkie that has this problem. I was told that broccoli is not good for her. Does anyone know anything about this?


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Seborrhea Advice?My golden retreiver, Sam, is the stinkiest dog in the world. He has horrible black skin under his armpits and in his groin area. He is also prone to ear infections. I read that the skin thing may be some kind of seborrhea and I would love to know if anyone knows how I can treat this.


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Are Mushroom Bad for Dogs?Does anyone know if the mushrooms that grown in your back yard are bad for dogs to eat? Our yard started to grow tan mushrooms, and I think my dog is eating them.



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My Puppy Swallowed a Fly?My puppy appeared to have swallowed a fly. Now it is restless. Please suggest a home remedy.


Are Allergies Hereditary in Dogs?My blue brindle American Staffordshire Terrier has allergies and he is a stud dog. i wanted to know if there was a high percentage that he would pass his allergies on to his offspring.


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Roundworms in Dogs?I wondering if there is a home remedy for round worms in dogs.


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Scab on a Puppy's Head?How can I treat a hard scab on the head of a Bicheon Frise puppy at home?


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Dog With Lupus?Our lovely neighbors have a gorgeous eight year old Bearded Collie who is suffering from Lupus. Does anyone have any good herbal recipes that would help him please?


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Dog Scratching the Same Place?I have a long haired Shepherd, he is scratching at same spot been 5 days now. What can I do for him to stop that itch for him? Any advice about this before I go to the vet?


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Puppy Throwing Up?My puppy is throwing up and it started about a day ago and she wont eat her food or drink her water and when she does she throws it up again.


Pomeranian Yorkie Mix is Throwing Up?My dog is still technically a puppy cause she is 9 months old.


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10 Month Old Shitzu With Skin Problem?Our 10 Mo. old shitzu dog has a very bad skin problem around her mouth and between her eyes and nose.


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9 Year Old Lab Losing Hair?My 9 year old yellow lab has recently begun to lose patches of hair. He started itching about a month ago but didn't show any other signs.


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Canine 7 in 1 Vaccine?I have a new Shih Tzu puppy. Is the 7 in 1 shot alright for him?


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Boston Terrier with Bad Breath?I have a 5 month old Boston Terrier. He has the worst breath ever! I know it can't be tooth decay because he's so young. He also drinks his urine when he's in his kennel. Does anyone have any suggestions to help me with these problems? Thanks!


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Taking a Puppy from it's Mother?When can I take a Pit Bull from its mother?


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Pregnant Shepherd With Blood in Stool?Is it normal for a pregnant shepherd to have some blood with stool when they are very close to delivery date for puppies?


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Overweight Pug-a-poo?I have a 2 year old Pug-a-poo, Molly. She is getting fat. I don't know if she takes after the Pug, broad chest and heavy or not. She will not eat dry food unless I mix it with canned. She's 11 lbs, gained 2 lbs in the last year. You can grab fat , I guess it's fat, if you 'pinch an inch'.



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Dog's Improvement on Rimadyl?I have a 9 yr old Golden. He just started taking Rimadyl for his hips. He can barely get up on his own and we must help him until he gets his sea legs. When will we start to see some improvement?


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Golden Retriever Chasing Tail And Eating Fur?Why does my 1 year old golden retriever chase his tail and then pull out the fur and eat it?


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What Medicine To Use On Dachshund With Burst Mole?My dog dachshund is 7 years of age, having skin rashes throughout.


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How Long is Distemper Contagious?How long until dog distemper is no longer contagious to other dogs?


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Can My Puppy Get Parvo Again if He is Not Vaccinated?My puppy just got out of the vet hospital. He was treated for Parvo. They gave me medicine for him to take. They don't want to give him his shots yet because his tummy is too sensitive right now, so can he still get Parvo again? I have not had my yard sprayed yet, but everything in the house was washed with bleach.


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Shih Tzu is Chewing Its Paws?My Shih Tzu is chewing its paws. What could be wrong?


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Dog with Irritable Bowel Disease?I need advice from other pet owners who's dog suffers from Irritable Bowel Disease. Our dog (2 years) was just diagnosed, and is now on Prednisone. He's got severe allergies to all grains so we're trying different types of allergen free dog food. I'm not thrilled that he's on meds and am looking for other alternatives. Any suggestions would be most helpful and appreciated.


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'Vet's Best Ear Relief Wash and Dry' from Petco?I recently read that a product from Petco called 'Vet's Best Ear Relief Wash and Dry' helped their dog with ear problems related to yeast infections. I would like any info regarding treatment for this problem. I have tried the raw diet, I saw no improvement. She began to refuse to eat and had constipation issues with vomiting.


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Is Cheese Unhealthy For Dogs?Is cheese unhealthy for dogs? Why?


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Breast Lumps in Female Dog?I have a bird dog mix and she came to us as a stray about 3 yrs. or so ago. Apparently she had just had a litter of pups, as her breasts were saggy.


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Why Is Ammonia Too Strong in a Shih Tzu Puppy?Why is ammonia too strong in a Shih Tzu puppy?


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My Dog Smells But I Can't Give Him a Bath?My vet said not to give the dog a bath until his next checkup, but he smells. Suggestions?


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Recipes for Dog Food for Picky Dachshunds?I have 3 picky dachshunds. A 1 1/2 year old and two 6 month olds. I am looking for recipes that are healthy for them. They seem to prefer chicken and turkey. I would like to experiment with either lamb or liver. I see so many different recipes. I was wondering if anyone had any for chicken livers or gizzards?


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Dog with Recurrent Feet Sores?My dog has recurrent feet sores between her toes and the doctor keeps putting her on oral antibiotics. I've tried a natural salve but that doesn't seem to help. Anyone else have any cures? Thanks.


Is the Stuffing in a Stuffed Animal Harmful to My Dog?My dog is in the stage where he is tearing things apart. Can the stuffing in a toy potentially be harmful to him?


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Puppy with Cloudy Eye?My puppy has a clouding effect across his eye. What does this mean?


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What Shots Does My Puppy Need?I had a question about shots. I adopted my pup when he was 11 weeks old, that was 2 weeks ago. The breeder said he was up to date on all shots and came with a health certificate. He saw the vet a couple of days before I got him and passed with flying colors.


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Doberman Has Itchy, Flaky Skin?My Doberman has flaky skin and is always scratching.


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Daschund With Back Problems?I have a Daschund who is 4 and has started having back problems. She has gone to the vet and is on anti-inflammatory meds. She will walk but is a little wobbly and the hair sticks out where she is swollen. Has anyone else had this problem? Any suggestions


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Are Nuts Harmful for Dogs?Are cashews or nuts harmful for dogs?


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Homemade Remedy for Mites on Puppy?My puppy had mites almost 4 weeks ago, I took her to the vet where we got antibiotics and they did 2 dips to clear up the mites. They went away and the hair started to come back around her eyes but now she's starting to scratch again and I'm afraid she might be getting the mites back.


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Cheaper Medicine for Dog With Seizures?We have an Australian Shepherd who has seizures. He is now 4 yrs old. He is on large dosages of phenobarbital, 10 tablets a day, and 800 mg of potassium bromide. The vet wants to see him quite often. Each visit costs from 150 to 225 dollars. I don't want to sound cheap, but is there a more cost effective way to buy his medicine, and to get blood tests?


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Portosystemis Shunt (PSS) For a Puppy?I have a 4.5 month old Siberian Husky. Does anyone have information on PSS (Portosystemis Shunt). I'm waiting on blood results to come back for my puppy after he had some kind of seizure fit the other night. Has anyone had a pet that has had this PSS done that might know more about it's symptoms etc. I would be grateful if anyone can help. Thanks.


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Caring For Dog's Ear Odor?How do I care for my dog's ear odor?


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Advice On Rimadyl Dosages?My black lab is approximately 8 years old. I have recently started him on Rimadyl, as he was getting somewhat stiff and arthritic. He is doing wonderfully. He is on 2 75 mg tabs a day. Has anyone had experience with cutting the usual dosage in half, or alternating days, to save money?


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Dealing With An Aging Pet?I have a 14 year old Basset Hound that is suffering from canine dementia, which is very similar to Alzheimer's. At times he is his adorable self. Other times he paces constantly, snaps at me, is withdrawn and is very anxious if he can't find me.


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Rottweiler's Mysterious Death?We gave our Rottie away to a loving home due to us moving to Germany soon. In the 10 days she was there, she was consistently vomiting, didn't eat much, would drink a lot and then she started drinking nothing at all and she would just lay on her bed and urinate on herself. We picked her up from the people as we did not want her to be a burden. We thought that maybe it was just depression and stress. She was walking like she was drunk, bumping into things, failing to really stand on her own.


Sneezing Dog?I have a 5 yr old male Poodle that has sneezing fits, inside and outside. Should I be concerned? Is there some disease related to this? He feels good, no runny eyes or nose. Just starts randomly, may sneeze 10 times or twice, no pattern.


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Will An Air Fern Hurt My Puppy?My puppy got into my air fern. Will this hurt her?


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Was My Puppy's Shot Administered Wrong?What happens when you administer a puppy shot wrong? My puppy is sore where the shot was administered.


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Puppy Has Very Runny Eyes?My puppy Jewelz gets very runny and it leaves stains under her eyes. It seems like its getting worse. Could this be something serious? We think she is a little under six months, which brings me to another question of when will she start to menstrate?


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NU-EYES for Dogs?My Princess, a Miniature Pinscher, just turned 10 years old. On Friday night, July 18th, 2008, I noticed she was not seeing things right. I called the Vet and made an appointment for Saturday morning at 8AM.


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Is Hip Dysplasia Common In Shi Tzu/Maltese?I have a shitzu/maltese dog and I was wondering if they are known to have hip dysplasia?


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Mange Vs. Hot Spots?Can anyone tell me how one goes about determining whether a dog has mange or hot spots? My lab chewed his tail yesterday until it was bare of hair (about half dollar size) and today on his hind quarter (about size of a quarter). Both sites have scaly bumps. Thanks for any help.


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Injury To Bottom Of Dog's Paw?I originally thought my Shih Tzu/Maltese could have hip dysplasia, but I looked at the bottom of her foot (paw) last night and saw that one of the black dots (I don't know what they are) is gone. She is limping on this paw. Can anyone tell me what this black thing is called and what I should do?


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Is Dog's Shedding Caused By Lack Of Vitamins?Do you think there are any vitamins or oils my Lab may be lacking? She is shedding so bad. Any advice?


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Dog Had Dislocated Jaw?My dog woke up unable to close his mouth or eat on Sunday. The first vet said he had a throat infection. The 2nd vet said his jaw was dislocated and put it back in place. I can now close his mouth but he still does not close it or eat very well. Am I expecting too much after a day?


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Giving Parvo Puppy Gatorade?We adopted a collie/retriever mix yesterday and today found out he has Parvo. My 4 year old is heart broken! They gave him IV fluids and some injections to help with vomiting and diarrhea. Is there anything else we can do at home? Can we give him Gatorade? This puppy has had a rough beginning, I don't want him to have a rough end too. Please help.


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Homemade Remedies For Dog's Coughing?My dog has a chronic dry hacking cough. The vet meds help some but are not enough. Does anyone have suggestions for some home treatments to calm the cough that aren't likely to interact with his prescriptions?


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Make a Stand for Your Older Dog's FoodIf you have pets that suffer from arthritis, the doctors recommend you elevate their food to keep them from bending over to eat. We have a 15 year old dog with arthritis and we built a stand for her, instead of spending the 40 bucks to buy one.


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Older Dog With Dislocated Hip?My 9yr old Yorkie was hit by a truck on Sunday and dislocated her hip and broke her leg. The vet said he could do surgery, place a pin and put her hip back in socket but due to her arthritis it would be a long recovery and only 50% chance hip would stay in socket.


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Puppy Has a Loose Tooth?I have a 6 month chi and he has a loose tooth. Is it normal?


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Using Human Eye Drops for Dogs?Can I use human eye drops on a small dog?


Dog Getting Her First Period (Heat)?My little girl Roxy, ShitzShu, Maltese and Yorkie, 16mnths old, started her period on Sept 5th and is still spotting. Otherwise she is happy, eating, playing and sleeping normally. She does rub her bottom on the ground, which has indicated need to go number 2.


Can Excess Exercise Cause Puppy To Have Diarrhea?I have a 12 1/2 weeks old chihuahua mix puppy. She just finished getting her shots last week and just a few minutes ago she went to her training pad to poop and had diarrhea.


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Blood In Dog's Urine After Having Puppies?My dog Baby had puppies 3 weeks and 5 days ago. She had blood in her urine but it stopped for about a week. It has started again. Its scary cause I can not lose my baby! What could it be? She has lost a lot of energy and is still at a low weight. My boy Jacob gets 3 cups less and he is big and happy.


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Dog With Mast Tumors Still Itches?Patches itches and has or had skin cancer.He had surgery to remove mast cell tumors a month ago and is now on hydroxyzine pamoate, and antihistamine, three times a day. The vet said she wants to do more surgery because a couple margins weren't all clean but we can't afford a second time. He still seems to be scratching frequently though less violently.


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Having My Dog Neutered?I have a 31 month old pit bull and have an appointment to get him neutered next week and am scared to death it will emotionally change him. He is my baby and has been the only man in my life for a long time. I really don't want this to change him or how he is towards me or the other people in my life! I have read that it is best to get it done asap. I am fine with that! I just need reassurance everything will be ok. If anyone has any advice for me or my baby Marley let me know.


Relieving a Dog's Sore Hips

Relieving a Dog's Sore Hips?I have a 13 year old Dalmatian. Spud has been experiencing sore hips lately and I am wondering if it is safe to give him Ibuprofen to relieve his discomfort? If not what do you recommend? How can I help him?


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Stress Causing Dog to Throw Up Bile?My dog lately has been going off and getting into other peoples garbage. When she returns she vomits up some food she has ingested. To curb this problem we no longer allow her outside unless we are with her. She is 9 years old and until recently she would never leave our yard. The problem now is that she is intermittently vomiting up bile. It does not happen everyday.


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Puppy Has Itchy Bug Bites?I am house sitting and started getting bites on my belly and arms. A few weeks later I brought a 3 wk old puppy, and he slept on the same bed. Now, we are both itching and scratching horribly. I got some medication for me, and I am using it on the puppy but its not helping.


How to Tell if a Dog is Sick?My daughter wants to know how to tell if our dog is sick. I can't remember, is it when the nose is cold and wet or dry and hot. Thanks!


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Dog is Dragging His Behind on the Ground?My 3 yr old dog is dragging his behind across the carpet and then chews on his butt. The vet has checked him and he has no worms, the gland is clear, and there are no flea. He doesn't do it all the time, he will go for days without doing it. Then he will do it for a few days. or not do it again for months. Any ideas?


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Chihuahua Yelping and Stiffening Its Neck?I have an 11 month old Chihuahua, she was in her kennel and began to yelp like she was hurt. We went in there to get her and picked her up and she kept yelping.


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Dachshund with Skin Problems?I have two mini dachshunds, short-hair. One has had the usual problem, short term, with summer grass, but the other has a far more significant problem that is ongoing. He scratches constantly and has raised lumps, especially on his underside.


Dog Has Inconsistent Appetite?Also, he is 9 months and weighs only 50 lbs. He does not eat much, some days he eats a lot, 4 or 5 times a day and other days he just eats half a cup or 1 cup (same food always or a mix of wet and dry). His stools are always normal and he's never had upset stomach that I know of. How do I know if for example his teeth are bothering him? Any clues? Thanks!


Dog is Acting Strange Since Taking Rimadyl?Does anyone have a dog start acting odd after taking Rimadyl? The lab work came back OK but since my 17 old pit mix started taking Rimadyl, she goes off by herself at home which she never used to do.


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