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Dog receiving vaccine

Should Dogs Get Parvo Shots After Having Parvo?This is a page about "Should dogs get parvo shots after having parvo?". Pet owners may wonder if there is any value in having a dog vaccinated against parvo once they have already had the virus.


A dog scratching its ear.

Smelly Black Tar Buildup in Dog's Ear?A dog owner asks: My dog has black tar stuff in his ear and it smells, what is it? One of the causes for a black smelly build up in your pet's ears can be a yeast or other type of infection.


A sick dog sleeping, with a close up of his mouth and nose.

Recovery Time for Dog With ParvoWhen caring for a pet with parvo, many owners would like to know the average recovery time for an infected pup. This is a page about recovery time for dog with parvo.


My Dog is Sick After Getting a Parvo/Distemper Shot

My Dog Is Sick After Getting a Parvo/Distemper ShotCertain immunizations can cause side effects in some pets. This is a page about my dog is sick after getting a parvo/distemper shot.


Sick yellow lab isolated on white

Parvo Advice for Those Who Can't Go to the VetWhen treating the parvo virus, a veterinarian should be consulted. But for many pet owners, the cost of professional medical care to treat their dog for the parvo virus can be difficult. If you are caught in a situation where you CANNOT see a vet, here are some ideas to treat your dog until you can arrange for the proper medical care. This is a page about parvo advice for those who can't go to the vet.


A blister on a dog's skin.

Clear Blister on Dog's Skin?If you have a clear looking blister on your dog's skin, it may be cyst. This is a page about clear blister on dog's skin.


Dog Getting Ear Drops at Vet

Treating a Dog for Ear MitesIt is best to confirm with your vet that your pet does in fact have mites. Then using a medication and cleaning should remedy the problem. Untreated mites can cause your dog pain from scratching and distress. This is a page about treating a dog for ear mites.


Dalmatian puppy at the vet.

Puppy With Blood in its StoolThis is a page about a puppy with blood in its stool. There are a number of reasons your puppy may have blood in its stool, some more serious than others.


tombstone and dog

My Dog Died Suddenly?It is shocking and heartbreaking when your seemingly healthy pet dies suddenly. This is a page about my dog died suddenly.


Dog's Yeast Infection

Treating a Dog's Yeast InfectionAn overabundance of yeast can result in infections on your dog's skin, in the ears, and other areas. This is a page about treating a dog's yeast infection.


Newborn Puppy

Newborn Puppy not Pooping?This is a page about newborn puppy not pooping. The best pet's health advise comes from your professional veterinarian.


Sick Puppy

Parvo Survival Rate?Many factors can effect the survival rate of pets infected with this highly contagious disease. Proper care either at home or in your vet's office will certainly improve their odds. Vaccinations and house and yard decontamination are also recommended to protect future pets. This is a page about parvo survival rate.


photo of a dog

Causes of Sudden Death in Dogs?This is a page about the causes of sudden death in dogs. It is devastating when a pet dies suddenly, with no prior history of disease.


Raw oats on a spoon.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Oats?Oats are very healthy and are a valuable addition to a dog's diet in moderation. However, dry oats may cause dehydration which can be less desirable, especially with an older dog. This is a page about whether dogs can eat raw oats.


A dog getting his ears cleaned.

Treating a Dog With Smelly EarsEar infections or mites can cause your dog to have smelly ears. This page offers some suggestions for treating a dog with smelly ears.



Dog Scratching at Fleas

Dog Still Scratching After Flea Treatment?Treating your pet for active fleas is only part of the process for getting rid of fleas and preventing re-infestation. Your home and yard will be to be treated. Even if your pet no longer has fleas, their skin may still need treatment to promote healing and discourage scratching. This is a page about what to do if your dog is still scratching after a flea treatment.


Smelly Dog Paw

Remedy for Smelly Dog Feet?This is a page about remedy for smelly dog feet. Although your dog may be well, it can have stinky feet for no apparent reason. It can be bothersome.


A bulldog with a flatulence problem

Remedies for Dogs With GasThis page is about remedies for dogs with gas. If your dog has problems with flatulence, it must be something in their diet.


Dog biting at his skin

Treating Crusty Patches on Dog's Skin?This is a page about dog has dry, crusty skin patches. You want to find a safe and effective treatment for your dog's skin problems.



Pomeranian's Coat Not Growing Back?This page is about Pomeranian's coat not growing back. When your pet has health issues, it is important to consult with your veterinarian.


Sick pug at the vet.

Remedies for a Dog With DiarrheaThis is a page about remedies for a dog with diarrhea. Like their human owners, dogs can suffer from occasional diarrhea. Untreated it can lead to dehydration. Determining the cause, treatment, and whether you need to make a trip to the vet are the primary concerns.


A tired dog sleeping.

Does My Dog Sleep Too Much?Sometimes dogs may show a change in behavior that you may need to ask your vet about. This page is about does my dog sleep too much?


Cleaning Dog's Ear

Using Witch Hazel on Dogs?Witch hazel can be used to treat your dog's itchy skin or paws. This is a page about using witch hazel on dogs.


Shih Tzu puppy on a kitchen scale.

Best Weight for a Shih Tzu?This is a page about best weight for a Shih Tzu. Each breed has its own ideal weight from puppyhood until it reaches its adult weight. The Shih Tzu's adult weight should be within the range of nine to 16 pounds (four to seven kilograms). Keeping your pet at its ideal weight helps to ensure good health.


A cute beagle sitting on the floor.

My Beagle is ItchingThis is a page about my Beagle is itching. Relieving your dog's itchiness is an important part of caring for your pet.


Dog taking medicine from a person holding a weekly pill container.

Can Medications Cause a Dog to Pee More Often?Certain medications such as antibiotics and steroids can cause frequent urination. Check with your vet to see if this is an expected side effect of your dog's meds, if not it is probably time for a return visit. This is a page about, "Can medications cause a dog to pee more often?".


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Health Concerns About 9 Week Old Puppy?So my family gets dogs from the same breeder. Currently we have 6 dogs and love them to death, but before we had 6 dogs, we had just 2. We had gotten a puppy from them but the breeder said the momma tried to kill that litter. We just thought the mother was mean. We named him Ozzie. Well not even a day later, he has passed away while everyone was sleeping.


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Puppy With Neurological Disorder?How likely will my 6 week old puppy recover from a neurological disorder? He is very sensitive to the touch, he yelps like crazy when he is picked up, he lost function of his front and hind legs. I went to the vet and she referred me to a neurologist.


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How Do I Help My Puppy Walk Again?My 6 week old puppy ate wet puppy food that was unsealed in the can in the refrigerator. Not only was he lethargic and had diarrhea, but he lost use of his limbs as well. My puppy can not take a step without falling over. I took him to the vet and left with pre filled syringes to give him every 24 hours but the vet did not explain clearly on why his limbs are failing. What can I do to help my puppy walk again?


A dog that is not feeling well.

Dog is Lethargic After Using Frontline?I have a healthy 9 year old terrier mix female dog. My vet discovered she has fleas for the 1st time ever. The vet prescribed Frontline, the kind that is in 3 vials that you apply once a month.



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Heartworm Medication Recommendations?I am looking for recommendations for heartworm medication for my dogs. I would also like one that prevents ticks.


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Treating Yorkie's Skin and Hair?My yorkie has oily hair with itchy dry skin, what can I use to prevent both?


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My Dog Won't Let Me Put Medicine in His Ears?I need help my dog has yeast infection in his ears. I have the medication to put in them, but he will not let us put it in. We got him held down once and now he will not let my husband near him. We tried a muzzle and he will not let me touch him now to put that on.


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My Dog's Spine is Sticking Up?My pit bull puppy who just turn 1 looks like his lower spine is curved. It sticks up and doesn't look healthy. He eats well and plays and is very energetic. He shows no pains in his lower back. Any idea what this could be?


A dog's protruding spine.

Helping A Dog In Pain?My dog has a protruding spine. She is 5 years old and is a mixed breed. She is eating well, but screams if you touch on the spine in the middle or her hips. She also screams when she is turning while laying down. What would be best to assist her?


A dog sleeping on a pet bed.

Dog's Behavior While SleepingDogs spend a lot of time sleeping, especially when they are older. Sometimes, their behavior can be a cause for concern, especially if it changes unexpectedly.


A sick dog at the vet.

Dog With Bloody Stool?Bloody stools can be the sign of a serious medical issue, such as parvo or a intestinal injury. Dogs exhibiting this symptom should be taken to a veterinarian immediately for professional care.


A bottle of coconut oil and a toothbrush.

Coconut Oil for Dog's Tooth BrushingHaving your dog's teeth cleaned is a good health measure, but having it done by a vet can be quite pricey. Read on to find out an alternative option, using a toothbrush and coconut oil.


A sleepy dog.

Caring for a Dog with a Heart Murmur?Having a dog with a heart murmur is not necessarily an issue. Many of these pets live a normal life not even requiring medication. A murmur may have to be considered if your dog were to need surgery. A vet can provide the best advice in that instance.


A dog under a blanket.

Feeding a Parvo Survivor?Once your dog recovers from the parvo virus you can begin introducing some solid food. Your vet will probably have good advice. Bland foods, such as chicken broth, boiled chicken, and rice are good options. Their regular food is also good for pups who don't eat people food. Additionally, you will want to introduce food in small quantities. Add more as your pet continues to improve.


A dog scratching his ears outside.

Treating a Dog with AllergiesThe first step in treating a dog that seems to have allergies is to determine what they are allergic to. Dogs can develop allergies to their food, as well as experience allergic reactions to fleas, household products, etc. Once the cause is known then the best solution(s) can be tried. You will also want to treat the skin damage done by licking and scratching.


A dog shaking his ears and head.

Can Advantix Cause Seizures in Dogs?Not all dog owners have had confidence in using Advantix for flea control. Some have experienced seizures in their pets and think that this product may have caused the dog's health problem.


A dog sleeping on the sofa.

How is Parvo Transmitted?Many pet owners have real concerns regarding the transmission of this sometimes fatal virus. Parvo is transmitted by contact with an infected animal, feces, vomit, and from your hands, clothing, and shoes if you have come in contact with the live virus. It is not airborne.


A Yorkshire terrier lying on carpet in the sun.

Yorkie Randomly Shaking?Yorkies are known to sometimes begin to shake. There are a variety of reasons for this. One is that lacking an undercoat they are more likely to reacting to the cold. Also, puppies under 4 months may suffer from hypoglycemia, a sudden drop in blood sugar which can result in shaking. Check with your vet to ensure your best response to this behavior.


The inside of a dog's ear.

Identifying Dog Ear Problems?If your dog is rubbing and scratching their ears it could be either an infection of an ear mite infestation. A trip to the vet is a good way to identify the problem and to determine the best treatment.



A dog with his tongue out next to a full water bowl.

Dog Refuses to Drink WaterIf your dog refuses to drink water, it is very important to find out why. A dog that goes too long without water is in danger of a serious illness or even death. A trip to the vet will diagnose any health issues that may be causing this.


A dog looking up at the camera.

Does Garlic Help a Dog With Worms?The majority of veterinarians recommend avoiding garlic and anything else in the onion family. It can be toxic in relatively small amounts. Please consult with your own veterinarian before using any advice in this discussion about if garlic will help a dog with worms.


Sick looking puppy on the sidewalk.

Dog Lost Hair After Chemo Treatment?Certain forms of chemotherapy will cause the patient, whether human or canine, to lose their hair. Once the treatment is complete the pet's hair will grow back in time. This is a page about what to do if your dog lost its hair after chemo treatment.


Dog sleeping while person points at dog Pee on rug.

Dog Pees Inside When Lying Down?If your dog is peeing when lying down it is most likely due to a medical problem such as an infection. A trip to the vet is the best way to determine the cause and resolve this issue. This is a page about why your dog pees inside when lying down.


Dog scowling at camera.

Dog Losing Balance and Not Eating?These symptoms could result from a number of issues and are serious enough to seek the advice of a vet. This is a page about a dog losing its balance and not eating.


Dog playing with a corn on a cob.

Can Dogs Eat Corn Cobs?While a corn cob may seem like a good dog chew toy it definitely is not, in fact the ingestion of a cob can may cause great intestinal distress and can actually lead to death. Call your vet immediately if you suspect your pup ate a cob. This is a page about, "Can dogs eat corn cobs?".


Pug dog licking his nose.

Treating a Cut on a Dog's Tongue?If the cut is not severe enough to visit your vet, give water and soft food. You can also try rinsing out your pet's mouth regularly. Luckily minor cuts heal quickly. This is a page about treating a cut on a dog's tongue.


Dog with a carrot in it's mouth.

Best Multivitamins for Dogs?Typically healthy dogs do not need a multivitamin, especially if you are feeding them a quality food. Your vet is a good source for determining if your dog needs supplements and can recommend Rx or over the counter options. This is a page about finding the best multivitamins for dogs.


Husky puppy getting a vaccine.

Can Immunizations Cause a Positive Parvo Test?According to the ASPCA "some immunologists believe the vaccine antigen should not generate a positive result at all while others believe the weak positive is a true positive. However, a positive test accompanied by clinical signs should be interpreted as positive regardless of vaccination." This page contains discussions regarding the question, "Can immunizations cause a positive parvo test?".


Puppy getting shots at veterinarian

Puppy is Sick After Getting ShotsWhile a puppy may be a bit sick after getting shots it is best to check with your vet to see if it is normal for the specific vaccination given. Otherwise a return visit may be in order. This is a page about puppy is sick after getting shots.


Bottle of Rescue Remedy spray.

Rescue Remedy ReviewsRescue Remedy is an over the counter product which can be used to help your dog overcome stress, whether from the holidays, separation anxiety, or riding in a car. Make sure to not use the formula made for humans which contains xylitol, a sugar alcohol not good for pets. This page contains Rescue Remedy reviews.


Dog laying on a bed with a cone on its head.

Caring for My Dog After It Has Been SpayedFollow the veterinarian's instructions to care for your dog after she has been spayed. This is a page about caring for my dog after it has been spayed.


Dog feeling sick laying on floor

Dog Acting Sick After Being Wormed?This is a page about dog acting sick after being wormed. Treating a dog for worms is best done in consultation with your vet. That way the proper meds for the specific worms and the accurate dosage can be dispensed. If your pet becomes ill after treatment a return trip is a good idea.


Dog and Vet Looking at X-Ray

Finding Low Cost X-rays for Dogs?Finding low cost pet care often requires some research and even calling around to different clinics. Try the ASPCA for referrals or check to see if there is a veterinary school nearby. This is a page about finding low cost X-rays for dogs.


Ticks on Dog

Remedies for Ticks on DogsThere are several products on the market for repelling and killing ticks on your dogs. Some pet owners also attempt to remove them manually, care needs to be taken to remove the head. Clean and disinfect the area after removal. This is a page about remedies for ticks on dogs.


Garlic and Onion

Feeding Dogs Garlic and Onion?According to the American Kennel Association, all parts of the onion plant are toxic to dogs. Raw or cooked, fried or powdered, onions and the rest of the allium family are harmful to dogs. N-propyl disulfide causes a breakdown of red blood cells, leading to anemia in dogs. Some owners feed their pets small amounts with no apparent harm. This is a page about feeding dogs garlic and onion.


Scratching Dog

Dog Won't Stop ScratchingDetermining the cause of the itching is the first step in helping a dog that won't stop scratching. This is a page about a dog that won't stop scratching.


Dog's Paw

Remedy for a Dog's Itchy PawsDry skin or allergies are often the cause for itchy paws. Treating them early can help prevent licking and more irritation. This is a page about remedy for a dog's itchy paws.


A dog with hair loss.

Dog is Losing HairA variety of reasons may cause hair loss in dogs. This is a page about reasons a dog is losing its hair.


An old mixed breed dog sitting and staring.

Home Remedies for a Dog's Joint PainSome vets will recommend glucosamine supplements or even aspirin for your dog's joint pain. This is a page about home remedies for dog joint pain.


Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu Having Seizures?This is a page about shih tzu having seizures. Certain dog breeds are more prone to seizures. Consult with your vet to help manage your dog's health.


A female dog sitting in the grass.

What is the Gestation Period for Dogs?When a dog is pregnant it usually is 61 - 63 days before the puppies are born. This is a page about what is the gestation period for dogs?


A yellow labrador retriever.

Holistic Treatment for a Dog's Yeast Infection?Yeast infections can be common with dogs, especially those with thick coats. This is a page about holistic treatment for a dog's yeast infection.


A dog sleeping, wearing a cone.

Preventing a Dog from Biting Their SkinAllergies or insect bites can start your dog down the path of constant biting and licking of their skin trying to get some relief. This is a page about preventing a dog from biting their skin.


Dog scratching outside on the patio

Dog Scratching But I Don't See Any Fleas?There several reasons your dog may be noticeably scratching. If there are no fleas more investigation is needed. This is a page about dog scratching but I don't see any fleas.


A dog biting his coat.

Natural Remedies for Dog's DermatitisThere are alternatives to prescription medications for treating a dog's dermatitis. This is a page about natural remedies for dog's dermatitis.


Dog Drinking water.

Dog Coughs After Drinking?If you notice a new behavior in your pet such as coughing, it may be best to check with your vet. This is a page about dog coughs after drinking.


Dog playing in the yard.

My Dog Played With a Dog That Has ParvoThe parvo virus is highly contagious and is transmitted by contact with contaminated feces. This is a page with advice when my dog has played with a dog that has parvo.


A dog next to an accident on the carpet.

Dog Leaks When She Needs to Pee?Just like their owners, pets can bladder issues including the inability to hold their urine very long, accompanied with leakage. This is a page about dog leaks when she needs to pee.


A dog holding a paw up to one of his ears, as if listening.

Natural Treatment for Yeast Infection in Dog's EarsMany pet owners choose to treat their dog's yeast infections with natural products rather than seek medications from their vet. This is a page about natural treatment for yeast infection in dog's ears.


A sick dog lying down on a white surface.

How is Distemper Transmitted?Canine distemper is a serious viral infection that can be transmitted in several ways. This is a page about, "How is distemper transmitted?".


A dog biting a hot spot on his side.

Using Corn Starch for Dog's Hot SpotsHot spots, or moist eczemas can result from allergies, bites, stress licking, and more. As your pet continues to chew and scratch the irritation progresses. This is a page about using corn starch for dog's hot spots.


Big white dog sitting next to two freshly harvested large onions.

Are Onions Safe for Dogs?Onions can be toxic to dogs when consumed in large amounts. Check out this page and learn more about if onions are safe for dogs.


A dog with a severe skin condition.

Treating a Dog With Severe Skin AllergiesDetermining the cause of your pet's allergic reaction is the first step to treating and hopefully preventing reoccurrences. This is a page about treating a dog with severe skin allergies.


Boxer Dog

My Boxer is Not Eating?If your boxer is not eating it could be a the sign of a serious issue that requires veterinary help. This is a page about my boxer is not eating.


White and Brown Pit Bull Laying down with head up.

My Pit Bull is Not Eating?The reasons a dog won't eat may be due to stress, sickness or blocked intestines. When your Pit Bull isn't eating it is important to find the cause immediately.



My Chihuahua is Not Eating?If your Chihuahua has stopped eating this could be a sign the dog needs veterinary help. This is a page about my chihuahua is not eating.


Two pumpkins, one small and one large.

Feeding Pumpkin to DogsThis is a page about feeding pumpkin to dogs. Pureed pumpkin, not pie filling, works well to clear up both constipation and diarrhea in dogs.


A Dachshund Chihuahua mix dog sitting on a deck.

Do Mixed Breed Dachshunds Have Stronger Backs?This is a page about, "Do mixed breed Dachshunds have stronger backs?". Dachshunds and several other breeds are genetically predisposed to back issues including pain, lameness, or paralysis.


A dog chewing on a stray sock.

My Puppy Ate a SockThis is a page about my puppy ate a sock. Puppies and adult dogs frequently will chew on and swallow articles of clothing that are left lying about. This can result in mild to serious health concerns.


A dog scratching with its hind leg.

My Dog is ItchingThis page is about my dog is itching. Determining the cause of your dog's skin irritation will help you relieve its itch.


A dog wearing a cone on it's head to prevent it from itching.

Home Remedy for Dog's Eczema?This is a page about home remedy for dog's eczema. Determining the cause of your dog's skin problem can help you get it under control.


A dog itching in the grass.

Relieving Itching for DogsThis is a page about relieving itching for dogs. Determining the cause of your pet's itchy skin, is the first step to providing relief.


A dog licking his paws.

Stopping a Dog from Licking PawsThis is a page about stopping a dog from licking paws. A number of things may be responsible for your dog having irritated feet.


Puppy getting shots

When Do Puppies Need Shots?This is a page about when do puppies need shots?. There is a generally agreed upon schedule for giving your puppy his or her shots.


Dog laying under covers with cold pack on his head and thermometer in his mouth.

Is Pedialyte Safe for Dogs?This is a page about "Is Pedialyte safe for dogs?". Some pet owners use Pedialyte to hydrate sick animals.


Gloved hands holding silver tweezers with freshly removed tick

Removing Ticks from a DogThis page is about removing ticks from a dog. Ticks are a common dog parasite in many regions. Proper removal followed by a good cleaning with alcohol or an iodine scrub is the best solution for your pet.


hands spreading dogs fur so a tick can be seen

Protecting Your Dog from TicksThis is a page about protecting my dog from ticks. Protecting your pet from ticks is preferable to having to remove an infestation on your dog.


Golden Retriever licking peanut butter off of a spoon

Is Peanut Butter Okay for Dogs?This is a page about "Is peanut butter okay for dogs?". It is pretty common knowledge that most dogs love peanut butter, but many pet owners wonder if it is OK to feed it to them.


Short haired dachshund getting his hair brushed

Dachshund Losing HairThis is a page about Dachshund losing hair. When your dog suffers hair loss, determining the cause is the first step to treatment.


One full and one half bulb of garlic against a white background

Is Garlic Good or Bad for Dogs?This is a page about "Is garlic good or bad for dogs?". There is an ongoing debate among pet owners as to whether garlic is safe and beneficial to feed to your dog.


Sad looking english bulldog with owners hand petting him

Remedies for a Puppy With DiarrheaThis is a page about remedies for a puppy with diarrhea. Diarrhea can be a very serious condition for your puppy. It needs prompt attention to protect your pet's health.


Mother and daughter comforting a young smiling husky as vet looks on

Does Anyone Have a Positive Parvo Story?This is a page about "Does anyone have a positive parvo story?". Parvo is a deadly virus that sicken and kill dogs quickly.


Black lab puppy laying down and scratching ear with back foot

Treating a Dog's Scaly Smelly Skin?This is a page about treating a dog's scaly smelly skin. Identifying the cause is the first step in treating your dog's skin aliments.


Close up of a bunch of red grapes next to a wooden scoop of raisins on a butcher block surface

Grapes and Raisins Can Be Dangerous for...This is a page about grapes and raisins can be dangerous for your pets. Many pet owners are unaware that these sweet tasty treats are quite toxic when fed to dogs.


Woods scene with porcupine focused in the foreground and interested white dog out of focus in the back ground.

Removing Porcupine QuillsThis is a page about removing porcupine quills. Care must be taken when removing barbed porcupine quills to lessen damage and further pain to your pet or yourself.


Preventing Heartworms in Dogs

How Do Dogs Get Heartworms?This is a page about preventing heartworms in dogs. Heartworms are hard to treat and can be deadly to dogs. It is important to understand how dogs contract heartworms and how to prevent them.


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