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My Puppy Died of Parvo?

My Puppy Died of Parvo?We noticed my energetics, joyful 3 month old Frenchie not being herself . Not being playful and not wanting to eat her treats. We knew something was not right with her so I took her to the vet. They tested her for parvo and she came back positive. She stayed overnight ant the vet and they gave her fluids and medicine. I picked up the next day and she was still not doing well, but walking and happy to see us. The following day K gave her her medicines but she did not want to eat so I took her back to the vet. They gave me fluids to give her through an IV every 8 to 12 hours plus more medicine. She looked like she was miserable. But she was still was standing. It looked like she would rather be standing then laying down. She had diarrhea and would puke up clear stuff.


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Ivermectin for Heartworm Prevention?I have seen the answers to ivermectin in cats for mites and I am going to try it on my goldendoodle I have in the house. I have a bottle of 1% ivermectin and I want to mix it right for heartworm prevention for my dogs. I don't want to overdose with this because I know this is powerful stuff, so how would I mix the ivermectin and what do I mix with for consumption (propylene glycol)? I have several German shepherds and they are all about 60-80 lbs. each, they hate taking the safeguard and I thought if I can get them on this every month maybe that would take care of the intestinal worms also.


What Is This Bump On My Dog?

What Is This Bump On My Dog?I took my dog to the vet because she had fox tails and they had to be surgically removed. She was put on antibiotics and a pain killer and has finished her medication. She got another fox tail but we were able to remove it by an at-home remedy without using surgery. However, she now has developed this and we just don't know what it is. She has another appointment on Monday but trying to figure out what it is first.


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How to Help Sick Dog that is Vomiting?My dog is sick and I'm out of work and homeless. My dog has been with me since my girlfriend past away because of cancer. All I have to keep me in somewhat remembrance of her. She is sick just started vomiting and drinks continuance and she is uncomfortable panting . Walking with head down not reacting to much but looking at me for help


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Five Week Old Puppy Has Diarrhea?My 5 week old puppy is the only puppy left out of the litter that lived. She is eating just fine, she just won't drink water and she will poop regular couple times then it turns to diarrhea. It's like after she eats, hours, couple maybe she will poop it all out. She looks like she's starved and I'm very worried cause she won't drink water either? Someone please help!


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Why Did My Dog Die?I found my dog outside dead. She was a healthy 9 year old cairn terrier. Her eyes were open and tongue hanging out. Everything was so shocking that I let my brother bury her. It's driving me crazy not knowing what happened to her.


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Health Concerns About 9 Week Old Puppy?So my family gets dogs from the same breeder. Currently we have 6 dogs and love them to death, but before we had 6 dogs, we had just 2. We had gotten a puppy from them but the breeder said the momma tried to kill that litter. We just thought the mother was mean. We named him Ozzie. Well not even a day later, he has passed away while everyone was sleeping.


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Puppy With Neurological Disorder?How likely will my 6 week old puppy recover from a neurological disorder? He is very sensitive to the touch, he yelps like crazy when he is picked up, he lost function of his front and hind legs. I went to the vet and she referred me to a neurologist.


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How Do I Help My Puppy Walk Again?My 6 week old puppy ate wet puppy food that was unsealed in the can in the refrigerator. Not only was he lethargic and had diarrhea, but he lost use of his limbs as well. My puppy can not take a step without falling over. I took him to the vet and left with pre filled syringes to give him every 24 hours but the vet did not explain clearly on why his limbs are failing. What can I do to help my puppy walk again?


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Dogs First Vaccine Shots?When will the truck for vaccine in puppies be scheduling around the Bronx 149 Street area?


A raised spot on a dog's skin.

Growth on Dog's Skin?My 4 year old Shepard mix has a growth on her forehead. It's been there for a few months but it's larger now.


Wound on dog's side.

Treating a Wound on a Dog?Is there anyway I can do to take care of this my self? Been growing for 3 weeks now.


Identifying Lumps on Back of Dog's Neck?

Identifying Lumps on Back of Dog's Neck?I have an English Bulldog and he's had the pinkish red bump on his neck when he was a puppy. I know it gets irritated here and there but he has small clearish bumps near it and I have no idea what it is. If anyone had a similar case or maybe knows what this could be before I reach out to my vet


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Dog Won't Eat After Losing Puppies?My dog Bella just gave birth April 16th this year. She had complications giving birth. The one she was able to push out was one that was stillborn. She was able to push one more out and it was healthy after that she wouldn't push. We took her to the vet to have a c-section but sadly the 5 other puppies were gone.


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Was Our Dog Intentionally Killed?My daughter's 18 month old male brindle pitbull was suddenly found dead in the backyard laying on his side, tongue hanging out, jaw hard to pry open, legs straight and stiff as if it were stuffed by a taxidermist. There was nothing wrong with him before she left, playful and energetic as usual and within a couple hours he was gone. I strongly feel foul play was involved but how and what caused this tragic loss?



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Treating Yorkie's Skin and Hair?My yorkie has oily hair with itchy dry skin, what can I use to prevent both?


A small dog lying on the floor.

Dog Peeing On Everything?My dog is 14. Five years ago, she tore both her hocks one at a time. She is now peeing on everything in the house, even herself when she is laying down. She does it inside and out. She also has a very hard time getting up. I brought her to the vet and all she did is give me Gabapentin. She said it's for her arthritis. She is also now having bowel movements in the house. All she does is sleep 90% of the time or just stares into space. She always faces away from me. (My husband passed in March and she always clung to him). I am wondering if she is in pain? Is it time for her to go? I asked the vet and no response. She used to play with the other dog even if it was just a couple of minutes but hasn't done that in a while. Any ideas would help.


A small white dog looking up at the camera.

Dog Died From Having a Hematoma Drained?While on vacation, my sitter took my dog in to the vet to have a lump looked at on his right hindquarter, that I noticed before I left. She was told it was a hematoma. They drained it, but said it may need to drained again. When I returned, I took him back to the vet for aftercare. The suggestion was to have a drain put in. I agreed.


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My Dog Passed Away Unexpectedly?My Scottish terrier was only 8 years old and we found him on his side and he had pooped himself. He was normal that morning. He had his breakfast. He did lose his bff at the beginning of summer, but it honestly looked like we got him over the initial loss. He was having accidents and was going to the vet on Monday I feel like I missed something. He was eating and drinking and full of spunk. I'm heartbroken.


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Treating a Puppy With Parvo?I have an 8 week old Chihuahua puppy. She was diagnosed with parvo. She was eating today but she appears to have lost her appetite. Is this normal during parvo treatment?


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Why Is My Dog Still Not Feeling Better After Parvovirus?My dog was diagnosed with parvo a couple of weeks ago. She came out of the hospital after 7 days. I thought she was feeling better, but day after day she started to seem more off, tired, not playing around, wanting to sleep all the time, and the diarrhea came back.


A dog sitting on a grassy area.

Puppy with Parvo?My puppy Kodiak. I had just got him at 10 weeks old not too long ago as he's about to be 12 weeks. Well day before yesterday, he was really down and out. I thought maybe you know he felt lonely because he didn't have his siblings. Yesterday, he began puking and vomiting. I immediately took him into the vet as soon as it happened. He came up Parvo Positive. They gave him fluids under the skin and sent me home with medications and high protein food.


A woman holding a sick puppy.

Puppy Sick After Parvo Shot?My puppy is 11 weeks old. I gave her the parvo shot yesterday and now 24 hours later, she is sick? She is just so tired and looks depressed and just wants to be held. Not not eating or drinking, no water. She's cold even wrapped up in a blanket. She's not foaming.


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Beagle Puppy Excessive Itching?My beagle baby, 10 weeks old has lice when I got her. I have taken her twice to the vet. She has been prescribed shampoo and flea talc. The first day after the bath, she was fine but after 4th day, she is excessively scratching and biting her body. The lice are less as compared to before. But she got no relief from itching.


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Dog With Parvo?My puppy has parvo. He's doing better, he's eating and drinking water but still pooping blood. How long before he stops with the bloody diarrhea? It's been six days already.


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Why Did My Dog Die?My 2 year old dog died this morning and I am still trying to figure out how? 5 days ago, he lost his appetite, which was normal for him. It seemed he couldn't keep his left feet on the ground and seemed he had a huge burden on his head, couldn't lift it. We thought he had a wound on his leg, but no. Next day, he couldn't move and was just taking heavy breaths. He laid in his kennel for 3 days just taking long breaths and not responding. He was paralyzed.


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Will My Dog Survive Parvo?I had gotten a pup around a year ago and they said he had a parvo vaccine but he got parvo. He is 2 years old and a Australian shepherd. My parents won't take him to the vet and he hasn't eaten in three days and I'm very worried.


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My Puppy Has Parvo?My puppy has parvo. I took him to the vet and they gave me fluids to give him. I've been doing that, he looks like he's getting better. I have him isolated and I hate it. If I were to bring him back to my room while still doing the treatment, will he not get better?


A dog's ears turned inside out.

What Is Wrong With My Dog's Ears?My dog has got itchy flaky ears. I can't take him to a vet as he gets aggressive out of fear with strangers. Does anyone know what is causing it and what I can get to treat it?


A dog with lumps on the nose and muzzle.

My Dog Grows Bumps That Disappear Within An Hour?It's been 3 days that my dog grows this bumps on her face in the morning. After a while, they disappear but it doesn't seem to affect her at all or even care about them.



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Red Spots on Belly?My 11 month old mini daschund mix has suddenly gotten these red spots on her tummy. First just a couple, now they have spread to her chest also. She is definitely in distress, what could this be? What could be the cause? She has been crying and biting at herself, and wheezing too. I don't want to lose my little baby girl.


A lump on a dog's side.

Lump on Dog?My service animal, she's a boxer mix has this on her left side right behind her leg. I'm worried, it appeared within a few days.


A lump on a dog's belly.

Lump on Dog's Belly?I'm wondering what this lump on my dog's belly may be.


A bump on a dog.

Bumps on Dog?I have a 5 year old American Bully that has these bloody bumps that come and go, but lately they're a little bit bigger and sticking around longer. I noticed similar images on this article, so I'm wondering if anyone can share with me what they may be. Thank you.


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My 1 Year Old Dog Died All of a Sudden?I lost my little girl this week. She was a breed mix very cute. I rescued her little over 2 month ago. She was by my side all the time. We the other day she got up eat, we played and all of a sudden she started seizuring and they were strong. She had 4 hard ones before we got to the vets. 6 hrs later vet said I had to make a decision the outcome wouldn't be good if they continued she was not responding to any medication. She had no signs of anything. We played like we always do. I just don't understand why why this happened. I just can't believe something so small and cute could put a bent in your home after 60 plus days. We will never know why either. She was only 1 1/2 year old. We were giving her a life and know my heart is broken.


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Feeding A Dog With Parvo?My dog is on his fourth day of parvo. He's been drinking water on his own, but hasn't been eating. I'm giving him penicillin, pedialyte and chicken broth, but he still gets happy to see people, like he's being so strong for us. His sister unfortunately didn't make it, so I'm scared he won't but I'm trying to stay positive. My question here is, how do I give him the nutrients from food? If he doesn't want to eat, what can I do to replace the meal?


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Best Remedies for Puppies with Parvo?So we have a 2 month old Labrador-Shepherd. It's only been a day since he was suffering from parvo. He's been pooping blood, like cranberry red blood with worms and dang! The worms are jiggling and it smells funky! We give him baby food using a syringe and sugar water just for him to have something in his stomach but vomits after an hour or two.


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Dog Not Eating After Puppies Died?My dog Lucy gave birth about a few days ago, maybe about a week now. She gave birth to two puppies but they ended up passing away. After that, she refused to eat everything I gave her; hot dogs, hamburger patties, canned dog food, soup and chicken. I am worried about her she is losing weight and she seems not to have interest in anything.


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Loss of Appetite in Dog?My German shepherd has lost her appetite after the loss of our another family dog. Actually I had two GSD, Mom (8yrs) and her pup (6yrs) and the pup just died and now I had to hand feed the mum or she won't eat. What should I do?


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Parvo Query?Max is a 5 month old Labrador Retriever. He is having a fever, vomiting 2-3 times a day, and passing stool 1-2 times a day that has blood in it. I am aware these are parvo symptoms. But when we visited the vet, he said he is having pneumonia too. The last two days he has been given IVs and medicines.


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Garlic to Treat Worms in Dogs?I don't have money to go to a vet or buy any over the counter medications for my two dogs for worms. The only garlic have is minced garlic. Prince weighs about 20 lbs and Coco is probably about 30. Can anyone help me by letting me know how much I should use for both my dogs? I really don't know if one or both have them, but I do know that the worms are little white ones.


A sick dog lying on a bed.

Helping A Dog With Parvo?I took my girl Pepper to the vet with parvo. They said to give her 250mg every 12 hours and the nausea pill every 12 hours and pedialyte. We are on day three. She is lethargic and has runny bloody stools, throwing up sticky mucus and cold. I don't think it's not working and she's still throwing up. Poop stinks and has silvery looking eyes.


A small dog on a couch.

Burying A Dog With Parvo?A vet told a girl that used to live here it was ok to bury her dog that died of parvo in the yard. My dog had two shots so far and still came down with it. I had to rush him to hospital Sunday. Just got him back yesterday, he was on IV and catheter. Luckily, I got it in enough time.


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Helping A Dog With Parvo?I took my dog to the vet and they told me he had parvo. After I got back from the vet, he was back to not eating not drinking. Very lethargic throwing up almost every hour. Is there anything else I can do to help him improve? What can I give him for the nausea? I wanted to keep him at the vet but funds are tight. Also how long do you think this will last.


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Hand Feeding Two Week Old Puppies?I am hand feeding 6 puppies that are two weeks old. They have not pooped in the last eighteen hours. Can I give them anything? I've tried massaging their backsides.



A dog's protruding spine.

Helping A Dog In Pain?My dog has a protruding spine. She is 5 years old and is a mixed breed. She is eating well, but screams if you touch on the spine in the middle or her hips. She also screams when she is turning while laying down. What would be best to assist her?


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Caring For A Dog With Parvo?My 8 week old French Bulldog was recently diagnosed with parvo. She received her first immunization on week 7. She has had semi loose stool not full blown diarrhea and she has only vomited twice so far. I have seen a few drops of blood in her poop.


The belly of an itching dog.

Help for Itching Dog?When I bought her, she was fully covered with ticks and fleas. The vet is giving antibiotics and shampoo. Now after 1 month, the ticks and fleas are gone, but she's itching continuously. Her entire skin is also getting black and she is licking her paws too. She is also discharging white pus from her vagina.


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Health Advice for Pitbull?My 7 month old rednose American pit won't eat. Is moving slow but will drink water. Has thrown up.


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Parvo Positive Dog Not Eating?My dog has tested positive for the parvo virus and has been confined in the vet clinic for 3 days. He hasn't eaten anything for 4 days total. He has been on IV fluids and the vet is putting antibiotics and liquid vitamins in it. Should I be worried?


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Dog Peed While Lying Down and Head Is Shaking?I have a 5 month old Goldendoodle puppy. Recently, I've been taking her out to pee and walk around the yard around every 2 hours. Today, she peed while lying down and her head has been shaking from side to side. She has always been a super playful pup and loves to walk around a lot, but to say she's been acting lethargic would be an understatement.


A hairless patch on a dog.

What is Bump on Dog?What is this bump on my dog?


A dog on a bed.

My 16 Year Old Dog Wetting my Bed While I Am GoneMy dog is 16 years old and a chug. She's recently (for a month) started peeing on my bed . What could be wrong and how can I fix it? Is it separation anxiety?


A lump on a dog's back.

Identifying Lump on Dog?My dog lady has a lump with a scab like thing on top of it. She ran away awhile back and got into some foxtails, and I'm thinking maybe that is where it is? But I just wanted to see others opinions before I make vet app!


A large bump on top of a dog's head.

Bump on DogWhat is this bump?


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Parvo Recovery?My little girl is 5 month old. She came down with parvo almost 2 weeks ago. She was at the vet for 4 days. She has been home eating, drinking playing for 6 days. She just finished all her medications. This morning she threw up 4 times. Did she eat too much? It was the first time I gave her wet food without rice mixed with it. Getting a little scared.


Puppy with Diarrhea After Shots?

Puppy with Diarrhea After Shots?I got a new puppy. He got his 2nd vaccine today and awhile after we got home he had some diarrhea and possibly with some blood in it, but I can't tell.


My Shih Tzu Died Suddenly? - black and white Shih Tzu

My Shih Tzu Died Suddenly?My very healthy 13 year old Shih Tzu with no passed health issues passed away suddenly last week. The Thursday he was throwing up three times throughout the day I fed him plain rice and he was eating fine and drinking lots. Friday he was his normal self jumping around barking. Saturday morning he woke up soaked. Ir seemed like a fever and he was foaming from his mouth. We took him to the vet.


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Parvo Virus Recovery Time?My puppy is suffering from parvo and now he is on his recovering period (almost a month), but he neither eats by himself nor drinks water himself. He doesn't respond to us. Whenever he walks, he goes to the corner of room and tries to stand straight, he does this with furniture too. I am worried about him. Please tell what should I do for him? When he will be back to his normal life?


A mark that resembles a skin tag on a dog.

Black Skin Tag on Dog?My dog has bump on his skin. It doesn't look like it has grown. It's almost like a skin tag. It doesn't bother him and it is not a normal bump or mole.


Identifying Bump on Dog's Face? - dark pink growth

Identifying Bump on Dog's Face?What is this on my dog's face?


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Dog Not Eating and Seems Depressed After Being Spayed?My 11 month old Maltipoo was spayed last Wednesday. She ate and drank water when we got home and seemed OK. She has had a lack of appetite since Friday. She doesn't want her dry food, even when I wet it. I started giving her wet canned food yesterday and she does eat it, but she's not herself. She was always happy and playful before the surgery and now she seems sad/depressed. She sleeps a lot.


A red bump on a dog.

Red Bump on PugI have a pug that will be a year in September 25 and she has this red bump that started as a little red circle. I thought it I was just maybe because she was playing too rough with the other dogs and I ignored it and then I looked today and it's very big. I'm just scared because my day off is till Sunday so should I need to find someone to take her to the vet now? Also what even is this? How scared should I be? And before I forget, it doesn't seem to hurt. It doesn't bother her when I touch it.


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Puppy Vomits White Foam?My Golden Retriever puppy is 2 months, 15 days old and is vomiting white foam?


Identifying and Treating Bumps on Dog's Head? - closeup of area

Identifying and Treating Bumps on Dog's Head?Hello my dog is a 4 year old Golden Retriever. He has little bumps of creamy white colour and black on his head. There is also loss of hair from that portion of his head. It's been about 2 weeks and I am giving aloe vera gel in that portion for recovery. Can you tell what is the problem?


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Rottie Isn't Eating or Drinking After Being Spayed?My 9 month old Rottweiler got spayed today and is refusing to drink water or eat out of her bowl. She does however seem to eat her wet food out of my hand. I even put the food up to her mouth, but she just won't eat out of her bowl or drink water. I don't know whether or not to continue hand feeding her or wait for her to eat on her own.


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Reactions to a DHLP Parvo Shot?My dog just had a parvo shot. He has been breathing heavily and is very antsy. He is also throwing up and constantly shaking his head. Could this be a severe reaction from the shot?


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Why Did My Dog Die So Suddenly?My nearly 11yo Schnauzer left us last night on the way to a 24hr vet. Before passing, his tongue was out, he drooled, and dry heaved in the car. 15 minutes prior he seemed largely unresponsive to our calling other than panting.


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Caring for a Dog with ParvovirusMy dog is 8 years old. It is suffering with parvovirus. We had taken him to the vet and they are telling me to not feed anything to my dog and they continuously inject him with fluids. It's been 7 days. Will it be okay? I am really worried about it.


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Looking for Help for a Parvo Puppy?My 8 week Dutch Shepherd is now on day 6 of Parvo. We had him at the vet for the first four and he remained stable. Now that he is home, he has been drinking water on his own and we have been forcing him to take his meds; metronidazole twice a day, cerenia once a day, a rebound formula and some probiotics we started on day five, as well syringe feeding him three times a day baby food. All of which he has been keeping down!


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Puppy Sick After Getting Parvo Shot?My 9 week old puppy got the parvo shot yesterday and he's not eating and he keeps throwing up, but it's just water and fluid I think. We gave him the medicine they told us to and we injected the fluids just like they told us. He also has been sleeping all day. I'm asking is it's normal for my dog to be doing this after the shot.


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Recovery Time for a Puppy with Parvo?On day 1 my six month old dog didn't eat or drink and was throwing up. Day 2 he had lots of bloody diarrhea would not eat or drink at all. He was throwing up after the vet put an IV in his neck. On day 3 he was throwing up and there was lots of bloody diarrhea. He took his first drink of water which was like 20 licks. Does this mean he will live if he is drinking again?


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Caring for a Puppy with Parvo?Yesterday morning my puppy was vomiting and I took her to a vet and she was positive for parvo. I was only able to afford a shot of antibiotics and fluids for her. I brought her home and bought Pedialyte, Tamiflu, Pepto Bismol, taro syrup, baby food, and probiotics for her.


Bump on Dog's Belly - tan bump with red around the edges on skin

Bump on Dog's Belly?Anyone recognize what kind of bump this is?


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Symptoms of Parvo?My 2 dogs were diagnosed with parvo. They have not been vomiting or having wet poop since the time they were admitted. Is it possible for symptoms to stop showing in just a matter of hours? Does this mean they're recovering? Or can the symptoms reoccur and could be much worse?


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Dog Recovering from Parvo Not Eating?My dog has been at the vet for 10 days after he caught the parvovirus and we were so happy he made it through. We thought he was gonna recover fully after he started eating and drinking and feeling better. Yet today (the 12th day) he was really lethargic and he would not eat AT ALL so we took him to the vet and she gave him antibiotics and IV fluids are in his system.


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Caring for a Puppy with Parvo?If a puppy has parvo and has been treated do they sleep a lot?


Dog Stopped Feeding Pups - engorged breasts on dog

Dog Stopped Feeding Pups?My Chihuahua's puppies are 6 weeks & 2 days old now (as of 6/21/20). She is still producing milk like crazy, but she's not been letting the puppies suckle on her since they were like 5 weeks old. Her boobs are really big and hard as rocks, it looks very uncomfortable. I'm just wondering what I should do? She won't let the puppies feed off her.


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Dog Died SuddenlyOn the 17th June 2020, after 9 and a half years my beloved Jack Russell/English Toy Terrier, Coco, sadly and shockingly passed away. Except for being overweight (it is common in the English toy breed) and a small dog, she was in perfect health. She had no major medical conditions that I had knowledge of.


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11 Week Old Shih Tzu Not Eating?I have a 11 week old male Shih Tzu and he recently suffered some trauma from my 5 year old son dropping him. We have taken him to the vet hospital as well as the vet office which recommended we force feed him. But even with the force feeding his still spits it out and doesn't eat anything. We even tried cooked, food boiled chicken and he still refuses. He drinks water with no problem tho.


Cause of Sudden Death in Dogs - Chihuahua

Cause of Sudden Death in Dogs?My dog had surgery about a month ago on her leg after a Pit Bull attack. She was checked out by 2 vets and they said her health was fine. She had to get stitches and a metal plate with screws in it to put the bones back together. She was walking like her old self again. But yesterday my kids found her by the fence in our yard, dead.


Cause of Dog's Bald Spots - numerous small bald spots on dogs front legs

Cause of Dog's Bald Spots?My dog is 7 month old American Stafford mix. He has bald patches on his legs and the top of his head. There is some scaling skin on the patches. He's not itchy and he doesn't lick his paws too often. The vet did a scrape test; it was was negative. They gave him flea and tick meds jic. It seems to have gotten worse over the last week. Any idea of what's causing the alopecia and how I can treat it?


Dog Has Dry White Patches on His Back Legs - white patch in dog's fur

Dog Has Dry White Patches on His Back Legs?My dog has had very dry white patches on his back legs for the last 6 months. They are progressively growing and today after playing, the biggest patch started to bleed. My dog has been taking Bravecto every 3 months since the patches appeared.


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Causes of Sudden Death in Dogs?My 14 year old dog passed yesterday. While we were outside he started barking, and we went in for a break and sat down. We heard him starting to breathe extremely fast and saw his eyes roll in the back of his head. His head flopped backwards and his tongue was out as he was shaking. He did have heart failure.


Puppy Recovering From Parvo Has UTI

Puppy Recovering From Parvo Has UTI?I bought my puppy from a private party, we took her in to have her altered. When they tested her for parvo, she was positive. After multiple sleepless nights on two hour shifts with my wife, through injections of saline, and other means of forced hydration, we were able to save the puppy.


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Parvo Survival Rate?My 2 month old German Shepherd got parvo 3 days ago. The breeder didn't vaccinate him. The next morning, after he came to live with us, we brought him to get vaccinated. Two hours later he started vomiting. We supposed it was because of the vaccines. The next morning he had bloody diarrhea. We brought him to the vet and they gave him fluids, antibiotics, and some medicine called as polyglob. That treatment cost so much.


Identifying a Lump on Dog's Leg - large lump on dog's inner right front leg

Identifying a Lump on Dog's Leg?My dog has had this since we got him and he is now 9, however it has only started to grow to this size in the last year. He doesn't appear to be in pain and doesn't take much notice of it either. I have booked an appointment at the vet's, however I would like to hear your opinions on what this might be as it is very concerning.


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Prognosis for a Dog with Parvo?My dog has parvo. He didn't have any diarrhea or blood in his stool or vomit. The nurse taking care of him says he has a 98% chance of getting better. Should I be worried? I'm just so afraid to lose him.


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Dog Not Drinking After Having Puppies?My dog gave birth to 4 pups 34 hours ago and she will not stop panting and also doesn't want to drink water. How can I help her?


Identifying a Small Red Lump on My Cocker Spaniel - small round bump

Identifying a Small Red Lump on My Cocker Spaniel?I have just found this red small lump near my dog's eye. We originally thought that it may be a tick, but realised it is not. Does anybody know what this is? I have done some research and have heard that Cocker Spaniels (such as my dog) commonly get lumps like these, but I wanted to know if it was anything to worry about!


Bump on Doodle's Chest - dark pink bump on dog's chest

Bump on Doodle's Chest?This bump has been on my Doodle for about 3 days. She doesn't scratch it and it doesn't bleed. I haven't tried to pop it, but from the looks of it what do you think it is?


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Beagle Keeps Scratching His Ears?I have a 2 year old Beagle. He scratches his ears as soon as he gets up from a sleep or just generally too. We have checked for an ear infection or ear wax, but couldn't find anything. He does this when he feels very excited or sees us when after long time by shaking the whole body.


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Recovery Time for a Dog with Parvo?So it is day 5 now that she's been at the hospital. This morning she started to eat small amounts and wants to walk around and get out her cage now. There has been no diarrhea for 3 days now or vomiting since she got there 5 days ago. What do you think? Will my dog be okay? The vet said we aren't out the woods yet because it's a sneaky virus, but she is improving.


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Recovery Time for a Dog with Parvo?My puppy was throwing up and drooling all night yesterday and today my puppy stopped and is playful and active. Is there something wrong? I heard they are supposed to recover in a week just wanted to know. I'm really worried.


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Recovery Time for a Puppy with Parvo?I got a 2 month old Golden Retriever, it was quite playful and active, but all of a sudden on Saturday stopped eating anything. The next morning we saw bloody diarrhea all over as well as vomit, and he had gotten worse. The vet gave him some antibiotics and sent us home. He woke up to drink water and also walked to his spot to urinate and remove stool. On Monday at 9 am we rushed to the vet.


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Why Did My Dog Die So Fast?My 10 year old Shi Tzu mix died very suddenly. Within minutes of my husband letting her and her sibling outside to go potty she was gone. They always run to the fence line to bark at the neighbor dogs or neighbors out in their yard. Our neighbor saw them running towards the fence where he was working and then he saw one dog was running around and Daisy was laying on the ground next to the fence.


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Recovery Time for a Dog with Parvo?My 2 and a half month old puppy is suffering from parvo virus. He has been being treating since last Tuesday and today is Sunday so it's been 6 days. But I hardly see signs of improvement. There's not much blood present in his stool, but he is still vomiting. How many days does it take to recover? I'm feeling scared that he might get worse.


Identifying a Bump on Dog's Head - Pit puppy with a bump on the top of its head

Identifying a Bump on Dog's Head?My 2 1/2 month old Pit Bull recently got this bump on his head. It doesn't hurt him or anything. I am just trying to figure out what it is.


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My Dog Died Suddenly?My 14 year old dog was healthy and had no known health conditions. She went outside during the day to lay in the garden for a while, acting completely normal, and a few hours later we were calling her in. She didn't look comfortable the way she was lying and when she tried to get up her back legs weren't working. She was trying so hard, but we had to lift her in.


Can a Dog with a Heart Murmur be Anesthetized?

Can a Dog with a Heart Murmur be Anesthetized?I took my dog to the vet twice actually. The first time was because his scrotum became swollen. They gave him antibiotics and pain medication. Three days later I notice a bump and like two lumps so I took him again and the vet said it could be cancer. A blood test done came back good! They say he needs to be neutered! He's 12 years old and a Chihuahua. He also has a heart murmur.


Lump on My Dog's Neck - grey lump on dog

Lump on My Dog's Neck?My 3-4 year old sausage dog x Jack Russell has a small lump on her neck. My grandmother left it to her father to sort out, but it is still there. She doesn't seem bothered by it. She is quite a weighty dog.


Identifying a Lump on My Dog's Leg - dark pink round bump on white dog's leg

Identifying a Lump on My Dog's Leg?I've found this lump on my dog's leg this evening. Could anyone advise me on what it could be?


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