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Stop Dog from Eating PoopMy dog has always found feces to be a delicacy and I have been unable to stop her from doing this. You can buy supplements in pet stores that supposedly address this issue, but I've never tried them. I started giving my dog turmeric powder as an anti-inflammatory for her joint issues, and discovered after a week or two on this, she wasn't interested in the poop. I don't know if this is just a coincidence or not, but it's worth a try. Turmeric powder can be purchased at grocery stores, health food stores, but the cheapest place to buy it is in an ethnic grocery store (Indian, Asian, etc). Check with your vet or for dosage amounts based on body weight.


A bottle of coconut oil and a toothbrush.

Coconut Oil for Dog's ToothbrushingOkay it's been said that taking care of your dog's teeth can extend your little furry friends life for a couple years! Now taking your dog to the vet is never cheap especially taking them to get their teeth cleaned. Surprisingly it is such an essential that it can cost up to 200+ dollars, it can be quite a hassle! But here is a way you can clean their teeth at home.


Loratadine for Itching Dogs

Loratadine for Itching DogsBruno, my 80 pound Rottie mix was getting open sores from biting and itching, especially around his back and tail. The vet always said it was fleas.


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Cut Porcupine Quills Before RemovingIf you ever have the bad luck to remove porcupine quills from your dog (or yourself), don't just rip the quills out. The barb will cause more damage going out than going in. If you snip off the quill, the hollow walls will collapse, allowing you to remove the barbed quill with less damage.


A cute Cocker Spaniel

Itchy Dog RemediesMy Cocker Spaniel baby has been struggling with allergies and itchy skin for several years and it has been an uphill battle. Here are some of the things that have been helpful to her.


Mason and Mario in House

Re-training a Dog with Separation AnxietyMy dog had severe separation anxiety when we adopted him. His loving owner doted on him until the husband broke his hip, was taken away by medics in an ambulance and had to move into a nursing home that would not take large dogs.


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Safe-Guard Equine Paste for Dog WormsI looked and looked for alternative to treat my rescues for tapeworms and somewhere I came across a rec to use Safeguard for horses, then it took forever to get thru that advice. It worked way better than the expensive pills at the vet.


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Set Up A Wading Pool for the DogsWe keep ours full of water outside for our two dogs. They can have plenty to drink and even get in if they want to stay cool :)


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DIY and Product Remedies for Dog's Itchy SkinI had a Golden Retriever who developed welts and hotspots from flea bites and had a Labrador Retriever who had skin dermatitis. The following are some tips for you to try that have helped us (once you've eliminated mange, or other bacterial skin issues with your vet):


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Stop Brown Spots On GrassFeed your dogs a carefully researched raw food diet. I have four female dogs and a beautiful lawn. Their urine does not scorch my lawn because they are not fed kibble.


Weight Loss to Treat Doggy Gas

Weight Loss to Treat Doggy GasI had a terrible experience with my male Boston Terrier and his stinky constant gas explosions and diarrhea. I changed his food constantly which did not solve the problem. I took him to his vet and he was found to be overweight.


Tennis ball in dog food dish.

Place Tennis Ball in Dog FoodLarge dogs tend to eat their food too fast and inhale air which causes gas. By placing a tennis ball in the bowl, they must eat slower. This reduces the amount of gas your dogs will have.


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Zymox Otic With Hyrdrocortizone for Dog's Ear InfectionI have a friend on Facebook who has a German Shepherd with an ear infection that keeps coming back regardless of antibiotic use. She told me she was ordering some meds. I told her to tell me how they worked so I could share here on this site.


A Golden Retriever

A Dog's Estrus Cycle (Heat)The canine estrus cycle is divided into four stages: proestrus, estrus, diestrus, and anestrus. The period during the cycle when a female dog is capable of getting pregnant usually only lasts from 18 to 21 days.


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Skinny Dogs Should Be Checked for EPIYou should have any skinny GSD, Doberman Pinscher, Labrador Retriever, or other breed known to be born with EPI checked to make sure their pancreatic acid is working.



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Non Toxic Tick Repellent for DogsI found this tick repellent which someone posted on Facebook. I am going to try the pet repellent formula which is as follows, and I might make a few changes.


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Giving Medicine to DogsMy vet told me to start giving my dogs regular pumpkin for the fiber. I give it to them in the evening meal. At the same time, I give medications. Some of the medications I have to get very tricky with to get them to take it.


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How to Treat a Small Cut on Your DogGeneral First Aid for Cuts on Dogs Less than 1/2 inch in Diameter


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White Gums Can Signal Health Issues for PuppyIf someone gives you a puppy, check him out first. Generally puppies are healthy, but recently a puppy was given to my grandson. It was a cute pup, but not very active and slept all through the first night.


hand holding a pill in front of a dog

Tips For Giving a Dog a PillDogs have always been a part of my life. Having pets means that it's likely you will have to give them a pill sometime throughout their lifetime. Generally, the dogs I've had have been pretty cooperative when I give them a pill.


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Tea Tree Shampoo for Dogs with Yeasty Skin BuildupI have a German Shepherd that has to have baths due to a yeast situation on her coat, etc. I have to get her bathed and have it be efficient. I have tried bathing by putting shampoo on a dry coat. That never works. The next time, here is what I did. Keep in mind this recipe is for dogs:


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Soothing Dry Skin on DogsOur Beagle starts scratching anywhere he can reach by late summer. Other than scratching for him, we found at least a helpful solution. Add 1 to 2 teaspoons of mineral oil at feeding time.


Bottle of Wal-Dryl and two hot dog pieces with pills inserted into holes made by mixer beater.

Make A Hot Dog Pill PocketI was advised to give Rosie 2 Benadryl a day. As soon as I find a way to sneak it to her with food, she figures it out and has learned to spit it out and then she runs off because she knows I'm going to give it to her anyway.


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Raise Food and Water For Tall DogsBecause a Greyhound finds it difficult to reach to the ground for food, water, etc., place his water and feeding bowl on a bucket so he does not have to struggle. They appreciate this especially when they are reaching the 'winter of their years'.


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Giving Pills to DogsTo give my dog medicine, I dip a spoon into the peanut butter and lay the pills on the sticky peanut butter which my dog then devours. The pills go right down and it's funny to watch her licking her lips!


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Giving Pills to DogsWhen I give medicine to any of my dogs, I crush them in a bowl and spread them on the food. Then, I put a small dollop of any pure meat (beef, chicken, etc.) in the bowl with about a teaspoonful of warm water.


Dog playing in the snow.

Cooling Dogs Down QuicklyIf your dog gets too hot outside running around and playing, besides giving them water, you can dab some rubbing alcohol on the pads of their feet. This will bring their temperature down enough for them to be quite comfy!


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Getting Dogs To Swallow PillsMy dog Gracie weighs about 20 pounds and has to take a small pill twice a day, every day. I just press it into a miniature marshmallow (being sure the pill is totally covered) and it becomes a treat!


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Giving Pills to DogsFor dogs who need Cosequin (or other dry medications) but spit the pills out, take a small piece of regular cheese and cover it with 'squirt cheese'. Next, grind up the pills into a powder and sprinkle it so it sticks to the squirt cheese.


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Giving Ear Drops to a DogWedge him on a long sofa with one person holding his body against the back of the sofa, while the other person strokes his head, lifts his ear flap, and uses a long soft plastic nozzle to administer ear drops.



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Use Oil To Protect Paws from SnowHere in the Black Hills of South Dakota we have lots of snow. To keep our dog Link's paws from being too raw, I take olive oil and rub into his paws weekly. It creates a barrier to keep his feet from cracking and hurting.


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Giving Dogs PillsWrap pills in the sandwich cheese slices to get your dog to take them easily. Mash the cheese around the pill and form a small ball. Mine gulp it down and don't even realize they just took a pill.


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Yeast Infection on a Dog's Paws Or EarsYou can treat itchy paws, by rubbing "over-the-counter" women's vaginal yeast/itch cream into every crevasse of your dog's paws. Make sure they are dried a bit using your blow dryer. Put booties on if it is wet outside to avoid further dampness.


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Use Epsom Salts for Dog's Itchy SkinMy Maltese, Molly, had awfully itchy skin, so after spending hundreds of dollars on treatment I tried Epsom salts in her bath water, and it did the trick. She also had a badly infected eye from rubbing her face on the ground to ease the itching.


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Tips When Your Dog is VomitingWhen your dog is vomiting it can be very scary. Once you've eliminated any serious issues such as bloat or poison contact, the best way to get the problem under control is Stop - Slow - Bland.


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Vitamin Supplements For Hip DysplasiaAs a puppy, my Golden Retriever had very loose hips, as is common with Retrievers. I read several articles that suggested high doses of vitamin C and others that recommended glucosomine and condroitin.


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Remedy for a Stinky DogI wrote asking for tips and have now cured the 'smelly' dog. I got a second vet's opinion regarding the awful smell my chocolate brown Lab had. The vet diagnosed a yeast infection and prescribed an anti fungal and anti bacterial shampoo.


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Make a Stand for Your Older Dog's FoodIf you have pets that suffer from arthritis, the doctors recommend you elevate their food to keep them from bending over to eat. We have a 15 year old dog with arthritis and we built a stand for her, instead of spending the 40 bucks to buy one.


"Hot Spot" Collar For Dogs

"Hot Spot" Collar For DogsOur dog, Joshua, develops "hot spots" in the heat of summer, and constantly chews his back and his bobtail until it is raw and the hair is gone. I have tried all kinds of ointments with no success.


Signs That Your Pet May Have Eaten Tainted Pet FoodBecause of all the pet food recalls and because we know all of you love your pets, we cannot stress strongly enough the importance of seeking immediate medical care for your pet if they show any of the following symptoms:


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Walking Dogs and Cats on Hot PavementWalking Dogs and Cats on Hot Pavement. My tip is for the concern of walking you dog/cat. Living here in Nevada, the heat can be extreme and also the sidewalks. Take care that your pet doesn't get heat exhaustion, too. . .


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How to Pick the Right VeterinarianRegardless of what type of pet you've added to the family, you should plan a vet visit as soon as possible. But how do you pick the right veterinarian? You're looking for basically the same things you wanted in a family doctor.


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Feeding Pets Vegetable ScrapsMy tip for pets is to feed them your vegetable scraps. My dogs personally love all kinds of things I would never dream of from carrots, to lettuce and apples just to name a few. A few words of caution, don't feed them onions, garlic, or chocolate. They are not good for them.


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Bag Balm for Pet's Dry FeetIf your pet gets dry crusty foot pads during the winter, the product Bag Balm is safe to use. If they lick it off it won't hurt them. Try to massage it in if your pet will let you. It's good for dog feet, cat feet, chinchilla feet, and other feet I'm sure.


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Feeding Big DogsWe don't like to buy the generic brands because they are full of nothing but filler. The higher quality brands are so expensive, though, that I have found a good alternative. Try buying your dog food from a feed store!



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