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Playing the Card Game "Runs and Sets"This is a page about playing the card game "runs and sets". Knowing the rules and the order of this game can make for evenings of family fun.


Bamboo Jumping Game?What is the old fashioned game (from 1970-73) called that you use two 5-7 foot bamboo sticks and jump in and out. 2 people hold the sticks close to the ground and clap them together in a rhythm. Similar to chinese jump rope I think.


Link: Play Online Games That Donate To CharitiesSimply enjoying playing some online games at these two links will help generate donations for women in need of mammograms or help for animal rescue shelters! The sponsors will donate up to 10 cents per each minute of play.


7 Hand Rummy RulesThis page contains 7 hand rummy rules. Special time can be shared with many family and friends playing a fun card game.


Rules for Playing the Card Game Fill or Bust?This is a page about rules for playing the card game fill or bust. It can be difficult when you lose the instructions from beloved games from the past.


Tic Card Game Rules?This is a page about rules for tic card game. A multi-player card game and fun for the whole family. It is played with at least 2 deck of cards.


Activities for a Deaf and Blind Person?This is a page about activities for a deaf and blind person. Loss of vision and hearing can severely limit the kinds of activities a person and engage in.


Card Games for 6-8 People?Card games for large groups can be hard to find. Here are some card game ideas you can try. This is a page about card games for 6-8 people.


Air Travel JokesFind some humor to share about traveling on airplanes. This page contains air travel jokes.


Activities for Babysitting a 5 Year Old?To keep your time babysitting interesting, you can include many different art projects. This is a page about activities for babysitting a 5 year old.


How to Play Texting Hide and SeekNearly everyone has a cellular phone and there are many fun activities you can do with one. This is a page about playing texting hide and seek.


Game Score SheetsMy granddaughter loves to play games that keep score on paper and she mentioned to me that she needed to replenish her score sheets as she's out. So, I checked prices for score pads and noticed the price has climbed quite a bit since the last purchase. I put my thinking cap on and came up with a more cost effective idea to cut the cost and still play as often as she likes.


Card Holder for Playing CardsI think playing Canasta everyday for the past 2 years has been the main cause of tendonitis in my wrist. After the doctor gave me a brace to wear, it was hard for me to hold the cards and continue playing. I thought I would have to quit.


Meaning of Birthday Numbers?What does this mean? Age 44 first year 77 next year 22


Numerology of Birthdate To Age?I would love to know what it means/or if it's called something when every year your age of that year adds to your birthdate of that year (year on year). Example, this year on 04 Sept 2021 (=9) I turned 45 (=9)'. It was 8 (44) last year, 7 (43) the year before and so forth. My son has the same with his age and birthdate each year as well.


What's This Scary Movie?They find a tunnel in, I believe, a graveyard and there is a woman chained to a wall underground. Turns out, she's actually some like demon. As the movie progresses, she transforms into the demon and starts killing everyone


Who Will Be 2020-21 Premier League Champion?Do you think Liverpool or Man City is the 2 main competitors in Premier League? Do other big 6 teams or Everton, Leicester City have any chances? Thoughts?


Finding the Author of a BookSometimes we remember a book that we read some time ago, but not the author. It may require some research to track that information down, especially if the title is similar to other books by different authors.


Saving Your Place in a Board GameSome board games, notably Monopoly, can take a long time to complete. Here is a great tip for saving your place and game pieces for the next time when you want to pick up where you left off.


Watching Less TelevisionWatching less TV can have a lot of benefits. Cancelling your subscriptions can save you both money and time.


Looking For An Old Jeep Commercial?The commercial featured a man driving his family around the streets of New Orleans, as smooth jazz played in the background. There were a few shots of the city, and there was a shot of girls playing jump rope outside. I don't remember the model of the Jeep, I just know that it was a Jeep designed for a family. It aired years ago, and I haven't been able to find it since. Can someone help?


Taking Children Bowling?The bowling alley management should have special accommodations for the small bowlers; little bowling balls, gutter bumpers, and easy to follow shoe or sock requirements. This is a page about taking children bowling.


Rewards for Playing Games OnlineYou can earn rewards for products, gifts and even decor by playing games online. This is a page about rewards for playing games.


Cleaning JokesHumor can be found in life's mundane tasks. This page contains cleaning jokes.


Farm JokesLife is full of humor wherever you go, even on the farm. This page contains farm jokes.


Bible JokesHumor can be found in most everything we do. This page contains bible jokes.


Parenting JokesParenting is a serious business, but sometimes you need a bit of humor to relieve the day to day intensity of caring for your children. This is a page containing parenting jokes.


Corny JokesCorny jokes can be a lot of fun to tell. There are thousands of them, many suitable for all ages. This page contains corny jokes.


Investing JokesInvesting naturally has it's ups and downs that can be humors from time to time. This is a page about investing jokes.


Bear JokesYou just never know when a bear story will tickle your funny bone. This page contains bear jokes.


14 Year Old Relationship Advice?So I have a boyfriend at 14 and originally my parents didn't know and now they do. We've been together for 2 months now. Sadly we will be going to different high schools and they are rival schools and there are ways we can still hang out and stuff. I really really like him and he feels the same.


Wedding JokesThis page contains wedding jokes. If you enjoy a good joke, here are some funny wedding related ones. We would love for you to share any wedding jokes that you may have as well.


Light Bulb JokesYou just never know how funny the act of changing a light bulb can be. This is a page about light bulb jokes.


Dentist JokesThe dentist's office is generally not thought of as very funny, but silly situations can arise. This page contains dentist jokes.


Protecting a Puzzle on a TableRecently, I was able to get a nice card table and four chairs for a steal! I decided to put a puzzle on the table. But I knew that the lace curtain I am using for a tablecloth would catch on it and disturb the pieces. So, remembering that puzzle savers are basically just big pieces of heavy felt, I improvised.


Frog JokesIf you have a funny joke concerning frogs, add it to our collection. This page contains frog jokes.


Rabbit JokesRabbits and bunnies are cute but make great fodder for funny stories. This page contains rabbit jokes.


What Color is Grover?This beloved muppet monster from Sesame Street has shaggy blue fur. This is a page about what color is Grover?.


Gardening JokesThis page contains gardening jokes. Spread a little humor today by telling someone this gardening joke!


No Need for a TVConscious choice or budgetary constraints can determine whether you can or want to pay for TV services. Living without a TV can be financially and mentally liberating. This is a page about no need for a TV.


Take a Short Car Ride for FunPeople used to take a drive just for fun. There might be a destination or just some unplanned stops along the way. Give it a try and leave the electronics home. This is a page about taking a short car ride for fun.


Marriage JokesThis page contains marriage jokes. If you love to tell a good joke, here are some marriage related jokes that you can share with friends or family.


Finding the Title of a Book?Locating a book we read or owned years ago or trying to find one we have heard about without knowing the title can be a frustrating process. Starting with your local library can be a useful first step. This is a page about finding the title of a book.


Rummy Rules?This is a page about Rummy rules. Rummy is a card game that is for 2-4 players. If you have a question about the rules of Rummy, you may find the answer here.


Strange JokesEveryone loves a good joke, here are some strange ones you may like. Check out these strange jokes.


Knock Knock JokesKnock knock jokes are a very popular type of word play joke. This is a page about knock knock jokes.


Cat JokesCats have a certain personality that makes them a good subject for some jokes. This is a page about cat jokes.


What is This Song?If you need help identifying a song, ask about it here and maybe someone on Thriftyfun can help. This is a page about, "What is this song?".


Finding the Title of an Old Horror MovieOur brain goes into overtime when trying to bring up trivia such as old movie titles. Luckily, there are online search possibilities to help. This is a page about finding the title of an old horror movie.


Using a Deck of Cards to Play Stratego?Stratego is a fun board game for people of all ages. This page is about playing Stratego using a deck of cards instead of game pieces.


Frank Sinatra TriviaNearly 20 years after his death Frank Sinatra is still known as one of the most popular and influential singers of the 20th century. This is a page about Frank Sinatra trivia.


Riddle: What Has Many Doors But No Rooms?What has many doors but no rooms?


Word Search Puzzle TipsThis page contains word search puzzle tips. Getting stuck when doing a word game or puzzle? Use these ideas to help make the most out of your game.


Joining a Wine ClubThis is a page about joining a wine club. If you enjoy wine and live in or near wine country a wine club membership may be for you. There are several benefits of membership, particularly notable, is free tasting at local wineries.


Using Dollar Menus at Fast Food RestaurantsThis is a page about dollar menus at fast food restaurants. One way to save money and actually reduce calories when eating at a fast food restaurant, is to eat from the dollar menu.


Saving Money on Fast FoodThis is a page about saving money on fast food. The cost of fast food can add up, but there are a few simple ways to save money when eating at fast food restaurants.


Activities for Middle Aged Nursing Home...This is a page about activities for middle aged nursing home residents. Nursing home residents are of different ages and capabilities. Activities can help keep your loved one engaged and active.


Activities for People at a Rehabilitation Facility?This page is about activities for people at a rehabilitation facility. Finding engaging things for people to do as they recover from an illness or injury can be a challenge.


Activities for a Person With MS?This is a page about activities for a person with MS. People with multiple sclerosis can experience varying levels of physical impairment. Their personal abilities will drive the types of activities they can enjoy.


Christmas Activities for Assisted Living...This is a page about Christmas activities for assisted living residents. Residents of assisted living facilities may have some difficulties getting around, but that does not mean they wouldn't enjoy a variety of Christmas activities.


Activity Ideas for Single Women?This is a page about activity ideas for single women. When a woman is adventuring on her own, she wants to find entertainment opportunities that are fun and safe.


Hosting a Senior Book ClubThis is a page about hosting a senior book club. A book club is a great way for people who enjoy reading to get together and share their opinions on a variety of books chosen by the members or host.


Using DVD Subscription ServicesThis is a page about using DVD subscription services. DVD services such as Netflix offer a more affordable option to the high cost of going out to the theater.


A Gift for Mother JokesThis is a page about a gift for mother jokes. Moms are the brunt of many jokes and so are the gifts that they receive.


Cooking JokesThis is a page about cooking jokes. Almost any activity can be the subject of a funny joke.


Can't Sleep JokesThis is a page about can't sleep jokes. Difficulty sleeping is a good topic for a joke or two.


Moving JokesThis is a page about moving jokes. Find some humor in this life changing task.


Downloading Game Software?This is a page about downloading game software. There are many kinds of games available online to download for the family.


Saving Money on Movie RentalsThis is a page about saving money on movie rentals. Whether online, in a store or a vending machine, there are many ways to save when renting movies.


Buying Gas JokesThis is a page about buying gas jokes. Almost any topic is fair game for a joke, even the routine task of buying gas.


Things to Do with a Blind CompanionThis page contains things to do with a blind companion. Although lack of vision can rule out some activities, there are many fun things to experience with a blind friend.


Burglar JokesThis is a page about burglar jokes. Jokes make us laugh and almost any profession is fair game.


Parrot JokesThis is a page about parrot jokes. Parrots make a good subject for jokes, often because of the things they say.


What A Child Hears JokeThis is a page about what a child hears joke. Children can say very funny things, particularly when they misunderstand what is being said by others.


Giraffe JokesThis is a page about giraffe jokes. These long necked animals can be the subject of a joke.


Astronaut JokesThis is a page about astronaut jokes. Jokes can be found about almost any topic.


Finding Celebrity Photos?This is a page about finding celebrity photos. Decorating your room or dorm room with photos of your favorite celebrity is a great way to express your tastes in music, drama, film, etcetra.


Friend JokesThis is a page about friend jokes. Many jokes make good hearted fun of men, women, children, pets, and their life situations.


Shin JokesThis is a page about shin jokes. A punchline can be a funny definition in a joke.


Food JokesThis is a page about food jokes. Food is a great topic for lots of jokes, both adult and children's.


After School Childcare Activities?A popular in home business is after school childcare. Keeping the children interested and occupied is an ongoing endeavor. This is a page about after school childcare activities.


Easter JokesThis is a page about Easter Jokes. Many jokes make good hearted fun of all kinds of human situations and holidays too.


Religious JokesThis page contains religious jokes. Humorous punch lines can make good hearted fun of church attendance and religious stories.


Driving JokesThis page contains driving jokes. As serious as operating a motor vehicle is, there are many humorous situations on the roadways.


Heaven JokesThis page contains Heaven jokes. Many jokes make good hearted fun of men, women, and pets in after life situations.


Entertainment and Activities for Older Adults?This is a page about entertainment and activities for older adults. Just because you've gotten a little older doesn't mean you can't have some fun.


Duck JokesThis is a page about duck jokes. Looking for some fun jokes about our fine feathered duck friends?


Name of Old Fairytale Movie?I totally forgot the name of this movie. I think it was about a girl who was found among wolves as a little kid, maybe as a baby, and taken to a palace.


Elevator JokesThis page contains elevator jokes. You can find humor or a play on words in almost any human situation.


Hospital JokesThis is a page contains hospital jokes. Many jokes make good hearted fun of all kinds of situations.


Cooking PoemsThis page is about cooking poems. Whether old or new, a cooking verse or saying can be a clever way to share a love of cooking and recipes.


Vacuum Cleaner Salesman JokesThis is a page about vacuum cleaner salesman jokes. Many jokes make good hearted fun of men, women, pets, and professions.


Making Bingo Cards?This is a page about making bingo cards. In addition to being a simple game which doesn't require much skill, bingo is a very fun, often addictive game that can also be used as an effective educational tool.


Lawyer JokesThis page contains lawyer jokes. A profession that is the object of many witticisms.


How Do You Play Croquet?I want to learn how to play croquet. It looks like fun. Is it difficult to learn to play?


Coroner JokesThis is a page about coroner jokes. Sometimes quirky, slightly dark jokes can be truly funny.


Attending Air ShowsThis page is about attending air shows. These amazing displays of US military jets are exciting to watch.


Playing Texas Hold-emThis page is about playing Texas hold-em. A poker game can be an entertaining way to spend time with family and friends.


Chips Game Rules?I have a game called "Chips", it comes with a bunch of card board tiles with things like: run of 3 set of 4, this chip counts as 2 free chips, and run of 6, set of 7, no wild cards.


Man JokesThis is a page about man jokes. Many jokes make good hearted fun of men, women, pets, and other topics.


Egg JokesThis is a page about egg jokes. When you run out of chicken jokes, if that is possible, switch gears and tell some funny egg jokes.


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Blowing up a Balloon with Baking Soda and...This is a fun science experiment you can do with your kids. Watch this video and learn how.


Sponge Splash BallsOur kids really wanted to have a water fight today.



Finding an Old Horror Movie?So I have been looking for a horror movie for years now. I saw it as a child and the things I remember are:


Numerological Age Equals Calendar Year?2023 is a 7 year. This year I turn 52. Which equals 7 as well. I realized that this has always been true - for example, in 1972 I turned 1.


Who Will Be 2020-21 Premier League Champion?Do you think Liverpool or Man City is the 2 main competitors in Premier League? Do other big 6 teams or Everton, Leicester City have any chances? Thoughts?


Movie Had a Little Boy That Was a Maggot?It was a movie where a woman come up the steps there was a little boy sitting in the corner of the room. He looked normal from behind, but when he turned around his head was actually the head of a maggot.


Help Remembering Scary Movie?The movie is from the 80s, maybe early 90s. Starts in almost like a castle. There's a deformed creature that may be the owner's child. They have a barbed whip they use for punishment. The creature escapes and starts killing everyone. I believe it ends with the creature being knocked off the roof of the castle type wall.


Double Draw in Rummy?When a player draws from discard pile then during same turn decides she wants more from the pile, can she pick them up or does she have to wait until the next turn?


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This page contains tips and money saving ideas about entertainment. Ideas about books, concerts, dating, games, sporting events, dancing, movies, plays, television, parks, frugal fun and more.

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This page contains tips and money saving ideas about entertainment. Ideas about books, concerts, dating, games, sporting events, dancing, movies, plays, television, parks, frugal fun and more.

Jokes (221)Games (69)Advice (31)Dining Out (23)Movies (19)Frugal Fun (15)Television (12)Books (10)Dating (4)Sporting Events (3)Concerts (2)Dancing (1)Movie Reviews (1)Plays (1)