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Use Coffee Grounds as Pin Cushion FillingHere is yet another way to recycle up your used coffee grounds. Fill a pin cushion with them! Use cute scraps of fabric and simply sew together right sides together leaving a small space open.


A basket full of frozen juice containers filled with water.

Juice Containers to Fill Empty Freezer SpaceWe drink cranberry juice. To fill in the empty spaces and build up the bottom of our chest freezer, I freeze water in the 64 ounce cranberry juice containers. They lay flat and fit perfectly between the dividers. This helps to keep the freezer full.


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Reuse Glass Candle Holders As GlassesI found that once a candle, for example, Glade, has been used and there is the left over amount of wax in the glass, that they can be used as nice drinking glasses for orange juice or even that evening mixed drink with ice.


An old media case being used to store art supplies

Media Case Used To Store Art SuppliesUse an old DVD case as a child's colouring case. Just decorate it and make a little pocket inside with either paper or fabric to hold pencils or markers. You can also turn one into a make-up case to hold liners, lip gloss, and mascara.


Washable Wiping Squares

Make Wiping Squares to Save on TPWith 9 in the family, I wasn't overly concerned that we went through a whole roll of toilet paper until I saw what my 4 year old left on the floor. To borrow the words of Glenn Beck "It made blood want to shoot out of my eyes.


Uses for Old Bangle Bracelets

Uses for Old Bangle BraceletsI've used old bangle bracelets (plastic and the types that clip) for many uses. It seems these bracelets wind up being given away by many who don't seem to wear them anymore.


A political sign being used as a knee pad in a garage.

Political Signs Make Great Knee PadsPolitical signs make great knee pads!! Let's get them off the roadsides and keep them out of the landfills. Thirty days after election day, they become litter.


A recycled ICEE package frozen with water inside.

Ice Water To GoEverywhere I look, I see people sipping water from a plastic bottle. I don't think they're that thirsty or hot. I think they're just trying to stay hydrated. I suppose that's a good thing.


Two bowls with lids and two spray bottles.

Recycling Plastic Lids And Small Spray BottlesI'm always looking for ways to recycle and have found that some plastic lids like a coffee can lid or a raisin lid will fit over some bowls. I also save small spray bottles, which work well to put hair spray, cleaner, or other liquids in when traveling.


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Uses for Plastic Coffee ContainersI give used plastic coffee containers to new mothers and dads. They can use the coffee containers for holding clean diapers and another can for soiled diapers. This is very helpful when traveling, visiting, etc. The containers can also carry pacifiers, wipies, onsies, etc. Just put them in a small basket with labels on them. This saves a lot of space when visiting and or traveling.


Using the blank back of a piece of junk mail as scratch paper.

Use Junk Mail For Scratch PaperWe receive a lot of junk mail. Instead of putting it in the trash, I go through it and tear off anything that would identify us and save the blank parts for scratch paper. The remainder goes in the paper recycling container.


A plastic orange juice container being used as a vase.

Orange Juice Bottle VaseHere is a way to repurpose an orange juice bottle into a vase and bouquet holder. Cut the top of the bottle off about 4 inches or so depending on the size of the bottle. Once cut turn it around life a funnel and insert the flower stems as indicated. It helps the flowers spread out while still being held firmly. Place flowers on top of the vase and enjoy their fragrance ! :)


Reusing an Upright Tissue Holder

Reusing an Upright Tissue HolderI know I have submitted a tip before about using a flat holder and a plastic canvas holder for other things, but this one is cool, too.


Hair clips holding pens and a power cord.

New Uses for Old Hair ClipsI recently went short on my hair. At 65, it was time. So that left me with some clips I no longer needed. I usually donate them but before I did, I thought of some ways to use them for things other than hair.


A headband being used as a rubber band around an open bag of potting mix.

Using Sturdy Head Bands Instead of Rubber BandsI can't afford good rubber bands. And if I had a nickel for every time the ones I had broke just when I needed them . . .



A recycled vinegar bottle used as a vase with sweet peas

Recycled Vinegar Bottle as VaseMore and more foods seem to come in plastic containers or wrapping, but I noticed that our recently empty vinegar bottle was a lovely shape and made out of glass.


The plastic lid fits the coffee container exactly.

Again with the LidsThe local squrrels love the birdseed I have on the back porch. So much so that they ate into the lid! So, I swapped out the containers, using a metal can with a metal lid.


Toothbrush Holder for Desk Supplies - closeup of desk supplies in a red toothbrush holder

Toothbrush Holder for Desk SuppliesWe had a few of these toothbrush holders laying around. I was planning on donating them to Goodwill, but in my hunt for something to hold desk supplies I realized that these would be perfect. I am able to separate different items, making it easy to grab just what I want.


A milk jug used for storing rice.

Reuse Jugs for Dry FoodsThoroughly clean out and dry your milk and juice jugs for reuse. They are great for storing dry food items things like rice, beans, and sugar. Label them and store them in any cool area in your house, even bedrooms or odd closets. Just be sure to label.


DIY Paper Towel Sheet Saver Using a Tissue Box

DIY Paper Towel Sheet Saver Using a Tissue BoxThis is a way to make your paper towel rolls last longer. Simply cut each sheet in half and place them into an empty tissue box.


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Reusing Sugar BagsWhen I put my 5 lb. bag of sugar in my storage bin I carefully clean it out, roll it up, and put 3 into a ziplock bag to use as freezer bags for my homemade sandwiches or cookies.


Recycled waxed paper from cereal boxes.

Free Waxed PaperUse the waxed paper liners from cereal boxes instead of buying waxed paper. It is much stronger than the conventional waxed paper.


A tissue holder upside down to hold flowers.

Reusing a Tissue HolderRecently, I found this stunning hand done plastic canvas tissue holder. It was the perfect style and color to my bathroom. However, because of the yarn work inside, the box of tissue didn't fit inside. What is a thrifty fun girl to do? She turns it upside down and uses it for her faux spring flowers!


Round tea bags stored inside a Pringles container.

Store Round Tea Pods in a Pringles CanI just got some Tetley Green Tea and when I opened the box, I discovered the bags were round. Makes sense really, if your cups are round, the bags can be, too. No strings, staples or paper hangers. I am in love.


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Reuse Bags Inside Cereal or Cracker BoxesThis is extremely strong and waterproof material with many possible uses. I store leftovers in them. Or open the seam and flatten to use in place of wax paper for wrapping sandwiches or lining piecrust for "blind-baking." Prevent splattering when reheating dishes in the microwave.


A caddy made from recycled Maxwell House coffee containers.

Recycled Maxwell House Coffee CaddyMy neighbor gives me these and I use them for so many things! Food, crafts, and office supplies, oh my! Today it occurred to me to make them and share with you all.


Refurbishing a Fire Pit

Refurbishing a Fire PitI was leaving church last Sunday and right around the corner I caught sight out of the corner of my eye, this square table. At least I thought it was a table. Well the young man that takes me to church said did you see that? Yes!'


Money in a recycled plastic mayo jar.

Reusing Plastic JarsWe all recycle jars, bottles, cans, and boxes every single week and I'm always trying to think of a way to re-use these items around the house. I have found several uses for clear plastic mayo jars.


A sun shade on a car's windshield.

Uses For Windshield Sun ShadesI have found a couple of uses for windshield/windscreen shades you might like. They might save you a few pennies and could make your sleep time a bit more comfortable.


A note placed inside a recycled hangar clip.

Hanger Clip as Note HolderI have found another use for the clips that I cut off clothes racks. With the note being upright instead of laying flat on the table, it is more noticeable.



A collapsible package that can be reused.

Recycled Collapsible Water BottleThis is a collapsible storage bag used to store sugar cane blend sugar. The one I have shown here is a 24 oz. Truvia bag. It has a screw on lid which makes it airtight. These type of containers are being widely used to store sugar and other dry products and are so useful for so many other things.


Ice cubes made from recycled plastic containers.

Recycled Fruit Cups for Ice CubesI love the idea of upcycling, dont you? I have discovered a great use for those empty individual fruit cups or applesauce containers. They make great ice cubes! The cubes last twice as long and I love them. Just wash the empty containers and fill with water. The cubes simply fall out of the cups, so much easier than a traditional tray!


Reuse Spray Nozzle on Bottles

Reuse Spray Nozzle on BottlesI wanted to try a weed killer recipe and needed a spray bottle. But the dollar tree's were too small. So I bought the vinegar I needed and got a bottle at my local hardware store.


A pile of silica packs

Please Don't Throw Away Silica Gel PacksThere are over a dozen reasons you should not throw away silica gel packs. Have you ever wondered when you purchase or get mail order, at least one of these roll out with your items? The biggest reason is that they absorb moisture and help retain freshness. With that package or purchase you receive a free gift of savings, here is how!


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Reusing Inner Cereal BagI say 'inner bag' because more manufacturers are getting away from the box with the inner bag and going to just the bag. These inner bags have changed over the years. They use to be rather thin and a lot like regular waxed paper. They served their purpose well, but weren't ideal for a lot of reuse.


A king sized comforter that has been deconstructed and saved for reuse.

Deconstructing a King Size ComforterIt never occurred to me to post this until it was done. So I don't have any before photos. But you all know what a machine sewn flannel comforter looks like. Once I started to save the batting, I realized how cheaply it was made. Basically, one seam ripper in a few key places and it was RIP!


A burning candle that has been replaced in the candle holder.

Reusing a Jar from a CandleI received several candles. I don't like candles unless they come in a jar because they drip on furniture and table linens. When my jarred candle blew out, I froze it for about a half hour. The remaining wax popped out, and I put the other candle in. I now have 6 candles that I would not have been able to enjoy otherwise.


A paper scented perfume sample inside a roll of toilet paper.

Using Scented Perfume SamplesI seem to get a lot of these nice smelling perfume samples in magazines and free catalogs. I usually slip them into lingerie drawers, under couch cushions,on the bottom of garbage cans and in window sills. Today, I added them into my toilet paper roll dispenser. It seems logical. Every time the roll is turned it releases a tiny scent.


Two recycled food containers with leftover soup stored inside.

Reusing Food ContainersMy favorite use out of these containers are when I share food with family or friends. Instead of putting the food to transport in a Tupperware and collecting the Tupperware back, this works better because my family/friend does not have to give these containers back.


A banana peel removed from the fruit.

Uses for Banana PeelsDon't throw out that banana peel. There are many awesome uses for the vitamin-packed peel once you've eaten the fruit from the inside.


A Soda Stream container repurposed into a container for laundry soap.

Repurposing a Soda Stream ContainerYears ago, liquid laundry detergents came out with the wonderful cap. You all know the one; it's not only a measuring device but it fits inside and doesn't allow a drip on the outside. One of the best things around.


Repurpose Spent Water Filter Cartridges - charcoal from a water filter in an aluminum baking pan

Repurpose Spent Water Filter CartridgesWater filters contain activated charcoal and after mine expire I cut open the cartridge (CAREFULLY with a steak knife) and pour the contents into my cats' litter box to reduce odor. I could also use it in my chicken coop for the same reason.


A used plastic bag that has been washed and is drying.

Drying Plastic BagsI bake a lot and freeze my baked goods in zippered freezer bags. I rinse them out and reuse them. To make sure they dry completely and quickly, I turn them inside out and use a magnet and hang it upside down on my refrigerator. I place the magnet on the inside of the bag to keep it open. You could use any magnetic surface.


Using recycled styrofoam to wrap a cord.

Save Styrofoam PackagingStyrofoam pieces, often found in gift packaging, can be used to store items such as extension cords, Christmas tree lights and the like. This keeps styrofoam out of the landfill and provides extra storage at the same time.


Cans Can Do So Many Things - larger can inverted over the smaller one

Cans Can Do So Many ThingsI eat a lot of the larger Campbell's chicken noodle soup (in the 25% more cans) and mandarin oranges from The Dollar Tree. While prepping them for recycling today, it hit me. The bigger one could be a lid for the smaller one.



A container of seafood salad with cottage cheese lid.

Don't Toss Plastic LidsI love seafood salad. I got some the other day and after a few forkfuls, promptly lost the lid. I could have used a cottage cheese container but ran the risk of forgetting what was inside. There was not a painters tape roll to be found for labeling, so I came up with the next best thing. By using the lid on their store containers, I see what is inside but still keep it fresh.


Two reusable glass bottles of sparkling lemonade.

Buy Products for the PackagingYou are not supposed to judge products based on packaging alone, but I am easily amused and distracted when products have "nice packaging". I actually purchased a couple clear glass bottles with stoppers at Ikea a few months ago, but you can find the exact concept at Sprouts for their Sparkling Lemonade Lemon - 25.4 oz.


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Reuse "Clean" Paper TowelsIn our family, if we use a paper towel to dry out clean but wet hands, we put the unwrinkled flattened wet paper towel on the counter to dry. Then we can reuse the relatively clean and now dry paper towel in the garage to check oil levels, clean tools, greasy hands, etc.


A hair clip being used as a chip clip.

Use Broken Hair Clips as Chip ClipsI get so frustrated when my curly wild hair breaks my hair clips. They get stuck or snap closed too hard and their teeth break off. Instead of throwing the hair clip away, I reuse them as chip clips. An added benefit is the hair clips are usually super cute, so my snack bags look pretty fancy!


Beads in a recycled lid.

Lids, Lids, Glorious Lids!If your jar is melted or broken, don't recycle that lid. I have found more uses for them than I can remember. Here are just a few.


A broken picture frame underneath another frame that has had the glass replaced.

Reusing Picture FramesI had a picture frame that fell, shattering the glass but leaving the frame intact. I decided to save it and repurpose it for something. In the meantime, an inexpensive dollar store frame cracked, but the glass was fine. Both frames were the same size. I discarded the damaged frame and glass, and now put the good glass and frame together. Now I only had to discard one frame instead of both. The picture shows my 'new' wood picture frame and the broken other picture frame.


Sample Scrapbook Pages

Sample Scrapbook PagesI take old papers, junk mail, leftover spiral notebook papers, and magazines and use them to create art journals, or writing journals.


An old eye makeup case with medication.

New Life for Old Makeup CaseI just got some new eye shadow from a store and knew the old was well, old. And it was fall colors so I decided to just toss it. But then I thought "I bet that little case comes out". It didn't, but once I got the makeup out, there was a nice little compartment for all sorts of things.


Plastic bags being stored inside a cardboard box.

Recycling Bag Dispenser/StorageYou can keep your plastic bags organized in this empty foil box. No more bags cluttering your home and keeps your plastic bags neat. If you would like, you can paint or decorate the box too but, since I store this box in the cupboard, I don't need to.


Refilled water bottles in the refrigerator.

Refilling Water Bottles to Save MoneyGood day everyone. One day, I sat and realized how much money I was spending on bottled water. I thought how good my water is in my home town. I began to put the used water bottles in the dishwasher. When done, I would refill them with pipe water and add to the fridge.


A plastic lid being held on with a hair band.

Fixing an Old Tupperware LidI know I can get a replacement lid for this old gem. But, I don't want to spend the money. I got this home and washed it, and found the lid didn't fit. So I just got one of my new (never used) hair bands and made it work.


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Recycle Your Favorite CalendarsI save my favorite calendars from year to year and store the previous years in boxes. Since some of my favorite artist's calendar works can run from a few dollars to over $20, I pull out the previous years and don't spend any money on them again!


A liner from the inside of a cereal box.

Save Liners from Cereal BoxesOpen them up, wipe them down and dry them. Use in place of waxed paper. They are especially useful cut into squares and used to separate hamburger patties.


An eyeglass case filled with makeup.

New Uses For An Eyeglass CaseTired of searching through your purse to find your change, bank cards, your telephone and your lipstick? Organize your purse with your old eyeglass cases and label them. You can also use one for an emergency sewing kit.


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Storing Tape RollsI have a lot of colored tape rolls. I just put them in an old Scotch tape dispenser. Then it is easier to use. You can also use an old Saran Wrap or tin foil box to put all your tape in one. Then you have the teeth on it to cut your tape.


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Uses for Swimming Pool NoodlesOther good uses of swimming noodles are the sides of narrow garages, so that when you park too close for swinging the vehicle door wide open, it hits the noodle, not the wall.


A replacement lid for a mini crockpot from a plastic bowl.

Replacement Lid for a Mini CrockpotI purchased a little crock pot the other day for $2.00. It didn't have a lid, which might be why they gave it away. Searching online for a lid was silly, as the lid alone was 10.00 plus s/h. Yeah NO!


A spread out paper towel, drying on the counter.

Reuse Paper Towels and NapkinsIn our household, if you opt to use paper towels/napkins to dry your hands after washing then the paper towel/napkin should be used for at least another 2 times.


A drinking straw being used to fix a broken plastic hangar.

Fix A Broken Hanger With A StrawI hate when my plastic hangers break. I saw a tip in a magazine to fix them with a straw. Hot glue a piece of straw on both broken ends. The straw should fit right on the hanger.


A storage bag for breastmilk with sequins and water, as a toddler toy.

Reuse Breastmilk Storage Bag as Toddler ToyI had extra breastmilk storage bags. I turned one into a fun toddler toy for on the go, by adding sequins and some water.


A plastic soda bottle cut to be used for storing small paper cups in the bathroom.

Plastic Bottle as Paper Cup DispenserCut off the top of the bottle, only 1 inch from the top. Cut vertical lines around the top of the bottle, about 4 slits. Then cut the bottom off of the bottle at about 1 inch. Be sure to use a 600ml bottle, any other size will be too big.


A collection of plastic bags stored in a pop bottle.

Store Plastic Bags In Pop BottleCut the bottom off a 2 litre plastic bottle. Put your bags in through the bottom. Pull one out through the top. When you need one, just pull through the opening.


A collection of spices on a glass tray, used in a microwave.

Microwave Glass Tray as DIY Lazy SusanI took the glass plate and carousel out of my old microwave and made it into a Lazy Susan spice holder. It is easy to see the spices and even easier to get just turn it.


A roll of paper towels on a plastic clothes hanger.

Plastic Hanger for Paper Towel RollsTake a hanger and cut it in the middle. Put a roll of paper towels onto the hanger. Hang wherever it is convenient.


How to Reuse a Plastic Shoe Rack - holding large skeins of yarn

How to Reuse a Plastic Shoe RackI found this in the free zone yesterday. I thought it was cool for other things than shoes, since I own 3 pair!


Reusing Plastic Frozen Food Containers - making French toast

Reusing Plastic Frozen Food ContainersI don't shop at Costco, but I have friends who do. They save me the black, durable containers from their frozen foods. I am sharing the value of two sizes today.


A clean jar with the label removed.

Removing Labels and Cleaning JarsWhenever I find a useful jar, I always decide to keep it. I remove the labels and clean them by soaking in a mixture of 5 mL dish soap and a bowl of water for 30 minutes. After this, pull off the label and it will just be removed flawlessly.


More Uses For Panty Hose - panty hose leg with magnet and retrieved socket wrench

More Uses For Panty HoseI was cleaning the battery terminals on my fishing car (I don't fish for sport, thank you), when I dropped a socket down into that conglomeration of wires, hoses, belts, etc. It was completely out of reach. It almost went through to the ground. What's a body to do?


New Life for Child's Bookcase - plastic  bookcase for picnic items

New Life for Child's BookcaseSomeone put a Little Tykes bookcase at the curb. I used it to organize my hall closet. Previously, all my paper plates and plastic cutlery were in bags on the floor. Now everything is organized and because the bookcase is child-sized, I still have room for my vacuum, mops, and stepstool.


Send Home Leftovers in Recycled Plastic Takeout Containers

Send Home Leftovers in Recycled Plastic Takeout ContainersI always have a supply of the plastic containers delis and Chinese restaurants use. When I have guests over for meals and want to give them a "care package," I don't have to ask them to return the container.


CD/DVD Rack Tool Organizer

CD/DVD Rack Tool OrganizerThis is a great way to use those CD and DVD racks or other racks that can be picked up at garage sales or thrift stores for cheap. Use them for organizing your loose tools that are laying around the garage or basement. They can hold several tools and maybe you can just mount it to the wall as a space saver.


Reusing Cardboard Boxes as Outdoor Blocks - stack of Amazon shipping boxes

Reusing Cardboard Boxes as Outdoor BlocksNow that it is summer vacation, my toddler (3 years old) enjoys box building blocks made with packages we receive from online shopping. As more orders come home, he will have more boxes to play with.


A plastic soda bottle being used as a funnel.

Multi Purpose FunnelHere is a way to make a funnel for several uses. One can be for pouring contents into a gallon jug using a cut soda bottle. Simply cut four inches or more as desired from top. It fits perfectly on top of a gallon water jug. You can either tape around the ring or just hold it.


An Altoids mint container holding business cards.

Altoid Tin to Hold Business CardsThe Altoid tin is the perfect size to hold business cards. I like to keep cards of recommended people like plumbers and electricians before I need them. The tin keeps everything neat and in one place.


A netted vegetable bag with summer essentials like sunglasses and sunscreen.

Netted Veggie Bags for Summer OutingsWe are making up little beach/park/vacation/school trip bags with recycled netted onion bags. The kids keep all their things together by throwing their sunglasses, comb, sunscreen, sanitizer, change purse and incidentals in their own individual bags.


Recycled Bottle as Yarn Holder - pull from the top

Recycled Bottle as Yarn HolderI used this mineral water bottle for a yarn holder instead of throwing it into the garbage. Clean the bottle, let it dry. Removed the label and cut at the center. Put the yarn inside the bottle. Put bottle back together. Pull the tip of the yarn and let it hang out at the mouth of the bottle.


Plastic Bottle Cap Nozzles - nozzles created on caps

Plastic Bottle Cap NozzlesHere is a way to turn plastic bottle caps into nozzles. You can then use them for paint, batter, cake decorating, etc. Using metal tongs, put cap over low heat for a few seconds while moving it in a circular motion.


A label removed from a glass jar, next to the jar and a hair dryer.

Hair Dryer for Removing Jar LabelsBottles, and jars usually have stickers, whether it is a label, a product name, or a bar code. Those things can be recycled so we wanted to pull those stickers in an easy, clean way. Just get your hair blower, point it at the sticker for just a second and you can pull it off easily and neatly!


An old metal "Beware of the Dog" sign.

Repainting Old Metal SignsI have had this metal sign for a number of years, and it has been through all sorts of weather. I decided to touch it up with acrylic paint and a clear gloss


A stopper that fits the pour spout of a water kettle.

Stopper for Missing Cap to KettleThis might never apply to you but it sure has helped me. I found a free tea kettle in our donation station. But, it's handle was damaged and the stopper with the little hole in it was missing. You think that is why they gave it away?


A child holding a glass bottle of juice.

Reusing Wine Carafes as PitchersWine bottles have different shapes and sizes. The bottle itself looks elegant, and it's not that easy to put it in the trash. So I came up with the idea to reuse it as a pitcher, not just for water but also juices or any drinks you like.


An air cushion as you would use for mailing items.

Air Cushion Packaging as Bath PillowI'm not known to pop and trash air cushion packaging when I receive a large package in the post. I take them as they are, full of air, and use them as pillows in the bathtub. I place them behind my neck and head as a waterproof pillow. I love that it's free!


Use Lipstick Cap as Thimble - clear plastic cap over finger

Use Lipstick Cap as ThimbleI save all the lids from my lipstick. They can be used for a lot of things, but my favorite one is as a thimble. They are great for pushing pins and things through fabric when it's on your finger.


Reusing Spray Bottles

Reusing Spray BottlesI always had empty spray bottles, like colognes and perfumes. I don't throw them away that easily, I will reuse them instead. I put alcohol in those spray bottles and put them in every part of the house. In case of emergency, I can just grab my alcohol anytime, anywhere.


Notebook tabs made from Valentine's Day cards.

Repurpose Valentines as Notebook TabsI find that colorful things around me make me happy and more productive. I use colorful Valentine's Day cards to mark different sections of my notebook. These little valentines are just too adorable as bookmarks or for children to pretend they are playing cards.


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Reuse Dish Soap Bottle CapIt's been a few years since I was in the top 3 (almost, LOL) with my cap idea. Use a dish soap top on 2 liter pop bottles. Really with any kind of bottles. I've been using it for many different things. Sometimes there aren't enough threads to make it work. Also, it's best to use firmer plastic bottles.


A laptop computer with a storage container lid underneath it.

Storage Container Lid for LaptopI am using a lid from a storage container to keep my laptop from overheating. I have found that it works very well. I don't want the ventilation area under the computer to be blocked.


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Repurposing Plastic JugsI like to repurpose empty plastic jugs by cutting them in half and keeping the bottom portions. I'll then use them as little bins for all kinds of things, like storage and organizers.


A noodle bowl being reused as a soap dish.

Reuse Plastic Noodle Bowl as Soap DishBowl noodles are a staple in our household, just in case there is nothing to eat. You can enjoy your noodles and have a sturdy plastic bowl left over. You can use the plastic bowl as a soap bowl, like we do in our household. We put soap and our sponge to hand wash our dishes.


A planter made from a Glade air freshener.

Repurposing Glade Air Freshener as Planting ContainerI found I could take apart the Glade solid air freshener and use it as a plant container. It comes apart pretty easy. I put a piece of no slip drawer-liner in the bottom of the little cup. This keeps the soil from coming out of the bottom when watered.


A plate of chicken nuggets with ketchup in a recycled scoop.

Slimfast Shake Scoops as Sauce HoldersI go through a lot of Slimfast and other shake mixes. I love to keep some of the scoops for serving ketchup or sweet and sour sauce when serving chicken nuggets or fries. They are the perfect size!


Quilt Top from Recycled Fabric

Quilt Top from Recycled FabricHere is my quilt top that I made using old clothes and fabric remnants. I am not going to put a backing on this one, it works great as a throw. I was inspired not to put a backing on it when I read about a woman who made a quilt top and left it that way.


A round wood cutting board, with several colors of wood.

Wood Cutting Board and Serving TrayMy husband made this board from scraps left from a breakfast bar top. The breakfast bar was made from different types of wood glued together, sanded and stained. My husband used a jig saw to make a circle and a router to make the decorative edge.


Recycled Fruit Container for Craft Supplies - clear plastic container filled with craft supplies

Recycled Fruit Container for Craft SuppliesWhen I was done with this fruit basket container, I knew I had to re-use it. We can't recycle plastics right now in our county, so it would end up in the landfill. I hate that. So, I cleaned and dried it, and filled it with craft supplies.


Non-Slip Drawer Liners for Opening Stuck Jar Lids - large rectangle of liner

Non-Slip Drawer Liners for Opening Stuck Jar LidsI found another use for my roll of no-skid drawer liners. I cut them into various shapes and they are great for opening lids that won't budge! I can always use help opening lids, since the factories often put them on way too tight.


Recycled Boxes as a Trash Can - plastic bag inside cardboard box being used as a trash can

Recycled Boxes as a Trash CanIf you are a frequent online shopper, you will receive tons of boxes each month. I do not toss my boxes because they could be used for many things!


Bedroom Window Draft Blocker - purple stuff sack on bed

Bedroom Window Draft BlockerI have made two scrap quilt tops and I had a lot of yarn, fabric, plus old clothes remnants left. I sewed a cylinder shaped bag, stuffed it, then I sewed it closed. I found a handle from an old Food City grocery bag, so I attached it to to the draft blocker, for ease in moving it.


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