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Cleaning a Rice Filled Pillow?I have one of those pillows with rice in it that you can use for sore muscles, etc. I bought it second hand and it smells like cigarette smoke. I can't wash it because of the rice, and can't use Febreze or anything because it is heated in the microwave and I don't want skin rashes.


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Fiberglass Tub Has Yellowed?How do you make a yellowed fiberglass shower look white again? Mine is 22 yrs. old. At one time I used Gel Gloss for boats. Nothing seems to work now.


A plain white washcloth.

Cheap White Washcloths for EverydayIf you have young children or teenagers who wear make-up, purchasing a bulk package of plain white washcloths can be very economical! I used to have nice, thick washcloths with pretty designs until I began to have kids.


A fabric dresser in a polka dot pattern.

How to Clean Mouse Pee From Clothing Storage Dresser?We had a really bad mice infestation and they got into these dressers. They are fabric clothing storage dressers. They have those storage cubes which feel like they have cardboard inside. I wiped them down with Clorox wipes and sprayed them with Dreft. Some were used for clothing and some were used for holding snacks and stuff. Can I clean and reuse or should I toss. Thanks


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House Is Humid and Musty?I live with my family in a rented house that is very damp, and it smells really strong and musty. Does anyone know how I can get rid of the smell? I live in England, so I wouldn't be able to get any American products if you recommended them. Thanks.


Using a cloth to avoid smudges on the microwaves.

Stop Smudges Before They StartA newlywed asked the question, "How do I keep my house clean with as little maintenance as possible?" on one of the Facebook groups I belong to.


Removing a Spot on a Chanel Satin Purse? - whitish spot

Removing a Spot on a Chanel Satin Purse?I had an old spot on my Chanel satin bag. It looked like maybe lipstick or something oil based. I put on a little bit of cornstarch and blotted. Now I can't fully get the white from the cornstarch out and as you can see from the photo, the spot has lost its shine and doesn't blend fully. I tried blotting with a little water and Woolite on a microfiber cloth and then using a hairdryer on low.


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Cleaning Plastic Dish Strainer?I need something to help me clean my plastic dish strainer. It has a build up of soap, I do not have the money to buy another one. I know its only a couple dollars for one, but money is tight.


A family brushing their teeth.

Keeping Your Toothbrush CleanIn addition to changing out your toothbrush on a regular schedule there may be times when you want to clean your current one. This page offers some varying suggestions for cleaning a toothbrush, including soaking and running through the dishwasher.


A remote control on a green background.

Cleaning Acetone Residue Off Remote Control?Acetone or nail polish remover can be used to clean off many materials, but some plastics can be damaged when this chemical is applied. Depending on how badly the item is damaged, sometimes it can be removed.


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Removing Sharpie from Hair?How do I get blue Sharpie out of light brown hair?


Nail glue being applied to the top of a nail.

Cleaning Nail Glue From CountertopNail glue is often a cyano-acrylic glue like Crazy Glue and similar products. Try a remover made especially made for this adhesive. Test to make sure it does not damage your countertop. Other options are mentioned below.


A closet full of clothes.

Cleaning Out a Deceased Person's HomeDealing with the loss of a friend or family member is hard. There is also the need sometimes to clean out their home. This page contains some tips for cleaning out a deceased person's home.


Writing an autograph on a football t-shirt.

Preserving an Autographed T-ShirtIf you do not wish to frame the t-shirt and never wear it, there are some ways to try and preserve the autograph. This page offers some helpful suggestions.


A woman reading a bottle of bleach in a store.

Using BleachBleach has been a longtime standard product for use in a wide variety of cleaning tasks. Although it has been replaced by a plethora of other cleaners, it is still the go to choice for many people. This page contains information for using bleach.



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Removing Mould from Inside Face of Watch?How do you remove mould from behind the glass face of a watch? I have a very old mechanical wind up watch. The glass is not air tight. There is a tiny bit of loose mould inside, on the dial. Is there a way to remove the loose mould without opening the watch?


How to Care for Your Swimwear - suit soaking in vinegar water

How to Care for Your SwimwearHandwashing with mild soap preceded by a good soak in vinegar and water is one way to help extend the life of your swimwear. Tossing them in the washer and dryer are sure to negatively affect the elastic and fade the dyes.


A woman wearing a faux fur jacket.

Cleaning Faux FurIf the item made with faux fur is washable, toss it in the machine on gentle cycle and use cold water. For articles that are not washable you will need to spot clean with cold water and mild detergent or other household products. Dry cleaning is also a possibility. This page contains information on cleaning faux fur.


A man cleaning a driveway.

Removing Tree Sap from a Driveway?It can be difficult to remove sap from a driveway. Petroleum based cleaners can be very useful in removing the sap, especially if pressure washing has failed to remove it.


A pile of clutter in a desk drawer.

Eliminating Clutter in Your HouseholdClutter is a noticeable concern for many of us. It can be overwhelming and an impossible seeming task to reduce it. This page offers several ideas for eliminating clutter in your household.


Cleaning a lightswitch near a door.

Cleaning Neglected Spots in Your HomeMost of us have a general cleaning routine for our homes. But there are a lot of places that are typically overlooked. This page includes a list of neglected spots in your home that could use a routine cleaning.


A dirty aquarium for turtles.

Removing Hard Water Stains in an Aquarium?The inside of your aquarium can become covered with hard water marks. Removing them can be done in number of ways, using a scraper, vinegar, and other household cleaners. This page contains various suggestions for removing hard water stains in an aquarium.


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Cleaning Coffee Stains on Thermos Travel Mug Silicone Gaskets?How does one go about cleaning coffee stains off the silicone gaskets in the Thermos 16 ounce King tumbler?


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Cleaning Sticky Painted Wood Carvings?I need to clean my native carvings that are painted and have a stain that went all sticky.


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Removing Candle Wax from Textured Ceiling?I had a candle warmer and somehow it got on the ceiling and wall. I was able to get it off my wall, but do not know how to get it off my textured ceiling. Any ideas?


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Oven Cleaner Left Marks on Wood Deck?I sprayed oven spray gel on oven racks. It has gone thru the papers to the timber deck. Now the deck has stains from the oven cleaner gel. I am not sure if the decking has been burnt? Any ideas to remove the marks on the deck?


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Removing Yellowing on Bathroom Wallpaper?What will get rid of the yellowing on the wallpaper in the bathroom around the sinks? I have tried CLR, Dawn, Lysol, Grandma's Keeper, and soap and water. What would you suggest?


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Removing Crayon on a College Diploma?My son drew in my college diploma with a crayon. Is there anything that will remove it?


Some ground coffee left in the bottom of the coffee can.

Removing Odors From Coffee ContainersA new, unused coffee filter can be used to absorb the coffee smell from inside plastic coffee containers. This is a page about removing odors from coffee containers.


Hand washing a black and white striped shirt.

Stain Remover Formula Using Dawn, Peroxide, and Baking SodaCommon household products can be combined to make a powerful stain lifter. Use it with a brush for good results. This is a page about a stain remover formula using Dawn, peroxide, and baking soda.



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Reactivating Dried Out Pledge Wipes?How do you reactivate Pledge Wipes that have dried out?


Different sized bottles of cooking oil.

Removing Sticky or Greasy Substances from SurfacesDeciding on the best product or method to use for removing a sticky or greasy material from different surfaces can be confusing. This is a page about removing sticky or greasy substances from surfaces.


Cleaning a Porcelain and Stuffed Body Doll

Cleaning a Porcelain and Stuffed Body Doll?I have a vintage doll I just acquired, but it smells really bad. It has porcelain hands, feet, and a porcelain head leaving its body as soft and stuffed. I can remove the clothes as well, it's mainly the stuffed body that stinks. How should I go about cleaning this doll?


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Removing Mildew from a Composition Doll?I have a doll that is 70 years old. It is a composition doll that had quite a lot of mildew. I did my best to remove the mildew, but there is a residual odor. What is the best, safest method of removing mildew and odor from a 40s composition doll?


Removing Dry Erase Marker on Wood - A B C written on white background

Removing Dry Erase Marker on WoodIt is easy to accidentally get dry erase marker on a wood surface such as a table. Try one of the solutions found on this page about removing dry erase marker on wood.


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Cleaning a Cotton Sachet Pillow?How do I clean a cotton pillow with lavendar inside. Obviously, I can't wash it.


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How Do I Clean a Chamois Nail Buffer?I use a cuticle oil daily and a chamois nail buffer when I want to skip polish. The buffer is looking rather dirty, but I can not find instructions on how to clean it.


Close up of a red timer set to 15 minutes.

Use a Timer When CleaningOne easy way to not get overwhelmed or discouraged when trying to clean is to set a timer for a reasonable amount of time. Do as much as you can and be persistent and consistent with this approach. This is a page about using a timer when cleaning.


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Removing Bird Poo Stain on Canvas Wall Art?My lovely canvas wall art as been left with a poo stain thanks to my baby budgie. I was told to lightly rub it with a soft rag with warm water, but this has left a white smudge mark on a black background printed canvas.


Florescent Lights in an office.

Cleaning Florescent Light Covers?The plastic covers on most florescent light fixtures are removable. Once taken down they can be cleaned with mild dish soap and water or other cleaners suitable for plastics. This is a page about cleaning florescent light covers.


Vacuuming a purple rug.

Cleaning In Tight SpacesUsing small brushes such as nail or art brushes might be just the solution to cleaning in some small spaces. Other atypical or repurposed tools can also work well. This is a page about cleaning in tight spaces.


Closeup of artificial grass.

Removing Pine Sap on Artificial Grass?Removing pine tree sap from artificial grass will probably require some research to find a product that will not damage the turf. Try testing a small area with something like Goo Gone. This is a page about removing pine sap on artificial grass.


White plastic coffee carafe.

Cleaning Coffee Stain Off Plastic Carafe LidRemoving stubborn coffee stains on cups and carafes can be done in one of the several ways found in this page, including using denture tablets, baking soda, or lemon juice mixed with salt or sugar. This is a page about cleaning a coffee stain off of a plastic carafe lid.


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Removing Very Hard Jelly from Canning Jars?When my jelly was being made, it smelled great! After I put it in my jars and waited 2 days, I opened it and it was hard as a rock. Can I save my jars? How do I get the jelly out of my jars?


3 Nesting dolls with beards.

Removing Nicotine Stains from Knick Knacks?Knick knacks displayed in a smoker's home or other public environment can become stained with ugly brown nicotine residue. This is a page about removing nicotine stains from knick knacks.



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Removing Sulky Adhesive Stabilizer from Fleece Blankets?I embroidered dozens of fleece blankets for the first time. Not realizing it would be a problem I used Sulky type adhesive stabilizer. Now it's not coming off! Because of the color of the blankets I don't want to try Goo Gone or anything that may fade it.


Wood stove with fire roaring inside.

Felt Bottomed Ornament Stuck to Wood Burning Stove?If this happens to you, try soaking the felt until you can peel it off. Reheating it with a hair dryer to soften it might also work. This is a page about felt bottomed ornament stuck to wood burning stove.


Removing Rotted Rubber Glove from Plastic Container - glove residue in the bottom of the container

Removing Rotted Rubber Glove from Plastic Container?How can I clean a rotten old 'gluey' rubber household glove off a hard plastic kitchen utensil strainer? The glove residue is still quite tacky, thus I am not sure how to go about this.


Removing Nicotine Stains on an Autographed Football

Removing Nicotine Stains on an Autographed Football?I have a small white football with Sharpie autographs on it. Also it has nicotine stains all over the football. How can I clean the nicotine stains without removing the autographs?


Bottle of WD-40.

Cleaning WD-40 Residue?Dish soaps such as Dawn are the perfect cleaner to remove the residue left by WD-40. This is a page about cleaning WD-40 residue.


Face of an old porcelain doll.

How to Remove Ink from a Porcelain Doll?Care should be taken when trying to remove stains such as ink from a porcelain doll. This page contains several suggestions for how to remove ink from a porcelain doll.


Angel doll with feather wings.

Cleaning the Feathers on an Angel Doll?Use a small brush and salt to gently clean the feathers on dolls and figurines. This is a page about cleaning the feathers on an angel doll.


Removing Tiger Glue Spill from Sink - glue spots in white sink

Removing Tiger Glue Spill from Sink?I have Tiger glue that spilled in my kitchen sink that is about 20 years old. Any idea how to remove it?


Woman cleaning floor near curtains.

Keeping Drapes Clean While CleaningDrapes can get in the way or worse yet become soiled when you are vacuuming or mopping the floors. One quick and easy solution is to slip them over a hanger and hook it over the rod; problem solved. This is a page about keeping drapes clean while cleaning.


Clear awning with brick wall in the background.

Removing Tree Sap from a Vinyl Awning?Removing tree sap from various items is a common cleaning chore. The process may vary depending on the item onto which the sap has transferred. This is a page about removing tree sap from a vinyl awning.


Clothes Iron

Use Waxed Paper on Your Clothes IronTo help your iron glide more easily over clothing run it over a sheet of waxed paper first. This is a page about the benefit of using waxed paper on your clothes iron.


Hand in pink rubber glove scrubbing tile wall.

Removing Double-Sided Tape From Ceramic Tile?This is a page about removing double-sided tape from ceramic tile. Double-sided tape residue can be hard to remove. Here are some tips for removing double-sided tape from ceramic tile.


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Preserving an Autograph on a Jersey?So my 11 year old got his jersey signed at the Richmond Flying Squirrels by Aramis Garcia (catcher) and he is really scared if he washes it the signature will come off. So will it be safe?


Candle in a jar with a crochet blanket.

Removing Melted Wax from a Crochet Item?The most common remedy for this occurrence is to cover the area with brown paper and/or paper towels and heat with an iron. The wax melts and is absorbed by the paper. Some may transfer to your iron soleplate creating a second cleaning job. This is a page about removing melted wax from a crochet item.


Blue rubber spatula on the edge of a bowl

Cleaning Rubber SpatulasThis is a page about cleaning rubber spatulas. Many spatulas have a handle that can be removed. When cleaning it is a good idea to separate the pieces and thoroughly clean inside. Then allow to dry before reinserting the handle.


Hand pointing to calcium deposits on a faucet.

How to Remove Calcium Deposits on FaucetsThis is a page about how to remove calcium deposits on faucets. Hard water spots or calcium deposits develop wherever the minerals in you household water remain after the liquid evaporates. Faucets are a common place to find them. Vinegar is a good cleaner for this job.


Can of club soda

Cleaning With Club SodaFor new accidents you may have success in removing the stain and smell with club soda. This is a page about cleaning with club soda.


A clean Marble Table Top from above

How to Clean a Marble Table TopMarble is a porous surface that requires care when attempting to clean or remove stains. There are recommendations for various stains and the appropriate cleaner to use for each in this page. This is a page about how to clean a marble table top.


Refillable printer ink cartridges

Removing Printer Ink from Walls and Ceiling?This is a page about removing printer ink from the ceiling. While it is worth trying to remove the ink, you may find that the only resolution is to cover it up. Here are some helpful suggestions.


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Keeping Fuzzy Fabric Jacket Fluffy and Soft?My daughter has a fluffy jacket that needs a good washing, but I am afraid of what the fluffy material will look like. Any way to fluff it back up so that it is soft and pretty if it looks matted together?


Spilled Super glue on white background

Super Glue on GraniteTo remove accidental spills or spots of super glue on your granite countertops try acetone, nail polish remover. Always test first before using cleaners that are not recommended by the manufacturer or the installer. This is a page about super glue on granite.


Plastic P-Trap under a sink with water pouring out.

How to Clean a Sink P-TrapThis is a page about how to clean a sink p-trap. The p-trap of your sink can collect a lot of gunk, causing the drain to back up and odors to occur. Here is a tip about cleaning it periodically to avoid these issues.


A pair of dentures and a toothbrush.

How to Remove Grape Juice Stains from Dentures?This is a page about removing grape juice stains from dentures. Do you have juice stains on your dentures, that won't come off with store bought cleaners? Dentures are an expensive investment, so it is best to consult your dentist before using anything not specifically intended to clean them.


Scraping off latex paint from a wall.

How to Remove Latex Paint from Hard SurfacesRemoving latex paint from hard or non porous surfaces can be done in several ways depending on the surface. This is a page about how to remove latex paint from hard surfaces.


Hands wearing yellow rubber gloves cleaning a laminate tabletop.

Removing Grease from a Laminate Tabletop?Removing grease can be a stubborn cleaning job. To clean it from laminate table tops you will just need to try a variety of products until you find one the works. This is a page about removing grease from a laminate tabletop.


Chef cleaning commercial kitchen counter top.

Can You Use Straight Ammonia in Restaurants?This is a page about cleaning with ammonia. While ammonia is a great cleaner, you need to know how to use it safely. OSHA is a good resource for proper use and current regulations.


Permanent marker scribbles on a toilet seat.

How to Remove Permanent Marker From a Tub and Toilet?Little artists will use any surface to create their masterpieces. Unfortunately they are often using permanent markers. This is a page about how to remove permanent marker from a tub and toilet.


A clean cast iron skillet.

Clean a Cast Iron Skillet with Used Coffee GroundsUsed coffee grounds and a bit of water do an excellent job of cleaning your cast iron cookware. This is a page about cleaning a cast iron skillet with used coffee grounds.


Father and Son Cleaning Dishes

Clean Dishes, Clean HouseNext time you do some dishes by hand, before you drain the sink check around to see if there is not something else in your house that needs a sudsy wash. This way the dish water does double duty. This is a page about clean dishes, clean house.


Kitchen Sponge/Scouring Pad Near a Sink

How to Remove Odors From Dish Washing SpongesConstant usage and laying about to slowly dry can result in odors developing in your dish sponge. There are a few ways to destroy the odor causing bacteria and get a bit more use out of the sponge. It is possible to carefully microwave a very damp sponge, or try running it through the dishwasher. This is a page about how to remove odors from dish washing sponges.


Mopping Stairs

Cleaning StairsStairs, whether carpeted or not, can be a hassle to clean. There are several methods for each type and some creative approaches as well, such as using a lint or hair brush for quick cleanups. This is a page about cleaning stairs.


Sports Whistle

Cleaning a Sports Whistle?Cleaning a whistle is relatively easy. Depending on the composition, you should be able to wash it in warm water and detergent. After that it can be soaked in a disinfectant such as Listerine and dried thoroughly. This is a page about cleaning a sports whistle.


Old Doll

Cleaning an Old DollBefore you try to clean your old doll you will want to first determine the doll's composition. That information will help determine the best cleaners to use to prevent damage. This is a page about cleaning an old doll.


Pile of Toys after Playtime

Picking Up Toys After PlaytimeIt can seem like a big job to clean up your children's toys after they have finished playing. This page offers some tips for making it an easily and faster job. This is a page about picking up toys after playtime.


A illustrated bottle of super glue.

Removing Super GlueWhen crafting or repairing an item it is possible to accidentally get the glue on clothing, the work surface, and elsewhere. Depending on where the glue is there are a number of safe methods for trying to remove it. This is a page about removing super glue.


Cleaning Water From Marble

How to Clean Water Spots on MarbleMarble polish is one possible solution for removing water spots on a marble surface. This is a page about how to clean water spots on marble.


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Removing Unpleasant Taste from Metal Wine Growler?I just used a new insulated wine growler for the first time and my first glass of wine was fine, but my next glass had picked up a taste that was inside the growler. Any suggestions for removing that potential taste in the future?


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Removing Gorilla Glue from Skin?Does anyone know how to get Gorilla Glue off of my finger tips?


Fire in a brick fireplace with soot on the outside.

Cleaning Soot From BricksThis is a page about cleaning soot from bricks. Soot on your fireplace bricks can be unsightly. In addition to a number of spray cleaners that can help remove the stains, you may find that a soot sponge does the job too.


Women's Red Leather Gloves with Rabbit Fur

Removing Musty Smell in Rabbit Fur Lined Gloves?Fur lined gloves require special cleaning methods. After repeated wearing and storage the fur may develop a musty odor. This is a page about removing a musty smell in rabbit fur lined gloves.


Stack of CDs

Cleaning Dog Urine Off of CDs?Removing dried dog urine on your CDs is easy to do. Simply wash them with warm, soapy water and allow to air dry. This is a page about cleaning dog urine off of CDs.


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Faulty Vacuum Cleaner Blew Ash Throughout House?My daughter was vacuuming her fireplace with a dry vac to clean out the ash. After she finished she turned around to learn something had gone wrong with the vac and her house is covered with black ash, floors, painted and wallpapered walls, shelves, etc. Any advise on how to clean this up?


Brick Wall

Cleaning BrickDepending the goal of your brick cleaning project you may need to use methods and/or cleaners specifically designed for brick. This is a page about cleaning brick.


Old Typewriter

How to Clean an Old TypewriterWhether you are old school and still use a manual typewriter or are refurbishing one as a bit of decor, cleaning it is one of the necessary steps. This is a page about how to clean an old typewriter.


Ceiling fan on a white background.

Dusting Ceiling FansThe blades and housing on ceiling fans collect a lot of dust when in use and even when not being used. Such high dusting jobs can be messy and difficult to reach. This is a page about dusting ceiling fans.


A yellow and green kitchen sponge.

How to Keep a Kitchen Sponge from Getting StinkyAllowing your sponge to dry out between uses will help keep it from developing smells. This is a page about how to keep a kitchen sponge from getting stinky.


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Removing a Wrong Phone Number Printed on Tote Bags?At my place of work, we ordered tote bags with our information printed on them. They arrived with the wrong phone number, how can we remove the number? Thank you so much for your help.


A yellow lab laying on a cement floor.

Cleaning Dog Pee Off a Cement FloorCleaning the stains and odor of pet urine off of concrete requires the right product and often some serious scrubbing. This is a page about cleaning dog pee off a cement floor.


A name tag sticker on a shirt.

Removing Sticker Adhesive from Fabric?Sticker or label adhesive can be difficult to remove. This is a page about removing sticker adhesive from fabric.


An illustration of cleaners at a store.

Uses for Awesome Cleaner from Dollar GeneralAwesome cleaner is a good inexpensive multipurpose cleaner that you can get at most dollar stores. This is a page about uses for Awesome cleaner from Dollar General.


A house on fire.

Cleaning Collectibles Damaged in a House Fire?Water and smoke damage can lessen the value of collectibles. This is a page features advice about cleaning collectibles damaged in a house fire.


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Cleaning Throw Pillows?I have several pretty throw pillows, but I hesitate to put them in the washer. Is there a safe way to clean them? What should I use that won't ruin the material?


Cleaning Stains Off Vinyl Siding - tan stain on siding

Cleaning Stains Off Vinyl Siding?I power washed my deck and I got some paint chips (that were adhered to the wood) on my vinyl siding. When I peeled them off they left a residue, blotchy stains on the siding.


shaving cream can

Preventing Rust RingsMetal cans and moisture can result in rust rings on countertops and other surfaces in your kitchen and bath. This is a page about preventing rust rings.


A man standing on a roof cleaning his home's siding with a pressure washer.

Cleaning Your Home's SidingNo matter what type of siding you have on your home, routine cleaning is a worthwhile project. This is a page about cleaning your home's siding.


Green plastic bowls.

Removing Label Glue from Plastic Bowls?When removing the label glue from plastic bowls remember to make sure that the product you use is safe to use on plastic. This is a page about removing label glue from plastic bowls.


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