
Cleaning BathroomsAsk a Question Follow

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Mildew off Tiles?Does anyone have any ideas what to do about completely getting rid of the mildew on the bathroom tiles? -Anna Marie in Lesigny France


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Removing Stains on Marble Countertops?My marble countertops in the bathrooms have turned quite yellow in spots. Any suggestions on how to get them clean again? I've tried everything from bleach to Zap.


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Removing Bathtub Appliques?How do you remove those non-skid bathtub appliques without damaging the tub surface? We've tried all sorts of cleaners, Goo-Gone and turpentine and they still hang on.


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Marble Cleaning?I have marble in my bathroom and I'm not sure how to clean it. Any tips?


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Stains Above Toilet Water Line?Please help! I moved into a townhouse and both toilets have greenish stains above the water line where the water flows (in lines down the bowl to the water line.) I can only assume these are from over-use of colored "toilet tabs" and the like without regular cleaning. I am able to clean below the water line nicely, but above the water line it is horribly stained. Any suggestions? Would pumice work for these stains? Thanks! CherryTuscadero from Maryland


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Tips for Storing Toothbrushes?I keep seeing infomercial on tv for toothbrush sterilizer that claims much of the germs from sink and toilet use settle into toothbrushes, and by extension must settle on bath towels etc. Does anyone have tips on what solution to store toothbrushes?


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Tips for Cleaning the Bathroom with Small Children?What is the easiest and quickest way to clean two bathrooms? I have two full bathrooms and a six month old little boy. He is in to everything so I can't leave him to do it and I was told not to let babies get around the smell or cleaners because it is bad for them. I could probably do it in the time that he is sleeping but he only takes 15 minute naps now so it has to be very fast! What takes the dirt out of a tub the best? I can't find anything that works good. Thank you! eescott182002 (at) yahoo (dot) com Erricka, North Carolina


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Pink Stain in Toilet?I have this pink stain as a ring around the top of my water line in my toilet bowl. I have tried bleach tank drop ins with no success. Is there an effective tank drop in for these stains? I don't like those kind that hang on the side of the bowl and i don't like scrubbing those stains away every day either! Dengo


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Motor Oil Stains in Sink?Please help! My boyfriend is a mechanic and there are motor oil stains in our bathroom sink! Does anyone know how I can get these pesky stains off the porcelain? Lacey


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My Dirty, Old, Pitted Tub! Keeping it Clean?I have a very old, pitted porcelain bath tub that I can't afford to refinish or replace. It collects a lot dirt in the pits and I cannot get it clean. it no longer shines at all! It isn't stained, just has hard to remove dirt. I have done the bleach thing, Comet, various cleaners, even some from the janitorial supply house, throughout the years but nothing seems to work (scrubbing bubbles is the best) I have tendonitis in my arm and cannot scrub for long periods of time. If I do get it clean is there an economical finish or wax that I can use on it so it stays cleaner longer? Thank You!!! Sas-E-Sheri


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Cleaning Caulk at Base of Tub?I have a fiberglass tub. However, the glue that adheres to the base has started to turn black and is hard to remove. I've tried everything, can someone provide me with some suggestions on how to clean up this ugly mess.


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Gummy Spots on Countertops?My kitchen countertops are gummy and sticking. I have tried everything to get them to come clean. It is not all over the counter, but in spots. Can you please help me get them clean and let me know what caused this, so I can make sure it doesn't happen again. Thanks, Diana


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Scratched Plastic Bath Tub?Anyone know what to do about a plastic bath tub with surface scratches? The scratches used to show up in white which was not too noticable, but now they have darkened. Thanks, Julia


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Grout Smell After Toilet Overflow?My young daughter clogged the toilet, when using the bathroom, with too much toilet paper. She flushed the toilet and *everything* overflowed on to the floor. Our floors are 12" x 12" ceramic tile with 1/2" grout lines between each tile. I have tried everything I can possibly think of short of replacing all the grout to remove the foul smell in the bathroom, but to no avail. Any suggestions??? Thank you, Jeni G.


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Cleaning Bleach Stain On An Old Claw Tub?We have an old claw tub (50+ years old) in our apartment. In an attempt to clean and brighten it up we used bleach! I know now this was a huge mistake! Does anyone know to to remove brownish bleach stains?



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Cleaning SOS Pad Marks from a Tub?I decided to clean the bathtub the other day as there was an ugly ring. I thought that an SOS pad would do the trick, wrong! There are faint grey/black marks everywhere the pad touched the tub. Any ideas on how to get rid of this? I tried bleach, ammonia and comet without success. Thanks! Melnago


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Cleaning Wax From Ceramic Tile?Hi, I recently bought this house and the homeowner before had used wax on her ceramic tile in the bathroom. My problem is that the grout below the wax has dirt in it and I want to take the wax off and clean the grout also. What is the best thing to use? I have tried some chemicals, but it takes alot of scrubbing and it really isn't working? Donna J.


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Preventing Mildew In The Bathroom?I have heard if you stash a few pieces of charcoal in a corner or two in the bathroom it would absorb moisture and discourage mold. I have used Damp-rid before but it gets too expensive. Has anyone ever tried this or know of any other things to try that are cheap? Stephanie


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Tub Stained From Non-skid Strips?When we bought our home the tub had dark stains in it from them having those non-skid strips applied to it. Is there anyone that can tell me how to remove these stains? I have tried soft scrub and ajax, as well as comet and bleach and had no luck. I tried them all separately and didn't mix them with anything but water. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks to everyone! LilHoneyBrat from MN


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Cleaning Old Bathroom Tiles?Hi there. I live in an old brownstone and have those small white hexagonal tiles in my bathroom (like most other old brownstones in Boston). They are quite old and are now pretty dingy. I have tried cleaning them with bleach, to no avail. Does anyone have any ideas for getting the tiles white again? Melane from Boston


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Bleach Cleaner on Colored Grout?I have colored grout. Can you use the chlorine bleach grout cleaner on colored grout?


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Cleaning Bathroom Faucets?Tips for cleaning bathroom faucets. Post your ideas.


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Cleaning Curling Irons?Tips for cleaning curling irons. Post your ideas.


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Cleaning The Bathroom Ceiling?I sprayed vinegar on my ceiling in the bathroom and then used my floor Swiffer to clean it up. Made this hard job easier for me but I bet you already knew that trick..


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Bathtub Crud Buildup?I just moved into an apt that had a rubber bathmat in the tub. Now there's about 30 large, round circles of buildup in the tub. How do I remove them economically, or at all. I can't find anything that helps.


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Gray Spots On Tub?Our bathtub is an older, porcelain style tub. We have very hard water in our town and we do not have a softener. Now the tub has developed some gray looking spots on the bottom and I have no idea how to get rid of them.


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Thick Scum Build Up Around Toilet?I recently purchased a block of flats from some people who didn't clean, I'm having some trouble with the toilet in one of them. The outside of the toilet is covered in some sort of caked on build up, including all the piping and floor around it!


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Burn Marks In Kitchen Sink?Some paper work caught fire while doing the bills in the kitchen (yes stupid i know!) and the nearest place to move the flame safely was the kitchen sink.


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Mould On Silicone Around the Bath?How can i keep mould from reoccuring on silicone around a bath?


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Removing Paint From A Porcelain Bathtub?I am looking for ideas on how to remove paint from a porcelain bathtub. Previous owners covered the tub with white paint to make it look "new" before selling the house. I want the old porcelain back!



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Cleaning Mirror Tips?Tips for cleaning mirrors. Post your ideas.


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Cleaning the Bathroom?It's not fun but has to be done. Tips for cleaning the bathroom. Post your ideas.


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Leg Wax on Rug?My daughter got into my leg wax and spilled it all over the bathroom rugs. (It was not hot when it spilled.) I don't know exactly what the material is. It's just a normal bathroom rug. Can anyone help me get this out?


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Ring Around the Tub?I have a ring around my porciline tub. I have tried almost every product out there. Does anyone have the answer?


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Keeping the Bathroom Clean?Tips to help keep the bathroom clean. Post your ideas.


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Liquid Nail Glue and Fiberglass Sink?We put in a fiberglass sink and now I have liquid nail glue on the Formica counter. How would I go about removing it safely without damaging the counter or the sink?


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Tilex Stained My Porcelain Tub?Does anyone know how to remove stains from a bath tub? Last night, I sprayed Tilex on the shower wall to clean the show wall. I did not rinse them off the tiles. This morning, the entire bath tub has brown and yellow spots. I tried bleach, Tilex, soft scrub and none worked. Would someone help with this problem?


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Clean Caulking and Grout In Bathroom?I live in an old apartment and my bathroom seems to have lots of impenetrable stains on the grout and caulk. I've tried Tilex, 409, bleach, but none seem to do much. I was reading one post about natural enzyme products. Does anyone have any opinions about these? Where do you find them?


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Milk Stains on Foam Mattress?I would like to know if anyone out there has tips on cleaning dried in milk stains from foam a mattress? My kid likes to drink milk form his bottle when he sleeps and I often find a wet patch of milk on the mattress. it has happened many times and now the bedroom is starting to smell because of this problem.


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Ink Stain on Porcelain Sink?I need some ideas on how to get ink from an ink pen off of a porcelain sink and the counter top.


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Cleaning One Inch Tiles?I have a bathroom floor with one inch tiles. How can I clean the white tiles and white grout?


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Mold on a Bath Mat?I have a bath mat with the suction cups on the bottom. Is there any way to keep this from growing mold? After every shower, I hang the mat up to dry. I leave the shower curtain open for a while to let the air circulate.


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Cleaning a Brushed Antique Brass Sink?My sink basin is metal and I am having a hard time cleaning the soap deposits from it. It has a brushed antique brass finish. In the past I had liquid handsoap in a dispenser for guests to use and it would spot the finish with a greenish-blue cast.


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Motor Grease Stains in Bathtub?My husband is a mechanic and gets very greasy at times. When he showers the tub gets so nasty and I clean it constantly. However, I still have black places in the tub from grease and oil stains. I have tried a number of things but just can't figure it out.


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Makeup Stains on a Countertop?How do you remove makeup stains off a white countertop?



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Stains From Air Freshener on Bathroom Mirror?I seem to have a cloudy film on my mirror that I believe has come from spraying air freshener in the room. My problem is I have tried vinegar, water and glass cleaner. It seems to just smear it.


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Candle Wax Stains on a Jacuzzi Tub?For V-day I set candles up around the jacuzzi tub, I did place something under the candles but they melted faster than expected and went onto the tub, the wax came up but left stains. Any suggestions on getting those off?


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Removing Sticky Strips from Bathtub?My sticky strips in the bathtub are coming up. Now I have sticky residue where the strips were. Any ideas on how to remove these?


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Countertop Stained With Whitening Toothpaste?My children stained my dark gray formica countertop with toothpaste (whitening toothpaste). Is there a way to restore the color or draw out the "bleached" stain?


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Removing Tape from a Bathtub?I need to know what is the best way to clean off old two sided tape from a bathtub, so i can install new bath shields.


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Removing Soap Scum From Ceramic Tiles?I have recently moved to a house that was built in the 40's and it has black ceramic tile in the shower and bath. They are lovely, but the ones in the shower have either hard water stains or soap scum. I have already used kaboom and a few other products with no effect.


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Cleaning Bathtub Rings?Tips for Cleaning Bathtub Rings. I am disabled and have a terrible time cleaning the bathtub. We have a big garden tub that has a step you can place your knees on if you clean.


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Yellow Stains on an Old Porcelain Tub?Yellow Stains on an Old Porcelain Tub. One of our bathrooms has the original bathtub, it's 40+ years old. A drab yellowish stain covers much of the interior sides, especially towards the front of the tub. It has also lost any shine on the porcelain, too.


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Removing Grime From Shower Walls and Caulk?I need to get grime off my shower caulk and walls.


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Sharpie on Porcelain?My 4 year old wrote on my porcelain toilet seat with a black sharpie marker and it won't come off with bleach or acetone, any more suggestions?


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Cleaning a Plastic Bathtub and Shower?Cleaning a plastic bath tub and shower stall. It has a lot of mold and mildew as well as soap scum. I have used Tilex and scrub brushes but it will not budge.


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Cleaning Hair Off The Bathroom Floor?I am having a horrible time trying to get hair of my bathroom floor. I pretty much have to get on my knees and look for the hair before I mop. Does anyone have any ideas?


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How can I remove hard water deposits off plumbing fixtures?How can I remove hard water deposits off plumbing fixtures?


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How do I clean lime from my bathtub?How do I clean lime from my bathtub? It's an older house that I just moved into, probably built in the 1950's or so. The bathtub looks as if the last person that lived here never cleaned it!


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Film on Shower Doors?What is the best way to remove "film" off of shower doors?


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Water Spots in a Black Toilet?Does anyone know how to clean water spots out of a black toilet? I have a beautiful black toilet and it is full of water spots that are ugly! Any advice on how to get rid of them?


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Hair Dye on Wood Trim?How do you remove Hair Dye from your wood trim or cabinets in your bathroom?


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Cleaning Whirlpool Jets?Do you have any tips for cleaning whirlpool jets?


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Preventing Mineral Built Up In a Toilet?Preventing Mineral Built Up In a Toilet. Quite a mineral buildup in our toilet and drain. I have had our toilet off once before, and the lime or calcium deposits had blocked the actual drain hole in the floor by about 50%.


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Preventing a Shower Mirror From Becoming Foggy?Preventing a Shower Mirror From Becoming Foggy. How can I keep a shower mirror from becoming foggy and spotted, is there a certain brand or type I can buy that this doesn't happen to?


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Bleach Stain on a Bathroom Basin?How can I remove a bleach stain from my bathroom basin. I used a bleach gel to clean the basin and it left a yellow stain where I applied it.


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Stains From a Mat in a Bathtub?How do you clean old stains from the mat in the bathtub?


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Stain Around a Bathtub Drain?I clean my bathroom almost every week but i've noticed a bright green ring around the drain in my bathtub and sink. What could this be?


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Cleaning Ceramic Bathroom Tiles?What is the best cleaning solution for cleaning ceramic shower tiles so they look nice and glossy afterwards and not show water marks? Is there something that will both do this and clean the grout as well?


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Discolored Silicone Sealant?How can I prevent or remove the black fungal discoloration in the silicone sealant surrounding wet tiled areas and shower trays?


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Shampoo Bottle Stain?How do you remove a gray stain from a shampoo bottle left on the shelf of a fiberglass tub?


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Cleaning a Mesh Bath Sponge?How to clean a mesh bath sponge?


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Mildew Stains in the Shower?How do you get rid of mold and mildew stains in the shower?


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What is the best grout cleaner?What is the best cleaner for cleaning the grout in bathroom tile?


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Soap Scum on Marble?Anyone have any luck with removing soap scum from marble? Especially the shower floor?


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Calcium Deposits on Faux Marble?My 1980's faux "marbly" type shower stall and counter tops are dull and have calcium deposits. How can I get them to sparkle again?


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Black Marks from Plastic on a Bathroom Sink?I have a marble type bathroom sink that has been marked up by my sons hot wheels plastic toothbrush. I can't get the black plastic marks to come off the sink surface. Any suggestions?


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Using Pledge on Shower Doors?Is Pledge furniture polish OK to use on glass shower doors?


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Bath Crayon Stains on a Tub?How do you get bath crayons color off of a plastic bathtub? The crayon wax came off, but the color remained!


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Gray Marks on a Porcelain Sink?How do you get the gray mark out of your kitchen sink. My sink is just a year old and the marks are getting worse. I use cleanser but it doesn't budge them.


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Permanent Marker on Tile Grout?How do you clean permanent marker off of tile grout?


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SOS Pad Stained Toilet?Our cleaning lady used an SOS pad inside the toilet, and now there are gray stains! I let it soak twice with toilet bowl cleaner and scrubbed, and it helped a little, but is still there.


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Cleaning Cedar Shower Walls?My husband and I are in the process of buying a house that has a bathroom with a large walk in shower that has cedar walls. I am wondering if anyone has info on how to clean and maintain cedar walls.


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Removing Caulk from a Faucet?How do I remove rubberized caulk from chrome faucet?


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Cleaning Gunk Around Faucets?I am trying to clean the "gunk" that settles around the base of the faucets and I can't get it off. Anyone know how to do this effectively?


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Toilet Ring from Silicates?I have a toilet bowl ring that nothing will remove, not even hydrogen chloride 23%. I was told it was silicates in my water. I don't want to use a pumice stone. Anything else I can use?


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Streak Free Bathroom Tiles?I have 4x4 white tiles with white grout around my double sinks in the master bath. I can get them clean but by the end of the day they have spots and streaks. I have used the "wipes" - hoping for a longer lasting fix. I have even thought of using tile sealer. Any ideas would be appreciated.


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Water Spots on Smooth Tiles?We tiled our shower floor with 2' x 2' smooth cobalt blue tiles. We didn't clean it properly from the beginning and it's dull with water spots (or is it soap, minerals?) I've tried ordinary cleaners, white vinegar and toilet bowl cleaner but nothing works! I would love any suggestions.


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Urine Odor in Elementary School Bathroom?What removes urine odor from an elementary school bathroom? I am a custodian, and little boys seem to "miss" quite often. The products provided by the school aren't working very well. There always seems to be an underlying urine odor. I haven't been at this job very long, so any help would really be appreciated!


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Removing Suction Cup Stain From Fiberglass Shower?I have a fiberglass shower - I use those suction type stick ons to hold wash mitts etc but when the suction lets go there is this nasty suction cup mark left behind. I have tried clorox clean up - magic sponge you name it - next idea is automotive compound - HELP!


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Cleaning Textured Bathtub Floor?I have a textured bathtub floor that I can not get clean. My mom has the same type of bathtub, and between the two of us, we can't find anything that will clean deep down in the grooves of the textured surface.


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Cloudy Bronzed Metal Faucets?How do you remove cloudiness and spots from bronzed metal faucets? I have 2 year old Delta "venetian bronze" faucets and sprayed a soap scum remover product on them while cleaning my tub. Now they are cloudy and spotty. It looks as if I have never cleaned them. Have I ruined my faucets? How can I fix this?


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Removing Grout from Ceramic Floor Tiles?My husband installed a new ceramic tile floor in our mud room.


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Looking for Eliminate Shower, Tub and Tile Cleaner or Substitute?I have used Eliminate Shower Tub and Tile Cleaner for many, many years. It works wonders on my bathroom tile and grout. I haven't been able to find it anywhere lately. Is there another cleaner out there that works REALLY well on grout?


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Water Stains on Tile?How do I remove water stains from ceramic tiles in the shower?


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Shower Has an Onion Smell?When I use my shower, it smells like onions - not rotten onions, just onions. I rent my place. It was probably built about 1940 and has not been updated. Does anyone know why this is and what I can do about it?


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Removing Dye from a Fiberglass Tub?I just finished dying slip covers in my fiberglass tub. The directions on the dye said not to do this, but...


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Removing a Hard Water Scale from Fiberglass Bathtub?I have very heavy hard water scale on my fiberglass bathtub. Muriatic acid has cleaned my toilets nicely, but I don't know if it is safe for the fiberglass bathtub. I have tried every other cleaner like bleach, CLR, comet, etc....


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Cleaning Bead Board Swans Stone in Bathroom?I just recently had my bathroom remodeled. My husband did this since this is what he does for a living. He put 'Swans stone' all around the bathtub/shower area. It was VERY expensive. Does anyone know how to clean this? I have Swan stone made with the 'bead board' look inside and soap scum gets in the crevices and it looks terrible. It does not come clean. Any ideas?


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Cleaning a Marble Sink?I have a marble sink in a vanity top which is difficult to clean. What is the best way to clean a marble sink and keep from scratching it?


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Magnetic Toilet Bowl Cleaners?Do Magnetic Toilet Bowl Cleaners really work? I have hard water stains and scale in my toilet bowls that is difficult to get out, even with a pumice stone.


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Using a Pumice Stone on Porcelain Toilet Bowl?I have a porcelain toilet bowl and we have well water. I read the replies on here about pumice stones but won't they hurt the porcelain bowl? My bowl has a light stain to it. What about Bon Ami or Comet?


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