
Cleaning FloorsAsk a Question Follow

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Grease/Oil Stains on Asphalt?Can anyone tell me how to get grease/oil removed from asphalt? I've heard kitty litter works, but some of the stains could be as old as 5 months. Thanks a bunch.


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Strip Wax from Asbestos Tile?How do you strip wax from Asbestos tile?


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Removing Yellow Spots (Lime?) From FloorHi, we recently moved into a new apartment in Denmark, and the bathroom floor is really yellow. I'm not quite sure how to describe it, but it looks a bit like pebbles set in clear resin or something, but it's extremely hard wearing. I get the feeling that the colour might be due to limescale (as we have very hard water here, and the limescale on the tiles was yellowy), but I'm not sure. I've tried bleach and limelite gel (separately) but neither seems to have helped. Any ideas? Thanks, from Ida.


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Wax Residue on Wood FloorsHow do I remove candle wax residue from wood/veneer floors? -Vada


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Easy Floor CleanerMix 1 cup white vinegar with 2 gallons hot water. For greasy floors, add 1/4 cup washing soda and 1 tablespoon vegetable-oil-based soap to the above mixture. By Kathy


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Spot Cleaning the Kitchen FloorSpot clean your kitchen floor when company's coming and no time to get out the mop! Throw down a dampened sponge and scrub it around with your foot, then clean it in the sink or drop in a plastic bag to clean later. Saves your nails and knees! By Ann Emond


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Bringing The Shine Back On A Linoleum Floor?How can I get the shine back on my linoleum floor? Thank you, Katie from NY


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Best Time to Mop the FloorThe best time to mop your kitchen is late at night when everyone has gone to bed. This way you will not have any foot prints left by your kids or husband. By Karen P in TN


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Cleaning Up Winter Slush and SaltA great way to clean up the winter slush and salt that your vehicle leaves behind on your garage floor is to use fresh "snow"! Just scoop a few shovels full on the wet areas and sweep it back and forth with a push broom. Works just like sweeping compound! I've done this for years! Keeps the mess out of your house! By JESSICA J KOSS


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Wood Glue on Wood Floor?I got a large drop of wood glue on a wood floor. Any ideas on how to remove it? Melanie


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Paint On Wood Floors?How do you get paint off wood floors?


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Dirt Stains on Commercial Tile Floor?I am trying to get dirt stains out of commmercial tile floors. Waxing after cleaning does not keep the shine and after a few days they look worn again?


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Kilz Spots on Floor?Does anyone know how to get Kilz off of the good tile and laminate floor? I treated the bad wood but I got some on the good floors and it doesn't seem to come off with anything that I have tried so far.


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Water Spots on Hardwood Floors?Anyone know how to get water spots out of hardwood floors?


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Raw Eggs On Hardwood Floor?My baby brother spilled eggs (uncooked) on our hardwood floor before we left on vacation and nobody noticed until we got back. I wanted to know if anybody had any cleaning tips to get them off the floor, especially since we have company coming soon.



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Yellow Marks On Linoleum?I have marks on my linoleum flooring caused by those felt circles that are supposed to prevent furniture from scuffing the floor. They now appear to have caused permanent yellow lines on my linoleum flooring.


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Pen on a Cork Floor?My 3 year old son got a hold of a black pen and decided to draw on my mother's brand new cork floor. I don't want to damage the floor, but I'm not sure what I can use to remove the marks.


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Mop vs. Swifter for Hardwood Floors?Can anyone tell me which is best for washing hardwood floors: a mop or one of those swifter things. I'm dreading tackling them as they are new and I don't want streaks.


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Steam Cleaner For Floors and Windows?Has anyone used a steam cleaner that does linoleum floors and windows?


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How to clean 30 years worth of dirt of a floor?I've recently moved into a new house and am at my wits end trying to clean the kitchen floors. The floor is approximately 30 year old linoleum. This was previously a rental property, so you can imagine the mess. I've tried conventional floor cleaners and also clorox spray cleaner. Any more ideas would be greatly appreciated since I can't afford to replace the floor any time soon.


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Best Cleaner for Worn Wood Floors?We have worn wooden floors in our dining room, the finish is worn away in spots. All of the cleaning andwaxing products I've seen say not to use them on scratched floors.


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Gasoline Odor On From Floor?I just recently removed some vinyl tiles from a wooden floor, it had a lot of glue and I removed it with a lot of paint thinner. After that I sanded the floor and bought a stain and wax from minwax and the the wood soak it all up but it didn't leave it shiny.


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Leg Wax on a Tile Floor?I have a tile bathroom floor, I recently spilled leg wax on the floor, and I can't get it up. I have tried acetone, scraping, laying a paperbag over it and blow drying it. Nothing works, most of it is gone, but there is a sticky resudue.


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Cleaning a Painted Linoleum Floor?I have a painted linoleum floor in my bathroom that just won't get clean around the edges with regular mopping. I've tried one heavy-duty cleaner, with no luck. I'm almost ready to just paint it over, but I worry about painting over dirt.


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Cleaning Deep Fryer Grease Off the Floor?My son spilled the grease from the Fry Daddy all over the kitchen (linoleum) floor, I have moped it several times and it is still really slippery.


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Cleaning No Wax FloorsMop your no-wax floor with 1 cup white vinegar and 1 gallon of water. This will make the floor shine!


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Candle Wax on Linoleum?I was wondering if anyone knows how to get candle wax off of linoleum floors?


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Sharpie on Tile?My children constantly love to draw and now somehow we have managed to end up with black "Sharpie" marks on one area of the white tile on my living room floor. Is there ANYTHING anyone knows of I can use to remove the marks?


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Hair Dye Stains on Hardwood Floors?How can you get hair dye stains off of hardwood floors?


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Cleaning Under a Gas Stove?I live in a mobile home which was previously occupied by both my brothers and their significant others. I don't know that they ever cleaned under or around the stove. I can understand maybe why (they didn't know how), it is a gas stove, I'm not sure about cleaning under it and around it.



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Polyurethane Spilled on Concrete?I spilled a can of polyurethane on garage floor! It's a concrete floor. Any ideas on how to remove it?


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Keeping Long Hair From Getting Tangled in the Vacuum?I have very long hair and it is falling more now after I had our daughter. It has become a problem when vacuuming. Does anyone have any ideas on how to manage getting the hair up off the floor without having to untangle it from the rollers every time I vacuum?


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Whiskey Stain on Linoleum?A bottle of whiskey broke my kitchen rug and now there is a big stain on my linoleum floor. I have tried some removers but nothing has worked! Any suggestions would be helpful!


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Cleaning Cat Urine off a Cement Floor?How do I clean cat urine off of a cement floor that won't hurt the cats if they lick it?


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Safe Cleaners for Hardwood Floors?Are cleaners such as Fabuloso and Brillo safe to use on hardwood floors?


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White Out Stain on a Wood Floor?I dropped "white out" on my wood floor,i n front of my desk. It made quite a bad spill. I'm afraid my efforts to clean up only made matters worse further spreading the stain.


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Old English Scratch Remover Stains on Hardwood Floors?I recently had my wooden floors sanded, stained and polyeurethaned. They did a great job. The problem? I was using Old English Scratch Remover (which is essentially stain) on a couch. I didn't realize at the time that I had unfortunately spilled a few drops (at least 10 to 15) on my newly done wooden floors!


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Cleaner for Laminate Flooring?What kind of commercial cleaner is best for laminate flooring?


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Fish Smell on a Tile Floor?Fish Smell on a Tile Floor. A freezer door was left open and liquid from frozen fish leaked on the ceramic tile floor and now a horrible smell exists.


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Dog Pee on Wood Floors?I have a Doberman that likes to pee on my wood floors and I can't get the stain out? What can I use?


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Sticky Linoleum?How do I clean sticky linoleum in my kitchen?


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Scuff Marks on Pergo Flooring?What do I use to remove scuff marks from Pergo flooring?


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Removing Masking Tape from Hardwood Floors?I taped the hardwood floor with masking tape a long time ago to paint the moldings. I'm just getting around to removing it and having an awful battle! Anyone have any solutions to try?


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Cleaning Painted Cement?Our back room has a cement floor that was painted. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to clean this? Products to use, etc. Just general mopping.


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Removing Fingernail Polish from a Laminate Floor?Does anyone have suggestions on how to remove fingernail polish from laminate hardwood floor? It is an engineered floating floor, which means it has a very thin layer of real wood.



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Glue on Bamboo Flooring?When we had our new bamboo floors installed last week, the installers got some glue on top of the bamboo which was not readily evident until the floor was finished. By then the glue had dried hard! We are getting the glue off with SOS but it is leaving a dull place. How do we restore the shine to the flooring?


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Yellow Stains on Vinyl?How do I remove yellow stains on vinyl?


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Alternatives To A Swiffer?What is the best alternative to the Swiffer dry mop?


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Light Spot On Wood Floor After Cleaning Up Old Urine?I had dark urine dog stains on my hardwood floor and I used the hydrogen peroxide technique however I may have used too much or left it on for too long because now that area of my floor is noticeably a lighter shade than the rest of my hardwood floor! HELP!


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Keeping Concrete Underfloor Clean?I've just pulled carpeting in my house and am down to the concrete floors. As it will be a few weeks before I'm ready to lay new carpet and hardwood, what I can use to keep the concrete floors clean?


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Removing Black Urine Stain On Hardwood?I just found a nasty black stain on the hardwood floor under my daughter's bed. She hid a pair of underwear she had an accident in and apparently the urine has turned the floor jet black .. is there anything I can use to remove the stain without sanding down the wood? I don't think the floor has much of a finish left on it but it's a rental and I don't want to get stuck footing the bill to have the floor redone! Thanks for any suggestions!


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Removing Footprints From Waxed Floor?How do you remove footprints from walking in wet floor wax after it has dried?


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Removing Pink Bath Wash From Closet Floor?In our closet we spilled pink colored bath wash few months back (I don't recollect exactly when, as we do not use that closet except for dumping stuff).


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Electric Buffer That Can be Used on Laminate Floor?I have Armstrong laminate flooring. The only product recommended by the manufacturer is Orange-Glo Hardwood cleaner, to be used with the accompanying micro-fiber mop. Even when a small amount is used, I get so much drag with the mop, that this job is incredibly labor-intensive for me. Compounded by the fact that I have significant arthritis issues, I dread cleaning my floors.


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Red Face Paint on Floor?How do I remove red face paint off my kitchen floor and carpet?


Hardwood Floor Cleaner That is Safe for Pets?I adopt abused Shih Tzus and those with health problems. I now have had 2 unneutered males about 10 yrs old who raise their legs on any vertical surface. I also have a 5 yr old who constantly licks the sealed hardwood floors. What I seek is a cleaner for the hardwood floors that won't harm my 'licker' or the finish on the floors. Thanks for any suggestions. I can't afford to have the floors refinished any time soon.


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Bleach Stain on Tile Floor?I spilled bleach on my bathroom floor and now have an ugly yellow stain. Is there anything that will remove this from the tile?


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Dirt in Grain of Unsealed Hardwood Floors?I have hardwood floors, no sealant. We use traffic wax from time to time. In the high traffic areas dirt has gotten into the grain. How can I clean it to become the same color as the rest of the floor. I also use pure orange oil to keep the floor from drying out.


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Slippery Wood Floors?I just moved in to my new home but I have a problem. The hard wood floors are super slick! They are the original floors and great when you wear rubber soled shoes but we have a house rule of no shoes in the house.


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Removing Endust Residue From Pergo Floors?I just had Pergo floors put in and my contractors cleaned them with 1/2 a can of Endust. Now they are all oily and greasy. What can I use to get it off the floor? Please help!


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Removing Wood Putty From Laminate Flooring?How do I get wood putty off laminate flooring?


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Removing Super Glue From Laminate Floor?How do I remove Super Glue on laminate wood flooring without damaging it?


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Nail Polisher Remover Stain on Tile?I am epileptic and had a seizure in the bathroom. When I did I knocked over a bottle of nail polish remover and it left a stain on the bathroom floor. It isn't a ceramic floor or a vinyl floor. Just a regular tile floor.


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How to Deep Clean Doug Fir Wood Floors Without Refinishing?I have old doug fir floors which we had stained and poly'ed professionally when we moved in 10 years ago. Now they are marked all over, every which way, with black marks, scuffs, other markings, bits of dirt that won't wash off easily etc, etc.


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Problems With Finish On Hardwood Floors?Help! I am extremely frustrated with my hardwood floor. We have the Armstrong Sugar Creek Solid Plank in cherry, so it is quite dark. I have two problems. First, we had been using the Orange Glo on it, so we have the same problem many others have had, a hazy, milky residue that we can't get off. I've read so many conflicting things (Windex, Quick Shine, wax stripper) I don't what to do to get this residue off.


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Black Spots On Bathroom Tile Floor?I have black spots on my bathroom tile floor. Not knowing what they are, what would you suggest for cleaner? I've used vinegar, household cleaners, scrubbing with SOS pads and erasers. Nothing has worked! I thought at first, black shoe sole marks but I can usually get them up. Mildew stains maybe?


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Recommendations For Mopping Products?What do you think is the best mop or cleaning product for mopping floors? I find nothing I use is doing well enough. Does anyone know how well the steam mops work?


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Removing Haze From Wood Flooring?Any ideas to removing cloudiness from manufactured wood floors that is probably caused by Orange Glow hardwood floor cleaner?


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Alternatives To Manufacturer's Hardwood Floor Cleaner?Does anyone have a really good way to clean pre-finished hardwood floors other than purchasing the expensive manufacturer's brand of cleaner? It costs me a fortune to use their cleaner and I know someone must have the solution.


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Use Baby Wipes On Floor SpillsUse baby wipes to clean up spills on the floor. My back is bad, so I sit here at my desk and scoot around on my office chair (on wheels) pushing a baby wipe with my foot! It's a whole lot easier and the cost is minimal. Excuse me, I must get back to that spot in the corner:)


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Cleaning New Wood Floors To Avoid Residue Build Up?What is the best way to clean new wood floors? I want to avoid soap and wax residue build up.


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Sunscreen Residue on a Wood Floor?I sprayed my daughter with Banana Boat sunscreen and it left a sticky residue on my wood floor. What will take it off without removing the finish? Thanks for any ideas!


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Cleaning and Shining Hardwood Floors?Does anyone know how to clean and shine wooden floors that have NO sealant on them? We live in a house that's almost 60 years old and can't afford to refinish the floors ourselves. Also, we don't have the physical strength to do so.


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Cleaning a Garage Floor?What is the best way to clean a garage floor and get rid of odors? I just moved into a rental house and the garage floor has a lot of oil spots on it and I think they keep their pets in the garage also.


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Using Windex On Engineered Hardwood Floor?Does anyone know what damage Windex can do to engineered hardwood floors? It seems to be the only product that works for me and doesn't leave streaks and mark up by simply walking on it? I have used both Bona Swedish Formula and Swifter Wet Jet which were disastrous as they show every foot step and dog print.


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Removing Nail Polish from Hardwood Floor?How can I remove red nail polish (almost a full bottle) from a wooden floor?


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Keeping Hardwood Floors Clean?We are building a home and went with all wood floors. They have been installed and stained but workers are still coming in and out. My problem is that it is showing dirt really bad, will this continue after the workers are done? What can I do to slow it down? I have an illness and can't clean it everyday. Please help I am desperate.


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Fibers Coming from Linoleum Floor?I moved into a new apartment less than two years ago and have a problem with my linoleum floor. I am pick up very large amounts of fiber like material, it looks like dust but it is not. The dust mop will become full of this material in 7-10 days and I mean full.


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Finger Paint on Hardwood Floor?How do I remove finger paint from a hardwood floor?


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Cleaning Wood Vs. Laminate Flooring?I want to install wood/laminate floors in a new home I am buying. I prefer hardwood. I am concerned about cleaning them. I had hardwood in a house that I just moved out of (rented) and I cleaned them with my Scooba Robot using white vinegar and water. It did not seem to bother them, they looked as good when I moved out after 5 years. Any ideas on which kind is easier to clean?


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Mop Recommendations for Polished Board Floors?I have just bought a home with polished boards and I don't know what is the best thing to clean them with. I have tried most of the current 'flashy' mops - except for the Swiffer. I am currently 'mopless' but unsure what is the best type to purchase. Please help! Thanks.


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Cleaning a Parquet Floor?I just moved to a new house and I never had a parquet floor before. I vacuumed the house but I can still see some dust, and I need to clean it. I heard water is not good for wooden floors, can someone please help me with some advice?


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Protecting Hardwood Floor from Cat Pee?Is there something I can put under a rug to keep cat pee from getting on the hardwood floor? When I have gone on vacations, my cats pee on the rugs, beds or what ever they find that is fabric. Their way of saying they don't like me leaving. I was hoping someone might know what I can put under the rugs to prevent cat pee from going on my hardwood floor.


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Cleaning Dark Wood Floors?What is the easiest way to clean and perk up dark wood floors? I can't do a lot of scrubbing and hard work for health reasons and need some advice. Even the names of products or make it yourself recipes. Thanks.


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Removing Grout from Wood Floor?How do you remove grout from wood floor that had ceramic tile on it?


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Removing Stains from Porous Floor Tiles?I am new here and I have a question about tile floors. I have porous textured tile in my kitchen that should be white. It is new and wasn't sealed so it was stained immediately. These are the tiles that should be used outdoors. Short of pressure washing, how do I get the stains out?


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Cleaning Between Wood Floor Slats?I am looking for advice about cleaning between slats of hardwood floors.


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Removing Wax Finish from Hardwood Floors?We have a wood floor with a very thin and very worn polyurethane finish, but we inadvertently cleaned the floor with a product that is a "light wax". Can anyone recommend a product or technique that will help us to remove the thin layer of wax that is on the floor?


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Clean Tiles Quickly With WipesI have light tile floors and they can show the dirt in a hurry. To keep them looking good between deep cleanings, I just grab a diaper wipe and do a quick swipe. The Walmart brand are much cheaper than the Clorox ones, and they work just as well. Quick, easy, and cheap!


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Removing Pledge Floor Shine from Laminate Floor?I used Pledge Future Floor Shine on my laminated wood floor. How can I get it off?


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Vomit Stains on Hardwood Floors?I have an older cat who vomits often on our hardwood floors. Sometimes we do not find these "gifts" until the next day. Is there a way to remove the stains that have soaked into the wood? I've tried a hairdryer, baking soda and currently have toothpaste sitting on them.


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Terra Cotta Saucers Stained Vinyl Floor?I left a plant with a terra cotta saucer on our vinyl floor for a few days. When I moved it, there was a milky mark left by the saucer. Does anyone know how I can remove this?


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Grease Stain on Floor?I have a new kitchen floor. I believe when I put the washer out to clean it left a grease stain on the floor. I can't remove it and I've tried everything.


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Vinegar and Dish Liquid as Floor CleanerI use a small drop of dish washing liquid and a 1/4 cup of vinegar in a bucket of water to wash my floors then rinse with clear water. Unless they are really grubby, it works like a charm.


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Carpet Glue on Cement Floor?How do I remove dried carpet glue from a cement floor?


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Making No-Wax Tile Floors Shine?I have no-wax tile floors and I am looking for advice on how to make them shine using natural ingredients. Is their any other products besides Mop-N-Glo? I live in the desert and my floors stay gritty when the windows are open because the sand blows in. Any advise?


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Cleaning NAFCO Brand Flooring?We have NAFCO brand luxury tile flooring in our home. The manufacturer wants us to use only their brand of cleaner (which is quite expensive).


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Using the H2O Mop on Laminate Floors?Can you use the H2O mop on laminate floors?


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Make a Broom SockI took an old towel and sewed it like a pillow case to the size of my broom. It works great to cover the broom, when I dust around the ceiling for webs and dirt. It keeps any dirt from the broom getting onto the walls. I just wash it in the laundry when it is dirty.


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Laminate Hardwood Floor Streaking?We just got Laminate Hardwood floors put in our house. The company that installed our floors told us to use this one product which leaves marks on the floor. I see greyish foot prints, mop marks, and where I sprayed the cleaner.


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Buffing Laminated Wood Flooring?What kind of buffer can be used on laminated wood flooring?


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Alternative to Swiffer Sweeper?I've never had any other dry mop other than the Swiffer Sweepers, and it's simply not enough, and not economical. I'm looking for a dry mop suggestion, because I'm clueless. (3 adults and 3 big dogs, yikes.)


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