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Parenting A Four Year Old?My daughter is almost 4 and she is beyond attached to me. I can't explain it any other way other to say that it is extremely exhausting and unhealthy. I don't know what to do. Besides the extra clingy thing, she also has a really hard time listening. From the moment she wakes up to the moment she goes to sleep, it's an ongoing battle.


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3 Year Old Is Aggressive Towards Baby?My 3yr would grab his brother's head and kiss it. This was very new and different for us because he took becoming a brother very hard and would stay far away. The baby is 7 months old and crawling now, so he seems to be more OK with him being around. Yesterday he kicked his brother and got in trouble. He later went over and kissed the baby on the top of his head, but also shook his head.


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Taking a Toddler Bowling?My grandson went bowling the other day - he just loved it. He's 3 1/2 yrs old - he's very strong & tall for his age. Is 3 or 4 yrs old too young?


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Child Has Poop Accidents in Pants?My 5 year old will pee in the pot throughout the day, but will poop in their pants. They clean their self up and have no problems about feeling remorse.


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Potty Trained Toddler Wetting the Bed at Night?My 27 month old boy stopped wetting the bed when he turned 24 months, but all of a sudden he started peeing on himself during the day and wetting the bed. What might be the problem?


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Aggressive 3 Year Old Step Daughter?My 3 year old step daughter is very aggressive with her younger sister, who is 22 months old. She is always hitting, biting, kicking, pushing and pinching her. There have been multiple times when the little one has even shed blood at the hands of her sister with scratches and bites.


Potty Training a 3 Year Old?I have a 3 year old daughter named Breawna. My husband and I started potty training her when she was 2 and she was doing really well, but later on that year my mother-in-law's colon cancer returned full force and shortly after that she passed away.


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Toddler Kicked Younger Brother?Today my four year old daughter kicked my 13 month old son in the head. When asked why she did this she said" because she wanted too." She has never done this before. What should I do? I'm a old fashion husband and I know what my dad would have done, but I feel there's a better way. Any suggestions?


Toddler Has Temper Tantrums?I'm 22 and have a 16 month old son. He gets very angry and has started kicking doors and biting himself hard enough to leave marks. I've tried to stop him and explain to him that what he is doing is wrong. I feel like I'm hitting my head of a brick wall. Any ideas?


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Young Toddler Crying All of the Time?I have a 14 month old that won't stop crying. I have not changed her diet or routine, sometimes she is crying while I am holding her. I just don't know what to do anymore. It is causing stress between my bf and I. Can someone give any advice?


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Potty Training a 21 Month Old Girl?My daughter is 21 months old and I have started to potty train her. I started when she was 19 months, because she was always taking off her diaper or wanting to sit on the potty.


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18 Month Old Wants Bottle During Night?My granddaughter is 18 months old and still wakes up at night for a bottle. She cries till she gets it. She should be done with this shouldn't she?


Dance Themes for Toddlers?Can anyone please suggest to me some simple, yet attention grabbing, dance themes with a meaningful message for 3 year old children?


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Potty Training Advice?How do I get my 3 1/2 old son to want to potty train? He just started talking now. My other son is almost two. Should I train him at the same time?


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Problems Potty Training a Two Year Old?I have a problem; my youngest child is 2 and will be starting preschool next year, but still uses her nappy. I have been told I have to potty train her before she can start. How do I do it? I have tried and she always goes everywhere else but in the toilet. Please help.



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Introducing Young Children to Computers?I have a 3 and 5 year old and I homeschool. At what age should I begin them on the computer and how? I'm 28 and I remember typing in late elementary school, but nothing else until middle school.


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Potty Training?I have twin 3 1/2 year old girls who are potty trained when it comes to "number 1." However, they will not go "number 2" on the potty. They are not potty trained for bedtime, so they wear diapers at naptime or bedtime.


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Teaching a 20 Month Old Child Manners?I'm trying to teach my nephew some basic manners and boundaries, but I don't want to involve swatting or raised voices in the process. He understands me well enough for 20 months, but we have to make some serious progress here and now. Any suggestions out there for this first-time startup family?


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Three Year Old Backsliding On Potty Training?My daughter is 3 and a half. She is usually usually fab with toilet, but for the past 2 weeks, she's constant weeing herself. I have been to the doctor and there is no infection. With her, it's not normal that she can't hold her wee in.


Potty Training a 3 Year Old?My daughter is now over 3 years old. When I first started to potty train her she would rather poop then pee on the potty. Then the past couple of months have been stressful because I can't seem to get her on the potty to poop.


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Keeping Carpets Clean with a Toddler?We are going to be moving into a new apartment in the beginning of September. I have a 10 month old who loves to make messes and the new carpets are white. My question is; does anyone have ideas or tips on how to keep the carpet (especially in the dining room area) clean?


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Potty Training a Four Year Old?I have a 4 year old and he starts school in September, but he can't stop wetting himself. I tell him everyday, every couple of hours, and I even tell his nursery teachers. I've been to the doctor's and everything seems normal.


Remedy for Toddler With Diarrhea and Diaper Rash?My 2 yr old daughter has pale diarrhea and has a really bad diaper rash. What can I do for her?


Toddler Cries Excessively?I am a mother of two. I have a 4 year old and a three year old. My 4 year old Zoey is no problem and is very well behaved, but my 3 year old Ashlyn cries over everything way more than a 3 year old should. She is very clingy to me and will not ask her dad for anything. She always asks me and she cries over everything from her sister playing with a toy she wants to not being able to put on her shoes by herself. When we try to tell her that everything is OK and to stop crying and use her words she somewhat calms down, but is still upset over the situation and continues to whine.


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Potty Training an Almost Three Year Old? I am so desperate! My 2yr old does not want to potty train. She continues to go in her pull ups. I tell her to tell mommy when she has to pee or poo, but she will not tell me. She says any and everything else accept for "mommy I have to pee/poo". I need help.


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Potty Training a Three Year Old?My daughter will be three June 9th and she's not potty trained yet. She has peed a couple times and then that was it. Now she says she's scared of it; now what do I do?


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Four Year Old is Being Mean and Aggressive?My 4 yr old has become very verbally aggressive and mean mostly to my daughter who is 2. No matter what punishment I have used nothing phases him.


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Potty Training?My dh and I have let our dd start wearing panties to bed at nite since she went one week without an accident in her pullup at nite. Now she has been about a week without accidents at nite, but is having at least one every morning after she goes to the bathroom first thing.


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Toddler Backsliding on Potty Training?Why would my potty trained 2 year old start peeing in bed?


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Ideas for Making an Activity Birthday Card for a Two Year Old?I am looking for ideas for an activity birthday card for a 2 year old. I make my own cards and would like to make the card with some kind of activities in it that my 2 year old grandson would be able to understand. Thanks for any input.



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Ideas for Keeping a House With Toddlers Clean?I'm a young mom of two toddlers. One is 3 yrs old and the other is 17 months. I find I am constantly picking up after them, it's kinda overwhelming. And also at the end of the day I am tired and don't wanna do much cleaning after they go to bed.


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Trouble Potty Training a 4 Year Old?Ever since my daughter was 3 she used the potty with little effort. She did use a diaper at night. She always waited to poop until I put the diaper on her.


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When Should the Child of a Deaf Parent Begin Learning Sign Language?My friend asked me this question: A child is born to a deaf dad and hearing mom. Which is more important? That they learn sign language before English? Or learn both at their own pace?


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Potty Training a Resistant Three Year Old?I need help. My 3 and a half year old won't poo on the pot. I've taken toys away, coached her by giving her a reward if she goes. I sat her beside me as I use the loo. Nothing is working I'm going crazy. Please, oh please, help.


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3 Year Old Girl Potty Training Advice?I need help potty training my daughter who is 3. She is my only baby and I have not a clue! Thank you for your help.


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Choosing Toys and Other Gifts for a 3 Year Old?My sons 3rd birthday is coming up soon. I have a basic idea on some things to do like having homemade cake, decorations, and a birthday card with a personalized poem/saying by me. I am just stuck with what toys and gifts to get for him.


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My Child Won't Poop In The Potty?My 3 year old always poops in his pants. One morning he woke up about 3am, while I was asleep. He had no pants on and he put his pillow under his bare bum and started pooing on it.


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Helping Children Who Are Afraid of Animals?My son, 2 and my daughter who will be 4 in Nov., are afraid of all animals, especially those on 4 legs. We had an outdoor cat when my daughter was 2 and my son was around 4/6 months. Then we moved and had to get rid of it.


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4 Year Old Won't Behave?I have a 4yr old son who will not mind or listen to me or his sister at all. He knows he will get in trouble, but just doesn't seem to care. It is getting to where everyday is a struggle with him. Please does anyone out there know anything I can do?


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Advice for Potty Training a Toddler?I am trying to potty train my son who is 2 and is showing signs that he's ready for potty training. He doesn't like going in his diaper any more, he wears underwear now.


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Toddler With Diarrhea?My 2 year old drank too much milk and now she has diarrhea, is there anything I can do? I gave her milk in the morning and then watered down juice. I just gave her water for the rest of the afternoon and she still had it. Are there any ideas that people have?


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4 Year Old That Cries a Lot?My 4 year old stepson has started crying when he is told he can't have something or is told to do something. He even does it after he has had his nap. His father, mother, and myself do not know what to do about this. Any help would be appreciated.


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My Daughter's Hair is Not Growing?My daughter's hair has stopped growing? What vitamins can my daughter of 4 take?


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Two Year Old Likes to Get Finger Tangled in Hair?I have a daughter who will be 2 in April. She has curly hair, a little past her shoulders. She likes to twirl her finger in her hair. The problem is sometimes she gets her finger caught in her hair, cutting off circulation.


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Young Child Raised By Grandmother Now Lives With Mom?My granddaughter is 2 1/2 years old. She has lived with me since she was born. Her mom worked and was not willing or able to care for her. I was there when she had colic, for her doctor's appointments, and visitations with her dad.



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Toddlers Fight With Each Other a Lot?My four year old and my two year old fight a lot, what do I do? I need some help.


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Toddler Won't Play Alone?My 4 year old son doesn't like to play in his room by himself. He follows me around most of the time saying hes bored, and he also has a really nasty temper and breaks all of his toys. Any ideas on what I can do?


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2 Year Old Toddler Keeps Biting Himself?I have a two year old little boy that bites himself hard enough to leave marks. What can I and should I do to get him to stop?


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Securing a Child's Swing to Deck?How do I secure a child's swing to my wooden decking? It moves around when in use.


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Cleaning a Child's Ears with Peroxide?My son has tubes in his ears. Should I use peroxide to clean them and if I do what's the side effects?


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Kids Removing Their Own Diapers?My kids (two year old twins) always take off their diapers and throw their poop all over. Even when I give them a nap they take off the diapers and mess up all their sheets.


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Creative Potty Training Ideas?My 2 1/2 year old won't go poop on the potty. She goes pee and has had no accidents. She will not poop in her pull ups either. She holds it in for days and days. I don't know what to do anymore. Can someone please help?


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Getting Kids to Sleep Through the Night?I have 3 year old twins that have recently started waking up during the middle of the night, off and on for 2 or more hours. I'm exhausted, and so is my husband. Please share any tips you have to help them stay asleep!


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Toddler Bangs Head During Tantrum?How can I get my 2yr old to not bang his head when he has a tantrum?


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Handling An Out Of Control Child With New Baby?I recently submitted a problem with my 4 year old grand daughter. I would like to thank each of you for your response. I can approach the discipline problem on my end, but how do I tell my daughter to discipline her daughter and that she should seek medical help for her.


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Help with 4 Year Old Behavior?I have a 4 year old granddaughter that seems as sweet as pie, until she get angry. She hits, bites, and just yesterday, scratched and pinched me in the arms. When she is in a bad mood - watch out. One minute she is cute and the next minute - terrible. When I babysit for her alone she is wonderful. The minute her parents walk in, she starts acting up.


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Potty Training Regression?I have a child (boy) who is potty trained but he has decided he does not want to be. It all started when he did number 2 and it touched his bottom. Any ideas out there? I have tried the rewards system and stars on a chart. He does not respond. Anymore ideas would be nice. Thanks


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Dealing With 3 Year Old's Tantrums?I have a 3 year old that has huge temper tantrums! How can I stop this?


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Potty Training Advice?I have a 2 year old boy who does not go in his pants all night or at nap time or most days. But there are days where he goes in his pants every time that he needs to go to the bathroom.


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5 Year Old Having Bowel Movement in Pants?I seem to be having a sudden problem with my 5 year old moving her bowels in her pants. When asked why she does this she says she isn't getting there in time or she was playing and didn't stop.


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Teaching Letters and Numbers?I need crafty ideas to teach 4 year old letters and numbers. My little girl is very lively and I need to get her to learn numbers and letters. She is interested but cant keep still. I was thinking maybe games like hop scotch or ones with lots of movement color or lights. Any ideas please?


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3 Year Old With Sleeping Problems?We are moving in two weeks and my son is three and half. He has a very difficult time sleeping, getting out of bed, wanting to sleep with us. Any suggestions to make the transition easier? He adapts very easily to new situations but night time is tough for him. Thanks


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Young Child Has Started Hitting Parents and Pets?My 22 month old has done a drastic personality change! The lovely little darling has been hitting us and our pets. And not just when he is angry. He beats on our cat and dog for just recreational fun and I've tried scolding and taking him away from the pet and he just keeps going back to hit more.


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Advice For 2 Year Old With Bad Perspiration?My two year old has a bad problem with perspiration. Is that normal for her to be so musty?


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Getting a Toddler Around in Winter Weather?Winter will be here before we know it and I need to figure out the best way to travel around the neighborhood with my almost-two-year-old son.


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14 Month Old Crying for No Reason?My 14 month old daughter is crying for no reason (or so it seems). I have tried everything, rocking, singing, playing. She does this after her nap and she has eaten and had something to drink.


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Clingy Toddler?Clingy Toddler. My sister has a 17 month old son who just HANGS off her constantly. I know it's normal for kids that age to have seperation anxiety, but this is beyond that.


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Teaching Toddlers?Teaching Toddlers. I am a mother of a 21 month old boy and feel we need more structured learning, his language and other skills seem behind his peers. Any tips for teaching or websites, etc.


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Help With a Disobedient 4 Year Old?I have a 4 year old daughter and she has no respect for me or my partner at all. She disregards everything we say to her, never obey's us and she's always back-chatting and pulling faces behind my back. If she doesn't get her own way she screams and cries.


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Keeping Track of a Toddler at Disney World?We are going to Disney World in three weeks, and I am wondering if anybody has some suggestions on how to keep track of a wandering toddler. My son is 2 1/2 and is as fast as a rocket and inquisitive. (He just escaped out my front door - what a scare!). I have heard about wearing bright shirts.


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Cleaning a Crib Mattress?My DD has a toddler bed with a crib size mattress, the kind with plastic sealed around it, and the mattress has some small tears in it. When she wet to bed some of it seeped into the mattress and now her whole room smells.


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Reactive Attachment Disorder Advice?Does anyone here know anything about (R.A.D) Reactive Attachment Disorder and how to handle it in an 18 month old toddler?


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Urine Smell on Toddler's Clothing After Being Washed?My 2 year old son occasionally urinates through his diaper and the urine gets on his onesie and pajamas. What I've begun to notice is that even though I wash these items, the urine smell remains. Is there anything I can add to the wash load to help with the smell. I've tried Oxiclean but that hasn't worked.


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Teaching a Toddler to Behave in the Bath?I'm a grandmother of a 18 month old boy. I just taught him how to lay down in the bath tub, on his back, and "swim". Big mistake! Now he won't sit up in the tub to be washed and he splashes all over the place. Even Mom has to change her clothes after bath time.


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Inexpensive Ideas For Entertaining Toddlers?I recently became a stay-at-home mom of a 2 1/2-year old and a 5-month old. I'm looking for inexpensive things to do with them, especially things my 2-year-old can do with other kids. We've already done things like a color and shape search at the store, but it's getting too cold to go to the park. Camilla


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