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This page contains information and tips for parents of grade schoolers.

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Six Year Old Keeps Peeing on the Floor?My six year old step son won't stop peeing on the floor in his room. I have tried everything that I can think of and nothing works. What should I do?


Starter Reading Notebook - front of book

How to Make a Starter Reading NotebookIf you have children or grandchildren learning how to read, this handy starter notebook can help. It's a great way to print out reading materials from educational sites and keep them organized.


Small school earthquake kit.

What is in a School Earthquake Kit?Preparing an earthquake kit for your child to use at school is easy and can bring some comfort during an uncertain time should a disaster occur.


A clear container storing emergency supplies for a child going to school.

Backpack Emergency KitIt can be a good idea to create a small emergency kit for your child's backpack. Some snacks, first aid supplies, and even a comforting letter can be helpful in an unexpected emergency.


Volunteer teacher reading to a class of kids

Volunteering for KindergartenParents and grandparents can be a part of their young child's schooling by becoming a volunteer for their kindergarten classroom. This is a page about volunteering for kindergarten.


High school age kids playing football.

Paying for School Sports UniformsSports uniforms for school can really add up and get expensive. Here are some ideas about paying for school sports uniforms.


Bed with wet area and teddy bear

Bed Wetting Tips and AdviceThis is a page about bed wetting tips and advice. Helping your child with a bed wetting issue can be very frustrating, but necessary.


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Rejuvenating Polly Pocket DressesMy granddaughters have several Polly Pocket dolls with extra dresses and skirts. The skirts got flattened, so I used the medicine cups that come on bottles of over the counter meds (like cough syrup) to fix them.


Child Succeeding in School

Helping Your Child Succeed in SchoolThis is a page about helping your child succeed in school. There are many ways a parent can help their children succeed in school.



A grumpy girl at school.

Child Doesn't Like New School?This is a page about child doesn't like new school. Attending a new school can be a challenge when everyone is a stranger and you aren't familiar with all the rules.


Girl in Kindergarten

Attending Morning or Afternoon Kindergarten?This page is about attending morning or afternoon kindergarten. When given a choice, you want to make sure that your child attends school at the best time for them and their parents.


Photo of a sixth grading reading a book in a library.

Book Suggestions for Sixth Graders?This is a page about book suggestions for sixth graders. Choosing books for your children based on their reading level, age, and interests will ensure a positive reading experience.


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Child Acting Older Than Her Age?My daughter is acting up; she is only 8 and acting 80. She wears make up (I have said no), dresses up in clothes that would look OK on a 13 year old, but not on a 8 year old. I don't even know where she got the clothes.


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Child Won't Go to School After Being Bullied?I have my daughter home from school today. She isn't sick, but can't go because she has a black eye, a very bruised arm, and sore ribs; she can hardly move. She got these injuries from school, she got pushed down the stairs by a 6th grader.


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Help Child Put Shoes on Correct FeetYoung kids sometimes have trouble figuring out how to put their shoes on the right feet, as any parents know.


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6 Year Old Daughter Won't Wear Underwear at Home?My 6 year old daughter refuses to wear underwear at home. She will wear underwear if we go out and to school, but as soon as we get home all the clothes come off and she just wears a nightgown.


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Advice for Disciplining a 10 Year Old?I have a grandson (10) I am raising and I am having trouble with him not minding when I say no. He is a great kid, but I guess I have given in so much because I felt sorry his parents left him. Now it is so hard to correct him. Please help.


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Take Photos of GradesI am going to take a picture of every good grade that my little 9 year old makes this year. I will wait til the end of the week and then photograph them. At the end of the year, I will put them in an album with pictures of her throughout the school year.


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Room Mother Seeking Ideas for 5th Grade Activities?I have been elected the room mom of my son's 5th grade class. I usually volunteer, but have never actually had the room mom title. It is a wonderful class with great involved parents and his teacher is one of my very best friends.


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Hang Children's Art on a ClotheslineWhen our boys where young, we would run a length of cord down the hall for each boy. They then painted clothespins (clip type), and when they brought home a creation they would clip it to their line.


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Chores for Grade School Age Children?I have an 8 year old daughter who wants to earn extra money. What kinds of "jobs" could she do to get extra money?


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Math Fun: Multiplying By NineFor the early stages of learning math, this is pretty interesting. The sum of any number multiplied by 9 will equal 9.


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Young Girl's Hair Styles?My 8 year old daughter has never had long hair. It's a short type cut, just about middle of the ear, and is cute. I would like to see her grow long hair just once.


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Treating Hyperhidrosis in Children?What is the youngest age you can get hyperhidrosis surgery? My daughter is 10, but her hands and feet has been sweating since she was a baby.



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Helping Improve a Child's Concentration on Studies?I have two kids studying in 8th and 6th standard respectively. My elder son has no interest in studies, due to lack of concentration. He has no sincerity. I have taken them in UCMASS studies through abacus, but the level of concentration has not increased.


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Helping Child Get Ready in the Morning?My seven year old daughter hates mornings! My DH and I battle with her everyday just to get up and eat breakfast. She goes to bed by 8PM every night and gets up at 6:45, so she is getting a good chunk of sleep.


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Deciding on a Child's Bedtime?What time should a 9 year old be in bed?


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Ideas for Positive Incentives for Good Behavior?I am looking for ideas of toys and children's items to give to our children as a positive incentive for good behavior.


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5 Year Old Misbehaving at School?What to do about a talkative 5 yr. old? My daughter won't stop talking in school that the teacher says she's not listening at all and keeps talking and won't raise her hand.


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Help Dealing With Bossy, Whiny Child?I have a 8 year old who thinks he is the boss of everyone!. Not only that, he has a bad temper when something is not going his way or if he is called out when he needs correction. I have tried everything I can think of to try to make him understand that he is the wrong when he is and that he is no one's boss. He ends up whining and making his voice known to the point of total aggravation to his father and I. What can I do to help us with this situation?


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Help With My Ten Year Old's Behavior?My 10 year old boy is the best boy in school. He is very well behaved but at home he started to talk fresh mouth curse words and very disrespectful to us.


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Small Signs for Learning Vocabulary and MathI use this to learn more medical words concerning my illness, but I had used this when my daughter was in school.



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Raising a Mouthy Grandchild?I have been doing this alone for close to 7 years. I have had this little guy since he was a day old. He is an only kid and spoiled rotten! Since he has started school, he has gotten mouthy with me. I will send him to time out the and words are screamed out the door. How do I deal with this?


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Job Ideas for a 10 Year Old?My kid is 10 years old and wants to earn money because she is tired of being broke. What job is best, that is safe and good for her to do?


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Good Books for a Sixth Grader?My thirteen year old is looking for a entertaining book to read this summer so she can take an A.R. test when school starts. She is into romance, with a little action, and something that you just can't put down.


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Appropriate Diet For A Nine Year Old?My son is only nine and weighs about 109 pounds. He is about 4 foot 2 inches tall. I am worried. Should I put him on a diet?


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Education Resources for Children with Dyslexia and Autism?My elementary aged kids have learning disabilities including dyslexia and autism. The school is not able to provide textbooks on MP3 or other audio files that I can download.


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Child Refuses to Wear Underwear and Other Clothing Items?My 8 year old, very bright grand-daughter who reads at a 13 year old level, plays guitar and violin, and has played soccer, will no longer wear "any" pants, skirts or socks in the past month. The doctors say she has anxiety and to put her in comfy clothes and send her to school.


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