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6 Year Old Child Lies, Steals, and Acts Out?I have a 6 year old boy who is peeing and pooping and rubbing it into his floor because he says he doesn't get what he wants. My wife and I have told him that if he listens and does good he can have what he wants. He steals candy and then lies about it. We have tried everything.


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Remedy for a 6 Year Old Child Peeing in the House?Any update on 6 year old peeing in house? I'm going through same thing.


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Daytime Wetting by 7 Year Old Twins?I have twin girls that are almost 7 years old that still wet their pants during the day, but not at night. I have had them to the doctor and they have run all kinds of test on them. They all come back negative.


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Job Ideas for a 10 Year Old?My kid is 10 years old and wants to earn money because she is tired of being broke. What job is best, that is safe and good for her to do?


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Raising a Mouthy Grandchild?I have been doing this alone for close to 7 years. I have had this little guy since he was a day old. He is an only kid and spoiled rotten! Since he has started school, he has gotten mouthy with me. I will send him to time out the and words are screamed out the door. How do I deal with this?


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Appropriate Diet For A Nine Year Old?My son is only nine and weighs about 109 pounds. He is about 4 foot 2 inches tall. I am worried. Should I put him on a diet?


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Good Books for a Sixth Grader?My thirteen year old is looking for a entertaining book to read this summer so she can take an A.R. test when school starts. She is into romance, with a little action, and something that you just can't put down.


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Child Acting Older Than Her Age?My daughter is acting up; she is only 8 and acting 80. She wears make up (I have said no), dresses up in clothes that would look OK on a 13 year old, but not on a 8 year old. I don't even know where she got the clothes.


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Child Won't Go to School After Being Bullied?I have my daughter home from school today. She isn't sick, but can't go because she has a black eye, a very bruised arm, and sore ribs; she can hardly move. She got these injuries from school, she got pushed down the stairs by a 6th grader.


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Getting Child to Do Homework?How do I get my smart 7 year old daughter to do her homework? She leaves it for the last minute and then cries when she finally has to sit down and complete it. Am I a bad parent?


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Education Resources for Children with Dyslexia and Autism?My elementary aged kids have learning disabilities including dyslexia and autism. The school is not able to provide textbooks on MP3 or other audio files that I can download.


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6 Year Old Daughter Won't Wear Underwear at Home?My 6 year old daughter refuses to wear underwear at home. She will wear underwear if we go out and to school, but as soon as we get home all the clothes come off and she just wears a nightgown.


7 Year Old Won't Eat Since Moving?We recently moved from the UK to Florida. My son was already a fussy eater but would eat chicken, sausages, fish fingers, pasta shapes in tomato sauce, cereals with milk, bread, and yoghurts. Now here in the US he won't eat anything, except some chips (fries) and a fish stick if we are lucky.


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Easy to Manage Hair Styles for Young Girls?I have 3 daughters, 13, 10, and 8. Because I am a single working dad I haven't got time or the money to take care of my girls hair, as their mum did all that. They all have straight waist length brunette hair. I'd like to know your opinions on how and if I should cut their hair.


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How Much Sleep Should an 11 Year Old Get?How much sleep does a 11 year old need?



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Child Refuses to Wear Underwear and Other Clothing Items?My 8 year old, very bright grand-daughter who reads at a 13 year old level, plays guitar and violin, and has played soccer, will no longer wear "any" pants, skirts or socks in the past month. The doctors say she has anxiety and to put her in comfy clothes and send her to school.


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Advice for Disciplining a 10 Year Old?I have a grandson (10) I am raising and I am having trouble with him not minding when I say no. He is a great kid, but I guess I have given in so much because I felt sorry his parents left him. Now it is so hard to correct him. Please help.


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Room Mother Seeking Ideas for 5th Grade Activities?I have been elected the room mom of my son's 5th grade class. I usually volunteer, but have never actually had the room mom title. It is a wonderful class with great involved parents and his teacher is one of my very best friends.


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Chores for Grade School Age Children?I have an 8 year old daughter who wants to earn extra money. What kinds of "jobs" could she do to get extra money?


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Potty Training an Older Child?I have a 6 year old boy who refuses to poop on the potty, he will pee in it just fine. When it comes to pooping he will hide and go in his pants. I have tried everything from bribery, taking favorite things away, time out, candy, money, toys.


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7 Year Old Won't Eat Healthy Food?I have a 7 year old son that will not eat any healthy food. He does not eat any kinds of meats or seafood, no veggies or fruits. The only thing he likes to eat is dry oatmeal, granola, and chips.


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Young Girl's Hair Styles?My 8 year old daughter has never had long hair. It's a short type cut, just about middle of the ear, and is cute. I would like to see her grow long hair just once.


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Treating Hyperhidrosis in Children?What is the youngest age you can get hyperhidrosis surgery? My daughter is 10, but her hands and feet has been sweating since she was a baby.


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Helping Improve a Child's Concentration on Studies?I have two kids studying in 8th and 6th standard respectively. My elder son has no interest in studies, due to lack of concentration. He has no sincerity. I have taken them in UCMASS studies through abacus, but the level of concentration has not increased.


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Consequences For Lying and Back Talking?My girlfriend's 9 year old daughter has been lying and talking back ever since I've known her. I am watching her and her 5 year old brother, who just doesn't listen to me.


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Helping Child Get Ready in the Morning?My seven year old daughter hates mornings! My DH and I battle with her everyday just to get up and eat breakfast. She goes to bed by 8PM every night and gets up at 6:45, so she is getting a good chunk of sleep.


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Autism Support Groups?I have a daughter who is 10 years old and the light of my life. She also was diagnosed with autism at age 2. I am looking to see if there are any parents I could talk with out there who have an autistic child. I really have no one to talk to and share my thoughts with. I am basically looking for a sympathetic ear, someone who understands what I am going through. Thanks.


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Child is Forgetting Their Homework?My son is in 4th grade and frequently forgets to bring his homework home from school. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make him remember to make sure that he puts his homework in his backpack?


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Deciding on a Child's Bedtime?What time should a 9 year old be in bed?


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Six Year Old Keeps Peeing on the Floor?My six year old step son won't stop peeing on the floor in his room. I have tried everything that I can think of and nothing works. What should I do?



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Ideas for Positive Incentives for Good Behavior?I am looking for ideas of toys and children's items to give to our children as a positive incentive for good behavior.


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5 Year Old Misbehaving at School?What to do about a talkative 5 yr. old? My daughter won't stop talking in school that the teacher says she's not listening at all and keeps talking and won't raise her hand.


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Help Dealing With Bossy, Whiny Child?I have a 8 year old who thinks he is the boss of everyone!. Not only that, he has a bad temper when something is not going his way or if he is called out when he needs correction. I have tried everything I can think of to try to make him understand that he is the wrong when he is and that he is no one's boss. He ends up whining and making his voice known to the point of total aggravation to his father and I. What can I do to help us with this situation?


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Printable Games for 4 Year Olds?I am looking to print pre-made file folder games for my four year old. I've found tons of sites that have ideas or games you can purchase, but I am looking for something pre-made that's free. Any suggestions?


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Help With 7 Year Old Picky Eater?My child is a very picky eater. Over the top. He will only eat a certain type of chicken nuggets from a certain store. That was for a few months, now he won't eat them.


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Help With My Ten Year Old's Behavior?My 10 year old boy is the best boy in school. He is very well behaved but at home he started to talk fresh mouth curse words and very disrespectful to us.


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Diet and Vitamin Advice for ADD and ADHD?I am at my wit's end and so ready for school to begin. I have a six year old boy whom I'm thinking has ADD or ADHD just by his behavior. I don't want to put him on drugs. Does anyone know what I could do for him as far as his diet or vitamins goes?


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Biting Nails?How can I stop my 5 year old son from biting his nails? He doesn't even realize that he's doing it, until I tell him to stop. He has bitten one so bad, that it was bleeding.


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10 Year Old Wets the Bed?My 10 year old daughter has wet the bed for years. Nothing is medically wrong. I have found this is common, so she wears Goodnights to bed, but in the AM she'll lay in bed, wide awake and wet her pull-up until it runs out onto the bed.


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Bedwetting Help?My son is now 7 and we are having a hard time with the bed wetting. I will take his drinks away at 6 PM and wake him up to let him go to the restroom but he still happens wets his bed. He has been prescribed medicine and it isn't working either.


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Wetting the Bed?My son is about to be 7 and has wet the bed on average of about 3 times a week all of his life. We have tried EVERYTHING. The only thing we haven't yet tried is prescription meds. That would be my last resort. I don't know anything about them and was wondering if any parents here have any experience with them?


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Tooth Fairy Tip?Tips to make visits from the tooth fairy special. Post your ideas.


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