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Double Knotting LacesI often take care of a little girl with a profound learning disability. When she wears tennis shoes with laces she hates to have them double-knotted.


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Keeping Your Children Safe In PublicThis is more of a safety tip than a thrifty tip! With back to school, here, don't label your child's belongings with his name where strangers can see it. Put his name inside his things. If a small child is addressed by name by a stranger, the stranger seems "known" to the child.


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Small Signs for Learning Vocabulary and MathI use this to learn more medical words concerning my illness, but I had used this when my daughter was in school.


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Flash Cards for Learning New WordsI made flash cards for my daughter to help her learn new words. I bought a pack of index cards and went through some old magazine and found pictures...


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Making Masks for the Kids From Paper PlatesMake a mask with a paper plate. Have your child paint a face on the plate (bear, tiger, worm) then glue on ears, cut out eyes, and attach string on the sides. Make more masks and put on a play!


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Chickenpox Booster VaccinationSo this is just a heads up to parents with kids over 5 to make sure they get the new immunization. If anyone has any tips for caring for kids with chickenpox, I'd love some input.


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Multiplication Game With Egg CartonsUse your egg cartons before you throw them out! When they are empty, write a different number in each space; either 1-12 or 0-11. Then place 2 beans, coins or other small items in them and close the lid.


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School Sports Uniform Payment PlansWhen your children are picked to participate in school sports, ask if there is a payment plan on their sports uniforms. So rather than having to come up with the big lump sum all at one time, stretch the payment out so it's convenient for you and your budget.


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Back to School Bingo PartySummer comes and goes much too quickly, but you can create a little excitement over heading back to the classroom. Take advantage of the great deals and throw a "back to school bingo" for your kids!


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Have Kids Make School Lunches The Night BeforeI have my children make their own lunches every evening, before supper. The lunch boxes then go in the fridge, and it's a breeze getting them out the door the next morning.


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Math Fun: Multiplying By NineFor the early stages of learning math, this is pretty interesting. The sum of any number multiplied by 9 will equal 9.


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Reuse Backpack and School SuppliesIn most areas of the US, school will be over soon. The last thing on everyone's mind right now is the next school year. But this is a relatively painless tip that doesn't take much time and will surely save you money.


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Make "Ice Pack" With Old Prescription BottleFill empty prescription bottles with the labels removed two thirds full of water and freeze for a quick little ice pack for children's "owies". This would also be a nice portable thing to take on a picnic or hike for the same use.


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Math PancakesPancakes are so easy to manipulate into shapes to teach with, so we are going to start doing plates of multiplication equations. Maybe one or two a week. I am hoping it will help.


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Hang Children's Art on a ClotheslineWhen our boys where young, we would run a length of cord down the hall for each boy. They then painted clothespins (clip type), and when they brought home a creation they would clip it to their line.



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Homemade Head Lice RemedyI came across this tip about removing lice. In a nutshell, it says that by putting conditioner in damp hair and then dipping a metal (not plastic) comb in the baking soda and combing through hair, it gets them out a lot faster.


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Take Photos of GradesI am going to take a picture of every good grade that my little 9 year old makes this year. I will wait til the end of the week and then photograph them. At the end of the year, I will put them in an album with pictures of her throughout the school year.


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Keeping a Scout's Stuff Organized'Tis the season for Webelos to bridge into Boy Scout troops. It's an exciting time for all, especially the new Scout! One way to keep all of the "Scout stuff" together is to get a plastic bin.


Kids eating popcicles

Frugal Kids Spa DayI have two girls, five and nine. My nine year old Dacoda, was always asking me if we could go to the spa. So I decided to surprise her with a home spa day.


Faux Make-up For Playtime, using nail polish and a recycled makeup case.

Faux Make-up For PlaytimeWhen you buy real make up for young kids, it's messy. You can make faux make up by using nail polish in your old make up containers. Just clean your make up containers then pour nail polish in and let dry.


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Help Child Put Shoes on Correct FeetYoung kids sometimes have trouble figuring out how to put their shoes on the right feet, as any parents know.


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Band Instruments At Pawn ShopsWhen my kids decided they wanted to be in band at school, I went to Pawn Shops and looked around to see what they had. I did not want to put a lot of money into an instrument in case they did not take it but one year.


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Spelling Hints For KidsWhen my kids need help with spelling, I just think of all the words that start with A-Z and write them all down. I cut each one out and put them in a hat.


Line drawing of a segmented worm wearing a cap.

Bookworm Reader ChartMake a Bookworm Reader Chart to encourage your child to read more books and be creative when coloring his own piece of artwork - Bookworm!


Letter A in puddle of makeup.

Use Old Liquid Makeup as a Fun Learning ToolUse old liquid makeup for a fun learning tool. There are some foundation liquids that I don't like or they get old so I lay waxed paper down and let my granddaughter practice her letter writing. It is a fun, tactile way to use up some of the old makeup instead of throwing it away.


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Get Ready for School at NightPick clothes out the night before. This helps save time in the mornings when you are rushing to get ready. Try to prepare anything that you can for the next day.


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Rejuvenating Polly Pocket DressesMy granddaughters have several Polly Pocket dolls with extra dresses and skirts. The skirts got flattened, so I used the medicine cups that come on bottles of over the counter meds (like cough syrup) to fix them.


What is in a School Earthquake Kit?

What is in a School Earthquake Kit?This year my son's school supply list included an earthquake kit. I wasn't sure what that meant because when I think of an earthquake kit, it is usally quite large. So I asked my friends who are teachers and also wrote to the principal at my son's school to find out what needed to be in this kit. This is what I found out.


A clear container storing emergency supplies for a child going to school.

Backpack Emergency KitAs the school year is starting you might want to add a small emergency kit in your kid's backpack. This would mean that they would have a few things always with them if needed. I would make this light so it doesn't add too much weight to their everyday load. A pencil pouch is the perfect size for this type of kit.


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