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Daughter-In-Law Won't Accept Used Items?I need a little advice here. I have a daughter-in-law who is due with our first grandchild. She grew up more fortunate than our children. I bought several things in really good shape at a garage sale but was told by her that she only wants new stuff, she doesn't want anything used by someone else. How do i handle a situation like this?


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Getting Adult Child to Clean Up?I have an adult child, grandchild, and another adult family member who have come to live with my husband and me. My adult child keeps her room (and grandchild's) like a disaster area.


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Kids Not Wearing Underwear?I have a daughter; she is 10 years old. When it's summertime and hot weather outside I give her jeans/denim shorts to wear without underwear. Is that wrong or okay? Maybe not so good or maybe okay?


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Issues with an Adult Child & Rent?I live on low income disability. My paid for house is in desperate need of several repairs. My adult child and small grandchild moved in with me. They work 140 hrs per month and pay me $250 monthly to watch the child. I asked for $100 month "rent to start making repairs". They said "NO! The home is paid for. I'd rather live on my own than give you my $$."


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Finding Help After the Loss of a Child?I lost my only child. I am having trouble coping. Although he was an adult, he really was all I had. Is there anyone else going through this pain?


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How to Talk to Kids about School Shootings?How do I talk to my kids about school shootings? I have been living abroad and my family and I just moved back to the United States. My kids grew up in a different country where firearms were illegal for citizens to own. My son just started 2nd grade today and I realized he probably doesn't know about school shootings.


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Anxiety Over Wearing Knickers?My 5 year old daughter has developed a fear of wearing her knickers over the past few months which has gradually gotten worse to the point where she screams her head off, cries and throws herself to the floor if we try to get her to wear them. When we do manage to get her to wear them as soon as she goes for a wee she will refuse to put them back on.


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Kids Constantly Fighting Over Xbox Controller?My kids fight over the Xbox game console all day long. I've taken it away, put them on restrictions, tried talking to them, but nothing works. I really want to do bad things to that Xbox. Should I?


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7 Year Old Wetting Herself?My daughter is 7 and she wets herself all the time. I have 2 children who live w/my parents due to their father being so abusive while we were still together. The kids never were in direct line of the abuse plus my daughter was only 18 months old at that time. My parents shame her and belittle her.


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Teaching Children the Value of Money?How do I show a child the value of money? Mom used to sit with me and pay bills with me. Now, everything is all on auto payments. Does anyone have suggestions for how to explain how things work?


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Mending a Broken Relationship with an Adult Daughter?My daughter drinks heavily, says she's bipolar, and is in a second marriage that's going sour. She left her first husband and kids for another man 12 years older who treats her like a child. Every couple of months she leaves him to come to my house putting her job in jeopardy.


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Grandchild Not Grateful for Birthday Gift?I sent my new college freshman grandson $50 on his birthday for his on-campus account last week. I know he knows I did so, because my son told me he had let my grandson know I did. Knowing my grandson responds to text messages, here's the one I just composed to him:


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Job Ideas for a 12 Year Old?My daughter is 12 years old and she really wants to earn money fast. I don't know what she can do. She wants to work for money, and I don't know what.


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Are Mylar Balloons Safe for Children?How safe is the mylar/foil balloon for children?


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Adult Daughter Is a Mess?My adult daughter has been going in a downhill spiral for a long time now. She has been in a loveless marriage for at least ten years. She has been in and out of alcohol treatment for at least that long. She has had several jobs and has been let go from the last three due to her alcoholism.



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Adult Son is Argumentative?I could use a bit of help. My son is 35. He is spending Christmas with his wife's family which is only right, we take turn. He is demanding that I hand over the Christmas gifts for the children as they are not allowed to open them before.


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Adult Child Distancing Himself from Mother?I have a very loving relationship with my adult son. However there are times when he distances himself from me for no apparent reason. He doesn't answer my calls or texts even after I've tried him several times. This makes my heart heavy.


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Older Child Afraid of the Dark?My middle child is 12 now and is still afraid of the dark because she feels unsafe and believes that if she turns the light off someone will kidnap her or kill her in a twisted way. How do I assure her that she is safe?


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Middle School Melee - Getting a Boy to Read?Any additional suggestions on how to get a middle school/junior high boy to read? I am concerned about my grandson. I know my daughter would be interested in her son's academic improvement.


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Writing a Thank You Note?What is the appropriate time line for a grandchild to write a thank you note for a birthday present? Thank you.


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Keeping a Journal?A person wrote about journaling her granddaughter's quotes she made to her. I love it and have been looking for a journal to do this.


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Developing a Routine for a Special Needs Child?My child has learning disabilities and I need help getting him into a strict routine. Any ideas?


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Safety Concerns With Jogging Alone?My close cousin is 15 and she wants to go running by herself in her neighborhood and her mom doesn't want her to go anywhere alone.


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Child Behaves Differently When Ex Spouse is Around?My ex tries so hard to turn our six year old son against me. I want to be positive and not allow it to affect me. I know he loves me and I'm going to do everything in my power to counter the negative, by loving my son more.


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Stuffed Animal Tricks Like Elf on the Shelf Tricks?I love the "tricks" side of the Elf On The Shelf. I've heard of others doing it with other stuffed animals (a friend of our family has 2 sock monkeys that she does similar things with on a regular basis and posts pictures on facebook). I was wondering if anyone else does something similar and if you have any idea of how I could start this with my kids and "tricks" to try. I've been checking out some of the Elf On The Shelf ideas and may include some of those as well.


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Children of Varying Ages Sharing a Bedroom?I was just wondering if I should move my toddler into my tweens room. I am running out of room and will be having another baby soon. Is it OK to do this?


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Children and Sports?My sons want to join the local footy team, but from what I have seen I don't know if I should let them. It looks pretty dangerous and they have never played a game of footy in their life. Should I let them or not?


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Child Doesn't Like New School?My kids went to their new school for the first time today and my second youngest daughter doesn't like it. I don't know why because she made new friends and is a star in her class. However, she doesn't like it and doesn't want to go tomorrow. What do I do?


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Setting Bedtime for Children?What time should I be putting my kids to bed? I put my youngest 4 (2-6) to bed a 7:30 on school days and 7:50 on weekends and my oldest 6 (8-16) go to bed at 8:30 on school days and 9 on weekends. Is this an OK bedtime or is it too late or early?


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Looking for "House Rules" Sayings?I am looking for a copy of "House Rules". It lists sentences such as, "If you open, close it." "If you drop it, pick it up.", and then it ends with "If it cries, love it.". It's not exactly as I wrote it, but I hoping someone will understand what I mean.



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Parental Consistency?Is it harmful that my husband encourages our 10 year old to not tell me about things that they've purchased at the store that I've already said no to? My husband thinks it's cute and I am really upset that he is teaching my son to deceive me.


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Encouraging Children to Get Rid of Extra Belongings?My daughters have too much stuff, but won't get rid of it. What should I do?


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Getting a Child to Eat?Does anyone have any suggestions for how to get my seven year old son to eat anything but bread and butter? I have tried everything I can thing of, but nothing works. Unless we give him his bread and butter he won't stop crying. I don't know what to do, it is ripping the family apart. Please help.


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Overwhelmed by Parenting a Large Family?I have ten kids and six of them have problems. I feel like a bad mother, but what can I do? Can anyone help me? One of my 6 year old twin boys has behavior problems that are breaking the family up.


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Making a Child's Chore List?I would like help on making a chore list for after school and the weekends. It will be for a boy 9 and girl 8. Please help.


Getting a Child to Stop Sucking on Their Fingers?My little cousin has a bad habit of sucking her fingers. Her mother does not do anything about it. I do watch her often so I have time to attempt disciplining her. Does any one know a way to get her to stop?


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Names for a Kid's Book Club?I would like to know what are good names for a book club for kids! The more creative the better!


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Labeling Children's Belongings?I need some tips for labeling children's belongings.


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Helping a Child Overcome a Fear of Dogs?My daughter is very much frightened of dogs. What should I do?


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Getting Babies Vaccinated?I would like to hear what all of your ideas and comments are about vaccinations for babies and what you think of the media. Do you think they are harmful?


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Choosing Clothes to Wear to School?My kids are always changing their minds about their school clothes at the last minute. Any ideas how to get them to make a clothing decision and to stick to it so we aren't running late every morning?


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Getting Kids Up and Ready for School?My kids are heading back to school soon. Does anyone have any tips on how to get everyone up and out in the mornings?


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Child and Dog Are Very Attached?It is hard to separate my dog and my 3 year old. The 3 year old doesn't want to go out without the dog. What can I do?


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Having Young Children Help With Chores?I'd love some ideas on how you do chores. We have four small girls. We agree they need daily chores to do. We agree that some things need to be done because you are a member of the family. Where do "just because chores" and "receive allowance chores" start and end?


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Helping a Child Accept a New Baby Sister?My daughter is having a girl! The problem is her son Lance, who is 6, has been listening to his dad. His dad has low self esteem, lies about everything, has a daughter he has nothing to do with and loves to play head games! Lance is convinced that baby sisters are horrible.



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Having Poison Control Information in Your Home?What can my baby have if he drinks a chemical product in my house? What antidote should I keep right in my house?


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Helping Your Children Understand Money?It is so easy to spoil our children and miss the opportunity to teach them about saving, choices and sacrifice. It is important for children to understand the value of money. What are some ideas you have for teaching this important lesson?


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Should Parents Stay Out of Conflicts Between Their Grown Children?What do you do when your married children talk bad about their eldest sister? Do you entertain it, take sides, or say you'll work it out and stay out of it? I am very frustrated.


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Adult Child in a Toxic Relationship is Very Demanding of Time?I need advice. I have raised my niece since she was 5 years old. She is the daughter of my heart. She is 32 years old, has two college degrees, and always has a job. She is in many ways a charming and delightful young woman, but she is in a very toxic relationship.


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Organizing Toys?I have a 3 and 4 year old and they're currently sharing a room. I need a good organization tip to get all of them separated and together.


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Entering Toddlers in Beauty Pageants?How much does is cost to get started with beauty pageants for a 16 month old?


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How Can I Help My Child Swallow Big Pills?Does anyone have advice on how to help children swallow big pills?


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Child Stopped Using the Toilet to Poop After Painful Experience?My son had a poop that hurt his bottom from holding it too long. Now he won't go at all and has messes in his pants, has a sour stomach, and resorted to even dragging his bottom on the floor like a dog! We had no problems until just recently and he was doing fine. He's 5.


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Child Won't Poop in the Toilet?My 4 year old son will not poop on the toilet. We tried potty training him a few times, and he was not ready until now. He is doing pretty good with peeing, with only a few accidents here and there. The real problem is pooping on the toilet.


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How Do Parents Find Personal Time?Having children can be tiring and take up a lot of your time. It leaves you with little time to care for yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically sometimes. As parents, what do you do for yourself to help yourself avoid "parent burnout" and take care of yourself?


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Showing Support for Adult Child's Career Making Decisions?How can I show my daughter I support her? She just graduated from high school and I have been offering suggestions and giving her advice about her career because she is undecided ...


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Kids Have Too Many Toys?OK, I am realizing that my kids have too many toys. When I was a kid, my toys would fit in one cardboard box and I was content with that. I never had as much stuff as everyone else, but was a happy kid.


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Daily Routine for Stay at Home Mom and 9 Month Old?I am a 21 year old, stay at home mom, with a 9 month old daughter. Although we have somewhat of a routine, I am wondering what are other stay at home mom's daily routines. Any advice will be helpful.


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Morning or Afternoon Kindergarten?This isn't a thrifty questions but I could use some insight. My son will be in Kindergarten this fall and I can't decide between morning and afternoon class. I would love your thoughts and reasons behind your advice.


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Ballpoint Pen on Skin?Is it possible to completely remove leaking ballpoint ink from clothes and skin?


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Student With Sports Scholarship Doesn't Want to Play?I am a parent of a child that is currently in college and is almost done with his first year. In high school he was a football star. He was one of the best players in the state. He got a football scholarship to his University.


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Relaxation Ideas for a Stay at Home Mom?I'm 22 with a 3 year old daughter that will be 4 in May, and a 2 year old son that will be 3 in November. I am a stay at home mom and wife. I am in need of some relaxation. Does anyone have some good tips?


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Teaching Children to Manage Money?We would like to teach our child money management at a young age. I never had any training and have made some really stupid mistakes. He is only five, but he knows a bit about money, coupons, saving, and tithing.


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6 Year Old Having Frequent Accidents?My 6 year old daughter is having accidents almost everyday. We thought it was a medical problem, but the doctor says no. We tried counseling due to her being adopted, but that is not working.


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Helping Children Keep Their Rooms Clean ?My 11 year old daughter cleans her room once a month and it keeps getting messy again. What should she do to keep her room clean?


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Organizing Childrens Clothing?How do you organize your kids clothes when they have too many? I have wheedled my oldest daughter's clothes down some, but still not enough it seems.


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Finding Help With Parenting Issues ?Were can I find other people to talk to or is there a message board? Can you help me with this?


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Balancing Life's Demands?I am a young stay at home mom. I moved in with my fiance, got married, then pregnant all with in a year. Don't get me wrong I love my husband and my baby girl to death and wouldn't trade them for the world, but some days (more than others) I feel constantly overwhelmed and unhappy.


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5 Year Old Has Started Having Accidents?My son just turned 5 yrs. old. He's been potty trained since he was 2 1/2 but just recently for about 3 or 4 months he's been going in his pants. Is something wrong with him? Should I take him to the doctor? Why do you think he's doing this? Could it be that he is too lazy to go to the bathroom?


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Mixing Cough Syrup with Milk?Will cough syrup still have an effect if you mix it with Stawberry milk or Chocolate milk?


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How Much Should an 11 Year Old Weigh?How much should an 11 year old girl weigh?


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How Much Should an 8 Year Old Weigh?How much should an 8 year old weigh?


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Creating Special Memories With Your Child?My daughter will be starting kindergarten this year, and my due date is around the same time. It has occurred to me that in the next few months nothing will be the same for the two of us.


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Child Sucking Thumb?My 5 year old granddaughter needs to stop sucking her thumb before starting kindergarten in the fall. It is causing dental and speech problems. Mom and I are out of ideas. Any ideas will be appreciated.


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Non-Chemical Cures for Head Lice?I am a huge fan of Dawn soap. You can let it sit on stained clothing and it takes the stuff right out. But the best thing for the use of this soap other than it's cleaning ability is for lice.


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Making Your Adult Children Feel Loved?What are some of the ways that you let your grown children feel loved, special and very much needed?


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Daughter Cries All the Time?My daughter cries about everything. She will cry if she doesn't get her way. She cries when her sister gets something and she does not. She doesn't like to do her homework, but she likes to play. I sometimes think that I am going to go crazy with her.


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Dealing with Adult Children at Home?I am under a lot of stress at my house right now. I have a son-in-law, his girlfriend and their 7 month old baby living here. They refuse to take any of my suggestions to heart in caring for the baby. It is driving me nuts and I am at my wits end.


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Autistic Son is a Picky Eater?I have a 5 year old son who has autism and he is a picky eater. He only eats French fries chicken nuggets and pizza from Lil' Caesar's. Can anyone suggest any tips to get him to eat more foods?


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Parenting a Disabled Child?I have a 21 year old grandson who has been diagnosed with high-functioning Asperger's. He is gifted in electronics, yet can't get through the interview process successfully. This is a source of frustration and depression for him. Can anyone give me a reference to parenting that I might refer to my daughter?


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Is My Son a Vegetarian?My 10 year old son has never really liked meats from the time he was able to eat foods. His doctor at the time said he may become a vegetarian. I have tried everything over the years to get him to eat meats. I can only get him to eat poultry. He loves spaghetti but will pick out the meat.


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Chores for a 9 Year Old?I used to have my 9 year old son clean the kitty litter, vacuum and take the trash out but we got rid of the cat and he still cleans his room. Does anybody have ideas on any more chores he could do? He wants me to give him money but I can't figure out things he can do to earn it. How much should I give him?


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Anyone Tried The "Defiant Child Program"?Has anyone tried the "Defiant Child" program? It's the Total Transformation Program and they say you can turn a kid's attitude around and get back control. I don't get much info from their web site and wonder if anyone has tried this or knows more about it? Thanks.


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Summer Schedule for Kids?What is a good schedule for a mother with 2 kids starting with the morning time. I feel so tired and clueless on what I have to do when I wake up and throughout the day. What can I do to keep my kids busy and entertained? What is a good schedule to keep busy?


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Dealing With A Picky Eater?My 8 year old son is getting pickier and pickier with food. He used to eat Chicken Nuggets, Grilled Cheese, Mac N Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Burgers and Hot dogs. Now all he wants is pizza.


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8 Year Old Is Now Afraid of Sleeping Alone?We have a challenge we can't seem to solve. About 4 months ago our 8yr became unable to sleep alone. He says he is scared. He started to try to get in our bed which we allowed for a few nights since it was a new problem. We realized we couldn't allow it permanently and refused to let him in, so then he started to sleep on the floor next to the bed and he continues to do so every night.


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Picking up the Tab at Lunch?I just need a little input on what's proper! I'm meeting my 3 adult daughters for lunch in the near future and 2 of them live close by and one lives out of town. It's a treat for all of us to be in the same place at one time. My granddaughter will be included in this get together. She's 15 and belongs to one of my daughters that lives close by.


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Teaching Children to Save?What creative ways do your teach your children to save money?


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Getting Kids To Help With Chores?I have 4 daughters, 11, 7, and twins that are 5. I am ashamed to say they have been quite "spoiled" when it comes to helping out with chores around the house up until now.


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Preserving Friendship when Kids Don't Get Along?How do I tell a dear friend that my child does not want to be friends with her child, and not ruin the friendship?


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California Beauty Pageants?Where can I find beauty pageants in California for my two year old son?


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How Should I Pay For My Child's College?My daughter is now a senior in high school. She has a 4.0 plus average (honors, AP classes) and has a 75% tuition scholarship so far and will be probably be able to attend the closest university for free if she continues to apply for scholarships.


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Cheap Child Care?I am having a very hard time finding cheap child care. The day care people here ask way too much money and think we are being selfish by saying it's too much.


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My Child Keeps Getting Head Lice?When a child gets head lice often, what can I do?


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ADHD Worse on the Same Days Every Week?My 8-year old has ADHD. Wednesdays and Thursdays of EVERY week he is just impossible to deal with. However, he maintains the same schedule every single day and everything is always fine every other day. It's just those 2 days out of the week.


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Saving Too Many School Papers?My 6 year old DD thinks she needs to keep every scrap of paper that the school sends home. How can I get her to realize that this is way too much to keep and help her minimize her paper stack?


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Preserving Children's Artwork?What do I do with all of my children's school artwork? I don't want to just throw them out in the trash! I do hang them for a while on the kitchen cupboards, or fridge, etc.


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Curfews for College Age Children?I set a curfew of 3:30am on the weekends, and 12:00 on week nights for my 20 year old son who is attending community college but living with us. He thinks this is unfair.


Picky Eaters?My 3 year old son with autism won't eat anything but McDonald's fries, pancakes, and PB & J sandwiches. I have tried every trick in the book.


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Encouraging Children to Not Wear Shoes?Do any of you allow or even encourage your children not to wear shoes. For the last year my seven year old daughter has only worn shoes to school and the rest of the time she is barefoot.


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Decorating and Childproofing a Nursery?My husband and I recently found out that we are expecting. What can we do to decorate the white walls and make it seem more like a nursery? Also, any other childproofing, toy/supplies buying, or the like tips would be greatly appreciated.


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Can Food Coloring Be Harmful?My daughter has discovered using food coloring to color her oatmeal and milk to make it more enjoyable for her to eat. My question is this, does anyone know if too much food coloring is harmful, or unhealthy to children? She likes to use it everyday, and it is now the only way I can get her to drink milk and eat oatmeal.


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