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Vegetable Growing GuidesGuides for growing common garden vegetables. Each profile contains a detailed description and growing instructions, site and soil requirements, varieties, and solutions for managing pests and diseases.


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Do Green Peppers Grow Back On the Same Tree?My husband has gotten to be quite the gardener. We have been growing our first batch of green peppers this year. We didn't even know they grew on a tree till now. Anyway, we were wondering if we should pull out the tree once all the peppers have grown for the season or should we keep the tree planted for next year's arrivals of green peppers?


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How To Grow Luscious TomatoesThe tomato is the most commonly grown vegetable in the States. Here are some tips on how to grow your own bountiful crop of tomatoes.


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Holes In My Cherry Tomatoes?Here's the problem: When they turn red, something is getting to eat them before me. Now I know some smart gardener out there can help me by telling me what to do so I can enjoy at least one tomato.


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Grape Tomatoes Splitting Before They Are Ripe?My grape tomotoes are splitting open before they are ripe. Does anyone have any advice?


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Zucchini Dying After Producing?Can you tell me why my Zucchini and Cucumber plants produce a few vegetables, then quickly die? The plant starts decaying from the bottom of the stem and rapidly progresses upward.


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Skinny Asparagus?Why do some of my asparagus come in very skinny while others nearby are very fat? Also, why do some of them become woody, no matter what their size is?


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Growing Escarole?How difficult is it to grow escarole?


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Protecting Green Pepper Plants in the Winter?I need advise on what do to about bringing my plants indoors now that the winter cold is coming. Any suggestions out there? I'm a new gardener and I had a wonderful crop of peppers all summer and fall and would hate to hurt them now!


Growing: Candytuft

Growing: CandytuftSow seed directly in ground in late spring and cover seeds with 1/8" of soil, or start indoors 6 to 8 weeks before last frost. If starting indoors, use peat pots to minimize transplanting shock and space seedlings 8" to 10" apart...


bunches of beets

Growing BeetsBeet seeds are actually small fruits that each contains 4 to 8 potential seedlings apiece so don't plant seeds to thickly together. If not thinned properly, they won't develop roots worth harvesting...


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Planting Food in Creosote Logs?My mom and I are planting a garden. She has some old creosote logs about 40 years old. Is it ok to plant strawberries in the holes of the logs? I don't want anyone to get sick on strawberry short cake.


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When Should I Pick My Chili Peppers?I am growing Santa Fe green chili peppers, they are about 8 inches long, but not sure if ready to pick? How do I know when to pick? Once picked how do I remove skin, for cooking. I know its tough skin, most say grill or broil, is there any other way?


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Prickly Spines on Cucumbers?I'm growing 2 kinds of cucumbers, one is a pickling type (can't remember the exact name), the other is called "straight eight". They both have prickly spines on them, what is causing this?


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How often should I water my vegetables?How often should I water my garden vegetables?



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Big Leaves but Small Potatoes?My potato plants have huge leaves but only a few small potatoes. What is the problem. We use cow manure for fertilizer.


Growing: RueGarden Rue is primarily grown as a garden ornamental. One advantage to Rue is it's usually successful where other plants fail to grow.


Small Tomatoes?I live in Montreal Quebec and made myself a small garden outside my office. It's full of tomatoes but some are not too big and all of them are green still. I took off the branches with no tomatoes very gentily to give more power to the tomatoes. Did I make a mistake?


Growing Calamondin?How do you grow Calamondin?


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Potato Plants Not Blooming?I planted potatoes in pots on my balcony. They are now over a metre and a half high but have not bloomed. There are 5 plants, only one has had 3 blooms.


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Growing Madagascar Grapes?Does anyone have information about Madagascar Grapes? Information about the seeds, growing instructions, can it grow in Texas heat and black soil, etc.?


Growing: Sweet CicelyOne of the first plants to arrive with spring growth, and the last to leave in the fall, Sweet Cicely is a wonderful addition to any flower garden.


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Tree Roots Invading My Vegetable Garden?I have a raised veggie patch that is being invaded by nearby tree roots. Would digging it out and lining it with weed mat solve the problem? Any suggestions would be much appreciated. I live on the south coast of NSW, Australia.


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Growing No Till Vegetables?Advice and details on starting no till potatoes. Post your own tips here.


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Can carrots and zucchini successfully grow in the tropics?Can carrots and zucchini successfully grow in the tropics?


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Growing Berries in Thailand?I come from Canada but now live in Thailand and really miss berries - blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, etc. I cannot find berry seeds here, but am traveling to the UK next month. Would I be able to grow berries here?


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Plants Not Bearing Fruit?I have planted cucumbers, zucchini and tomatoes, they do not seem to be growing at all. They do have yellowing leaves. I have fed them twice so far this season and planted them in mulch, Any ideas?


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Deformed Cucumbers?What causes deformed cucumbers?


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Not Many Tomatoes?My tomato plant has lots of flowers but only three tomatoes. It's about 4 feet tall and in a pot we planted the beginning of June. Am I being impatient or doing something wrong?


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Juicing Tomatoes In Small Batches?I'm growing tomatoes in containers. I would like to make juice out of them, but they are not accumulating fast enough. Can I freeze them a few at a time until I have enough for the juice? Also, does anyone have a recipe for making V8 Juice using all eight vegetables?



A giant homegrown zucchini

Giant ZucchiniI just wanted to show everyone the giant zucchini I grew this year. This is the first year I have grown them and this is a whopper. It is 14 1/2 inches long. I'm sure it probably would have gotten bigger but my dear husband pulled it off first.


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Stopping Tomato Plant Wilt?Our tomato plants seem to have wilt which also seems to be affecting the rest of our vegetable plants. We do get some tomatoes but the plants look in poor health. Anyway to get rid of this problem in the soil?


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No Walnuts This Year?Does anyone know why my walnut tree is not throwing walnuts this year. It is 5 yrs. old now and it has been giving me walnuts until this year.


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Do chickens eat raspberries?Will chickens eat raspberries? I'm putting up a coop, with a yard for them, but should I keep them away from the berries?


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Can I Plant A Veggie Garden In A Metal Washing Tub?I would really like to have a small veggie garden but my yard is laid out in a way that there is really no place to put it. Is it possible to do one in a large metal washing tub? I appreciate any ideas!


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Planting Strawberry Plants?I'd like to grow strawberries this year, so I bought four different types (one is a June bearer and the other three are ever bearing).


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Why Are My Green Beans Yellow?My green beans are yellowish. What are they lacking?


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Cucumber Plants Not Producing?I have planted cucumbers and they have beautiful blooms but have yielded no vegetables I planted them in a planter with miracle-gro potting soil. They have adequate sunshine and water. I suspect a soil deficiency but really am not sure.


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Strawberry Plant for an Aerogarden?What type of strawberry plant is sweet, plentiful and easy to grow in an indoor Aerogarden which uses hydroponics technology? I live in NYC and keep the Aerogarden on my window sill.


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Trouble With Inverted Tomato Plant?I am worried about my tomato plant. I decided to invert it upside down in the lower half of a milk jug. I put a hole in the middle to be able to place my tomato plant to be growing down. I have fertilized with miracle grow and watered everyday with water.


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Can I Eat My Navy Beans?My 3 year old was playing with a bag of store bought navy beans in her sandbox. Now I have a full grown bean garden. The pods are full grown, but still green. I was wondering if the pods were edible or if I need to just use the beans when the pods are dry. I live in an apartment with a fenced-in patio instead of a yard. I was not planning on having plants, but now I do and I have no idea what to do with my accidental garden.


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When Should I Plant Garlic?Last fall I planted some fall garlic and it just about all rotted in the ground. Is it too cold here, or is there something I didn't do? Is spring planting better for here?


Red Tomatoes Are Green Inside?Our beautiful red tomatoes are green and hard inside, especially around the "wall" of the tomato. What causes this? This has happened for the past two years. The tomatoes are practically inedible even though we let them ripen on the vine (or appear to ripen.)


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Wash and Freeze Your Apple HarvestWith apples so good and plentiful now, why not freeze them so that you may enjoy sauces and apple desserts all year. Fill empty spots in your freezer with apples that have been washed only. Don't pare, core or peel. Just put in plastic bags before storing in freezer.


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Harvest Food From Mother NatureAs many here have gardens, or at least potted plants, I was wondering the other day; Why not take advantage of the biggest garden around? Mother nature abounds in pure, wholesome foods, and all we have to do is step outside and receive it. And not just berries or nuts either.



Garden: Growing RutabagasHere's a picture of some of the rutabagas I grew in my garden. I also grew some very large lettuce leaves and large garlic bulbs. I love to grow large tomatoes, 2 pound ones. We have fresh veggies all the time. What we don't use, I freeze them and share with friends and neighbors. It's a very good pastime, saves on food.


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Growing Lettuce Inside?Spring is coming (eventually), and my thoughts turn to gardening. I've been wondering, can loose-leaf lettuce be grown indoors? I have a nice west-facing window with a deep windowsill over the sink and wonder if enough UV rays get through to merit growing it.


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When Are Peas Ripe?Do ripe pea pods break off easily or do I need to cut them off to get the freshest peas? I'm seeing conflicting advice on-line.


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Blooms But No Tomatoes?I have tomato plants that look very healthy. They put on blossoms, but they fall off and no fruit develops. Any solution?


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Raised Beds Deter Carrot FliesA carrot fly can only get to a height of about 1 to 2 feet. If you raise a bed to that level, and then plant your carrot seeds in, they cannot get to them and you will have perfect carrots every time.


ginger root, slices, and grated

Growing GingerStart ginger from 1 to 1 1/2 inch long rhizomes (roots) that contain at least one eye. If you're using ginger roots from the grocery store or specialty store, look for firm, smooth roots with plenty of "eyes."


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Underdeveloped Corn?My corn did not develop completely. We had a bout of hot weather and then it turned cold for a week or two. What happened?


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Surprise Tomatoes From Seed?I planted a tomato garden last year, but this year didn't plant. I have three healthy tomato plants that popped up spontaneously. Will they produce fruit?


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Inverted Tomato Planters?Has anyone tried those upside down tomatoes? How do they work and taste? I also think that this method would work for herbs since you can move this thing around to meet the sun. What do you think?


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Blooms Falling Off My Cucumbers?Cucumbers flower, but no fruit comes. Please help.


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Garlic Bulbs Rotted?Why did my garlic rot in garden? I was told on this site to cut tops off garlic and it would make larger bulbs. I did and it rotted. Now I do not have any plants. I had about 20 plants last year they made bulbs about the size of grape fruits.


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Harvesting Indian Corn?I would like information on harvesting Indian corn.


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Peas Dying From the Bottom Up?My peas are dying from the bottom up. Does anyone have any suggestions?


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Cantaloupe Foliage Dying ?My cantaloupe stopped growing, but the foliage is looking terrible. Yellow and crisp, instead of green. I have several melons and hope to be able to harvest them before the raccoons get them. Any suggestions? Kathy


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Tomato Not Ripening?My tomato is still green, is this normal or there is something wrong with mine?


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Eating Bug Damaged Lettuce?Every bit of my leaf lettuce and basil in my container garden is holey. I lay the blame on Japanese beetles. Can I still eat any of my holey produce? I know it sounds gross, but I'm angry. I had surgery and could not do a real garden.


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Tomato Plants Look Sick?I am new to gardening and my tomato plants are looking sick. The top, not the bottom leaves look like they are drying up. The bottom leaves are large, flat, and have slightly rounded edges. The top leaves are small curled and have sharp edges.


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Something Eating Tomato Leaves?Something has eaten the tops (2 tiny leaves) off my tomato seedlings, on my screened-in patio. Will the bare stem continue to grow? Can I spray them with a repellent? Thanks. Linda


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Top of Ripe Red Tomato Still Green?Why do some of my tomatoes stay green on top, when the bottom of the tomato is red and ripe?


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Hardy Kiwi 'Michigan State'I just discovered that there are kiwi vines that are now available for zone 3-9, so they are very hardy! I did find that they need a male kiwi plant to be with up to 8 other female kiwis.


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When are Huckleberries Ripe?I would like to know how to tell when huckleberries are ripe.


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Planting Onions in Zone 6a?Living in eastern Washington and living in zone 6a, I normally plant my onion sets in the spring. However in order to purchase a variety of shallots, I ordered shallot bulbs by mail order.


giant pumpkin

How To Grow Giant PumpkinsWhether your goal is to make a statement with your fall display or win first prize at a local pumpkin weigh-off, once you've mastered some pumpkin growing basics, growing the giants isn't really that hard.


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Why are My Onions Small and Going to Seed?The onions in our garden are small and the tops are flowering and going to seed. Why are they doing that and is it a problem?


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Why Are the Flowers Falling Off My Cucumber?I live in Tallahassee Florida. Why are the flowers on my cucumbers falling off?


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Treating Tomato Plants with Magnesium?How soon after planting tomatoes can you give them magnesium?


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Will Frost Damaged Potato Vines Still Produce?Will my potatoes survive and grow after emerging leaves have been damaged by frost?


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Cracked Tomatoes?Why do my tomatoes crack open after starting to turn red? They never get very big.


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Preventing Clubroot in Cabbages?I have heard of dipping cabbage plant roots into a chemical before planting to prevent clubroot. I don't know what chemical or whether this is a good idea. Has anybody got knowledge or opinion on this?


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Pea Plants Turning Yellow?Why are my peas turning yellow? They are planted in bagged compost.


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What is Topping My Tomatoes?An animal is eating the leaves and stem of my tomato plants starting at the top of the plant. Some branches were 3-4 feet long. I noticed it yesterday and put deer and rabbit Scram 18 inches out from the base of plants. I checked them this morning. Still had the problem.


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How Long Does It Take a Tomato Plant to Set Fruit?This is my first time planting tomato plants. I planted my seeds 2 months or so ago and now they are about 3 feet tall and have many flowers on them. When are they going to start producing fruit? Or are they even going to? Do I need to just start over?


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Protecting Tomato Plants from Animals?We had a lot of tomatoes, but they got eaten by some animal. My question is if I plant tomatoes now will they still have fruit on them? How do I protect my plants from being eaten? How high of a fence should I have and what should I use?


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Cucumbers Falling Off the Vine?Some of my cucumbers are developing and then they die off. I am using all female type plants and they are grown in a green house on their own. I have a good crop, but the new ones on top develop about 1in long then die off.


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Remedy for an Overwatered Pepper Plant?One of my bell pepper plants got too much water from all the rain and now it's wilted. Will it come back or what can I do? They are in five gallon buckets and yes they have holes in them.


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Growing Vegetables Near Yew Tree?I understand that yew leaves are very toxic. Is it OK to grow vegetables near a yew tree in soil that has yew leaf fall on it?


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Grape Vines Not Producing?Why doesn't my grape vine get grapes?


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When to Harvest Onions?When do I pick my onions?


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Do Rabbits Eat Tomato Plants?Do rabbits eat tomato plants? Thank you for your reply.


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Is It Safe to Use Styrofoam in Planters for Growing Vegetables?Is it safe to use Styrofoam in planters for vegetables?


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Bell Peppers Have a Brown Film on Them?I planted bell peppers and they are producing with a brown film on them. Are they diseased or are they safe to use?


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Vegetables Are Turning Yellow Then Brown and Dying?My vegetable garden has started to turn yellow and then brown. It is dying; what can I do?


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Cucumber Leaves Turning Yellow and Brown and Dying?Why are the leaves on my cucumber vines turning yellow, then brown and dying? What should I do? I do have some new stems starting.


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Roma Tomatoes Brown and Woody in the Center?When I pick my Roma tomatoes, which are growing in pots, they are brown and woody in the center and very dry with no seeds. Any one know what is causing this?


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Blossoms Chili Plant Dropping Off?I have a chili plant grown in a pot. Now it is about 3 months old. Flowering has started, but the majority of the flowers after blooming fall off on the 3rd or 4th day. My country is in the tropics. The average temperature is about 32 degrees Centigrade.


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When Should I Harvest Green Beans for Freezing?When should I pick green beans for freezing?


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Can I Grow Vegetables in Pots with a Northern Exposure?I am stuck living in an apartment facing north. It is great for begonias and other shade-loving flowers, but horrible for my dream of vegetables and herbs. Or? Has anyone had any luck with growing any edibles like that in pots on the north side?


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Can I Grow Stevia Indoors?Can stevia be grown indoors?


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How Late Can I Plant Lettuce?I live in Billings, MT and am wondering if I can plant a second crop of lettuce now. Daytime temps are around 85 F this time of year, but it will soon be about 75 during the day and 45-50 at night.


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Pepper Plants Not Flowering?I planted 4 different kinds of peppers this spring. They all look wonderful and healthy. The problem is only the green and banana peppers are bearing fruit. The other plants don't even have flowers.


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What Do I Do When Arugula Blooms?What to do when arugula blooms?


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Mustard Greens Are Blooming?I would like to know what to do when mustard greens bloom.


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Getting Rid of Woodlice (Sowbugs) in the Vegetable Garden ?Carpenters or woodlouce (a small black crawling bug sometimes found in your home) as we call them in Canada are eating my beets. How do I get rid of them? Thank you.


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How Do I Tie Escarole?I am looking for a method of tying escarole.


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How Do I Grow a Potato in a Trash Bag?How do you grow a potato plant in a bag?


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Check Nut Quality when HarvestingBefore you spend a lot of time picking up hickory nuts under any particular tree, crack a few of the fallen delicacies first. If three out of four are rotten, there's obviously not much sense in gathering at that spot. Move on to another tree.


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What is the Average Yield in Kilograms from a Pea Plant?How many kg does the average pea plant produce?


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