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Small blue flowers around a center of darker blue.

What Type of Plant Is This? (Giant Scilla, Pruvain...Does anyone know what the name of this plant is? It was from my neighbor about 3 years ago. I divided it and put part in the sunny part of the garden and part in the shade. It bloomed this year in the sun. The one in the shade has not. The leaves are strap like.


What Is This Plant? (Persian Shield)I just picked this plant up at the flea market, but have no idea what it is. Does anyone know what it is and do you have any tips for caring for it, watering, light etc.?


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Can anyone tell me the real name for a Red Tip?Can anyone tell me the real name for a Red Tip? It's a shrub that grows real tall if not clipped back and has red leaves in the spring.


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Vine With Yellow Flowers? Can anyone tell me what this vine is? I found it in the woods, it smells like baby powder and it has little flowers which are yellow. It's not honeysuckle.


What are these plants? (Yarrow)

What are these plants? (Yarrow)I have things growing in my garden and I am not sure of what they may be. Here's a picture.


Medium green leaves with yellow flowers.

Is This a Sweet Potato Plant?I planted sweet potatoes and have several of these big beautiful plants now growing with yellow, red and lilac colored flowers.


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What kind of tree is this? (Bald Cypress?)My son was recently in school in Mooresville, NC. I noticed during the move a beautiful cedar or arborvitae tree that I would love to have. It was pyramidal, green (of course), but what made it stand out were the yellow-tinged lacy ends to the branches.


What Type of Squash is This? (Strange Zucchini)Does anyone know what kind of squash this is? It tastes like regular zucchini, but I have never seen anything like it and no one can tell me what type it is.


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Aloe Plant With a Yellow Stripe on Its Leaves?I have an aloe plant that is really big and has a yellow stripe on the leaves. What type of aloe plant is that?


Tall houseplant with medium green leaves.

What Is This Plant? (Schefflera)I want help identifying this houseplant.


Potted plant.

What Is This Plant? (Dracaena)Here's another plant I was hoping to get identified.


What is this plant? (Hens & Chicks, Sempervivum Tectorum)Can someone tell me what that plant is in the picture with the old boot planter. I know it's a type of cacti but from there I'm stumped. Here's the picture.


What is this plant? (Dieffenbachia)I have this houseplant whose name I do not know, and I can't seem to find it in any Houseplant encyclopedia or photo list. It's been really unhealthy for the past few weeks but I can't figure out what I need to do if I don't know the name of the plant.


Trailing plant.

What is this plant?I bought this hanging house plant from my local Agway but they had no idea what the name of the plant was. They did show me small buds they said open to white flowers. I hope someone could identify it for me and provide care instructions.


What's the Name of This Bloom? (Spiderwort)I planted an new garden last fall, and this spring some new flowers have came up. I am really very good with types of plants but this one I just can't find a name. Does anyone know the name of this bloom? Thanks.



Lavendar and white iris.

What type of flower is this? (Iris)I was wondering the name of this flower.


What is this plant? (Hosta)A friend of mine just bought a house and was wondering what this plant is?


What is this plant? (Air Potato)My mom found this seed/plant/fruit thing in the backyard of a house she was selling and I have no idea what it is! Its stem keeps growing, at first it was 5 inches, now its like a foot, which grew over a week and the stem moves constantly!


Green and white leafed plant.

What Is This Plant? (Arrowhead Philodendron)I'm trying to find out what type of plant this is, so I may better care for it (as it seems to be struggling to survive). I really enjoy this plant because each leaf is uniquely colored with green & white. I appreciate all help/responses. Thanks!


Tall multistemmed house plant with narrow leaves.

What is this plant? (Neanthe bella)Here is one more plant I need identified. Does anybody know what kind this is? It feels very dry and paper like. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like that or not.


What is this plant? (Gardenia?)I was given this plant/shrub a few years ago but can not remember it's name. I was hoping that someone here might be able to help me.


A white flower that grows on a branch.

What Is This Flower? (Wild Rose)Anybody know what this flower is? It is growing on a large, thorny bush. I thought at first it might be a rose bush but the buds are tiny, tiny and very fragrant!


Flower pot with small plants.

What Is This Plant? (Mint And Tomatoes)I planted some parsley in this pot, but what is growing doesn't look like parsley to me. Most of it looks like grass, with maybe a few tomato plants? And most likely weeds. Anyone know what these plants are? I'd hate to pull them up only to find out that they are plants and not weeds! I did have tomatoes in this pot last year.


What is this mushroom?What kind of mushrooms are these?


Unknown plant.

What is This Plant? (Canadian Ground Cover)I bought a plant at a local nursery and noticed that this plant was growing with it so I separated them. Unfortunately I do not know what this is. The white flowers turn to green clusters then the berry like balls turn a black color.


What Is This Plant? (Red Sedum)Can anyone give me a name for this plant that was given to me?The leaves are smooth and the flowers were light purple before they turned this deep red.


Hanging plant.

What Is This Plant? (Wandering Jew)Can anyone help identify the name of this plant? It's a hanging pot plant, that I am learning blooms in the fall. I purchased it this past spring, and totally forgot what kind of plant the seller said that it was.


Fern looking plant.

What is This Plant?I give this plant sunlight and water. What is this plant?


Dracaena Fragrans

What is This Plant? (Dracaena Fragrans)I received this plant 4 months ago, and the tips of the leaves are turning brown. I thought it was over watered so I stopped watering it and it still is losing the ends of the leaves.


Green leaves with white edges.

What is This Plant? (Swedish Ivy)What kind of plant is this? I know it's not a mint because the stem is round, not square but it does run. I know it's not a Charlie, but the leaves are about the same size. It has a distinct odor that is not very pleasant.



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Orange Flowers Along Kentucky Highway (Lilies)?I see these beautiful orange flowers by the highway. What are they and how can I get some to plant?


Three full Gazania blooms and several budding flowers in garden

What is This Plant? (Gazania)This plant was given to me but I do not know what it is called. Thanks to anyone who can tell me.


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What is this Plant?I have a plant question. I have gotten a plant given to me it looks something like a Wandering Jew only it has stiff leaves and is all purple. It grows upright and gets white flower's in every-other leaf.


night blooming cereus

What is This Plant? (Night Blooming Cereus)I am trying to find out what type of plant this is. I started it from a leaf that fell off my sister's plant. Her long stems are about 8' tall that was started 5 years ago.


What Kind of Tree is This?What kind of tree is this? What is it's native habitat? Are the seeds poisonous?


Varigated leaf plant.

What is This Plant?Does anyone know what type of plant this is? Are the white things shown in this photo flowers or seeds? Please let me know.


Yellow speckled green foliage plant.

What Is This Plant? (Spotted Laurel)I don't know the name of this plant. I asked someone at a nursery and she thought it was Schefflera but then said "no, someone else told me it was called a Grapefruit Plant". But no one so far has given me a definitive answer.


Thick stalks with dark green leaves.

What is This Plant?My wife and I are trying to identify a plant we bought at Home Depot. No one there knew what it was and we are trying to determine watering schedules and exposure. Any help would be appreciated.


What is This Plant?What is this plant?


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What is This Plant?What is this plant? They are bulb like things that grow in bunches like grapes, on potato plant branches.


Unidentifiable pruned plant.

What is This Plant?What plant is this? Please disregard the shape, as it was carved.


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What is This Plant?I found this weed in my backyard. It's like a berry bush with purple/blue berries about 3/4 cm across. The berries, when squished, are greenish inside, not unlike a blueberry. There are massive amounts of seeds, and birds are fond of the berries. What could this weed be?


Plant with clusters of small fragrant white flowers.

What is This Plant?Can anyone please identify this common bush that blooms at this time of year? The little blooms smell wonderfully sweet like honeysuckle.Photo taken 6-3-10.


What are These Plants?I got some very kind responses re: the type of my plants, but since it seemed that the quality of the pics was so poor, many were only able to make best guesses. I will mention that neither of them is a flowering plant, just indoor hanging plants I got at Home Depot without name tags.


Closeup of pinkish flower on vine.

What is This Plant?Can anyone identify this plant for me? It just started blooming and will bloom until frost. It will then be killed to the ground and will remain dormant until late spring. At that time it will put up long shoots from the ground and grow into a vine.



Bell shaped flowers growing on a stalk.

What Is This Flower? (Bluebell)This spring flower came up in my flower bed, but I don't know what it is. It comes up on a stalk and has small purple bell shaped flowers.


Stalk type blue flower with yellow orange stamen

What Type of Flower is This?I found this flower in the park on my morning walk with my dog. It looks like some sort of lily, but I can't figure out what variety.


Photo of multi leaf plant against fence

What is the Name of This Plant?This plant has a red tight berry cluster approximately 6 inches long on a foot long stem. Photos included of plant and berry clusters.


An orange flower with broad green leaves.

What is This Flower? (Nasturtium)Can anyone tell me what this flower is?


Identifying a Christmas Cactus?A friend of mine gave me a big cactus for my birthday. He was unable to get any information regarding the cactus other than it flowers whenever it wants to. The color of its flower is red.


Purple plant with pink flowers

What is This Plant?This plant pops up in the wooded area of my property, in a different spot each spring. It has tiny pink flowers. Anyone know what it is?


Bearded iris with white petals bordered in light to medium purple

What is the Name of This Iris?Can anyone tell me the name of this bearded iris? The name is lost somewhere in my memory. I have lost it and would like to replace it.Thanks for any help in doing so. GG Vi


Stem with somewhat ovoid green leaves and small bright blue flower

What is This Flower? (Asiatic Dayflower)I have these spring up all the time in my yard, they are shade loving and they grow very lanky and tall. I always bring them in and root them and transplant them so I have them all the time in the yard. They close at night. In the buds, there are little balls that are the flowers.


Plant with red trumpet shaped flowers and dark green leaves

What is This Flower? (Mandevilla)I bought this flower recently, but am not sure what its called. Does anyone know?


hanging basket with pinkish purple flowers

What Are These Plants?I got two of these hanging baskets at a market garden, the gal had no idea of the name of the plant. I have never seen them before. They are just beautiful, require lots of water, and tolerate full sun. Anyone have a idea of the name of this plant?


lavender flower with purple throat and radiating lines of purple from throat

What is This Flower? (Hollyhock)Can anybody tell me the name of this flower? This is the first year it has come up.


Tree with spent flower stems.

What Kind of Tree is This?What kind of tree is this? It's growing in the parking lot at my office and when the flowers are blooming it makes it hard for me to breathe.


Closeup of plant in pot.

What is This Plant? (Ficus)I am trying to identify my plant. I have had it for several years and it is dying. I want to revive it, but even when slightly touched the leaves fall off. The root structure is barely there, it lays just under the top part of the dirt, but doesn't go beyond 1/2 inch or so.


Purple and white striped trumpet shaped flower with numerous thin hairlike filigree near center

What is this Flower? (Bat Plant)Can someone identify a plant for me?


Two tone red flower in leafy plant. Leaves are medium green, lancet and serrated.

What is This Flower? (Balsam)What is this flower?


View of plant from a slight distance, showing height of plant.

What is This Plant?This plant belongs to a friend of mine and she is having trouble finding out what it is. It is thriving very well, but she just doesn't know what it is called.


Member standing next to giant plant leaf.

What Kind of Plant is This?What kind of plant is this? It comes up in the first week of June and grows 2 1/2 feet a day. It is now around 18 ft tall. It is supposed to have purple flowers and long beans. I have had it 15 years and it has never bloomed. I guess it is a male or needs another plant to make it bloom.


Low growing ground cover with round leaves.

What is This Plant? Creeping CharlieThis plant is taking over my back yard. I was wondering if it was pennyroyal. It has purple flowers in the spring and grows by spreading of the root system.


Distant photo showing height.

What is This Plant? (Giant Ragweed)This thing just keeps getting bigger and bigger. It is now almost 5 feet tall. It looks like it will bloom or something, but then just keeps sending out more leaves in the place where it seems a bud ought to be forming.


Multistemed plant with bulbous base on stem. Has ovoid leaves aligned in pairs.

What is This Houseplant?Can anyone out there identify this house plant? The guy I bought it from did not know what it is. He just said it requires only low light and he has not watered it in 6 months.Thanks so much.


What Is This Plant?I was just wondering if anyone can tell me what this plant is? All I have are these leaves. My understanding is that they grow on top of a stalk and it does flower. The seeds as you can see are on the edges of the leaves. They get at least 3 feet tall. Thanks.


Top of plant with what appears to be a tall multibranched flower spike.

What Is This Plant?Could anybody help me identify this plant? Is this growth normal and what do I do with it?


Photo of a cactus.

What is This Cactus?I need help identifying this cactus. I purchased it locally and it wasn't identified, unfortunately it has died and I can't seem to find anymore. I am hoping that if I can out find any information about it that I can purchase another online.


White flower with long projecting separate long projecting petals.

What is This Flower? (Cat's Whiskers)What is the name of the white flower in this photo? I purchased the plant at a home improvement store without a tag. It is growing in zone 8, west coast of central Florida, and survived last winter in the ground with minimum mulch.


Medium tall multibranched houseplant, with gold speckled narrow green leaves.

What is This Plant?I have a plant which is beautiful. I looked in a few nurseries, but nobody seems to know what it is. Everyone asks me what kind of plant it is and I can't answer them because I don't know the name of it, but I think it's tropical. Can you help me please? Thank you.


Tiny orange flower with yellowish orange veins.

What is This Flower? (Morning Glory?)I call this an "orange morning glory" because it behaves and has similar characteristics to a morning glory. It has leaves, seed pods, and seeds like a morning glory, but the size and shape is different.


Top down view of black and white iris.

What's the Name of This Iris?As you may know I'm starting a new iris bed in "The Path Garden". I saved this picture a few years ago and can't remember where I got it. Does anyone have this iris or know the name? I would love to have it added to the garden for next year. Thanks for any help ThriftyFun's family can provide.


House plant with gold speckled leaves.

What is This Houseplant?Do you think it is a type of croton, or pothos, or?


Green and yellow speckled plant.

What is This Plant?I have newly purchased this plant and it appears to be dying. I would like to identify it and find the proper care for it. It has blade like leaves about 3 inches long and 1 inch wide. They grow thickly from a center stem. They are medium green and are heavily sprinkled with bright yellow.


Plant in kitchen window.

What Is This Plant?We always get these garden plants on Mother's Day. I kept a cutting of it and I keep it in the kitchen window. I have no idea what it is, but our church gives them out and the plants are different each year.


Plant vining up fence.

What is This Plant?Does anyone know what this plant is?


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What is This Plant?I am wondering if there is anyone who lives in Florida or where it is warm, that might know what this plant is. I live in Michigan and was given a plant that grows Florida. It looks just like my aloe plant except that it has longer thorns on it and they are sharper.


ground moss

Moss Identification?Can anyone tell me what kind of moss this is? I looked online, but there are several that look similar. Some can take some sun and others can't. Thanks for your help.


Two different cacti in a pot.

What is This Plant?I was given this plant, and I don't know the name?


Emerging plant.

What is This Plant?Does anyone know what this plant is? I was thinking it's echinacea, but I'm not sure. Thanks for your help.


Stalky green plant with yellow "flowers" on the tips.

What is This Plant?Please, do you know the name of this plant? I have been searching forever. Thanks.


White flower with yellow center

What is This Plant?The picture did not come out well, it is a delicate tissue substance looking plant that had stems of drooping pods before blooming on a stem with leaves with brown splotches. The flower is yellow in the middle and has what holly hocks have in the center.


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What Kind of Weed is This?I have a weed growing in my lawn. It is quite soft when it is green. I pops up in early spring and by end of May is dying. When it starts to die, it has many, many stickers.


Plant with green leaves and red flower.

What is This Flower? (Desert Rose)Can anyone tell this plant or flower's name? It was brought to me as a gift. It has a thick trunk.


Thick stalked plant with medium green leaves.

What is This Plant? (Plumeria/Frangipanni)I am trying to find out what type of plant it is?


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What is This Plant?I bought a plant, just because it was pretty, but have no ideal what it is. The little guy at the nursery said they just came in, and the owner wasn't there and he didn't know what kind it is.


Blue star shaped flowers.

What is This Plant?I have a plant with blue star shaped flowers in our yard. Can anyone tell me the name of this plant? It is supposed to be a food source for butterflies? And how about info on the seed pods? What do they need in the way of sun/shade/food/water?


Plant with green and purple leaves.

What is This Plant?I know it's not a wandering Jew (more succulent). It seems to be some type of bush.


Leaves of the plant.

What is This Plant? (Chinese Evergreen)I wonder if somebody can tell me what kind of plant I have? I have two pics of the stems and leaves.


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Identifying a Houseplant?I am looking for the name of a house plant, it grows somewhat fast. It has very small tear drop shaped green leaves. Does anyone recognize that description?



What is This Plant?My cousin's sister-in-law planted this vine while she was having cancer treatments. She told her it was a purple Clematis, but it bloomed this year and the flowers were white, last spring and did not look like any Clematis she has seen. Anyone know the name of this plant? Thanks.


Purple flower is prominent yellow center.

What is This Flower? (Balloon Flower)Attached is a photo of a small shrub I bought with small flowers. Can anyone tell me what it's called?


Pink sweet pea like flower.

What is This Flower? (Sweet Pea)We saw these growing out of cracks in a parking lot this morning. They are really pretty. What are they?


Tulip shaped flowers on thick stalks.

What is This Rare Plant?I have a plant which has just flowered after 5 years. I have looked after it since the death of my friend, who paid 100 pounds for the plant. Can anyone tell me what it is called?


Potted plant with large dark green leaves and very defined white veins.

What is This Plant?Can anyone identify this plant?


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Identifying a Houseplant?I picked up a large houseplant several years ago at a garage sale. Its has large leaves with roots growing in and outside of plant. The roots come from the stem with the leaves.


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What is This Houseplant?I have a houseplant that has long narrow light green leaves with 2 light strips of white in the centre of each leaf. What is the plant?


Plant with 6 lobular leaves per stem and small yellow flowers.

What is This Plant?This plant came up in my flowerbed. I didn't know what it was, but it looked rather neat, so I left it and watched it grow. It closes up at night and opens up in the mornings. Now I am noticing a yellow flower on it. I have no idea what it is. Has anyone ever seen it?


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What is This Plant?I would like to know the name of a plant that no one seems to have seen before. It looks like a hibiscus flower, deep blood red or dark magenta, with leaves that have five lobes.


Closeup of the flower stalk.

What is This Flower? (Lambs Ear)What is this flower? I found it growing along the side of the road in central Florida.


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Identifying and Getting Rid of an Invasive Plant?This plant at first glance looks like a rosemary bush, but on closer examination you can tell the leaves are more pine needle like and the branches of the bush are thinner. The weight of the leaves causes it to grow almost like a fern hanging over other plants.


Plant with small white

What is This Plant?We have been trying to find out what it is for two years. My mother in-law brought it back from West Virginia. It spreads like crazy and comes back every spring. Thank you for any help.


pink flowering

What is This Plant?I received two of these plants after a brief hospital stay and I don't know what they are or how to take care of them. Can you help me? It has tiny flowers on it and a thick rubbery leaf.


unknown plant

What are These Plants?I have these leaves growing in my garden where I spread all kind of flower seeds. So far the leaves just stay the same size with no sign of any bloom. Are they a weed?


unknown plant

Is This a Weed or a Giant Marigold?I have a few of these in my garden, the leaves look like marigold leaves. It's so tall, but has no bloom. Are they weeds or giant marigold?


green leafy plant

What is This Plant?I have a bunch of these plants growing in my garden, they grew closely together. Are they a weed or they are some kind of plant?


plant Stem

What is This Plant?I have a bunch of this growing in my garden. From far away it looks like some hairy things on the branch. Close up it looks like a bunch of red bugs growing on it. It looks like it's about to bloom. It has even jagged edge. Is it a weed or some kind of flower?



What Is This Plant? (Dracaena)I need to know the name of this plant. How much water does it need?


two hanging plants

Identifying Houseplants?I got some plants off the clearance rack, I thought the stickers would have the name of the plant. You know how the stories goes it turned out they did not.


plant near house siding

What is This Plant?This plant just popped up a few weeks ago. It has many stems each with 6 egg-shaped leaves, and the leaves close at night and open in the morning. There are yellow flowers which, once fertilized, produce a long seed pod resembling a green bean (4-6 inches).


peace lily

What Is This Plant?What kind of plant is this?


plant cuttings

What Are These Plant Cuttings?I received these and I need help identifing what they are so I can care for them properly.


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What Is This Plant?I have this tall cactus like plant with medium size leaves and tiny pink flowers. It's very skinny and tall with a spiked trunk and is only bushy on top. What is it? How do I care for it?


pink leaved houseplant

What Is This House Plant?What is this shrub? I would like to know what it is called and what are the requirements for light, water, etc.


potted outside plant

What Is This Plant?What is the name of this of plant?


yellow primrose like flower

What Is This Flower? (Primrose)I was given this flower. It spreads like crazy and comes back every year. It closes up in the evening and opens in the morning. The yellow flowers last a week or two.


What Is This Plant?

What Is This Plant?Does anyone what plant this is?


tall dracaena like plant

What Is This Houseplant?Our office has been trying to figure out what this plant is so we can properly care for it, but no ideas come to mind. What is it?


What Is This Garden Plant?

What Is This Garden Plant?I would like to know the name of this plant.


hand holding to globe shaped flowers or seed pods

What Is This Plant?My mom planted something earlier this year and now can't remember what it was. Could someone please tell me?


What Is This Plant?

What Is This Plant?I need to know the name of these plants. I know the one is called purple something. However, the one I'm more concerned about is the one in the hanging basket that looks as if it's covered in fuzz.


closeup of short hair white cat

What Is This Plant?This plant was given to me. I do not know what it is called or how to care for it. It had little white flowers on it when I got it, but has not flowered since. The leaves are dark green, thick, and waxy. Thanks for your help.


What Is This Great Smelling Plant?

What Is This Great Smelling Plant?This plant reseeds itself every year. It smells great. I think it is a type of herb. It's doing exceptionally well this year with all the rain we've had, and has gotten up to 3 to 4 feet tall. It has one flower (I believe?) on top that I think maybe a composite. I do not know the color of the flower.


What Is This Plant?

What Is This Plant?I got this plant as a gift and I would like to find out what it is so I know how to care for it.


purple bloom with droopy leaves

What Is This Plant?These plants came up in a bed. I removed them and transplanted about 15 to an area in the back yard. They have a purple bloom and will wilt during the heat of the day and revive when the sun disappears. A neighbor said that they were dug out of the woods.


closeup of plant

What Is This Plant?The second mystery plant in my yard originally looked almost like a little pepper plant, but it got a lot bigger and made all these little green seed pod clusters (which I opened up to inspect).


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