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My Retired Tea Towels

My Retired Tea TowelsWe all have them, the old tea towels that are worn out, faded or stained, that we don't care to use anymore and that we would never put out when company is coming over.


Fork and knife on a napkins

Paper or Fabric? What Napkins Save the...A major cost in any household shouldn't be the napkins that sit on the dining room table, but it is an expense. The question, of paper napkins verses fabric napkins, is which is for the better good, both environmentally and economically?


Close Up Photo of Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs

Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (CFL)...We finally took the plunge last year and replaced nearly all of the lightbulbs in our house with compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFL). Now, less then a year later, 4 of the 6 bulbs in our bathroom have burned out within days of each other.


tin can plastic bag dispenser

More Trashy Treasures: Upcycling Plastic...There can never be enough trashy treasures in the world. When craft supplies are free and working double duty to keep landfills free, the urge to make more and more grows. Take stock of your plastic shopping bags, and consider "upcycling" them.


Capri Sun Pouches

Trashy Treasures: Reusing Capri Sun...Recycling juice pouches into fashion accessories is a fun eco-stylish trend. All recycling projects require the same first step - cleaning. The great colors of the pouches make for endless design options.


An electric plug in an outlet.

The Electric Bill BattleEvery month I open the electric bill and accept it with quiet discontent. However, this month the bill was too high to ignore. I stepped away from my desk and took a 360 degree look around my home. What did I see? A giant electric sucking vortex of wasted energy.


Woman opening the refrigerator.

Do These Little Things Really Add Up?We're governed by our habits, and while some of them are simply irksome, others serve a purpose. After coaxing the last spurt of shampoo from the bottle, do you add water and swish out whatever is left?


Dish Soap and Sponge

Cleaning Products You Already HaveCleaning products account for a substantial portion of each household's grocery budget. With laundry detergent topping the list as high as $15 per bottle, it isn't hard to see why. One could easily fill a cabinet or two with the bevy of cleaning products advertised on television.


A Snake In My Garden

A Snake In My Garden!I was doing some clean-up work in the garden today. As I was pulling spent bean vines (minding my own business, don't you know), I saw what looked like a great big worm. I can be kind of slow, but eventually I figured out that it was a snake.


Books at a Library

Bookstore Shopping Trip as GiftOne Christmas, the neighbor came over with gifts for the children. She handed each of them an envelope with their name on it. Very curious, the children opened the envelopes one by one. Inside was a $20 with a note.


A Dozen Ways To Cut Your Trash Bill

A Dozen Ways To Cut Your Trash BillWe have become a disposable society. We throw things away instead of getting them repaired or reusing them as our grandparents did. Make it a game to see how little you throw away. So here are a few ideas on how to cut your trash bill.


5 Tips To Make Your Pet More Green

5 Tips To Make Your Pet More GreenIn today's world, most of us are working hard to make the world a greener place. But while we struggle to reduce, reuse, and recycle at every opportunity, Fido is getting a free pass, the bunny is hopping around anywhere he wants, and the cat is mocking us.


Green Savings and Losses

Green Savings and LossesMany claim that the "green movement" isn't as green as it claims. True, many green options rob Peter to pay Paul. Bamboo flooring is an example. While it surpasses hardwood flooring in its regeneration, the farming of bamboo is not necessarily done in the greenest of fashions.


How to Recycle Wrong

How to Recycle WrongRecycling relieves the environment of a burden, but can it ever be harmful? Is there a way to recycle wrong? It's not necessarily the recycling that can be incorrect; it's the steps leading up to the act of recycling that can cause more harm than good.


Simple Ways to Manage Energy Costs

Simple Ways to Manage Energy CostsEducate yourself to understand your utility bills and each line item and charge included in your bill. Knowledge can save you money!



Three important tips for new organic gardeners

The 3 Important Tips for New Organic...Organic gardening is not just a matter of replacing synthetic fertilizers and pesticides with more natural products. It's about learning to look at your garden as a whole system and how all things are interconnected.


Environmentally Friendly Egg CartonsOne particularly useful household item normally finds itself in the garbage can, but it can be put to better use elsewhere. Before they find their ways into the garbage or recycling bin, catch those egg cartons and put them to one more better uses.


How To Avoid Misleading Environmental ClaimsAlmost no products are 100% green, but many claim to be. Unfortunately, many well-intentioned consumers are being persuaded to buy products that don't come close to delivering on their environmental promises.


Several people commuting by bike.

How To Bike More And Drive LessWhether you ride your bike to work, to school, or to the grocery store, biking is a safe, inexpensive and fun way to get around. It's also good for your waistline and the environment.


Eating Green: How to Reduce the Amount of Meat You EatMany people don't realize it, but one of the best ways to reduce your personal impact on the environment is to eat less meat. Here are some easy ways to reduce the amount of meat in your diet, eat a healthier diet, and reduce your impact on the environment all at the same time.


fabric softener bottle

Eco-Friendly Alternatives To Fabric...Many people use commercial fabric softeners or dryer sheets to reduce static cling and maker their clothes feel softer. Ironically, most people that use these products don't realize that they are essentially trading dirty clothes for clothes that are covered in a thin layer of toxic chemicals.


Needles and Leaves

Using Pine Needles and Leaves in Your GardenEvery year in autumn, trees shower gardeners with an abundance of falling leaves and pine needles. To not take advantage of them in our gardens is to waste some valuable (and free) renewable resources.


My Frugal Life: Big Savings With Water Heater TimerAs a single mother in 1980, necessity became the mother of invention for me. I had a house built with passive solar windows, and all electric heat, kitchen and water heater.


Microfiber cloths.

Microfiber Fabrics Save in the Long RunMicrofiber is the economic solution to cleaning, though it might not seem like it. Microfiber materials are more expensive at the initial point of purchase, but they are long lasting and efficient cleaners.


The Can Opener

The Can OpenerIn our house, the Can Opener is King; that's just all there is to it. Now I like to think of myself as a decent housewife or at least an adequate one, but I do admit that most of my cooking skills depend on the contents of a No. 2 can.


Luxurious Lemons

Luxurious LemonsNormally when I shop, I don't fill my cart with bright yellow lemons. Until recently, that is. Now, after reading about the versatility of lemons in a grocery store flyer, lemons are at home in my fridge.


Lighten the Fuel LoadA recent CNN report stated that airlines are reducing fuel costs by lightening airplanes. Drinking glasses have been replaced by plastic ones, and any unnecessary item such as an old cooking oven in the stewards' area has been removed.


Lady pushing a lawn mower.

Environmentally Friendly Lawn MowersGone are the days when buying an environmentally-friendly lawn mower meant a trip to the local hardware store to pick out an old-fashioned reel-type mower. From cords to cordless, and from reel to robotic, today's carbon conscious lawnscapers have lots of eco-friendly choices.


E-Cycling Economics

E-Cycling EconomicsThe green movement is in full swing, and while it might be great for our planet, it might not be so great for our wallets. A growing concern involves e-cycling, recycling electronic products which seep chemical poisons into the ground beneath the dumps.


Electrical Savings 102Think you've mastered electrical savings? Take another look around your home and find even more places to pull the plug and keep the meter from spinning.



Plastic baby bottle.

Safer Use of PlasticsPlastic is everywhere. We eat from it, drink from it, build with it, and our children play with toys made from it. Some of us even wear it. Unfortunately, the production, use, and disposal of plastics are all fraught with serious health and environmental consequences.


bag of groceries

Going Green Without Going BrokeWhile global warming and resource depletion is justifiably concerning, so is the cost of fixing it. There are so many energy efficient ideas, but the average family isn't replacing their car or changing their heating system just yet.


old window painting

Decorating Old Wooden WindowsIdeas for decorating old wooden windows, for inside and outside use. Advice as suggested by the ThriftyFun community.


House shape covered in green carpet like material.

Greening the Exterior of Your HomePart of home maintenance is maintaining the exterior. As projects come up (and they always do), why not use the opportunity to go green?


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Inventive Clothes Line and Post StraighteningAfter many years of high washing and drying bills, I wanted to go back to a clothes line outdoors, even though I have devised a series of clothes line "poles" for one storage hallway adjacent to my laundry area indoors from 4-5' tension poles that local folks have tossed on their curbs...


Treecycle logo.

Recycling Christmas TreesOver 33 million real Christmas trees are sold in North America every year, and according to the National Christmas Tree Association, 93% of consumers who use real Christmas trees recycle them using some type of community program.


Clean and Green Bathrooms

Clean and Green BathroomsThere's two ways to add green to your cleaning routine, save money and save the planet. Get rid of those harsh and expensive chemical cleaners and look at a whole new way of cleaning the house. Start with what's probably the first room that comes to mind, the bathroom.


water bottles

Is Bottled Water Worth It?With wholesale sales exceeding $10 billion dollars in 2005, the bottled water industry is booming. And it doesn't show signs of slowing down anytime soon.



PreCycling: Saving Money While Reducing WasteEvery week, the average American generates around 23 lbs of waste. A large portion of that comes from the packaging of products we buy.


Planet earth

Saving Money and Saving the EnvironmentOne great thing about frugal living is that being frugal tends to lower your impact on the environment. In honor of Earth Day, we have collected some favorite money saving tips that are also good for the environment.


A map of the US with Radon levels marked.

Why Radon Should Be On Everyone's RadarAccording to the Surgeon General, radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States-second only to smoking. For non-smokers it ranks number one. You may not realize it, but you and your family are likely to get your greatest exposure to radon at home.


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Uses for Advertising Credit CardsUses for "fake" credit cards that come with credit card offers.


beach toys at the ocean

Clean Beaches Begin At HomeOver 180 million Americans visit beaches each year to escape the sweltering summer heat. As global temperatures continue to rise, that number is bound to increase. Whether you cool off in the ocean or take a dip in your local swimming hole, assuming the water is clean and safe to swim in is no longer just another day at the beach.


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Ready for That Home Audit?Ready for an audit? This one actually will put money back in your pocket rather than take it away. It might be time for your home to have an energy audit.


Organic Produce Delivery

Organic Produce DeliveryI've been wanting to feed my family more organic fruits and vegetables but I always get sticker shock when I am in the supermarket. I decided to sign up for organic delivery with a local company.



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Strategies for Saving Money on HeatLast year I did an experiment. Would heating with an electric room heater in each room be more expensive than heating with my gas furnace? I found out the electric heaters are much more expensive than turning up my thermostat on my gas heater.


Sign with a piece sign on it.

Activism: Staying Passionate About Your...It's been said that the world is made up of 4 types of people. Which type of person are you?


A weed growing out of cracked dry earth.

Helping Your Garden Beat The HeatAccording to climatologists at the U.S. National Weather Service, a heat wave is defined as three consecutive days with a minimum shade temperature of 90ºF). For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, that's a pretty good description of at least part of our summer.


A stack of old books.

Twelve Ways to Get Rid of Your Old BooksAs a writer (and literary packrat), I periodically find my nightstand and the shelves of my office bookcases sagging under the weight of enormous stacks of books.


Solar Panels

Getting Started in Solar Electric PowerWhen it comes to solar power, most people are interested in it, but they have no idea how to get started. For those that decide to forge ahead and explore their options, many become intimidated by the all of the confusing terminology or abandon their solar aspirations early fearing a hefty price tag.


Green Grilling

Green GrillingEven the simplest activities can have a substantial impact on the environment, including firing up the backyard grill. With outdoor activities in full swing, here are some tips for making those summertime barbeques green and guilt-free.


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Every Drop CountsWater conservation is an ecologically responsible choice, but can it also be an economically sound choice? Of course it can! Whether you pay for a city water bill every few months or the electric bill for a well water pump, the less water you use the less money you pay.


10 Things You Can Do Right Now to Fight Global WarmingThe debate is over. Scientists agree that planet Earth is in the middle of a warming cycle and human activities that dump CO2 into the atmosphere are helping to turn up the heat. With melting glaciers, more intense weather patterns and vanishing species, we're already starting to see the consequences of rising temperatures.


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Uses for Dollar Store Cookie CuttersMake paper characters - either ink bottoms with magic marker or ink pad. Then apply to paper or paperboard the character outline. Then decorate to your taste. From there you have got yourself a movable figure or a refrigerator magnet and whatever else you may come up with. . .


Money Stuffed in Gas Tank

How to Conserve Small, Medium & Large Amounts of EnergyWith oil and gasoline prices on the rise, conserving energy is on the mind of many Americans. As a nation, we're being asked to do our part to cut back on the amount of energy we consume. Here are some easy energy conservation strategies that can save you money.


A No Dumping sign for water drainage.

Preventing Stormwater Runoff PollutionSpring is here and that means runoff. Precipitation from melting snow and spring rains that does not naturally soak into the ground flows across impervious surfaces like our rooftops, driveways, sidewalks and streets and picks up a variety of potentially polluting materials along the way.


burn barrels

Alternatives to Backyard BurningI grew up in a rural community in the 1970s and 80s with a burn barrel in the backyard. Like most of our neighbors, our family burned trash in an effort to minimize costly trips to the dump. As a kid, it was one of my favorite chores. I mean, what kid doesn't like being asked to light stuff on fire?


Plan a Party for Earth DaySaturday, April 22, 2006, will mark the 36th annual Earth Day. Why not resolve to spend the day in the most Earth friendly way possible. Lead the way by throwing an Earth Day party to show your support for protecting the environment. Here are some ideas on how to throw a party for the planet:


Guidelines for Green Building and RemodelingIf you have a building or remodeling project in your future, consider the benefits of going green. It's a common misperception to think that incorporating environmentally friendly measures into your project will cost more, but that isn't usually the case. In fact, even if you're on a tight budget, many elements of sustainable building and remodeling can be incorporated into your project with minimal (sometimes zero) upfront costs.


organic banana

FAQ's About Organic FoodAs more and more supermarkets across North America respond to the growing consumer demand for healthy foods, foods grown organically will become even more affordable and accessible to the average supermarket shopper.


Protecting Birds from Striking Windows

Protecting Birds from Striking WindowsThe Audubon Society estimates that in the United States and Canada, as many as 1 billion birds die each year due to collisions with glass. Collisions that don't end in fatalities often leave birds temporarily stunned and vulnerable to predators, or worse, seriously injured.


A fish on a plate with lemon.

Fishing for Sustainable SeafoodWith all of the media attention over the past few years regarding toxin levels in fish and controversies on over-fishing and fish farming, it's almost become easier to avoid eating fish and shellfish than trying to sort through the facts.



Bioplastics: Growing Plastic from PlantsA new generation of disposable plastic has arrived and it's going to revolutionize the way we produce and dispose of thousands of products.


Resolutions for a Green New Year

Resolutions for a Green New YearAnother year has come and gone and once again we are given the opportunity to wipe the slate clean and have a chance to adopt healthy new habits and new ways of being.


Sustainable Entertaining

Holiday Entertaining with Sustainable StyleWith the endless holiday festivities, American's waistlines aren't the only thing expanding during the holidays. Our landfills are, too. We throw out a staggering 25% more garbage during the period from Thanksgiving to New Years.


Recycling Materials

Recycling Metal, Paper, Plastics and GlassRecycling is slightly more complicated than just collecting a bin full of empty cans and old newspapers to keep them out of the waste stream.


Compact Fluorescent Bulbs

Compact Fluorescent Bulbs - Fight Global Warming...According to the EPA, if every household in the U.S. replaced one light bulb with one of their ENERGY STAR rated compact fluorescent bulbs, it would be the pollution equivalent of pulling one million cars off the road.


a pile of batteries

Battery Basics - Reduce, Recharge and Recycle!Household batteries include both single-use and rechargeable dry cell batteries used to power toys, cameras, radios, flashlights, hearing aids, and many other portable products.


Buying Organic Food

Buying Organic FoodI have a friend who buys all organic food. What does it mean when they slap an organic label on a package? Is it actually better or just packaging?


A car set against beautiful blue sky.

The Ecology of Your CarWhen you consider that there are well over 600 million cars on the road worldwide, you begin to understand how a few negative driving and maintenance habits can add up to large environmental damage. Lessen your car's impact on the environment by following these driving and maintenance tips:


Tips for Traveling GreenEven with the best of intentions, it's easy to generate waste and pollution while traveling. By following a few simple guidelines, you can reduce your impact on the environment and save money at the same time.


Household Hazardous Waste

Disposing of Household Hazardous WasteAccording to the EPA, the average American household produces around 160 pounds of hazardous waste per year. Much of that waste comes from common household products.


Fair Trade Coffee

Brew a Cup of Fair Trade CoffeeIt's difficult to imagine that one cup of coffee can make a huge impact on the environment. However, it can. Especially if the beans used to make that cup of coffee are Fair Trade, Shade Grown and Organic.


Products on list.

A Guide to Non-Toxic CleaningIf you're like me, one trip down the cleaning products aisle at your local grocery store can leave your eyes burning, your head pounding and leave you gasping for fresh air.


A Primer on PaintAccording to the EPA, our indoor air is up to 3 times more polluted than our outdoor air and paints and finishes are among the biggest contributor. Just about all of us have a shelf in the basement or a cabinet in the garage containing paint cans leftover from past projects.


Save Energy With Trees

Save Energy With TreesAccording to the Department of Energy, strategic planting of as few as three trees can provide the average household with an energy savings of between $100-$250 annually. It may be the best long-term investment for reducing heating and cooling costs.


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