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What is the Best Credit Card for Travel?What credit card is best to get travel points?


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Survivor Benefits After Graduation?My son is 18 and receives his survivor benefits in his name because he is still in school. When he graduates, does his money stop completely or will it come back to his siblings that are still under age?


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Bank Account With Leftover Class Reunion Money?What can be done with leftover class reunion money in a bank account when everyone is deceased?


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Asking For Contribution Toward Household Costs?In my divorce 4 years ago, I retained possession of the house with the understanding that I continue to pay the full mortgage, and when our youngest child graduates (She's a junior this year) I prep and sell it with the majority of proceeds going to me.


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Selling Vintage Heat Transfer Designs?Does anyone have any insight on how to sell or where to turn to unload mostly vintage heat transfer designs? Mostly from the 80's and 90's, some are also from the 2000's up to 2014. I purchased what was left from a business that closed and now have over 8000 heat transfer images.


A woman working at home giving a high-five to her cat.

Brainstorm: Non-MLM Work From Home Ideas?There are many people looking for ways to earn money at home, either part time or as a full time career. It is even more true now that the COVID shutdowns showed us all how many jobs can be handled remotely. If you are able to earn a living working from home, please tell us how you do it.


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Charges For Housekeeping?What do I charge to mop and dust two bedrooms, two bathrooms, living room and kitchen. The floor is all porcelain tile. I'll also be cooking breakfast, coming in 3 days a week, taking to doctor's appointments, running small errands The house is already really clean. It's an older gentleman and just mostly needs to see another person in the house.


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Price For Laundry?How much should I charge a friend for folding three loads of laundry, only folding?


A pile of money with a face mask.

How Are You Using Your Stimulus Payment?

Many U.S. citizens are receiving money from the government this week, in order to stimulate the economy and help struggling families during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a big help for many people, including my family. I'm using about half of the payment to cover an upcoming surgery and the other half will pay off a hospital stay from last February.


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DIY Business Receipts?How do you use or create a business receipt that is acceptable for filing taxes?


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Cleaning Charge for Airbnb?I am starting a cleaning service and my first client wants me to clean their Airbnbs when a guest leaves and do the laundry such as the sheets and towels. They also wants me to restock the houses. They will have one central location for supplies where they keep their supplies. I can take the laundry home and do it myself or I can take it to a service and do a drop-off and pick-up. I live in North Alabama, so how much do you think I should charge for each job?


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Cashing an Older Money Order?I have an 6 month old Western Union money order; can I still cash it? And where?


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Finding Jobs for a 12 Year OldI'm 12 and want money but I don't know what to do with all this covid. I can't babysit because of covid or really anything. Y'all got any ideas? I just am a girl who wants money. I can only do work on the weekends because I'm still in school.


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Finding a JobI want to make money but 2020 is making it hard to pick a job, like I can't be a house cleaner or a babysitter because COVID. What job do you suggest?


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What Are Some Reliable Survey-taking Sites?This question didn't fit in any category, but here goes: Does anyone here participate in online surveys to earn cash/rewards/gift cards? I'm interested in doing this, but I don't know of many sites that are reliable and safe and I thought some of you here would. Right now I'm on surveymonkey and I like it. Also which survey sites should I avoid?



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Sharing Expenses with a Live-in Boyfriend?I moved with my bf. We had an argument with him regarding sharing the expenses. He is not clear and just told me that couples help each other. I'm gonna leave my job to move with him, but as of now I don't have source of income. We were at the grocery he told me we need to share at least half. I thought he was kidding me and when we were at the counter he told the cashier to split it.


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Boyfriend Not Contributing to House Bills?I am a single parent to my 6 year old daughter. She and I were living in a 2 bedroom duplex when my boyfriend started staying with me and eventually moved in due to him being in an uncomfortable living situation. He has 2 out of state children from 2 different mothers. He has been in a court battle for the younger one for the past year or so.


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Refinancing a Mortgage?How do I refinance a mortgage with a 549 credit score?


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Cashing an Old Western Union Money Order?I opened a letter from on my last birthday from a relative that passed several years ago and inside was a money order from Western Union dated in 1999. Is there some way for me to cash it or is it too old?


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Finding Part Time Work?I'm a single mom of soon to be 3 year old twin girls. Their birthday is Jan. 8. But we are not celebrating until Saturday. I have been trying to find something to make just a little extra money so I can get them something and I haven't had any luck. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


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Tips for Living on Social Security?How do seniors that live on Social Security only live on a tight budget? What are some ideas to stretch your dollar?


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Filling Out a Money Order?Can a money order be filled out to two parties on the payee line


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Cashing an Old Money Order?I have an old Fifth Third Bank personal money order from 2016. I couldn't cash it then and I having a hell of a time trying to get my money. There is no expiration date on it. How I get my money?


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Enrolling in Medicare Part B?I'm 62 years old and a retired government employee. I am on my husband's federal plan BC/BS family, FEP 105. He was a DC police officer and they never contributed to Medicare (we found out too late), and so he has to keep BC/BS. I understand he can pick up Part A under me now that I'm 62?


Agencies the Help Low Income Families Buy a Home - damaged exterior home wall

Agencies the Help Low Income Families Buy a Home?I recently was the victim of an arson attempt and I am wanting to move to another home for my safety, there is minor heat damage done to the back wall of our home and we completely lost a mobile home on this property as well. My question is, are there places were I can get a grant or a low interest loan for a down payment to get into another home?


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Repairing Your Credit?Ok, so I got a letter offering to settle an account with an original balance of over 5K for $1,300. Can I do this on all my negative marks? I don't want it to show up on my credit as settled, I want it removed. Do I need a credit repair company or is it a DIY fix? How do I do this?


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Doctor Charged Medicare Patient a Statement Fee?Can a Medicare doctor charge a statement fee of $5.00 because you waited for Medicare to see what was paid. It is not a late fee, but a statement fee.


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Finding Free Dental Assistance for Veterans?I can't afford to remove a molar lying on my jawbone. I is 4000.00 plus. However I found a dentist who made me a lower denture that looks great except that with cuts on my tongue and multiple abrasions under my tongue I am unable to shallow. It is too unbearable for me to use them longer than an hour. I have dental insurance with the VA, but they can't help.


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Live-in Boyfriend Not Paying His Share of Expenses?I've been living with my bf for 4yrs. I am a single mother with 2 kids. I bought a house before we met on my own and have a good stable job. He has struggled keeping a job, various trade jobs, but nothing steady with lots of space in between with no employment.


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Selling Jewelry for Cash?Will jewelry stores pay for gold filled jewelry?



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Buying a House with Bad Credit?I'm on disability and my husband has been self-employed for over 25 years. We want to sell our mobile home and buy a house more suited to us, but with low income and bad credit (due to identity theft we are still dealing with), we're not sure if it's even possible. Where and with whom should we start?


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Cashing an Old Money Order and Cashiers Check?I found one official check made to myself from St. Paul Bank and a personal money order from Bank One, also made to myself. Both banks have been taken over by other banks. I was told that unclaimed money is sent back to the state. I checked the Illinois treasurer's website and nothing is listed with my name. What can I do? The checks are intact and were issued 18 years ago.


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Making a Minimum Payment on a Hospital Bill?On a 13,000 dollar debt at a hospital, what is the minimum that has to be paid per month to keep it from collections in state of Georgia?


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Can I Cash an 85 Day Old Money Order?Is an 85 day old money order too old to cash?


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Suggestions for Investing for Short Term Growth?I have $500 to invest for each of my 4 children. I want to invest it and have it grow for the next 5 years. Any ideas?


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Inexpensive Income Tax Service?I need a cheap service to file my income tax. i do not want to file online. Any suggestions?


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Blue Cross Blue Shield (FEHB) and Medicare?I am 60 years (Dec.) and would like to get a better understanding on my options before the time to make changes to my BCBS/FEHB Standard Self +1 being my secondary insurances and Medicare being my primary and which of the other options best fits me.


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Determining Why Electric Bill Is So High?I live in a 2 bedroom, 1 bath older home in the country. Ever since I've moved in 2 years ago my electric bill has been $400-600 a month. This month it was $600 and we haven't used AC or heat. We have well water and I had someone come check the water and there were no issues.


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Finding Jobs On-line?We had to close our family bussines due to economic problems. I have been trying to find a job, but for the moment it is difficult, so I have been trying even to find an online job, but most of them are fake or the best ones are unavailable for my country Albania.


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BC/BS Coverage and Medicare Part B?Does my coverage thru the Federal Government allow me to delay Medicare Part B so that I can also use TriCare? I'm reading that my coverage with the Blues will allow me to delay enrolling in Part B, but it is unclear if this means I can still use TriCare.


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Sharing Expenses With Girlfriend?I have been living with my girl for 4 months; her mom kicked her out so I told her she could come stay with me. I have roommates so I have to hide her or I would get kicked out of the house.


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Sharing Living Expenses with Girlfriend?My girlfriend and I have been together ever since 1993. Back in 2016 we decided to live in an apartment together. Back then I was making quite a bit more than she was so I was coming up with the rent. Now the rent is quite a bit higher and I don't know how to approach her.


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Tips for Living on Social Security?How do I live on a Social Security budget?


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Dividing Rent With Boyfriend and His Son?I live with my boyfriend of 5 years. His 18 year old son has been with us for 2 years. He just recently graduated and has a very part-time job. On his days off, he sleeps until 3, 4, sometimes 5 pm and plays video games all night which awakens us at times.


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Losing Medicaid After Marriage?I plan to get married. My income is 750 and his 1200; will I lose my Medicaid?



Filing an Insurance Claim After a Fire - Pokémon card collection

Filing an Insurance Claim After a Fire?When claiming a fire loss I have a book Pokémon cards in plastic sleeves. What is a replacement value of over 1000 cards? Do I look up every card? Will the smoke smell ever disappear? I am trying to negotiate with the insurance company myself. The cards can't be cleaned like most surfaces in my house.


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Medicare vs Health Insurance?I will be 65 and have applied for Medicare. I retired early, but am unsure if I will still have coverage by BSBC which was the insurance carried by my former employer.


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Rent Assistance for Person on SSI?I live in Louisiana and my fiancé is 100% disabled due to a car wreck about 5 years ago when a police car rear-ended him at 85 mph. He was left paralyzed and in a wheelchair for 3 years.


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Dental Work Without Insurance?I need dental work. I'm on Social Security and can not afford losing my teeth. I have 5 broken/missing and some cavity pain.


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Claiming Step Children on Taxes?Can I claim my stepdaughter on my taxes if I support her and she is a full-time student that lives under my roof?


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Paying Off Payday Loans?How do I get out of big mess? Not thinking very clearly I got 3 payday loans in 20 days plus the 3 loans with another company. I now find myself owing 1340 in loans plus rent. I pay 2064 month with 1690 SSD.


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Finding an Inexpensive Dentist?I have MS and I need a lot of dental work, but I can't afford it. Where can I find a free or inexpensive dentist?


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Finding Rent Assistance for Low Income Idividuals?I am disabled and get SSI every month. Yesterday I got a 5 day eviction notice from the manager in the park where I live. I live in Wisconsin (Schofield) and I have to pay lot rent; I owe $433.00. I cannot be evicted as I'll be homeless. Is there a place in my city that does help with rent?


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Sharing Household Expenses with a Boyfriend?I have been dealing with the proper way of moving into an home which is already established. Meaning I met a guy almost 3 years ago and we finally decided for me to move into his home in September. I decided to give him 1,000 a month to contribute to the household that he already had since he was 23; he is now 43.


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Making Extra Money from Home?Is there any legit ways to make extra money at home with no membership fees?


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Finding a Job with a Felony Charge?Need advice on who hires people with a crime on their record like a felony charge?


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Sharing Living Expenses with Girlfriend?I am a 36yr man who works from home. I have just again moved in with my girlfriend who has two kids, both boys ages 5 & 9. I am trying to get an opinion or feel from others about my situation to see if it is fair and I should not fight it or if it's unfair and I should stand up for myself.


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Asking Live-in Boyfriend to Help with Utilities?Is asking my live-in boyfriend to pay $300 on rent, electric and water too much to ask?


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Tips for Ordering Checks?I need some new checks for my checking account, but the cost of add on options is onerous. Any suggestions as to what to include or omit?


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Depositing an Old Money Order?I found a money order from 2011, for my car note. The car is paid off now. Can I take it to my bank and deposit it in my account? Is the MO any good? There is no expiration on the face.


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Difference Between Blue Cross & Medicare?I have Blue Cross Blue Shield. I also have a pre-existing condition. Is Medicare cheaper than continuing with Blue Cross? I am paying $500 a month for this coverage. My blood work is expensive and I have co-pays every time I visit my specialists. I spend around $8K a year in medical expenses.


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Medicare and Blue Cross Blue Shield Secondary Insurance?I just got Medicare Parts A & B and it will be starting soon. My secondary insurance is BCBS Federal PPO. My question is should I keep standard coverage or get basic coverage?


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Responsibility for Funeral Costs?What do you do if the beneficiary only pays half of the funeral costs and takes the rest and then expects the other sibling to pay that other half?


A vintage roller exercise machine.

Selling a Vintage Roller Exercise Machine?I have seen previous posts in the past about people wanting to purchase a vintage roller exercise machine. I have one for sale that still works and is in great shape, but I have no idea where to post it. I can't ship it so it would have to be picked up in North Carolina.


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Finding a Job Stuffing Envelopes?Are there any legit companies that need envelope stuffers and in home mailers?


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Arranging Payments on a Large Dental Bill?I went to a new dentist and had work done in December of 2016. I had insurance for that month, but I added cleaning for my teeth, and even with insurance it ran up my bill to over $1545.00. They took and wrote off some x-rays.


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Getting Dental Work Done Without Insurance?My tooth hurts very badly. I have been to a dentist and he said I need a root canal, but I don't have insurance because I do not work. I came into the USA last year in December, so I don't have a job yet. What can I do to get a root canal without insurance?


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Sharing Expenses with Boyfriend?My boyfriend and I both own our own homes. His adult daughter who is 38 years old and her 12 year old son live with him. We take short trips a few times a year close to home and he pays for the lodging. I drive my car, pay for gas, and share in other expenses. He stays at my house 5 days a week.


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Looking for Production Work at Home?Does anyone know of production or assembly work at home that you can make good money. I just lost my job on Monday I have 3 kids and I'm single. Due to my learning disability I've noticed a pattern of the same problems at every job I get. I am a hard worker, but I am not fast.


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Finding a Dentist That Takes Payments?How can I pay for my partials with a payment plan?


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Finding Loans for College at 53?I started college at 48. I borrowed money, completed my associates degree, and then started my bachelor degree. The classes got really hard and I failed 2 classes and had to re-take them. This caused me to hit my maximum with my loans.The university asked me to take a leave until I found a way to pay them.


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Becoming a Longshoreman?If someone put 2 stamps on interest card is the person auto disqualified?


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Retaining Medicaid Health Coverage When Moving?My nephew who just turned 18 and is in school receives Social Security since my brother passed. He is on AHCCCS/Medicaid health coverage in Arizona. He wants to finish school in Iowa. He is diabetic type one and has an insulin pump. How do I transfer his insurance so he doesn't have a gap or lose it?


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BCBS VS Medicare?I'm on Social Security. I have BCBS thru my wife's work. Is it necessary to carry Medicare?


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Fundraising Ideas for Dance Trip?My daughter is an Irish dancer and recently qualified to dance at the national competition in February. We live in Ohio and the competition is in Orlando. I am trying to come up with ideas to raise the funds so she can go on the trip, any suggestions?


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Sharing Living Expenses?My BF and I are now living together in his home. We are in our mid-to-late 40s. Right now we are splitting most of the bills/spending, but I have been covering a bit more of the bills, outings, and food as I make more. The issue is that we are splitting mortgage payments and I do not have my name on the title.


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Qualifying for Medicaid?I'm married and just found out I'm pregnant. Me and my husband work at Subway and we only make around $1300 a month between us. Do we make too much to be approved?


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Buy Now Pay Later Stores?Are there any on line stores like FingerHut who allow 17 year olds to apply for credit?


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Sharing Living Expenses with a Partner?She: My friend is living with me, we are both retired and living in my house. My mortgage and utilities are around $1000 per month. I want hm to pay $500 per month. He: I own a house in Florida, but I have been mostly staying here with my friend. I have been paying all of the utilities and we split groceries.


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Finding Rent Assistance Agencies?My husband and I need help. My husband is self employed and his business isn't doing very well. So because of this we are extremely late with this month's rent and don't know what to do or how to come up with it. We have two children, 12 and 11. We don't want to get evicted. Where can we find help?


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Medicare and BCBS Health Insurance?I'm a retired Federal worker. I have BCBS Federal Family for health insurance. Medicare will be taken out of my Social Security check, and I will have to pay for supplement insurance. Will I still have to pay 500 dollars for the BCBS, plus have money taken out of my Social Security and pay for supplement insurance?


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Sharing Expenses With Boyfriend?I am a 31y/o woman living with my boyfriend, who is 56 and succesful in his career. I have lived in his house for a few months now and we've been together for almost 2 years. I work part time and help with his autistic son. He wants me to also pay rent.


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Getting a Loan to Rebuild After a Fire?Can I use my property as collateral to get loan to rebuild a burned house? I have no insurance.


Selling a House on Craig's List

Selling a House on Craig's List?I just put my house up for sale and was wondering if houses sell on CL or I'm just wasting my time?


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Buying and Parking a Travel Trailer?After my father died, I quit my job and moved to the country to help my mother finish building the house that they had barely started. Now I want to move back to the cities and get a job. I have about 5000 dollars and a job lined up. What is my best option for a cheap trailer and where do I park it?


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Getting a Business Loan With Bad Credit?I love to cook with a passion. I cook from scratch. I even roast my own coffee at home. My food is healthy and very unique. I own a catering business for special meetings and private events. I am trying to get food truck so I can serve it to the community. I have bad credit and I can not afford to buy the food truck.


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Becoming a Longshoreman?I am looking to start in the longshoreman field. My background as a fisherman should show I can take long days and bad weather. Where can I start and is there anyplace in the northeast relative to Connecticut and Rhode Island?


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Sharing Living Expenses With Boyfriend?I am an 8 year widow. I have a house in my name. My boyfriend lives with me, but says it's not his house and does nothing as far as cleaning, etc. I am the maid. He thinks $250 a week is too much to pay. I pay the mortgage plus more. He deducts his gas and cigarettes from that. Those are not household expenses.


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Finding Affordable Dental Insurance?I am 24 year and live near Dallas. My spouse is a full time college student and I am working. I haven't been to a dentist in 5 years. I have 1 cavity, extremely sensitive teeth, and my teeth have shifted a lot since I lost my retainer. I haven't had my own dental insurance since I was on my parents' plan.


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Responsibility for Funeral Expense?My sister and I are not close. If she passes, am I responsible for her funeral costs?


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Agencies that Help with Rent and Utilities?I am on SSI and getting 600.00. I live in a mobile home and I have lot rent to pay. My lot rent is 500.00. Are there any agencies in Glendale Arizona that can help me with the rent or my light bill which is 130.00 a month. I don't know what to do about my bills.


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Inexpensive Dental Treatment Without Insurance?I am here on a business and tourism trip. I'm not holding dental insurance. I have been suffering from a toothache and gum bleeding. But I don't know where to approach. Also I cannot afford expensive treatment.


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Medicare Part B or BCBS?My husband works at a DOD-funded research lab (private university) so his benefits are great. At retirement his benefits will include lifetime health care coverage for a nominal annual premium.


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Dental Work Without Insurance?I need information on how to get dental work done for my father. He is a disabled man who is 44 years old. He receives Social Security disability (not SSI). He also receives Medicare, but as you know Medicare does not cover dental. Our local DHHS will not give him Medicaid because they say his income is too high.


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Codes for Well Woman Visit on Medicare?Does anyone know if the code 99397 is the correct code to use for a pelvic/breast exam done by a gynecologist when on Medicare, covering the office vist/doctor's time? It appears that Medicare pays for the code G0101 which is for the actual test and is an approved benefit.


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Choosing the Right Amount of Health Care Insurance?My husband receives Medicare due to his disability. I have BSBS insurance with my job. He is covered under both. I picked the top coverage due to his illness. It costs me over $800.00 every two weeks. I would like to lower my coverage due to the high expense. Do I really need all this coverage?


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Person Holding POA Took Out Mortgage?My grandma and grandpa years ago gave my uncle power of attorney. After he became POA he took out a mortgage on their home and did not notify anyone of this. My grandma died recently; her will requests the home to be sold and children split profit. There is about 100,000 more owed on the home than it is worth.


Remortgaging or Refinancing a House?I have never had to remortgage my house before so I am unsure what steps I must take. Do I hire a remortgaging solicitor first before sorting out a new home loan? Or do I just deal with the lender directly without the need for a conveyancing lawyer?


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Selling on the Internet?I have lots of unused stuff at home and I want to sell it for the best price. I know of a few websites like craigslist. I am looking for free classified sites that will list merchandise without having to register.


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Sharing Expenses with a Boyfriend?I have been living with my boyfriend now for 2 years. About a month after I moved in his new child support took affect. He says he didn't know, but I find that hard to believe. To make a long story short he went from bringing home $500.00 a week to now only bringing home $120.00 a week.


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Medicare Dental Coverage?I am a 44 year old single mother on Social Security. I have teeth that have cracked and I lost two. I am in need of the root to be pulled and that has been over due a year. I am in severe pain. Is there any help with dental through Medicare? I have Medicare through Social Security Disability.


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Medicaid Covered Purchases?I am on Medicaid due to cancer, stage 4 breast cancer. I walk with a cane and can't get in my bathtub. Can it be fixed for a low tub or in a walk in shower that Medicaid or a different organization would cover?


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