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My Frugal Life: Dealing With Big BillsI have been hit with many big bills lately. I have disconnected my caller ID, saving me $7.00 per month. When I drink milk or juice, I add water to the glass first.


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My Frugal Life - Buying Ingredients Has Saved Me MoneyAt the age of 33 I became disabled. I had just gotten married to a man who had been disabled for years, and retired from the army, he came with a teenage son. I had always lived alone and did a lot of eating fast meals, I never cooked.


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My Frugal Life: You Can Have It AllWhen I was about twelve I had a talk with my Dad about money. He looked at me and said. "You can have anything you want as long as you pay for it." Wow the possibilities!


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My Frugal Life - Research, Research, Research.Having been one of 5 kids of depression era parents, I had a good idea how to live frugally. Those times reappeared when I lost my job. I tackled this problem with research, research, and more research.


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My Frugal Life: Tips from a Save-o-holicI honestly don't know where or how to begin telling everyone how I save money, because it's natural for me. It's an everything day thing. I love to teach others how to save. Saving money is a "rush" for me.


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My Frugal Life - Reflecting on the Lean YearsWhen my husband and I were married years ago, we both made minimum wage and lived from paycheck to paycheck. After the birth of our first child, we thought he was so wonderful and decided we wanted a dozen like him. I quit my job to stay home with him and my husband worked two jobs.


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Still FrugalI came from a family of 10 kids. With 12 people in the house, we had to be frugal - that's all we knew. My Mom, never bought anything that she couldn't make. She made fabulous meals that stretched with enough for leftovers.


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My Frugal Life - Fixing It YourselfMy husband has built and renovated houses, rebuilt car wrecks to exceed safety standards, fixed burnt out ovens and replaced parts on washers, etc.


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My Frugal Life - One Proud Mom!For the last year our daughter has done many fundraising events. Her school concert band wanted to attend Disney World in Florida over spring break and she needed to earn her own way.


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My Frugal Life: Always Something To EnjoyI grew up in a wonderful family. Mom and Dad brought we four children up with dignity and love. Sometimes you realize life is good but you eventually realize it is very special


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My Frugal Life: Country LivingI began my quest for frugality when my husband had been laid off from his job and we were in a financial bind. It isn't something that you want to do, I don't think, in the beginning. But realizing the benefits from just changing a few things can really have an impact on your life.


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My Frugal Life: Save Everywhere I CanHere goes my life. I try to save everywhere I can. I shop at thrift stores for necessary items. I give a lot to thrift stores, because clutter will increase your cleaning by 50%.


My Frugal Life - Outsmart The PricesI am a 54 year old married lady who has chosen to be as frugal as I possibly can be. My dear hubby has retired in the last month, so this is even more important to me than ever, as money will be limited from here on in. I cook almost everything from scratch, which I love doing. I use all the "great" sites that are listed online.


My Frugal Life - Tips from a Single MomI am a single mother of three and a teacher at Head Start. We don't make much money (think fast food restaurants) and we get laid off for the summer so I must live frugally throughout the year.


My Frugal Life - An Active, Frugal FamilyI am 43 years old and my husband is 40. He has just recently completed nursing school so, for the last 2 years, money has been extremely tight. We have 3 children, two teenagers and a five year old. Prior to my husband's schooling, we both worked extra to pay off all outstanding debts.



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My Frugal Life: Lessons Learned by a Single MomIn my early thirties, I went through a divorce and suddenly found myself as a single mother of three small children. Fortunately, I was able to still manage to buy a small home with a backyard and continue working full time.


My Frugal Life - More Time Spent With Your ChildrenHow can you measure the worth of spending time with your child? In time? Money spent on activities? Neither! It is in their eyes when it is you they see when they wake up. It is in the way they say, "Momma", their voice so sweet and true.


My Frugal Life - Watering My Flowers With Recycled WaterWater is a precious resource. I re-use the wash and rinse cycles of my washing machine to water my garden. No government agency has hassled me yet over putting gray water on flower beds.


My Frugal Life - It's for the kids!I am a stay at home mom of two little boys. It was not a hard choice, given my mother stayed at home for as long as she could with her four children.


My Frugal Life - The Kids Think We're RichI, too, have been living very frugally. My husband and I have been married 15 years. We have 4 kids. Needless to say, some times have been rougher than others financially. I have done just about everything to make sure that my family's needs have been met.


My Frugal Life - My Frugal GrandfatherThis isn't actually a story of my life but one of my grandfather who passed away 4 years ago. I still miss him.


My Frugal Life - "Time is Money"I was raised in a frugal household so I learned from the masters. I am a very organized person who believes "Time is Money" so I have learned to budget my time very wisely.


My Frugal Life - Comfortable and FrugalI grew up with frugal parents who did well by watching how they spent their money but saved for luxury items. We were taught to be careful with our money and to watch the cost of utilities.


My Frugal Life - My Scottish AncestorsBeing frugal probably started with my Scottish ancestors. I wasn't married long when I discovered that my husband's paychecks were much smaller in the winter. He drove through the Okanagan and brought me a lot of produce.


My Frugal Life - Coupons, Contests, Freebies and RebatesI've used coupons and have done rebates and sweepstakes for years, even before my husband and I got together 20 years ago, this next month. I got started by seeing a show on TV and thinking, I could do that, too. I did, even when I was single and still living with my parents.


My Frugal Life - A Fun AdventureFor 21 years, I've lived the "frugal life" so, I guess it's really a way of life for us now. I've done all the classic frugal things. Most people say I have a knack for being in the right place at the right time, but I think it's really about being aware of what's going on.


My Frugal Life - A Homemade ChristmasAs a teenager without a lot of money, I made potholders that I wove with jersey loops. We also made candles with leftover candles and paraffin and poured them in orange juice cans or Pringles chip cans and added a drop of scent from the hobby store.


My Frugal Life - My Frugal GardenThrifty is my middle name, just ask my kids. I blame it on the fact that my parents were raised during the depression, though there's really no cause for blame. Thrift has served me well over the years.


My Frugal Life - A Week Of Frugal Summer FunThe week never cost more than $7.50. The public library has a program to encourage reading. They have story time and a craft to go along with it. We would then pick out the books for the week.


My Frugal Life - Lessons From The AmishI am going to start this by saying that I believe I was born in the wrong era or else I was given up for adoption by an Amish family! I truly believe that being frugal helps simplify my life. Go figure, when some of the things I do to save a dime are more time consuming!



My Frugal Life - Getting ByMy frugal life began when I married young against my parent's wishes. I dropped out of high school and made my way in life without a lot of help from anyone so learning to do without or making it myself became a life-long thing.


My Frugal Life - I'm Protective of My MoneyMy first line of defense to frugal living is to stay out of stores! If I go into a store, it is inevitable that I will buy unnecessary things that are a bargain or "cute".


My Frugal Life - We Have It AllI guess since my hubby was in the Navy, I learned to be frugal. I save money to this day and am proud of it. I have seen my friends struggle ...


My Frugal Life - My Favorite BirthdayMy uncle Al sent everyone on his Christmas card list, the story of his favorite Christmas. In turn, I wanted to do the same back, yet I couldn't come up with one that stood out. A birthday did stand out though, it could be frugal depending on the two people involved, for us it was.


My Frugal Life - Road TripAutumn is my favorite time of the year. Funny how joyful everything looks bursting with color, fruits and vibrant leaves on the trees, sunshine orange pumpkins ready for the picking.


My Frugal Life: Bake For Special DaysThis is how I give my dad a much anticipated gift for his birthday and also for Father's day. My dad loves to talk about the goodies that his mother used to make for her family.


My Frugal Life: Save and Use EverythingHi, I went through a divorce several years ago, due to not being emotionally mature. I turned to drugs and, in a matter of 8 months, I found myself in a homeless shelter. I had lost my children, my home and myself


My Mom's "Lid" DrawerMy Mom has always had a drawer in the kitchen that all of us kids called the "lid drawer." There are always more lids than containers to match and it is always the one drawer that you have to yank open.


Nickel and Diming My Way to a New KitchenMy refrigerator door is dotted with colorful magnets holding coupons, business cards, photos, appointment reminders, and my grandson's art work. Prominently displayed in the center of the collection is a quarter-sized chip from a cabinet door in my outdated, 1980's kitchen.


Finding a Blessing from a DisasterSix weeks ago, I slipped on some melting snow and broke my leg but good! After emergency surgery with lots of pins and plates, I also had a two-day hospital stay.


Income Tax Payment Is A Wake Up CallA year ago, I owed an unexpected $900 on my federal income tax return. I juggled a few financial responsibilities, cut some costs and was able to pay my tax bill by April 15.


Keep Expenses Low And Pocket The SavingsWhen my husband and I got married almost 5 years ago, I was halfway through college and he was making $8.50 an hour as an airplane mechanic. We had no idea what little money that was (about $1000 per month after taxes) but we ended up learning to live on it successfully.


My Daughter's Well Deserved GraduationMy daughter has put in 13 years of hard work in school and received many awards. I'm very proud of my daughter in all that she has done. All she has asked of me was to let her have a graduation party with my family. Yet I couldn't afford to do this.


Saving Money Running a MotelI run a 19 room motel and I try to help my boss/best friend save some money wherever we can. One way is when I'm watering the yards and the hose has a leak. Instead of letting the leak just waste away on the ground, I put a large watering can under the leak ...


Frugal Ways To Save On UtilitiesI think I am frugal, my grandkids think I am cheap. I live alone in south Florida so saving on my power is very important. I NEVER shut my a/c off. It takes less than 20 minutes for my hot water heater to furnish enough water for me to do my dishes, shower and whatever other small hot water projects I may have.



My Frugal Life: Frugality Includes Our CarsWhen we hear the word "frugality", many people think of smart housewives who scrimp and save to "help make ends meet", particularly in years gone by when there were fewer two-income families.


Living Simply Year Round

Living Simply Year RoundI know this isn't a "Nuts and Bolts" description of frugality but this is how I feel with the holidays approaching. The older I get the more I realize that living as simply as possible is not only frugal, but good for the spirit.


My Frugal Life: Frugal in EnglandI live in England. I am classified as disabled and so have a very limited income. I hate wasting money unnecessarily. I never pay the right price and always shop in the sales. I also buy clothing from eBay, looking for new garments with a good label and low price. The same with shoes.


My Frugal Life: The Best Type Of CarAfter I got married, it was time for a second car so that my wife would be able to get out and go take care of things while I am at work. I paid off my car earlier that year so that was $300 extra we had.


My Frugal Life: Invest In 401K and College SavingsLiving a thrifty lifestyle has allowed my husband and me to retire from the corporate world at the age of fifty five. We have always spent less than we earned. Two savings events made it easy to live on less; maxing out our 401ks and starting college saving plans for our children as each was born.


My Frugal Life: Cut Any Corner You CanI'm frugal because I just don't like throwing my money around! Not that I have a lot, being a single parent and not having a well paid job. There is also a deep sense of satisfaction knowing that I can do most things in a cheaper way. I like to try to be as 'green' as possible too.


My Frugal Life: Message In A BottleTo Whoever Has Chanced Upon This Bottle: I am stranded on a deserted island somewhere in the tropics. I am as well as the circumstances justify, thank you very much. After all, I consider myself somewhat of a minimalist anyway, inherently resourceful and inventively frugal.


My Frugal Life: The One Dollar DinnerI've always been frugal, but I guess this one could be called "facing a challenge". Times were very hard, my husband was out of a job, no money in the bank, no family to assist.


My Frugal Life: Living WellI grew up in a very practical family. However, although we were taught to carry our load and watch the cost of not being frugal, we did not do without.


My Frugal Life: Frolicking On The SandLife can be quite challenging and interesting, if one applies some ingenuity and has an open mind. I tend to walk everywhere which is borne from not wanting to pay the bus fare. When I realized that not wanting to pay bus fare was another way of saying "I'm cheap" I then realized that this could turn into something for me.


My Frugal Life: Poor But ProudWhen my family lived in Coos Bay, in the late 70's, my husband lost his job. Having come from country roots, I dug in and decided we were going to be ...


My Frugal Life: A House Full Of LoveSeven children, three in college, one pay check, and a house full of love is my motivation to be frugal. My competitive nature makes it a game that I must win.


My Frugal Life: Every Penny CountsBeing a single mom, being frugal is not just a term, it's a way of life. To save money on groceries, I emailed all the companies I could think of and asked to be put on their mailing list. Almost immediately I started receiving coupons and samples.


My Frugal Life: Saluting The "Freegans"It is amazing to me just how many things get thrown out on a daily basis. It is equally sad that the "flavor of the week" fashion item or latest toy is purchased by the avid consumer, only to be discarded shortly thereafter.


My Frugal Life: The Itty Bitty RV AdventureThe allure of discovery, of the adventure, is human -- for we are adventurous people. We all share this earth together, and it is a very exciting place. Adventure, or discovery, adds a new dimension to our lives. It gives us a purpose.


My Frugal Life: Simple StuffMy family and friends call me a tightwad, cheap, frugal, and whatever else they can call me due to the fact that I can save and reuse things over and over. I will refill my water bottles with tap water. I will use paper plates at least 2-3 times, providing there are no spills on them.


A basket of homegrown tomatoes

Eliminating The Grocery StoreGrocery costs are one of the largest expenses my family faces, especially nowadays, with prices spiraling upward. My husband and I finally put our respective feet down and began working steadily to eliminate the "middle man," the retail grocery store.


My Frugal Life: Stop Looking At The JonesEveryone starts their frugal journey for their own personal reasons. Either it is to simplify or their hand is force. I for one, fell into the latter group.


My Frugal Life: Be My BFFF (Best Frugal Friends Forever)BFFF? Yup, best frugal friends forever. These days, particularly in Michigan, frugality isn't just a chosen lifestyle, it's true survival! I'm over 60, disabled, widowed, with abso-posi-lutely no family; therefore, there's no one I can call upon in a pinch for an extra few dollars.


My Frugal Holiday: Clue GiftAs a young dad, I inherently understood that holidays are all about making memories. Although my two daughters learned early that the celebration of Christ's birth is the true reason for Christmas, we did embrace Santa and the exchanging of gifts like most families.


My Frugal Life: Finding a Use for "Useless" ItemsWell, I work as a social worker with a non-profit. This generally means that we have no money. My job is to look at things in a new way and find a new or application for them. We recycle everything!


My Frugal Life: Have a Garage SaleI think the best frugal thing I can think of that everyone can do is have a garage sale. I have had one every year for many years either by myself, with my daughter or a friend.


My Frugal Life: Shop With a Target Price in MindI shop with a target price firmly in mind. If you are shopping for something new to you, check online to see what a competitive price might be. You can also look at Craigslist to see what such an might sell for used. You can use ebay in a similar fashion.


My Frugal Life: Freezing MeatI was told about ThriftyFun by a friend of mine and have thanked her several times for sending me the connection to this site.


My Frugal Life: A Fan of ThriftyFunI have been thifty all my adult life. I had my first child at 19 years of age, with 2 more that followed 5 years apart. I found myself using more and more store coupons ...


My Frugal Life: Living On LessFor those who have lost their jobs, or about to do so, here is some help: Yes, I know it's a hassle, but it's the shortest, fastest and easiest way of seeing if you are living a life of wallet holes or if you truly are brilliant at saving.


My Frugal Life: Stay Out of StoresBeing organized has saved me a lot of money. By the same token, when I am disorganized, I spend more than I should. A budget and a grocery list are my best tools, but there is a third that is almost as important. It is staying out of the stores.


My Frugal Life: Frugality From The FarmI am the child of parents who grew up on farms. My father lived through the depression in Saskatchewan and times were very tough. Dad told us that a turnip was a treat like an apple was to us.


My Frugal Life: In The KitchenIn our culture, we have tended to be almost disdainful of our abundance, as shown by our great tendency to waste, just because we can. Not long ago, I was wondering what I would do differently in the kitchen if we had to survive on rationed amounts of food, as my parents' families had to during WWII.


My Frugal Life: Tell Your Money Where To GoIt was about four and a half years ago, when DH and I found out that we were expecting our second child. It was quite a surprise, given that our first one was only 6 months old!


My Frugal Life - A New BabyWe've had to be really frugal, especially these last few months because I recently had a baby girl this last December. My husband was laid off from his job about the same time. We've cut back things we absolutely don't need, like sweets and junk food. Just the essentials!


My Frugal Life: Necessity is Still the Mother of InventionFrugality has been a necessity for all of my 48 years. Making money stretch as far as possible is what I have always needed to do but I enjoy it because I also believe it is best for my family and my world to consume less, waste less.


My Frugal Life: Use Your Interests To Make MoneyAs time goes by, I learn that there are many ways to stretch our money and reuse various left over products. I purchase many things in thrift store and buy wholesale when I am in business. I plan to start a silk flower business.


My Frugal Life: Consider Crafting for ChristmasFor many years we had to live like lots of Americans, payday to payday. But December of 1977 was the worst. Everything hit that month and we ended up with only 5 dollars in our pocket with just 3 days left before Christmas.


My Frugal Life: Starting With SewingMy husband and I have 6 children, (so far) Kriztina 18, Chriztopher 16, Lyndzie 13, Jacob and Joshua 4 1/2, and Matthew 19 months. Frugality for us started about 14 years ago. I would say I started out with sewing.


My Frugal Life: Recession? What Recession?It is almost funny to us, to hear these people on the news talking about the recession and how they are losing their homes and can't buy the things they want anymore.


My Frugal Life: The Gift Of TimeMy 15 year old daughter, Tori died under horrific circumstances 11 years ago on 8/27/98. This was the worst experience that I have ever felt. Friends circled us, send flowers, food and condolences. I know these people were supporting us the best way they knew how.


My Frugal Life: What Works For MeWhat works for me? I buy groceries and run errands in town two days a week when I go to my exercise classes to save on gas. I grow my own vegetables and eat them fresh or freeze them when we get too much, to eat during the winter.


My Frugal Life: From the Beginning When I left home at 18, I planned on working hard, saving money, and making it out in the big world alone. It didn't work that way. I met a man, got pregnant and got married. Needless to say, we were young and poor.


My Frugal Life: One Income FamilyI have always been a penny pincher from day one. As a teenager growing up at home, I clipped coupons and took them shopping from time to time when mom went to the grocery store.


My Frugal Life: Learning From a Frugal MotherI remember as a child, my mother would save small soap pieces and put them it hot water and mush them up, making liquid soap. We would use it to wash our hands. There were other things she did, such as saving any food containers.


My Frugal Life: $20,000 Experiment in Happiness a FailureWe all seek joy and happiness. That seems to be the very purpose of our being. But in the U.S. especially, we continue to believe happiness comes from things we buy, whether it's a Porsche, an exotic trip, a fabulous haircut, or an upscale cup of cappuccino.


My Frugal Life: Saving Money and WaterI have lived a frugal life all my life. I am 1 of 11 children so we had to learn to save almost everything from food scraps to water saving. Now I have 4 children. Every summer, I place a bucket in the shower so we can still water my plants.


This Year, Recycle Christmas (Update)A few months ago, I shared a tip, "This Year, Recycle Christmas". My family, all six kids, spouses, grandchildren and friends agreed, since many of them had had income setbacks this year. The idea was that nothing was to be bought new.


My Frugal Life: Thank You, GlenitaI also was never taught to be frugal. I was only taught to work hard and anything on sale was something you didn't want, it was someone's throwaway. My family was always tight on money.


My Frugal Life: Christmas AngelsThe first Christmas after my husband and I divorced looked as though it was going to be very hard. I had four children, two teenagers and two little ones aged four and three, and virtually no money for food or gifts.


My Frugal Life: Tips For SpringHappy Spring Everyone! Make dry erase boards of any size out of cardboard covered with clear wrapping tape. I have heart that white contact paper works too but I like to stick with the clear wrapping tape.


My Frugal Life: Take Care of YourselvesThis post is about how frugal, caring women usually put themselves last. Everything is so expensive these days. If you have children, there are their needs to be met, school supplies, clothing, food, then there is the rent or mortgage, the never ending utility bills, and on and on.


My Frugal Life: Run Of Bad LuckWe have had an unbelievable amount of financial issues lately. This all happened in a matter of days. First our toilet seat broke off. The next day, our garage door opener broke so we couldn't get the cars out of the garage.


My Frugal Life: Separating Wants From NeedsWith the uncertain times we are all facing now it is even more important to save where we can. It is hard sometimes to tell myself to hold off on purchasing something I really want and distinguishing a want from a need; this is what I have come up with.


My Frugal Life: Stay Prepared For EverythingI was born in a large family. Our needs were met. We had a roof over our heads, food on the table. Beans, potatoes and cornbread one day, then potatoes and beans the next. Meat once during the week and once on Sunday.


My Frugal Life: A Lifetime of LearningWhen my mom died, I was 8 and my sister was a newborn. No longer could my dad go away for work, so he quit his well paying job and moved us closer to his family. He found a job where he was home every evening to make us dinner and tuck us in at night.


My Frugal Life: No House Or Car PaymentThree years ago my husband and I sold our home. We made enough off of the sale to buy a mobile home and 2 - 1/2 acres of land. The upside of this is, our home is paid for, no mortgage. The downside is we are on a dirt road, which turns to mud during a lot of rain.


My Frugal Life: Trust That He Will ProvideSaving money became more and more important as I aged. Things beyond my control happened, and I found myself both depressed and determined to live within whatever my means.


My Frugal Life: Frugal Is A Choice I've MadeI have been frugal all my life - first because I had no choice, and now because it's a choice I've made. My father died when I was young, and left no insurance.


My Frugal Life: Thinking ThriftyFrugal living comes naturally to me. I shop at Goodwill and Thrift stores the way others shop at the mall. I try to think before I throw something away or donate it to Goodwill. Will I use it? Is there some other use for it? Could someone I know use it or need it?


My Frugal Life: Possessions Can Be ReplacedI have been reading 'My Frugal Life' for some time now, and thought it was appropriate timing to submit mine. I have been fairly frugal all my life. My mum tells me when I earned money as a child cashing 'bottles', I would have my money box with me to put the cash in.


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