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Rehashing Frugal Living After a Death

Rehashing Frugal Living After a DeathI mainly lurk these days but I had to become super frugal since the death of my husband in May. I am trying to get my widow benefits (we were both on SSDI), so I am living on less than half of what we were bringing in. I paid $500 up front for the cremation, but because SS is taking so long on my widows' benefits, the funeral home wrote off the rest of the bill. I do have his ashes with me now.


An unpaved country road.

Silence Is GoldenWhen I was a child, I would take long walks down unpaved, winding country roads. Much of the land was undeveloped and sometimes there was two, three miles distance between houses. Often, I would hear a cow mooing in a pasture to my right or left, tiny birds chirping happily, even the occasional buzzard or chicken hawk overhead.


Taking a check out of an envelope.

Frugality And A Question Of MoralsI recently voiced my opinion, maybe too loudly, on a post about asking for extra condiments when dining out. I felt keeping extra condiments automatically given to you was OK, while asking for extras to increase your at home stockpile was not.


A set of organized small shelves in a bathroom.

RepurposeAn artist at heart, my brother loved doing home renovations. He also loved teaching me the basics, like how to use a power drill. This skill has played an essential role in my frugal living. Many of my frugal habits center around repurposing. It is finding another meaning in something, whether it retains its current form or not, and whether it is carefully preserved or eventually discarded.


A woman using coupons when grocery shopping.

Living on a BudgetMy boyfriend and I live in Southeastern KY. We are both disabled and living on disability. We have to budget everything, from electricity to groceries, every month. We are members of several store loyalty programs that automatically apply coupons to your purchase, which helps a lot. You can also use clip coupons along with that to add extra savings.


Tomatoes growing in a garden.

A Green Frugal LifeI've always been a frugal person, following in my Grandma's footsteps. She survived the Depression yet fed her family well. Even a teaspoon of leftover corn at dinner was put in a homemade soup. Pastry scraps were made into the most delicious treats, spread with either cinnamon sugar or jam, then rolled, baked and sprinkled with powdered sugar. From her, we learned how to make delicious meals cheaply.


A wood burning stove in the kitchen.

Living in the BoondocksWe live in the country and it is 45 miles away from any grocery store. The first thing we do is to make a shopping list and only go shopping once a month. Our doctors are 180 miles from our home so, when we have a doctor's appointment, we check the shopping ads for the stores in that town and buy what we know we will use and stock up on those items at those stores.


An antique phonograph playing a small record.

Jeannie Rollins ~ Frugality Without ChoiceMost of us have hard times now and then. Some of us have not just hard times but hard lives. Sometimes we all need something to jolt us back to reality. To a perspective from which we can see ' things really aren't as bad as they seem'. Some have it much worse than you.


A crazy quilt made from scraps of material.

The Most Frugal Of All, Free MemoriesWhat is your earliest memory? I will tell you three of mine as I don't know which is earliest. When I was little, the house was not heated past bed time. If the temperature was 10 degrees outside, it was 10 degrees inside, not long after we all went to bed.


A garage sale in a front yard.

13 Items That Almost Always SellThere was an internet meme going around recently that read: "See that clutter in your home? It used to be money."' That simple statement was a wow moment for me. OUCH!


A grocery bag with fresh fruit and bread.

Be Content With a LittleIn my older years, my situation changed. I was not able to buy the things I thought I wanted or needed. Or thought I needed. Although I can't buy grass fed beef, the ground beef on sale for $2.99 a pound hasn't killed me. The fresh vegetables that grow next door to the organic are $2-$3 cheaper a pound.


A freezer filled with vacuumed sealed foods.

Living With Less Is MoreI have always been a bit of a cheapskate and as I get older I have grown to realize that I am not a "cheapskate", I am Frugal! And might I say I am proud of it! It started in my 20s.


Go-Go Boots - young woman wearing white go go boots and lime green vinyl dress

Go-Go BootsWhen I was in the sixth grade, short white leather boots, called go-go boots, were all the rage. All the cool girls got them immediately. Not-so-cool girls got them in rapid succession. In a short period of time, anybody who was anybody had a pair, except for me.


The mountain town of Hot Springs, NC

Inner Roadblocks to Financial WellbeingI am not a fan of money in any shape or form. I pretty much have come to hate everything about it. Especially the way it interferes with what I'd rather do in life which means basically not having to care about who has it or who doesn't or how to get it or how not to - in other words, the way the cancer of money destroys everything in its wake.


A platter of homemade banana cakes.

A Hundred Dollar For A Family of FourGrowing up wasn't that easy for a simple girl who is shy and almost doesn't talk in public. My family has had a lack of resources since I was a kid, as my parents were just starting a small family. I remember one time my parents told me and my older brother to hide during snack time because we only have water and fried bananas on our lunchbox.



A jar of change being saved.

Finally Starting Out Being ThriftyMy partner and I are on SSDI with SNAP and I am enforcing a budget for 4 people in this household. We consume a lot of tea so we get the gallon bags on our main shopping trip. My partner brews it up in a large Dutch oven like pot and makes 2 gallons out of that, one for him and one for the rest of us.


An old fashioned wringer washer.

Frugality Ain't What It Used To BeGoogle just added a silly slide out panel to the new Gmail. It serves no purpose, gets in my way, and I find it very annoying. I think most businesses of today feel they won't be considered progressive unless they're constantly making changes, whether needed or not, whether good or not.


A small boy in a large white cowboy hat.

10 Gallon HeartIn traveling with my children, I noticed everything always was easier and better if Grandpa was going. It was like bringing a living breathing toy along. He always had 3x5 index cards in his pocket and an extra pen so when the children got fidgety, he would say "Draw grampa a picture and I'll give you a piece of candy" which he had stored in his pocket.


A vintage gold trinket on a white background.

The Thief In Your Closet and On Your ShelvesIs your stuff stealing your time and money? You know those doodads on your shelves, your clothing, the flotsam and the jetsam piled up in the nooks and crannies of your house. For most of us, the answer is a resounding YES! Your stuff is making you poor and you probably don''t even realize it.


A Thanksgiving table set and ready for dinner.

Living Within Your MeansNow on a very small fixed income, I kept finding myself running out of money before the end of the month to pay my monthly bills and living expenses. So I wound up drawing money out of my savings account every month to pay bills until my next monthly check came in. I realized that my savings account was shrinking at an alarming rate. In looking at my lifestyle, I realized I had to change some of my habits.


A small dog asleep on the floor.

Being Frugal Around My HomeGrowing up in Kentucky wasn't that easy as a child. However, as an adult, life was easier and wonderful until I ended up sick and my life changed. I am a single mom raising 2 teenage children and had to stop working and go on disability. How in the world could I make ends meet on the small checks that came in the mail once a month?


A green salad with fresh ingredients and purple flowers.

Thoughtful ThriftMy family had many frugal sayings but my favorite was "No money leaves this house!" The house was paid for, my parents had good jobs, yet they still embraced a very frugal lifestyle to ensure they didn't worry about bills, didn't acquire a lot of stuff, and used everything they had. It enabled them to live their dream of traveling.


A black and white photo of a house with snow on the roof and on the old fashioned car in front.

The KeepsakersToday as I was deciding which never worn clothing to give away, which clutter should be part of my clutter no more, which school things to finally part with after six years in retirement, which vacation pictures I should sort and keep or toss, which art should find a new home', all of these things', then I realized once again that I have that Chitwood gene', the keepsaker gene'.


A jar full of dollar bills.

Have a Frugal MindsetI enjoy reading the articles on ThriftyFun and have picked up many, many tips to help make my life easier and less expensive. I'm amazed sometimes at the ideas that are shared and are so easy to do.


Book Flowers and Coffee Cup on Table

No Need for a TVDue to a divorce that left me with no retirement at age 60 I do not pay for cable TV or any other TV service. I have to watch every penny and try to create some kind of retirement plan. I love to read and my garden and yard keep me busy except in the winter and then I catch up on home repairs. I don't miss TV.


A sad and small Christmas tree.

The Christmas Tree GrinchMy father bought our Christmas tree every year on Christmas Eve. My father, well, he was a bit of a Grinch when it came to purchasing a tree. He didn't want to spend money for a tree that was only going to be up for one week. It was his money; after all, we were spending.


A mug that says "Happiness anytime anywhere, just pick it up" next to a window and a green vase.

My Personal Guide to Frugal LivingEvery person has his/her own way of living. There are different types of people and each one's lifestyle is unique but for sure, we all wanted our lives to be easier to fulfill our desires, to fully enjoy the things we possess and live a better life.


A rainbow over some fields.

Country Meets CityWhen I was five, we would travel from Hamilton to Roebuck to see my dad's parents. We loved it there, even though there was no running water or any thing fancy. There was a built in toilet, like an outside outhouse. I remember my aunt carrying the pail to dump, she hated it.


A car at a race at the Riverside Speedway.

Days of Old (1950s)My late father was an avid stock car fan and a car salesman in the local area. He was well known for being a handsome man, well dressed, full of wit and humor and he "never met a stranger". He became the pace car driver for a local stock car driver Hooked Hood of West memphis, Arkansas.


A hand dyed blouse.

Resourcefully ThoughtfulOnce we had neighbors whose son looked a lot like my younger brother. He tried to help his parents by going door to door and offers cleaning services for a dollar. Our relatives noticed the resemblance too, and so we call him John Number 2. It melted the hearts of everybody, especially seeing the poorer version of my brother.



Leftover crumbs from snack bags.

Have a Crumb PartyI did part of my student teaching in a nursery school. Most teachers just discarded leftover and broken snacks, except the teacher who mentored me. She saved all the broken snacks until she had enough for a 'Crumb Party.' I always admired that teacher, not just for her frugality, but for her creativity and ability to turn a negative into a positive.


fish sculpture

Finding Your Own Frugal BusinessI learned when I was very young that toys and new clothes did not take a priority in our family. My mom bought me the least expensive little cotton dresses and then she would purchase and applique of a sheep or a bear that I liked and put it on the pocket, and I felt pretty special. It wasn't her fault, at all. I grew much faster than my older step siblings. It's the truth that if she bought me some Sunday shoes on Monday, they would be too small by church time. She also grew up in the Depression, and she was extremely creative. Some nights, I would hear the sewing machine going all night while she created the outfit of my silly dreams, complete with hidden pockets everywhere.


Easy Ways to Live a Frugal Life

Easy Ways to Live a Frugal LifeYes! I do believe in frugal living. I think it does not matter whether you earn more or less, but keep an economical approach towards our expenses helps us in reducing financial stress. Definitely, living a frugal life requires certain lifestyle changes and a conscious awareness about how we are spending and saving money? My idea of thrifty living comprises basic three principles: Smart shopping, use appropriately to waste less and save in advance.


Two shopping bags with items inside.

New to YouMost people have to stay within a budget. This may be very difficult, especially if the budget is really tight. Sometimes the urge to have something new is really hard to ignore. Here are some tips to make do, when you can't have new.


Seventh Birthday Memories (July 1958)

Seventh Birthday Memories (July 1958)Today is my birthday and I'm so, so excited. I'm seven years old now. I don't know why being seven is better than being six. It just is. Maybe it's because whenever I really want something, Mum always says 'when you're older'. So now I'm older and maybe we can get the baby kitty I want.


Affording Real Food

Affording Real FoodRecently, I was talking with a friend about the difficulty of feeding our growing families affordably but also in a healthy way. She was talking about the extra cost of buying and preparing "real food", meaning not processed and mostly from scratch. I started wondering if it is really more expensive?


Loaves of bread

When is Enough Enough?A friend of mine, for as long as I can remember, would say, "A loaf of bread costs what it costs, and you can eat only so much bread. Why would you buy more bread then you could ever use?". In my younger years I would chuckle to myself.


A finger and thumb pinching a penny.

Pinch Those Pennies When You're YoungMy great aunt and uncle were very frugal. They made their own furniture out of pressed wood. They had a schematic of the property, where every wire was buried outside, location of all piping, cable etc. They ordered kitchen cabinets to put together themselves and bought parts for repairs in bulk; plumbing, sprinkler, electricity, basically anything that could break and need repaired. They bought the best quality gloss enamel paint so everything was easy to maintain with washing.


A man holding open an empty wallet.

A Fortnight's Lost IncomeThis is a story from my past, which taught me that when you have to you can do it! It was the day after payday and I had the cash on the table, working out where it would be going. There was a knock at the door so I hid the cash. It was an hour or so before I got back to my budgeting task. Unfortunately, I had forgotten where I'd put the money!


Take Time To Enjoy Your World

Take Time To Enjoy Your WorldIt has been said that only boring people ever get bored. I think there's a lot of truth in that saying. People who are easily bored lack a healthy curiosity about the world around them. Some people go all their lives without awareness of things that make other people's lives more enjoyable.


Look Like a Million for $2.50

Look Like a Million for $2.50Whenever I shop, be it retail or thrift, I always have my eyes open for a great deal on formal wear. If you wait until you get an invitation, you have limited time to shop and will likely spend top-dollar.


Two bucks eating grass

Spending The Evening With DeerIt was nice to go out in the late evening with Mocha, my calico cat. She loves it when I let her stay out after dark. It certainly was cooler when the sun went down. The outdoor lights were on, but I could see better when the moon came up. It looked big and yellow just over the horizon.


A recipe book with a wooden spoon.

Teaching the Next Generation to be ThriftyWe grew up in a country area, at least 15 miles from a small town. We were taught how to work hard at all things. There was no down time as some make sure they get today. Each season had its work; some were to be fast and others slow and regular.


An old fashioned black and white photo of a family.

How To Appreciate Cobbler CrustThis was to be a prelude on the importance and appreciation of good, crusty Southern style biscuits, and more tips on how to make them. This 'prelude' became so lengthy, it turned into a 'story' in its own right. Read on.


Bottles of dish soap on sale.

Living the Best Frugal Life I CanI will stock up and buy three of anything to keep me from running out too fast. Tonight, they had soap on sale for 99 cents, so I bought 8 bottles. There can never be too much dish soap.



A chicken coop made from recycled materials.

Don't Waste AnythingIf you want or need to be frugal, it's not just about the "stuff" you don't buy. You also have to use everything to its maximum potential.


A jar full of bills and coins.

Painless Ways to SaveI'm in my 60s and have always done little things that add to our savings. Neither hubby nor I were ever promoted at work, so our paychecks were on the smaller side. Even so, we paid off the mortgage on our home, paid cash for our car, have no debt, and look forward to retirement next year.


Being Thrifty or Frugal: The Big Picture

Being Thrifty or Frugal: The Big PictureWhen I was a child, my family and I lived in the city. Being a nature lover, I would often take long walks in the country. At that time, the county did not have a garbage collection service. People would put their garbage in a vacant area on their property.


Watering The Garden

My Adventures In Cheap SkatingLiving frugal can be a very simple, yet rewarding change in your lifestyle. I used to think that meant eating rabbit food and living in bamboo huts. Me, in a loincloth? Never! But it's actually very easy to do and you don't have to give up the things you love.


Beer Cans

My Son's Beer Can CollectionBack in the late 70's, I was a canologist's assistant; that is, I helped my teenage son collect beer cans. The hobby was a fun one, but since it's now passe, and since the 77th anniversary of the beer can is just around the corner (Jan 24), I'd like to reminisce:


A woman using coupons.

Living with the Coupon QueenI grew up with piles of coupons and paper scattered all around the house. I know what it's like to wake up at 8am to go get newspapers, just to find out that they've all been taken by fellow couponers in the area.


Money Jar full of coins and a $20 bill.

Consciously Saving Money EverydayWith each task I perform during the course of a day, I think of ways that I can save. Small amounts saved each day add up to large savings at the end of the year.


A blue summer sky with white clouds and a tree.

My Frugal Life: Compromise and CompensateAs children, we grow up not ever paying attention to advice or knowledge provided by our elders, usually on a frequent and routine basis. Going along with our childish and playful days, knowing it all, and living the racey lifestyle, along with making unattentional choices, with little regard to our bodies limitations of the aging process.



How to spell FRUGALF: Find alternatives for expensive ingredients or purchases. R: Research online before making your purchases for something you want. Is it a NEED or just a WANT?


A pile of Euro coins.

My Frugal Life: Keep Your Eyes and Heart OpenYesterday, we visited a supermarket to pick up a few bits and pieces. On a bench outside, there was a guy selling tiny red, sour Ringlo plums for the giveaway price of 50 euro cents a bag.


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My Frugal Life: Good to the Last DropTimes are definitely tough for many of us and there is little or no cash for treats and little luxuries. At our house to make belt tightening a bit more fun, we have invented a game; "Good to the Last Drop".


A colorful glass of juiced fruits and veggies

My Frugal Life: What You Throw Out!Do you have the same problem? "Buy one get one free" deals at the grocer sounds great but not if the produce goes to waste! A whole watermelon is tempting but then, since there are only two of us, it doesn't get completely eaten and is thrown out.


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My Frugal Life: When Shortcuts Cost You Big MoneyI am a frugal woman. The joke around here is that I can squeeze a buffalo nickle until it potties. There are a few things I choose not to cut corners with.


Monk holding a monkey on his lap

My Frugal Life: Buddha's ExampleThe Gautama Buddha, over 25 centuries ago, commended frugality. As an example, he taught the first monks and nuns to make their robes from "pure cloth" that is cloth that no one wanted.


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My Frugal Life: Clear Out the ClutterSpring is here and so comes the traditional spring cleaning. This year, due to my retirement, I really have the time to do a thorough cleaning of closets and cupboards. I've been discovering long lost "treasures" and duplicate grocery items.


Alaska Renovation Kitchen

Renovating a Small Home in AlaskaI have found that people fall into three categories. Those who have money to hire people with the skills they don't have, the people who get hired to perform these skills, and mine - I am the "I don't get paid, but have to do it anyway" type.


Good, Clean Fun, people blowing bubbles

My Frugal Life: Good, Clean FunBubbles are among the oldest and most popular of children's playthings. Even when families have no money for toys, they can usually find a wire to twist into a circle and some soap suds.


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My Frugal Life: Small Town Lessons for Big City LifeWhere I grew up life was tough. Even as children, we had long days of working, helping in the garden and in the kitchen. I assumed this was just how it was.


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My Frugal Life: The Way of the MiserBack in 1985, my father claimed that at the head of every giant corporation, in the hand of every international banker, in the stomach of every commodity pit trader lives the spirit of an old miser.


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My Frugal Life: Frugal ForeverI love ThriftyFun. It IS fun! I was learning to be frugal before frugal was even a word! I don't even remember hearing the word "thrifty." We just did it! My dad grew up in the depression so we heard a lot of those stories.


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Reflections on a Frugal YearI have always tried to live a frugal lifestyle. Sometimes that frugality was a matter of choice and sometimes living frugally was a necessity rather than an option. This year has been one where frugality was a necessity, not just for me but for many people.


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Best Memories of ChristmasMy thoughts run back through the years to Christmas past, when I was small and Grandma was still around. It was always Christmas at her house, a ramshackle farmhouse with mice in the walls that she used to tell me were fairies working for Santa.


My Frugal Holiday: Of Kids, Christmas, and Pets

Of Kids, Christmas, and PetsIt is that wonderful time of year again - December. The month of both of my daughters' births, and the birth of my Lord.


Coffee and cinnamon rolls on a plate.

My Frugal Life: Our Way of Celebrating ChristmasMy husband is a long haul trucker and more often than not will not get home for Christmas until late Christmas Eve night and will have to leave again early on the 26th.


Tomatoes growing in a garden.

My Frugal Life: Saving Money is FunI still live in the same house I did when my first child was born. That was 37 years ago. What does that have to do with anything? Well, at first it wasn't intentional; staying here I mean.


A small Christmas tree being decorated.

My Frugal Holiday: Our First Family Christmas StoryOnce upon a Christmas time in a little college town there lived college couple with a baby son. In between classes and jobs and studying late, they had bought gifts for parents, sisters, brothers and baby too, of course.


Two women around a patio table.

My Frugal Life: What My Mother and Grandmother Taught MeBeing frugal has a long history for me and I owe it all to my Mother and Grandmother for setting the ground work. My Mother became a single mother of three young children when my father left and never paid support.


An abandoned grocery cart on the road.

My Frugal Life: Price Hike"Hey, Bob, look!" I said as we neared a bus stop in my neighborhood. "Now why would anyone want to do that?" he grumbled, outraged at the eyesore we'd just driven past, a gang of abandoned shopping carts.


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My Frugal Life: The Best Things in Life Are Free - or NearlyWhen I look at some of the great pleasures of my life, I find that most of them are free - or very nearly so.


Shopping for clothes at a thrift store.

My Frugal Life: If In Doubt, Don't!I have been working since I was 15 years old and I am now 51. Knowing how to stretch a dollar is a lesson I learned early. My older sister was a seamstress and she taught me how to sew.


Fall in the Smoky Mountains.

Finding Peace in the ValleyMy husband and I had very different childhoods. He grew up in inner city St. Louis while I was raised deep in a rural Alabama valley. We do, however, share one common thread. We both grew up poor.


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My Frugal Life: I Love Eating Out!I love eating out. NOW WAIT! I can feel all you extreme savers and frugalites throwing stones at me. Please, please, please restrain and let me explain.


A teen holding 4 clothes shopping gags.

Life Lesson From My ParentsLike every teen, I wanted the latest clothing trends plus all the other things teens think they can't live without. At 16, my parents put me on a monthly "clothing allowance", which was seemingly quite generous until I learned what all I had to pay for out of this.


Ground coffee next to coffee beans.

My Frugal Life: The Coffee TestI have found it helpful, thriftily-speaking, to take a look at all the necessary things in my life and make a list of those that I just can't scrimp on.


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My Frugal Life: Learning to be FrugalI had always been someone who spent too much on things we just didn't need. I would buy on impulse, and shopped until I dropped. About 6 months ago, I saw a video on YouTube about couponing in Canada, and decided to try it out.


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My Frugal Life: Following My FatherMy author father liked to use examples from third-world countries to teach personal money management. He pointed out that the savings could grow enough to buy a boat for fishing and traveling, or become an investment in a local business.


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My Frugal Life: Planning AheadI used to be proud of being spontaneous, of living on a whim. Now that I can no longer afford to have anything I want at the moment that I want it, I have come to savor the far deeper pleasure of expectation, of waiting for something and looking forward to it.


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My Frugal Life: Saving Money When ShoppingI recently heard a report about money and finance. Lay away isn't a good idea. The fact is you save money, by not paying the fees, and risking losing the items you have paid on by being late.


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Stretching Your Retirement DollarsEven if you have spent years living a frugal lifestyle in order to save for your retirement years, a change in income might make it necessary for you to pinch pennies a little tighter than you anticipated following retirement.


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My Frugal Life: Shop SmartI learned that the Goodwill is changing their marketing strategies due to the availability of new goods coming off shelves of failing/going out-of-business/bankrupt stores. I have found a plethora of NEW in-the-box with-the-manual items at tremendously low prices.


A pile of shredded paper

Of Misers and MotherhoodMy father shared the title of his self published book "The Miser's Muniment." In the mid eighties, with freewheeling credit within the reach of practically everyone, hardly anyone was interested in reading about misers.


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My Frugal Life: Use Every BitRemember the satisfaction you felt at being able to extract that last bit of toothpaste or shampoo or cold cream? Remember how long it took? Each day you thought there couldn't possibly be anything left in that tube, bottle, or jar, but there always was.


A woman looking at her shopping receipt.

Frugal Grocery ShoppingI make it a habit of being open to food-shopping deals whenever I go anywhere. Today I stopped in at an independent dollar store, where I found a quart of lemon juice at 2/$1.00. That'll last a good long time.


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My Frugal Life: Living on Love and a Little MoreWe are frugal not because it is stylish or in style. My husband and I are frugal because he works on a cotton farm and makes very little money, and I am on disability, a fixed income.


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My Frugal Life: Financial DietingI have found that frugal living requires many of the same tactics and disciplines as dieting to lose weight or dieting to improve your health. I found it very helpful to pull ideas from standard dieting plans to assist me with my financial diet.


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My Frugal Life: GiGi's Labor of Love"Hey, Lady! What are you looking for?" asked the driver. "A penny," said I from the pavement next to him. "It's sort of a game I'm playing, and I need to find the penny myself. You know (I lied), for luck."


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My Frugal Life: The Danger of Preparing a BudgetAs odd as it may seem, just the act of writing down a budget can have an adverse or possibly even reverse affect on your attempt to save money. Have you ever decided to go on a diet and immediately began craving something sweet?


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My Frugal Life: Food Enough for VisitorsIn my small community there are many traditions including having enough food for people that visited around a meal time. It was important to feed them, so this was done by taking out a few more things than was needed for our family.


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My Frugal Life: This Is The Life of a Home SchoolerThis has been an interesting end to summer. It is not winding down in a quiet way, as it normally does, we are getting a new roof, and I will be happy to see it. We are ready for a new season!


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My Frugal Life: A Predictable Mess!At the young age of five years at the time, my daughter was a very bright, intelligent, helpful and energetic young "woman", as she would laughingly tell it today at age thirty five.


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My Frugal Life: Don't Be Persuaded!Manufacturers are so good at persuading us that we HAVE to have their products that it's difficult not to end up buying all sorts of things that we really don't need.


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My Frugal Life: Reduce, Reuse, Don't Hoard!Growing up, I was always taught not to hoard. Donate or throw away what you don't use. On the other hand, I learned to buy good once, reuse and be creative, and you never do without.


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My Frugal Life: Every Which Way to SaveI have been honing my frugal skills every since I left college, years ago. My first frugal research started with an old book entitled "How to Save on Everything", written in the late 40s. It had all sorts of interesting ways to reuse, remake, and recycle.


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My Frugal Life: Thinking About ThriftinessI've been thinking a lot about the world and the terrible state we are in. One thing I've been thinking is that we would all be a lot better off if we didn't say "someone ought to do something" and said "I'm going to do something" instead.


View of village skyline and mountains in Slovenia

My Frugal Life: Who Dares Wins!In the difficult financial times that many of us have found ourselves in over the past few years, giving up two well paid and secure jobs to take up one reasonably paid one in a new start up company in another country may seem a pretty strange proposition to put forward.


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My Frugal Life: Watch Your Pennies and the Dollars Will FollowI have been frugal all my life. When I was young, it was called "living country". You saved everything and found another use for it. To this day, I don't know if we would have been considered working poor or not.


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My Frugal Life: Raising Five KidsAs a single mother on a dotted budget line, I have learned how to provide for my family on very little.


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