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the side of a house showing a column holding up the roof.

Life As I Knew ItI was so young when I used to dream of having a huge house built for my mother. She sacrificed so much for me that I want to return something good, such as a good life. We need not reach to achieve it, for the older I get, the deeper my realizations are.


A Hudson Hornet from the '50s

Buying Your First Car The Frugal WayIn my day, cars weren't as plentiful as they are today. To be sure, Ford, Hudson, Packard, and all the other makers could put a motor car in your possession the very day you were ready to buy one. Trouble was, not many people could afford to buy one.


A small leather pocketbook.

Gratitude Not AttitudeGratitude, not attitude. Last week Lowes was giving away gift cards in denominations from $5 to $1500. As to be expected, most cards were $5, which is what I got. I saw some posts from people saying they "only" got $5. I felt it was $5 that I did not have before.


A single layer chocolate cake

Baking LessonsA hearth is timeless. In days past, of the likes of Little Women, warm flickering light from the stove used to brighten up evenings for families coming together over a meal. What would they talk about? Maybe the ships coming in from sea, slow telegraphs from a father far away, the newspaper picked up for a dime from the little boy at the market? After the dishes were put away, a child like Beth might play hymns on her old upright, several decades before the radio was ever invented.


A medicine cabinet of personal care items.

The Frugal Lady Is At It AgainI have found when a friend or neighbor helps me in some kind way, it's nice to pack up a care bag for two household items. They are often in need of them. I have had wonderful feedback from that. The bags I order free by playing a game, about 50 shopping bags in each.


A woman wearing colorful clothing and holding a flower in the woods.

Me In My ColorsI passed my childhood years in a simple home with honest, hard working and uncomplicated parents and two younger brothers. Ours was an immigrant family and we struggled daily to meet our essential needs. My small world consisted of Dad, Mom, my brothers, school, play, home cooked meals, church on Sunday, responsibilities consistent with my age and the security of a well ordered home. I was so very fortunate.


A black and white photo of a child holding a lollipop.

Theories for a Frugal LifeLiving within my means has been ingrained in me my whole life, as is living a green life, meaning being nice to Mother Nature. I find when I share my theories with people, there are two schools of reactions. One is the person looking at me like I have three heads and webbed feet. This is sadly the usual reaction. The other rare reaction is a look of pure relief that there is a kindred soul out there.


An orange stuffed bear with flowers on its stomach.

Why Do We Keep Keepsakes?We all have memories, some of them good, some bad. Our keepsakes are most likely associated with the good memories. And they're sort of like Christmas. Every day Christmas would be no joy. It's the year long anticipation that makes it so special. And so it is with keepsakes.


A woman standing outside a home and smiling.

Procrastinating On Our PrioritiesProcrastinating on our Priorities is never good. We often think we have more time than we really do. No one knows what tomorrow brings or if we even have one. So, we think "I should do that" or " I will do it tomorrow".


Several credit cards cut into pieces.

Cut the CardThis was the best decision I could make during this time. I have worked hard on my budget and trust me. If there is a fee to even have the card, I don't want it. I did many reviews on Creditone bank. Not to be cruel but they are not a nice company. I found one of the hardest parts of reading the reviews was cutting off the card.


A white shelf with a coffee center and some condiments.

Shopping with Less MoneyHello again, I would like to share my frugal story. I am living with fibromyalgia so I am in a lot of pain. It took a while to get this done but it is done. I am paying off my credit report for this year. I am living on $780 but my check is paid out.


A park with a floral display in the center of the driveway.

Being Frugal Can Be Hard WorkBeing frugal can be hard work for some people. I find it very satisfying and fun. Doing things to save money is better than doing nothing. You must be realistic. You have to have an open mind to accept new ideas. If you do nothing, you will accomplish nothing.


A meal in a crockpot.

Learning FrugalityHi there I am Sharon, I live in NY and it's very expensive here. I have done a few things over the past few months to save money. We have a new store called Dollar General. Some of you have had it a while now. Today I learned about a download. I did it and scanned some coupons. You know what I mean, right. I went to the store and asked about the program.


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Our Throwaway SocietyIt always amazes me how much other people throw away. I did not grow up with much, and I always took very good care of whatever I had, as I knew my parents worked very hard for it. I thought I set an excellent example for my children, until the other day.


An unpaved dirt road through pine trees.

Goodness Still ExistsWhen I was eleven or twelve, I did something I'll never do again; probably couldn't do again. I walked twenty-two miles in a single day. Just on a lark. At that age, I was often besieged with fits of 'larkism'.



A pantry full of cans of food.

Developing a Frugal LifestyleI used to think that frugal living centered around clipping coupons and buying items on sale. I have come to realize that frugal living is a lifestyle that can be developed by adopting specific money-saving habits. Getting and staying organized can be the foundation upon which the many other frugal living habits such as simplifying, scheduling and budgeting, can be successfully implemented.


A bottle of ammonia and a cleaning rag in the bathroom.

Why Doing Things Yourself is More than FrugalMost people I know have someone else to clean their homes and wash their cars. They bring in food a lot and go out to eat often. They tell me that since I work full-time, I am wasting my precious free time. They also think I'm cheap.


A woman wearing white nursing scrubs and a charm bracelet at her graduation from nursing school.

The Bracelet Legacy to a Florence NightingaleMy oldest daughter Angela lost her home in a horrific fire and was downsized to unemployment in her job. She made the decision to return to college and pursued a nursing career. I presented her my high school graduation charm bracelet at graduation.


Dirty dishes in a kitchen sink.

An Ounce of PreventionBy definition, the word "frugal" means to not waste. And I have always believed it meant more then to not waste money, but also work and time, energy and resources.


A card in memory of Clara Walker with angel wings.

Clara Walker's Last DaysIf anyone ever lived a frugal and very simple life, Clara Walker did. We were neighbors from the time I was born til my family moved a couple blocks away when I was six. Most all my memories of Clara were formed during those six years.


A wooden hanging bridge surrounded by plants.

Daily All-Purpose WalkEvery day, I take my daily walk as my exercise. I walk to where I wait for the bus and when I arrive in the city, I walk my way to the office. I do that every morning and afternoon as I head home. One way would give me an estimated total of 20 minute exercise.


A freshly made bed.

Thrifty Living Could Mean EverythingThrifty living does not mean you have to avoid the good and healthy things that cost a lot. Sometimes, it also means self discipline. For me, policies are indeed useful for disciplining myself.


Snack sized chocolate candy bars.

Memories of a Thrifty Love StoryHere are tiny packs of chocolate my cousin sent all the way from Pennsylvania. Those are the kinds of chocolates that most Filipinos love to have on their so called "balikbayan package". Last night, I received mine. The sight of the chocolate made me go back to seven years ago when hubby and I were young lovers.


A orange and yellow flowered wallet with money sticking out the top.

When Frugal is Not!After watching some TV shows tout frugality that aren't really in our best interest, I wanted to express what I think is not frugal.


A birthday cake with colored marshmallow fondant.

My Very First DIY FondantBefore my son's birthday celebration, he came to me and said he wanted a themed fondant cake. I was planning to bake a cake for him but to make a fondant, I wasn't sure if I could do it. What disheartened me most was when I went out to canvass prices in cake shops, the prices were really out of my budget.


No-Car Day

No-Car DayThis summer, I decided to do an experiment. I decided to see what would happen if I didn't use my car one day a week. I have discovered that this is a really good idea for many reasons.


Growing Up with Little Money

Growing Up with Little MoneyI grew up in a family of four and my mom was on a fixed income. I thank her for making me understand how important it is to know that not being able to buy all the name brand clothes because, even though we got those things, we were still not happy.


My Frugal Life

My Frugal LifeHello, I began to be frugal many years ago. I found myself disabled and living on $700 a month SSI. I could not make ends meet for anything. I ate at the food kitchen two weeks out the month with my 3 year old. She is now 22 years old.


Becoming More DIY

Becoming More DIYI have learned through my 60 years on this earth that not everything that is good is easy. Rewards come to those that wait or work hard for what they get. This holds true with food. I am single but now helping to raise my 16 year old granddaughter with my son, who is unemployed.


Suzzycue's Frugal Lifestyle

Suzzycue's Frugal LifestyleLiving a frugal lifestyle is not easy. It takes a lot of dedication to make it work. The best thing I did to promote my frugal lifestyle was learn to cook. If you learn to cook you can have delicious meals with leftovers for the next day for the same cost or lower than buying one hamburger.



container garden

Frugality, Foraging and FarmingI've been on my own now for four years, a single parent turned "empty nester", and living on a disability pension. Here are my tips.


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ThriftyFun is Part of My FamilyWe live in an area where there are lots of trees and woodland critters. A large rat had taken up residence in my neighbor's yard had been killed. My son, who has a mischievous streak a mile wide, asked me if I needed pics for ThriftyFun.


Containers filled with homemade cleaning supplies

Clean Living Is Frugal LivingOver the years, I have tried to use less commercial products and make more of my own products for myself, my family and my home-naturally, simply and economically!


Two shirts on sale.

Frugal Queen in ProcessI am frugal and learning every day. I budget every cent I have on pen and paper. When I spend it, I keep my receipt and log in down. I pay a little more on each bill as often as possible.


Butternut Creek

Being Healthy is FrugalWith health care being the most expensive cost in all of our lifetime, maintaining and improving our health is the most frugal way to live. It just makes sense to stay healthy, reduce stress and will improve the overall quality of your life well into your senior years.


Collecting eggs on the farm.

Big Family on The FarmMy husband and I are raising 10 kids on about $25000 a year, yes 10! We have always lived inexpensively even before we had any children. We were able to purchase a small farm with an old farm house on it many years ago and fixed it up ourselves over time.


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Save Money with Digital BooksWe love books but our book collection required bookshelves which required wall space and that means more square footage, which meant a larger house. That larger house required larger payments for mortgage and taxes.


A woman looking at a clothing rack.

Life in the Fab Lane Without Breaking the...So, alright, I work at Wal-mart and see all kinds of shoppers. Some are good and buy mostly generic. Others use coupons. Then there are people that buy 6 makeup items and spend almost $50! They could have taken five minutes and saved almost $15 in coupons!


flowers made from yarn

What is Living a Frugal Life About?At various times of my life, I have had to live frugally. I've had times of plenty and times of hardship. Over my many years, I have become a bit of an expert.


Stretching My Meager Dollars

Stretching My Meager DollarsI am a single mother of two kids. The income I have comes from what little I make from my full time job, my job working in my church's nursery on Sundays, and Child Support for my oldest. I am constantly learning new ways to stretch my meager dollars.


English Scones

Frugal Colonial Lifestyle of the PastI feel very close to the people in the English Colonies. I may be somewhat different in my circumstances but I have the same heart! I appreciate all that I have and try to make it go as long as it can. I use things in different ways, that I think they might have given me the nod of approval.


Items for Goodwill

How We Shared in our Needy DaysWe lived in the countryside and we had some hard times, just like many others. That did not stop us from sharing with people or trading to make things easier for both us and others. We had a few second hand stores in the town we went to shop.


The Lessons of Less

The Lessons of LessI have found myself in reduced circumstances pretty chronically for the past 5 years. I am sure that I share this fate with many people, but, in spite of knowing this, my predicament has seemed like a very private and shameful hell.


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My Frugal Life: Frugal Homemade GiftsI try very hard to be creative when giving gifts to friends and family, giving thought to their likes and dislikes, or what may be age appropriate. Having a limited retirement income means I need to be mindful of my pennies, so I do as many people do.


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Making Things Easier for the DisabledThis is by no means a medical advice story or something that anyone else has to do. It's simply tips I have used to make my life easier and it might work for anyone who is interested in trying them.



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My Frugal Life: Frugality Taught Me FlexibilityThrough the course of adopting a frugal lifestyle I have discovered that frugality has not only helped me become more flexible, it has shown me that flexibility must reign supreme over routine when saving money is the goal.


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Healthy Living on a BudgetIf you are using a limited budget as an excuse for not adopting healthy living habits, these tips will make that excuse invalid. Taking care of yourself should be a priority regardless of your financial situation.


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Shop For Transitional Seasonal ItemsThe Christmas season seems to stretch many people's budget even tighter than it is already stretched. One way that I have reduced holiday expenses and the cost of future holiday decorating is by learning to be more crafty, more frugal, and more creative with decorating.


Woman Being Carried in Sedan Chair

My Frugal Life: Making DoVa, at 87 years old, wanted to visit Copan. She'd been there before in 1941, when her husband had helped to unearth and restore a Mayan maize god. At the time, she and her two babies had travelled by horseback from Guatemala to "Las Ruinas" to see Leonard and his discovery.


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My Frugal Life: From Spendthrift to SaverThe most important economic development in my family was when my husband (after 34 years of marriage) converted from being a spendthrift to a saver.


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My Frugal Life: Use It Up, Fix It Up, Eat It Up!How do I make my money stretch? I buy used as much as I can. Garage sales, thrift shops and are my go to places for everything. I purchase most non-food items from thrift shops.


My Frugal Life: Appreciate What You HaveMy entire life I have lived with not having an over-abundance of anything. My mother was a single mom of 3 during the 70's when the state did not bother going after deadbeat dads who did not pay child support.


My Frugal Life: ThriftyFun FriendshipMy tip is to keep looking on ThriftyFun, as you never know who you will find. In January 2008, I posted about my washable nappies. From that post, I met keeper60. Keeper60 lives in USA (we live UK) and has become a valuable member of my family.


Debt Free, I'm Still A FrugaliteWell now that I am debt free, I am still a frugalite as I am saving for a one year emergency fund. Here are a couple of the ways which I am doing it. I hope that you will be able to apply a couple to save a little money.


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My Frugal Life: Work Smarter, Not HarderMy husband is on SS disability and I earn a modest income with a local hospital. A motivator for us is to make a word or phrase into an acronym that parallels our goals and keeps us on track.


Check Fast Food Receipts for Survey

Check Fast Food Receipts for SurveyEverybody loves to get FREE food, but how many people use their receipts from fast food places to get free food? And how many just throw those receipts away without even looking at them?


A bucket of eggs and eggplant.

My Frugal Life: Bartering for VegetablesI got an email the other day about a quote I had made on a magazine site. It referred to bartering. I never really thought about it as it had been posted a few years ago. Now thinking back I can say, without a doubt, our lives were blessed in many ways from bartering.


My Frugal Life: The Wisdom of FrugalityI am blessed to have grown up in a family where my parents had gone through the Great Depression and then WWII. They never made being frugal seem like punishment, but more of a game, where I was taught to look at the bigger picture.


My Frugal Life: Teaching Children About ToysThe last time I was at Walmart with my younger group of kids/neighbors, I noticed they don't seem to realize that a huge package with four small useless toys in it would be a waste of their hard earned dollar.


My Frugal Life: Living With Very Little MoneyBeing raised in the sixties and seventies meant I was being raised by parents who knew about war time deprivation.


My Frugal Life: Reuse and RecycleI save the paper left after drying hands and use it to pick up spills on counters and floors at home. I save the small bags that pet food comes in to use for coffee grounds, eggs shells, and bones, fat, or scrapes left over after dinner.


My Frugal Life: Stretching GroceriesI grow my own vegetables in the summer and freeze them, I cook from scratch, and I go every 2-3 weeks to buy groceries. I go to generic stores and stock up on meat.


My Frugal Life: Rebuilding Our HouseWhen we got married, Jim and I had only one thing in large numbers: children. We decided to purchase some land in the country where the six of them could have room to grow. We had $5,000 saved, and used it to put a down payment on an 11-acre piece of marginally useful land.


My Frugal Life: Me And The BeeBeing frugal has to do with more than just money; you need to be frugal with your time. This was especially true years ago when moms stayed home to care for the kids, clean house, and have a meal on the table when hubby got home from work.


My Frugal Life: Great ImpressionI grew up in a family who knew The Great Depression. They made a Great Impression on how I lived, as well. My Grandpa raised his own hogs, and showed me how to make a ball out of a hog bladder early on.


My Frugal Life: Toys Made From NothingWhen I was a small child, I lived in my grandparents' home. I loved it because there were always many people there, my grandparents, my great-grandmother, my aunt, my parents and often relatives or friends who came "to visit a bit".



My Frugal Life: Starting EarlyAs the youngest of 5 sisters, my frugal life began with hand-me-down clothes, even when I didn't quite yet fit in them. As I grew, my mom made sure I was FRUGAL, by not wasting any food on my plate!


My Frugal Life: For Our Planet's Sake!I believe that my living frugal is also good for our planet! Teaching these values to my children to carry on this lifestyle has always been important to me.


My frugal life.

My Frugal Life: My Love Of GardeningMy mother always said not to waste food. Dad always said not to depend on others until you knew you could do it yourself. Then, at times, depending on others is OK. I grew up in the city of Memphis, TN, so I didn't have access to many garden spots.


My Frugal Life: Saving On GroceriesI have been a very frugal person most of my adult life. I shop at the Dollar Tree, Grocery Outlet and the 99 cent Store. I buy produce and make the best garden salads from the 99 cent store.


My Frugal Life: Brought Up FrugalI was brought up in the frugal lifestyle. A lot of my clothing was from second hand stores or made over from another garment. About the only things bought new were underwear and shoes. Even after I got married and had kids, I still look for bargains.


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My Frugal Life: Frugal Is FunWho knew being frugal could be so much fun? When I talk frugal, I'm NOT talking about being the cheap friend who never picks up a lunch tab. I'm talking about ways to not spend money on things that do not bring us pleasure - paper towels.


My Frugal Life: ThriftyFun FamilyIn 2007, I lost my entire family. We grew up in San Diego. As the kids became adults, we found that even with decent jobs (I am a school teacher) we could not afford to live in SD. My mom helped my siblings buy houses, but not me.


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Living The Good LifeFrugal? I have been "wealthy" yet savvy enough to ALWAYS save 10% of my salary. I had a big city condo downtown, never wanted for anything. And yes, I got hit by the stock market drop just like everyone else.


My Frugal Life: Oddball Of The FamilyI am considered the odd ball in our family as I am frugal. My family cannot believe that I do not take elaborate vacations, that I have not traded in my eight year old car, that I do not buy things from the mall.


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My Frugal Life: Penny PinchersMy husband is a penny pincher and that is great. He has helped our family pay off our house in 3 years. The trick is paying separate to the principal and the amount will drop fast.


My Frugal Life: Independence!Hello everyone and welcome to MY essay regarding frugal living! I was once employed for, what I thought, to be a career to which I could retire one day. Unfortunately, things did not work out for me that way.


My Frugal Life: I Love The Internet!I have never been the type to stay online for hours at a time; I never could find that much to do. I always wondered what people did when they stayed on for hours at a time.


My Frugal Life: Shop At Yard SalesWe started our married life with only one electric fry pan, that we cooked EVERYTHING in. When we got an apartment, I started going to tag sales. Just about everything we had we got at them.


My Frugal Life: Share Your GardenMost of what I have in my gardens in the raised beds (other than the fresh vegetables planted) pretty much came from others. As friends and neighbors, we check over each others gardens and say what we have extra of.


My Frugal Life: Hunting Down A BargainMy frugal life has been going on ever since I was a young child. I began to save scrap paper to write and draw on. My family knew never to throw out any paper that was unused or blank on one side.


Someone checking their insulin levels next to healthy produce.

Beating DiabetesWe are beating diabetes the frugal way! Last year my husband was diagnosed with diabetes after numerous health problems. I, too, am diabetic. We decided to change our life.


My Frugal Life: Reusing Plastic Grocery BagsUses for plastic grocery bags (the one time use/disposable): To carry groceries home: Most can be used more than once to get groceries home


My Frugal Life: My Garden Costs Almost NothingI have spent very little on my gardening, taking advantage of our local craigslist and freecycle. I have been given plants, seeds, pots, trellises, netting, mulch, hanging planters, tomato stakes and cages, and yes, even a gazebo!


My Frugal Life: Trial And ErrorI have learned so much. I have made a few mistakes that have changed the way I do things; in the kitchen and elsewhere throughout our home. I really enjoy this newsletter, it is so fun and has saved me lots of money when I needed it!


My Frugal Life: Science LabAs a school teacher and the wife of a soldier with whom I have raised 7 children, cutting corners and making things last and S T R E T C H is nothing new. I have resized, reshaped, and revived hand-me-downs to supplement clothing budgets.


My Frugal Life: Car FreeWhat I have done for years is be car free. I have been riding my recumbent tricycle almost everywhere I go. That is, unless it rains. Then I either stay home or I ask for one of the large 50 gallon trash bags and that becomes a poor man's poncho.


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My Frugal Life: Cooking From ScratchWhen our children were growing up we had very little extra money. We got clothes and shoes from the thrift shop and only bought groceries that were on sale. We had barely enough each month to pay our bills.


My Frugal Life: It's Just Common SenseBeing frugal or thrifty is more a matter of common sense than anything else in my mind. There are so many ways it is possible to save money, but it does require making small changes in the way things are usually done in our busy, hectic world.


My Frugal Life: Easter EggsI got to thinking the other day that the old maxim about 'life was better in the good old days' was partly true. The thing that got me to thinking that was Easter eggs. Yes, Easter eggs!


My Frugal Life: Possessions Can Be ReplacedI have been reading 'My Frugal Life' for some time now, and thought it was appropriate timing to submit mine. I have been fairly frugal all my life. My mum tells me when I earned money as a child cashing 'bottles', I would have my money box with me to put the cash in.


My Frugal Life: Thinking ThriftyFrugal living comes naturally to me. I shop at Goodwill and Thrift stores the way others shop at the mall. I try to think before I throw something away or donate it to Goodwill. Will I use it? Is there some other use for it? Could someone I know use it or need it?


My Frugal Life: Craft Fair Birthday PartyOnce upon a time there was a little girl with many, many friends. She often asked her mommy for lots of sleepovers and tea parties. Even though her mommy had very little money, sleepovers were easy and tea and cinnamon toast were cheap, so the mommy always said "yes".


My Frugal Life: Can't Stop My Frugal WaysI grew up in a very frugal home. Although both of my parents worked, they were both very frugal and cost cutting. We kids didn't get what we wanted all the time, and we knew not to bug our parents at the store to buy a toy or candy. That is just the way it was.


My Frugal Life: Relearning "Waste Not, Want Not"I have been thrifty minded for a long time. I grew up with a single mom supporting three kids. I saw how hard it was to make ends meet. While I was married, I was a stay at home mom. So six people on one income required thrift.


My Frugal Life: Being Frugal and GreenThere are a few things that I do to be green and/or frugal. I have 6 cats and 1 dog that live in my house. I change their water on a daily basis. Whatever water is still in their water tower is used to water my houseplants.


My Frugal Life: Save Energy At HomeHow I save energy in my home is really easy. I start with the fridge since it is one of the items in the home that uses the most energy. When I take a jug of milk out, I replace it with another filled with water.


My Frugal Life: No House Or Car PaymentThree years ago my husband and I sold our home. We made enough off of the sale to buy a mobile home and 2 - 1/2 acres of land. The upside of this is, our home is paid for, no mortgage. The downside is we are on a dirt road, which turns to mud during a lot of rain.


My Frugal Life

My Frugal Life: Starting OverMy frugal life began when my peaceful existence received a sharp jolt. I'd been living in America with my husband where we had a stillborn child, our beloved daughter Kitty, and our marriage broke up.


My Frugal Life: Separating Wants From NeedsWith the uncertain times we are all facing now it is even more important to save where we can. It is hard sometimes to tell myself to hold off on purchasing something I really want and distinguishing a want from a need; this is what I have come up with.


My Frugal Life - Managing on a BudgetLiving a frugal life is a true reality in these economical times. No one has money to spend. Here are some things my husband and I have done and continue to do to help out our budget.


dollar bill

My Frugal Life: Making Ends MeetAt this time a lot of people are trying to save their pennies and make ends meet. I have a few I would ideas like to share.


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