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Finding a Resource for Used Newspaper for Weed Control?Could anyone give me suggestions or advice on locating used newspapers for weed prevention in my vegetable garden? I am having a difficult time finding a resource for used newspaper. Every search leads to a mail order site.


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Getting Rid of Moss in Grass by Sidewalks?How do I get rid of moss in the grass close to my sidewalks?


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Taking Care of Trumpet Plants?I need to know when to cut the trumpet plant back in the fall. Do I cut the plant back to the ground, will the plant come back from the roots in the spring? Is there any pruning to be done in the summer?


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Broken Limb on Avocado Tree?So I have an avocado tree that is still in a pot because it is just a year old. I have two branches growing and one of them broke about 3 inches off and I was wondering if it will survive.


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Growing Buddleia (Butterfly Bush)?I've bought a buddleia dwarf ivory buzz. Is it a good idea to put it in the allotment or will the butterflies etc. eat all the greens? It will be in a container.


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Container Gardening and Mosquitoes in Standing Water?I grow plants in containers. I'm trying the containers in wading pools this year. I am worried about mosquito larva, I could use pebbles to mulch the water so to speak. But I'm wondering if the Epson salt I fertilize with which is magnesium, will it stop the mosquito larva?


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Adding Pine and Cedar Stump Grindings to a Flower Bed?Have I made a major mistake in my flower bed? I just backfilled some holes in my flower bed with the sawdust and dirt from some ground up stumps from pine and cedar trees. I didn't think about the effect that the sawdust would have on the soil.


A glass vase with an Oriental lily growing in water.

Algae Growing in Water With Bulb?I'm growing an oriental lily in water only and it's been a great success! However I've noticed some green algae inside my vase. How do I get rid of it without killing my bulb?


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Weather Temperature Terminology?Things are greening up a bit. I like that. Still, there's something about this time of year, I don't like. The plants I overwintered inside need hardening off. That means lugging them all outside on warm days and lugging them all back in on cold nights.


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Growing a Plant in a Milk Jug?For a project in school, I need to know how much soil I should use to grow a plant in a milk jug. If anyone can help me out, that would be great. Please answer quickly because I need to know fast.


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Separating and Rooting Norfolk Pine Side Branches?I have a 5ft Norfolk pine outside plant. It has a 1 1/2' and a 2 1/2' side branches growing off the main plant that were below the soil level. When I went to repot it I had hoped to separate the three "trunks", however they all appear to be growing from the same root blob. How can I separate them?


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Choosing a Climbing Ivy for Covering a Fence?I have a 60 ft long 4 ft tall wooden fence that I would love to cover with ivy. I want it green all year round. Other than English ivy is there something else I can plant. I want the look of a hedge without all the constant trimming.


red flowering geranium

What Kind of Geranium Is This?My father has carried this geranium over the winters for years. It takes a long time to flower and produces geranium flowers, but with mini rose type ends. Anyone ever seen this before?


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Overwintering Succulents?Can succulents be left outside in pots during winter in zone 7b and survive till spring? Can they survive planted in the ground? I don't want to lose them all together.


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Reusing Coffee Grounds for Gardening?Can you use flavored coffee grounds on plants? Is there some way to treat them so they can be used? I have a lot of flavored coffee from my daughter, and want to use it on my herbs.



yellow cucumber

Cucumber Turned Yellow After Picking?I picked a nice green cucumber. Over a couple of weeks in the house, it slowly turned yellow. It is firm and looks really good. I read some of the other questions and answers about cukes turning yellow on the vine, and being bitter. Why did the one I have turn yellow off the vine, instead of spoiling?


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Harvesting Bittersweet?I am visiting family in Iowa and would love to cut some of the huge amounts of bittersweet at my mom's farm. If I cut it with the berries still green will they eventually turn to the beautiful orange-red as they dry?


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Storing Hedge Apples?I know I read that hedge apples last 2 to 3 mo., how can you make them last all year?


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Value of Bees in the Garden?What role do bees play in flowering plants?


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Blue Morning Glory Seed Blooms Pink?I had pink morning glories last year although the package said they were blue. So this year I prevented any from reseeding and bought three or four more packages of heavenly blue morning glories. But, they are blooming pink. Is there something I can do to the soil to change the color? I love the blue color.


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Hibiscus Not Blooming After Deer Ate Buds?Deer ate only the buds on 2 hibiscus. I moved them to my back deck where I have another plant in full bloom that the deer did not eat. The 2 plants the deer ate have never bloomed again even though they are healthy and have grown new leaves. What can I do to get them to bloom again?


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Morning Glories Not Blooming?I currently have morning glories in containers trailing up trellis. The foliage is beautiful, but here are no blooms. Come to find out they don't require fertilization, thus the reason why there may be no blooms. My question is can I replace the soil in my planters and eventually get blooms this year?


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Freezing Hedge Apples?Can you freeze hedge apples to use at a later date?


tree trunk leaning against a pile of bricks

Preserving a Tree Trunk?How can I preserve my tree trunk so it doesn't rot? I would like to put it in my conservatory when it's done.


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Growing Red Hydrangeas?Will the red hydrangeas (Red Beauty) stay red? Does the type of soil affect them?


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Hibiscus Won't Flower?My hibiscus won't flower, it was in the ground and growing well. I fertlized the plant and still no flowers. I have potted the hibiscus now and have fertilzed with a good fertilizer and waited a few months, still no flowers. The plant itself is healthy, lush and green with constant new growth.


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Planting Over a French Drain Pipe?I have had a flexible French pipe installed to drain my garden, it is fitted lengthwise along a 9 metre flower bed. What can I plant in the bed without damaging the pipe?


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Growing a Poinsettia Plant Outside?I would like to plant or place my poinsettia outdoors, I live in central Indiana. It has become a tree, which is fine, I just want to keep it living. Any suggestions?


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Removing Acorns from a Lawn?How do I remove over a thousand embedded acorns from my lawn?


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Removing Smoke Smell from House Fire on Plants?Some of my house plants survived a major fire. I literally washed them with FIT and removed all old dirt to wash away the fire retardant and ash, etc. I repotted them in new pots with new potting soil, but they still smell like smoke.



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Tapping Maple Trees?It is my first time tapping maple trees and I can't cook it fast enough. I over tapped myself by not reading enough about how fast it runs when it's warm. What to do? How can I stop it? Do I take the tap out and let it drip down the tree? Am I hurting the tree by not stopping it from dripping? Can I plug it up?


What Ate My Hibiscus Leaves

What Ate My Hibiscus Leaves?I just planted a variegated hibiscus and overnight something shredded/ate virtually every leaf. I live in Queensland, Australia. Could the culprit be a brush turkey?


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Growing Ivy in Water?I need to know what steps to take when changing the water that my ivy roots live in? Can I just dump out the old water and put fresh water in the vase my ivy lives in without killing it.


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Outdoor Poinsettias Still Have Red Leaf Bracts?Here on the Portuguese Algarve there are several poinsettia trees growing in gardens which now, in November, have the red leaf bracts we expect on our indoor plants. How come, therefore, the trees which are outdoors all year still turn red?


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Using Frozen on the Vine Tomatoes?I have a lot of tomatoes that are frozen on the vine. Any use for them?


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Planting White Rock?When is the best time to plant white rock?


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Growing Foxtail Lilies?Do you have to dead head foxtail lilies?


dark pink flowering plant

What Is This Garden Plant?This is taking over a friend's garden here in Sud Finistere in France. Anyone know what it is? The plant grows about 20cm high and has tubular roots, spreads like crazy, and overwhelms other plants.


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Daylilies Stopped Blooming?After years and years of flourishing, this year my orange daylilies aren't going to bloom. Not a single stem on any of them. My neighbours' blooms are either side are ready to burst into bloom; they always come out a few weeks before mine.


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Medicinal Properties of Geraniums?Which kind or species, I guess, of geranium(s) have healing qualities for vein issues and depression?


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Something Cut Off My Plants?We planted a forsythia and a weeping willow this spring. 3 days ago the forsythia looked like someone had cut it. Today the willow, which was a small, 3-4ft, start and only 1/4in diameter, also looks cut off. The cuts were 45 degree angles and really look like somebody did this.



Storing Begonia and Dahlia Rhizomes?I bought way too many begonias and dahlias to plant this year. I'm wondering if anyone has a safe method of preserving them for the next season?


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Growing Rhubarb?I planted a rhubarb plant last year and did very little in terms of pulling stalks so as to not ruin the crown. This year, the left over leaves were soggy. I pulled them off, very easily. Now I have "dirt", but can feel maybe the crown. Should I have pulled the soggy leaves?


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Using Beans for Flowerpot Drainage?Is it possible to use dry beans for drainage in the bottom of a pot?


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Are Moonflowers Toxic to Animals?We live next door to a llama/alpaca farm. Is it safe to plant these along their fence line?



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Getting Rid of Tecomaria Capensis Vine (Cape Honeysuckle)?I have a huge amount of Tecomaria Capensis in my yard to kill. What is an eco-friendly way to get rid of it?


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Is Tea Tree Oil Harmful to Garden Plants?I want to save water and would like to use my bath water to water my garden, but I used 5 drops of tea tree oil in my bath, will this harm my plants?


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Growing Confederate Jasmine?We live in Sarasota, Florida and our homeowner's board wants to plant a vine to cover 150' of fencing (5' high) along a community street. Our problem is we have no ready water supply. How much water do newly planted plants need, and would planting the jasmine in a water-rich medium help?


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Bees on Hummingbird Feeder?My brother insists that 100+ bees drained his hummingbird feeder within minutes, and I say this is impossible. Anyone have an answer for this?


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Overwintering an Elephant Ear Plant?My husband recently bought me an elephant ear and a banana plant. I read that with a banana plant, you simply cut them all the way down to the base, cover with mulch and a tarp until spring. Can I do the same with the elephant ear plant, or does it have to be dug up?


backyard garden

Neighbor's Chickens Eat My Vegetables?I have a neighbor that has chickens and they are free range. I plant a garden every year and it is about 20' by 25'. Every year those damn birds eat more of my crops than I do and yes I have put up chicken wire and it does not work. Any suggestions on how to keep them out?


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Hibiscus Dropped Leaves After Spraying for Aphids?I had lots of aphids on my hibiscus. I sprayed soapy water on it after the sun went down, but since I live in Florida, the next day there was plenty of sun. Within a few days all the leaves and buds fell off. Did I kill it or will my hibiscus come back?


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Growing a Moon Flower Vine?Can someone tell me where I can locate seeds or the plant in Northeast Dallas area?


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Growing Bougainvillea Hedges?I would like to plant bougainvilleas as a hedge and keep them trimmed. Will they require support to go to 6 feet in height? Are the thorns a problem for lawn tractor tires?


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Germinating Seeds from Store Bought Food?Why can I not germinate seeds from store bought fruits and vegetables? Does this mean they were gassed before they got to the store?


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Other Uses for Laundry Detergent?I have some old packages of Oxydol. I don't need them to go to hazard waste, but just to garbage; before that, I thought maybe there still might be some way to salvage them without polluting the environment.Any use in gardens? Bug deterrent when diluted in water? Etc.?


Growing Flowers and Vegetables in a 5B Zone?I live in Ajax, Ontario in Canada and would like to know what I could plant in a 5B zone, plus I am a novice at gardening.


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Best Plant Identification Website?Does anyone know of a website where I can identify a flower/foilage given to me in a bouquet? I would like to propagate them.


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Using Fireplace Ashes?How do I use fireplace ashes for algae control in pond? Can it be used for weed control under pine trees?


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Using Coffee Grounds in the Garden?What plants should I use coffee grounds on?


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Harvesting Trees From Acreage?Would it hurt my property value if I have my 25 acres logged? When they cut trees for lumber, can they leave some trees for future growth? What is the best way to harvest trees from your acreage?


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Tomato Plant Not Setting Fruit?I planted a cutting made from an Anna heritage tomato plant. The plant is loaded with blossoms, but no tomatoes.


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Making Potting Soil With Packing Peanuts?Could I crush the packing material for making a potting soil? Will this packing material be dissolved in water, making a mess?


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Cutting Back a Moon Flower Bloom?If you cut back the moon flower bloom to the pot will it grow again in the spring?


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Bringing Plants Inside for the Winter?How do I make sure that there are no frogs or five line skinks in my potted plants before bringing them inside for winter?


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Growing Thunbergia Alata?Which season or month can I grow thunbergia to catch the flowering season?


avocado plant

Growing an Avocado from a Pit?I have finally sprouted an avocado "tree" from the pit! Yay! Unfortunately, during the busy summer, it has grown over 6-7" and is about 12", still in the water (not in dirt). I have time to plant it now...


hanging houseplant

Identifying my Houseplant?I have a hanging houseplant with no tag. Here is a picture for someone to help me identify and care for it?


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Brown Splotches on Stevia Leaves?I just bought my stevia plant about a week ago and many of its leaves are getting dry brown splotches over them.


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Something Biting Off Hosta Leaves?Something is biting off my hosta leaves at the base but not eating them. Any ideas and suggestions of what to do?


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Deer Resistant Plants?What plants can we plant in a cemetery plot that deer will not eat, we have been so unsuccessful so far?


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Leaves on Lavender Plants Turning Brown?I need help fast with my lavender plants. One has all brown leaves, no green. I have another and don't want the same thing to happen. What is the problem?


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Worms on Black Lace Elderberry?I have worms on my "black lace" elderberry.


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Deer Resistant Plants?Is lavender deer resistant? What about heather? Any suggestions for plants, vines, or flowers that can be grown at high altitude (over 9,000 feet) and are deer resistant? I know it is a lot to ask of a plant.


bromeliad with red leaves

How Do I Remove Out of Control Bromeliads?I am trying to regain control of a planting area that has been overrun by a variety of bromeliad. I dug most of them up several years ago, but they are back! What is the best way to clear areas of this pesky plant and keep them under control in the future?


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Looking for Soil pH and Vegetable Chart?I live in the north eastern part of Pennsylvania. I am looking for a poster or chart, that shows me the best types of veggies to grow with the recommended pH of the vegetables to hang in the garden shed.


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Crown of Thorns Plant Toxicity?I am from India. Can the crown of thorns plant cause cancer? Now a days the news spreads here. Is it true or not?


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Peacock Jasmin Plant Dropping Flowers?I have a small 3inch round peacock jasmin plant. The flowers keep falling off. I want it to be a house plant. What am I doing wrong?


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Growing Celery?In Ellen's article about growing celery, it talks about blanching. It sounds like staking or supporting. Is that correct? If not, what is it and what is the purpose? Why is it not called staking? Thank you.


Will Bromeliad Tall Spike Bloom?

Will Bromeliad Tall Spike Bloom?We have 2 bromeliad plants that I "rescued" from the neighbor's tree. They were both simply attached to and growing on a large limb. I planted them in potting soil with some moss in a hanging planter trying to keep their environment close to what they were used to.


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Growing Ivy on Fence to Block Unsightly Neighbor's Yard?I have 10 foot square chain link panels and I want to grow ivy to block view of their disgusting yard. Will ivy grow on chainlink? I'm in zone 7b according to a map per my zipcode.


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White Substance on Hen and Chicks?There is a white substance on my hen and chicks. I was wondering if they are mealy bugs and if dish detergent and water spray will stop the spread?


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Trumpet Vine Not Blooming?I planted a trumpet vine approximately five years ago at the base of an oak tree. It has grown up the tree at least forty feet, but never blooms. It is in a sunny location. It is amazing that it flourishes, but does not bloom. Why?


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Using Pine Needle Ash in Garden?I tried to burn massive amounts of pine needles; what was left resembles charcoal. Can I use this in my garden?


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Care of a Poinsettia Tree?I am English, but live in southern Spain and just before Christmas was given a beautiful poinsettia tree. It is about 100cm (40 inches) tall and the top 2/3 has bright red bracts.


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Using Leeks That Have Gone to Seed?The leeks in my garden have gone to seed. Can I still use and or freeze them?


Green narrow leafed plant.

What is This Houseplant?This is a plant I got at my dad's funeral. What is it?


Closeup of red, egg shaped fruit.

Jasmine Vine Produced Fruit?We planted a jasmine plant here in the Philippines and a few weeks later I noticed that there were little fruits on the jasmine plant. They were green then a few weeks later they turned red.


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Lasagne Gardening?I have done lasagne gardening for years. I have had mixed success. The first year is always great, but future years no so. What are you supposed to do with your garden each additional year?


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Winterizing a Fern?How do I keep it until the next year?


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Storing Plants in Hot Weather?I'm a gardener in Oman where the summer temperatures are over 40 degrees C. I would like to know how to store my geranium plants and also my dahlia tubers.


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Plants for Very Wet Area of Yard?I live in central Wisconsin about 40 miles west of Oshkosh. I have an area in my yard that when the snow melts or we have excessive rain it floods. In the spring, it can take two months or more before the area dries out.


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Overwintering Geraniums?I would like to know how to protect geraniums through the winter. I have three planters of geraniums. I don't want the frost to kill them.


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Burning Bush Did Not Turn Red This Fall?I planted a burning bush in the spring. It had a good summer and looks very healthy and green. Now that it is fall it never turned red. How come?


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Best Paint for Plastic Flower Pots?Which paint is best for my outdoor hanging plastic flower pots?


Lilac bush in a pot.

Overwintering Lilac Bush Growing in a Container?I have a lilac bush in a pot. I live in southern Illinois. Can I leave it out over the winter in the pot or should I bring it in? I rent so I don't want to put it directly into the ground. I need to re-pot it into a larger pot.


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Treating Soil Before Bringing Plants Inside for the Winter?What do I use to treat the soil of plants that I want to bring inside for the winter? I have Safer Soap that I can treat the plant itself, but what about the soil?


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Transporting Shrubs and Cuttings During a Move?What is the best way, if you are moving, to transport shrubs and cuttings of plants for a journey of 4 hours without having to use tubs?


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Growing Flowers Under Pine Trees?If I remove the pine needles from my raised flower garden, will the flowers be alright with just a few needles here and there? I've been reading the articles about flowers and shrubs that are compatible with living under pine trees.


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Remedy for Malaysian Mum Flowers With Early Blight?How do I cure Malaysian mum flower attacked by early blights. I don't know how to get rid of this kind of flower disease, as this is my very first time to do gardening.


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Using Coffee Grounds in Vegetable Garden?I want to know the simple way to use coffee grounds for my home veggie garden. Thanks.


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Picking a Pineapple?Will another pineapple grow after you pick one off a plant?


FIg tree stump with suckers.

Killing a Wild Fig Tree Stump?We had a wild fig tree which produced a lot of problems. It kept growing and destroying all nearby plants and its figs (not edible) made the area dirty and mice kept coming. We cut it down in winter and burned part of it near the cut down trunk. But it continues producing branches.


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Pruning a Star Jasmine?We have a 12 year old star jasmine plant. It was recently trimmed and now it appears as all dead wood. If we cut it down to 1-2 feet will it grow back?


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Trumpet Vine Knocked Down in Storm?We have 2 very healthy and gorgeous vines, 1 is around a trellis and one was growing up and over a large shed. Both vines are 15+ years old. The one over the shed just fell down from a bad storm we had Friday, it is so heavy and laying on the ground.


Row of pine trees.

Plants for Growing Under Pine Trees?I live in mid-Michigan; what are the best flowers and plants to grow under my pine trees? They get morning sun from the east, the branches are trimmed up high!


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Do Trumpet Vines Grow Wild?My yard was an old farm and I have trumpet vines everywhere so maybe the old owners planted them or is there a wild version?


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Getting Rid of Cherry Tree Root Suckers?I have a Bing cherry tree I bought from a nursery. I have trees coming up from the roots surrounding the tree, up to 10 ft away. There are 6-10 trees coming up. What should I do?


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