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Water Lilly Leaves Red Instead of Green?I have established water lilies in my pond, but they are coming up this year with red leaves and stems instead of green. Any ideas why?


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Incorporating Potted Calla Lilies into a Water Feature?Can I sit potted calla lilies in water for the summer, in a small plastic pool with rocks and a small water fall?


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British Columbia Plant Hardiness Zones?Where, on your site, can I find the Hardiness Zone Maps, etc. for Nanaimo, BC. I am not sure which zone we are in? Thanks so much, I love your website!


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Do Hummingbird Vines Die Out During the Winter?Will hummingbird vines grow well in Naples FL year round due to the heat?


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Carolina Jasmine Not Blooming?I planted 2 Carolina Jasmine plants last spring. The leaves are doing great, the vine is climbing all over the trellis. It is not blooming. It is planted on the west side of my house, it gets some morning sun. What so I need to do to get this plant to bloom?


What is This Plant?I have a plant I can not identify. I bought it at Ikea 3 years ago and it is thriving. We call it our Dr. Seuss plant as it is crazy looking. The stem is solid, 6-7 of them winding all over. There are green "leaves" about 1 inch long, each with many on each stem.


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Choosing Low Maintenance Foundation Plants?Can anyone suggest a set of low maintenance foundation plants? Is there a formula for best practice for placement of the plants/bushes? I am down-sizing so I need to focus on curb appeal. Thank you, oh talented ones!


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Spring Planting on a Budget?I've just moved to the Pacific Northwest, I am originally from a really warm climate. What is an inexpensive way to get into spring planting? My new garden has been neglected. Are there gardening clubs? Money is tight. Any suggestions for seeds or clippings to get me going?


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Calculating Individual Pieces of Produce Per Kilogram?Where can I find information for determining the average number of pieces/units of the following produce per kilogram?


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How Do I Get Rid of a Grape Vine?How do you kill a grape vine?


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Winterizing a Fuchsia Plant Indoors?I would like to know how to winterize my fuchsia plant indoors for the winter.


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English Laurel Planted Over Septic Field?The previous owners of our home planted three English laurel bushes on top of the septic field. They have grown quite big and I'm concerned that the root system will damage the septic system.


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What is the Name for This House Plant?What is the name of a large floor houseplant with long burgundy leaves and burgundy stems? It has a bushy appearance.


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Maple Trees Raining Sap?We have a couple of maple trees in our yard. For about the last 2 years they have been raining sap and I mean raining. What can we do if anything? Will tapping them help?


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Controlling Bamboo in the Garden?How do you control bamboo plants in the garden to stop them from spreading at the base?



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How Long Do Pine Trees Drip Sap?How long does sap fall from pine trees? It seems as though it started just before summer and dripped for about 1 month. Is there any such time span?


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Growing Gardenias?I put my gardenia plant in it's pot outside for the summer and it was doing fine. But now something is chewing on it's leaves. Can anyone tell me what it could be and what I can do to stop it?


What is This Vine?I can't identify this vine. I want to know if I should take it out if its invasive. Currently it is just growing in our privacy bushes.


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Growing a Trumpet Vine?During the summer, what is the best way to trim spent flowers on my trumpet vine in order to encourage more blooming throughout the season? I've only had one round of blooms for the past 4 summers, and suspect it is the way we are trimming.


What Is This Plant?I found this tiny plant in my backyard; I think it might be a tree native to this area, but I'm not sure. Thanks!


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How Do I Get Wild Grape Vines to Produce Fruit?How can I get wild grape vines to produce grapes?


What is This Plant?Can anyone tell me the name of this plant? It has grown to about 3 -1/2 feet, the tallest one. Then the other one is about 10 inches shorter and the third is only about 10 inches tall. I have since planted them in the ground.


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Moving a Hibiscus Outside for the Summer?I have a hibiscus (standard) and I have had it inside all winter and now I will be taking out to the patio for the summer months. Can I cut it back, if so how much and when is the best time to do that? I want to transplant it into a larger container also, any suggestions?


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Effect of Epsom Salts on Worms and Ants in the Soil?How does Epsom salts affect worms, ants, etc. living in the soil?


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Growing Gourds Near Oak Trees?Can I grow gourds around live oak trees? I cannot put up trellises and I thought they would look nice on the trees. Would it damage the tree? I just read that gourds deplete the soil of nutrients. Would this harm my trees?


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Companion Plants for Lilacs?Are lilac bushes compatible with pepper trees, Russian olive, cherry trees, and or pine trees?


What is This Plant?Can you help me identify this shrub? It grew in the corner of our large backyard, but I suspect our new plants are due to bird "participation". It has very brittle branches and when they are young and cut ooze an orangey substance, as do the leaves when cut from branches.


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Growing Bamboo Plants - Twisting Water Plant?I have a small twisted bamboo that grows on stones in water. My question is can I trim the roots to promote growth or should I just leave them alone? I have had it for almost 2 years and change the water occasionally; it grows beautifully.


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Using Baking Soda as Weed Killer?What is the mixture of baking soda to water to use as weed killer?


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Window Box for a Cape Cod House?I want to know what style window box would be appropriate for my 1940 Cape Cod, brick home. I would like to put it in the front window. I have cappuccino colored shutters and brown brick.



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Chili Plant Has Small Leaves?My chili plant's top leaves are getting smaller.


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Trimming Stocks on African Violets?I read on the internet that you had to trim the stock of an African violet when transplanting it. My plants have very thick stocks and one plant actually has two that have joined together to make an arch that is breaking through the soil. Since I have never had violets with thick stocks I am bewildered what to do.


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Potted Asparagus?I live in Hamilton, Ontario and I have potted an asparagus plant. Now they seem to grow like the ornamental with long leaf fronds but it is supposed to be the vegetable.


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What Type of Hydrangeas Do I Have?I have two hydrangeas I bought from Frank's Nursery and Crafts two years ago and I cannot remember the name. Is there a hydrangea (big leaf) that begins with "Van" or "Von". I thought it was a nikko blue but the name seemed to begin with a V. Can you help?


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Gourds Turning White?This is my first time growing gourds some of them are starting to turn white. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?


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Learning About Gardening?If you're new to gardening and don't know how to start, the best idea is to visit someone else's garden and ask how they do it. Most will be delighted to share in how to prepare your own masterpiece!


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