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Planting Wisteria in a Container?Ellen Brown suggests planting the wisteria in the ground in a container in order to limit the aggressive expansion of its root system. My question is...


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Fertilizing an Avocado Plant?Can you tell me if I need to feed my avocado? It is about 15 inches; high, also the leaves are drooping, but are very green.


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Wind Tolerance of a Hardy Hibiscus?Last year I was having trouble with the leaves on my hibiscus cupping very badly. Also with a Black-eyed Susan, the leaves weren't cupped, but deformed and scarred. I came to the conclusion that they had powdery mildew; all symptoms seemed to point in that direction.


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Disposing of Sugar Contaminated By Ants?I just opened a 25lb bag of sugar and the little creatures were inside and a trail coming to the bag from my front door! How does one dispose of that much sugar? Will it hurt the yard, flower beds, or storm drains? Certainly one shouldn't use it, argh!


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Planting Ivy on Stucco Wall to Cover Water Damage?I have a retaining wall around my house facing south. The people behind me are at a higher elevation, so their plants cause water damage to my wall. Would planting ivy be a good cover-up? The wall is always damp. Would I need a drip system installed?


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Plant Not Blooming?I purchased two of the same plants at the garden center on the same day. They both sit on my deck in the same light. One has spread and bloomed profusely. The other just keeps getting taller, no blooms. Are there male and female plants? It's been so long since I took biology; I can't remember.


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Growing Orchids?Can you grow them horizontally without harming them?


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Calla Lilies Not Blooming?We have a lot of calla lilies, but few actually flower. What's up with that!


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Water Falling from a Balata Tree?Near my house a balata tree is there from which water has been falling 4 days. Why is the water is falling from that tree? Many trees are in that place or nearer to that tree, but no water was falling from those trees only from that particular balata that particular tree.


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Crab Apple vs Hedge Apple?Is a crab apple the same thing as a hedge apple? I noticed in one of the comments someone mentioned crab apple. As a youngster in south Mississippi I remember crab apples. I want to remember that kids ate them, but I may be remembering wrong.


Passion Fruit Flower

Growing a Granadilla Vine (Passion Fruit)?I live in Cape Town, South Africa. In February (end of summer) I planted a young granadilla vine which has since had quite a lot of upward growth on the one main leader (about 2m/6ft), but has only developed one short lateral branch.


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Bumps on Esperanza Plant Leaves?I recently bought a mature Esperanza, 3 gallon, at Home Depot. It has great blooms and is still thriving, however little spore like bumps are appearing on the blisters. What might this be and do I need to do anything? So far the leaves are not dropping nor turning color.


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Blooming Iris?My iris last bloomed 6 mo. ago. I have been watering it and 2 weeks ago it started to grow tubers. 4 at the sides of the leaf base and one going straight up. Which of these if any might produce a bloom?


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Alternative Plant Ideas for a Hen and Chicks Pot?I have a hens a chicks pot and was wanting to plant something other than hens and chicks. I tried strawberries and couldn't keep them wet enough so I transplanted them in the ground. Any ideas for options of what I could try?


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Preventing Development of Sweet Gum Balls?I have been told there is an injection that can be used on the tree to prevent the production of the balls. Do you have any info on this?



Planting around pool.

Something is Eating My Dusty Miller at the Roots?I planted several Dusty Miller plants approximately 3 weeks ago. They were looking very healthy and growing nicely until a few days ago I noticed that 1 of them was severely wilted. I knew it wasn't from lack of or too much water because the others (12 more) looked great.


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Finding a Source for Rhubarb Crowns?My husband wants to plant more rhubarb this year. However the major plant companies we usually deal with (Park Seed, Burpee, etc.) are out of the crowns. I can find rhubarb seeds many places, but not the crowns. Can anyone help me out?


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Repairing Cut Ivy Vine?I recently cut one of my ivy vines when gardening. Does anyone know what I should do or use to repair it? It was a important vine that was a main link to a lot of my ivy. Please help!


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Honeysuckle Has No Scent?We have a very healthy honeysuckle that has an orange like color and lots of blooms, but no scent.


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Using Pesticides and Herbicides Safely?Can pesticides get in your home thru central air unit if sprayed by either liquid or powder? I was wondering if products such as Sevin dust, liquid brush killer, or insecticides sprayed outside get in thru your central air unit?


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Growing Garlic Near Potatoes?I just read that potatoes and garlic are not best friends. I just planted potatoes about 2-3 feet from winter garlic. Do I need to move them? The garlic will be harvested early July.


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Selling Trees and Lawn Grass?How do I find out how much I can get for about 4 big trees and all the grass front and back yard?


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Ground Cover for Hillside?I am trying to find a good low growing ground cover, that is soil tolerant, grows under and near walnut trees, and on a hill side in full sun. I do not want evergreens or other shrubs and I want the plants to choke all other plants, weeds, and grass out. They must not be edible by deer and rabbits. I am trying to discourage these creatures. The plants must also not be poisonous to humans. Any suggestions would be helpful.


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Leaves in Garden Bed Turning Greenish Yellow?I am in zone 2 in southwestern Alberta. The leaves on my plants (lilies, delphinium and Jacob's ladder) are turning lime green.


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Wisteria Plant is Leaning?What is a suggested way to stabilize a wisteria plant that is slightly leaning? This plant was started by some shoots about 18 years ago. It is a beautiful plant that has heavy purple clusters of flowers in the spring. It has become overgrown, but is easily trimmed.


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Killing Morning Glory?I planted some and it has absolutely taken over my flower bed, even the underneath of my porch. In my flower bed it's like I don't even have any dirt. It's only roots. It did not overcome my iris, canna, or rose bush. Help me please.


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Peony Leaves Turned Brown After Spraying with Pesticide?My husband sprayed my peonies with bug killer and all the leaves turned brown and curled up. Did he kill it?


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Clematis Not Flowering?I've had this clematis for eight years and it has always grown and flowered beautifully every year, but this year it has grown very tall and has loads of beautiful leaves, but is not budding. I fertilized it the beginning of spring. What is happening to it?


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Creating an Agenda for a New Garden Club?I am considering starting a garden club in my area. Can you give me some idea of what a typical meeting agenda would look like?


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Selling Bamboo?I am clearing some property and need to cut down bamboo. Is there any money in selling it?



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Starting a New Lilac Bush by Layering and Nicking?Can a new lilac bush be started by laying a still-attached branch on the ground (holding it down with a rock) and covering it with soil? I've done this with forsythia with great results, but have never tried it with lilacs.


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Flowering Evergreen Container Plants?Are there any flowering evergreen plants for containers?


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Leaves on Potted Plants Turning Yellow?My plants had a few yellow leaves. I applied Epsom salts to each plant. They are in pots. Then yellow leaves really started to appear. Now half the leaves have turned yellow and fallen off. What did I do wrong?


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Will a Potted Hydrangea Bloom Again?I cut the flowers from my potted hydrangea for a flower arrangement. Is there any way I can get the plant to reflower?


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Jasmine Ground Cover Not Blooming?We have an amazingly beautiful (20 yr old) blooming jasmine plant on our deck and two more out front. One of the front plants blooms as it climbs a palm and not on the portion that is ground cover around the palm. The other front plant is only ground cover and does not bloom. Is it possible that jasmine blooms only while "climbing"?


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Dividing Hydrangeas?I've read your useful advice and information regarding transplanting hydrangeas. My question is can they be cleaved/divided? I have an established hydrangea and I'd like to split it so one half can be transplanted.


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Putting Coal Ashes on a Dogwood Tree?What are the hazards or benefits of dumping coal ashes near a dogwood tree?


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Using Coffee Grounds in the Garden?What are some ways that I can use coffee grounds without composting them?


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Flowers for Attracting Bees?I heard that I could find the above on your website. How do I do that?


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Buying a Lemon Verbena Plant or Tree?Where can I purchase a plant or lemon verbena tree (Aloysia salviflora, Aloysia Triphylla), on line or off line? I am in Sarasota Florida.


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Growing Moss with Morning Sun?I have a spot around the east side of the house that only gets sun early in the morning. Would that be too much sun for moss? Also, I live on the sandy bluff in humid Corpus Christi where we are in a severe drought, so I cannot water much....


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Identifying a Crepe Myrtle?My boyfriend brought me home a bush like plant from work one day (he's in construction). It has the same leaves as a crepe myrtle tree, but is so small and has not yet bloomed could this be a crepe myrtle or something else?


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Growing Vanilla Beans?Will vanilla beans grow in Haiti?


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Growing a Potted Hydrangea?I am trying to save a hydrangea received as gift from a funeral. The hydrangea was sitting by a vent where air conditioning was blowing. When I picked it up from funeral home, the pink blooms were wilted as well as the leaves.


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Using Collards That Survived the Winter?I am in Virginia and my collards lasted through the winter into this spring. They are still small in size and look great. Are they still good?



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Tips of Plant Leaves Turning Brown?My one plant has yellow leaves and then they are brown on the tips of the leaves. What does this mean? Too much water or not enough?


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Planting Vegetables After Killing Weeds With Vinegar?How long does apple cider vinegar stay active in soil, so that you can plant vegetables like asparagus?


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Broke the Avocado Seed When Repotting?I have two trees on the go, one that I have already put in soil and one that was still in its water container. Tonight I was repotting the water one into dirt, and as I was removing the tooth picks, I accidentally broke a half off of the seed.


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How to Plant Taro Tubers?Every year I have planted taro, for the beautiful leaves, in my garden and every year I forget which end of the tuber should be planted down.


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Crepe Myrtle Won't Bloom?I planted a crepe myrtle tree about 3 years ago. It has grown in size and is probably about 9 feet tall now. However, it has never bloomed. It had flowers when we first got the tree, but after that they never came back.


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Pruning Willow Tree Roots?I have willow trees in my back yard. My home is 5 years old and the closest tree from my house is about 25 feet. Question. Can I simply cut a large root nearing the home, which will make the cut about 20 feet from the tree. Will I kill the tree by doing that?


Leaves lying on top of HP laptop.

Gardenia Leaves Turning Brown?I have a gardenia tree which I move inside during winter as it's in a pot. This is the second year I've had it. Some times blooms and has nice flowers, but at times I get brown spots on the leaves. I don't know what is the cause.


Growing Honeysuckle?Last September I planted honeysuckle (dry looking) stems that I purchased from an internet gardening company. When should these make an appearance, and what will they look like so that I don't inadvertently recognize them as weeds? Thank you.


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Setting Up Gardens for Seniors?I would like information on senior's gardens in apartments, at home, or renting space from other persons. There seems to be a lot of interest. Please reply if there is any information on it.


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Selling Pine Trees?I would like to sell some beautiful 22 yr. old pine trees and arborvitaes. They can be excavated by shovel. Some are in boxes or easy access in the yard. Is there a landscaping company or nursery I can call?


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Using Coffee Grounds in the Garden?What are some good uses for coffee grounds in the garden?


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Effects of Epsom Salt on Plant Growth?Does Epsom salt affect plant growth?


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Climbing Plant for Covering Conifer Hedgerow?I have a 20m conifer hedgerow which has been cut back on one side, leaving it clear and not looking good.


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Preparing a Hummingbird Vine for Winter?The first frost has come, and my vine is done for this year. Do I now need to cut them back off of my trellis, leave them, or just cut them down to the ground? I'm not really sure about this plant at all, but loved how it covered my trellis this year. Thank you.


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Can You Eat Hedge Apples?Are hedge apples OK to eat?


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Growing a Spider Plant Outside?I live in Savannah, Georgia and would like to know if it can live in the winters here. It has been outside since I got it about 7 months ago.


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Overwintering Potted mums?I have three potted mums and was wondering if I can keep them in the pots over the winter? I live in northern Illinois.


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Preventing Cabbage Clubroot?Other than buying resistant seed, such ad Kilaxy, etc. is any help out there? Desperation is setting in on my allotment.


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Growing Bamboo Cutting in Water?My friend gave me a branch from her bamboo plant. I first had it in water, then it seemed the leaves were turning yellow and it ended up dying.


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Removing Seeds from Sunflower Heads?How do you get the seeds out of sunflower heads and are they edible?


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Cantaloupe Fruit Stopped Growing?My cantaloupe are small, seems to have stopped growing. It had been watered when the yard was, 3x a week, but I've cut it down to 2x a week. Have I over watered it?


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Groundcover for Underneath Pine Trees?I live in the southeastern part of Connecticut. I have an area surrounded by tall pine trees and grass does not grow there. What kind of ground cover do you recommend that will grow underneath these pines? There are lots of pine needles. I want to plant something that looks nice, but won't overtake my other plants and shrubs planted on the perimeter. Thank you.


purple flower

What is This Flower? (Solanum Rantonnetii?)I recently bought a small bush tree and it produced this lovely purple flower with a small yellow center. Can anyone recognize it and tell me what it's called?


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Where Can I Buy a Jerusalem Cherry Plant?When I lived in Texas, I had nice plants someone gave me. She said they were called Jerusalem Cherries. When it went to seed (I think from a bloom) it was red and about the size of a marble. The inside was full of seeds.


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Crepe Myrtle's Didn't Bloom?I have 4 mature and 2 young different color crepe myrtle trees that only bloomed a handful of flowers. In previous years they produced massive quantities of blooms. My myrtles show no signs of any distress. I am so confused and upset. What happened?


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Saving Overwatered Plumeria?I had to repot my plumeria into a bigger pot. The limbs grew at least a foot and a half within a few months. I had to tie one limb to a stake to hold it up and the other to another limb. Today I came home and it is all limp and has been in standing water for at least a few days.


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Trying to Sell Live Bamboo?I have a large amount of live bamboo on my property and am trying to sell it cheap. I live in York Pennsylvania. Any answers or contacts would be great!


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Bougainvillea Severely Wilted?One of my bougainvillea plants in the hanging basket has severely wilted due to lack of water and high temps of 100 here while I was sick and didn't water it. It's full of blooms, but completely wilted. I watered it thoroughly and it's not resurrected yet. I have placed it in shade near tree for today. The other plant beside it is fine. Any ideas on how to help this one?


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Selling Trees in Georgia?I have 75 acres of scattered hardwood and small pine trees that will be lost if not removed before mining starts. I would like to sell the trees if at all possible. I am located in east Georgia. Who can do the cutting for me? Thanks.


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Hibiscus Leaves Cupped?Last year was the first time I tried hardy hibiscus. I got roots from a mail order catalog and planted them in late spring with plenty of sun. We have very sandy soil so I water often, every 2 days, saturating the soil.


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How Many Quarts in a Bushel?How many quarts of peas to the bushel of shelled peas?


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Selling My Trees?I live in Arkansas and have about 200-300 trees on 3 acres. Is there a logging company in Arkansas that will buy them?


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Using Pesticides on a Vegetable Garden?Should you apply Sevin dust before or after watering and fertilizing a vegetable garden?


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Transplanting Turnip Seedlings?Can I transplant turnip seedlings from one part of my garden to another?


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Planting a Flower Garden in June?What flowers or seeds can I sow in June?


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Buds Falling Off Hibiscus Plant?How can I keep the new buds from falling off my hibiscus plants on my deck?


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Growing a Blue Hydrangea?I have a hydrangea I got from my daughter last year for Mother's Day. It's taking root, but I need to know how to add the ash and in what quantity, and where to place it. Dry on earth? Dilute in water in root area? Teaspoons or tablespoon?


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Growing Geraniums Under Spruce Trees?Can I put pots of geraniums under my spruce trees?


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Sweet Gum Trees Leaving Specks on Vinyl Siding?What are the little specks that sweet gum trees put on vinyl siding?


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Plants Suggestions for Over a Septic Tank?What can I plant over our new cesspool (where we had lots of rhodies, azaleas, and andromedas before)? It's a large triangular space in the front of our house.


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White Bugs on Rose of Sharon?I have noticed some white bugs or larvae under the leaves of my Rose of Sharon. They are powdery, and are not bothering the bush at this time. It is an established bush and this year is the first time I have ever seen these white larvae or bugs.


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Growing Streptocarpus?I would like to know how to grow streptocarpus. It is a native of South Africa.


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Killing Grass with Bleach?I'd like to know what's the best way to kill grass with bleach. Someone suggested bleach and a little dish soap? What is the ratio? Can anyone help?


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New Garden Plants Wilted?I planted my garden last night and watered it this morning and I came home and all my plants are slumped over, what do I do? Or what is going on?


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Traveling With Plants?I will be traveling with my plants (a large number of container plants) from Washington to Texas and will have to transport them in a U-Haul. I plan on making many stops for watering and light. Is there something more I can do to help them to survive the trip?


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Plants for Clay Soil?What grows good in clay soil in southern Alabama?


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Propagating Allamanda?How do I propagate Allamanda (golden trumpet)?


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Plants That Repel Gnats and Mosquitoes?What can I do about gnats and mosquitoes? I know there are some plants.


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Growing Iris?While the others are still not ready on that plant can I cut back just the top bloom and give it away?


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Transplanted Seedlings Dying?I'm new to gardening in Arizona. I started my seeds in the Jiffy pellet with the tray and lid. Everything was going great until I transplanted them into 3 inch peat pots outside being that the weather has been warm.


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Lilac Bush Not Blooming?I got a lilac 2 years ago. It bloomed one bud last year, but I am getting nothing this year. It is very green and healthy though. Do I need to put acid on it to help it bud?


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Growing Passion Fruit?I suspect my neighbour has been spraying of pouring bleach on my passion fruit as I have smelt it. Would this kill it?


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Inexpensive Bird Netting?I am looking for a solution for cheaper bird netting. I planted some blueberry and blackberry plants this year. The cheap netting has holes that are too big.


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Growing Wisteria?How do you plant wisteria with just a dry root?


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Looking for Southern Star Tomato Plants?I have looked all over our town for southern star tomato plants with zero results. Lowe's carried them two years past but not since. Can you help ?


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Growing Lavender at High Altitude in Arid Climate?I grow lavender in Taos, New Mexico. We're at 7,000 ft. altitude with arid climate and cold winters plus windy spring and summer months. All I know so far is Hidcote and Munstead are the most resistant to our temperatures. I can't grow the real French lavender here.


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Growing a Vine on an Old Swing Frame?The seat to my lawn swing rusted and broke off the main frame. The frame itself is still in good condition and I'd like to have some pretty vines trailing up the frame.


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Planting Forage Kochia?I have all the info on the plant, soil, and climate I need, I just need to know how to plant it. Like the basics on this, do you have to turn the soil over, do you cover the seeds, how deep do you plant, etc.


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Discouraging Dogs from Marking Territory on Plants?How do you keep dogs from marking their territory with urine? They constantly go on my shrubs and flowering plants. Isn't there something that you could hang on the plant to deter them from the get go?


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What Are Hypertufa Planters?What is a hypertufa planter?


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Growing Begonias?I was told to wet pine straw to line a hanging basket. Will this be safe for all kinds of begonias?


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Buying Wisteria?Where can I find wisteria?


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Image Herbicide Accidentally Got on Plants?Does Image herbicide harm liriope or Asian jasmine?


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Do Any Plants Smell Like Cat Urine?I have a beautiful flower bed around my pool, but there is one area that always seems to smell like a cat is peeing there. I was wondering if there are any particular plants that give off a similar type odor to cat's urine?


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Collecting Maple Tree Sap for Syrup?We are so excited to be making our own maple syrup this winter from our lone maple tree in the backyard! However, all of the articles we find take you through the making and storage of maple syrup, but we can't figure out how we tell when to remove the taps and be done for the season?


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Hazards of Pet Feces in the Garden?I understand the problem with pet feces in gardens when it has been fairly recent. However, we lost our dog this month, and I know she used the garden a few times, not many.


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Getting Rid of Honeysuckle on a Fence?Will rock salt work to kill honeysuckle vines? I have livestock fencing that I need to eradicate this from. I have read that salt will kill it. As this is a fence row, I am not concerned with planting it.


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Buying Korean Roses?Where can I buy one of these bushes to grow?


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Green House Gardening?Do green houses work well?


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